
    Discover the Secret to AGING BACKWARDS & Living Your Healthiest Life NOW! | Dr. Mark Hyman

    enJanuary 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Power of Love and Connection in Longevity and HealthCultivating loving relationships and belonging to a community can positively impact our genes, leading to better overall health and a longer, fulfilling life. Prioritizing and addressing childhood traumas is crucial for building a strong foundation of love and happiness.

      Relationships and belonging to a community are key factors in longevity and overall health. The importance of having a loving and connected relationship with someone cannot be underestimated. Love has been proven to be a strong healer, as it can positively affect our gene expression and activate repair genes. On the other hand, being in conflictual relationships can turn on genes of inflammation, leading to disease and aging. In American society, we often isolate ourselves and prioritize individualism, which can be detrimental to our well-being. However, there are pockets of people building communities and fostering connections. The key to finding healthy love and happiness is addressing our childhood traumas and wounds. Building a strong foundation of love and healing can lead to a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship.

    • Understanding the Impact of Childhood Experiences on Love and RelationshipsSelf-awareness and healing past wounds are essential in creating healthy and fulfilling connections with others, as our childhood experiences and learned patterns greatly influence our perception of love.

      Our childhood experiences and the patterns we learn from our parents can greatly influence our relationships and our perception of love. Mark Hyman shares his personal journey of understanding his own "corrupted love software" and how it impacted his choices in partners and his ability to experience genuine love. He realized that his mother's role as a caregiver to her deaf parents shaped her belief that love meant taking care of broken and needy individuals. Mark unconsciously repeated this pattern by seeking out partners who needed his help. Through therapy, self-reflection, and psychedelic experiences, Mark was able to heal his past traumas and rewire his nervous system, leading to a calmer and healthier approach to relationships. This highlights the importance of self-awareness and healing past wounds to create positive and fulfilling connections with others.

    • Choosing the Right Partner for Happiness and FreedomMindfully selecting partners who bring equality, support, and joy leads to greater happiness and freedom in relationships.

      Our choice of partners greatly impacts our happiness and sense of freedom. Mark Hyman reflects on his past relationships and how he kept choosing partners who were not the right fit for him. He describes feeling anxious, constantly trying to hold onto love, and not feeling truly free. However, in recent years, he has experienced a transformative change and has found a healthier attachment style and a sense of mutual support and joy in his relationships. This journey has taught him the importance of finding a partner who can meet him as an equal and contribute to a healthy and fulfilling connection. Ultimately, the key takeaway is that making mindful choices in relationships can lead to greater happiness and freedom.

    • The Power of Expressing Emotions and Slowing DownBy freely expressing our emotions and taking time to respond thoughtfully, we can improve our health and increase longevity.

      Expressing our emotions, such as crying and laughing, is key to living longer and healthier lives. Mark Hyman emphasizes the importance of being free and expressive without hurting others, as it allows us to release pent-up emotions and find healing. He highlights the need to slow down and create a gap in between stimulus and response, giving us the choice to respond in a more thoughtful and loving way. Just like Tom Brady, who experiences everything in slow motion on the football field due to his presence, we can train our minds to work differently through practice and investigating our thoughts. By mastering our emotions and minds, we unlock the key to longevity.

    • The importance of self-awareness and healthy communication in intimate relationships.Prioritizing our relationship with ourselves and our partner, and practicing deep listening and non-reactivity, can lead to a fulfilling and connected life together.

      The relationship we have with ourselves and with our intimate partner is crucial for living a healthy and fulfilling life. How we view ourselves, our beliefs, and how we communicate and show up in the relationship can greatly impact our overall well-being and longevity. It is important to be self-aware, heal any attachment disorders or traumas, and cultivate a healthy attachment style. Additionally, deep listening, non-reactivity, and treating relationship issues as a joint responsibility can strengthen the bond and foster growth together. By prioritizing and nurturing our relationships, we create a space for freedom, independence, and a sense of being fully connected.

    • The Impact of Physical and Intellectual Approaches to Healing and the Importance of Evening RoutinesOur bodies store trauma in our tissues, making somatic release crucial for healing. Artificial light at night disrupts our biology, but implementing strategies like using red light bulbs and adjusting temperature can improve sleep and overall well-being.

      Our bodies are deeply impacted by both physical and intellectual approaches to healing. Mark Hyman emphasizes the importance of somatic release, explaining that trauma is stored in our tissues and cannot be fully addressed through intellectual exercises alone. Additionally, our evening routines play a vital role in our overall health and lifespan. Hyman highlights research that shows artificial light at night, particularly blue light from screens, disrupts our natural biology and can lead to a range of health issues. Implementing strategies such as using red light bulbs, wearing blue blocker glasses, and avoiding screens before bed can help promote better sleep and protect our cognitive function. Temperature regulation also plays a role in quality sleep, with optimal temperatures ranging from 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Finding ways to adjust the temperature, such as using cooling devices, can improve our sleep and overall well-being.

