
    Ditch the (Sales) Script

    enDecember 20, 2023

    About this Episode

    Blair sees too many creative firms talking at prospective clients using sales scripts instead of having a series of wide ranging conversations on their unique issues and objectives that set the tone for the potential long-term engagement.



    “Ten Set Pieces”

    “Mastering the Value Conversation”

    Recent Episodes from 2Bobs - with David C. Baker and Blair Enns

    Constrained by Artificial Boundaries

    Constrained by Artificial Boundaries

    Blair’s latest obsession is bounded rationality, in which he sees too many creative firms failing to make “rational” decisions because they choose to bind their businesses with outdated and overly-constraining ideals like the 80/20 principle.



    “The Great Convergence is Upon Us” by Blair Enns for Win Without Pitching

    Award-winning “Unapologetically Human” ad campaign by Kruger and BHLA

    Productize: The Ultimate Guide to Turning Professional Services to Scalable Products by Eisha Tierney Armstrong