
    “Democracy or the Filibuster.” (with Alyssa Mastromonaco!)

    enMarch 18, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Discussing the issue of racism against Asian AmericansThe recent shootings in Atlanta underscore the need to address the root cause of anti-Asian racism and violence, rather than relying on increased police presence alone.

      The recent shootings in Atlanta, which left eight people dead, including six Asian women, highlights the pervasive issue of racism against Asian Americans. Jason Concepcion, cohost of the popular sports podcast "Take Line," discussed this topic in the first episode of their show, which coincidentally went live on the same day as the shootings. Jason emphasized the importance of addressing the issue of anti-Asian violence and racism, which has seen a significant increase in the US, particularly since the emergence of COVID-19. He noted that words matter and can contribute to a culture of intolerance that leads to violent attacks. The shooting in Atlanta serves as a tragic reminder of this issue and underscores the need for a more comprehensive solution beyond increased police presence in affected communities. Instead, addressing the root cause of white supremacy is essential to combating this problem.

    • Responding to mass violence: Empathy and accurate reportingEmpathize with victims, acknowledge hate crimes, and recognize unconscious racism. Ignoring social justice issues in sports is not an option.

      The response to mass violence, particularly when motivated by hate, should prioritize empathy towards the victims and accurate reporting from authorities. The recent shootings in Georgia tragically illustrate the dangers of downplaying hate crimes and the importance of acknowledging the role of systemic racism and white supremacist ideology. Additionally, it's crucial to recognize that individuals can harbor racist beliefs without conscious awareness. In the context of sports, Take Line aims to explore the intersection of sports and social justice issues, recognizing that these conversations are increasingly important in a fractured society and that ignoring them is not an option.

    • The Future of the Filibuster: Preservation or Elimination?President Biden's stance on the filibuster is shifting due to political pressure, with the future of this Senate tradition uncertain as discussions continue.

      The filibuster, a long-standing Senate tradition, has become a contentious issue in American politics. While some politicians and pundits advocate for its elimination to advance agendas, others, including President Joe Biden, argue for its preservation and potential reform. The filibuster has been a topic of debate during the 2020 Democratic primary and throughout the current political climate. Biden's recent comments expressing a willingness to choose between his agenda and the filibuster indicate a shift in his stance, reflecting the political pressure to find solutions despite the challenges posed by this tradition. The White House's recent statement that they won't allow progress to be held hostage adds to the growing tension. Ultimately, the future of the filibuster remains uncertain, and the ongoing discussions between key players will shape its role in the political landscape.

    • Senate Debates Filibuster Reform: One-Senator Talkathon or All Senators Present?The Senate is considering various filibuster reform proposals, including one-senator talkathons and requiring a larger number of senators to be present for voting. The debate's outcome remains uncertain.

      The ongoing debate around filibuster reform in the Senate involves several proposals, each with its complexities and challenges. The White House and senators are reportedly discussing various versions, including requiring one senator to continuously speak, having all 41 senators in the minority present on the floor, or a combination of 3/5ths present for voting. The most straightforward version, where one senator can speak indefinitely, is seen as potentially weakening the filibuster due to its sustainability. However, the version requiring a larger number of senators to be present could also face challenges in implementation. Manchin, a key senator, has expressed a desire for 60 votes to end a filibuster but may be open to alternative solutions. The outcome remains uncertain as the Senate grapples with this significant political decision.

    • The Future of the Filibuster and Senate PowerSenator Joe Manchin's vote could determine the outcome of filibuster reform, potentially making him more powerful. However, eliminating the filibuster could lead to gridlock and a shift in power to the minority party, with threats from Mitch McConnell to obstruct proceedings.

      The filibuster reform in the Senate is a contentious issue with significant power implications. Joe Manchin, a Democratic senator, has been a key figure in this debate, as his vote could determine the outcome. Some argue that Manchin could become more powerful if the filibuster is reformed, as he could single-handedly block legislation without it. However, others warn that if the filibuster is eliminated, the Senate could become gridlocked, leading to a potential power shift to the minority party. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, has threatened to grind the Senate to a halt if Democrats eliminate the filibuster. Despite his threats, some believe they are empty, as the party with the majority holds the power to change the rules. The debate continues, with the future of the filibuster and the balance of power in the Senate at stake.

    • Historical protection of Democratic policies and complex border issuesThe filibuster's elimination could lead to gridlock and obstruction, but keeping it could prevent the passage of Democratic priorities. The southwest border situation requires careful consideration and a thoughtful response.

      The filibuster has historically protected popular Democratic policies such as funding for Planned Parenthood and abortion rights. Eliminating the filibuster would involve a hard fight, as many Republicans see Planned Parenthood as providing essential healthcare services. The filibuster's elimination also comes with risks, as it could lead to gridlock and obstruction for years to come. On the other hand, keeping the filibuster in place could prevent the passage of Democratic priorities. The situation at the southwest border is another complex issue, with thousands of migrant families and children arriving each spring. The Biden administration expects more arrivals this year due to dangerous conditions in Central America. Granting asylum and sending them on their way is not a simple solution, as these are individuals facing catastrophic challenges in their home countries. The situation requires careful consideration and a thoughtful response.

