
    Podcast Summary

    • Kroger's Extensive Food Selection and Affordable PricesJournalist George Knapp uncovered potential evidence of UFO reverse engineering at Area 51 from a credible source, shedding light on the investigation's credibility

      Kroger offers an extensive selection of over 30,000 food items, ensuring mealtime inspiration, while maintaining affordable prices and additional savings opportunities. Meanwhile, in a different realm, George Knapp, a journalist, shares an untold story from his past. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Knapp was investigating UFOs and their alleged reverse engineering at Area 51. He found numerous witnesses who had seen or heard about unusual activities but lacked a comprehensive understanding of the situation. Eventually, he received a tip from a source connected to an EG and G employee, a credible individual with a verifiable background. This source provided Knapp with valuable information that could potentially validate or debunk the claims made by Bob Lazar. The importance of this story lies in the credibility of the source and the potential impact on the UFO investigation.

    • Al O'Donnell's Unique Perspective on UFOs and Military ProjectsAl O'Donnell, an insider during the atomic bomb testing era, shared valuable insights about UFOs and secret military projects during a reunion interview, providing context to potential truths behind stories related to EG and G and Area 51.

      Al O'Donnell, the first general manager of EG and G in Nevada, was in a unique position to have insider knowledge about UFOs and the workings of secretive military projects due to his role in managing the Nevada test site and later Area 51 during the atomic bomb testing era. His connection to MIT and the Manhattan Project further solidifies his potential access to classified information. During a reunion in the late 1990s or early 2000s, the interviewer had the opportunity to meet and interview Al O'Donnell, who welcomed them into his home and shared documents, memorabilia, and photos from that era. This encounter provides valuable context to the potential truth behind stories related to UFOs and secret military projects, especially those associated with EG and G and Area 51.

    • Building trust and relationships for access to restricted areasDeveloping friendships with employees in public affairs can lead to exclusive access to restricted areas, but respecting boundaries and keeping secrets is crucial.

      Gaining access to restricted areas like the Nevada Test Site or Area 51 requires building relationships and trust with the people who work there. George Knapp, an investigative reporter, shares his experiences of developing friendships with employees in the public affairs office, who eventually granted him access. The stories he uncovered ranged from nuclear testing to potential UFO-related activities. Knapp emphasizes the importance of respecting the boundaries set by these organizations and keeping secrets when necessary. Over the course of his 35-year career, he built a wealth of stories around these topics, many of which remain classified. His encounter with Al O'Donnell, a man involved in atomic testing, led to a multi-year investigation into UFOs and Area 51, but the information was shared off the record and without taking notes. This experience underscores the importance of trust, patience, and respect when reporting on sensitive topics.

    • Military Official's Alien Encounter RevelationA high-ranking military official confided in a journalist about a recovered extraterrestrial craft and a live alien, detailing storage and reverse engineering efforts, but the journalist felt sadness for the alien's fate.

      The speaker described a conversation with a high-ranking military official who claimed to have worked on a recovered extraterrestrial craft and a live alien at a secret facility, likely connected to the Roswell incident. The official shared details about the craft's storage and reverse engineering efforts, as well as the existence of a live being. The journalist, who was new to the UFO topic, was overwhelmed by the confirmation of long-held beliefs and feelings of sadness for the alien's fate. The conversation took place in a casual setting, but the information shared was highly classified and kept within a very small group.

    • George Knapp's Cautious Investigation into Bob Lazar's AllegationsThorough journalistic investigation is crucial, but sensitive topics may involve risks and require caution.

      Journalist George Knapp's encounter with a man named Bob Lazar, who claimed to have worked on reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology at a secret government facility, involved a lengthy and cautious process of verification. Lazar shared the story with Knapp over several years, and the journalist was able to confirm the credibility of some key details through independent sources, including Lazar's family members who were also involved. However, Lazar was eventually warned not to speak about the matter with Knapp anymore, leading the journalist to believe that there were significant risks involved in pursuing the story further. This experience highlights the importance of thorough journalistic investigation and the potential dangers that come with reporting on sensitive or controversial topics.

