
    Disciples and Servants

    enJuly 24, 2024
    What roles do 'disciple' and 'servant' represent in faith?
    How does the world react to Jesus' teachings according to the text?
    What should disciples do in the face of persecution?
    What is the relationship between a servant and their Lord?
    Why is it important to obey biblical teachings without hesitation?

    Podcast Summary

    • Christian discipleship and servanthoodAs disciples, we learn and believe Jesus' teachings, while as servants, we obey them, facing potential persecution, but sharing the teachings with the world, knowing that challenges come with faithfulness to Christ

      As disciples and servants of Jesus Christ, we are called to learn and believe His teachings without question, and obey them without hesitation. The Bible uses the terms "disciple" and "pupil," and "servant" and "bond-slave," to illustrate these two essential roles. As disciples, we are taught by our Master, and as servants, we are to follow the commands of our Lord. However, the world may not accept or agree with these teachings, and we may face persecution for our faith. Yet, we are called to share these teachings with the world, just as Jesus did before His crucifixion. Remember, the servant is not greater than his Lord, and if we have faithfully followed Jesus, we can expect to face similar challenges. So, let us remain steadfast in our faith, continue to learn and believe the teachings of the Bible, and obey them with willing hearts.

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