
    Covid, Liberty, Freedom, 15 min Cities, Digital Enslavement And More With Efrat Fennigson

    enJune 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Social Media to Bring People TogetherSocial media can create meaningful connections and communities, as exemplified by a heartwarming story of a woman in England finding comfort in a podcast and later meeting the host at a conference.

      Social media, when used positively, can lead to meaningful connections and make a significant impact on people's lives. This was exemplified in a conversation between the podcast host and his guest, Efra, who shared a heartwarming story about how the host's content helped a woman in England during difficult times, leading to a surprising encounter at a conference. The power of social media to bring people together and create a community should not be underestimated, as long as one remains positive and ignores the negativity that can sometimes be present. The host also shared his personal experience of finding his community on Twitter and the positive impact it has had on him. Social media can indeed be a valuable tool for making connections and creating a support network, especially during challenging times.

    • Exploring the Differences between Instagram and TwitterInstagram fosters positivity and support, Twitter sparks debates and expresses opinions. Authenticity, respectful dialogue, and diverse perspectives are key on both platforms. Question information and encourage open discussions.

      Social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter serve different purposes for individuals and communities. While Instagram offers a positive and supportive environment for sharing health and wellness content, Twitter provides a platform for expressing opinions and sparking debates, sometimes on controversial topics. The speaker's experiences on both platforms led her to value authenticity, respectful dialogue, and the importance of listening to diverse perspectives. She also emphasized the need to question information and encourage open and honest discussions. The speaker's passion for authenticity and truthfulness has resonated with her audience, leading to a growing following and a sense of mission. Overall, social media can offer unique opportunities for connection, community, and the exchange of ideas, but it requires a thoughtful and intentional approach.

    • Living in a Time of Change: CBDCs and Modern SlaveryStay informed, resilient, and focused on self-love and unity to navigate the gradual changes brought by CBDCs and modern slavery, while maintaining our health, exposing lies, using cash, learning, and uniting.

      We are living in a time of significant change and control, with digital systems, taxes, and compliance shaping our new normal. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are not just currencies but control networks with features like expiration dates and programmable money. The battle for our minds is ongoing, but we can identify and resist the traps of modern slavery by focusing on our happiness and sovereignty, maintaining our health, exposing lies, using cash, learning, uniting, and avoiding hatred. The change may not come as a single event but gradually, with potential new challenges ahead. To prepare, we must find calmness, peace, and train ourselves to be in the fire without getting burned. Regardless of where we live, we can improve our situations and unite for common goals. The key is to stay informed, resilient, and focused on self-love and unity.

    • Navigating Complexities with Optimism and PassionDespite global challenges, staying true to passions and learning from experiences can lead to personal growth and a better future for all.

      Despite the challenges of global issues like authoritarianism and censorship, the speaker remains optimistic for the future, especially for the sake of future generations. He believes that health, in all its forms, is interconnected with every aspect of life, and that personal growth and learning can come from unexpected experiences. The speaker shares his own journey, from growing up in Israel, serving in the army, and moving to Australia to study computer science, before realizing that his passion lay elsewhere. He encourages the importance of following one's passions and learning from experiences, even if they don't align with societal expectations. The conversation emphasizes the importance of honesty and authenticity in navigating the complexities of the world.

    • Embracing Fear and Pursuing DreamsDespite fear, this woman started a business, learned about ecommerce, and advanced her marketing career. She later prioritized work-life balance and became a personal branding expert, emphasizing risk-taking, learning, and challenging the status quo.

      Fear has not stopped this woman from pursuing her dreams and learning new things throughout her life. Despite being scared, she opened a business, learned about ecommerce, and advanced her career in marketing. However, she later realized the importance of work-life balance and the impact her career choices had on her relationship with her son. She now views work differently and has created her own community and expertise as a personal branding expert, all while being a full-time employee. Overall, she emphasizes the importance of taking risks, learning from experiences, and not being afraid to challenge the status quo.

