
    Crackhead Barney On Alec Baldwin Ambush & Hasan Piker On Pro Palestine March

    enApril 24, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering significant life events and protests on college campusesChoose confidently for life events, and consider the impact of protests on college campuses

      For significant life events like proposing or gift giving, it's essential to have confidence in your choices. Websites like bloonile.com and 1800flowers.com offer convenience and unique options for customized rings and gifts, respectively. Meanwhile, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine has sparked intense protests and debates on college campuses. Some argue these demonstrations are holding the powerful accountable for war horrors, while others see them as a distraction. Ultimately, it's crucial to consider the impact and significance of our actions and words.

    • The role of performative art in addressing Palestine's freedomThe need for sensitivity and respect when discussing complex issues, as performative art can impact public discourse, causing harm or contributing to the cause.

      The discussion between the two individuals revolved around the complex issue of Palestine's freedom and the role of performative art in addressing it. The speaker expressed her pain and frustration towards being mocked and belittled in the context of this serious issue. She believed that the interviewer's approach was turning the war into a joke and causing harm rather than contributing to the cause. The speaker also shared her personal experiences of being hurt by white men, which she felt were being trivialized by the interviewer's actions. Ultimately, she demanded an explanation for why the interviewer had acted the way he did and what he hoped to achieve. The conversation underscored the need for sensitivity and respect when discussing sensitive and complex issues, as well as the potential impact of performative art on public discourse.

    • Interview disrupted by guest seeking attentionDuring a live interview, Crackhead Bonnie disrupted the conversation, using offensive language and harassing Ali Baldwin for personal gain, highlighting the importance of respectful dialogue and avoiding sensitive issues for attention.

      During a live interview, a guest named "Crackhead Bonnie" disrupted the conversation repeatedly, using offensive language and harassing the interviewee, Ali Baldwin. The interviewer attempted to conduct a serious discussion about a viral video of the guest harassing Baldwin, but she was more interested in gaining clout and attention. The incident raises questions about the ethics of using sensitive issues for personal gain and the impact of such behavior on public figures. It also highlights the importance of respectful dialogue and allowing individuals to speak freely without interruption. The conversation between the host and Crackhead Bonnie revealed a striking similarity in their actions, with both seeking attention and clicks at the expense of others. While some may argue that everyone is doing it, it's crucial to recognize the consequences of such actions and strive for more thoughtful and considerate interactions.

    • Demanding accountability and justice for the ongoing conflict in Gaza and Israeli-Palestinian relationshipFocus on tangible objectives, acknowledge complexities, understand historical and political contexts, and commit to open dialogue for a peaceful resolution.

      While there may be disagreements on the methods and labels used during protests, the underlying goals of demanding accountability and seeking justice for the ongoing conflict in Gaza and the Israeli-Palestinian relationship are valid. It's essential to focus on the tangible objectives of these movements and acknowledge the complexities and nuances of the situation. The conversation also highlighted the importance of understanding the historical and political contexts of the conflict and recognizing the existence of Israeli-Arab citizens and their rights within Israel. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the need for open dialogue, empathy, and a commitment to finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

    • Revolutionary Violence: Justified or Unjustified?While acknowledging the occurrence of violence against civilians in revolutionary actions, Hassan argued that it's unjustified and criticized Israel for being an apartheid regime, causing avoidable violence. Consensus: Civilian deaths are never justified.

      The discussion revolved around the justification of violence in revolutionary actions, specifically in relation to the events of October 7th. Hassan argued that violence against civilians is unjustified, but acknowledged that it has occurred in many revolutionary actions throughout history. He also criticized Israel for being an apartheid regime and believed that the violence used to maintain it is avoidable and results in retaliation. However, the conversation became heated, with some participants interrupting and repeating points. The consensus seemed to be that civilian deaths are never justified and that there are clear markers of unacceptable violence. The debate also touched on the declarations of Israel as an apartheid regime by various organizations.

    • The importance of acknowledging victims in the Israeli-Palestinian conflictDuring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict discussion, it's crucial to acknowledge the victims on both sides and respect each other's views for a productive conversation.