    • Intimidation and Threats against UFO Journalists in the Late 1980sDuring the late 1980s, journalists investigating UFO stories faced threats and intimidation from unknown individuals, making it difficult for people to come forward with information and fueling suspicions of government surveillance and manipulation.

      During the late 1980s, journalists investigating UFO-related stories encountered threats and intimidation from unknown individuals claiming to represent various organizations, including defense contractors and law enforcement agencies. These threats ranged from warnings to keep quiet to more serious implications of physical harm. One journalist recounted a conversation with a woman who had worked for a defense contractor and claimed to have witnessed discussions about crashed UFOs and recovered materials. After she spoke with the journalist, she was visited by agents who threatened her and reminded her of her security clearances. Another tax preparer who knew Air Force officials was threatened by individuals claiming to be from the Secret Service after discussing the Roswell crash with the journalist. The pervasive atmosphere of fear and intimidation during this time made it difficult for people to come forward with information, fueling suspicions of government surveillance and manipulation.

    • Government Investigation into UFO Projects in the Late 1990sDuring the late 1990s, government officials investigated potential misuse of funds for UFO projects, meeting with UFO community figures like George Knapp and Whitley Strieber, and granting Strieber access to Area 51, but faced resistance.

      During the late 1990s, government officials, including Dick D'Amato who worked under Senators Robert Byrd and Harry Reid, were tasked with investigating potential misuse of funds for UFO projects. D'Amato, who had clearance to oversee special access programs, met with various individuals in the UFO community, including George Knapp and Whitley Strieber, to gather information. Strieber, who believed he could gain access to Area 51, was eventually granted entry but faced resistance and backlash. This investigation adds to the intrigue surrounding the alleged existence and government involvement with UFOs.

    • UFO cover-up theory: Hidden technology in defense contractors?The UFO cover-up theory suggests the U.S. government may hide extraterrestrial technology in large defense firms, fearing public panic and potential prison time. No confirmation from a government official visited by a speaker during a helicopter tour to a UFO site. Belief in public's right to know, but egregious acts may lead to prison time.

      The UFO cover-up theory, as discussed in the conversation, suggests that the U.S. government may have hidden extraterrestrial technology within large defense contractors like Lockheed or Northrop, with the fear of public panic and potential prison time being potential reasons for the cover-up. The speaker, who had a personal encounter with a government official involved in the story, expressed disappointment when the official couldn't confirm the existence of such technology during their helicopter visit to a known UFO site. The speaker also shared their belief that the general public has a right to know about such topics, and no one involved in the cover-up should face prison time. However, the egregiousness of the acts committed would be a determining factor. The conversation also hinted at a new era of UFO research with the Arrow, All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which is expected to actively research UFOs and have a forward-facing public element.

    • The Complexity and Ongoing Nature of Government SecrecyUnearthed evidence of past deceit can lead to new investigations, highlighting the importance of ongoing scrutiny and transparency in government activities.

      During a conversation about potential government secrecy and misappropriation of funds, a suggestion was made for granting immunity to those involved. While some lines should not be crossed, such as threats or violence, the speaker believed that moving on was the best course of action. However, years later, hints emerged that a key figure had changed his story, leading to the investigation of a group known as the Roadrunners, who had worked on top-secret projects at Area 51. This group, composed of veterans and contractors, had been instrumental in developing spy planes and technology during the Cold War. The speaker had previously interviewed some of these individuals for stories, but had not been aware of their involvement in the Roadrunners. This unexpected development shows the complexity and ongoing nature of government secrecy and the importance of continued investigation.

    • Al O'Donnell's Hidden Connection to Area 51 InvestigationsAn unnamed source in Annie's book was later revealed to be Al O'Donnell, who shared different stories with her than with George Knapp, causing a media sensation and a bestseller.

