
    Critical Thinkers: Raise One, Be One - with Julie Bogart

    enMarch 17, 2022

    About this Episode

    Albert Einstein is often credited as saying, “Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” The quote’s true origins are unknown, but the sentiment has a Facebook-shareable quality to it and has gained traction as modern attitudes toward education grow and shift.

    In this episode we chat with the author of The Brave Learner and Raising Critical Thinkers, Julie Bogart. Julie draws on years of research and experience to discuss the flaws in our educational system exposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. School closures and distance learning have also offered families an opportunity to evaluate the direction of today’s schooling practices, and many agree: It’s time for change.

    Topics Covered:

    • The longstanding vulnerabilities in our educational system and the harm ultimately caused by standardized testing and teaching practices
    • The uptick in homeschooling that has resulted from the pandemic and continues even as restrictions lift
    • How can parents help cultivate a dynamic and diverse learning experience for children?
    • Training our own critical thinking skills by interrogating our gut reactions
    • Why it’s good to disagree
    • Technology’s role in learning and the importance of unplugging regularly

    Further resources:

    Check out The Collective by NWN

    Click here for the full show notes:  http://newworldintentions.com/blogs/news/julie-bogart-critical-thinkers

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    Recent Episodes from New World Normal

    Nurturing Intuition to Find Your Purpose with Kristen Swinehart

    Nurturing Intuition to Find Your Purpose with Kristen Swinehart

    Do you ever question your personal norms and wonder if there's a deeper purpose to your life? In this episode, we explore the inspiring journey of Kristen Swinehart, a former lawyer turned psychic medium.

    In this podcast episode, we dive into Kristen Swinehart's remarkable journey of self-discovery and embracing her unique gifts. Kristen shares how she discovered her ability  and overcame the resistance to pursue her true calling. She emphasizes the importance of questioning personal norms, trusting intuition, and paying attention to the signs offered by the universe.

    Moreover, Kristen sheds light on the afterlife, past lives, and self-care, discussing the challenges of physic abilities and how manifesting ties into the concept of service. She encourages us to embrace our strengths, take small steps, and come from a place of love..

    Through this interview with Kristen Swinehart, we are reminded of the significance of self-inquiry and trusting our individual capabilities. Whether you're feeling burnt out or overwhelmed, taking a step back and seeking support from those around us can help us manifest our dreams and find greater alignment in life.

    Tune in to this episode to gain valuable insights and be inspired to question your personal norms, embrace your gifts, and create meaningful connections with others.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Trust yourself and have confidence in doing the work you are called to do.
    • Questioning our personal norms can help us to find our life's purpose.
    • A big life transition can lead to discovering your true calling.
    • Develop an understanding and trust of intuition as a valuable tool.
    • Open yourselves to learning and taking small steps in order to find greater alignment in life.

    Connect with Kristen Swinehart:
    Facebook - Kristen Swinehart Medium
    LinkedIn - Kristen Swinehart, Esq.
    Instagram- kris10swinehart

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    New World Normal
    enMay 11, 2023

    Growing from Grief; The Power of Vulnerability for Grievers and Their Supporters

    Growing from Grief; The Power of Vulnerability for Grievers and Their Supporters

    Grief and loss are an inevitable part of life, but it can be overwhelming and challenging to navigate. In this episode, we're talking to Transformational Coach and Certified Grief Educator Suzanne Jabour. As a grieving mother she has found meaning in her loss by helping others who have experienced loss and those who are caring for them. We'll explore the importance of providing meaningful support and understanding for those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. We'll delve into actionable advice, key takeaways, and the power of connection and openheartedness in dealing with grief.

    Key Takeaways:

    • It's important to offer tangible expressions of support, such as hosting a gathering or performing a specific task, rather than relying on platitudes or productivity models.
    • Grieving is a normal and healthy part of life that requires proper support and witnessing.
    • Taking action and providing meaningful support is crucial, but platitudes and cliches can do more harm than good.
    • Letting the griever know that you're there to listen and witnessing  their pain and sorrow is the best way to help.

    Actionable Advice:

    • Practice connection and openness in supporting those who are grieving.
    • Offer tangible expressions of support to show you care.
    • Seek professional advice when necessary.
    • Seek  community and connection, we are not meant to do life alone.
    • Start conversations about grief and loss with your social circles to promote understanding and empathy while the stakes are low. Develop the language to navigate grief before the trauma is too great.

    Grief and loss is inevitable,  it requires action, empathy, and connection. By offering meaningful support and understanding to those who are grieving, we can help them find comfort and navigate through the grieving process. Avoiding platitudes and offering tangible expressions of support can be helpful, as can seeking professional advice when necessary. By starting conversations about grief and loss with our social circles, we can promote empathy and understanding, and support those who are grieving in a meaningful way. Remember, grief is a normal and healthy part of life, and by being there for those who are grieving, we can make a real difference.