    • Handling the Complexity of Unaccompanied Migrant Children at the U.S.-Mexico BorderThe Biden administration faces challenges in caring for unaccompanied migrant children at the U.S.-Mexico border due to legal restrictions, overcrowded facilities, and a backlog of asylum applications. They're working to improve conditions and register/process people faster with help from organizations like FEMA and HHS.

      The current situation at the U.S.-Mexico border regarding unaccompanied migrant children is complex and challenging. The Biden administration is working to provide care for these children, but they cannot just release them into the country due to legal restrictions. Overcrowded facilities and a backlog of asylum applications are causing delays. The Trump administration previously dismantled much of the infrastructure meant to handle this issue, leaving the Biden administration to rebuild and improve conditions as quickly as possible. The Office of Refugee Resettlement, which should have been addressing this problem, was left in disarray during the Trump administration. The situation is urgent, and efforts are being made to register and process people faster, with organizations like FEMA and HHS providing assistance.

    • Addressing the complex issue of immigrationThe broken immigration system requires long-term solutions, including investing in Central American countries, creating new pathways for asylum applications, speeding up processing, and providing humane facilities. However, these solutions face political challenges and require a bipartisan approach to reform the system.

      The current administration, despite having good intentions, is facing significant challenges in addressing the complex issue of immigration due to the broken immigration system inherited from previous administrations. The system requires long-term solutions such as investing in Central American countries, creating new pathways for asylum applications, speeding up processing, and providing more humane facilities for temporary housing. However, these solutions take time and are met with political challenges from opposing parties, making the situation a contentious and ongoing issue in American politics. The public opinion on immigration is complicated, with majorities supporting certain aspects like protecting dreamers and providing a pathway to citizenship, while also desiring more border security and opposing the decriminalization of border crossings. Ultimately, addressing the immigration crisis requires a comprehensive and bipartisan approach to reform the system.

    • Politically charged immigration debate in US, Democrats and Republicans exploiting emotions and fearBold actions like comprehensive immigration reforms can lead to significant achievements, as shown by the success of the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package.

      The ongoing immigration debate in the US is a politically charged issue, and both Democrats and Republicans are expected to exploit public emotions and fear for political gain. The Biden administration aims to establish an orderly, safe, and humane immigration system, but avoiding the topic or taking small bites at reforms may not be effective in the long run. Instead, going big and pushing for comprehensive reforms, while addressing smaller issues along the way, might be a more successful approach. The success of the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package serves as an example, demonstrating that taking bold actions can lead to significant achievements.

    • Local politics can make a differenceDemocrats can progress by focusing on grassroots organizing at the local level in Republican-leaning states, and the Child Tax Credit update benefits families in need regardless of income level.

      Local politics can be less polarizing than national politics, and Democrats in states with a history of electing Republicans could make progress by focusing on grassroots organizing at the local level. For instance, in states like South Dakota, Wyoming, and North Dakota, Democrats can make a difference by running for local offices and building up the party in their communities. Additionally, the Child Tax Credit has been updated, making it fully refundable and available to families regardless of income level, which is a significant change that benefits many families in need.

    • Fear and lack of understanding hold Democrats back from marijuana legalizationDemocrats may hesitate to support marijuana legalization due to past experiences and misconceptions, but the potential benefits, such as tax revenue and criminal justice reform, outweigh the risks. Politicians should educate themselves and prioritize equity and inclusion in the industry.

      There are several reasons why Democrats might be hesitant to advocate for marijuana legalization despite its widespread popularity. Fear and lack of understanding are major factors. Some politicians may have had negative experiences with marijuana in the past or were influenced by the anti-drug campaigns of the 1980s. However, there are significant financial and societal benefits to legalizing marijuana, including tax revenue and criminal justice reform. It's important for politicians to educate themselves about the potential positive impacts of marijuana legalization and consider the experiences of those who have benefited from it. Additionally, it's crucial to ensure that the marijuana industry is equitable and inclusive, rather than allowing it to become dominated by a select few. Finally, politicians should approach marijuana legalization with caution, avoiding extreme measures like consuming large quantities of edibles before making policy decisions.

    • Unexpected denial of entry at a conferenceFollow rules and expectations, clear communication, and teamwork are crucial in professional settings.

      Even in professional settings, unexpected situations can arise, and it's essential to be prepared and follow protocol. In this anecdote, the speaker recounts an instance during the Asian Conference where they and a colleague were not carrying their badges and were denied entry to the hotel. They were eventually rescued by the White House after contacting them, but the experience served as a reminder of the importance of adhering to rules and expectations. Additionally, the story highlights the importance of clear communication and teamwork, as everyone on the trip was supposed to have been informed of the necessity of carrying their badges. Despite the occasional longing for being part of an administration, the speaker acknowledges the importance of learning from such experiences and applying them to future situations.

    • Cherishing Challenging Roles and Community SupportThe speaker values the unique experiences and opportunities that come with taking on challenging roles, such as working in the White House or serving as a marijuana legalization czar. They also appreciate the support and feedback from their community, even if it comes in unexpected forms like social media.