      During the investigation into the history of Area 51, a researcher named Annie came across some significant information about a man named Al O'Donnell. She wrote about him in her book, but without naming him. It was later revealed that this unnamed man was indeed Al O'Donnell. However, the story he shared with Annie was different from what he had shared with another investigator, George Knapp, years prior. Knapp was surprised to learn that Annie had been in contact with Al O'Donnell for decades, as he had only known that she was speaking with other individuals related to Area 51. Al O'Donnell's involvement in Annie's book and the revelation of his identity led to a media sensation and the book becoming a bestseller. The new story shared by Al O'Donnell with Annie was different from their previous conversations and was unrelated to UFOs or Area 51. Knapp is still trying to remember the context of their earlier interview with Al O'Donnell, which was about the atomic test museum in Nevada.

    • Al O'Donnell's doubts about UFO story revealedRecording of private conversation casts doubt on Al O'Donnell's authenticity, revealing potential alterations to his UFO story and unverified rumors of a military group and deathbed confession tape.

      An unintended recording captured Al O'Donnell expressing doubts about the authenticity of a UFO-related story he had previously shared. This recording was made during a private conversation and was discovered after the interview had ended. The revelation left the interviewer feeling that he would never be able to get a truthful account from O'Donnell again. The conversation also touched upon rumors of a military group known as "red lights" and allegations of a deathbed confession tape. However, the validity of these claims remains uncertain. The interviewer later learned that O'Donnell had changed parts of his story for Annie Jacobson's book, leading to sensationalized media attention on the last few pages. Despite the questionable nature of the information, the interviewer acknowledges that Jacobson reported the story as it was told to her and emphasizes the importance of journalistic integrity.

    • Investigating extraordinary claimsAccurately reporting and validating extraordinary claims from high-credibility sources is crucial.

      When encountering extraordinary claims, especially those from high-credibility sources, it's essential to report them accurately and try to validate the information. The story about Stalin building a flying machine with mutant pilots and crashing it in Mexico is a clear example of a fabricated tale. This was explained through the account of a Russian physicist who, during the Soviet era, discovered extensive UFO investigations carried out by the Russian government. The Russians had spies in New Mexico, where the Roswell incident occurred, and they confirmed that the crashed object was not of human or Russian origin. This debunks the fictionalized version of the story presented in certain books. The journalist who uncovered this information during the Russian perestroika era played a significant role in bringing this information to the public.

    • Skepticism towards UFO claims about Area 51 and EG & GApproach UFO claims about Area 51 and EG & G with skepticism due to potential deception and lack of evidence

      The claims made by Al O'Donnell and others about the UFO topic, specifically regarding Area 51 and the involvement of EG and G, should be viewed with skepticism. The demolition of the EG and G building, where Bob Lazar claimed his interviews took place, and the consistent revisionist history attempting to link UFO sightings to government spy planes, are examples of potential deception. U2 spy planes, for instance, do not resemble UFOs and do not behave in the same way as reported UFO sightings. Furthermore, there is no statistical evidence to support the claim that UFO sightings are correlated with the operational dates of government spy planes. It is essential to approach such claims critically and consider the available evidence before drawing conclusions.

    • CIA's UFO Documentary and Area 51 SecretsThe CIA produced a UFO documentary, 'UFOs Past, Present, and Future,' addressing past dismissive documentaries, while Area 51, known for advanced tech, remains shrouded in secrecy, with reports of a mysterious Site 4.

      The CIA has produced a UFO documentary titled "UFOs Past, Present, and Future," which was narrated by Rod Serling and funded in response to previous dismissive documentaries about UFOs. The speaker, George Knapp, has interacted with high-ranking CIA officials regarding Area 51 and asked about a facility called Site 4, but they had no specific knowledge of it. Area 51, known for its secrecy, has been a source of numerous wild stories due to its advanced technology developments during an exciting period. Despite not being allowed inside, Knapp has spent decades reporting on it. The panel discussion will cover the reasons for secrecy, methods used to maintain it, and efforts to reveal what really went on at Area 51.

    • The UFO phenomenon and alleged involvement of organizations like the CIA and Area 51 are complexExplore UFOs and organizations with skepticism, fact-checking, and multiple perspectives for truth

      The UFO phenomenon and the alleged involvement of organizations like the CIA and Area 51 are not as straightforward as often portrayed. While there have been public acknowledgments and rumors, it's important to note that not all information comes from reliable sources or is accurate. The idea that people from within these organizations have shared their experiences and insights with journalists and researchers is a significant factor in the ongoing UFO mystery. However, it's crucial to remember that these stories often conflict and may not be definitive proof of any extraterrestrial presence or government cover-up. The pursuit of truth in this field requires a healthy dose of skepticism, a commitment to fact-checking, and a willingness to consider multiple perspectives. Despite the challenges, the quest for answers continues, and the more light that can be shed on these topics, the better.

