
    Discover Your Purpose & Achieve Peace In Your Life w/ Jay Shetty EP 1371

    enDecember 31, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Examining our identities for authentic livingQuestion the origins of our goals to ensure they align with our true selves and live authentically

      Our identity shapes our actions and desires. According to Louis Howe, as discussed in his podcast episode, our identity is the root of our challenges and the first step to living a fulfilling life. The ego often pushes us towards being the best or the worst, leaving us feeling unbalanced. By examining and unlearning our current beliefs about ourselves, we can begin to live authentically and pursue goals that truly align with who we are. Method actors, like Heath Ledger and Daniel Day-Lewis, provide an extreme example of this concept, as they immerse themselves completely in their roles and risk losing themselves in the process. To avoid this, we should write down our current goals and question their sources, considering whether they truly reflect our true selves.

    • Understanding the origins of our goalsReflect on where your goals come from and if they truly resonate with you. Try new experiences to discover hidden talents and build a more authentic life.

      It's essential to understand the origins of our goals and desires to ensure they align with our authentic selves. Society's definition of success can be misleading, so it's crucial to ask ourselves where our goals come from and whether they truly resonate with us. Inexperience should not be mistaken for a lack of qualification. To discover new passions and uncover hidden talents, try exposing yourself to various experiences and reflecting on your reactions. Remember, the key is to ask yourself if you enjoyed the experience, why or why not, and if you want to do it again. This process can lead to valuable self-discovery and help you build a more authentic and fulfilling life.

    • Competing positively: Focus on self-improvement and collaborationApproach competition with a positive mindset, focusing on self-improvement and collaboration, rather than comparing yourself to others or trying to be someone else.

      Competition, in itself, is neither good nor bad. It's how we choose to approach it that matters. Monks, for instance, compete in showing love and respect to each other, or in how deeply they can meditate. In the business world, focusing too much on being number one can distract us from giving our full focus to the present moment, which is essential for producing high-quality work. Instead, we should compete positively, by striving to be better versions of ourselves and collaborating effectively with others. The key is to avoid comparing ourselves to others and instead focus on our own growth and progress. Additionally, it's important to remember that everyone's trajectory is unique, so it's essential to compete in our own space and not try to be someone else. Ultimately, the most successful people are those who approach competition with a positive mindset, driven by a desire to grow and improve, rather than by fear or the desire for personal gratification.

    • Understanding the role of childhood experiences in shaping our desires and motivationsRecognizing and processing childhood experiences can help break free from patterns of seeking false sources of fulfillment and find authentic sources of love and purpose, while also learning to let go of fear and anxiety.

      Our motivations and desires are often shaped by our experiences, particularly those from our childhood. We may crave love, recognition, or other things based on what we received or didn't receive from our parents. However, these cravings can lead to a never-ending cycle of seeking false sources of fulfillment, such as money or status. Instead, focusing on duty, love, and a deeper sense of purpose can bring true happiness and peace. It's essential to recognize that these emotions don't come with external things but rather from within. By understanding our past and processing our experiences, we can break free from these patterns and find authentic sources of love and fulfillment. Additionally, it's crucial to remember that fear and anxiety often stem from misunderstanding or fearing the wrong things. By learning to let go of our fear of fear, we can gain a greater sense of calm and clarity in the face of uncertainty.

    • Shifting from fear to preparationUnderstanding and preparing for fears can reduce anxiety and improve mental and physical health

      Our fears and anxieties are often fueled by imagination and anticipation, causing us to suffer twice - once in reality and once in our minds. This is especially true when it comes to consuming news and information, which can trigger worry and stress based on uncertain or incomplete information. To counteract this, it's important to shift our energy from fear to preparation. This means getting close to our fears, understanding where they come from, and taking practical steps to prepare for potential challenges. By embracing our fears and becoming intimate with them, we can turn anxiety into confidence and reduce the negative impact on our mental and physical health.

    • Uncover the true source of your fearIdentifying the root cause of fear can help us address it effectively and build a path forward, through honest self-reflection and open communication.

      Identifying and addressing the root causes of our fears can help us let go and move forward. By asking ourselves why we are afraid and continuing to ask why until we can't go any further, we can uncover the true source of our fear and deal with it effectively. For example, if we're afraid of losing our job, we might discover that we're really afraid of not having enough money or of not being good enough. Once we identify the underlying fear, we can take proactive steps to address it and build a path forward. This approach can help us avoid the panic and uncertainty that comes from not dealing with our fears. Additionally, having open and honest conversations with those around us, such as our boss or coach, can help us confront our fears and work together to find solutions. Ultimately, believing in ourselves and having a strong sense of self-esteem and self-confidence is key to overcoming fear and achieving our goals.

    • Understanding strengths, weaknesses, and impact on others leads to real confidenceHonesty, serving others, and recognizing impact build self-worth and confidence. Overcome fear and desire mode for duty and love mode.