    • Personal branding leads to opportunitiesOne year of intentional personal branding resulted in 32 job offers and a successful career as a CMO

      Building a personal brand can lead to opportunities and success. One individual shares how they practiced personal branding for a year, aiming to be headhunted instead of applying for jobs. Their efforts paid off, resulting in 32 job offers. Now, as a CMO, they use their skills to identify manipulative campaigns, like those during the COVID-19 pandemic, and speak out against them. Their personal brand grew even more through reporting on events in Israel and sharing it with a global audience. This story demonstrates the power of personal branding, resilience, and the importance of staying informed and engaged in the world around us.

    • Standing up for what you believe in during challenging timesCourageously speaking out against democratic erosion and human rights infringements, even if it means facing backlash, can make a difference.

      During challenging times, when it seems like everyone around you has lost their sense of reason, it takes courage to stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the mainstream narrative and potentially facing backlash. The speaker, a successful entrepreneur and CMO in Israel, shares her experience of feeling isolated and alone when she spoke out against democratic erosion and COVID-19 restrictions. She faced criticism and name-calling but chose to follow her convictions and use her skills to make a difference. She believes that small infringements on human rights can lead to larger issues if left unchecked, as her grandfather's experiences during the Holocaust illustrate. The speaker's determination to stand up for what she believes in, despite the personal and professional risks, serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of speaking out against injustice.

    • Speaker advocates against discrimination, drawing parallels to HolocaustNever forget historical atrocities, stand up for those facing discrimination, and learn from the past to prevent repeating it.

      The experiences of discrimination and persecution, no matter the context, should never be forgotten or minimized. The speaker, whose grandparents were Holocaust survivors, passionately advocated against discrimination towards any group, drawing parallels between historical atrocities and present-day issues. They emphasized the importance of remembering the past to prevent repeating it, and criticized the hypocrisy of a country that prides itself on "never forgetting" the Holocaust while still discriminating against its own citizens. The speaker also highlighted the importance of standing up for those who speak out against discrimination and being truthful in the face of distorted realities. The Holocaust Museum in Israel, Yad Vashem, serves as a reminder of the past and a call to action to remember and learn from history.

    • Holocaust survivors denied entry to Yad Vashem during COVID-19, triggered deep traumaDuring crises, past traumas can be retriggered and it's important to remember the past, while also being aware of potential manipulation in the name of safety or convenience.

      During the COVID-19 pandemic in Israel, Holocaust survivors were denied access to the official memorial ceremony at Yad Vashem if they didn't have a green pass. This triggered deep trauma and sadness, as these survivors had already endured the horrors of the Holocaust. The irony of being denied entry to a memorial ceremony in their own country was particularly painful. In response, an alternative ceremony was organized in Tel Aviv, where survivors shared heartbreaking speeches. This experience serves as a reminder of the importance of remembering the past and the potential for trauma to be retriggered, even in seemingly unrelated contexts. Additionally, the tactics used during the COVID-19 response, such as vaccine mandates and restrictions, are seen as a warning for future crises, particularly the climate crisis, where similar tactics may be employed. As a marketer, it's important to resist bribes and restrictions, and to be aware of the potential for manipulation in the name of "convenience" or "safety."

    • Personal Carbon Credit System: Monitoring and Restricting Individual Carbon EmissionsGovernments and financial institutions are developing a personal carbon credit system to monitor and restrict individuals' carbon footprint, starting with food purchases. It's connected to a digital ID platform and a digital wallet, making it essential to educate ourselves and protect our freedom and privacy.

