
    Customer Survey with Stephen Merchant

    en-usJuly 07, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • The Office co-stars Pam and Angela rewatch episodes, share behind-the-scenes storiesJim and Dwight investigate customer surveys, Pam and Jim communicate via earpieces, Andy and Angela make wedding plans, and the podcast includes fun facts and stories about the making of The Office, which was directed by Steven Merchant and filmed at Chandler Valley Studios in California.

      Jenna Fisher (Pam) and Angela Kinsey (Angela) from The Office are rewatching and sharing behind-the-scenes stories of each episode in their Ultimate Office Rewatch Podcast. In this particular episode, Jim and Dwight investigate poor customer surveys, while Pam and Jim communicate via earpieces, and Andy and Angela make wedding plans. The episode was directed by Steven Merchant, who co-created the British Office with Ricky Gervais. The British Office ran for two seasons and was set at a paper company in Slough, England. The American version of The Office was set at Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, and the exterior was filmed at Chandler Valley Studios in California. The podcast also includes fun facts and stories about the making of the show. The duo shares their excitement about reaching episode 83 and plans for a party, revealing that the team is small but dedicated.

    • Collaboration between writer and directorThe effective partnership between Lester Lewis and Stephen Merchant led to a successful Office episode, with Merchant's involvement extending beyond the script and leaving a lasting impact on Lewis. The British influence on The Office is also notable.

      The relationship between a writer and director can significantly impact the creative process. In the case of the Office, the collaboration between Lester Lewis and Stephen Merchant led to a successful episode. Prior to Merchant's involvement, Lewis had already written the story, but his nervousness about working with him disappeared once they met. Merchant even participated in the final rewrites of the script. The impact of this collaboration extended beyond the episode, as Merchant's energy and creativity left a lasting impression on Lewis. Additionally, the British influence on The Office is evident in the show's address, which is a nod to the British series. This connection highlights the international appeal and influence of the show.

    • Discovering complementary rolesFinding common ground and complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses can lead to a successful and enjoyable working relationship.

      Finding common ground and complementing each other's strengths and weaknesses can lead to a successful and enjoyable working relationship. The speakers, who started out as unlikely radio duo, discovered that their differences in approach and energy levels brought unique perspectives to their work. The younger, more dynamic speaker provided the drive and eagerness, while the older, more experienced speaker offered wisdom and stability. By supporting each other and sparking each other's creativity, they created a dynamic and exhilarating partnership. This experience of discovering their complementary roles is reminiscent of the relationship between Stephen and Angela in "The Office," where Stephen provides structure and tasks, and Angela brings the spontaneity and ideas.

    • Filming in real office spaces for authenticityUsing real office spaces added realism to 'The Office', but presented challenges and restrictions.

      The authenticity of filming in real office spaces, as opposed to built sets, was a key element in creating the lived-in, documentary-style feel for the original versions of "The Office." This approach was adopted by both the American and British productions, with filming taking place in actual office buildings within studio complexes. The pros of this method included the realism it added to the production, but cons included the restrictions and challenges of working in these spaces. The British team took pride in the slightly tired and worn-out appearance of their sets, reflecting the weather and cultural norms of their country. This authenticity helped set the tone for the shows and contributed to their success. The exchange also highlighted the unique cultural differences that emerged during the adaptation process, such as the use of pub quizzes in the British version and champagne on Friday nights in the French version.

    • The Office's Global Success: Transcending Borders and VersionsThe Office's success extended beyond the US, with adaptations in various countries. Creator Greg Daniels was amazed by its global reach and the talent of local teams, despite initial skepticism. The American version eventually surpassed the British version's reputation, showcasing the show's universal appeal.

      The success of "The Office" transcended borders and versions, with various adaptations emerging in different countries like France, French-Canada, Israel, India, and South America. The creator, Greg Daniels, expressed his amazement at the show's global reach, particularly when he could watch the versions as a fan, enjoying the talent of the local teams. The initial skepticism and criticism towards the American version eventually gave way to its popularity and acclaim, even surpassing the British version's reputation. Daniels shared a memorable experience with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant in London, where they discussed the potential backlash against the American adaptation, only to later see it become the beloved version. This journey of building up and knocking down the American version was a common theme in the media coverage, but ultimately, the global success of "The Office" was a testament to its universal appeal and the talent of the teams involved.