    • The Importance of Trust in JournalismJournalists must earn and maintain trust to protect sources and ensure accurate, authentic information, while dealing with sensitive topics like UFOs.

      Trust is a crucial element in journalism, and journalists must consistently earn and maintain it to protect their sources and ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the information they share. The speaker emphasized the importance of vetting every piece of information thoroughly before releasing it, as people's lives can be at stake. The speaker also expressed hope for increased transparency in the UFO topic and the new UFO Office, but acknowledged the challenges they face and the importance of giving them time to live up to their promises. The speaker's experience of dealing with sensitive information and the risks involved for sources highlights the critical role journalists play in bringing important issues to light while protecting their sources and maintaining the trust of their audience.

    • Authentic communication and accountability in American politicsThe American public expects truth and honesty from their leaders and institutions, and the consequences of falling short can be severe. Effective communication and accountability are crucial to maintaining trust and credibility.

      Transparency and honesty are crucial expectations from public figures and institutions, particularly in the context of the American political landscape. The people demand truth, and it is the responsibility of those in power to deliver. The consequences of falling short can be severe, leading to public backlash and criticism. This sentiment was expressed passionately during the conversation, emphasizing the importance of authentic communication and accountability. The power dynamics have shifted, and the few in positions of authority now hold a great deal of information, making it essential to use their voices effectively and truthfully. The consequences of silence or dishonesty can lead to a loss of trust and credibility. In essence, the American public is demanding more from their leaders and institutions, and it's up to them to rise to the challenge.

    Recent Episodes from WEAPONIZED with Jeremy Corbell & George Knapp

    UFOs and Nukes - The Pantex Incursions

    UFOs and Nukes - The Pantex Incursions
    WEAPONIZED is supposed be on hiatus, but recent bursts of gaseous emissions from the folks at AARO have made it difficult to lounge by the pool and sip frozen concoctions. The recent release of documents related to a proposed UAP-related program within Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was hardly a gesture toward transparency by AARO. In this unscheduled, unexpected episode of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George review the true history of the proposed Kona Blue program, what it could have accomplished, and how AARO's former boss has blatantly misled the public about whistleblower testimony allegedly related to Kona Blue. And what about those continuing drone incursions over sensitive U.S. military air space, the whitewashing of a UFO incident under investigation by members of Congress, and other assorted tidbits? It's a surprise episode inspired by Don Corleone. ••• See Dustin’s UAP REGISTER article here : https://uapregister.substack.com/p/uap-incursion-at-pantex-nuclear-facility and follow Dustin on X here : https://x.com/DustinSlaughter ••• Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259 ••• GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media. Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The Battle for UFO Truth - The Michael Corleone Edition

    The Battle for UFO Truth - The Michael Corleone Edition
    WEAPONIZED is supposed be on hiatus, but recent bursts of gaseous emissions from the folks at AARO have made it difficult to lounge by the pool and sip frozen concoctions. The recent release of documents related to a proposed UAP-related program within Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was hardly a gesture toward transparency by AARO. In this unscheduled, unexpected episode of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George review the true history of the proposed Kona Blue program, what it could have accomplished, and how AARO's former boss has blatantly misled the public about whistleblower testimony allegedly related to Kona Blue. And what about those continuing drone incursions over sensitive U.S. military air space, the whitewashing of a UFO incident under investigation by members of Congress, and other assorted tidbits? It's a surprise episode inspired by Don Corleone. ••• Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259 ••• GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media. Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    AARO Misses Target - Congress & The Public Are Pissed

