
    Podcast Summary

    • The Divide Between Online and Mainstream MediaIndividuals with large podcast or YouTube followings may not be recognized in traditional media. Skills for podcasting/YouTube differ from radio/TV. The pandemic forced media personalities to adapt, revealing technical skill gaps. Addressing mental health during the pandemic can receive positive response.

      The pandemic has highlighted the growing divide between online and mainstream media, with some individuals having significant followings in the digital world but little recognition in traditional media. The speaker, Enda, shares his personal experience of having a large podcast audience and Twitter following, but being relatively unknown in the mainstream media. He also notes that the skills required to succeed in podcasting or YouTube are different from those needed for radio or TV, and the pandemic forced many traditional media personalities to adapt to recording from home, revealing their lack of technical skills. Enda also discusses the importance of addressing mental health during the pandemic and the positive response he received from the Sunday Independent for an article he wrote on the topic.

    • The demise of clickbait sites and the divide between online and mainstream mediaOnline and mainstream media have become completely separate, individuals can only gain mainstream attention by posting on mainstream platforms, and online content rarely gains mainstream coverage.

      The once-thriving clickbait sites that acted as a bridge between online and mainstream media have largely disappeared since around 2018, leaving a vast divide between the two. These sites, which included BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, and Ireland's joe.ie and The Daily Edge, used to mediate between online and mainstream content by writing articles about popular tweets or Facebook posts, making the content more visible to a wider audience. However, with the collapse of these sites, online and mainstream media have become completely separate, and individuals can only gain mainstream attention if they post on mainstream platforms. The speaker shared his personal experience of this phenomenon, explaining that he can only gain mainstream attention if he appears on radio or television, even if he says something ridiculous or meaningless. This separation has led to a strange dynamic where online content, such as podcasts, rarely gains mainstream attention, while the same content shared on mainstream platforms is widely covered by news sites.

    • Disparity between Traditional and Online Media CompensationOnline media personalities often receive little to no financial compensation despite having large audiences, while traditional media figures earn substantial salaries.

      There's a significant disparity between the financial compensation for appearing on traditional media platforms like radio and television versus online media. The speaker shared his personal experience of receiving €250 for a music video and song, "Horse Outside," that gained 20 million views on YouTube, emphasizing that there was no monetization from the platform. He also noted that only a small number of media personalities receive large salaries in Irish TV or radio. Despite this, when he made comments on a radio interview, it was turned into a news article, while his more substantial content on his podcast often goes unnoticed. The speaker isn't complaining but highlights the inconsistency between the coverage and the importance of the content. Ultimately, he believes that the gap between mainstream and online media has grown increasingly vast, making it challenging to make sense of the media landscape.

    • Mainstream media ignoring online contentMainstream media's dismissal of online creators and viral content threatens accurate cultural representation and risks losing advertiser engagement.

      The mainstream media is not accurately reflecting contemporary culture by ignoring online content that resonates with large audiences. This trend is not unique to Ireland, but is prevalent in the UK and America as well. The landscape has changed from a novelty approach to online content to a reality where creators consistently produce viral content with large followings. Mainstream media's inability to acknowledge and platform these creators is threatening as advertisers increasingly engage with online content. It's no longer about kids in their bedrooms making funny videos; professional content is being made, and people prefer it. The mainstream media's dismissal of this shift does a disservice to the public by not providing accurate representation of cultural tastes.

    • Mainstream media's disconnect with online contentMainstream media's lack of understanding and engagement with online content is hindering their ability to keep up with the success of online creators and may result in missed opportunities for sponsorship deals and recognition.

      Mainstream media tends to ignore online content that doesn't intersect with their platform, despite the growing relevance and popularity of online media. This disconnect is widening the gap between the online world and mainstream media, with many traditional media outlets struggling to keep up with the success of online content creators. The lack of understanding and engagement with online content by mainstream media is questionable, especially when it comes to sponsorship deals and recognition. The disappearance of mediator websites like BuzzFeed, Huffington Post, and The Daily Edge further emphasizes this divide. Overall, the future of media lies in bridging this gap and finding a way to integrate and value online content alongside traditional media.

    • Media interest in mental health sparked by Blind Boy's podcast, leading to TV appearanceBlind Boy, despite initial reservations, uses media platform to spread mental health awareness, reaching a larger audience

      The media's interest in mental health issues was sparked when Blind Boy spoke about it in a newspaper article. He received numerous requests from radio, television, and print media to discuss his experiences further. Initially skeptical, Blind Boy agreed to appear on a TV show because he believed he could reach a larger audience and potentially help those who wouldn't typically listen to his podcast. He shared his reservations about daytime TV shows, including the tone and format, which he found unsuitable for his style. Despite his apprehensions, Blind Boy saw this opportunity as a chance to spread awareness and make a difference in people's lives. He acknowledged that he wouldn't normally participate in such shows but was willing to make an exception for mental health advocacy.