    • A British writer's experience in an American TV writers roomCollaborative environment expanded a British writer's horizons, inspiring new ideas and skills through directing an episode and drawing from real experiences.

      The experience of working on an American television show, specifically in the writers room, was a new and exciting learning experience for a British writer. The buzzing atmosphere and collaboration of ideas was a stark contrast to the more solitary writing process in the UK. During one visit, the writer seized the opportunity to direct an episode, and the experience was invaluable. They were impressed by the intensity of the training process, which included playing challenging customer roles during training sessions. This experience inspired a scene in the show, showcasing the writer's ability to draw from their own experiences to contribute to the script. Overall, the experience of being in the American writers room broadened the writer's horizons and deepened their appreciation for the collaborative nature of television production.

    • Exploring and improvising with a great castGive talented actors freedom to explore and improvise for hilarious results, focusing more on facilitating and observing than heavy direction.

      When you have a great group of performers and a funny idea, giving them the freedom to explore and improvise can lead to fantastic results. The director's role becomes more about facilitating and observing rather than heavily directing. This was the experience during the filming of a scene between Jim and Dwight in "The Office," where the actors' natural chemistry and improvisation made for a hilarious and memorable scene. The director's obsession with realism, which may have been necessary for their previous project, was not as essential in this context. Instead, it was about allowing the cast to excel in their roles and trusting their ability to deliver a great performance.

    • Actors prioritized authenticity and attention to detailThe Office's cast remained committed to genuine performances and maintaining the mockumentary style, ensuring the show's unique charm persisted throughout its run.

      The actors in "The Office" valued the authenticity of their performances and the importance of reminding themselves of the show's unique mockumentary style during filming, even in later seasons when it might have felt like a "comedy factory." The use of props like the non-existent bluetooth earpiece in a pivotal scene required extensive preparation and attention to detail, and the potential declaration of love between characters caused unease due to the established relationship between Jim and Pam. The involvement of guest director Stephen Merchant brought renewed focus to these authenticity efforts and added value to the production.

    • Exploring tension in relationships through effective communicationEffective communication can lead to deeper understanding and resolution of conflicts in personal and professional relationships, even in unexpected circumstances.

      Effective communication and understanding are key to overcoming obstacles in personal and professional relationships, as depicted in the scene between Jim and Alex in "The Office." The scene's unexpected emotional depth, despite some initial reservations, ultimately led to a meaningful exploration of the tension between pursuing dreams and staying true to loved ones. The scene's subtle nuances, such as Alex's unsolicited visit and Jim's subtle response, conveyed powerful emotions without the need for extravagant dialogue. The scene also served to raise intriguing questions about the nature of dreams and personal growth, resonating with viewers of all ages. Additionally, the scene's unexpected twists, such as the revelation of the coffee mugs, added to the overall impact and enjoyment of the episode.

    • Jim's detective skills and clever editing techniqueThe 'Product Recall' episode showcased Jim's detective skills and the production team's use of a whip cut to seamlessly combine scenes, while highlighting Steven's investment in Jim and Pam's relationship and remembering late writer Lester Lewis.

      The "The Office" episode "Product Recall" not only showcased Jim's detective skills but also featured a clever editing technique using a whip cut. This technique allowed the production team to combine scenes shot on different days, creating a seamless and effective sequence that went unnoticed by the audience. The episode also highlighted Steven's strong investment in the development of Jim and Pam's relationship throughout the series. Additionally, it served as a reminder of the late writer Lester Lewis, who contributed to the episode and tragically passed away a few years after its production. Overall, this episode showcased the creativity, collaboration, and bittersweet memories of the "The Office" production.

    • The Impact and Legacy of 'The Office'Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's creation of 'The Office' brought them worldwide success and continued resonance, with their upcoming project 'The Offenders' exploring community service and diversity.

      The creation and success of "The Office" has had a profound impact on both Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, as well as their families and the lives of audiences around the world. They are proud of their contributions, but also amazed at how the show has continued to thrive and resonate beyond their control. Additionally, Gervais shared his upcoming project, "The Offenders," which explores bringing together a diverse group of people through community service, and has similarities to "The Office" in that regard. Gervais also expressed gratitude for the fans' support of his film "Fighting with My Family," which he wrote and directed. Overall, the conversation highlighted the lasting impact of "The Office" and the excitement for future projects.

    • Stephen Merchant's Heart in 'The Office'Stephen Merchant's portrayal of Dwight brought warmth and humor to 'The Office', while Michael's quirks and lies added to the show's success. Customer surveys were crucial for the sales team, and Michael's elaborate proposal story and Mindy's hidden laughter brought comedic moments.

      The warmth and heart of Stephen Merchant, as displayed through his character's actions and quirks, significantly contributed to the success of both "The Office" (British version) and "The Office" (US version). The episode discussed features a humorous cold open with Dwight's unusual congratulations to Michael, followed by Dwight's concerns about Michael's engagement, which is later revealed to be a lie. The episode also showcases Michael's mother, portrayed by the talented June Squibb, and highlights the importance of customer surveys for the sales team. Throughout the episode, there are several comedic moments, such as Michael's elaborate and absurd proposal story and Mindy hiding behind Phyllis's shoulder while laughing at Michael's phone call to his mother.

    • Appreciating the Power of Customer FeedbackThe speaker emphasizes the importance of customer feedback, especially after positive interactions, and goes the extra mile to complete surveys to understand their impact on individuals and businesses.

      The speaker values providing feedback through customer surveys, especially after positive interactions. She shares that she goes out of her way to complete them, even lengthy phone surveys, as she understands the impact they can have on individuals and businesses. The speaker also reveals that she was once involved in the industry and experienced the boost that good reviews can bring. Additionally, the conversation touches upon the complexity of filming certain scenes for the Office Ladies podcast, involving intricate note-taking and coordination between sides of the conversation. The speaker also shares her curiosity about the smallest headphones available, as mentioned in a conversation with BJ Novak during the podcast's production.

    • Open communication and shared decision-making in partnershipsEffective communication and partnership are crucial for managing significant life decisions, reducing stress, and fostering trust and mutual support. Keeping important information hidden can lead to conflicts and financial burdens.

      Effective communication and partnership are essential in significant life decisions. In the given scene from "The Office," both Dwight and Jim received negative feedback in their performance reviews, but only Jim kept a significant purchase a secret from Pam. This financial burden could have been a source of stress and potential conflict had Pam been involved from the start. The importance of open communication and shared decision-making in partnerships is emphasized, as it leads to better understanding, trust, and mutual support. The scene also highlights the potential consequences of keeping important information hidden and the importance of considering the impact of financial decisions on both partners.

    • Personal mugs and their meaningful storiesThe smallest items, like mugs, can hold deep personal meaning and remind us of cherished connections. Stories behind objects can bring joy and motivation.

      Even the smallest and seemingly insignificant items, like mugs, can hold deep personal meaning and serve as sources of motivation and inspiration. During a podcast discussion, the hosts reminisced about their favorite mugs and the stories behind them. One host shared how a mug given to her by a friend, featuring a quote from her favorite movie, helps her get through tough days. Another host, who didn't have a favorite mug, received one as a gift from a colleague. The mugs, with their unique stories and meanings, highlighted the importance of cherishing personal connections and the significance of the objects that hold them. Additionally, the hosts discussed the importance of attention to detail, as one host's preference for a hand-tilled field for a wedding tent caused some confusion in communication. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of appreciating the stories behind objects and the connections they bring.

    • Improvised moments in 'The Office'Writers and actors collaborated to create memorable scenes through improvisation, such as Angela's struggle with 'hand-tilled field' and Dwight's car maneuver.

      The scene between Angela and Lester in "The Office" where she struggles to say "hand-tilled field" was entirely scripted, but Steve Merchant's spontaneous delivery made it come alive. Another interesting moment was when Dwight peels out and invites Jim into his car, which was originally just going to be a simple meeting scene. Steven pitched the idea of adding the car maneuver to make it more interesting, and Lester confirmed in a DVD commentary that it was an improvisation. The use of J. Geils Band's "Centerfold" in the scene was also a fun nod to the era's music videos. Overall, these moments showcase the writers' creativity and the actors' ability to bring the script to life with their performances.

    • Dwight suspects Kelly of sabotaging sales callsJim and Dwight uncover Kelly's scheme to take revenge by manipulating their customer surveys through their absence at a party.

      In the Office episode, Dwight's suspicion of someone listening to his sales call leads him to believe it's Kelly. He storms into her office only to find her angry and defensive. Jim, with Pam's help, suspects something is off when Kelly refuses to talk about Daryl. They discover the clue when they notice the leftover mugs with their faces on it from Kelly's America's Got Talent viewing party. Jim realizes they didn't attend, and Kelly had been using their absence as revenge by sabotaging their customer surveys. Dwight, finally right about a conspiracy, wants to confront Kelly, but first, he does his signature air kick. The writers were proud of the mug idea, but they struggled to figure out how Jim and Dwight would discover the truth. This episode showcases the Office's signature blend of humor and suspense.

    • Using a hidden camera mug to gather evidenceThe Office team creatively used a party favor mug with a hidden camera to gather evidence against a character, resulting in a humorous and effective scene.

      The Office team came up with a creative solution to gather evidence against Kelly when they couldn't find a recording device or tap her phone. Lester suggested using a party favor mug with a hidden camera, which led to a humorous and effective scene. During the production, there was a fan question about the origin of the mugs' images, but it's unclear if there was a special photo shoot or if Phil took candid shots. The episode also featured a scene where Alex came to kidnap Pam for an art exhibit, and fans noticed inconsistencies regarding Pam's art program timeline. Overall, the team discussed various behind-the-scenes details and shared memories from filming, highlighting the collaborative and often challenging nature of creating the beloved Office scenes.

    • Calling back to Jim and Pam's wedding and past charactersThe Office episode featuring Angela and Dwight's wedding planning includes references to Jim and Pam's wedding and past characters, adding depth and continuity to the show.

      In the Office episode where Angela and Dwight plan her wedding, there are several callbacks to previous storylines. Dwight suggests the X-Kennelber package for their wedding location, which Angela is delighted about, and this is reminiscent of Jim and Pam's wedding planning. The funeral home director from a job fair, who was also in the album and got married at Shrute Farms, is mentioned. Randy Cordray confirmed that the Bluetooth headsets used in the scene were not real, and Stephen Merchant was thanked for his contributions to the show. Michael is going to Canada for a business trip, and Rich will be involved in that episode even though his character doesn't appear. The hosts of the Office Ladies podcast had questions for Rich, and they discussed various production details and trivia. Overall, the episode contains several references to past events and characters, adding depth and continuity to the show.

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    Link to Creed’s new song “Corner of the Universe”: https://onerpm.link/corneroftheuniverse


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Follow Elyse Myers on Instagram - @elyse_myers 

    Follow Micka on Instagram - @ultramike

    Follow Kate Walsh on Instagram - @katewalsh


    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check Out the IF Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mb2187ZQtBE


    Follow If on Instagram: @IFmovie

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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion


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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


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    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

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    Check out Office Ladies Merch at Podswag: https://www.podswag.com/collections/office-ladies


    Office Ladies Website - Submit a fan question: https://officeladies.com/submitaquestion

    Follow Us on Instagram: OfficeLadiesPod

    Elf Centered Promo #001

    Elf Centered Promo #001

    Launching December 31, 2015!  Elf Centered is a once a month, completely improvised, broadcast direct from the North Pole!  Finally, the truth about what really goes on, behind the scenes of Santa’s Village.  Join your elf host Gavin and his friends Beatrice and Gary as they delve into what it’s really like working for Santa Claus year round.  It isn’t all about making toys.  Plus they’ll answer your questions, give updates on the community calendar and more  Be sure to subscribe to Elf Centered!  Visit www.ElfCenteredShow.com for more information.

    Music by Kevin MacLeod

    ©2015 Saturday Morning Media/Grant Baciocco - Saturday Morning Media

    42 - Hai - Elf Centered

    42 - Hai - Elf Centered

    http://www.elfcenteredshow.com - Elf Centered for May 31, 2019 - Gary is back with a new nickname and tales of where he was last month!  You're not going to believe this one! Plus the usual announcements and weather.

    Elf Centered is a monthly, completely improvised, broadcast from the North Pole.  Think: Welcome To Night Vale meets The Office at the North Pole!

    Artwork by Chris Sheets
    Music by Kevin MacLeod
    Edited by Stephen Staver

    Beatrice - Jayne Entwistle
    Gavin - Grant Baciocco

    Got a question for the Elves?  Send it to hello@saturdaymorningmedia.com.

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    ©2019 Saturday Morning Media/Grant Baciocco

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    “The Office BFFs” Book Q&A

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    Link to Audiobook

    Link to Book, Ebook, Audiobook