    Connect with Suzanne Jabour:
    Website: A Lived Experience
    Instagram: @a.lived.experience
    Facebook:  A Lived Experience
    Blog: A Lived Experience

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    New World Normal
    enApril 27, 2023

    Inspiring Conscious Decisions: Taking Action for the Planet with The Earthy Girls

    Inspiring Conscious Decisions: Taking Action for the Planet with The Earthy Girls

    Looking for ways to care for our planet but not sure where to start? Look no further than this episode of New World Normal, where Debbie talks to Rachel Lovern Harris and Rebecca Behnke, a passionate mother-daughter duo who advocate for sustainability and the environment through their podcast, The Earthy Girls (available on all your favorite platforms).

    In this episode, we discuss practical and insightful tips on how you can make small changes in your daily activities that have a big impact on the environment. We cover topics such as recycling, water conservation, and mindful purchasing to positively impact the environment. We aim to cut through the overwhelming feeling of helplessness and empower you to make a difference. Remember, tiny shifts today can create significant change for tomorrow. We prioritize progress over perfection and show how being an imperfect environmentalist is still better than not being one at all.

    With Earth Day quickly approaching, and scientists sounding the alarms, this episode's message is more critical than ever. It is a message of empowerment and hope, with a few good-natured rants thrown in. Join New World Normal and The Earthy Girls on our mission to create a more environmentally aware society and make our world a better place for future generations.

    Connect with our guests on Instagram:
    The Earthy Girls
    Rebbeca Behnke (mom) and Raquel Lovern Harris (daughter)

    and check out their podcast!! on Spotify or Apple

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    New World Normal
    enApril 13, 2023

    Embracing Self-Love for Healthier Relationships: A Conversation with Isabel Campanelli

    Embracing Self-Love for Healthier Relationships: A Conversation with Isabel Campanelli

    Do you feel like you're stuck in a cycle of negative self-talk and unfulfilling relationships? Do you struggle with self-love and finding your purpose? If yes, then you don't want to miss today's episode, where we'll learn from Isabel Campanelli about the power of self-love and how it can transform your life.

    Today, we are joined by Isabel Campanelli, a relationship and communication coach, who helps people heal from past wounds and patterns, and align with their personal values to find meaning in their relationships. Isabel offers a Self Love Rebirth program that guides individuals to make conscious decisions and practice self-love in many forms, from positive self-talk to rituals and nutrition. In this episode, we'll dive deep into the importance of self-love in relationships and how traditional gender roles are changing. We'll also discuss how self-growth plays a vital role in exploring the possibility of a healthy relationship.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Self-love is a conscious decision and comes in many forms. Isabel's Self Love Rebirth program teaches individuals how to practice self-love and create a vision for their future.
    • Personal growth should be taken seriously when exploring the possibility of a relationship. Traditional gender roles are changing, and finding the perfect partner looks different now.
    • Creating containers and check-ins is essential to maintaining healthy relationships. It's vital to be mindful and stay in alignment with the people we are with.
    • Having an emotional or physical connection with someone helps decrease stress levels. Isabel offers a one-on-one private coaching program to help women love their life again.

    Isabel Campanelli's Self Love Rebirth program offers a transformative journey to help individuals heal from past wounds and patterns, align with their values, and find meaning in their relationships. Embracing self-love is crucial for healthier relationships, and Isabel's coaching program can help individuals create a positive vision for their future. Whether you're single or in a relationship, this episode will offer valuable insights and guidance on personal growth and finding true love.

    Connect with Isabel Campanelli:
    website: Throughline-coaching.com
    Instagram: Coach.IsabelCampanelli

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    New World Normal
    enMarch 30, 2023

    Healthy Eating for Overall Wellness with Alice Approved

    Healthy Eating for Overall Wellness with Alice Approved

    Are you looking to take control of your health and make small changes that will lead to big results? In this episode, we talk to Alice Smith, a Registered Dietitian and Certified Health Coach, about the importance of what we eat and what part it plays in supporting our overall health. Alice shares her personal experience with nutrition and encourages us to be our own best advocates. She also provides tips on how to navigate the grocery store in a healthy and reasonably priced way and emphasizes the importance of taking a holistic approach to health and wellness. Tune in now to learn more. 

    Key Takeaways:

    • Nutrition is a crucial part of optimal health
    • Strategies and advice for becoming an informed health advocate
    • Navigating the grocery store and reading labels
    • Small changes to diet and lifestyle for big results
    •  Boosting the gut microbiome
    • Seasonal produce and fresh herbs to enhance nutrition
    • Alice's "Eat Clean for 15" program
    • The importance of hydrating
    • Eating foods high in healthy fats
    • Practicing an 80/20 approach to diet.

    Connect with Alice:


    Instagram @alice_approved

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    New World Normal Podcast, 2023 Trailer

    New World Normal Podcast, 2023 Trailer

    New World Normal Podcast is a show that challenges listeners to rethink their current habits and live more aligned with their passions and purpose. We share stories of individuals who are making impactful changes in the world around them, working to create a more healthy, holistic, and inclusive future. We believe that the power to create social, environmental, and racial change lies with the collective, and we hope to inspire our listeners to make positive shifts in their own lives, no matter how small. These changes will then ripple out and create positive change in the world.

