
    Defending Women Cost Me My Business - Rosie Kay

    enFebruary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Forced out of her own company for advocating for trans inclusionDiversity and inclusion conversations are crucial in the arts, but can be met with resistance and betrayal, requiring open dialogue and education.

      The dance industry, like many others, is facing complex issues around inclusivity and representation. Rosie Kaye, a dancer and choreographer, shared her experience of being forced out of her own company for wanting to cast a trans person in a role. She was ostracized and felt betrayed by the leadership, who were more concerned with maintaining their reputation and keeping the organization afloat. This incident highlights the need for open conversations and education around diversity and inclusion in the arts. Kaye's journey from a young dancer to a successful choreographer, inspired by political female choreographers, is a testament to her resilience and passion for storytelling through dance. Despite the challenges she faced, she continues to make art that challenges the status quo and pushes boundaries.

    • Experience of a dance company director ostracized for expressing viewsExpressing unpopular opinions can lead to investigations and backlash, even if you've handed over control. Open and respectful dialogue is crucial.

      Holding onto power and control in a professional setting can be crucial for protecting personal beliefs and avoiding potential backlash. The speaker, a dance company director, shared her experience of being ostracized and investigated after expressing her views on women's rights and biology during a late-night argument. Despite being the founder and having handed over control to a charity, she was still subjected to investigations and felt a "wall of woke hate." This experience underscores the importance of understanding the potential consequences of relinquishing power and control, especially in sensitive and contentious discussions. It also highlights the need for open and respectful dialogue, acknowledging that adults are allowed to have differing opinions.

    • Workplace disputes can escalate into legal issues and damage relationshipsOpen and respectful discussions about contentious issues are crucial for the growth and progress of the arts and culture sector

      Workplace disputes, even if they start from a heated discussion, can escalate into significant legal issues and cause irreparable damage to trust and relationships. The speaker's experience of being in a controversial and taboo subject field, coupled with a culture of intolerance towards differing opinions in certain institutions, led to a series of events that resulted in legal battles, resignation, and the eventual folding of the company. The vulnerable position of the artist, who is meant to challenge and explore controversial subjects, was further complicated by the changing demographics and financial realities of the industry. Ultimately, the inability to have open and respectful discussions about contentious issues can hinder the growth and progress of the arts and culture sector as a whole.

    • A Dangerous Erosion of Depth and Rigor in the ArtsActivists, underfunded administrators, and a lack of leadership threaten the arts with a culture of self-destruction, leading to a loss of rigorous training and authentic expression.

      The arts world is facing a significant threat from within, with activists, underfunded administrators, and a lack of leadership contributing to a dangerous erosion of depth and rigor. Speaking out has become a dangerous proposition, leading to a chilling effect on artistic expression. Young artists lacking discipline and skill are making names for themselves through mass complaints, while a new class of administrators wields power and control. Leaders in the arts sector, many of whom come from an older generation, are prioritizing their own salaries and reputations over standing up for the arts. This has led to a culture of self-destruction, where the very foundations of artistic excellence are being eroded. The loss of rigorous training in Shakespeare, ballet, and other disciplines is leaving artists without the necessary depth and skill to create meaningful art. The result is a focus on identities over art, and a lack of authentic expression. The arts world is at risk of losing its core values, and urgent action is needed to preserve its rich heritage and ensure its continued relevance and impact.

    • Exploring the depths and heights of humanity through artArtists should focus on expressing themselves freely without being defined by their identities or victimhood to create authentic works.

      In the creative process, freedom to express, disagree, and focus on the art form itself is crucial. The artist should aim to explore the depths and heights of humanity, free from performative identities and personal biases. The importance of art for humanity, culture, civilization, and society cannot be overstated. The artist's role is to be a vessel for the art, not a seller of their identity or victimhood. The focus on identity and victimhood can hinder creativity and the artistic process. Instead, artists should strive to work through their selves and become a vehicle for their art. The conversation also touched upon the idea that in today's world, individuals often define themselves through their identities and victimhood, which can be a barrier to creativity and authentic expression.

    • Identity politics in arts can limit artistsArtists may self-censor and focus on external criteria due to identity politics, leading to a cycle of judgment based on identity rather than merit. Ultimately, the goal should be to let the audience decide the value of a work and for artists to focus on creating authentic pieces.