    AARO Misses Target - Congress & The Public Are Pissed
    In the Season Finale of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George look back at some of the key moments from the past thirteen months, including exclusive interviews with major insiders from government UFO investigations (Jay Stratton, Dr. James Lacatski, Dr. Colm Kelleher), disclosure proponents and journalists (Rep. Tim Burchett, Richard Dolan, Ross Coulthart, Bryce Zabel, UFO Joe Murgia), incredibly talented writers and artists (Robbie Williams, Dave Foley, Ben Schneider, Duncan Trussell, Whitley Strieber, John Long) and other surprises including leaked videos obtained from government files. In a fortuitous twist, the Pentagon's long-awaited report from AARO about the history of US investigations of UFOs was released just in time for our last episode. It turned out to be a perfectly predictable propagandized rewriting of history, punctuated by sloppy errors, blatant falsehoods, and the dismissal of testimony from dozens of witnesses. •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    What Washington Wants - First Hand UFO Witnesses

    What Washington Wants - First Hand UFO Witnesses
    This week, WEAPONIZED traveled to Washington D.C. to gain a sense of where the fight for UFO transparency stands at the moment. Debunkers, including former agency big-shots and social media nincompoops are scrambling to dissuade Congress from pursuing evidence about crash retrieval and reverse engineering programs. No further UFO hearings are on the schedule on Capitol Hill, but key members of Congress are confident such hearings will happen. In this episode, Jeremy and George share information gleaned from confidential meetings with members of Congress, key congressional staff members, and first hand witnesses who expressed concerns about where the topic might be heading.  •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  Watch the video analysis by HERE SUDDENLY on YouTube of the Antioquia Colombia UAP video here : https://youtu.be/V4MzC2Rb6PU  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFO Propaganda - The Dark Side Unleashes

    UFO Propaganda - The Dark Side Unleashes
    As long predicted, the closer the public gets to the truth about UFOs, the harder the pushback will become. That day has finally arrived. Since the beginning of 2024, the keepers of UFO secrets within government, along with their allies in defense corporations, and subservient toadies on various media platforms have unleashed a torrent of devious, ill-informed, sometimes laughable attacks on truth, facts, members of Congress, curious scientists, diligent journalists, and the public itself. Former AARO Director Sean Kirkpatrick led the charge with a blistering denouncement of the program he directed and the members of Congress who created it. Dr. Kirkpatrick spent "a whole year" investigating UFOs but found "no evidence.” His demonstrably false allegations were quickly magnified in a seemingly coordinated series of articles written by like-minded friendly reporters. At the same time, a cabal of hard-core debunkers, masquerading as skeptics, had been outed for its secret takeover of all Wikipedia content regarding UFOs and prominent people who have investigated the subject. And on various social media platforms, where civil discourse is a rarity, a cohort of the usual suspects have participated in unleashing personal attacks that are vile, even by their own low standards. So, what's going on? Is all of this unfolding at the same time purely by coincidence? In this episode, Jeremy and George review some of the more glaring examples of the new era of pushback against UFO truth and give shout outs to some of the unsung heroes who are fighting hard to push back against the onslaught of propaganda.  Plus, don't miss a special segment featuring Bob Lazar, who sheds light on the intriguing anatomy of a flying saucer. Join us as we navigate through the stormy skies of disinformation to seek the elusive truth about UFOs.  •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ernie Cline - The Man Who Saw The Future

    Ernie Cline - The Man Who Saw The Future
    Ernest Cline is the visionary best-selling author of Ready Player One, Ready Player Two, Armada, and the upcoming Bridge to Bat City, as well as the co-screenwriter of the blockbuster movie Ready Player One directed by Steven Spielberg, and co-founder of Readyverse Studios.  Cline is a brilliant novelist and screenwriter whose books have earned worldwide acclaim and a legion of devoted fans around the world. Cline's first visionary bestseller Ready Player One was eerily accurate prediction of where AI and virtual reality tech are taking us. Cline worked with legendary director Steven Spielberg in creating a mega-hit movie based on the novel.  Cline's deep research into UFO history and extraterrestrial scenarios culminated in a second best selling novel about an alien invasion, which has also been optioned for a future film. A sequel, Ready Player Two, topped bestseller lists in 2023 and is in development to become a film.  In this bonus episode of Weaponized, George and Jeremy travel to Austin Texas to visit their pal and to tour his astonishing collection of iconic pop culture collectibles, movie memorabilia, and a vast library UFO and sci-fi books, films, and collectibles. Ernie also revealed his soon to be released next book, based on a true story from his home town. It's a fun peek into the life of one of America's best writers, sort of an episode of "UFO Cribs”. You can pre-order Ernie’s new book Bridge To Bat City here : https://a.co/d/hlBRice  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    THE "JELLYFISH" UFO - How It Happened & What It Means