    • The Rubberbandits' struggle to fit in on Irish daytime TVArtists must prioritize authenticity and alignment with platforms to maintain integrity, even if it means passing on opportunities.

      The Rubberbandits, a comedy duo, have faced challenges when trying to appear on Irish daytime TV shows due to the tone and format not aligning with their artistic vision and performance style. For years, they received regular invitations to appear on a particular show, but refused due to the mismatch between their act and the show's tone. They eventually came up with a creative solution, proposing that they would only appear if the presenters pretended they were launching a new type of pudding called "Gray Pudding." However, the presenters were unable to fully commit to the bit, and the Rubberbandits ultimately decided against appearing. This experience highlights the importance of authenticity and alignment between artists and the platforms they engage with, as well as the challenges of maintaining artistic integrity in the face of external pressures.

    • A chat with Vincent Brown on politics and canned drinksThe speaker shares stories of a challenging on-set conversation with Vincent Brown and reflects on his past podcasting habits, appreciating the creative freedom of his podcast over mainstream media.

      The speaker shares stories from a past TV appearance where they and their guests, including Vincent Brown, had a lengthy discussion about politics while bringing their own cans for drinks due to the lack of available cans on set. Vincent, a Limerick native, had a difficult-to-understand accent off-camera, which made their conversation even more challenging. The speaker also reflects on his past habit of long, rambling introductions to his podcast and how he stopped doing it due to feedback from his mother. Additionally, the speaker expresses his appreciation for having full editorial control over his podcast, The Blind By Podcast, as an alternative to mainstream media where he feels he can't express himself as an artist. He encourages listeners who enjoy the podcast to support him financially through Patreon.

    • Supporting the podcast through Patreon and word-of-mouthListeners can access the podcast for free while supporting the host through Patreon. Yurt encourages interactive sessions on Twitch and shares his personal mental health journey on the podcast.

      The podcast "Blind Buy" by The Forward, hosted by Yurt, is sustained by listeners' support through Patreon and word-of-mouth. This model is based on kindness and allows everyone to access the podcast while providing an income for the host. Additionally, Yurt encourages listeners to join him on Twitch for interactive sessions and to share the podcast with others to help it grow. Mental health is another topic frequently discussed on the podcast, with Yurt sharing his personal experiences and mental health regime, which includes checking in with emotions, self-esteem, and living meaningfully. He emphasizes that everyone's needs are different, and his approach may not work for everyone, but speaking openly about his experiences can be helpful to some listeners. The podcast often addresses mental health during the pandemic, and listeners are encouraged to check out earlier episodes for more context. Yurt is not a mental health expert but shares his personal experiences and mental health regime, which has helped him maintain good mental health throughout the pandemic.

    • Experiencing Negative Emotions During the PandemicRecognize that negative emotions during the pandemic are natural and valid responses to an unprecedented situation. Be kind to yourself and understand that we'll get through this together.

      The current global pandemic and resulting lockdowns have led many individuals, including the speaker, to experience negative emotions and feelings of poor mental health. However, it's important to recognize that these responses are a natural reaction to an unprecedented and challenging situation. The speaker acknowledges that they've had to live their life in response to lockdown measures, which has limited their social interaction, exercise, and goal achievement. This experience has been relatable for many, as we've all had to take a step back from society in some way. The speaker also notes that the lack of authentic conversations and inability to fully empathically engage with strangers during the pandemic may have an impact on our empathy. Overall, it's essential to be kind to ourselves and recognize that our experiences during the pandemic are valid and understandable. We'll get through this together, even if it means continuing to live our lives in response to the ongoing challenges.

    • Facial surgeries impact empathy and emotional abilitiesFacial surgeries can affect empathy and emotional abilities, but negative emotions during the pandemic don't necessarily mean depression. Maintain goals, hygiene, and self-care for mental health.

      Our physical actions and appearances can impact our emotional and social abilities. A study in Hollywood found that people who underwent facial surgeries, such as face lifts, began to lose their ability to empathize with others due to reduced facial expressions. During the pandemic, many people have experienced negative emotions and social isolation, but these feelings don't necessarily equate to depression. Depression typically involves irrational negative views of self, others, and the future, whereas the negative emotions experienced during the pandemic have a rational basis. Maintaining goals, personal hygiene, and self-care are crucial for mental health, even during challenging times. It's essential to recognize that sadness, fear, and disappointment do not automatically mean poor mental health. Instead, setting achievable goals and focusing on self-care can help individuals navigate difficult circumstances and maintain their emotional well-being.

