
    Podcast Summary

    • Responsive design goes beyond mobile and desktop approachesOngoing maintenance like filter cleaning is crucial for optimal responsive design performance, using grids and flexbox techniques, testing, and future-proofing.

      Responsive design goes beyond mobile first and desktop first approaches. It requires ongoing maintenance, such as filter cleaning for vacuums, to ensure optimal performance. In the discussion on Syntax, Scott and Wes explored various techniques for responsive design, including the use of grids and flexbox. They also highlighted the importance of testing and future-proofing designs. While sharing personal stories, Wes mentioned the importance of keeping up with the maintenance of various cleaning tools, drawing a parallel to the upkeep required for responsive design. Sponsored by Linode, Cloud Computing; LogRocket, JavaScript Session Replay; and FreshBooks Cloud Accounting, this episode offered valuable insights for web developers looking to create effective and adaptable websites.

    • Understanding when to use fluid containers and fixed pixel valuesResponsive web design involves using fluid containers and percentages, but fixed pixel values are necessary for certain use cases. Max width on the wrapper can prevent readability issues on larger screens.

      Responsive web design goes beyond just media queries and breakpoints. While fluid containers and percentages are important techniques for creating a responsive website, they may not be suitable for all use cases. It's essential to understand when to use fluid containers and when to keep elements at fixed pixel values. Additionally, using max width on the wrapper can prevent issues with readability on larger screens. Overall, responsive web design is about creating a website that responds to its container or viewport, and there are various techniques to achieve this goal. Understanding these techniques and their appropriate use cases can help create a better user experience across different devices.

    • Designing responsive websites with containers and media queriesContainers expand to browser width with a max limit and media queries toggle CSS code based on browser width to ensure websites adapt to various screen sizes

      In web design, particularly for responsive websites, using a container that expands to the browser width and setting a max width is essential. This approach allows the site to adapt to various screen sizes, ensuring it doesn't become too large or unwieldy. The next level in responsive design involves media queries, which toggle CSS code on and off based on browser width, enabling responsive design based on the viewport. There are different approaches to implementing media queries, including desktop-first and mobile-first, with each having its advantages. Ultimately, the choice between these approaches depends on the audience and content of the site. For sites where desktop users are the primary audience, a desktop-first approach may be more suitable, while mobile-first can be more effective for mobile-focused sites. Regardless of the approach, the goal is to create a website that looks good and functions well on all screen sizes.

    • Designing for primary screen sizes and adjusting for othersIdentify specific design breakpoints based on when the design starts to look bad, rather than relying on device-specific sizes.

      When it comes to designing and developing websites, there are different approaches to handling breakpoints. Some developers prefer to start with mobile devices and make adjustments as they move up to larger screens, while others begin with desktop and simplify for smaller screens. The speaker and another developer share a similar approach, developing for the primary screen sizes their audience uses and making adjustments for other sizes as needed. They also discuss the challenges of using device-specific breakpoints due to the constantly changing landscape of devices and sizes. Instead, they suggest identifying specific points where the design starts to look bad and using those as breakpoints. Ultimately, the key is to find a method that works best for the project and team, and be open to adapting as needed.

    • Setting Balance in Responsive Design with Predefined BreakpointsPredefined breakpoints ensure consistent user experience and make testing easier, while considering project needs and menu design for optimal user experience.

      When it comes to responsive design and setting breakpoints, it's important to strike a balance between flexibility and consistency. While it's tempting to just "slap in" numbers willy nilly, doing so could result in unexpected issues that go unnoticed. Instead, having a set of predefined breakpoints can help ensure a more consistent user experience across different devices, while also making it easier to test and debug. Additionally, it's important to consider the specific needs of your project – for example, whether you prioritize having your design look nice on every device size or just on specific ones. Lastly, menus can be a particularly tricky aspect of responsive design, and it's okay to have separate menus for desktop and mobile to ensure the best possible user experience in each context.

    • Grid systems vs CSS Grid for responsive designGrid systems are being replaced by CSS Grid for its increased flexibility and reduced need for extensive grid-related CSS. Duplicating content for mobile navigation is acceptable for user experience, but avoid it for SEO. Reliable hosting is crucial for unresponsive websites.