    THE "JELLYFISH" UFO - How It Happened & What It Means
    In the fall of 2017, security personnel at a U.S. military base in Iraq detected a highly unusual intruder. The bizarre object was essentially invisible to all but a thermal imaging system. A thermal recording of the object as it flew across the base was made by astonished observers. Within minutes, a video feed of the episode was cut off from U.S. allies located within the same base. Intelligence assets at the base continued to monitor the object as it crossed the facility, then zipped over an adjacent body of water, stopped on a dime, plunged into the lake, then emerged 17 minutes later and blazed into the heavens at an astonishing speed.  An attempt was made by the base commanders to collect and suppress all evidence of the incident. Witnesses were all sworn to secrecy. The full video files were seized, then buried. But somehow, a partial copy of the video was made and stored on an secret internal server. The object, dubbed "the spaghetti monster" by those who later saw parts of the video, seemingly resembled a jellyfish. It was widely viewed by base personnel in the months afterward.   In this episode of WEAPONIZED, Jeremy and George reveal details about how and when they obtained a video of the sensational Jellyfish UFO, what steps were taken to try and discern what it might be, and also respond to spurious attempts to explain away the jellyfish UFO as something other than a legitimate UAP. That Jellyfish video exploded onto the UFO scene days ago and has now been viewed by millions of people around the world. Included in this episode are comments from one of the military personnel who was present at the base soon after the incident. •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Introducing The Chris Chatman Do-Over, starring Ike Barinholtz

    Introducing The Chris Chatman Do-Over, starring Ike Barinholtz
    In this improvised comedy podcast, Ike Barinholtz stars as controversial shock jock host Chris Chatman. Chatman’s hit podcast was canceled but he's listened, learned, and is back on the mic to finally win over a few female listeners. Or maybe even just one. In each episode, Chatman and his co-hosts Frankie (Lisa Gilroy) and the Professor (Neil Casey) unpack hot-button issues with expert guests but offend pretty much everyone in the process. Guest stars include Amy Poehler, Fred Armisen, Ashley Nicole Black, Carla Cackowski, Craig Cackowski, Liz Cackowski, Jessica St. Clair, E.R. Fightmaster, Ego Nwodim, Busy Philipps, Emily Spivey, and Alice Stanley Jr. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The History Of UFO Disclosure - Can The Public Handle The Truth? - Guest : Richard Dolan