      Genuine self-awareness and honesty are essential for overcoming ego and finding real confidence. Honesty helps us understand our strengths, weaknesses, and averages, which leads to real confidence. Serving others and recognizing the impact we have on their lives also contributes significantly to building self-worth and confidence. However, many of us live in fear and desire mode instead of duty and love mode due to conditioning. We're wired for generosity but educated for greed. It's essential to remember that there are infinite and unlimited opportunities for happiness, success, and service in the world. Confidence and self-worth come from focusing on serving others and recognizing the profound impact we have on their lives.

    • Finding meaning in what you do is key to true success and happinessDespite material possessions, true success and happiness come from finding meaning in what you do, even in scarcity.

      True success and happiness are not measured by material possessions or having the most of anything. Instead, it's about being resourceful with your heart, giving your time and energy, and finding meaning in what you do. Mother Teresa and Gandhi, for instance, made significant impacts without relying on vast resources. The belief that things are finite and limited can lead to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. The transformation from a restless, monkey mind to a calm, focused monk mind is essential in achieving this mindset. Even in situations of scarcity, finding meaning in what you do can help you overcome challenges and stress.

    • Finding Meaning in Challenging ExperiencesRecognizing lessons and values from difficult situations can help us heal, grow, and even help others.

      Finding meaning in difficult situations can help us navigate through pain and adversity. It's not always about seeking happiness or positivity, but rather recognizing the lessons and values that can be gained from challenging experiences. By slowing down and reflecting on the pain, we can heal and grow, and even use our experiences to help and serve others. It's important to trust the process and not rush the healing, as pain serves as an important reminder to pay attention and take care of ourselves. So, when faced with tough times, try to find meaning and use it as a source of strength and motivation moving forward.

    • Navigating Life's ChallengesEmbrace challenges as opportunities for growth and learning, rather than judging them as good or bad experiences.

      Life's challenges can be overwhelming, but they can also lead to growth and unexpected opportunities. The speaker shared his experience of moving to a new city, dealing with financial instability, and the impending expiration of his visa, all while trying to build a new career and support his wife. This period was incredibly stressful and tested his emotional, physical, and mental limits. However, despite the hardships, he found solace in the belief that these experiences would ultimately be beneficial. He also learned the importance of not judging moments as good or bad, but rather recognizing their potential for growth and learning. Through this experience, he was able to meet new people and eventually find success, proving that even the most difficult times can lead to positive outcomes.

    • Labeling experiences as good or bad limits growthApproach experiences with neutrality to learn and grow, celebrate victories and learn from defeats, protect and focus on your purpose to guide you through challenges

      Labeling moments as good or bad limits their potential and can hold us back from growth. Instead, approaching experiences with neutrality allows us to learn and move forward. As the speaker mentioned, even negative experiences can lead to positive outcomes. It's essential to celebrate victories and learn from defeats, but not dwell on them. The quote "when you protect your purpose, your purpose protects you" highlights the importance of staying focused on our goals and treating them as precious gems, deserving of our utmost protection and attention. By doing so, our purpose can guide us through challenges and ultimately lead to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Stay focused on your purpose for growth and successDiscovering your unique purpose provides direction, fulfillment, and momentum for personal growth and success.

      Protecting and living out your purpose is essential for personal growth and success. You may face distractions and temptations, but it's crucial to stay focused and not let them deter you from your path. Your purpose acts as a shield, protecting you and providing direction. Discovering your purpose may take time, but once you do, you'll feel a sense of momentum and fulfillment. It's important to remember that your purpose is unique to you and can manifest in various forms, whether it be through a specific platform or in multiple areas of your life. By staying true to your purpose, you'll experience growth and impact, rather than feeling stuck or constantly struggling.

    • Continuous journey of discovering purposeFocus on passions, expertise, and compassion to guide personal growth. Keep an open mind and adapt as interests evolve. Learning data analysis skills can enhance growth.

      Discovering one's purpose in life is a continuous journey, not a destination. It's okay not to have it all figured out right now. Instead, focus on identifying your passions, expertise, and compassion to guide you towards what brings you joy and alleviates your greatest pain in the world. The process of trying new things and learning from experiences is essential for growth and potential realization. There's no need to put a deadline on your purpose or limit yourself to a single passion. Keep an open mind and be willing to adapt as your interests and understanding of yourself evolve. Additionally, learning data analysis skills can significantly improve your personal and professional growth, regardless of your background or location.

    • Learning to have a conversation with yourselfRecognize thoughts, emotions, and motivations. Ask if you enjoy people, places, and projects. Identify mind tricks and obstacles to self-awareness.

