
    Daily Wire Backstage: 2020 State of the Union Edition

    enFebruary 05, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Fictional Iowa Caucus Results and Upcoming State of the Union AddressBen Shapiro wins Daily Wire's fictional Iowa caucuses, AOC decides not to attend State of the Union, Audience encouraged to submit questions, Sponsored by Stamps.com

      During a recent episode of Daily Wire Backstage, the hosts discussed the results of their fictional Iowa caucuses, with Ben Shapiro coming out as the winner. They also talked about the upcoming state of the union address and the controversy surrounding Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's decision not to attend. They encouraged the audience to submit questions through the Daily Wire website and mentioned the benefits of sponsor Stamps.com, which offers discounts on postage and shipping. The hosts also acknowledged the current state of American politics and their influence in providing commentary and analysis.

    • Iowa Caucus Chaos: Controversy and ConfusionThe Iowa Caucuses were marred by allegations of a potential impeachment hoax and technical difficulties, with some media figures expressing bias towards certain candidates and raising concerns about the democratic process.

      The Iowa caucuses have been a source of confusion and controversy, with allegations of a potential impeachment hoax and technical difficulties in vote counting. During the coverage, the host expressed his disdain for some Democratic candidates, particularly Bernie Sanders and his ideology. He also shared his preference for Amy Klobuchar and Joe Biden, jokingly referring to Biden as a "corpse" who would do minimal damage as president. Despite his initial expectations, the chaos surrounding the caucuses provided an unexpectedly entertaining week for the host. However, the lack of transparency and organization in the caucuses raised questions about the democratic process and the ability of the media to hold those in power accountable.

    • Iowa caucus chaos boosts Trump's imageDespite criticisms, Trump's supporters argue his perceived stability and competence shine in contrast to Democrats' caucus chaos and allegations of corruption.

      The chaos surrounding the Iowa caucuses and the perception of incompetence within the Democratic Party may have inadvertently played into President Trump's favor. Despite criticisms of his leadership and allegations of corruption, Trump's supporters argue that the Democrats' own missteps have highlighted his perceived stability and competence. The Democrats' final argument against Trump, that he is chaotic and incompetent, backfired when they were unable to handle their own caucus process smoothly. Trump's supporters also point to his recent accomplishments, such as record-breaking stock market numbers and international wins, as evidence of his success. However, it's important to note that these perceptions are subjective and based on political biases. The realities of the situation are more complex, and it remains to be seen how this will play out in the upcoming elections.

    • Impact of individual actions on politicsThe US Senate's lack of coordination during the impeachment trial and the Democratic primary's low turnout and infighting underscore the importance of individual actions and voter enthusiasm in shaping political outcomes.

      The US Senate's lack of coordination during the impeachment trial, as exemplified by Senator Cruz's unexpected move and Lisa Murkowski's decision to not vote for witnesses, demonstrates the impact of individual actions on politics. Meanwhile, in the Democratic primary, the low turnout in the Iowa caucuses and the party's apparent infighting raise concerns about their ability to unite behind a nominee. Additionally, the enthusiasm for the Democratic candidates does not seem to be as high in the Midwest as it is in coastal areas, which could pose a problem for the party if Bernie Sanders does not secure the nomination. Overall, these events highlight the importance of individual actions and the significance of voter turnout and enthusiasm in shaping political outcomes.

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      Life insurance is an essential financial safety net, and Policygenius is a convenient and efficient way to find and apply for the best coverage. The speaker, who had a middling life insurance policy, went to Policygenius to improve his coverage for his wife. He was impressed by the simple process and the range of options presented to him. Policygenius not only offers life insurance but also home, auto, and disability insurance, and they handle all the paperwork and red tape. The speaker acknowledges that none of us can predict the future, and getting life insurance right is crucial. The conversation also touched on the upcoming State of the Union address and the ongoing political drama. Despite their disagreements on the merits of the institution, both speakers agreed that watching Donald Trump deliver the State of the Union address amidst ongoing impeachment proceedings would be an intriguing spectacle.

    • State of the Union: A Platform for Political ExpressionPresident Trump uses the State of the Union address as an opportunity to connect with his audience, showcase his unique style, and express his political views, with higher approval ratings reducing the pressure to play it safe.