      The ongoing debate between pro-Palestinians and pro-Israelis often turns into a shouting match, disregarding the actual victims of the conflict. The conversation during the discussion focused on the justification of an event in October, but the hosts expressed frustration with the lack of clarity and respect for other panelists' views. The conversation escalated, with accusations and name-calling, and the hosts had to intervene to allow other panelists to speak. The hosts emphasized the importance of acknowledging the victims of the conflict, including the over 33,000 dead Palestinians and over 1,500 dead Israelis. They reminded the participants that the conflict didn't happen in a vacuum and that it's essential to show respect and courtesy to each other during the debate. The hosts encouraged a more productive and respectful conversation, emphasizing the importance of understanding the complexities of the conflict and the need to prioritize the needs and perspectives of the victims.

    • Dialogue about complex issues requires respect and understandingBoth sides in a conflict should condemn violence, acknowledge suffering, promote accurate information, and engage in respectful dialogue to move towards understanding and peace.

      Productive dialogue about complex and sensitive issues like the Israel-Palestine conflict requires respect and understanding, not shouting and name-calling. Both sides expressed strong emotions and beliefs, but when they spoke over each other, the conversation became unintelligible and unproductive. It's important to condemn violence and terrorism while also acknowledging the suffering of innocent people. Education and accurate information are crucial for informed and constructive discussions. Instead of focusing on personal attacks and false narratives, it's essential to address misinformation and promote dialogue that moves towards understanding and peace.

    • Using humans as political tools is dehumanizingPolitical use of hostages disregards human suffering, emphasize compassion and peaceful solutions, no justification for using humans as pawns.

      The use of human beings as political tools, whether as hostages or in the context of larger conflicts, is a dehumanizing and morally reprehensible act. During a discussion about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, it became clear that some individuals were using the issue of hostages to make political points, disregarding the human suffering involved. The use of propaganda and both-sides rhetoric was criticized, with the emphasis being placed on the need for compassion and a genuine desire for peace and the release of hostages. The destruction of Gaza and the loss of countless lives were also highlighted as counterproductive to bringing hostages home. Ultimately, it was emphasized that there can be no justification for the use of human beings as political pawns, and that all parties involved must work towards finding peaceful solutions to the complex issues at hand.

    • Comparing Israeli-Palestinian conflict to South Africa's apartheidComparing complex conflicts is debatable, but the Israeli-Palestinian situation requires international aid and efforts for peace, rather than focusing on blame or building tunnels for terrorism.

      The discussion revolved around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, specifically the situation in Gaza and the West Bank. One speaker argued for the dissolution of the apartheid regime in South Africa as a comparison to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They criticized the Palestinians for not utilizing aid and resources to rebuild, instead focusing on building terrorist tunnels and not turning their territories into civilized societies. Another speaker disagreed, stating that if Israel were to completely withdraw from the West Bank, it would likely turn into another Gaza, causing more harm and damage. The debate became heated with accusations of genocide being thrown around, with Hamas being the only side publicly advocating for such actions. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the complexity and emotional intensity of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with both sides holding strong beliefs and opinions.

    • Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Justifying Attacks and DehumanizationThe Israeli-Palestinian conflict requires peaceful dialogue and respect for human rights, rather than justification for attacks and dehumanization.

      During a discussion about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a Hamas official justified repeated attacks on October 7th, stating it was a necessary response. Israeli officials, including Defense Minister Yoav Galant, have been accused of dehumanizing Palestinians and justifying cutting off their electricity, water, and aid as part of their defense strategies. The authenticity of certain statements made by Israeli politicians regarding these actions has been questioned, leading to a heated debate. Despite the complexity of the issue, it seems essential to address the potential consequences of such rhetoric and actions, particularly in regards to human rights and international law. It's crucial to ensure that all parties involved in the conflict engage in peaceful dialogue and work towards finding a sustainable solution that respects the dignity and well-being of all individuals involved. Flexibility, as demonstrated through yoga and insurance coverage, can be valuable in various aspects of life, but it's important to remember that flexibility should not be used to justify harm or dehumanization towards others. Instead, let us strive for understanding, empathy, and a commitment to peaceful resolutions. This Mother's Day, treat yourself or a loved one to Osea's limited edition skin care sets, offering clean, seaweed infused products that nourish and promote healthy, glowing skin. Use code 'mom' for a 10% discount at oseamalibu.com.

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    01:07:42 - Cenk: “If we keep Biden in the race, a Trump victory is guaranteed"

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    59:14 - “Why do you trust Putin?”

    01:03:14 - On Julian Assange’s release

    01:14:14 - On being stalked by Fiona Harvey

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    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    To debate, We're joined by Professor Jeffrey Sachs.

