
    Daily Wire Backstage: The Libs’ New Plan... Indict The Right

    enApril 04, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing Trump indictment and career trajectoriesThe Daily Wire team discusses the political implications of the Trump indictment and shares their honest opinions while joking about career trajectories.

      The latest episode of Daily Wire Backstage features Michael Knowles, Ben Shapiro, Andrew Clavin, and Matt Walsh discussing important news and cultural issues while answering live questions from viewers. During the show, they joke about career trajectories and the absence of Jeremy Boring, who is in Burma searching for the finest cacao beans. They also discuss the indictment of former President Donald Trump, which they view as a political maneuver by the Democrats to boost their own agenda and ratings. The episode is sponsored by ExpressVPN, which offers privacy and security for internet users. The hosts express their honest opinions on the situation and its implications for the future of politics. Overall, the episode showcases the Daily Wire team's unique blend of humor, insight, and commentary on current events.

    • Donald Trump's legal case for hush money payment to Stormy Daniels uses novel legal theoryThe ongoing legal case against Trump for a hush money payment to Stormy Daniels relies on a novel legal theory, as the state-level crime's statute of limitations has expired. Trump is accused of falsifying business records to evade federal campaign finance laws, but this is a federal crime typically prosecuted at the federal level.

      The ongoing legal case against Donald Trump for an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels involves a novel legal theory, as the statute of limitations for the state-level crime has expired. The theory claims that Trump falsified business records to avoid federal campaign finance laws, but this is a federal crime that should theoretically be prosecuted at the federal level. The case relies heavily on the testimony of Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen, and there is no new evidence that has emerged since the investigation began. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is relying on a Manhattan jury to convict Trump, but the defense team is planning to file for a change of venue to increase Trump's chances of avoiding conviction. The legal theory is considered novel and uncertain, with even the New York Times and former Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance expressing skepticism.

    • Legal proceedings could boost Trump's primary campaignProlonged legal battles could rally GOP voters, but a dismissal might also be perceived as a victory. Trump's campaign focus could shift to his own vindication, potentially harming his image.

      The ongoing legal proceedings against Donald Trump, while not guaranteeing a jail sentence, could significantly benefit his candidacy in the primaries if they drag on. The perception of a political prosecution could rally Republican voters. However, if the case is thrown out of court, it could also be seen as another Trump victory. The risk for Trump is that his campaign becomes solely focused on his own vindication, rather than advocating for the little man. Critics argue that the selective application of justice and the political motivations behind the prosecution could harm Trump's image in the long run. Ultimately, the outcome of these proceedings remains uncertain, and their impact on Trump's campaign will depend on various factors, including the length and outcome of the legal process.

    • Republican base's loyalty to Trump keeps him in the spotlightDespite concerns about character, Trump's base remains committed due to personal connection, policy alignment, and fear of censorship. His actions and videos resonate, making it difficult for other Republicans to gain traction.

      The Republican base's strong attachment to Donald Trump, despite personal reservations about his character, continues to make him a formidable contender in the 2024 presidential race. His ability to draw contrasts with other candidates and the media's focus on him keeps him at the center of the news cycle, making it challenging for other Republicans to gain traction. Additionally, concerns over censorship and control of information by big tech add to the sense of unease and the desire for individual freedom. Trump's recent actions, such as his visit to East Palestine and policy videos, have resonated with his base and boosted his numbers. While some believe Trump's policies are the draw, others see it as a matter of loyalty and a desire to experience the same level of support and connection they felt during his previous campaigns.

    • Transparency in Trump legal proceedings crucial for democratic processLack of transparency in Trump legal proceedings could fuel distrust, conspiracy theories and polarization, while clear frontrunner in Republican primary race is desired to avoid split votes and multiple small percentage candidates.

