
    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring CSS Positioning and Sizing with Scott Talinsky and Wes BosMaster CSS fundamentals to prevent common issues like text overflowing boxes and ensure effective web development

      CSS, while sometimes perceived as difficult or frustrating, is a crucial part of web development. John Lynch, a listener from the West of Ireland, asked Scott Talinsky and Wes Bos to create an episode on CSS positioning and sizing, acknowledging that many novice front-end developers struggle with it. Scott and Wes plan to go through a layout provided by John and discuss the basics of CSS. They believe that with proper understanding, issues like text overflowing boxes, which have become a classic joke, can be avoided. They also encourage learning CSS thoroughly to master it and eliminate such issues. During the podcast, they mention their sponsors: Manning Books, which offers deals on their CSS-related books and video courses, and Sentry, which helps with error and exception tracking. The hosts express their excitement about the upcoming holiday season and wrap up by diving into the CSS discussion. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of CSS and encourages learners to invest time in mastering it.

    • Understanding CSS Positioning: Static, Relative, Absolute, Fixed, and StickyCSS positioning determines where an element sits on a webpage. Static is the default, while relative, absolute, fixed, and sticky each offer unique ways to position elements, affecting their interaction with other content.

      In CSS, positioning an element determines how it sits on the page, and the type of positioning (static, relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky) affects how it interacts with other elements. By default, an element is static and takes up the space it needs based on its content and whether it's a block or inline element. Position relative makes the element positioned relative to its normal position, allowing minor adjustments like moving it up or down using top, right, bottom, and left properties. However, the primary use of position relative nowadays is as a container for a position absolute item. Position absolute gives up its spot in line and doesn't take up space on the page, causing other elements to move up and fill the gap. Understanding these positioning types and their effects on layout is crucial for creating visually appealing and functional web designs.

    • Positioning elements in CSS: Absolute vs FixedAbsolute positioning is relative to the nearest positioned ancestor, while fixed positioning is relative to the viewport. Use absolute positioning with a container for more control and easier design.

      Absolute and fixed positioning in CSS are used to place elements relative to different references. Absolute positioning is relative to the nearest positioned ancestor, while fixed positioning is relative to the viewport. Absolute positioning can lead to elements losing their place in the document flow, making it difficult to design the rest of the page. Fixed positioning, on the other hand, is commonly used for elements that need to stay in a fixed position on the screen, such as pop-ups or modals. However, it has some quirks, especially in Safari, which can make it less desirable to use. Instead, consider using absolute positioning with a container that is relatively positioned and has a defined height and width. This approach allows for more control and easier design of the page layout.

    • Creating sticky elements without disrupting flowPosition sticky allows elements to stick to the top of a scrolling container while maintaining their position in the DOM, but has limited browser support and may require fallbacks for older browsers. Heights in CSS can be tricky to manage and require content or specific positioning to take effect.

      Position sticky is a valuable CSS property for creating elements that stick to the top of a scrolling container without disrupting the document flow. Unlike position absolute, which can cause jumping and reordering of content, position sticky allows elements to maintain their position while still taking up space in the DOM. However, it's important to note that position sticky has limited browser support and may require fallbacks for older browsers. Another key takeaway is that heights in CSS can be tricky to manage, especially when compared to widths. Unlike widths, which automatically adjust based on the parent container, heights require the presence of content or specific positioning to take effect. This can lead to frustration for new CSS developers when trying to achieve desired layouts. Understanding the quirks of heights and positioning is essential for creating effective and responsive designs.

    • Focus on width instead of height for non-fluid elementsIn responsive design, control width instead of height for non-fluid elements to ensure adaptability and maintain maximum size with properties like max height, min height, and positioning.

      In responsive web design, when dealing with non-fluid elements, it's generally best to focus on width rather than height. Giving an element a fixed height can limit its ability to adapt to the changing browser size and content. Instead, let the content determine the height, and control the width. Max height and max width, as well as min height and min width, serve as safeguards to prevent elements from going beyond a certain size. They are particularly useful in responsive design, especially when dealing with containers that need to maintain a maximum size. Top, bottom, left, and right are primarily used for positioning elements within a container. Transforms, on the other hand, are a more efficient and performant choice for animations. Additionally, using transforms allows animations to be offloaded to the GPU for smoother performance. In summary, understanding when to use different CSS properties like viewport units, height and width, max height and min width, and positioning properties is crucial for effective responsive web design. Always consider the specific use case and the desired outcome to make the most informed decision.

