
    Detecting Your Psychological Blindspots with CLG's HotshotGG

    en-usSeptember 28, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • From Warcraft 3 to Counter Logic Gaming: George's Passionate Journey in the Gaming WorldGeorge, a gaming pioneer, dropped out of school to build Counter Logic Gaming, a community based on unconventional game theory, inspired by his love for bringing people together and innovative gaming approaches.

      George, a passionate gamer and founder of Counter Logic Gaming (CLG), shared his journey in the gaming world starting from his early days of playing Warcraft 3 and discovering game theory, to his teenage years when he began streaming on platforms like Livestream and Xstream, and eventually dropping out of school to pursue gaming full-time. He built a community through CLG, which was named based on his understanding of game theory as "counter logic," not falling into the normal assumptions. George's inspiration came from players who did unconventional things, such as AKM, whom he still connects with in the Twitch community. He started playing games as early as age 2 and grew up in Ontario, where he found the culture to be accepting. Despite the challenges of erasing old content on his whiteboard, he expressed interest in coating his walls with whiteboard for more space. Throughout his exploration, George's love for bringing people together and his innovative approach to gaming have been key aspects of his journey.

    • Grandparents' resilience and guidance shaped speaker's characterGrandparents' difficult backgrounds and strong work ethic instilled resilience and valuable lessons in the speaker, shaping their character

      Despite facing challenges in their upbringing, both the speaker and their grandfather found ways to instill valuable lessons and a strong work ethic. The grandfather, who was once perceived as controlling, instead used his experiences to inform and guide the speaker, allowing them to make their own choices. This approach resonated with the speaker and instilled a deep respect for their grandfather. Both the grandfather and grandmother, who came from difficult backgrounds, demonstrated remarkable strength and consistency throughout their lives. Their resilience and punctuality served as powerful examples for the speaker and shaped their character.

    • The Impact of Grandparents and Gaming on Character DevelopmentGrandparents' strong values and presence, contrasted with parents' absence, shaped the speaker's character. Gaming offered instant feedback, progression, and leadership opportunities, filling the void left by academic experiences.

      The speaker's grandparents had a profound impact on their life due to their strong values and presence, instilling important lessons that helped shape their character. In contrast, the speaker's parents, particularly during their formative years, were less present and focused on keeping them afloat. The speaker found solace and challenge in gaming, which offered instant feedback and a sense of progression that was lacking in their academic experience. They were drawn to the freedom and leadership opportunities within the gaming world, which contrasted the follow-the-steps approach of school. The speaker's struggles with attendance were a result of faking sickness to stay home and immerse themselves in the gaming world. Overall, the speaker's experiences highlight the importance of strong values, presence, and engaging experiences in shaping one's character and development.

    • Understanding Complex Human BehaviorsExploring the intricacies of human motivations and behaviors can reveal underlying reasons and lead to growth and empathy

      People's motivations and behaviors, even those that seem negative like faking sick or avoiding responsibility, can have complex underlying reasons. The speaker in this conversation shared that they use their experiences to help others and have a thick skin, which could be seen as a form of avoidance but also a way to evolve and grow. Additionally, the speaker discussed their potential diagnosis of IBS, a functional disease where the cause may not be clear but the function is impaired. The speaker also touched on the idea of karma and how seemingly coincidental events in their life could be connected to their psychological state. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of understanding the complexities of human behavior and the potential interplay between physical and psychological health.

    • The Interconnectedness of Mental and Physical HealthRecognizing the intricate relationship between mental and physical health, research shows that depression can affect the gut and vice versa, and certain conditions like IBS can be better understood and treated by considering the brain-gut axis.

      Our mental and physical health are more interconnected than we may realize. The speaker shared a personal experience of how burying emotions can manifest physically in the body, specifically in the stomach. He also discussed the connection between depression and the gut, highlighting the growing field of gut-brain health. An intriguing experiment was mentioned where depressed mouse behavior was transferred to a healthy mouse through fecal matter transplant. The speaker emphasized that changes in appetite or weight gain are one of the diagnostic criteria for depression and that the stomach and brain are closely linked. He also mentioned the specificity of this connection, as certain conditions like IBS can be better understood and treated when considering the brain-gut axis. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of recognizing the intricate relationship between our mental and physical health.

    • Using rationalization to cope with her father's divorceThe speaker used logic and strategy to understand her emotions during her father's divorce, but this coping mechanism also led her to suppress other feelings, such as sadness.

