
    Deeply Disturbing Video Emerges of this Leftist Activist (Ep 1281)

    enJune 22, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Media focus on low turnout at Trump rally overlooks significant attendanceMedia's fear-mongering about COVID-19 at rallies ignores same risks at protests, highlighting need for critical thinking and fact-checking. Trump rally attendance estimated from 6,000 to 12,000, while personalized products like Helix mattresses offer customized solutions.

      Despite the media's focus on the supposedly low turnout at President Trump's rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma, the real story should be the significant number of people who attended, with estimates ranging from 6,000 to 12,000. However, the media's coverage has been dominated by fear-mongering about COVID-19 and the supposed danger of attending political rallies, while ignoring the same risks associated with protests. The disparity in reporting and the selective application of fear-mongering highlights the need for critical thinking and fact-checking when consuming news. Additionally, the discussion touched on the importance of personalized products like Helix mattresses, which offer customized solutions for individual preferences and needs.

    • Media focus on rally attendance numbersDespite media attention on rally crowds, election outcomes depend on voter support, not attendance sizes.

      The excitement and attendance at President Trump's rallies are being compared to Joe Biden's events, which are reportedly having smaller crowds. The discussion revolved around the media's focus on Trump's rally attendance numbers and their reaction to Mercedes Schlapp bringing up the contrast between the two. It was pointed out that elections are generally a binary choice between the two major parties, and the size of the crowd at a rally may not necessarily reflect the candidate's support or popularity. The speaker also shared a photo of a Joe Biden event with a small number of attendees and jokingly suggested inviting Joe Armacost to a rally to demonstrate a larger crowd size. Overall, the conversation highlighted the media's emphasis on rally attendance and the binary nature of presidential elections.

    • Trump Rally Turnout Smaller Due to Economy, Security, and MediaDespite smaller turnout at Trump rally due to economic recession, media scare tactics, and security threats, the significance of 12,000-person attendance is emphasized, contrasting Biden's reported low numbers, and Trump's campaign is not deemed 'done'.

      While President Trump's rally had a smaller turnout compared to prior events, with an estimated 12,000 people attending, this should be put into context of the current economic recession, media scare tactics, and security threats. The Secret Service, known for their accuracy, estimated the crowd size. Furthermore, comparing this to Joe Biden's reported 10-20 people at his event, the disparity in crowd sizes highlights the significance of the situation. The speaker also emphasized that the smaller turnout doesn't equate to Trump being "done" in the elections. Additionally, the speaker criticized the media for sensationalizing the story and using misleading information. The speaker's personal experience with large crowds during Obama's presidency further emphasized the significance of the 12,000-person turnout.

    • Advisor's Doubt in Predicted Attendance for Obama Rally in 2009An advisor underestimated Obama's rally attendance in 2009, while media and a politician were accused of manipulating numbers.

      During a lead advance for President Obama's rally at the Prudential Center in 2009, the advisor, who had experience with Obama's previous rallies, was certain that the predicted attendance of 22,000 people would not be met. Despite the Obama staff's confidence, the advisor believed the crowd would be much smaller. The actual attendance was around 6,000 people, with the upper part of the stadium being empty and tarped off. The advisor believes the media underreported the attendance numbers to make it seem worse for Trump. Additionally, Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) was accused of flooding the Trump campaign with fake ticket reservations, contributing to the perceived low turnout. The advisor finds it frustrating dealing with what they perceive as dishonesty from the media and politicians like AOC.

    • Suspicious Ties Between TikTok and Chinese Government, Election Fraud Allegations, and Debate Over Free Speech on Social Media PlatformsPoliticians and individuals have raised concerns over TikTok's ties to the Chinese government and its use for election fraud. Some advocate for alternative platforms like Parler, while others criticize efforts to remove controversial statues and the potential for a slippery slope.

