
    Do's and Dont's for New Year's Training

    enJanuary 15, 2024
    What does the Renaissance Woman's Diet Book suggest for dieting?
    How does junk food affect healthy eating desires?
    What are essential factors for successful hypertrophy training?
    Why is consistency important in fitness and diet?
    What is RP's approach to fitness and dieting?

    • Desiring healthy eating during the holidaysDuring the holidays, many people experience a surprising desire for healthy eating despite the availability of junk food. The Renaissance Woman's Diet Book suggests a diet reset to make dieting easier and more sustainable by unplugging from dieting, gaining weight, and healing the psychology.

      The holiday season, filled with sugary and fatty foods, can lead to a surprising desire for healthy eating. This experience is common for many people, but it can be difficult for those who are used to dieting and only know the desire for junk food to relate to. The feeling of being sick of junk food can be intellectually understood, but intuitively, it's challenging. The Renaissance Woman's Diet Book suggests a diet reset, where one unplugs from dieting altogether, gains some weight, and heals the psychology. This makes dieting easier and more sustainable when the time comes. However, if one is constantly tempted by junk food, it can be challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle for an extended period.

    • Understanding diet limitsRecognizing food cravings and diet fatigue is crucial for successful dieting. Be aware of your relationship with food and find balance through physical activity.

      Dieting requires self-awareness and understanding one's limits. The speaker shares how they've experienced a shift in their relationship with food during their dieting journey. While they once enjoyed diet-friendly foods like salad and casein pudding, they now find it difficult to consume these items when not dieting. Conversely, they may crave unhealthy foods and find it challenging to resist them, especially towards the end of a diet. The speaker emphasizes the importance of recognizing these feelings and using them as a gauge for diet fatigue, while also being mindful not to give in to cravings that could derail progress. The speaker also acknowledges the contrasting experiences of those who are not dieting and the importance of finding balance and purpose through physical activity.

    • Setting realistic goals for sustainable progressAim for goals that are challenging but achievable to maintain consistency and avoid feelings of demotivation and failure. Remember, progress not perfection.

      When setting New Year's resolutions or training goals, it's important not to overcommit and schedule more days than you can sustainably maintain. This can lead to feelings of demotivation and failure when you're unable to keep up with your plan. Instead, aim for goals that are challenging but comfortably within your reach. This applies not only to training schedules but to all types of goals. Remember, it's better to consistently meet achievable goals than to set unrealistic ones and fall short. The speakers in the discussion also highlighted the importance of having a sense of humor and not taking things too seriously, even when it comes to training and personal growth. So, keep things in perspective, and don't be too hard on yourself if you slip up occasionally. Instead, focus on the progress you've made and use setbacks as learning opportunities.

    • Consistency is key in weightlifting trainingPlan a realistic number of training sessions per week to maintain consistency and avoid burnout, rather than setting unrealistic goals and risking inconsistency.

      Consistency is key when it comes to weightlifting training. It's better to schedule training sessions that you can sustain rather than pushing yourself too hard and risking burnout. While the exercise science may suggest that more frequent training sessions can lead to similar gains, the psychological impact of missing workouts can negatively affect self-efficacy and motivation. Therefore, it's recommended to plan for a number of sessions per week that you can realistically maintain, rather than setting an unrealistic goal and risking inconsistency. Additionally, it's important not to schedule in longer workouts than you can sustain, as this can lead to cutting corners or missing lifts, ultimately impacting the quality of your training sessions.

    • Consistency and Realistic WorkoutsShort, consistent workouts of 30-45 minutes several times a week are just as effective as long workouts for building muscle and getting in shape.

      The duration and frequency of your workouts should be realistic and consistent for you, rather than trying to outdo others or pushing yourself beyond your limits. Rushing workouts, especially warm-ups and rest breaks, can lead to injury and decreased quality of lifting. Long workouts are not necessarily more effective for building muscle or getting in shape. In fact, shorter, consistent workouts of 30 to 45 minutes several times a week can be just as effective in the long term. The myth that longer workouts are the key to great shape is just that - a myth. People often assume that those with impressive physiques must spend hours at the gym each day, but consistency and long-term dedication are the real keys to success.

    • Consistency, Proper Nutrition, and Recovery Matter Most for Hypertrophy TrainingFocus on intensity and consistency in shorter gym sessions, proper nutrition, and recovery for successful hypertrophy training rather than long hours in the gym.

      The length of time spent in the gym is not the primary determinant of successful hypertrophy training or achieving a desirable body composition. Professional athletes and bodybuilders may train for varying durations, but the importance lies in consistency, proper nutrition, and recovery. Training for technical sports requires more time due to the need for recovery and improvement, but for hypertrophy training, an hour and a half session, 5-6 times a week is sufficient. CrossFitters, for instance, can achieve a professional-level body with significantly less training time. The key is to focus on intensity and consistency rather than extended gym sessions.

    • Consistency is key in fitnessMake fitness a sustainable part of your lifestyle for best results, prioritize convenience and consistency to maintain commitment

      Consistent attendance at your fitness activities, such as a CrossFit box, is crucial for achieving good results in body composition and gaining muscle while losing fat. This is a long-term commitment, not a sprint. The most successful individuals are those who make fitness a part of their lifestyle by attending regularly, even if it's just for a short period each time. Another important factor is choosing a gym or fitness activities that are convenient and require the least amount of time and effort to attend. This will help ensure that you can maintain your commitment to your fitness goals without being discouraged by the added challenges of a long commute or inconvenient schedule. Additionally, the idea of participating in a New Year's resolution fitness challenge may not be the best choice for everyone. While the initial motivation can be helpful, many people find that a lifestyle approach, where fitness is a consistent part of their routine, is more effective in the long run. Ultimately, the key to success in your fitness journey is to make it a sustainable part of your lifestyle, rather than a short-term challenge. Consistency and convenience are the keys to achieving your goals and maintaining them over time.