    To support the show and be a part of the movement towards a new way of living, listeners can subscribe and follow us on their favorite platforms, as well as connect with us on Instagram or TikTok. Join the conversation and discover how to live a more purposeful and impactful life. Connect with other intentional change makers in our community on nwncollective.com.

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    New World Normal
    enFebruary 22, 2023

    Goal-setting and What Works with Tara McMullin

    Goal-setting and What Works with Tara McMullin

    When we set goals for ourselves, it’s easy to get ambitious. Maybe sometimes a little too ambitious. So we break big goals down into smaller tasks, we create systems for accountability and progress-tracking, but is this really the answer? When a goal seems to require an entire personality overhaul, it’s time to reevaluate. Today’s guest, Tara McMullin, offers her refreshing perspective on productivity and the deeper implications of the goals we set.


    Tara is a writer, podcaster, and entrepreneur. Fresh off her debut book What Works, she discusses goal-setting and productivity. Are our goals truly our own? Moreover, is the path towards success identical for everyone? What should the process look like? The answers may surprise you, and might just give you a little peace of mind.


    Topics covered:

    • What informs the goals we set?
    • Why we may not even need goals
    • Knowing your value in the goal equation
    • When to say no to yourself
    • Less commitment is more!


    Further Resources:

    Tara’s Website/Podcast: https://explorewhatworks.com/

    Get Tara's book while supporting local book stores and the NWN Podcast! Check out the New World Normal Bookshelf powered by bookshop,org.
    Buy "What Works" Now

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    Let’s get Hygge for the Holidays

    Let’s get Hygge for the Holidays

    Who needs a hygge? 


    Pronounced “hoo-guh,” the word “hygge” refers to Denmark’s longstanding tradition of comfort. Warmth, family, relaxation, hygge covers it all. So what is it exactly? What rituals and traditions are considered hygge? While the answers to those questions depend on who’s asking, this lifestyle is accessible to everybody.


    Today, with holidays on the horizon, we’re talking hygge with Diane in Denmark. Diane is a Scottish transplant to Denmark who has embraced the Danish lifestyle and has helped others do so through her routine coaching. Ever wonder why Denmark is the happiest country? Grab some cocoa, cozy up, and find out with some good old-fashioned New World Normal.


    Topics covered:

    • What is “hygge” exactly?
    • How can we bring hygge into our daily lives, year-round?
    • The commodification of hygge, and why hygge can’t be bought
    • Where does comfort meet mindfulness?
    • The contributing factors to Denmark’s happiness


    Further Resources:

    Facebook: Diane in Denmark

    Instagram: @dianeindenmark

    Youtube: Diane in Denmark

     Check out the New World Normal membership community: https://nwncollective.com/

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    A Juicy Talk With Juicy AF

    A Juicy Talk With Juicy AF

    Just one drink. Harmless, right? Not always, even one drink can be a problem for many people. Here at TNWN, we keep things nonjudgmental, but educational. The truth is, alcohol isn't for everybody. Sometimes, even a glass of wine can physically, mentally, and socially destroy a person. When it gets to this point, what are our options?


    Today's guest, Kay Allison, is an entrepreneur and founder of Juicy AF (Alcohol Free), a community of women who have elected to take an intentional approach to alcohol consumption. Kay has been "AF" since 1999, and her program has helped women put the bottle down, reimagine their identities, and improve their lives.


    Topics covered:

    • Social drinking and how to handle the pressure and odd reactions when opting out
    • Does alcohol really help anxiety, or make it worse?
    • What to do instead of drinking?
    • How can we rewrite ourselves and our stories to serve us?


    Further Resources:

    Email Kay: kay@juicyaf.life

    Kay's Website: https://juicyaf.life

     Check out the New World Normal membership community: https://nwncollective.com/

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    All in the family, no really ALL of us

    All in the family, no really ALL of us

    When we think of “family,” a specific image usually comes to mind. Something reinforced on TV since the 50s, an ideal man and a picturesque woman with two wholesome children. It’s neat and tidy, but a tidy family is not real. We can do everything “right,” but the idea of “family” was never meant to fit neatly into a box. Today’s guest reminds us that, no matter what our family looks like, we’re doing ok.


    Amy Stone is a family coach who specializes in quieting the chaos that can come with a blended family. In today’s episode, we will discuss her work, the different forms a family can take, and how to balance it all.


    Topics covered:

    • How can your partner’s ex be your greatest childcare ally?
    • Why divorce doesn’t need to be terrible
    • Observing holidays across multiple families and events
    • The impact of language and emotional connotations on our familial relationships


    Further Resources:

    Facebook Group: https://m.facebook.com/groups/amysaysso

    Instagram: @amysaysso_coaching

    Website: https://www.amysaysso.com/

     Check out the New World Normal membership community: https://nwncollective.com/

    Connect with Debbie Harrell and New World Normal on Instagram

    Join the Conversation in our FREE Facebook Community

    Are you ready to GET INTENTIONAL? Check out The Collective by NWN

    Book a free Discovery Call with Debbie today!!

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