      The ongoing legal proceedings involving Donald Trump and potential gag orders have the potential to fuel widespread distrust and conspiracy theories if not handled with transparency. The former President's supporters argue that full transparency is crucial to maintaining faith in the democratic process, and any attempts to suppress information could lead to further polarization and wild speculation. Additionally, the Republican primary race is expected to narrow down to a two-person race between Trump and DeSantis, with the former being the preferred choice for many voters. The potential for a split vote and multiple candidates earning small percentages of the votes is seen as the worst-case scenario. Ultimately, the importance of transparency and the desire for a clear frontrunner are key themes emerging from the discussion.

    • The political climate targets individuals for their beliefs, exemplified by TrumpTrump's experiences mirror those of many facing censorship, job loss, and criminal charges for their beliefs. It's important to stand up for individual rights and freedoms, as this trend affects us all.

      The current political climate, as exemplified by the situation with Donald Trump, highlights how the system has long targeted individuals, particularly those on the right, for their beliefs. From a narrative perspective, Trump's experiences mirror those of many people facing censorship, job loss, and even criminal charges for expressing certain views. The powerful message Trump could convey is that he's not the first to be treated unfairly by the system, and this is a dangerous trend that affects us all. Despite the ongoing investigation against him, it's likely that Trump will secure the Republican nomination due to the widespread identification with his story and the general principles it represents. This situation underscores the importance of standing up for individual rights and freedoms, and recognizing the potential consequences of allowing the system to continue silencing voices and enforcing unpopular agendas.

    • Prioritize winning elections over personal fulfillmentFocus on electing pragmatic candidates to defeat opponents, recognizing the left's and right's ability to win, and understanding historical and contemporary motivations shaping political landscape.

      Winning elections should be the priority over personal fulfillment when voting. The current political climate, with both the left and right feeling a sense of confidence in their ability to win, requires a pragmatic approach. The left's embrace of controversial policies, such as transing children, is politically inept and can only be sustained due to their belief in their invincibility. However, it's crucial for the right not to underestimate the Democrats' ability to win again. The right should focus on electing candidates who are likely to defeat their opponents, rather than being swayed by emotions or personal beliefs. The trans issue is just one example of the left's political insanity, but it's important to remember that these ideas have been developing for centuries. The true believers, intellectuals, and commoners all play a role in shaping the political landscape, and it's essential to understand their motivations to effectively engage in the political process.

    • The power of beliefs and rituals as social signalsBeliefs and rituals, whether sincere or not, can signal commitment to a group and lead to power and influence. Intense belief systems, like transgender activism, can radicalize individuals and lead to violent actions against perceived challenges.

      The performance of certain beliefs or rituals, whether sincerely held or not, can serve as powerful social signals that demonstrate commitment to a group or cause. This concept, as discussed, is compared to religious practices and is seen as a means of gaining power and influence within a community. The speaker also emphasizes the intensity and radicalization potential of certain belief systems, such as transgender activism, which can lead individuals to feel entitled to violent actions against those who challenge their self-perception. The broader context of this discussion is the liberal movement's push for individual liberation from various societal structures and norms, culminating in the pursuit of transhumanism. The stakes of challenging these beliefs can be high, with accusations of genocide being a potential consequence.

    • False premises leading to dangerous ideologiesRecognizing and challenging false premises is crucial for preventing dangerous ideologies and promoting healthy discourse.

      We are witnessing a dangerous trend where certain ideologies, fueled by false premises, are leading to extreme and violent behaviors. This was discussed in relation to the Waco incident and the current transgender ideology movement. The idea that the world needs to change to accommodate individuals rather than the other way around, as well as the use of language that suggests macroaggression as a response to microaggressions, can lead to a volatile and dangerous environment. The rhetoric of genocide and threats to children, which are not based in reality, only serve to further escalate the situation. The government's promotion of these ideas, through the use of taxpayer dollars and flying flags, is particularly concerning. Civility is often used as a tactic to manipulate surrender rather than promote open and truthful dialogue. It is essential to recognize the potential dangers of false premises and to promote a healthy and fact-based discourse.

    • Calls for civility can be manipulativeDon't grant respect without earning it, challenge extremism, address threats, and hold accountable those who offend or alienate.