      The identity politics and judgment value system in the arts world can be limiting and oppressive for artists, leading to self-censorship and a focus on fulfilling external criteria rather than creating authentic works. This can result in a perpetuating cycle where artists are judged based on their identity rather than the merit of their art. The tension lies between rejecting identity and being inspired by it. It's important to remember that the ultimate goal should be to let the audience decide the value of a work and for artists to put their best efforts into creating as good a piece as possible. The discussion also touched on the potential negative effects of labeling and transing iconic female characters, and the importance of considering the historical significance of these figures.

    • Navigating Challenges as a Woman in the Arts IndustryThe arts industry can be challenging for women, marked by a lack of representation and objectification. Older women sharing experiences with younger generations is crucial for creating a more equitable environment.

      Growing up as a woman in the arts industry has been a challenging experience, marked by a lack of representation and objectification. The speaker shared her personal experiences of navigating this landscape, from feeling like an outsider as a curious and quiet child to becoming an object of constant commentary on her appearance during adolescence. She also highlighted the lack of female representation in the arts, from theater directors and playwrights to books and heroes. The speaker emphasized the importance of older women sharing their experiences with younger generations, as life is long and women's lives are long. She also acknowledged the prevalence of power abuse in the arts industry, particularly towards women. The speaker's story underscores the need for greater representation and a more equitable environment for women in the arts.

    • Navigating the dance world as a young artist: Supportive mentors vs exploitative eldersTreat people well, earn respect, and foster resilience by disagreeing with authority figures and staying engaged in society beyond one's career. Understand and implement inclusive practices.

      Navigating the dance world as a young artist involved dealing with both supportive older women and those who took advantage. The speaker emphasized the importance of treating people well and not continuing harmful patterns. However, she also expressed concern that today's overly nice and indulgent environment might be contributing to a lack of resilience and critical thinking skills in younger generations. The speaker shared her experience of disagreeing with authority figures as a young person and the importance of earning one's stripes. She also acknowledged the potential for becoming the very parents she once argued against and the importance of staying engaged in various aspects of society beyond one's career. The conversation touched upon the concept of white privilege and the importance of understanding and implementing inclusive practices, with the speaker expressing disappointment when those leading such initiatives were not familiar with foundational texts like Peggy McIntosh's essay.

    • Arts sector facing crisis as it becomes dominated by wealthy and upper classesHistorical shift in arts funding led to increased bureaucracy, business requirements, and difficulty for younger artists to advance, requiring action from the 'sandwich generation' and acknowledgement of working-class artists' historical significance

      The arts sector, which has historically been a bastion for diversity and representation, is now facing a crisis as it becomes increasingly dominated by the wealthy and upper classes. This shift began in the 1980s when arts funding became politicized and artists were given more freedom, but also had to justify their work for social welfare purposes. In the 1990s and 2000s, the arts were used for regeneration projects, bringing in large amounts of funding but also increasing bureaucracy and business requirements. As a result, younger artists are bypassing the "sandwich generation" of artists in their thirties and forties who are finding it difficult to advance in their careers. To address this issue, it's important for this generation to speak out and take control, while also acknowledging the historical significance of working-class actors and artists in the arts scene.

    • Arts world controversy and the importance of understanding IP and governanceArtists and arts organizations must navigate complex issues of identity, inclusion, and funding from corporations while upskilling in areas like governance and legal advice to protect themselves and the community.

      The arts world, even for small organizations, can be a breeding ground for controversy and backlash, especially when it comes to issues of identity and inclusion. This was exemplified by a situation where a dance company's artistic director, Rosie Keddon, shared a tweet from JK Rowling that led to accusations of transphobia and a call to scrutinize the company's policies. Despite the controversy, Rosie continued to create and perform, but she realized the importance of understanding intellectual property and governance to protect herself and the arts community. Another key point is the tension between the arts and corporates, as receiving funding from corporations can limit an artist's ability to be truly rebellious. Ultimately, Rosie advocates for artists and the arts community to upskill themselves in areas like governance and legal advice to navigate these complex issues.

    • Pushing Boundaries in the Arts: Overcoming ChallengesTo save the arts, we must innovate, focus on public demand, and bypass gatekeepers by proving content popularity.