    • Understanding container-child relationships and box model for proper CSS positioning and sizingMaster CSS positioning and sizing by understanding container-child relationships, box model, and default display properties. Utilize resources like Manning Publications' CSS In-depth in Motion course for advanced learning.

      Understanding the relationships between containers and their children in CSS is crucial for proper positioning and sizing. When an element is positioned absolutely, fixed, or sticky, its position is determined by the nearest parent with a position of relative, absolute, or sticky. This concept is closely related to the box model, which determines how elements take up space and deal with it. By default, elements have specific display properties, such as block for divs and paragraphs, and inline for span and emphasis tags. It's important to be aware of these defaults and how they affect space usage. Overall, mastering CSS requires a deep understanding of these related concepts. We also discussed the importance of resources like Manning Publications' CSS In-depth in Motion course, which covers various advanced CSS topics including cascade specificity, inheritance, and responsive design. By learning these concepts, developers can create more complex and effective websites.

    • Exploring Different HTML Display TypesUnderstanding various HTML display types, such as mark, span, inline-block, and iframe, is essential for creating accessible, efficient, and well-structured web content. Use mark for highlighting text, span for wrapping content, inline-block for giving inline elements width and height, and iframe with JavaScript for communicating height information.

      HTML elements come in various display types, each with unique properties and uses. For instance, the `mark` tag, which is similar to the `strong` tag, allows users to highlight text with a yellow background by default. However, it's not commonly used, and most developers opt for `emphasis` or `strong` instead. Another intriguing element is the `span`, which is an inline element that wraps around content without accepting a width or height. It's like cling wrap or Span-ar-an wrap, as some people call it. When it comes to giving inline elements a width or height while keeping them in the document flow, using inline-block is the solution. This display type accepts a width and height, making it an excellent choice for images, which are inline-block by default. Additionally, the iframe, a block element, can't determine its content size, so using JavaScript's postMessage function can help communicate height information between the parent and iframe documents. Understanding these differences and various display types is crucial for creating accessible, efficient, and well-structured web content. While there are many other elements, grasping the basics of these display types is a solid foundation for further exploration.

    • Using Images and Videos for Specific RatiosUse images or videos with desired ratios for specific element sizes. Alternatively, use padding hacks for other elements.

      Images and videos have unique properties in CSS due to their ratio-based content. To achieve specific ratios for other elements, one can use images or videos with those ratios, size them up, and the width and height will adjust accordingly. Another method is using a padding hack. Floats were once widely used for layout purposes before the availability of better tools, but now they are mainly used for text wrapping around images. Clear fixing was necessary when using floats to maintain container structure, but it's no longer a concern with modern layout tools like Flexbox and Grid. Floats should be used only for their intended purpose, which is having text wrap around images, and not for website layout.

    • Modern web development tools and error trackingUsing Flexbox, Grid, and error tracking tools like Sentry streamlines web development, enhances layout flexibility, and ensures high-quality user experiences.

      Using modern web development tools like Flexbox and Grid can significantly simplify the development process for new developers and make previously complex layout issues a thing of the past. Additionally, utilizing error tracking tools like Sentry can help developers efficiently identify and address bugs, ensuring a high-quality user experience. Flexbox and Grid have revolutionized the way we approach web design by providing more flexible and efficient methods for creating responsive layouts. Instead of relying on media queries and fixed widths, developers can now create designs that grow and adapt to different screen sizes using max-width properties and other features. Moreover, error tracking tools like Sentry are essential for any publicly available codebase. They help developers identify and address bugs in real-time, allowing for quick resolution and a better user experience. With features like organized bug tracking and notifications, Sentry provides a game-like experience that encourages developers to continuously improve their code and maintain a clean dashboard. In conclusion, embracing modern web development tools and utilizing error tracking solutions can lead to a more efficient and effective development process, ultimately resulting in a better user experience.

    • Designing for different devices: Mobile first or desktop first?The choice between mobile first and desktop first media queries depends on the project's complexity, the designer's experience, and the primary audience for the website. Modern tools like CSS Grid and viewport units simplify the process.