      Governments and financial institutions are exploring the implementation of a personal carbon credit system, which will monitor and restrict individuals' consumption based on their carbon footprint. This system, which is being tested in some countries as a pilot, will gradually limit spending on carbon-emitting activities, starting with food purchases. The ultimate goal is to incentivize adoption of the system and eventually restrict certain actions based on an individual's carbon emissions. This system is similar to a social credit system but will be marketed as a personal carbon credit system to make it more palatable in democratic countries. The carbon credit system will be connected to a digital ID platform and a digital wallet, allowing for real-time monitoring and restriction of certain activities. To resist this, individuals can use cash as much as possible and refuse to participate in pilots and other initiatives. The financial system is also undergoing significant shifts to accommodate Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which will make cash obsolete and pave the way for the carbon credit system. Bitcoin and other decentralized platforms are being portrayed as dangerous and will be discouraged to limit competition. It's essential to educate ourselves about these developments and take action to protect our freedom and privacy.

    • The unsustainable financial system and the power to build a new oneGovernments and central banks create money from debt, criticized for inherent flaws, Bitcoin offers an alternative, but governments may respond, power lies with the people to bring sovereignty in various areas of life.

      The current financial system, run by governments and central bankers, is unsustainable and may be collapsing. This system, which operates on our trust and creates money from debt, is being criticized for its inherent flaws and potential for ultimate control. Bitcoin and other decentralized currencies offer an alternative, but governments may respond by tightening control and increasing surveillance. However, the power lies with the people, who collectively have the ability to collapse the existing system and build a new one. As individuals, we may not have significant power on our own, but we are essential parts of the collective and can bring sovereignty to ourselves in various areas of our lives. The importance of understanding this unity and dependency, and taking action, cannot be overstated.

    • Embrace discomfort for personal growthLearning to love and accept ourselves fully, face traumas, and work through them unlocks potential for personal growth and transformation

      Self-love and sovereignty are crucial for personal growth and success. Abusing oneself or giving away power to others can make it easier for others to abuse us. To be our best selves, we must learn to love and accept ourselves fully, face our traumas, and work through them. The discomfort and challenges we encounter are opportunities for growth, and our past experiences, no matter how difficult, can teach us valuable lessons about self-love and resilience. As Efrat shared, her own traumas, including a car accident and a painful marriage, ultimately led her to a deeper understanding of self-love and the importance of facing and overcoming challenges. By embracing discomfort and digging deeper into our own experiences, we can unlock the potential for personal growth and transformation.

    • Learning from TraumaTrauma can be a learning experience, teaching important lessons about self-advocacy and dealing with difficult situations. Masking trauma with drugs can be dangerous and it's important to encourage open discussion and acknowledgement of difficult experiences.

      Trauma, although difficult and unpleasant, can be a powerful learning experience. The speaker shared her experiences of being molested and harassed, but emphasized that she is not defined by these events. Instead, she used her experiences to learn important lessons about standing up for herself and dealing with men. She also spoke about the dangers of masking trauma with drugs and encouraged open discussion and acknowledgement of difficult experiences. The speaker also criticized the over-reliance on medication and the erosion of trust in medical institutions. In Israel, she noted a growing skepticism towards vaccines and encouraged a critical approach to information and authority.

    • Shifting power dynamics in health informationPeople are demanding transparency and accountability, leading to a paradigm shift where the public exposes lies and misinformation instead of institutions.

      The power dynamic between the public and institutions, particularly in relation to health information, is shifting. People are increasingly questioning official narratives and demanding transparency, leading to a paradigm shift where the public exposes lies and misinformation instead of the other way around. A recent example in Israel involved the Ministry of Health being forced to release data on COVID-19 deaths, which showed that all fatalities under the age of 50 without comorbidities were 0. This contradicted previous statements that healthy young people were dying from COVID, leading to widespread exposure and criticism. The Ministry was forced to respond, marking a significant shift in power dynamics. Independent journalists and social media played a crucial role in amplifying this information, leading to international attention and scrutiny. This is a trend that is likely to continue as people become more skeptical of official narratives and demand transparency and accountability.

    • Israel's COVID-19 response: Government, Pharma, and MediaAllegations of lies, censorship, and conflicts of interest have raised concerns about the integrity of information being shared during Israel's COVID-19 response. Pfizer's vaccine trial selection and media payments fueled doubts about transparency and accountability, highlighting the need for a diverse range of voices and ethical journalism.