      The State of the Union address is not just a formal event, but an opportunity for President Trump to connect with his audience and showcase his unique style. With his approval ratings higher than the Democrats', Trump is under less pressure to play it safe and can afford to be more provocative. The audience, including figures like Adam Schiff and Supreme Court justices, is expected to react strongly to his words. Trump's unpredictability and ability to turn everyday situations into spectacles make him a compelling figure, much like the characters in the TV show "Veep." The passing of Rush Limbaugh, a influential conservative broadcaster, adds to the significance of the event as a platform for political expression.

    • Rush Limbaugh's respect for audience and 2020 Democratic primariesRush Limbaugh values his audience's love and predicts Bernie Sanders may win primaries, but warns of potential Democratic interference. Criticizes violent tendencies among some supporters and urges listeners to join Daily Wire for unbiased news.

      Rush Limbaugh, known for his satirical and parodic self-presentation, has a deep respect for his audience and they reciprocate that love. The discussion also touched upon the ongoing Democratic primaries, with a prediction that Bernie Sanders is likely to win but may face interference from the Democratic Party. A controversial topic brought up was the alleged violent and communist tendencies among some of Sanders' supporters, as exposed by James O'Keefe. The speakers expressed their disdain for the vitriolic hate on social media platforms like Twitter and encouraged listeners to become Daily Wire members for unbiased news coverage and analysis. Despite differing opinions on the Democratic primaries, all agreed that the stakes are high and the outcome will significantly impact the future of the country.

    • Speaker expresses concerns about potential Bernie Sanders presidency and Democratic Party realignmentSpeaker prefers Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders, acknowledges party realignment after elections, and considers Bloomberg as an alternative, expressing optimism about current state of country under Trump's policies

      The speaker expresses concerns about the potential election of Bernie Sanders as president and the potential realignment of the Democratic Party towards more left-leaning policies. However, they also acknowledge that the party has a history of realigning its values after each election, and express a preference for Joe Biden over Bernie Sanders due to a perceived lower risk. The speaker also brings up the possibility of a moderate Republican, like Bloomberg, as an alternative. Ultimately, they express optimism about the current state of the country under President Trump and his policies, which they believe have led to economic growth, military strength, and border security.

    • Record-breaking economic growth under current administrationUnprecedented job creation, low unemployment, wage increases, and net worth growth for Americans, with opportunities for neglected communities and criminal justice reform, energy independence, and manufacturing job restoration.

      Under the current administration, the US economy has experienced unprecedented growth and prosperity, resulting in record-breaking job creation, historically low unemployment rates for various demographics, and significant increases in wages and net worth for many Americans. The administration's pro-worker, pro-growth policies have led to a blue-collar boom, with opportunities arising for previously neglected communities through initiatives like Opportunity Zones. Additionally, criminal justice reform and energy independence have provided second chances and fresh starts for many individuals, while the restoration of manufacturing jobs has brought companies back to the USA. The administration's promises have been kept, leading to a renewed sense of optimism and excitement for the future.

    • New jobs, boosted exports, and fairer trade with Mexico and CanadaThe USMCA deal is projected to create 100,000 new jobs, increase exports for farmers, ranchers, and factory workers, and establish fairer and more reciprocal trade with Mexico and Canada. The administration's trade policies are also bringing jobs back from China and generating revenue for the US treasury.

      The USMCA trade deal is expected to create nearly 100,000 new high-paying jobs in the US, particularly in the auto industry, and significantly boost exports for farmers, ranchers, and factory workers. The deal will also bring trade with Mexico and Canada to a higher level with greater fairness and reciprocity. The administration's trade policies have resulted in the return of jobs from China through tariffs and a new agreement that will bring billions of dollars into the US treasury. The US is also rebuilding its military with a record-breaking investment and creating a new Space Force branch. Additionally, the administration is standing up for freedom in the hemisphere by supporting democratic leaders and opposing socialist dictators like Venezuela's Maduro. The administration is focused on putting America first and ensuring every child gets a great education and the opportunity to achieve the American dream. Despite challenges, the US is investing in its future and reclaiming its leadership role on the global stage.