      Grid systems are an effective way to design responsive websites by defining columns that adapt to different screen sizes. This technique, which was widely used in the past, involves pinning content to specific columns, allowing it to fall into place as the columns reshape. While grid systems are still usable, they have largely been replaced by CSS Grid due to its increased flexibility and reduced need for extensive grid-related CSS. Another key takeaway from the discussion is the importance of understanding when to duplicate content for mobile navigation versus avoiding it altogether. While it's essential to avoid duplicate content for SEO purposes, it's acceptable to duplicate navigation for mobile users to ensure a seamless user experience. Lastly, the importance of reliable hosting, such as Linode, for unresponsive websites was emphasized.

    • Understanding Grid and Flexbox for Responsive Web DesignGrid and Flexbox offer flexibility and dynamic ways to adjust layouts for responsive web design, replacing rigid grid systems with techniques like auto-fit, auto-fill, and min-max.

      Grid and Flexbox are essential techniques for responsive web design, providing flexibility to handle content wrapping, document flow, and container sizing. While grid systems were once necessary for major flexibility, they were often rigid and inflexible. With Grid and Flexbox, designers can embrace the flexibility of the web and focus on ensuring functionality and usability across devices. Grid and Flexbox allow for defining how containers flex or display dynamic grids, and techniques like auto-fit, auto-fill, and min-max make content adjust seamlessly across different viewpoints. While media queries are still useful for specific redefinitions, Grid and Flexbox offer more dynamic ways to adjust layouts, and designers can continue to explore and push the boundaries of what's possible with these techniques.

    • Using CSS Grid for dynamic, responsive designsCSS Grid's 'autofit' and 'repeat' allow columns to adapt, while 'Clamp' sets minimum, max, and ideal values for elements, making designs responsive. Flexbox also offers similar features. Mastering these techniques takes practice.

      CSS Grid and related techniques offer powerful ways to create dynamic, responsive designs. For instance, using "autofit" with "repeat" in CSS Grid allows columns to expand and contract within a container while maintaining minimum and maximum sizes. Similarly, "Clamp" lets you set a minimum, maximum, and ideal value for elements, making them adapt to the viewport size. Flexbox also has related features. However, mastering these techniques requires experience and understanding, as they can initially appear complex. Additionally, tools like LogRocket can help developers identify and fix syntax errors or responsiveness issues in their sites.

    • LogRocket's session replay and Container QueriesLogRocket helps understand user behavior and improve site conversion, while Container Queries provide more flexibility in designing components within containers, enhancing the development experience.

      LogRocket's session replay feature enables developers to better understand user behavior on their site, identify and surface issues, and improve the site's conversion rate. Meanwhile, Container Queries, a new CSS feature, allows developers to change CSS properties based on container size instead of viewport width, providing more flexibility in designing components and adapting them to different contexts. Although Container Queries are not yet supported in Firefox, they are expected to bring significant improvements to website layouts, especially when dealing with nested layouts or components used inside other containers. Developers can continue using media queries for larger layout issues and Grid for grid-based designs, but container queries offer a more nuanced approach for handling component sizing and positioning within containers. The syntax for container queries involves defining a container and its type, with three different types of container values available. Overall, these tools and features aim to simplify and enhance the development experience, allowing for more dynamic and responsive designs.

    • Container Queries: Styles based on container sizeContainer Queries allow designers to apply styles based on the size of a container element, improving responsive design efficiency. Use container type, define media queries within, and apply when container reaches a minimum size.

      Container queries are a new CSS feature that allows designers to apply styles based on the size of a container element rather than the viewport. This can be particularly useful for designing responsive layouts where the size of the container affects the size and positioning of its content. There are three types of container queries: container type size, container type inline size, and container type normal. Container type size is used when an element needs to respond to both block and inline dimensions, while container type inline size is for when the container is growing primarily in width. Container type normal is for elements that are not containers for queries. To use container queries, you first define the container itself using container type, and then you can define media queries within that container using the "at container" syntax instead of "at media". Container queries are applied when the container reaches a minimum size, and you can name your container queries for easier management. Additionally, new container query units like container query width and container query height are on the horizon. Container queries offer a more efficient way to create responsive designs, but they are not yet fully supported in all browsers, with Firefox being a notable exception.