    • A Paradigm Shift in Healthcare: Functional MedicineFunctional medicine looks at the body as an ecosystem and focuses on identifying and addressing imbalances in key biological systems, leading to personalized treatment approaches and the promotion of overall health.

      Functional medicine offers a paradigm shift in healthcare by viewing the body as an ecosystem rather than a collection of separate parts. It identifies the hallmarks of aging as underlying all diseases, simplifying the approach to treatment. The key question is not what disease you have, but why certain hallmarks are malfunctioning. Functional medicine focuses on addressing imbalances in seven core biological systems: the microbiome, immune inflammatory system, energy system, detoxification, transport system, communication systems, and structural system. By understanding the root cause of imbalances within these systems, personalized approaches to treatment can be developed. This aligns with the idea that health is determined by maintaining the right ingredients for well-being and minimizing toxins, stress, and deficiencies. Ultimately, functional medicine aims to create health rather than simply treat disease.

    • The Power of Prioritizing Health: Increasing Lifespan and Healthspan.Taking care of your health through maintaining an ideal body weight, not smoking, and regular exercise can significantly increase both your lifespan and healthspan, leading to a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

      Taking care of your health can significantly impact your lifespan and health span. Research shows that maintaining an ideal body weight, not smoking, and exercising regularly can lead to a longer life that is free from pain and expensive medical treatments. By prioritizing these habits, you can ensure that your health span matches your lifespan, allowing you to enjoy a full and active life until the very end. Additionally, investing in the study of aging and finding ways to improve healthspan is crucial for society as a whole. Embracing the wisdom and experience of older individuals can greatly benefit society if they are healthy and able to contribute. Overall, taking care of your health is a simple yet powerful way to lead a longer, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

    • The Future of Healthcare: Advancements in Medicine and Health TechnologyThe future of healthcare holds immense potential with advancements in technology like genomics, AI, and biosensors. These developments allow for personalized monitoring and empowerment, revolutionizing healthcare practices and promoting overall well-being.

      The field of medicine and healthcare is rapidly advancing, thanks to scientific breakthroughs and technological advancements. With systems biology, artificial intelligence, genomics, and functional medicine, we are gaining a better understanding of the human body. In the future, it is possible that individuals will have access to comprehensive lab tests, whole body MRI scans, and genomic sequencing, allowing for real-time monitoring of their health. By utilizing biosensors and big data analytics, people may receive personalized feedback on their sleep patterns, diet choices, and overall well-being. This exciting era of medicine has the potential to revolutionize healthcare practices and empower individuals to take control of their own health and longevity. It is a time of limitless possibilities for enhancing both physical and spiritual well-being.

    • Prioritizing Experiences, Relationships, Fitness, and Healing for a Long and Fulfilling Life.To live a long and fulfilling life, it is important to prioritize experiences, build relationships, maintain physical fitness, and address personal traumas for emotional healing and growth.

      Experiences, building relationships, and connecting with others are key to health and wellbeing in life. Mark Hyman emphasizes the importance of finding joy and happiness through shared experiences with loved ones. Additionally, he emphasizes the significance of starting a fitness routine early and building muscle mass for longevity. Hyman also reflects on the importance of addressing personal traumas and seeking healing, which can lead to personal growth and a greater sense of freedom. Overall, the takeaway is to prioritize experiences, relationships, physical fitness, and emotional healing to live a long, healthy, and fulfilling life.

    • Embracing love, pursuing joy, and nurturing our bodies for a fulfilling life.Love yourself and others, follow your passions, and take care of your body to maximize life's potential and experience true fulfillment.

      In order to lead a fulfilling life, it is crucial to love ourselves and others deeply. This may seem obvious, but many of us struggle with self-worth and find it challenging to truly be present and show love to those around us. Secondly, we should not wait to pursue our passions and joys in life. By following what brings us happiness, not only will it extend our lifespan, but it will also significantly enhance our overall well-being. Lastly, it is vital to understand how to take care of our bodies. Our bodies are the vehicles that allow us to experience life's wonders, and by nourishing and caring for them, we unlock the potential for extraordinary experiences and a full human experience.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1583

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    Dr. Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and has done extensive research on nutrition, aging, stress, and cancer. She trained as a postdoctoral fellow at Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute and has investigated the effects of micronutrient (vitamins and minerals) inadequacies on metabolism, inflammation, DNA damage, and aging and whether supplementation can reverse the damage. In addition, she also investigated the role of vitamin D in brain function, behavior, and other physiological functions.

    Dr. Sten Ekberg, shares information that helps to take away the nutrition guess work. Dr. Ekberg is a former decathlon athlete who competed in the 1992 Summer Olympics for Sweden and was a Swedish decathlete National Record holder. Sten won the Swedish Championship in both decathlon and heptathlon. Ekberg currently resides in the United States where he works as a chiropractor and nutritionist at his office Wellness For Life in Cumming, Georgia. 

    Dr. Mark Hyman is a practicing family physician and an internationally recognized advocate in the field of Functional Medicine and a fourteen-time New York Times best-selling author. He is the host of one of the leading health podcasts, The Doctor’s Farmacy. 