    • Improving Opportunities for All AmericansThe President advocates for educational and economic opportunities, expanding school choice, vocational education, record funding for HBCUs, job creation, affordable healthcare, opposing socialized healthcare, and protecting Medicare and Social Security.

      The President is advocating for educational and economic opportunities for all Americans, including the expansion of school choice and vocational education, record funding for historically black colleges and universities, and job creation. Additionally, he is working to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, while opposing socialized healthcare and protecting Medicare and Social Security. The President also highlighted his administration's efforts to address the opioid epidemic and work with international partners on health crises like the coronavirus outbreak. Overall, the President's message emphasizes his commitment to improving the lives of American families through various policy initiatives.

    • Award for Rush Limbaugh and Important TakeawaysRush Limbaugh received the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Important takeaways include medical advancements saving a premature baby, government efforts to improve newborn healthcare, support for families with paid leave and affordable childcare, environmental commitments, and safety concerns with criticism of sanctuary cities and support for law enforcement.

      Rush Limbaugh, a beloved and inspiring figure, was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom for his decades of dedication to the country and his charitable work. Another important takeaway is the significance of medical advancements, illustrated by the survival of a premature baby named Ellie. The government aims to improve healthcare for newborns through research funding and legislation. Additionally, the importance of family and supporting parents was emphasized, with calls for paid family leave and affordable childcare. The environment was addressed with a commitment to planting trees and rebuilding infrastructure. Safety was a key concern, with criticism of sanctuary cities and a call to support law enforcement and ICE officers.

    • Securing the border and upholding American valuesThe Trump administration has taken steps to secure the border, reduce illegal crossings, combat human trafficking, replace the current immigration system with one based on merit, and uphold religious and Second Amendment rights, while making strides in national security and combating terrorism.

      The Trump administration has taken significant steps to secure the southern border, reduce illegal crossings, and combat human trafficking. The administration has also worked to replace the current immigration system with one based on merit and uphold religious and Second Amendment rights. Additionally, the administration has made strides in national security and combating terrorism, including the destruction of the ISIS territorial caliphate and the death of its leader, al Baghdadi. The administration's actions reflect a commitment to restoring the rule of law and American values.

    • Avenging the death of an American hero and supporting the Iranian peopleThe US took decisive action against a notorious terrorist, avenged the death of an American hero, and continues to support the Iranian people in their quest for freedom and prosperity.

      The United States will not tolerate terrorism and will take decisive action against those who threaten American lives. The death of Sergeant Hake at the hands of Qasem Soleimani, a notorious terrorist and the mastermind behind countless attacks on American service members, was avenged with a precision strike that ended his reign of terror. The US continues to support the Iranian people in their quest for freedom and prosperity, while also working to end America's longest war in Afghanistan and bring troops home. The sacrifices of military families, like Amy Williams and her children, are honored and appreciated, and their loved ones' safe returns are celebrated. America is a land of heroes and a place where greatness is born, and the future holds endless possibilities for innovation, discovery, and progress.

    • A clear contrast between Trump's and Democrats' visions for AmericaTrump highlighted economic successes and unity, while Democrats remained critical and divided.

      President Donald Trump's 2020 State of the Union address was a standout, not just because of his delivery and storytelling abilities, but also due to the stark contrast he drew between his vision of America and that of the Democrats. Trump highlighted the country's economic successes and emphasized the importance of unity, while Democrats remained divided and critical. The address was a clear indication of the ideological divide between the two parties, with Trump promoting a positive view of American history and the Democrats focusing on criticism and negativity. The speech was widely praised for its emotional moments, such as the reuniting of a family on screen and the awarding of the Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh. Overall, the State of the Union address served as a powerful reminder of the stark differences between the two parties and their visions for America.

    • Trump's presidency: Unconventional style, significant improvementsDespite an unconventional style, Trump's presidency brought economic growth, individual rights advancements, and improved life expectancy. Companies prioritize quality weapons, reflecting his commitment to individual freedoms.