      The relationship between the government, pharmaceutical companies, and media in Israel during the COVID-19 pandemic has been called into question due to allegations of lies, censorship, and conflicts of interest. The discussion revealed that Pfizer chose Israel for its vaccine trial because of the country's extensive data collection, but now, there are claims that the data is not being shared transparently. Furthermore, some media outlets were reportedly paid large sums of money during the pandemic to avoid covering COVID-related stories. A professor of oncology, Angus Dalglish, was mentioned as an example of a journalist who was pressured to write pro-vaccine articles against his will. These revelations have fueled concerns about the integrity of information being disseminated to the public and the need for transparency and accountability. The media, as a fundamental pillar of democracy, is expected to report the truth and uphold journalistic ethics, but the current situation raises serious doubts about its ability to do so. It's crucial to encourage a diverse range of voices and perspectives to ensure an informed and engaged public.

    • Encouraging individual discernment and self-relianceDon't rely on others for information or decisions, be proactive in research and decision-making, and be critical thinkers to avoid laziness and external influences.

      Individuals should strive for discernment and not rely on others for information or decisions. The speaker expresses concern over the prevalence of laziness in society, from virtual signaling to relying on experts instead of doing one's own research. He uses the example of the medical profession, where patients often seek quick fixes and doctors may prioritize profits over patient health. The speaker encourages individuals to be proactive in their research and decision-making, even if it requires effort and sacrifice. He also criticizes the withholding of important data, such as vaccine statistics, and the refusal to comply with court orders to release it. Ultimately, the speaker urges listeners to be critical thinkers and not let laziness or external influences dictate their choices.

    • Transparency and truth in pandemic discussionsDespite efforts to hide the truth, transparency is crucial in pandemic discussions. Israel shared their experience of discarding vaccines and commitment to future preparedness, while concerns over privacy and data were raised regarding a potential pandemic treaty.

      Despite the manipulation of data and attempts to hide the truth by certain entities, the importance of transparency and the eventual exposure of the truth cannot be underestimated. This was highlighted during discussions at the WHO assembly, where delegations from various countries, including Israel, shared their experiences and concerns regarding pandemic-related issues. One significant revelation from Israel was their admission of discarding millions of vaccines due to low uptake, while also expressing their commitment to preparing for future pandemics and adhering to international regulations. Another intriguing point raised was the potential creation of a pandemic treaty and the implications it could have on privacy and personal data. Overall, the importance of staying informed and advocating for transparency cannot be overstated. Additionally, the impact of books like "Turtles All the Way Down" on raising awareness and changing perspectives regarding vaccines and public health measures is a testament to the power of knowledge and open dialogue.

    • Digitizing systems during the pandemicCountries are using the pandemic as an opportunity to further digitize their systems, including health measures, climate agendas, and potentially social credit systems, for total control over money and population growth.

      The COVID-19 pandemic might have served as a catalyst for countries, particularly those with advanced digital infrastructure, to further digitize their systems, including the implementation of digital IDs and contact tracing. This digitization extends beyond health measures to include climate agendas and potentially even social credit systems. The ultimate goal may be total control, driven by the desire to manage money and population growth, which some argue is a mathematical necessity for improving a country's financial situation. However, it's essential to note that these are speculations and interpretations, and the motivations behind various global initiatives remain complex and multifaceted. It's crucial for individuals to stay informed and question the narratives presented by mainstream media.

    • The Power of Self-LovePrioritize self-love and acceptance, embracing flaws and imperfections to foster respect and compassion for self and others.