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    In this episode you will learn,

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    • The four essential foods for longevity
    • Why meat-eaters need to avoid confounding factors like smoking if they want to stay healthy
    • How your chronological age doesn’t tell the full aging story
    • Why to avoid processed food, especially carbohydrates

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1465

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    Dr. Sten Ekberg’s Full Episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1345-pod

    Dr. Mark Hyman’s Full Episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1375-pod

    Thomas DeLauer’s Full Episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1389-pod

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    Everything We’ve Learned About LOVE (Live Audience Q&A + A SURPRISE!) | Martha Higareda

    HAPPY NEW YEAR! Get ready for an incredibly personal and heartwarming episode of The School of Greatness Podcast, recorded LIVE at The Summit of Greatness 2023. In this special moment, Martha Higareda and Lewis Howes share the stage for the first time, and their candid conversation about love and relationships is one for the books. Stay tuned until the end, there’s an unforgettable surprise you won't want to miss!

    Don’t miss the action at SUMMIT 2024 – buy your tickets TODAY at https://lewishowes.com/tickets and use promo code GREATNESS for 20% off at checkout.

    In this episode you will learn

    • Why so many women face challenges in love and relationships, and how can they overcome them.
    • The complex feelings of wanting to leave a relationship but feeling stuck, and how to break away from an unhealthy relationship.
    • Martha "BALANCED" acronym for love and relationships, and how this has helped shape Martha & Lewis’s relationship.
    • Discover why choosing someone based on their potential may not be the best approach.
    • Differentiate between accepting someone for who they are and trying to change them. Learn how to build a healthy, conscious relationship based on acceptance and the fundamentals of a thriving partnership.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1554

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on relationships and communication we think you’ll love:

    Vanessa Van Edwards: https://link.chtbl.com/1231-pod

    Dr. Ramani Durvasula: https://link.chtbl.com/1195-pod & https://link.chtbl.com/1196-pod

    Lori Gottlieb: https://link.chtbl.com/1191-pod

    Unlock Inner PEACE & Master Your Thoughts | Yung Pueblo

    Unlock Inner PEACE & Master Your Thoughts | Yung Pueblo

    Diego Perez is a meditator and #1 New York Times bestselling author who is widely known on social media through his pen name, Yung Pueblo. Online he has an audience of over 3 million people. He has sold over 1 million books worldwide that have been translated into over 25 languages. His writing focuses on the power of self-healing, creating healthy relationships, and the wisdom that comes when we truly work on knowing ourselves. Diego's fourth book, The Way Forward, will be released on October 10th, 2023.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • The power of meditation and how it is the most powerful tool to master your emotions and inner dialogue
    • Healing past trauma and the importance of accepting and releasing painful past memories rather than trying to erase them
    • How real transformation happens in the present moment, and when to recognize these moments
    • Yung Pueblo shares how meditation and healing work improved his relationship with his now-wife. He emphasizes the need for both individuals in a relationship to engage in self-awareness and healing to reduce friction.
    • Why genuine self-love and kindness towards oneself are absolutely essential to reaching your full potential

    Buy his book, The Way Forward

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1512

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more episodes like this one?

    Control Your Mind – https://link.chtbl.com/1413-pod

    Break Free From Addiction – https://link.chtbl.com/1309-pod

    Attract Financial Abundance – https://link.chtbl.com/1288-pod

    Become Limitless – https://link.chtbl.com/1256-pod

    Your Best Year Yet: 3 Life-Changing Fitness Hacks to Ignite Your 2024 Transformation

    Your Best Year Yet: 3 Life-Changing Fitness Hacks to Ignite Your 2024 Transformation

    Thomas DeLauer is a Nutritionist and Expert in Diet, Cognitive Nutrition and Performance. He is motivated by a guiding ethos of integrated optimization: if you perform better, so does the world. Thomas reaches more than 15 million viewers monthly (on average) through his Youtube channel, where he translates experience and learning from his own health transformation utilizing intermittent fasting and other forms of nutrition into actionable steps for his dedicated community of 2.85 million subscribers.

    Nick Bare, Founder of Bare Performance Nutrition, shares his inspiring journey and valuable insights on how to optimize your physical performance. You will learn how to fuel your body for success, unlock your full potential, and achieve greatness in your fitness journey.

    Ethan Suplee, renowned actor and podcast host shares how he lost 250+ pounds. Ethan’s transformation story from struggling with obesity to achieving remarkable weight loss is incredible. Ethan also shares advice for parents on communicating about food and a healthy lifestyle with their children.

    In this episode you will learn

    • Sustainable workout routines that will change the way you think about daily exercise.
    • 3 non-negotiables you should have in your morning routine. 
    • How having routines can help you set better goals.
    • Why you should be wanting to prove yourself right instead of proving others wrong. 
    • The easy secret to help yourself stay more consistent.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1549

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Links to full episodes below:

    Thomas DeLauer - https://link.chtbl.com/1389-pod

    Nick Bare - https://link.chtbl.com/1387-guest

    Ethan Suplee - https://link.chtbl.com/1025-guest