      When it comes to designing and developing websites using modern tools, the approach to writing media queries, whether mobile first or desktop first, depends on the specific project and its design requirements. Scott shared his personal experience, stating that he usually goes for desktop first when designing from pre-existing designs or when his primary audience is on wider devices. However, when designing in the browser and dealing with frequent changes, he starts with desktop and then writes media queries to make it responsive. Ultimately, the decision between mobile first or desktop first depends on the project's complexity, the designer's experience, and the primary audience for the website. Additionally, the use of modern tools like CSS Grid and viewport units makes the process of designing for different devices much easier and more efficient.

    • Viewport units for easier website designViewport units make it easier to center elements, create responsive designs, and adjust mobile typography.

      Viewport units have made designing and developing websites much easier, especially when it comes to centering elements and creating responsive designs. Viewport units, such as VW, VH, Vmin, and Vmax, are relative to the viewport instead of the container, making it easier to size elements based on the browser window. This is particularly useful for centering elements on a page by setting a minimum height of 100vh on the body and HTML tags, and then using display grid or flex to justify and align items in the center. Additionally, viewport units can be used for mobile typography to make text size responsive as the browser window is resized. Overall, viewport units are an invaluable tool for designers and developers, making the process of creating websites more efficient and effective.

    • Using Viewport Units for Efficient Responsive DesignUsing viewport units like vw and vh in CSS allows text and elements to adjust size automatically based on screen size, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and improving efficiency in responsive web design.

      Using viewport units in CSS, specifically vw and vh, allows text and elements to automatically adjust size based on the screen size, eliminating the need for manual adjustments at breakpoints. This makes designing and developing responsive websites more efficient and effective. Additionally, viewport units can be used in combination with other CSS features like calc for added flexibility. This method was commonly used before the introduction of grid layout and can still be useful for specific use cases. Overall, modern CSS offers numerous advantages over older methods, making web development more enjoyable and efficient.

    • Exploring the unsolved Gardner Art Museum heist with 'Last Seen'Discover the in-depth story of the Boston Gardner Art Museum heist through 10 episodes of 'Last Seen', featuring new interviews and excellent storytelling.

      There's a new podcast series called "Last Seen" from WBUR and The Boston Globe, which explores the famous unsolved Gardner Art Museum heist in Boston. The podcast consists of 10 episodes and provides an in-depth look into the heist, its key players, and the ongoing investigation. The podcast's storytelling is excellent, and it features interviews with people who have never been interviewed before about the heist. If you're interested in true crime or art heists, "Last Seen" is a must-listen. Additionally, Wes Boss mentioned creating a video using a DJI Tello drone and a JavaScript-powered front end in React. Giloselly plugged a new design systems course with styled components in React at Leveluptutorials.com. Overall, the podcast episode provided recommendations for engaging content across various interests.

    • Explore free web development courses on Syntax.fmSyntax.fm offers a range of free courses on web development topics like CSS Grid, JavaScript 30, Flexbox, Redux, command line, and markdown.

      Syntax.fm, a programming podcast, offers an abundance of free courses for various topics in web development, including CSS Grid, JavaScript 30, Flexbox, Redux, command line, and markdown. These courses can be found on westboss.com/courses. The podcast also encourages listeners to subscribe and review the show. This means that individuals interested in expanding their web development skills have a wealth of resources available to them at no cost. The podcast's host is grateful for the listeners' attention and promises to continue providing valuable content in the upcoming episodes. Additionally, the full archive of all shows can be accessed on syntax.fm.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 Who is Paul Copplestone?
    • 01:17 Why ‘Supa’ and not ‘Super’?
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    • 08:42 Simplicity in design.
    • 10:32 How do you take Supabase one step beyond the competition?
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    • 20:59 The product strategy.
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    • 50:39 Sick Picks + Shameless Plugs.

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    Vue.js: The Documentary.

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    Show Notes

    • 00:00 Welcome to Syntax!
    • 00:30 What does the React Compiler do?
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    • 36:41 How closely are the NextJS and React teams working?
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    • 43:52 Async Local Storage API.
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    • 57:51 Sick Picks & Shameless Plugs.

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    784: Logging × Blogging × Testing × Freelancing

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    LogRocket - Sponsor

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    Career Foundry Coding Bootcamp Review

    Career Foundry Coding Bootcamp Review

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    Host & Guests:
    Don Hansen - https://www.linkedin.com/in/donthedeveloper
    Nicole Villa - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-villa
    Hunter Evanoff - https://www.linkedin.com/in/hunterevanoff
    Teresa Loafman - https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresa-loafman


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    A191 - What are lead generation techniques to get me out of the feast and famine revenue cycle?