      The arts sector is facing challenges, with some institutions becoming stagnant and overly reliant on brand consistency, while others are pushing boundaries. The need for change is evident, but fear of backlash and ideological influences in learning departments can hinder progress. To save the arts, we must continue creating and advocating for our work, focusing on what the public wants rather than ideology. Gatekeepers can be a barrier, but proving the popularity of our content is a way to bypass them. The arts have the power to transform lives, and it's essential to keep pushing for innovation and inclusivity.

    • The power of live arts to connect and communicate deep humanityDespite declining audiences and ideologically charged works, the speaker values live arts as a means to communicate deep humanity and connect people, sharing a personal experience of her father's impact from a live performance and her own creation of a performance piece exploring the body and soul in warfare.

      The future of live arts and performance is under threat due to declining audiences and the rise of ideologically charged works. However, the speaker strongly believes in the importance of live arts as a means to communicate deep humanity and connect people. The speaker shares a personal experience of witnessing the impact of a live performance on her father, emphasizing the primal and powerful nature of live storytelling. The speaker also shares her own experience of injury and recovery, which led her to question the relationship between the body and the soul, and inspired her to create a performance piece, "5 soldiers," exploring the essential role of the human body in warfare. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains committed to the value of live arts and performance, and the need for people to come together around a metaphorical campfire to tell stories.

    • An artist's journey into military lifeThrough immersion and personal experience, an artist gained new insights into the lives of soldiers, creating a powerful dance piece that brought recognition to the often overlooked realities of military life.

      Artist and choreographer, Jonas, sought to understand the physical and emotional experiences of soldiers by immersing himself in their training. He went from being a terrified bystander to a trained soldier, experiencing the intensity of military life firsthand. This experience led him to create a dance piece that captured the realness of war, providing an insight into the lives of soldiers that the public often overlooks. The show, which was initially met with modest success, gained significant recognition in the arts world a few years later, with 5-star reviews and global tours. Jonas believes that creating art about fighting helps him remember the discipline and relevance of military life, which was brought back into focus during the Afghanistan evacuation.

    • Exploring the depths of human experience through artArt, especially dance, connects us to our bodies and elicits joy, pleasure, and fulfillment. Support artists who explore deep, unfashionable themes.

      Art, particularly dance, plays a crucial role in expressing complex contradictions and emotions, especially during times of conflict and uncertainty. Rosie Kearns, a dance artist, emphasizes the importance of authentic storytelling and the exploration of deep, unfashionable themes like joy, pleasure, and fun. She believes that art can help us connect with our bodies and experience true fulfillment, reminding us to not discard the mind-body connection. Rosie encourages us to seek out joy and beauty in the world and to support artists who elicit these feelings. Join Rosie and other like-minded individuals in exploring the depths of human experience through art by becoming a member for extended, ad-free interviews.

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    enMay 29, 2024

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam

    Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Growing Threat of Radical Islam
    APPLY to Ralston College’s Summer Latin Program at http://ralston.ac/latin-program Worldwide applications close on 31 May. Watch the Munk Debate - Douglas Murray vs Mehdi Hassan: Is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism? Live June 17th. Join today to live stream. Click here: https://bit.ly/munk_debate Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born human rights activist, writer and former politician. To escape an arranged marriage, she sought political asylum in the Netherlands at the age of 23. In her early 30s, she renounced the Islamic faith of her childhood and began identifying as an atheist, becoming an outspoken critic of Islam in the wake of the September 11th terrorist attacks. In late 2023, Ayaan shocked many by announcing her conversion to Christianity. She has recently launched a new platform, Restoration, which aims to unite and equip those who want to restore the confidence and institutions of the West. Find out more on the Restoration Substack: https://www.restorationbulletin.com/ SPONSOR: Express VPN. Go to https://www.expressvpn.com/trigger/ and get an extra 3 months free on a one-year package! Join our Premium Membership for early access, extended and ad-free content: https://triggernometry.supercast.com OR Support TRIGGERnometry Here: Bitcoin: bc1qm6vvhduc6s3rvy8u76sllmrfpynfv94qw8p8d5 Music by: Music by: Xentric | info@xentricapc.com | https://www.xentricapc.com/ YouTube: @xentricapc  Buy Merch Here: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/shop/ Advertise on TRIGGERnometry: marketing@triggerpod.co.uk Join the Mailing List: https://www.triggerpod.co.uk/#mailinglist Find TRIGGERnometry on Social Media:  https://twitter.com/triggerpod https:/ /www.facebook.com/triggerpod/ https://www.instagram.com/triggerpod/ About TRIGGERnometry:  Stand-up comedians Konstantin Kisin (@konstantinkisin) and Francis Foster (@francisjfoster) make sense of politics, economics, free speech, AI, drug policy and WW3 with the help of presidential advisors, renowned economists, award-winning journalists, controversial writers, leading scientists and notorious comedians. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    enMay 26, 2024