      The speaker used rationalization as a coping mechanism during her father's divorce, focusing on logic and strategy to make sense of her emotions. She felt less connected to her father due to his absence and lack of emotional connection, but her grandfather's presence filled that role and provided stability. The speaker's use of rationalization helped her navigate the difficult emotions of her childhood, but it also led her to push aside other feelings, such as the sadness of growing up with an absent father figure. The loss of her grandfather later in life was a significant emotional experience that she remembers vividly, highlighting the contrast between the emotional impact of his absence and presence.

    • The importance of staying strong and putting others first, even during difficult times.The speaker learned the importance of altruism and putting others before himself, even during personal struggles, and encourages others to do the same. He also believes that acknowledging and addressing emotions is crucial for connection and helping others.

      The speaker's grandfather, who was a significant influence in his life and the founder of his esports team, encouraged him to stay strong and continue his mission even when he wanted to return home due to his grandfather's passing. This experience taught the speaker the importance of altruism and putting others before himself, even during difficult times. Additionally, the speaker believes that many people, including influencers and streamers, sacrifice their humanity in the pursuit of success and that it's essential to acknowledge and address emotions to connect with others and help them. The speaker's personal mission is to talk about these topics to prevent others from suffering as he did. The speaker also shared that he had suppressed his feelings for a long time and only began recognizing them a year and a half ago, which was a significant turning point for him.

    • Understanding others' emotions and experiences can lead to personal growthRecognizing others' suffering can inspire us to become better people and make a positive impact on the world

      Recognizing the emotions and experiences of others can serve as a catalyst for personal growth and a motivation to make the world a better place. The speaker's realization of the suffering of others led them to a deeper understanding of their own emotions and the interconnectedness of various issues in the world. They feel obligated to help others and are making significant efforts to become a better person and make a positive impact. Despite the complexity of these thoughts, the speaker's fundamental goal is to understand and improve the human condition.

    • Losing Humanity and ConnectionRecognize disconnection, share pain, communicate effectively to prevent further disconnection and find solutions together.

      We're all experiencing a great deal of suffering in the world today, and we're becoming increasingly disconnected from our emotions. This disconnection is leading us to build layers of rationalization to avoid acknowledging the truth or even seeking it. We're losing our humanity and our ability to help each other in this relentless pursuit of wanting more. It's important to recognize this issue and make a conscious effort to connect with others, share our pain, and communicate effectively. When we do, we'll find that many people are experiencing similar pain and struggles. By acknowledging and addressing our own pain, we can help ourselves and others, and perhaps even prevent further disconnection. Effective communication and empathy are key to understanding each other and finding solutions together.

    • Navigating Ethical Dilemmas in EsportsEsports athletes grapple with the pressure to conform to negative behaviors and the struggle to maintain personal values in a competitive industry, raising questions about their role in shaping the future of the industry.

      The speaker acknowledges the presence of negative behaviors in esports, which conflicted with their personal values. They felt pressured to conform to these behaviors to survive in the competitive environment. However, they express feelings of guilt and sadness about the lack of humanity and focus on building a better future in the industry. They question whether they are contributing to the problem or moving towards enlightenment. The speaker's reflections reveal the complexity of navigating ethical dilemmas in a cutthroat industry and the struggle to maintain personal values while surviving.

    • Personal experiences and the impact of betrayalBetrayal and manipulation of narratives can shape perspectives and passions, leaving lasting impacts. Truth can be disregarded for messaging and personal gain, impacting public perception.

      Personal experiences, especially those involving betrayal and the manipulation of narratives, can have profound and lasting impacts. These experiences can shape our perspectives and passions, and they can be a source of deep pain when truth is disregarded in favor of messaging and personal gain. The speaker shared a personal story from the esports world, where they were betrayed and their reputation was tarnished, despite their efforts to tell the truth. This experience left a lasting impact on the speaker, and they remain sensitive to the issue of truth in narratives and the power dynamics that can influence public perception.

    • George's personal growth journey is incomplete due to guilt and a tendency to fix the worldGeorge's focus should shift from fixing the world to continuing personal growth, recognizing past mistakes, and accepting sadness instead of shame.

      While George has made significant progress in healing himself and recognizing his feelings, there's still a sense of incompleteness in his journey. This incompleteness stems from a deep sense of guilt and a tendency to extrapolate his personal experiences to the outside world. George's desire to make the world a better place is rooted in this emotional foundation, but it may be preventing him from fully addressing his own issues. The conversation suggests that George's focus should be on continuing his personal growth rather than solely fixing the outside world. The recognition and acceptance of past mistakes, as well as the shift from shame and self-blame to sadness, are important steps in this process. However, the pathway to fully embracing this next stage of growth is not clear from the conversation alone.