      The call for civility in political discourse can sometimes be a manipulative tactic used to demand submission or respect, rather than fostering genuine understanding and dialogue. Those on the receiving end of such demands should not feel obligated to grant respect without earning it first. Instead, it's essential to acknowledge and challenge the insanity or extremism in the opposing side's arguments, rather than lending them legitimacy through civil dialogue. Additionally, some individuals and organizations may use burner accounts or engage in provocative behavior to incite controversy and gain attention. In such cases, it's crucial to address and denounce any threats or harmful actions, regardless of their source. Lastly, it's important to recognize that some products or brands may intentionally or unintentionally offend or alienate certain groups, and in those cases, it's essential to hold them accountable for their actions.

    • Corporations pushing social agendas regardless of audience preferencesCorporations are attempting to change societal norms, but conservatives should not remain apathetic and should take a stand.

      Corporations are increasingly using their influence to push social agendas, regardless of their audience's preferences or values. This was highlighted in the discussion about Bud Light's decision to feature Dylan Mulvaney, a trans influencer, on their cans, despite their customer base primarily consisting of straight men. Similarly, the Country Music Awards featuring a performance with drag queens during a Hank Williams Jr. song raised questions about the alignment of the audience for country music with the promotion of drag performances. These actions by corporations are seen as an attempt to change the nature of society, assuming that conservatives will ignore it. However, the speaker argues that conservatives cannot continue to be apathetic towards these issues and will eventually need to take a stand. The speaker also emphasized that Trump's absence from the political scene could significantly impact the ability of the corporate elite to push their agendas.

    • Challenging the Status QuoIndividuals and smaller companies can make a difference and challenge the status quo, even in a daunting political and corporate climate. Fear and reluctance among conservatives to take action can hold them back, but it's important to remember the power of starting a business or supporting values, and not to give up hope.

      Despite the current state of politics and corporate culture, it's not impossible for individuals or smaller companies to make a difference and challenge the status quo, even if it seems daunting. The example given was how Trump was able to bring back a sense of energy and excitement to the Republican Party, and how smaller companies, like Jeremy's Beer or Jeremy's Razors, could potentially compete with larger, established corporations, even if it seems like an uphill battle. However, the fear and reluctance among conservatives to take action and start their own businesses is holding them back. Additionally, the success of companies that cater to the woke culture does not necessarily mean they will continue to thrive, as they may be alienating a significant portion of their customer base. Ultimately, it's important to remember that we have the power to make a difference, whether it's through starting a business or supporting those who share our values, and not to give up hope for a return to normalcy.

    • Capitalism's underlying values and societal structuresCapitalism relies on values and social connections beyond the economic system. Disconnecting from communities can lead to societal instability and the collapse of capitalism.

      The values and social structures that underpin capitalism are just as important as the economic system itself. A pharmacist's family recipe, Genucel, serves as an example of a business built on natural, safe ingredients and a compelling story. However, the free market doesn't account for values or social connections. The transgender Bud Light sponsorship controversy highlights the need to remember that capitalism is value-neutral, but the societal systems that support it are not. Sociologist Robert Nisbett argued that the industrial revolution disconnected people from kinship networks, leading to a lack of social trust and the collapse of capitalism. Ultimately, capitalism thrives when people earn and consume as members of families and communities, not just as individual economic units.

    • Individuals can make a difference through consumer choices but focus on problematic entitiesIndividuals have the power to impact change through their consumer choices, but it's crucial to address companies and institutions promoting harmful agendas. Conservatives can learn from the left's tactics, but should avoid punishing specific companies and instead focus on the larger issue.

      Individuals have the power to make a difference through their consumer choices, but it's important to focus on the companies and institutions that actively promote harmful agendas. The speaker identifies as economically communist in the household, democratic socialist in the local community, and laissez faire Libertarian at a larger scale. They argue that capitalism can be beneficial when aligned with family values, but the fault lies with individuals and political groups who claim that capitalism can solve all problems. The speaker suggests that conservatives should learn from the left's tactics of targeting and making examples of problematic entities. However, they caution against letting the perfect be the enemy of the good and focusing on punishing specific companies rather than the broader issue.