      Self-love is a crucial factor in preventing individuals from collaborating with harmful forces or causing harm to others. The discussion highlighted that people often seek external validation and a sense of belonging when they lack self-love, leading them to make questionable decisions. However, this illusion of acceptance and love is temporary and doesn't fill the internal void. The solution is to prioritize self-love and acceptance, embracing all flaws and imperfections. This not only helps individuals develop a healthier perspective on themselves but also fosters respect and compassion for others. The conversation also touched upon the themes of sovereignty, humanity's tendency to be lazy and stupid, and the importance of questioning and challenging societal norms. Ultimately, the conversation emphasized the importance of introspection and self-reflection to lead more meaningful and authentic lives.

    • Embracing imperfections and authenticityEmbrace your imperfections, practice self-love, and respect diverse viewpoints for a more fulfilling life.

      Everyone experiences insecurities and imperfections, and it's essential to embrace them rather than trying to hide or change them. The speaker shared their personal experiences with body image issues and the pressure to conform to societal standards through makeup, plastic surgery, and societal expectations. They emphasized the importance of authenticity and self-love, and encouraged listening to others with an open mind, even if their perspectives differ significantly. The speaker also touched upon the polarization in society and the importance of respecting diverse viewpoints, rather than resorting to hate or fear. In essence, the discussion highlighted the importance of self-acceptance, authenticity, and open-mindedness in navigating life's challenges.

    • Valuing diverse thoughts and perspectivesFree speech is crucial for truth, even if unpopular; limiting expression under the guise of preventing hate or misinformation can ultimately suppress the truth; it's essential to remain open to diverse ideas and defend free speech.

      It's essential to value and respect diverse thoughts and perspectives, even if we don't agree with them. The current societal trend towards limiting free speech and expression, under the guise of preventing hate and misinformation, can ultimately suppress the truth. Senator Ronan Mullen's speech against Ireland's draconian hate speech law highlights the importance of free speech in ensuring the pursuit of truth. The push for such laws is not a coincidence, as governments aim to control thought and expression. Censorship, including on digital platforms, is a growing concern, and the consequences could extend to banning certain conversations. It's crucial to remain open to diverse ideas, engage in thoughtful discourse, and defend the importance of free speech.

    • UN proposes solar radiation modification techniques to combat climate changeThe UN report suggests using solar radiation modification techniques, such as Stratosphere Aerosol Injection, to block solar radiation and cool down Earth instead of reducing carbon emissions.

      The UN Climate Committee has published a report called "1 Atmosphere" which discusses solar radiation modification (SRM) or climate engineering. This report suggests that instead of reducing carbon emissions to cool down Earth, they propose techniques to send back solar radiation before it reaches the Earth, creating a cooling effect. One method mentioned in the report is Stratosphere Aerosol Injection (SAI), where chemicals are injected into the stratosphere to create a blanket that blocks solar radiation and returns it to space. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a documented approach to mitigate climate change as outlined in the UN report. The illustrations and explanations in the document provide evidence for those who doubt the existence of chemtrails or SAI. The report's goal is to control the forces of nature and prevent the heat from the sun from reaching Earth, creating a nuclear winter effect.

    • UN report suggests aerosol injections to combat global warmingThe UN report proposes aerosol injections as a potential solution to global warming but faces resistance due to potential harms and competing focus on carbon emissions reduction

      The UN has written a report suggesting the use of aerosol injections into the atmosphere as a potential solution to combat global warming by mimicking the cooling effect of natural phenomena like volcanic eruptions. However, the report has not received widespread media attention despite its significant implications. The first reason for this may be the potential harms and dangers associated with the technology, which are detailed in the document. The second reason could be the consensus in the media and scientific community that reducing carbon emissions is the primary method for addressing climate change. This alternative method may be seen as a competing approach, leading to reluctance to promote it. The report's revelation raises ethical and philosophical questions about humanity's role in manipulating natural processes and potential consequences.

    • Discussion on SAI technology for cooling earthSAI, a technology to cool earth, is being experimented with globally by countries like US, Australia, and Sweden at an estimated cost of $10 billion annually. Potential benefits include buying time for green energy transition, but risks include malaria redistribution and severe weather events.