      There have been reports of suspicious ties between TikTok and the Chinese government, and some individuals have admitted to using the app for election fraud. AOC is one such individual who boasted about her use of TikTok for this purpose during the 2020 presidential election. Despite concerns about foreign interference, some politicians and commentators are advocating for the use of alternative social media platforms like Parler, which they claim offer more freedom of speech. The left, on the other hand, is being criticized for taking advantage of crises and pushing for the removal of controversial statues, leading to accusations of a slippery slope. The speaker also disclosed his financial interest in Parler while promoting the platform.

    • Liberals erasing history and silencing oppositionLiberals aim to erase history and take power, viewing conservatives as inherently bad and seeking to silence them through various means, including elected officials acting as their pawns.

      The current political climate goes beyond ideological differences. Liberals view conservatives as not just having misguided ideas, but as inherently bad people. This was evident in the removal of Teddy Roosevelt's statue from the Museum of Natural History in New York, which was not even related to Confederate statues. The left's actions extend beyond symbolic gestures, as they aim to erase history and take power. They see the United States as a sinful, hate-filled country and seek to subjugate conservatives through various means, including elected officials acting as their pawns. This power grab is not a complex issue; it's about taking control and silencing opposition. The consequences of not recognizing this could be catastrophic.

    • Politics, not principles, drive statue removalsLeft selectively targets symbols, ignoring historical figures with questionable records if they don't align with their power agenda

      The left's actions in tearing down statues and erasing history are not driven by a genuine concern for past injustices or a commitment to principles. Instead, they selectively target symbols and figures that obstruct their power agenda, while leaving untouched those who align with their political goals. The discussion highlights the case of Democrats, with examples of figures like FDR and LBJ, who have questionable historical records but are not targeted for their perceived usefulness to the left's power advancement. The quote from Chris Van Hollen, a Democratic senator, further illustrates this point, as he demonstrates a lack of principles and a willingness to go along with the left's agenda, even if it means supporting the removal of statues dedicated to abolitionists, who were instrumental in the fight against slavery. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of understanding the political motivations behind the left's actions and not being swayed by the rhetoric of 'useful idiots.'

    • Handling statue debates through democratic processesRespect individual and community rights, engage in thoughtful dialogue, and avoid intimidation or mob rule when addressing controversial statues.

      The debate surrounding the removal of controversial statues should be handled through democratic processes, such as voting, rather than through intimidation or mob rule. The interviewee emphasized the importance of respecting the rights of individuals and communities to make decisions for themselves, even if those decisions may not align with one's own beliefs. He also criticized certain organizations, such as Black Lives Matter, for their inconsistent messaging and actions, and called out the hypocrisy of demonetizing content based on political viewpoints. The interview touched on a range of topics, including the importance of education, the role of the police in minority communities, and the need for respectful dialogue on race issues. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of these issues and the importance of engaging in thoughtful, respectful discourse.

    • Black Lives Matter founder's Marxist background raises concernsHistorical evidence of Marxist regimes harming minorities questions alignment with Black Lives Matter's mission

      The founder of Black Lives Matter, Patrisse Cullors, has acknowledged being a trained Marxist. However, the criticism raised against Black Lives Matter for being Marxist raises concerns due to historical evidence of how collectivist and Marxist regimes have treated minorities, including black men, with violence, torture, and imprisonment in concentration camps. This history includes instances of discrimination and harm towards minorities in countries like Russia and China. The question arises if advocating for such ideologies aligns with the mission of Black Lives Matter, which is to promote the value and dignity of black lives.

    • Speaker stands firm against intimidation and bullies, encourages action against controversial groupsSpeaker advocates for truth and standing up for beliefs, encourages audience to take action against companies supporting controversial groups and speak out against misinformed comments.

      During the discussion, a speaker expressed their strong stance against being intimidated or bullied, and their commitment to sharing the truth regardless of the backlash. They also encouraged their audience to take action against companies supporting controversial groups and spoke out against figures they perceived as making misinformed comments. The speaker also showed their disappointment towards Brett Favre for comparing Colin Kaepernick, who wore socks with police officers depicted as pigs, to Pat Tillman, a soldier who died in war. The speaker urged Favre to apologize for the comparison and encouraged their audience to express their disapproval. Overall, the speaker emphasized their dedication to speaking their truth and standing up for their beliefs, while also encouraging their audience to do the same.