      The speaker expresses a desire to return to a high-pressure role, such as a czar, specifically for marijuana legalization, and appreciates the unique experiences and opportunities that come with working in the White House, despite its challenges. The speaker also values the support and feedback from the community, even if it comes in unexpected forms, such as on Twitter. Additionally, the speaker is proud of their jam-making abilities, particularly a Seville orange spearmintweedmarmalade, and appreciates the advice and tips they receive from others to improve their craft. Overall, the speaker cherishes the experiences and opportunities that come with taking on challenging roles and values the support and feedback from their community.

    • Anxiety about social situations post-pandemicPeople look forward to resuming social lives, but may feel anxious about reconnecting and adjusting to change.

      As people start to get vaccinated and restrictions lift, many are experiencing anxiety about returning to social situations and reconnecting with loved ones they haven't seen in a long time. This anxiety stems from the fact that our lives have been on hold for over a year, and the topics of conversation have become limited due to the pandemic. Once things return to normal, however, people are looking forward to resuming their social lives and having deeper, more meaningful conversations. A key part of this transition will be dealing with the stress of reconnecting with people and adjusting to the change. Overall, the excitement of returning to normalcy outweighs the anxiety for many, and people are eager to rebuild their social connections.

    • Casual Friday incident leads to stricter dress codeA positive first impression and a late arrival led to a change in office dress code, strengthening a bond between colleagues that lasted over a decade.

      Two colleagues, John and Alyssa, had a casual Friday incident that led to a dress code policy change in their office during the Obama administration. Their first impression of each other was positive, with Alyssa seeing John as approachable and kind, and John seeing Alyssa as fun and nurturing. The incident occurred during a summer when the dress code was more relaxed, and John and Alyssa arrived at work looking disheveled due to a late night or early morning arrival. This incident led to the office implementing a stricter dress code. The strong bond between John and Alyssa was formed during their time working together, and it lasted for over a decade. Their relationship went beyond just colleagues, with Alyssa taking care of John and looking out for him like a sister. The end of their time in the White House was a sad moment for both of them, as it marked the first time they would be separated.

    • Hosts Dan Pfeiffer and Holly Connor share emotional moment about upcoming baby arrivalPod Save America ends on a warm note, expressing love and anticipation for new family addition and the power of community connection

      The hosts of Pod Save America, Dan Pfeiffer and Holly Connor, shared an emotional moment during their podcast about the upcoming arrival of their new baby. The podcast, produced by Crooked Media, ended on a warm and touching note, expressing love and excitement for the new addition to their family. The hosts expressed their anticipation for the activation of the phone tree so they can share updates with their community. The podcast is produced with the help of a dedicated team, and the hosts signed off expressing their gratitude and love to their listeners. The emotional moment served as a reminder of the importance of connection and community, especially during times of joy and excitement.

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    Pick up your copy wherever you buy books, or at http://crooked.com/books.


    Want to join Crooked’s subscriber live chat for the presidential debate? Sign up at http://crooked.com/friends.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    Take action with Vote Save America: Visit votesaveamerica.com/2024  

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    To pre-order Democracy or Else, out June 25th, visit www.crooked.com/books 


    To buy tickets for book events and live shows, visit www.crooked.com/events

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email transcripts@crooked.com and include the name of the podcast.

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    In this episode of John Di Lemme's Podcast, you'll hear John Di Lemme share *3* Marketing Motivational Secrets to Explode Your Revenue, Increase Your Customer Retention, and Maximize Capitalism in Your Market...

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    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    003: The Reckoning: SCOTUS Breakpoint

    Conservatives' 30-year mission to restructure the courts in their own image is culminating with a series of cases that is reshaping the country. Case by case, the Supreme Court is rewriting the rules that have long structured the way we live, how we are governed, how we worship, even who we are.

    Immigration. Health Care. Political representation. Reproductive and religious rights. . . It's hard to find any aspect of daily life beyond the reach of the court's long tentacles.

    The July 21 Conversations On The Green will explore the courts' new direction and what it means for the way we live and for the country with three of the most celebrated court watchers. 


    Jeffrey Toobin, Staff writer at The New Yorker and senior analyst for CNN

    Linda Greenhouse, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist, author and SCOTUS authority

    Joan Biskupic, Journalist, author and Supreme Court legal analyst at CNN

    Produced by Susan McCone

    Moderated by Jane Whitney, former NBC News correspondent & talk show host. Audience members are encouraged to participate in the interactive town-hall style format.

    All proceeds benefit:

    Greenwoods Counseling Referrals, Inc. - Helping members of the Litchfield County Community and beyond find access to compassionate and high-quality mental health and related care.

    New Milford Hospital - helping to secure the latest technology, attract the best medical staff and provide the compassionate, patient-centered care for which they are nationally recognized.

    Susan B. Anthony Project - promoting safety, healing, and growth for all survivors of domestic and sexual abuse and advocates for the autonomy of women and the end of interpersonal violence.