      At a recent conference, a speaker discussed SAI (Stratospheric Aerosol Injection), a technology for cooling the earth by blocking solar radiation, which they mentioned is being experimented with on a global scale by various countries, including the US, Australia, and Sweden, according to a UN document. The cost is estimated to be $10 billion a year. Despite being experimental, the technology has reportedly been in use for decades and has both potential benefits, such as buying time for the world economy to transition from fossil fuels to green energy, and risks, including redistributing the risk of malaria and causing severe weather events if not well-planned. The speaker's remarks raised questions about the transparency and potential consequences of these programs. Additionally, the speaker expressed conflicting feelings towards religion, acknowledging its potential benefits but criticizing its potential for division and manipulation.

    • Nori's struggle with her Israeli identityNori recognizes discrimination against Palestinians and other minority groups in Israel, sees the situation as one of apartheid, and believes healing requires a significant shift in attitudes and actions.

      The complex issue of Israel's treatment of Palestinians and other minority groups has led Nori to question her once-strong identification with her Israeli heritage. She acknowledges the existence of discrimination against Palestinians and other groups, and believes that Israel's actions contribute to an explosive situation in the Middle East. Nori also notes the ease with which the Israeli public is manipulated into a state of fear and obedience, which she believes is detrimental to both Palestinians and Israelis. Ultimately, Nori sees the situation as one of apartheid and believes that healing the division will require a significant shift in attitudes and actions. Despite her critical perspective, Nori still loves the country where she lives and recognizes its historical significance. She also acknowledges the suffering of Israelis and Jews, and believes that perpetual anger and hatred are not healthy for anyone involved.

    • Finding commonalities despite differencesDespite our diverse backgrounds, we can find shared values and build peace through love, understanding, and focusing on our shared humanity.

      Despite our differences in ethnicity, religion, or nationality, we are all fundamentally the same. The speaker, who grew up with the belief that her Pakistani heritage caused familial drama, later realized that this was a universal human experience. She also shared her experiences of living in a conflict-ridden region, where she was taught to view certain groups as enemies, but found commonalities and shared values when she interacted with them on a personal level. The speaker emphasized the importance of love, understanding, and finding commonalities to build peace and harmony, rather than focusing on labels and differences that can perpetuate conflict and hatred. The potential for healing and unity exists even in the most complex and seemingly intractable conflicts, such as the one in Palestine. By focusing on our shared humanity and intentions, we can work towards a more peaceful and loving world.

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    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Hunter & Gather Foods

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 24, 2024

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    #191 - Dr William Makis Part 1 - The Erosion Of The Medical Profession

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Dr William Makis MD is a Canadian physician, who was born in Czechoslovakia and fled Communism with his family via a United Nations refugee camp in 1988, where he lived for a year and learned to speak English. William grew up in Toronto, won the Governor General's Academic Medal and obtained a four-year undergraduate degree in Immunology at the University of Toronto on scholarship. He obtained his medical degree at McGill University in Montreal, Canada and did a 5-year specialisation training in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology. William diagnosed over 20,000 cancer patients and treated hundreds with cutting-edge Targeted Radionuclide Therapy. After his Cancer Treatment Program was sabotaged by Healthcare bureaucrats in 2016, he became a whistleblower and most recently a medical author on Substack.  In this podcast, we talk about the collapse of medical ethics, the influence of Big Pharma, and the erosion of the medical profession I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

    ⁠Hunter & Gather Foods Use DOC15 to get 15% OFF your first purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods, and DOC10 for 10% off all further purchases.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 23, 2024

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

    #190 - Controlled Opposition

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Michael is the founder and editor of Actionable Truth. Michael describes his process of awakening here - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/my-personal-journey-to-awakening. I don’t know how I stumbled across his substack, but I was drawn to an article he wrote titled The Truth about Controlled Opposition - https://open.substack.com/pub/actionabletruth/p/the-truth-about-controlled-opposition. Imagine my surprise, when trying to find Michael’s contact details I discovered that he and Ursula (a supporter, former guest and now friend) knew each other, and are both on the team of Actionable Truth. https://www.actionabletruth.media/about. Michael has since become a good friend and I love our regular chats.