    • Accepting the reality of suffering and focusing on what's within our controlRecognize suffering as a given, focus on daily goals, find meaning in simple activities, and be kind to ourselves during hardships to find empowerment and control in life

      Accepting the reality of suffering in life and recognizing what is within our control can help us find meaning and purpose in our daily lives, even during challenging times. The speaker emphasizes the importance of acknowledging the givens of existence, such as suffering, and focusing on what we can control, like our attitude and response to it. He suggests setting one goal each day to cope with the reality, finding personal meaning in simple activities, and being kind to ourselves during exceptional circumstances. By doing so, we can find empowerment and a sense of control in an otherwise uncertain world.

    • Mindfully and meaningfully engaging in daily activitiesEngaging in daily activities mindfully and meaningfully can enhance our overall well-being by making tasks more fulfilling and injecting units of meaning into our day. Be cautious of activities like excessive use of social media, especially Twitter, which can lack meaning and negatively impact mental health.

      Finding meaning in everyday activities can help us cope during challenging times. Instead of performing tasks autonomously and worrying about external issues, we should focus on doing them mindfully and meaningfully. This approach not only makes our daily tasks more fulfilling but also injects little units of meaning into our day. However, some activities, like excessive use of social media, particularly Twitter, can lack meaning and even be detrimental to our mental health. Twitter, in particular, can be a source of hostility and negativity, and it's essential to be mindful of our time spent on such platforms and maintain authentic relationships. In summary, focusing on mindful and meaningful activities can help us find meaning in our daily lives and improve our overall well-being.

    • Social Media's Impact on Emotional Well-beingSocial media can lead to negativity, stress, and anger, but self-compassion and connecting with loved ones can bring joy and happiness.

      Our relationship with social media significantly impacts our emotional well-being. Social media platforms like Twitter can lead to meaninglessness, stress, anger, and negativity due to public arguments and performance-based interactions. On the other hand, platforms like WhatsApp, where we connect with known individuals, can bring joy and happiness. Self-compassion is another crucial aspect of maintaining emotional balance. It involves acknowledging our fallibility, accepting our imperfections, and treating ourselves with kindness and love, just as we would treat someone we deeply care about. The acceptance of unavoidable suffering and the practice of self-compassion can help us navigate the complexities of life and maintain a positive outlook. It's essential to recognize that it's okay to experience a range of emotions, but it's important to keep them in check and not let them excessively impact our quality of life.

    • Accepting the current situationFocus on what we can control and find meaning in the present moment to improve mental health and better cope with pandemic challenges

      It's important to accept the current situation, even if it's difficult or outside of our control, instead of focusing excessively on what could have been or what we're missing out on. This acceptance allows us to focus on what we can control and find meaning in our daily lives. Many people are struggling with motivation during the pandemic, and comparing the current situation to the first lockdown, when people were more motivated due to fear, can be unhelpful. Instead, we should try to find ways to accept the challenges and find meaning in the present moment. As one person on Instagram put it, "I've accepted that I can't meet my friends. I accept that I can't go on holidays. I accept all these things as things that are outside of my control and I go that shit, isn't it?" By focusing on what we can control and finding meaning in the present moment, we can improve our mental health and better cope with the challenges of the pandemic.

    • Personal reflections on the emotional impact of the pandemic in IrelandDespite fear and boredom during the pandemic, focusing on past motivations and necessary work can help maintain emotional well-being.

      The speaker shares his personal experience of the early days of the coronavirus pandemic in Ireland and how it has affected his motivation and emotions during the ongoing lockdown. He recalls how people were terrified during the initial outbreak, and now, though still cautious, they are less fearful. He expresses feelings of boredom, lack of motivation, and even bitterness due to the restrictions and inconveniences. To cope, he reminds himself of past motivations and focuses on the necessity of creating work to earn a living. For those struggling with bitterness and anger, the speaker suggests considering meditation as a way to access and process emotions. Overall, the speaker's reflections highlight the challenges of maintaining motivation and emotional well-being during the ongoing pandemic and the importance of finding ways to cope.

    • Carrying another's burden harms ourselvesPractice empathy and compassion instead of carrying anger towards others, as it harms ourselves and doesn't improve the situation.

      Holding onto anger and bitterness towards others only harms ourselves. Using the analogy of two Buddhist monks, the speaker explains how carrying another person's burden, even for a short time, can impact us for much longer. When we encounter someone who triggers our anger, such as someone not wearing a mask properly, it's essential to practice empathy and compassion. Instead of carrying their actions around with us, we should consider the reasons behind their behavior and try to understand their perspective. It's possible that the person may not be aware of the impact of their actions or may be dealing with their own struggles. By practicing empathy and compassion, we can release the burden of anger and improve the quality of our day.

    • Making Zoom calls more engaging and improving sleep qualityTo maintain meaningful connections during the pandemic, try injecting fun and purpose into Zoom calls through activities like quizzes or watching movies together online. Simple steps like going to bed early, avoiding screens before bedtime, and creating a separate workspace can help improve sleep quality.