    • Targeting individuals to make a project out of themFocusing on specific targets can lead to a domino effect, allowing those in power to shift the conversation and win political victories, rather than addressing the underlying issue

      Individuals and groups can be targeted and brought down not because of their inherent flaws, but due to being in the crosshairs of those who wish to make them a project. This tactic, which involves personalizing and polarizing the target, has been used effectively for decades, as seen in the NFL's handling of Colin Kaepernick and the shutting down of a hospital in Nashville for performing unnecessary gender-affirming surgeries on minors. The strategy of focusing on a specific target rather than the larger issue at hand can lead to a domino effect and eventual victory. It's essential to recognize this pattern and shift the conversation back to the actual issue at hand. For instance, in politics, the focus should be on the Democrats' promotion of trans kids as "bravest people alive," rather than the actions of individual Republicans or former presidents. By making the opposition the subject of the conversation, Republicans can win political victories.

    • A return to the Carter era's political climateCompetent administration, staffing abilities, and law-making power are crucial for the next president to effectuate lasting change.

      The current political climate is reminiscent of the Carter years, with lies and deceit surrounding foreign affairs and economic struggles affecting the everyday lives of Americans. The individual presidency matters, as seen with the overruling of Roe v Wade and the quick deterioration of policies under the current administration. To effectuate lasting change, it's crucial for the next president to have a competent administration, staffing abilities, and the power to pass laws instead of relying on executive orders. The opposition losing when they are the issue and winning when they are not is a consistent trend. To secure Republican victories, it's essential to make it easy for independents to vote for the GOP and address any structural issues that may favor the Democrats, such as their proficiency in ballot harvesting.

    • Effective organization and voter engagement key for Republican successRepublicans can compete in elections by focusing on early voting and efficient party organization, encouraging voting, and addressing concerns about voting machines and nominating strong candidates.

      Effective organization and voter engagement are crucial for Republican parties to compete in elections, particularly in densely populated areas where ballot harvesting can be effective. Florida serves as an example of how Republicans can turn the tide through early voting and efficient party organization. California is another instance where Republicans were able to minimize losses by learning from past mistakes. It's essential for Republicans to encourage voting rather than discouraging it and build strong parties that focus on winning elections. Additionally, addressing concerns about voting machines and nominating strong candidates can help improve electoral success. It's important to acknowledge that shenanigans occur in every election, but shutting down the country and changing election rules indiscriminately can lead to significant issues.

    • Focus on clear-cut victory in cultural debate on gender identityHonesty and explicitness are crucial in debating gender issues, protecting children from harmful practices is the ultimate goal, and human nature should not be denied.

      Instead of focusing on minor issues or complaining about referees, we should aim for a clear-cut victory in the cultural debate surrounding gender identity. The use of euphemisms and misleading polls can obscure the reality of what is at stake, which is the mutilation and sterilization of minors in the name of "gender affirming care." It's crucial to be honest and explicit about the issues at hand and not let the other side define the terms of the debate. The ultimate goal should be to protect children from harmful and destructive practices, rather than debating the age at which such practices should be implemented. The debate over transgender issues is not just about bathrooms or 5-year-olds, but about the fundamental nature of human identity and the potential consequences of denying biological reality. We need to have a clear view of human nature and not let the other side dictate the terms of the conversation.

    • The debate over transgender issues goes beyond medical proceduresThe speaker raises concerns about the impact of the transgender movement on women's identity and the potential consequences for society as a whole.

      The debate surrounding transgender issues goes beyond the ban on certain medical procedures. It's about recognizing the importance of women's identity and their place in society. The speaker believes that the sexual revolution and feminism have left women feeling marginalized, and the current transgender movement may further deny their existence. The push for androgyny, as seen in the increasing number of girls identifying as trans during adolescence, is a concern for the speaker. They argue that this trend, if continued, could lead to a society that is not durable or capable of reproducing itself. Ultimately, the speaker calls for a civil discourse on these issues and a recognition of the importance of women's identity in society.