      Donald Trump's presidency has brought significant improvements to the country, particularly in the economy and individual rights, despite his unconventional style. The American life expectancy growing again is a notable achievement, as it signifies people no longer giving up hope. Trump's stance on protecting the Second Amendment rights and the responsibility of owning a firearm is a testament to his commitment to individual freedoms. Companies like Bravo Company Manufacturing, which prioritize creating high-quality weapons, embody this responsibility. The first 20 minutes of Trump's State of the Union speech showcased savvy craftsmanship and a focus on tangible achievements. Overall, Trump's presidency has defied expectations and delivered results, making him a successful president in his own right.

    • Focus on measurable achievements and unconventional approachTrump's 2020 SOTU address focused on measurable achievements and his unconventional approach was effective, resonating with the Tuskegee Airmen's story of American greatness despite Democratic distractions.

      President Trump's 2020 State of the Union address was effective due to its focus on measurable key performance indicators and the strong state of the country. The president's unconventional approach, including his handling of Nancy Pelosi, was overwhelmingly effective in contrast to the usual boring and meandering State of the Union addresses. Pelosi's behavior, including her refusal to acknowledge the president and tearing the speech in half, was a notable headline. The president's economic and foreign policy achievements were highlighted, and if he could maintain this focused and contained approach, he could potentially win a landslide election. Despite the distractions and outbursts from Democratic members, the president's message of American greatness resonated with the Tuskegee Airmen's story of fighting for a country that recognized their potential as citizens.

    • Unconventional voices in American societyThe election of Trump and Limbaugh's achievements underscore the significance of unconventional voices, bringing about change through pugnacious spirits and unique perspectives, but Trump's lack of self-deprecating humor may hinder his connection with the public.

      The election of Donald Trump and the recognition of Rush Limbaugh's achievements highlight the importance of unconventional voices in American society. Despite their controversial personas, both men have brought about significant changes through their pugilistic spirits and unique perspectives. However, while Limbaugh is known for his self-deprecating humor, Trump lacks this quality, and it may impact his ability to connect with the public. Ultimately, the acceptance of these voices, once considered fringe, demonstrates a shift in societal norms and the power of resilience in the face of criticism.

    • The Complexities of American Identity Reflected in Former Presidents Obama and TrumpBoth Obama and Trump reflect America's greatness and flaws, with Trump's bravado and limitations hindering his ability to fully articulate his positions.

      Both former Presidents Obama and Trump take themselves seriously and embody the complexities of the American identity. Trump's bravado and flaws mirror the greatness and flaws of America, and his ability to present a compelling argument sets him apart from his opponents. However, the limitations of Trump's communication style, particularly his use of Twitter, can hinder his ability to fully articulate his positions. Ultimately, if Trump cannot improve his communication skills, he may continue to rely on his base and negative campaigning to win elections.

    • Donald Trump's inconsistencies and lack of self-awarenessTrump's garishness, brashness, and inability to back off from a bad position can lead to unforced errors and damaging consequences, as seen in his handling of the Ukraine quid pro quo situation and his attacks on individuals.

      Donald Trump's inconsistencies and lack of self-awareness, coupled with the unwavering support of his defenders, can create a problematic situation. His garishness and brashness may be charming to some, but his inability to back off from a bad position and tendency to embellish the truth can lead to unforced errors and damaging consequences. The quid pro quo situation with Ukraine is an example of this, as he initially denied any wrongdoing but later faced evidence to the contrary. Additionally, his attacks on individuals, such as John Bolton, can minimize them as human beings and create unnecessary conflict. Overall, Trump's actions and words often distract from the core issues and can undermine his effectiveness as a leader.

    • Trump's direct connection with the publicDespite media bias, many see Trump's unconventional methods as effective, unifying supporters and bypassing media gatekeepers.

      While some may find issue with President Trump's tweets and unconventional methods of communication, a significant portion of the population, including many of his supporters, view his direct connection with the public as an effective way to bypass the media and resonate with voters. The media's perceived bias and relentless attempts to "destroy" Trump have created an atmosphere where many feel misunderstood and underrepresented, leading them to support the President. Trump's ability to make people feel comfortable and unify them, as shown in his recent speech, is a strength that sets him apart from his Democratic opponents. The media's role in shaping public opinion and the potential consequences of their actions should not be overlooked. The diagnosis of the current political climate is largely agreed upon, but the solution lies in a more focused and unifying Trump, rather than a complete abandonment of his unconventional approach.