    Michael describes himself as an experienced technologist and digital marketer with background in Information Systems Engineering, Information Technology and Cyber Security. He is passionate about doing research and deep-diving into complex topics including Open-Source Intelligence, Geopolitics, Cybersecurity and Data analysis. Michael was born in what was then the USSR and moved to Israel at the age of 4. He has been living in Australia since 2002. In this conversation, we mainly talk about controlled opposition but cover some other topics as well. For further details visit my website www.docmalik.com or my substack www.docmalik.substack.com I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

    ⁠Hunter & Gather Foods Use DOC15 to get 15% OFF your first purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods, and DOC10 for 10% off all further purchases.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 20, 2024

    #189 - From Peak Prosperity To Peak Insanity

    #189 - From Peak Prosperity To Peak Insanity

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Chris Martenson, PhD (Duke), MBA (Cornell) is an economic researcher specialising in energy and resource depletion, and founder of PeakProsperity.com. Chris is also host of the Peak Prosperity podcast. In this podcast, we talk about a wide range of topics, including the economy, COVID-19, and the interconnectedness of various issues. We both believe that everything is linked, whether it's health, wealth, or politics. We also touch on the events of 9/11 and how it awoke us to the realities of the world. We talk about evil and its intention to keep people scared, small, sick, injured, or dead. I disagree with Chris over the theories of Dennis Meadows and the belief that humans are overusing resources and causing harm to the planet. Dennis was a key figure in the Club of Rome and believed in human overpopulation. Something I DO NOT subscribe to. For further details visit my website www.docmalik.com or my substack www.docmalik.substack.com I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love Ahmad x Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

    ⁠Hunter & Gather Foods Use DOC15 to get 15% OFF your first purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods, and DOC10 for 10% off all further purchases.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 19, 2024

    #187 - Mistakes Were Not Made

    #187 - Mistakes Were Not Made

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: After reading Margaret Anna Alice’s work, one can see why the saying “The pen is mightier than the sword” exists. Margaret’s writing has a unique style. It is beautifully lyrical, yet cuts through the bullshit of our time sharper than any Katana. It is incredibly well-researched and distils the truth, removing all impurities of propaganda. I must thank Mike Yeadon for the introduction a couple of months ago. In that short time frame, I have had the pleasure of having several conversations and thinking of her as a sister. There is only a 6-month difference in our age, we are both 80s kids and have so much in common. While Margaret’s prose is a delight to read, so is her poetry. Hearing Margaret recite two of her poems gave me so much pleasure. In this conversation, Margaret shares her journey and discusses how she has become such an incredible Substack writer, what motivates and drives her and her take on the events in recent years. Check out her substack for all her writings. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    Doc Malik
    enJune 14, 2024

    #186 - Law & Freedom

    #186 - Law & Freedom

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Anna de Buisserat is a lawyer, activist and freedom fighter. Anna is a senior employment lawyer specialising in discrimination law, disability discrimination, mental health discrimination, and human rights. Anna has devoted the past four years of her life to the people for the people, as many others have too. A veteran, senior lawyer, and most of all a woman of heart, courage, moral integrity, grit, and determination, she has defended people's rights and stood up for freedom. In this conversation, we discuss the Magna Carta, Common Law, Natural Law, Informed Consent, the Nuremberg Code and much more. Please support her cancer treatment by donating to her Give send go - link below. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love as always Ahmad Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

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    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 12, 2024