      It's crucial to learn how to have a conversation with yourself and understand your mind. This means being aware of your thoughts, emotions, and motivations, and recognizing how they influence your decisions and relationships. The speaker shares an example of a study where people preferred electric shocks over being alone with their thoughts, highlighting how many of us have not learned to have a conversation with ourselves. To start this conversation, ask yourself if you enjoy the people, places, and projects in your life, and be honest about the answer. Additionally, learn how your mind tricks you into making bad decisions, and identify the greatest temptation or obstacle you've faced in letting go of something. By becoming more self-aware and having a conversation with yourself, you can make more intentional choices and cultivate healthier relationships and habits.

    • The importance of humility for personal growth and relationshipsHumility keeps ego in check, surrounds self with elevated individuals, sets high goals, deepens relationships through difficult conversations, and fosters self-awareness and effective communication.

      Maintaining humility is essential for personal growth and strong relationships. The ego can make us believe we're invincible, but it's important to remember that everyone can be brought down. Surrounding yourself with spiritually elevated individuals and constantly setting higher goals can help keep humility in check. Additionally, having difficult conversations with others is crucial for deepening relationships and learning about each other's true character. Humility, self-awareness, and effective communication are essential skills for personal growth and strong connections.

    • Focusing on both chemistry and compatibility for a long-term intimate connectionTo build a strong, long-term relationship, focus on both the physical and emotional/spiritual attractions, and be aware of past baggage that may hinder true connection.

      While physical, financial, and mental attractions (chemistry) can bring us into a relationship, they are not enough for a long-term, intimate connection. Emotional and spiritual attractions (compatibility) are equally important. People often bring baggage from past relationships into new ones, which can cloud their judgment and prevent them from truly connecting with their partner. To enter an intimate relationship with the intention of it working out long term, it's essential to focus on both the chemistry and compatibility. Understanding the five types of attraction - physical, financial, mental, emotional, and spiritual - can help identify the foundation of the attraction and ensure that both partners have a deep connection based on shared values and emotional intelligence.

    • Practice true service and compassion without expecting anything in returnFocus on serving and giving without expecting reciprocity, protect yourself, and remember compassion is about intention

      True service and compassion don't come with the expectation of reciprocity. Instead, focus on serving and giving to others, especially through various channels like content creation, without expecting anything in return. Be compassionate in a balanced way, and protect yourself from overly compassionate situations that may leave you feeling drained or bitter. Remember, compassion is about intention, not the result. If you're unable to help someone with a clear heart, introduce them to someone who can. By practicing these principles, you'll find that your acts of service will be more fulfilling and authentic.

    • Supporting others without neglecting yourselfTrain your mind for peace and purpose daily, prioritize self-care, and support loved ones honestly.

      Being compassionate and supporting others doesn't mean being a people pleaser and neglecting your own well-being. It's important to be honest and prioritize your own peace and purpose, while also making an effort to support those you love. The book "Think Like a Monk" by Jay Shetty offers practical steps to train your mind for peace and purpose every day, making it a valuable resource for those seeking to simplify their lives and find inner peace. Pre-ordering the book grants access to an exclusive workshop with four steps to help train your mind. Shetty encourages readers to support him in return for the free content they have received, as this is his best work and a valuable addition to any home. The book breaks down complex concepts into simple, easy-to-understand ideas, making it an essential tool for navigating the chaotic world and finding inner peace.

    • Embrace authenticity, express love, and strive for excellenceBe true to ourselves, express love to others, and never settle for less in life and service.

      We should focus on being true to ourselves, expressing love to others, and not settling for less in life and service. Jay Shetty emphasizes the importance of being authentic and embracing who we are instead of trying to be everything for everyone. He also stresses the significance of expressing love and gratitude to those around us, as we never know when it might be our last opportunity. Lastly, he encourages us not to settle for mediocrity in our lives and in our service to the world. By living authentically, expressing love, and striving for excellence, we can make a positive impact on those around us and on the world.

    • The Importance of Consistent Friendship TraitsDuring tough times, genuine support reveals who truly cares and helps us find meaning in challenges. Consistency in relationships is crucial, and we are loved, worthy, and matter.

      Consistent friendship traits, such as showing up for someone during challenges and successes, reveal the true nature of a person's care and commitment. During tough times, the importance of genuine support becomes apparent, allowing us to know who truly cares and helping us find meaning in the challenges we face. It's essential to be consistent in our relationships, whether things are going well or poorly, and to remember that we are loved, worthy, and matter. Additionally, if you want exclusive bonus content and ad-free listening, consider subscribing to our "Greatness Plus" channel. Don't forget to share this episode with a friend and leave a review on Apple Podcasts. Your feedback helps us continue to support and serve you.

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    You can learn more about Jessie at: https://unshakeablelife.com


    Learn more about the gift of Adversity and my mission to help my fellow humans create a better world by heading to www.marcusaureliusanderson.com. There you can take action by joining my ANV inner circle to get exclusive content and information.

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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