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    Welcome to the Plywood Podcast: Real talk for social entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders. 

    Plywood is a nonprofit in Atlanta leading a community of startups doing good. Over the past 12 years, we have worked with over 800 startup founders and nonprofit leaders wrestling with the tensions of starting, growing, and sustaining.

    Think of The Plywood Podcast as a kitchen table conversation debating the pros and woes of running a business and sustaining a nonprofit. We dive into building business plans, sustaining relationships (personal and professional), diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, forming values while being a part of true cultural change for good, and so much more.

    Learn more about Plywood at PlywoodPeople.com

    The Social Impact Leader delves into the ambitious world of social entrepreneurship. Hosted by Jeff Shinabarger, Founder of Plywood People, bestselling author and expert mentor to thousands of startup leaders. You will learn from change-makers featuring interviews with pioneers in business, sports, activism and entertainment. From innovative strategies to inspiring stories, this podcast explores how individuals and organizations drive community change, business growth and personal well being. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a nonprofit leader, or simply curious about making a difference, Social Impact Leader gives fresh perspectives on being a leader in a changing world.

    Powerful Purpose With Shannon Sedgwick Davis

    Powerful Purpose With Shannon Sedgwick Davis

    Today we get to hear from Shannon Sedgwick Davis, attorney, activist, author of To Stop A Warlord, and CEO of Bridgeway Foundation. Bridgeway Foundations is a philanthropic organization dedicated to ending and preventing mass atrocities around the world. We dive into the topics of restorative justice, navigating what we do with the problems that we see everyday, balancing family and work, and SO much more. Buckle up because this episode will knock you off of your seat.




    Welcome to the Plywood Podcast: Real talk for social entrepreneurs and nonprofit leaders.

    Plywood is a nonprofit in Atlanta leading a community of startups doing good. Over the past 12 years, we have worked with over 800 startup founders and nonprofit leaders wrestling with the tensions of starting, growing, and sustaining.

    Think of The Plywood Podcast as a kitchen table conversation debating the pros and woes of running a business and sustaining a nonprofit. We dive into building business plans, sustaining relationships (personal and professional), diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, forming values while being a part of true cultural change for good, and so much more.

    Learn more about Plywood at PlywoodPeople.com

    The Social Impact Leader delves into the ambitious world of social entrepreneurship. Hosted by Jeff Shinabarger, Founder of Plywood People, bestselling author and expert mentor to thousands of startup leaders. You will learn from change-makers featuring interviews with pioneers in business, sports, activism and entertainment. From innovative strategies to inspiring stories, this podcast explores how individuals and organizations drive community change, business growth and personal well being. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a nonprofit leader, or simply curious about making a difference, Social Impact Leader gives fresh perspectives on being a leader in a changing world.

    The Relationship Between Diversity, Inclusion & Identity Politics

    The Relationship Between Diversity, Inclusion & Identity Politics

    Some people think it’s possible to talk about Diversity and Inclusion without being political. 

    Find out why Diversity and Inclusion is a political issue; whether you like it or not.

    Here are some key messages from this episode

    • The relationship between Inclusion and Identity Politics
    • How Inclusion work is political
    • Why you should consider how political your inclusion journey is and much more

    Play the episode for more.