    #184 - Playing God

    #184 - Playing God

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Jacqui Deevoy is a writer, producer and presenter known most notably for her documentary "A Good Death?" co-produced with Ickonic Media which exposed the use of midazolam and morphine during the first 2 years of the Covid "pandemic", and accelerated or in many instances caused the death of thousands of innocent people, and not just the elderly. In this podcast episode, Jacqui talks about her latest documentary "Playing God", directed by award-winning directors Naeem & Ash Mahmood and produced by Jacqui. "Playing God" exposes the medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years. Is it about time that doctors and the medical establishment were taken down from their pedestal? I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

    ⁠Hunter & Gather Foods Use DOC15 to get 15% OFF your first purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods, and DOC10 for 10% off all further purchases.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 05, 2024

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    #004 - Supporter Stories

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: For too long, the Covid Plandemic has been a faceless monolith, represented by the media mainly through charts, graphs and confusing numbers. Science was corrupted, people were manipulated on a global scale and statistical jugglery was used to confuse, guide, and misinform. I have been moved by the messages from my paid supporters, who come from all walks of life and from across the globe. I have read some incredible emails, listened over the phone to amazing minds and beautiful souls, and most importantly I have learnt so much from them. I want to give a voice to these people. Everyone has a story worth telling, and I want to highlight this through this series of podcasts. In this episode, we have Alex from Germany and Yurek from Canada. Both have been some of my earliest supporters and listeners. I thank them both for their messages of support and recommendations. Alex was the one who put me in touch with Dr Sabine Stebel who did the amazing podcast on Spike Protein. If you are one of my supporters and would like to feature in the supporter series, please get in touch. If I have failed to get back to you it's because I'm inundated with correspondence and am struggling to keep up. You have my permission to badger me. I hope you enjoy the episode. Much love as always, Ahmad.



    Hunter & Gather Foods

    ⁠Hunter & Gather Foods Use DOC15 to get 15% OFF your first purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods, and DOC10 for 10% off all further purchases.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 04, 2024

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

    #183 - Who Is The Real Barbara O'Neill?

    FREEDOM - LIBERTY - HAPPINESS SUPPORT DOC MALIK To make sure you don't miss any episodes please subscribe to either:

    ABOUT THIS CONVERSATION: Barbara O’Neill is a huge figure in the natural alternative health movement. Barbara states "I am not a healer, I am a teacher. Your body is the healer, and I love to teach whoever is interested, the conditions that allow and encourage this amazing body we live in to do what it has been designed to do .....heal itself!" Barbara has a massive following across the world. Clips of her videos where she advocates natural remedies are shared and viewed by millions across social media. However, Barbara has her detractors who claim she is unqualified, a dangerous misinformation spreader “known for advertising dangerous and unsupported health practices and ideas”. In 2019, the Health Care Complaints Commission in New South Wales ruled that she is prohibited from providing any health-related services following several complaints from the public and health professionals. A subsequent investigation found that she provided dangerous advice to vulnerable patients, such as telling those with cancer to forego prescribed chemotherapy for bicarbonate of soda and to give infants unpasteurised goat's milk. The investigation found that she also had no qualifications in a health-related field and failed to meet the expected standards of unregistered health professionals. But what is the truth? The last few years and my own experience have taught me not to trust the authorities at face value and to question everything. I am also aware that there are always two sides to any story. So I asked Barbara directly about all the allegations and claims against her. I invite you to judge for yourself after hearing her side of the story, not just what is written in Wikipedia or mainstream news. I also asked Barbara about her top tips for staying healthy. See my substack post for further details. I hope you enjoy this episode. Much love Ahmad Links



    Hunter & Gather Foods

    ⁠Hunter & Gather Foods Use DOC15 to get 15% OFF your first purchase with Hunter & Gather Foods, and DOC10 for 10% off all further purchases.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or both of the following options -

    ⁠Buy me a coffee⁠ If you want to make a one-off donation.

    Join my Substack To access additional content, you can upgrade to paid from just £5.50 a month

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    To sponsor the Doc Malik Podcast contact us at ⁠hello@docmalik.com⁠

    Doc Malik
    enJune 03, 2024

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