    • Preserving Humanity in a Technologically Advanced WorldAs technology advances, the future of traditional human reproduction is uncertain. Preserving humanity's values and ways of life may require communities to retreat and build their own societies, while natural reproduction remains a viable and enjoyable option for the majority.

      The future of civilization and humanity is at a crossroads, with advancements in technology potentially leading to the obsoleteration of traditional human reproduction. This could result in a future that is not human-centered, and some argue that it's important to preserve humanity as we know it. The high cost and limited accessibility of mechanical reproduction methods may make natural reproduction a more viable and enjoyable option for the majority. Some suggest that communities of like-minded individuals could retreat and build their own societies to preserve traditional values and ways of life. Ultimately, it's important to consider the implications of these advancements on the future of humanity and make informed decisions to ensure that humanity continues to thrive.

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    Ep. 1514 - 500,000 Illegal Aliens Given Benefits And Amnesty

    Ep. 1514 - 500,000 Illegal Aliens Given Benefits And Amnesty

    Joe Biden announces his plan to give amnesty to more than half a million illegal aliens, Hillary Clinton attacks Alito for being Catholic, and the man who went viral for flashing his fake breasts at the White House gets accused of assault.


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    Ep. 1513 - Libs Beg Voters, "Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes" After Damning Biden Video

    Ep. 1513 - Libs Beg Voters, "Don't Believe Your Lying Eyes" After Damning Biden Video

    The White House covers for an embarrassing Biden video, MSNBC wishes a happy Father’s Day to dads who murdered their kids, and Logan Paul asks Trump about UFOs.


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    Trump faces federal charges in classified docs probe

    Trump faces federal charges in classified docs probe
    Twice-impeached former president Trump faces his second criminal indictment. The seven federal charges include espionage, obstruction and conspiracy, and relate to the DOJ probe into his handling of classified documents he sent to his Mar-a-Lago residence while in office. Plus, the Secret Service start security planning for Trump’s expected court appearance in Miami next week. And, Kaitlin Collins interviews British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, about the ‘special' US/UK relationship, how a possible Trump 2024 win might affect that, and transatlantic cooperation in helping Ukraine in Russia’s War. Also this morning: Trump admits on tape he didn’t declassify “secret” information, and, the possible impact of Trump’s indictment on the 2024 Presidential election. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    3/31/23 EMERGENCY POD: Krystal and Saagar Break Down Trump Indictment

    3/31/23 EMERGENCY POD: Krystal and Saagar Break Down Trump Indictment

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    Trump says he won't leave the 2024 race even if convicted

    Trump says he won't leave the 2024 race even if convicted
    Trump rails against his federal charges and claims innocence ahead of his court appearance tomorrow, to be arraigned on 37 counts in the DOJ’s classified documents investigation. The former president is going to hold a fund-raiser hours after his arraignment, and has told Politico he’ll “never leave” the 2024 presidential race. Also this morning: who is Walt Nauta, the man indicted with Trump? Plus, Americans are split on Trump’s indictment, the Global reaction to Trump being criminally charged, kids survive 40 days in the Amazon after their plane crashed, and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi dies at 86. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    3/23/23: Trump Plans Perp Walk, DeSantis Polls Sink, Fed Risks Bank Failure, Market Chaos Over Yellen, Putin and Xi Pledge New World Order, Rolling Stone Alleged Pedo, Biden Prosecutes Meme Poster, Vivek's Fake Anti-Elitism, WACO Survivor David Thibodeau

    Krystal and Saagar discuss Trump planning a big show around his potential arrest, Desantis sinking in polls after Trump attacks, MAGA declares war on Desantis, Fed risks bank failure with Rate Hikes, Markets in chaos over Yellen and Powell Incompetence, Putin and Xi meet and pledge a new bond between Russia and China, Rolling Stone covers for alleged Pedophile Reporter, Biden prosecutes anti-Hillary meme poster, Vivek's fake anti-elitism exposed in Jordan Peterson interview, and Waco Survivor and author David Thibodeau joins us to talk about his personal experience in the Waco, Texas tragedy 30 years later.

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    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4Kbsy61zJSzPxNZZ3PKbXl


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