    Here are some key takeaways from this episode

    It’s not always easy to separate ideas from identity

    “This depends if we’re talking about the identity of the person speaking or the concept of identity in general. Context is crucial here but in the context of inclusion separating them may be difficult”

    Some say that creating change makes you political

    “The author of that book identified the book as being political because of his commitment to “improve the lives of disabled people”. His commitment to change made him political and he’s not the first person I’ve encountered who had that opinion”

    Promoting Inclusion has implications

    The reality is, Diversity, Inclusion, these things come with commitments and implications and we need to understand to understand what they are”

    Here are some resources so you can go deeper

    How to disagree productively and find common ground

    Element of Inclusion Conversation Thread That Inspired This Episode

    Check out these related episodes of the show

    Why I Avoid Debates About Diversity and Inclusion

    Whenever you're ready, there are a few ways I can support your Inclusion Journey:

    #17 - International Women's Day - What's the big deal? Do we still need it?

    #17 - International Women's Day - What's the big deal? Do we still need it?

    So, unless you’ve been living under a rock, it’s hard not to miss all the events, news, and general PR buzz about International Women’s Day that was recognised this month. Countries celebrate it in different ways. This year you would have heard about the Day Without Women in the US and many other western countries around the world such as Australia. It is an official holiday in a number of places including: Afghanistan, Armenia, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cuba, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Laos, Mongolia, Montenegro, Russia, Uganda, Vietnam. Zambia and in China & Nepal for women only. Many brands such as Nike and P&G  launch powerful ad campaigns, while companies around the world ranging from huge multinationals host an array of events, women’s breakfasts and conferences in recognition of the day.  

    If we move past all the marketing spin, is International Women’s Day still even important? Why do we still celebrate it? Is there an international men’s day? And, looking in to the future, what are the 6 things that we should be focussing on when it comes to gender equality.

    Let’s go back to the start for a minute or two.

    What is International Women's Day? And, is there an International Men's Day?

    Let’s start with Men’s Day - Is there an International Men's Day?

    Yes, it takes place on November 19 each year and is celebrated in 60 countries around the world.

    The objectives of the day include a focus on men's and boy's health, improving gender relations, promoting gender equality, and highlighting positive male role models.

    Now back to International Women’s Day - What is it?

    The Telegraph did a great short piece about this which I’ll link to in the show notes (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/international-womens-day-2017-did-start-important/)

    Basically, International Women’s Day (or IWD as it’s commonly referred to) is “a worldwide event that celebrates women’s achievements – from the political to the social – while calling for gender equality.

    It has been observed since the early 1900s and is now recognised each year on March 8. Is is not affiliated with any one group, but brings together governments, women's organisations, corporations and charities.”

    So, why is it still important?

    I think the best way to answer this question is to give you a few facts about the current situation of women in the world.

    • Women make up more than two-thirds of the world's 796 million illiterate people. (UN Women)
    • Only 22.8 per cent of all national parliamentarians were women as of June 2016, a slow increase from 11.3 per cent in 1995 (UN Women)
    • As of January 2017, 10 women are serving as Head of State and 9 are serving as Head of Government (UN Women)
    • It is estimated that 35 per cent of women worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or sexual violence by a non-partner at some point in their lives. However, some national studies show that up to 70 per cent of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime (UN Women)
    • Worldwide, more than 700 million women alive today were married as children (below 18 years of age). Of those women, more than 1 in 3—or some 250 million—were married before 15. Child brides are often unable to effectively negotiate safe sex, leaving them vulnerable to early pregnancy as well as sexually transmitted infections, including HIV (UN Women)
    • Around 120 million girls worldwide (slightly more than 1 in 10) have experienced forced intercourse or other forced sexual acts at some point in their lives. By far the most common perpetrators of sexual violence against girls are current or former husbands, partners or boyfriends (UN Women)
    • At least 200 million women and girls alive today have undergone female genital mutilation/cutting in 30 countries, according to new estimates published on the United Nations’ International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation in 2016. In most of these countries, the majority of girls were cut before age 5. (UN Women)
    • Adult women account for almost half of all human trafficking victims detected globally. Women and girls together account for about 70 per cent, with girls representing two out of every three child trafficking victims (UN Women)
    • One in 10 women in the European Union report having experienced cyber-harassment since the age of 15 (including having received unwanted, offensive sexually explicit emails or SMS messages, or offensive, inappropriate advances on social networking sites). The risk is highest among young women between 18 and 29 years of age (UN Women)
    • Evidence suggests that certain characteristics of women, such as sexual orientation, disability status or ethnicity, and some contextual factors, such as humanitarian crises, including conflict and post-conflict situations, may increase women’s vulnerability to violence (UN Women)
    • Also, 34 per cent of women with a health problem or disability reported having experienced any physical or sexual violence by a partner in their lifetime, compared to 19 per cent of women without a health problem or disability, also based on data from the European Union (UN Women)

    Now we know what it is and why it's still important, what are the SIX things that we should focus on to accelerate gender equality?