    • Container Queries and Fit Text: Current Solutions and Future ProspectsContainer Queries and Fit Text are promising solutions for adjusting content to fit containers, but their implementation timeline and limitations necessitate ongoing innovation in web design tools.

      While container queries and fit text are approved specifications in browsers like Chromium, Safari, and potentially soon in Firefox, the implementation timeline for Firefox is uncertain due to the company's recent layoffs. For fit text, a simple JavaScript-based solution involves increasing the font size until the text overflows the container and then dialing it back, creating a dynamic fit for the text within the container. However, this method has its limitations and may not be ideal for more complex use cases. Theoretically, container queries with clamp and CSS could provide a more elegant solution, but currently, it's based on viewport width rather than container width, which poses a challenge. Firefox's delayed implementation of container queries and the limitations of current fit text solutions highlight the need for continued innovation in web design and development tools.

    • Testing responsive design with tools and appsTools like device viewports, inspecting mobile devices in simulators, and Polypane app help ensure seamless user experience across various devices. New techniques like ranged media queries and custom media queries make responsive design more intuitive and efficient.

      Testing and implementing responsive design for websites is crucial to ensure a seamless user experience across various devices. The speaker discussed using browser tools like device viewports and inspecting mobile devices in simulators for testing. He also recommended the Polypane app for testing multiple browser sizes at once. Additionally, the speaker introduced two future techniques for media queries: ranged media queries and custom media queries, which make it easier to define and implement media queries. These techniques allow for more intuitive and efficient responsive design. Overall, the key takeaway is that there are numerous tools and techniques available to help create responsive designs that adapt to different devices and screen sizes.

    • Streamlining Business Processes with FreshBooks and Lutron's Smart SwitchesFreshBooks simplifies accounting and billing, while Lutron's Diva Dimmer Switches offer seamless installation and additional features. Both tools save time and effort, allowing individuals to focus on their work and enjoy smart technology benefits.

      Both FreshBooks and Lutron's smart switches are making life easier for businesses and homeowners by streamlining processes and improving efficiency. FreshBooks simplifies accounting and billing through its cloud-based solution, allowing business owners to focus more on their work and less on paperwork. Lutron's new Diva Dimmer Switches offer a seamless installation process, reliable connectivity, and additional features like night lights. For home lighting, Sunco's affordable Wi-Fi bulbs provide a colorful and reactive alternative to smart switches, particularly for outdoor applications. Overall, these tools help save time and effort, allowing individuals to prioritize their work and enjoy the benefits of smart technology. Be sure to check out FreshBooks for a 30-day free trial at freshbooks.com, and consider upgrading your lighting setup with Lutron's Diva Dimmer Switches and Sunco's Wi-Fi bulbs.

    • Exploring the benefits of smart home devicesSmart home devices offer convenience, energy savings, and improved routines, but may require hardwiring or apps for control and vary in quality.

      The use of smart home devices, such as Sunco lights, can greatly enhance the convenience and efficiency of daily routines. However, these devices may require hardwiring or the use of apps like Tuya for control, and some may not be of the highest quality. Despite this, the benefits of home automation, such as scheduling lights to turn on and off at specific times, creating playlists for dinner music, and automating closet lights to turn off after a set period, can lead to significant energy savings and improved routines. The speaker also highlighted the availability of courses and resources on Level Up Tutorials to learn about modern web technologies like SvelteKit, CSS Grid, and Flexbox. The speaker's personal experience showed that the initial investment in smart home devices and courses pays off in the long run through energy savings and improved convenience.

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    Show Notes

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    Show Notes

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    Prismic - Sponsor

    Prismic is a Headless CMS that makes it easy to build website pages as a set of components. Break pages into sections of components using React, Vue, or whatever you like. Make corresponding Slices in Prismic. Start building pages dynamically in minutes. Get started at prismic.io/syntax.

    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your code, track errors and monitor performance with Sentry. Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and optimize their code health. Cut your time on error resolution from hours to minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners new to Sentry can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code TASTYTREAT during sign up.