    • Healing starts with selfFocus on personal healing and growth to effectively address deep-rooted wounds, rather than trying to fix the world.

      Focusing on personal healing and growth, rather than trying to fix the world, can be a more effective way to address deep-rooted wounds. The speaker acknowledges the listener's desire to help others, but suggests that this desire stems from a need to heal oneself. The listener's tendency to focus on external issues might be a way to avoid dealing with their own inner pain. The speaker encourages the listener to consider therapy and introspection as tools for healing, rather than seeking justice or trying to change the world as a means of closing their wound. The listener's ability to function despite the pain doesn't negate the importance of addressing the root cause and allowing themselves to heal fully. The speaker emphasizes that this doesn't mean abandoning all other aspects of life, but rather giving equal importance to personal growth.

    • Recognize and let go of negative emotionsRecognize negative emotions, communicate openly, and work towards understanding to promote personal growth and healing.

      Holding onto negative emotions like hate and anger can hinder personal growth and healing. While it's important to recognize these emotions and acknowledge their presence, it's equally important to learn to let go and not let them consume us. Misunderstandings and differing perspectives can lead to feelings of being misunderstood, but open communication and a willingness to understand each other's viewpoints can help bridge the gap. It's essential to remember that everyone carries their own baggage and experiences, and it's not always black and white. Feelings, especially strong ones, don't always align with rational thoughts, and confronting and addressing them can be a crucial step towards healing and moving forward.

    • Embracing Confusion and All Emotions for Personal GrowthAcknowledging and experiencing all emotions, including difficult ones, leads to new insights and self-awareness, promoting personal growth.

      Acknowledging and experiencing the full range of emotions, including difficult ones like hatred, is a crucial part of personal growth. Our initial assumptions about the world and ourselves can be limiting, and confusion arises when we challenge these assumptions. Embracing confusion and allowing ourselves to feel all emotions, rather than avoiding them, can lead to new insights and a deeper understanding of ourselves. It's important to remember that feeling hatred does not mean acting on it or cultivating it, but rather recognizing that it is a normal part of the human experience. By observing and understanding our emotions, we can gain valuable self-awareness and grow as individuals.

    • Recognizing and addressing misunderstandingsEffective communication involves acknowledging misunderstandings, validating emotions, exploring hypotheses, and apologizing for mistakes to foster deeper connections and mutual understanding.

      Effective communication and understanding between individuals often require recognizing and addressing misunderstandings, assumptions, and hidden emotions. During a conversation, people may feel misunderstood due to miscommunication or jumping to conclusions. It's essential to remember that each person brings unique experiences and perspectives, which can lead to differences in understanding. Moreover, it's important to acknowledge and validate each other's feelings, even if they are not explicitly expressed. People may hide their emotions, such as hatred, and mistake them for something else, like indifference or misunderstanding. By being open to exploring hypotheses and testing assumptions, we can foster a deeper connection and mutual understanding. Additionally, it's crucial to be aware of the potential irony in situations where we may unconsciously treat someone differently based on the context or our roles. For instance, in a therapeutic setting, we might inadvertently switch from relating to a person to treating them as a patient. This can create a disconnect and hinder the therapeutic process. Lastly, apologizing for misunderstandings or miscommunications can help bridge gaps and strengthen relationships. Apologies show empathy, understanding, and a willingness to connect on a deeper level. Ultimately, effective communication and understanding require a commitment to active listening, empathy, and a willingness to explore and address misunderstandings.

    • Apologies and Personal GrowthAcknowledging past hurts and offering apologies leads to personal growth and self-care. Trusting oneself and seeking support are essential components of this journey.

      Recognizing and addressing past hurts and wrongdoings, even if it involves an uncomfortable apology process, is essential for personal growth and self-care. It's important to acknowledge the impact of others' actions on us and hold them accountable when necessary. The apology process can lead to insight and understanding, helping us climb our personal mountains and overcome blind spots. Trusting oneself and seeking support from others are crucial components of this journey. The "I'm sorry" exercise, as demonstrated in the conversation, can be an effective form of introspection and self-reflection, equivalent to meditation. Overall, having faith in oneself and one's ability to grow is key to overcoming challenges and becoming the best version of oneself.

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    Episode Resources:

    Victoria's latest book, "We All Worry, Now What?" is now available for pre-order on Amazonhttps://www.amazon.com/All-Worry_Now-What-Victoria-Jackson/dp/1595911324

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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