    1)     Accelerating Gender Equality for Women and The Environment

    The situation:

    • Women, especially those in poverty, appear more vulnerable in the face of natural disasters. A recent study of 141 countries found that more women than men die from natural hazards. Where the socioeconomic status of women is high, men and women die in roughly equal numbers during and after natural disasters, whereas more women than men die (or die at a younger age) where the socioeconomic status of women is low. Women and children are more likely to die than men during disasters. (UN Women)
    • "Similarly, in industrialized countries, more women than men died during the 2003 European heat wave. During Hurricane Katrina in the USA, African-American women who were the poorest population in that part of the country faced the greatest obstacles to survival" (IUCN Global Gender Office)
    • Women and children bear the main negative impacts of fuel and water collection and transport, with women in many developing countries spending from 1 to 4 hours a day collecting biomass for fuel. A study of time and water poverty in 25 sub-Saharan African countries estimated that women spend at least 16 million hours a day collecting drinking water; men spend 6 million hours; and children, 4 million hours. Gender gaps in domestic and household work, including time spent obtaining water and fuel and processing food, are intensified in contexts of economic crisis, environmental degradation, natural disasters, and inadequate infrastructure and services (UN Women)

    So, gender equality goes hand in hand with climate solutions and that makes movements like 1 Million Women are super important and extremely relevant right now.

    They are a movement of 600,000+ women and girls (and growing everyday) who are pioneers in the gender and climate change arena in Australia and around the world.

    Climate solutions have to move past world leaders arguing about the proven science and for everyone to take control. Yes, the reality is that we need strong leadership and big decisions to be made now. And this can only happen when we all make it a priority so organisations like 1 Million Women aim for all of us all to be living a low-carbon lifestyle by inspiring 1 million women to take practical action on climate change in their everyday lives to cut carbon dioxide (CO2), the main greenhouse pollutant leading to climate change.

    According to them, if 1 million women all cut 1 tonne each of carbon pollution, it would equal to 1 million tonnes of carbon dioxide. This is the equivalent of growing a new forest of 5 million trees. They provide resources to guide you through ways to live a low-carbon life and cut C02 in the process, and ask you to kick-start your low-carbon life by making a personal goal to cut a minimum of 1 tonne of CO2 pollution from your daily life within a year.

    It's an easy way to educated start taking action so I suggest you check them out at http://www.1millionwomen.com.au as a first step.

    “Climate change responses cannot be effective unless they are gender aware, taking into consideration the different needs of women and men, the inequalities that compound the impacts of climate change for women and the specific knowledge women and men can contribute to solutions” (1 Million Women)

    If you want some further reading about climate solutions, Project Drawdown will be available from the 18th April which maps, models, and describes the 100 most substantive solutions to global warming. For each solution, they describe its history, the carbon impact it provides, the relative cost and savings, the path to adoption, and how it works. The goal of the research that informs Drawdown is to determine if we can reverse the buildup of atmospheric carbon within thirty years. All solutions modeled are already in place, well understood, analyzed based on peer-reviewed science, and are expanding around the world. So if you had any doubt about the solutions to climate change being available, this is proof that we already have everything that we need to make a difference.

    2) Accelerating Gender Equality by Creating Access to Finance for Women

    The situation:

    • The IFC has estimated that worldwide, a $300 billion gap in financing exists for formal, women-owned small businesses, and more than 70 percent of women-owned small and medium enterprises have inadequate or no access to financial services. Without access to finance, women face difficulties in collecting and saving income, growing their businesses, and pulling their families out of poverty. As a result, women remain largely excluded from the formal economy. 