    • Raycon's Affordable Wireless Earbuds with Impressive FeaturesRaycon's Everyday E25 earbuds offer six hours of playtime, seamless Bluetooth pairing, more bass, and a discreet, noise-isolating design at an affordable price. Use discount code Bongino for 15% off.

      Raycon's wireless earbuds offer impressive sound quality and comfort at an affordable price. The latest model, the Everyday E25 earbuds, provide six hours of playtime, seamless Bluetooth pairing, more bass, and a discreet, noise-isolating design. Raycon co-founded by Ray J, has received positive feedback for its products. The NYPD's decision to disband plainclothes anti-crime units in New York City has led to an increase in reported crimes, as criminals are less likely to commit offenses in the presence of uniformed officers. The host strongly suggests listeners to try Raycon earbuds and encourages them to save money by using the discount code Bongino for 15% off at buyraycon.com. Despite his previous calls for NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea's resignation, the host regrets having to admit that the commissioner's decision was a bad one, resulting in a surge of reported crimes in the city.

    • Absence of uniformed police leads to surge in shootingsNew York City's decision to defund police and remove uniformed officers has resulted in a significant increase in shootings, with 38 people being shot since Monday compared to only 12 for the entire week last year.

      The absence of uniformed police officers on the streets due to defunding efforts has led to a surge in shootings in New York City. Plainclothes officers, who may be more discreet, are not a viable replacement for uniformed officers in deterring crime. The quote "the uniform is a dead giveaway" highlights the importance of police presence in deterring criminal activity. The New York City Police Department's decision to close down crime units has resulted in 38 people being shot since Monday, compared to only 12 shootings for the entire week last year. This is a serious issue that should not be taken lightly. The absence of uniformed officers and the implementation of defunding efforts are contributing to a dangerous situation on the streets.

    • NYC's removal of plain clothes officers leads to rise in gun violenceThe removal of plain clothes anti-crime officers from NYC streets has resulted in a surge of gun violence, injuring 38 people over a weekend, sparking criticism and concerns about prioritizing political correctness over public safety.

      The decision to remove plain clothes anti-crime officers from the streets of New York City, as ordered by Police Commissioner Dermot Shea, has resulted in a significant increase in gun violence and crime. This decision, made in response to the city's current political climate, has led to the injury of 38 people over the weekend. Critics argue that Shea has betrayed his career and the people of New York by prioritizing political correctness over public safety. Meanwhile, in the world of politics and espionage, it has been revealed that not only was the Trump campaign spied on, but the government paid for the information used in the dossier. This raises questions about the role of the deep state in political affairs and the potential for further investigation into these matters.

    • Pentagon Paid Spy to Gather Info Used in Steele DossierThe Pentagon paid a spy, Stefan Halper, during the timeframe of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation to gather information that appeared in the Steele dossier, raising questions about the legitimacy of the Trump campaign investigation and the use of taxpayer funds.

      The Pentagon, through its Office of Net Assessment, paid Stefan Halper, a spy, to gather information that appeared in the infamous Steele dossier used to investigate the Trump team. Halper's contracts with the Pentagon coincided with the timeframe of the FBI's Crossfire Hurricane investigation. This revelation adds another layer to the Spygate scandal, revealing that taxpayer money was used to fund the spying on the Trump campaign. This information was known for a while by Catherine Herridge and other investigative journalists, but it gained more attention recently due to Margot Cleveland's article in The Federalist. The implications of this discovery are significant, as it calls into question the legitimacy of the investigation into the Trump campaign and the motivations of those involved. The ongoing investigation into the origins of the Russia probe is expected to shed more light on this matter.

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