    Piers Morgan Uncensored is the global arena for fearless debate, bold opinions and major interviews. Subscribe for all-new and exclusive daily content. 

    YouTube: @PiersMorganUncensored

    X: @PiersUncensored

    TikTok: @piersmorganuncensored

    Insta: @piersmorganuncensored

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    While the President appeared to freeze at a campaign fundraiser in Los Angeles on Saturday and had to be guided off stage by Barack Obama.

    Democrats love to go hopping mad about “cultist” Trump supporters wearing MAGA-coloured glasses.

    It’s time they admitted their president is now unfit to serve and started a serious conversation about how America and the world should deal with it.

    Joining to debate are three ferocious commentators from the political right, left and centre.

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    Princess of Wales Returns!

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    It was her first official public appearance since Christmas Day.

    Kate revealed that she is still receiving treatment, including chemotherapy, for an unspecified form of cancer. That treatment is expected to continue for several months.

    But make no mistake, this was a huge moment for the royals in an historically wretched year.

    King Charles, aged 75, is still fighting cancer too.

    Conspiracy theories swirled for months about the health and whereabouts of Princess Catherine. Her badly-edited Mother’s Day photograph was an unmitigated PR disaster.

    But this weekend, against all odds, she was back at her glamorous best. And the crowds loved it.

    So, have the royals now turned a corner on a dark chapter?

    Have the Kate-spiracies been banished for good? Or were they - in fact - correct?

    And has there EVER been a more feeble attempt to overshadow a state occasion than Meghan Markle’s decision to unveil a range of dog biscuits on the very morning of Kate’s return?

    Uncensored contributor Paula Rhone-Adrien, Royal Editor, Sarah Hewson & Royal Historian Tessa Dunlop join to debate.

    But first, Fox News contributor, Dr Marc Siegel gives his thoughts.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    Editor: Tom Hughes

    Senior Producer: Gabriel Radus

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    Social Media Editor: Rory Symon

    Video Production: Shane Fennelly & Arvind Badewal

    You can listen to this episode on Alexa - just say "Alexa, ask Global Player to play The News Agents".

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    And, The News Agents now have merch! To get yours, head to: https://store.global.com/collections/the-news-agents

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    Resources from this week's episode:

    Follow us on Instagram @alottocoverpod
    Email us at alottocoverpod@gmail.com

    460: Global Economy, Demographic Trends and the Resilience of the US Rental Housing Market

    460: Global Economy, Demographic Trends and the Resilience of the US Rental Housing Market

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    Then Jason and Brian Beaulieu, Chief Economist at ITR Economics, talks about the state of the global economy, particularly in China and Europe and the potential for deflation in the real estate market in the early 2030s, the expected trajectory of inflation and the Federal Reserve’s response to it, and the state of the US housing market. They also highlight the resilience of the real estate market, even in a high-interest-rate environment, and the importance of being unleveraged in the United States and in demographically superior states.

    #EconomicOutlook #RealEstateInvesting #GlobalEconomicTrends #ChinaEconomicGrowth #DemographicChallenges #Inflation #InterestRates #HousingMarket #Affordability #CulturalShifts



    Key Takeaways:

    Jason’s editorial

    1:29 Defeating inflation, US Dollar hegemony and Argentina

    4:30 FED- ready for the next crisis

    7:08 Local inventory numbers

    10:44 Shadow demand vs. shadow supply

    Brian Beaulieu interview

    12:21 Income property- getting the middle class wealthy

    14:12 Macro view on a global scale

    15:38 Chart: China is weakening and will continue to weaken

    16:25 Chart: Historic opportunity- India is the most populous country

    18:27 Making the case for deflation in the 2030’s

    22:21 Chart: This is only round one of inflation going forward

    25:36 Capitulation- buyers will eventually accept less

    29:46 How it all relates to the rental housing market



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    Death On The Mediterranean

    Death On The Mediterranean

    Stalin said one death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic. On Free State this week, Dion and Joe discuss the tragedy of tens of thousands drowning in the Mediterranean. They wonder how we lost touch with our own humanity and why people fall for the same tricks of hate peddled for centuries. They also ask why did four of our own MEPs vote against a resolution that would have ramped up search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean?

    Free State with Joe Brolly and Dion Fanning is a Gold Hat Production in association with SwanMcG.

    For more on Free State: https://freestatepodcast.com/

    To get in touch with the podcast: info@freestatepodcast.com

    Twitter: @dionfanning @JoeBrolly1993 @freestateirl

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.