    So to recognise International Women’s Day, I decided to make 2 loans to women micro-entrepreneurs in the Philippines through Kiva. And wow – what an impact Kiva made that day! They had a goal to lend $3 million USD to women on Kiva in one week, and not only exceeded it, but DOUBLED it! It was the biggest day for lending in Kiva’s 11 year history and as a result 16,473 women around the world are one step closer to following their dreams of starting or growing a business, going to school and investing in a better future for themselves, their children and their communities.

    The situation:

    • Lack of access to finance affects women in other parts of the world too. According to Fortune, a 2015 study found that 92% of senior investment teams at top venture capital firms are male. Additionally, fewer female founders – 8% in 2015 compared to 16% in 2014 – received Series A funding in the Bay Area last year.

    And that’s why when I met Pocket Sun, co-founder of SOGAL Ventures, I knew she was on to something big. As the first female-led millennial venture capital firm, according to them, they are redefining the next generation of diverse founders and funders. Although female-led, they don’t just invest in women entrepreneurs, but changing the status quo and adding diversity to the mix is powerful. As Pocket puts it: “SoGal is all about changing the power dynamics in business and entrepreneurship. This power dynamic is not going to change unless women are sitting on the other side of the table and signing cheques.”

    3)     Accelerating Gender Equality for Women in the Workforce

    The situation:

    • Women’s economic equality is good for business. Companies greatly benefit from increasing leadership opportunities for women, which is shown to increase organizational effectiveness. It is estimated that companies with three or more women in senior management functions score higher in all dimensions of organizational effectiveness (UN Women)
    • 71% of employers who said they had adopted diversity practices said these were having a positive impact on their recruitment efforts (PwC 2017 Report on Winning Female Talent)
    • 86% of millennial women and 76% of millennial men think that an employer's policy on diversity, equality and workforce inclusion is important when they decide whether or not they should work for them (PwC 2015 Report on The Female Millennial)
    •  In the United States, companies in the top quartile for racial and ethnic diversity are 35 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. And, companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 15 percent more likely to have financial returns above their respective national industry medians. (McKinsey 2016 Diversity Matters Report)

    That’s why when companies take this seriously, they can create huge impact.

    In April 2015, Salesforce Founder and CEO, Marc Benioff announced that the company would be taking a look at equal pay within their business. On International Women’s Day 2016 they announced their results. Their assessment showed that they needed to adjust some salaries—for both men and women. Approximately six percent of employees required a salary adjustment, and roughly the same number of women and men were impacted. Salesforce spent nearly $3 million dollars to eliminate statistically significant differences in pay.


    Salesforce also increased access to advancement opportunities through their High-Potential Leadership Program, which is designed to provide leadership skills to advance women in the workplace. The program has led to a 33 percent increase in the number of women who were promoted last year.

    In the last year, Salesforce increased parental leave to 12 weeks off at 80% of total pay. The company also introduced a new gradual return program which offers new parents the flexibility to work reduced hours for the first four consecutive weeks of returning to work, at full pay.

    The gender pay gap is widely discussed amongst businesses. But how many actually stop, acknowledge there might be an issue and then go on to audit their entire workforce? In the case of Salesforce, this was 17,000 strong. And, in the case of Salesforce, it’s men that benefitted from this exercise too.  

    4)     Accelerating Gender Equality by Educating Women 

    The situation according to UN Women:

    • Women make up more than two-thirds of the world's 796 million illiterate people. 
    • According to global statistics, just 39 percent of rural girls attend secondary school. This is far fewer than rural boys (45 percent), urban girls (59 percent) and urban boys (60 percent). 

    But, this doesn’t have to be the case.

    Every additional year of primary school increases girls' eventual wages by 10-20 percent. It also encourages them to marry later and have fewer children, and leaves them less vulnerable to violence. (UN Women)

    Increasing women and girls’ education contributes to higher economic growth. 

    5)     Accelerating Gender Equality by Ending Violence Against Women

    The situation according to UN Women:

    • 35 per cent of women have experienced physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime.
    • Globally, 47 per cent of murders of women are committed by an intimate partner or family member, compared to less than 6 per cent of murders of men. 
    • Women represent 55 per cent of victims of forced labour and 98 per cent of the victims of sexual exploitation. 
    • Globally, an estimated 200 million women and girls have undergone FGM in 30 countries and 700 million were married as children (250 million before the age of 15). 