    The History Of UFO Disclosure - Can The Public Handle The Truth? - Guest : Richard Dolan
    Despite remarkable events of the past six years, the UFO public is impatient when it comes to truth and disclosure. When do we get to see the craft and bodies? Where is the real evidence? Will more whistleblowers come forward? Esteemed historian Richard Dolan has heard these demands before. His meticulously researched books about the complicated politics surrounding UFO truth, including the heavy-handed tactics used by intelligence agencies, the DOD, and defense contractors, are widely regarded as the most comprehensive and accurate accounts of all time. What does Dolan make of recent whistleblower revelations, strident statements by members of Congress, and renewed interest within academic circles? In this far-reaching conversation, Jeremy and George ask Dolan about current events compared to previous periods in American history, about the global nature of UFO incidents, and about how the public might handle UFO disclosure IF the truth turns out to be far darker than we might imagine.  Dolan also reveals details about his latest research project - a gargantuan investigation of USO cases, that is, incidents involving unidentified objects in or around bodies of water.  Check out Dolan’s work here : https://www.RichardDolanMembers.com  •••  Watch the three-part UFO docuseries titled UFO REVOLUTION on TUBI here : https://tubitv.com/series/300002259  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander
    Long before the existence of AAWSAP or AATIP, there was another UFO investigation within the Dept. of Defense named ATP [the Advanced Theoretical Physics program], headed by a veteran intelligence officer named Col. John Alexander. Alexander and colleagues searched for hidden evidence of UFO crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs but didn't find any. For years afterward, Alexander was skeptical whenever "crashed saucers" were mentioned, but what about now?  His detractors refer to Col. Alexander as "Dr. Death”. He is purported to have psychic powers and mind control abilities, is often associated with the shadowy "Aviary" group of UFO insiders, and is viewed with fear and suspicion whenever he attends a UFO conference, on a par with the Men in Black or Darth Vader. Alexander chuckles about how he is perceived by ufologists. He led special forces teams into combat during the Vietnam conflict, was involved with the US Army's remote viewing program, became the head of Non-Lethal Weapons research at Los Alamos lab, and in the 90's, hooked up with NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science which was created and funded by Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow. Alexander was with Bigelow when the businessman purchased what came to be known as Skinwalker Ranch.  In this episode, Dr. Alexander reveals to George and Jeremy how his view of the “crashed saucers” story has evolved, shares his impressions from the recent Sol conference, discusses previous attempts to achieve UFO transparency through congressional action, and gives his assessment of fellow intelligence officer Col. Phillip Corso.  Check out Col. John B. Alexander's books here : https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-B.-Alexander/author/B001HCZBZY  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander

    UFOlogy's DARTH VADER Changes His Tune About CRASHED SAUCERS - Guest : John B. Alexander
    Long before the existence of AAWSAP or AATIP, there was another UFO investigation within the Dept. of Defense named ATP [the Advanced Theoretical Physics program], headed by a veteran intelligence officer named Col. John Alexander. Alexander and colleagues searched for hidden evidence of UFO crash retrieval/reverse engineering programs but didn't find any. For years afterward, Alexander was skeptical whenever "crashed saucers" were mentioned, but what about now?  His detractors refer to Col. Alexander as "Dr. Death”. He is purported to have psychic powers and mind control abilities, is often associated with the shadowy "Aviary" group of UFO insiders, and is viewed with fear and suspicion whenever he attends a UFO conference, on a par with the Men in Black or Darth Vader. Alexander chuckles about how he is perceived by ufologists. He led special forces teams into combat during the Vietnam conflict, was involved with the US Army's remote viewing program, became the head of Non-Lethal Weapons research at Los Alamos lab, and in the 90's, hooked up with NIDS, the National Institute for Discovery Science which was created and funded by Las Vegas billionaire Robert Bigelow. Alexander was with Bigelow when the businessman purchased what came to be known as Skinwalker Ranch.  In this episode, Dr. Alexander reveals to George and Jeremy how his view of the “crashed saucers” story has evolved, shares his impressions from the recent Sol conference, discusses previous attempts to achieve UFO transparency through congressional action, and gives his assessment of fellow intelligence officer Col. Phillip Corso.  Check out Col. John B. Alexander's books here : https://www.amazon.com/stores/John-B.-Alexander/author/B001HCZBZY  •••  GOT A TIP? Reach out to us at WeaponizedPodcast@Proton.me  For breaking news, follow Corbell & Knapp on all social media.  Extras and bonuses from the episode can be found at https://WeaponizedPodcast.com  To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: https://www.audacyinc.com/privacy-policy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit https://podcastchoices.com/adchoices


    A so called friend, not anymore, used and abused me on my radio show and enough is enough! When Mr E wanted to come back to his radio show he made believe he was my friend just so he can call into my show and host it with me so he can advertise his return to his radio show. I knew he was fake friending me after a few days because he started to treat me like shit and disrespected me on my radio show. So FUCK OFF! It you have a radio show and are in the paranormal genre but talk about nothing that's paranormal related, I want you to leave my paranormal world NOW! Why are you wasting everyone's time with a social talk chat show about nothing? CNUFOS.NING.COM is growing beyond all expectations and it's all because of YOU, the MEMBERS. I talk about the wonderful members of the week and the stories posted on the site. It's because of you CNUFOS is getting huge and I thank you all! That's the show!