      During the pandemic, maintaining meaningful connections with friends can be challenging, especially when it comes to Zoom calls. To make these conversations more engaging, try injecting fun and purpose into them through activities like quizzes or watching movies together online. Another challenge many people face is getting adequate sleep. Simple steps like going to bed early, avoiding screens before bedtime, and creating a separate workspace can help improve sleep quality. Additionally, reevaluate your relationship with substances like alcohol. While it may provide temporary relief from boredom or isolation, it can ultimately lead to negative consequences, especially when used in isolation. Instead, try finding alternative ways to relax and connect with others, such as listening to music, drinking tea, or engaging in hobbies.

    • Flexibility in Insurance and PodcastingUnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans offer flexible coverage options for medical, vision, dental, and more, beneficial for life transitions like job changes or starting a business.

      Flexibility is important in various aspects of life. The speaker mentioned the need for occasional bonus podcasts to keep things balanced, and similarly, having flexible insurance coverage can provide peace of mind during life transitions. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans, underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company, offer budget-friendly and flexible coverage options for medical, vision, dental, and more. These plans can be beneficial for those between jobs, coming off their parents' plans, starting a full-time business, or even missing open enrollment. So, whether it's in podcasting or insurance, remember that flexibility is a valuable asset. For more information on UnitedHealthcare Insurance Plans, visit uhone.com.

    Recent Episodes from The Blindboy Podcast

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    📞 Have something to say about this episode? Call the DUMBING IT DOWN WITH DAVE HOTLINE for free via 3477-IM-DUMB / (347) 746–3862. Keep it under 60 seconds with clean language, and maybe I'll play it on the next show.

    Keep the conversation going!
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    In this episode, Dave states that this may be the show's last episode, as well as why he thinks so.

    Interested in the discussion? Share your thoughts here at Spreaker in the comment section or tweet them @dumbwithdave.
    Don't forget to also share the episode on your other social media platforms.

    Check out this past episode!
    📻 Everyone is Entitled to Their Ignorance: Part Dumb (https://www.spreaker.com/user/dumbingitdownwithdave/everyone-is-entitled-to-their-ignorance-)

    Connect with Dave!
    🌐 Website: https://davekanyan.com/
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    📧 E-mail: dumbingitdownwithdave@yahoo.com

    Catch Dumbing it Down with Dave through these radio stations!
    📡 Mile Hi Radio: https://milehiradio.out.airtime.pro/milehiradio_a (Every Monday at 11:00 A.M. EST)
    📡 Crooked River Radio: https://live365.com/station/Crooked-River-Radio-Network-a79952 (Every Monday at 8:00 P.M. EST)


    About Dumbing it Down with Dave: You're listening to the fastest podcast on earth that's about pragmatism, truth, happiness, and the search for it all. I'm Dave Kanyan, a truck driver, husband, father, son, brother, friend, acquaintance, and probably not the best neighbor. I'll hold the door open for anyone. Don't rush; we've got plenty of time. Listen as I record my show from my car as I drive to and from work. We discuss everything and nothing, all at the same time. Enjoy your commute listening to me during my commute. Come along for the ride. I'll tell ya and ask you (nicely) how life oughta be. Thanks for listening!

    Listen to Dave's other podcast episodes!
    📢 Spreaker: https://www.spreaker.com/show/dumbing-it-down-with-dave_1

    You can also watch and subscribe to Dave as he talks about living in his Honda Fit, as well as his newly purchased Dodge Caravan, during his work week and allowing himself to exchange two hours of commuting for two hours of exercise, along with more sleep. Head over to Dave's Fit Life!
    📹 YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/davesfitlife

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    Follow her podcast on instagram @mending_modern_magic and her social @sarah_alweiss for more self improvement/ mental health content. Thank you to Sarah for coming on the show.

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    Follow Maddy on her socials :
    Insta : maddycroall
    Twitter: maddycroall

    Make sure to subscribe to the podcast as well to the channel for more content in general!
    Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/chill-cactus/id1495269860
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/47PZZkq5r4M1zTwAqWqxBu?si=vq0xq_0RS4uNiwCDLBG2mg
    Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/ChillCactus
    Instagram: Jeffrey_ricklin
    Podcast Social : Chill_cactuss

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    And he also shared a very cool acoustic set of his most favorite tracks, all recorded in one take in my Chevrolet Bruise the day before Halloween. Check the video of his set on the SebCamCo TV YouTube channel link below, as well as more links about Matthew's music. Enjoy the show!


    Matthew's Acoustic Set Live:


    Matthew Johnston's albums on SoundCloud:


    Matthew Johnston's YouTube Channel:




     Find the Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast on Discord:
