
    CZM Rewind: Part Two: Savitri Devi The Woman Who Turned Nazism into a Religion

    enMay 02, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Building Community and Connection in Uncertain TimesEmbrace authenticity, form meaningful relationships with neighbors, and prepare for emergencies. Remember, actions have consequences.

      Community and connection are essential in uncertain times. Doctor Laurie Santos introduces Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteers network, emphasizing the importance of building relationships with neighbors and preparing for emergencies. Meanwhile, Amy Winehouse's biopic, "Back to Black," showcases her desire to be remembered for her authentic self. In a lighter moment, the hosts of "Behind the Bastards" discuss the concept of "edging," which involves bringing someone to the brink of an experience but not allowing it to happen. The podcast then delves into the story of Savitri Devi, a woman who left her 20 cats behind to join the Nazi resistance in Germany after World War II, highlighting her questionable loyalty and friendship. Overall, these stories illustrate the significance of human connection, authenticity, and the consequences of our actions.

    • Savitri Devi's Selective Perception of Post-War HistorySavitri Devi, a French spiritual leader, downplayed Nazi crimes and showed mercy towards Germans, distributing pro-Nazi leaflets as an act of devotion, demonstrating the complexity of historical narratives and the need to acknowledge the full truth of the past

      Savitri Devi, a French-born spiritual leader and Nazi sympathizer, showed a selective perception of history in her writings about the aftermath of World War II. Despite the extensive Nazi crimes, she framed the situation in Germany as the result of Allied bombing and showed mercy towards the German people and their leadership. She even went as far as to write and distribute pro-Nazi leaflets in Germany, which she saw as an act of religious devotion. Her actions and writings highlight the complexity of historical narratives and the importance of acknowledging the full truth of the past.

    • Savitri Devi's Post-War Nazi ActivitiesSavitri Devi, a Nazi sympathizer, traveled to Germany after WWII to distribute propaganda and connect with former Nazis. She gained their trust by presenting herself as a committed Nazi and fueled their desire for revenge against the Allies, leading to her arrest in 1949.

      Savitri Devi, a prominent Nazi sympathizer, traveled to Germany after World War II to distribute propaganda and connect with former Nazis. She was able to print more leaflets in London due to the presence of fascists there. During her extended stay in Germany, she interviewed and gained the trust of defeated Nazis by presenting herself as a committed Nazi. She believed in the revival of Nazism and fueled their desire for revenge against the Allies. Savitri's meetings with these individuals were characterized by their shared resentment and longing for the day when Germany would regain its power. Her experiences and beliefs during this time led her to write a book, "Gold in the Furnace," about her experiences and her evolving concept of Hitlerism. However, her writing and activities led to her arrest by French authorities in 1949 for being a Nazi.

    • Nazi Propagandist Writes in PrisonConvicted Nazi Savitri Devi wrote her first book in prison, interacted with fellow Nazis, and continued to spread her ideology through writing

      Savitri Devi, a Nazi propagandist, spent six months in prison after being convicted for spreading Nazi propaganda. She used her time behind bars as an opportunity to write her first book and meet other Nazis. Devi's writings, which were widely acclaimed by the international Nazi community, included a children's fable where a Nazi character had no human feelings towards people, but was deeply affected by the mistreatment of cats. Despite her obsession with Nazi ideology, she never actually went to Nazi Germany during its existence. After her release from prison, she continued to write and refine her theories until publishing her magnum opus, "The Lightning in the Sun," in 1958. Her writings, which were a mix of supposedly nonfiction works and fanciful tales, showcased her unique perspective on the world. However, her justification of the Holocaust based on the mistreatment of cats is a highly controversial and offensive viewpoint.

    • Sabetri's Unusual Historical Trinity: Akhenaten, Genghis Khan, and HitlerSabetri views Akhenaten as the embodiment of wisdom, Genghis Khan as the lightning element with strategic mind, and Hitler as the most important figure due to his combination of both

      The woman in question, Sabetri, constructs an unusual historical trinity consisting of ancient Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten, Genghis Khan, and Adolf Hitler. Akhenaten, the first monotheist and a sun worshipper, is seen as the embodiment of wisdom. Genghis Khan, the great conqueror, represents the lightning element with his strategic mind. Hitler, despite his controversial nature, is believed to combine the best attributes of both, making him the most important figure in her trinity, even though he's not the first. Her reasons for this obsession with Akhenaten may stem from his reverence by the Theosophical Society and her appreciation for his sun worshipping cult, despite her dislike of monotheism. This unusual trinity reflects Sabetri's complex and intriguing perspective on history.

    • The importance of community and staying true to oneselfCommunity building is vital for personal growth and societal harmony, but beware of extremist ideologies infiltrating seemingly benign movements, such as environmentalism.

      Community building and connection are essential for personal growth and societal harmony. Neighbor to Neighbor is an initiative that encourages individuals to engage with their communities, while the life and music of Amy Winehouse serve as powerful reminders of the importance of staying true to oneself. However, it's crucial to be aware of the potential for harmful ideologies to infiltrate seemingly harmless movements, such as the environmentalist and eco-conscious communities. The writings of Savitri Devi, a prominent figure in the eco-conscious movement, demonstrate how her love for nature and animal welfare eventually led her to embrace National Socialist beliefs. This unfortunate connection between environmentalism and Nazism underscores the importance of remaining vigilant against the influence of extremist ideologies, even within seemingly benign communities.

    • Savitri Devi's Belief in Kali Yuga and Hitler's Divine StatusSavitri Devi, a key figure in esoteric and Nazi circles, saw Adolf Hitler as a savior figure who could bring the world out of the dark age (Kali Yuga) through genocidal purging and racial hierarchy, drawing on ancient history and her own mythologizing.

      Savitri Devi, a prominent figure in the esoteric and Nazi circles, believed the world had entered the Kali Yuga or dark age, which she associated with the reign of Jews. She saw Adolf Hitler as the man against time who could bring about the return of the golden age through genocidal purging and racial hierarchy. Her book, dedicated to Hitler, is an example of syncretism, combining ancient history and her own mythologizing. Savitri's ideas have been linked to dangerous and harmful ideologies, and her use of passages from August Kubazek's book about Hitler as evidence of his divine status further perpetuated these beliefs. Despite the controversy surrounding her, it's important to understand her influence on the Nazi movement and the dangerous ideologies that continue to spread.

    • The power of imagination and creativity can offer solace and inspireImagination and creativity can provide hope and alternative beliefs, potentially preventing harm.

      The power of imagination and creativity, such as writing fan fiction, can potentially prevent harmful actions and even save lives. This idea is illustrated through the example of Reylo fan fiction and the belief that Adolf Hitler was an avatar of the Hindu god Vishnu. This belief, which originated from a conversation Savitri Devi had with a Hindu sage in the 1930s, gained popularity among Nazis in the post-war years as they sought to revive fascist ideologies. The open nature of Hindu mythology allowed for the acceptance of new gods and beliefs, but the veracity of Savitri Devi's claims is uncertain. What is important is that her writings provided a sense of hope and inspiration for those who were disillusioned with the post-war world and seeking an alternative to mainstream religions and political ideologies. The power of imagination and creativity can offer solace, inspiration, and even potentially prevent harm, making it a valuable tool for individuals and societies.

    • Savitri Devi unites extreme right-wing groups through her unique brand of Nazi religionDuring the 1960s, Savitri Devi helped unify various extreme right-wing groups by offering a unifying ideology through her syncretic approach to Nazism, forming a 'katamari of ideology'.

      During the early 1960s, various extreme right-wing groups, including Neo Nazis and old Nazis, began coming together under the influence of Savitri Devi. This period saw Savitri Devi helping to unify these groups by providing a unifying ideology through her unique brand of Nazi religion. The groups involved included the American National States Rights Party, German Neo Nazi groups, and Belgians who were angry over the loss of Congolese control. Savitri Devi's effectiveness came from her ability to offer multiple ideological hooks for people to latch onto, even if they did not agree with the larger ideology. This syncretic approach helped draw these groups together, forming a "katamari of ideology" with Nazism at its core. In 1962, Savitri attended a gathering of worldwide Nazis in England, where she developed a friendly relationship with George Lincoln Rockwell, the leader of the American Nazi Party. Rockwell was searching for a new American fascist religion and found potential in Savitri Devi's work, "The Lightning in the Sun," leading to its publication in the National Socialist World Magazine and its introduction to the US.

    • Unexpected Places of Nazi ConnectionsDespite seemingly unrelated contexts, Nazi ties have been discovered in young adult fiction, music, and individuals' lives, emphasizing the importance of vigilance and investigation.

      There have been instances of Nazi connections in unexpected places, such as in young adult fiction and music, as well as in the lives of individuals who may have seemed unrelated to the Nazi regime. For example, the band Ace of Aces and a book called "Lightning on the Sun" have been suspected of having Nazi ties. Savitri Devi, a notable Nazi supporter, spent her later years in India with numerous cats and remained convinced of Hitler's eventual return. Despite her controversial beliefs, she was a significant figure in the development of esoteric Nazi religion. In the modern world, some individuals continue to promote Nazi ideologies, and it's important to be aware of their presence, even if they try to hide it in seemingly innocent places. The evidence of these connections may not always be obvious, but with careful investigation, the truth can be uncovered.

    • Exploring Different Ways to Connect and Build CommunitiesMonopoly Go offers a fun way to connect with friends, Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to build meaningful social bonds, and the dissemination of ideas shows their power to create new followings. Building and maintaining connections is essential for personal growth and community resilience.

      There are various ways to connect with people and build communities. Monopoly Go offers an entertaining and engaging way to connect with friends through fun tournaments and rewards. Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to build meaningful social bonds within their neighborhoods. And in a more complex and historical context, the dissemination of controversial ideas, like those of Savitri Devi, shows how ideas can be reimagined and popularized, creating new interest and following. Regardless of the means, the importance of connection and community remains a constant. Monopoly Go offers a fun and engaging way to connect with friends, Neighbor to Neighbor empowers individuals to build meaningful social bonds within their neighborhoods, and the dissemination of controversial ideas shows how ideas can be reimagined and popularized, creating new interest and following. It's important to remember that building and maintaining connections is essential for personal growth and community resilience. Whether it's through games, volunteer work, or the exploration of ideas, there are always opportunities to connect and grow.

    • Savitri Devi's Influence on Far-Right Extremist GroupsSavitri Devi's writings on creation and destruction, as well as her promotion of esoteric Hitlerism, influenced the ideologies of far-right extremist groups like the Adam Waffen Division and the Fweerkrieg division. Her ideas offered a sense of purpose and belonging, particularly strong among young men, contributing to their radicalization.

      Savitri Devi, although not directly involved in the formation of radical and violent far-right groups like the Adam Waffen Division and the Fweerkrieg division, significantly influenced their ideologies. Her writings on creation and destruction, as well as her promotion of esoteric Hitlerism, resonated with young, vulnerable individuals who were drawn to these extremist groups. The dangerous allure of these ideologies, which offer a sense of purpose and belonging, is particularly strong among young men. The origins of this phenomenon can be traced back to Keckism, a joking parody of religion that gained serious traction among certain factions of the far-right, merging with Savitri Devi's philosophy to create esoteric Keckism. This fusion of ideologies further fueled the radicalization of young individuals, leading them to embrace violent and destructive beliefs.

    • Savitri Devi's Syncretic Hate IdeasSavitri Devi's ideas, blending Hindu nationalism, esoteric beliefs, and fascist ideologies, have influenced various subcultures and provided a framework for young men to find meaning and belonging in extreme ideologies, making it a growing and difficult to recognize threat.

      Savitri Devi's ideas, though controversial and often intertwined with extremist groups and beliefs, have had a significant impact on shaping the syncretic nature of modern hate movements. Her blend of Hindu nationalism, esoteric beliefs, and fascist ideologies has influenced various subcultures, from gamer culture to environmentalism, and has provided a framework for young men to find meaning and belonging in extreme ideologies. The amorphous and sticky nature of her faith has allowed it to absorb and mutate, making it a powerful tool for spreading hate and inspiring violence, even decades after her death. The concern among researchers is that this syncretic form of hate, which incorporates various seemingly unrelated beliefs and subcultures, can be difficult to recognize and address, making it a growing threat.

    • The Influence of Controversial Figures on the Red Pill MentalityUnderstanding the impact of controversial figures like Debbie Schlussel and Julius Evola on the development of the red pill mentality is crucial for acknowledging their influence on the cultural landscape.

      The internet played a crucial role in the spread of controversial ideas, with figures like Debbie Schlussel and Julius Evola influencing the development of the "red pill mentality." Despite the controversial nature of their beliefs, it's important to acknowledge their impact on the cultural landscape. Robert and Sophie had a lively discussion on this topic, with Robert expressing his concerns and Sophie defending their significance. The conversation touched on various topics, including Twitter handles and the importance of community building. Despite the heavy subject matter, they ended the episode on a light note, encouraging listeners to hug their pets and write fan fiction. Additionally, they promoted various podcasts, social media handles, and initiatives like Neighbor to Neighbor, a California volunteer network aimed at building stronger communities, and Xumo PLAY, a free streaming platform with a diverse lineup of entertainment options. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of acknowledging the impact of controversial figures and ideas while also emphasizing the value of community and connection.

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    Part Two: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

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    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 20, 2024

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Part One: How the British Empire and U.S. Department of Defense Murdered an Island Paradise

    Robert welcomes Andrew Ti back to the show to tell the story of the Chagos Islands, a paradise founded by former slaves that was wiped out by the British empire so they could lease it to the U.S. as an air base.

    (2 Part Series)

    Behind the Bastards is doing it's annual fundraiser for the Portland Diaper Bank! We had a soft start a week or so ago but will actually be plugging it this week and next. Please help if you can!





    Vine, David. Island of Shame: The Secret History of the U.S. Military Base on Diego Garcia (p. 18). Princeton University Press. Kindle Edition.




    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Behind the Bastards
    enJune 18, 2024

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    *podcast show notes contributed by Tracy Ackeret



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