    What does this all mean?

    Apart from the fact that violence of any kind is horrific, it results in a HUGE economic cost to society.

    According to the OECD estimates suggest that “discriminatory social institutions – including violence against women – cost the global economy approximately 12 trillion US dollars a year. So while it is critical to put in place laws, budgets and plans to transform discriminatory social norms, we also need to empower women and girls, men and boys, to challenge – and change – these norms”.

    Examples of this by UN Women include:

    • In India women can lose an average of at least five paid work days for each incident of intimate partner violence. This fact would mean the affected woman would get 25 per cent less of her salary each time an incident of violence happens.
    • In Uganda, about nine per cent of violent incidents forced women to lose time from paid work, amounting to approximately 11 days a year, equivalent to half a month’s salary, affecting not only the incumbent person but her family and dependents.
    • Also, research shows for example that women who are exposed to intimate partner violence are employed in higher numbers in casual and part-time work, and their earnings are 60 per cent lower, compared to women who do not experience such violence.
    • Annual costs of intimate partner violence were calculated at $5.8 billion in the United States of America and $1.16 billion in Canada. In Australia, violence against women and children costs an estimated $11.38 billion per year. Domestic violence alone costs approximately $32.9 billion in England and Wales.  

    The Secretary General of the OECD adds that “across the 160 countries included in SIGI ( Social Institutions and Gender Index), one in three women agrees that domestic violence is justified; in some countries, these acceptance rates climb close to 90%. How can we even begin to tackle violence if women believe it can be justified”

    First responders are vitally important in dealing with the consequences of violence against women, but ultimately empowering women through education, increased leadership and economic opportunities, as well as access to finance are key in changing societal norms.

    One of the guests in an upcoming episode on the podcast said to me that we can end violence in one generation - we only need one generation to grow up without any violence to change this. That will forever stay with me.

    6)     Accelerating Gender Equality by Advancing Women in Leadership

    Gender differences in laws affect both developing and developed economies, and women in all regions. According to UN Women (http://www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/leadership-and-political-participation/facts-and-figures) “90 per cent of 143 economies studied have at least one legal difference restricting women’s economic opportunities. Of those, 79 economies have laws that restrict the types of jobs that women can do. And husbands can object to their wives working and prevent them from accepting jobs in 15 economies”.

    The fact is, the more women that are represented in leadership positions around the world, the fast gender equality will become a reality.

    The World Economic Forum predicts that at the current rate of progress, the gender gap won't close entirely until 2186 

    If you’re happy waiting for almost another 170 years, then don’t bother doing anything more than you’re already doing. But if you see the economic, social, environmental and political reasons why closing this gap is important, then you need to start doing something about it now. You can start with education. Educate yourself more about this issue and talk to others about it too. In your circle of influence you can choose any one of the above areas that I’ve chosen to highlight and do something about it. Whether it’s joining the 1 million women pledge, funding micro-entrepreneurs around the world, working in your business to promote diversity or, speaking up when the societal norms that permeate a culture of violence against women rears it’s ugly head.

    You don’t have to wait - you can do something now.

    If you like what you’re hearing with this podcast, I'd love it if you could let me know what you think by subscribing, rating & reviewing the episodes. We all know that awareness is the first step to creating change so, don’t forget to share your favourite episode with your friends too!

    One more thing, if you'd like to stay in touch, check out the Doing Good Podcast on social media - I'd love to interact with you and hear your thoughts and ideas. Happy International Women’s Day!

    178. Free Speech and the Satirical Activist | Andrew Doyle

    178. Free Speech and the Satirical Activist | Andrew Doyle

    On this Season 4 Episode 32 Episode of the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Jordan is joined by British comedian, author, playwright, journalist, political satirist, and voice of Titania McGrath, Andrew Doyle.

    Andrew Doyle and Jordan discuss his new book, “Free Speech and Why It Matters”, the hate crime law in Parliament, the attack on free speech and its importance, Twitter attacks, creativity, Titania McGrath’s story, and much more.

    Find more Andrew Doyle on his website https://andrewdoyle.co.uk, and check out his book, “Free Speech And Why It Matters.” 

    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast can be found at https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/podcast/