    RevenueCat - Sponsor

    RevenueCat makes it easy to build and manage iOS and Android in-app purchases. With a few lines of code, RevenueCat provides IAP infrastructure, customer analytics, data integrations, and gives you time back from dealing with edge cases and updates across the platforms. Created by developers, for developers, thousands of the world’s best apps use RevenueCat to power their in-app purchases and subscriptions. Get started for free at revenuecat.com.


    Show Notes

    02:21 - When did you come on board with container queries?

    10:27 - How would you declare specificity?

    • Layer example:
     @layer default; @layer theme; @layer components;  @import url(theme.css) layer(theme);  @layer default {   audio[controls] {     display: block;   } }  

    13:08 - What is your background?

    18:20 - What are container queries?

    22:06 - What is the background on contain? How does it work?

    29:25 - Is it still under development?

    33:51 - Have you tried the EQ polyfill from Johnathan Neal yet?

    35:21 - How far out are we?

    38:10 - What is Scope?

    44:00 - How will MQ and CQ work together?

    45:49 - Do you use inline and block?

    48:44 - What browser do you use?


    ××× SIIIIICK ××× PIIIICKS ×××

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    Hasty Treat - The Status of Element Queries / Container Queries

    Hasty Treat - The Status of Element Queries / Container Queries

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    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.

    Show Notes

    4:30 - The General Idea

    6:20 - Problems

    • It’s not as easy as, “how do we write them”
    • Some of the requirements may need a fundamental change to browser engines
      • May be very impractical and take a long time

    “Did you know, for example, that there are multiple many year long efforts with huge investments underway already aimed at unlocking many new things in CSS? There are - and I don’t mean Houdini!” ~ Brian Kardell

    8:56 - What’s been happening?

    • Lots of conversations
    • Dead ends

    “How do we make this into more solvable problems?” and “How do we actually make some progress, mitigate risk - take a step, and and actually get something to developers?” ~ Brian Kardell

    12:00 - Progress

    • Lot’s of discussion
      • Goog, Moz, Apple, smart people
    • Not there yet
    • Big ideas that could go somewhere

    .foo { display: grid; grid-template-columns: switch( (available-inline-size > 1024px) 1fr 4fr 1fr; (available-inline-size > 400px) 2fr 1fr; (available-inline-size > 100px) 1fr; default 1fr; ); }

    “A whole lot of the problems with existing ideas is that they heave to loop back through (expensive) phases potentially several times and make it (seemingly) impossible to keep CSS rendering in the same frame.” ~ Brian Kardell

    • Or a system based on resizeObserver

    “In the coming months I hope to continue to think about, explore this space and continue discussions with others. I would love to publish some research and maybe some new (functional) experiments with JS that aim to be ‘closer’ to a path that might be paveable.” ~ Brian Kardell


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    CSS Layout

    CSS Layout

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    Sentry - Sponsor

    If you want to know what’s happening with your errors, track them with Sentry. Sentry is open-source error tracking that helps developers monitor and fix crashes in real time. Cut your time on error resolution from five hours to five minutes. It works with any language and integrates with dozens of other services. Syntax listeners can get two months for free by visiting Sentry.io and using the coupon code “tastytreat”.

    CSS In Depth and In Motion - Sponsor

    CSS in Depth in Motion from Manning Publications is a great way to master CSS. Modern CSS can handle a dizzying array of styles and effects without external frameworks, and this liveVideo course from Manning Publications will get you there. As a Syntax listener, you can get 40% off all their books and courses by visiting deals.manning.com/webdev and using the coupon code syntax40 at checkout.

    Show Notes


    • When to use position fixed/static/absolute/relative/sticky


    • When to use height, width, max-height, max-width, top, bottom, left, right, etc.


    • What about relationships between containers and their children?


    • What about positioning behaviors of elements like , etc.?


    • Floating and clearing


    • Flexbox, Grid and responsive design


    • Mobile-first or desktop-first?


    • Viewport units - vw, vh, vmin, vmax, etc


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    Career Foundry Coding Bootcamp Review

    Career Foundry Coding Bootcamp Review

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    Host & Guests:
    Don Hansen - https://www.linkedin.com/in/donthedeveloper
    Nicole Villa - https://www.linkedin.com/in/nicole-villa
    Hunter Evanoff - https://www.linkedin.com/in/hunterevanoff
    Teresa Loafman - https://www.linkedin.com/in/teresa-loafman


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