    A191 - What are lead generation techniques to get me out of the feast and famine revenue cycle?

    In the last 5 episodes I shared with you a course called Stop the Cycle where Curtis McHale and myself to be delivered to you on November 30th at 3:30 PM EST.

    A few people who have registered, jumped in and shared some feedback they had, well because we asked them what is it that they hope to get out of the course. What sparked you in deciding to join us. We want to make sure whoever joins us, gets the most value from it.

    This came by way of some feedback from one of those people.

    So with anything in business, it comes down to who you are, who you work with, and most importantly what’s working right now.

    The great thing about the Stop the Cycle course is that you will get 2 people’s point of view on running a business that is quite similar.

    What’s worked for me hasn’t for Curtis and vice versa.

    We are going to give you our best strategies and techniques that has landed us great work over the past decade, and still does to this very day.

    What I want you to do right now is to think about what’s working for you today.

    Also I want you to think about what is it about that lead generation strategy that you want to get away from? And why?


    See for me, podcasting has been a great lead generation strategy for me. Ever since I started my business I found podcasting to be beneficial to me in a variety of different ways including widening my network and positioning myself in the market.


    Curtis is a writer of several books and does a ton of writing very well. He gets paid to write for other companies and it also brings in clients to him as well. He does a lot of content marketing, writing specifically, well to be honest, hasn’t worked as well for me.

    Seeking out specific conversations

    Another tactic that I will dive deep on is jumping into highly specific conversations on Twitter and Facebook. By targeting certain keywords, I built a system to look for those keywords and then ping me in Slack when a tweet contained that keyword.

    This way it allowed me to be mindful of my time so that I can not be distracted for 20, 30, or 60 minutes down the social media rabbit hole.

    If my sales bot pings me in Slack, I can look at it in realtime or later even, and if it’s relevant, jump into that conversation and then get back to work.

    Time Management

    Curtis will dive into the time management since he’s much better at this than I. He has literally written the book on Analog Productivity. Curtis has built his business to work around his schedule and he’ll show you how to do this so that you actually have the time to market yourself.

    If you are wondering what else you are going to get out of this course is that you’ll get lead generation strategies. A huge benefit of this course is that you will get both of us and hear our takes on various strategies, how we approached them, and hear how different things worked for us.

    We both have families that we enjoy spending time with, businesses that are stable that support our families and afford us to enjoy the kind of lives we want.

    Stop the Cycle is the foundation of our businesses.

    👉 For full show notes to this episode & more resources for you.

    Goddamnit, Improve Your Customer Care

    Goddamnit, Improve Your Customer Care

    I’m going to go on a bit of a rant today, but I promise if you listen all the way to the end, you’re going to learn the number one way to improve your sales and repeat customers.

    Literally, the number one thing that has kept my clients coming back to me, referring me to their friends and contacts, and giving me great reviews.

    Want to know what that is?

    Of course you do!

    Listen to today's episode to find out.

    Kelly and Karin: Speaking of Social Media

    Kelly and Karin: Speaking of Social Media
    Sometimes I really miss AIM. I used to leave away messages all the time and so did all my friends. Update people with what you're doing or put song lyrics in the away messages...I'm just not going to do that on Slack. Hosts Kelly Corey and Karin Thorne chat about their experiences with various social media accounts over the years. They also share the results of a recent listener poll and reminisce fondly about AIM. Music This episode features "Brain Power" by Mela (https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Mela/Mela_two) from the album Mela two. Follow Karin kethorne.com (http://www.kethorne.com/) | Twitter (https://twitter.com/kaythorne) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/karin_thorne/) | E-mail (mailto:contact@kethorne.com) JSWebb Development, LLC jswebbdevelopment.com (https://jswebbdevelopment.com/) | Twitter (https://twitter.com/JSWebb_Dev) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/jswebbdev/) | E-mail (mailto:jswebbdevelopment@gmail.com) Follow Kelly kell.dev (https://kell.dev/) | Twitter (https://twitter.com/kellytoearth) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/kellytoearth/) | E-mail (mailto:hello@kell.dev) Follow Salt City Code Twitter (https://twitter.com/saltcitycode) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/saltcitycode/) | E-mail (mailto:saltcitycode@gmail.com)