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      Raycon's wireless earbuds offer a comfortable, attractive, and discreet listening experience at a more affordable price compared to other premium wireless earbud brands. The earbuds come with various ear tip sizes for a customized fit, and they provide strong connectivity, long battery life, and a noise-isolating design. Additionally, the speaker of the house, Nancy Pelosi, made headlines for tearing up President Trump's State of the Union speech, which raised questions about the constitutional significance of the act and the state of political discourse. Regarding the infrastructure part of the president's speech, it remains to be seen if he will prioritize a conservative approach to reducing the national debt while implementing his infrastructure plan.

    • Cultural issues shape politics and financesThe future direction of the Democratic Party hinges on resolving cultural conflicts, which could impact fiscal reform and the overall political landscape

      The cultural issues have a significant impact on political and fiscal matters. The Tea Party era's focus on fiscal reform might have been misplaced, as cultural issues may need addressing first. The Democratic Party's future direction remains uncertain after their mutual hatred of Trump subsides. Some believe they may move further left, while others think they might have to reconsider and move towards the center. The ongoing debate between the moderate and far-left wings of the party will likely shape its future. The cultural shifts within the Democratic Party, led by the intersectional coalition, could lead to a rupture of the system as a whole. Overall, understanding the interconnectedness of cultural, political, and fiscal issues is crucial for navigating the complexities of modern politics.

    • The future of the Democratic PartyThe Democratic Party's reliance on youth ignorance may not last, and a potential economic downturn or Bernie Sanders presidency doesn't guarantee a return to the center. A conservative figure could rise instead, like Thatcher or Reagan.

      The political landscape, particularly in the United States, may continue to shift towards extremes, with the possibility of a new demagogue emerging on the left if Bernie Sanders were to lose his presidential bid. The speaker argues that the Democratic Party's reliance on the ignorance of the young may not last long, and reality has a way of asserting itself. However, the belief that the Democratic Party will move back to the center after a potential economic downturn or a Bernie Sanders presidency is not a certainty. Instead, the speaker suggests that this pattern could follow the example of Britain's experience after World War 2, with a potential collapse and the rise of a conservative figure like Margaret Thatcher or Ronald Reagan. This is just one perspective, and the future remains uncertain. The speaker expresses hope that a more centrist future is possible but acknowledges the challenges in achieving that goal.

    • A shift from left to right in Western politicsThe political landscape in the UK and US has seen a rightward swing, driven by dissatisfaction with the status quo, potentially leading to a 25-year conservative victory.

      The political landscape of the Western world, specifically the UK and the US, has seen a shift from left-wing to right-wing ideologies since the aftermath of World War 2. This trend continued with the elections of Trump and Brexit in 2016. The speakers on this podcast believe that this movement signifies a growing dissatisfaction with the status quo, not just economically, but spiritually and politically. They also noted that political victories do not last forever, and we may be on the cusp of a 25-year conservative victory. Despite some surprising moments during the State of the Union address, such as Trump's restraint from mentioning impeachment, the speakers were not surprised by the overall tone and content of the speech. They remain optimistic about the future and encourage their audience to engage with their political process and become members of The Daily Wire for access to exclusive content.

    • Daily Wire team pleasantly surprised by Trump's RNC speechThe Daily Wire team, initially apprehensive, was pleasantly surprised by Donald Trump's RNC speech and shared their insightful analysis live with Ted Cruz.

      Despite initial expectations, Donald Trump's speech during the Republican National Convention was well-received by the team at The Daily Wire. They were pleasantly surprised by his delivery and the overall impact of the speech. Michael Knowles, in particular, was praised for his insightful analysis during their live show with Ted Cruz. The team expressed their excitement about the unique perspective they were able to provide to their audience, offering immediate insight from someone directly experiencing the event in real time. They encouraged listeners to tune in and engage with them on their website, and looked forward to future shows. Overall, the team's attitude towards the speech and the experience of covering it was a positive one, despite initial apprehensions.

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

    Louisiana moves to reinstall displays of the Ten Commandments in schools; a dangerous illegal immigrant is admitted to the United States under Joe Biden; and Biden continues to push open borders policies.


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