    • Make fitness convenient for sustainabilityChoose a gym or workout routine that fits into your lifestyle for sustainability and avoid burnout

      Making the fitness process as convenient as possible is crucial for sustainability. This can be easily forgotten, especially when living in areas with long commutes to the gym. The inconvenience can lead to burnout and ultimately, failure. Even challenging yourself should be balanced with convenience. People who have successfully incorporated fitness into their lifestyles have made it an integral part of their daily routine, making it convenient rather than a chore. When choosing a gym or workout routine, consider the time and effort required and how it fits into your lifestyle. Remember, the more convenient it is, the more sustainable it becomes.

    • The Importance of Self-Motivation and Reliability in FitnessWhile training partners can help, self-motivation and reliability are crucial for fitness success. Consistency and dedication are key, even when it's tough.

      While training partners can be valuable in helping to reach fitness goals, it's essential to remember that ultimately, the responsibility for showing up and putting in the work lies with each individual. Relying too heavily on a training partner can be risky, as they may not always be able to make it to workouts. A good training partner empowers you, but their most crucial quality is reliability. It's essential to be self-motivated and able to work out alone when necessary. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of consistency and dedication, even when it's challenging or inconvenient. The best coaches and workout partners can provide motivation and guidance, but the real key to success is the individual's commitment to their fitness journey.

    • Finding the right training partnerHaving a compatible training partner is crucial for maintaining consistency and motivation. Look for someone with similar commitment and positive energy to lift each other up, not drag each other down.

      Having a suitable training partner is crucial for maintaining consistency and motivation in your fitness journey. This person should ideally be at a similar level of commitment and seriousness as you, as an unequal partnership can lead to one person dragging the other down. It's essential to have a training partner who brings positive energy and enthusiasm to each workout session. The partnership should not just be about scheduling consistency but also about having a compatible energy level. A training partnership that is significantly asymmetrical or where both parties often quit can do more harm than good due to the group think dynamic of training. It's essential to find a training partner who lifts you up, not one who drags you down. Additionally, having a strong support system outside of the gym, including your spouse or close friends, can also significantly contribute to your fitness journey's success.

    • The importance of commitment and mindset in high-pressure situations and trainingSurround yourself with committed individuals for optimal performance and success in high-pressure situations and during training.

      Having the right mindset and commitment is crucial, especially in high-pressure situations and when working with a training partner. The speaker emphasized the importance of everyone involved being fully committed and motivated, whether it's in a military context or during physical training. He shared an analogy of being in a combat situation and having team members who aren't fully engaged, which can negatively impact the overall performance and outcome. Similarly, having a training partner who isn't fully committed can hinder progress and motivation. The speaker emphasized the importance of surrounding oneself with individuals who share the same level of dedication and passion. He also shared his personal experiences of the positive impact of good training partners during contest prep. Overall, the message is that having the right mindset and commitment is essential for success and that it's important to surround oneself with individuals who share that commitment.

    • Mindset's impact on high-pressure situationsIn high-pressure situations, having the right mindset can make a significant difference. Navy Seals view themselves as professional war-fighters, prioritizing their nation over personal needs. For fitness training, individual warm-up needs should be considered, rather than following a rigid routine.

      Mindset plays a significant role in high-pressure situations, such as military service or intense athletic training. The Navy Seals, for instance, have a unique mindset that drives them to join and endure the rigorous training process. They view themselves as professional war-fighting athletes, and the stakes are much higher than just their own lives – it's about their nation, civilization, and values. In contrast, when it comes to fitness training, a long warm-up routine may not be necessary for everyone. A recent study showed no difference in performance between a specific warm-up and a general one. People should warm up as long as they need, based on their individual needs and feelings, rather than following a rigid routine. The key is to find the right balance between preparing for the workout and maximizing training time or enjoying the rest of your life.

    • Effective warm-ups focus on the liftFocus on short, lift-specific warm-ups to improve performance and prevent injuries, lasting around 5 to 10 minutes. Longer warm-ups may indicate unnecessary practices.

      While warm-ups like foam rolling and drills can seem beneficial, they may not be effective in preventing injuries or warming up the body as efficiently as a specific warm-up for the lift itself. Warm-ups should be short and focused on the lift being performed, lasting around 5 to 10 minutes. Longer warm-ups could indicate superstition or a lack of understanding of what is truly necessary. Additionally, the cooldown is often overvalued and can be skipped if desired. The most important thing is to make your warm-up routine convenient and effective for your specific lift.

    • Post-workout stretches may be unnecessary for muscle growthFocusing on more sets of the actual exercise may be more effective for cooling down and improving flexibility

      Cool-down stretches after weight training sessions may be unnecessary and a waste of time from a hypertrophy perspective. The real reason some trainers may insist on post-workout stretching could be for client satisfaction, as it provides human contact and a relaxing end to the session. However, from a sports science perspective, non-painful stretching does not offer any added physiological benefits. Instead, focusing on more working sets of the actual exercise may be more effective for cooling down and improving flexibility, which is best addressed separately.

    • Gym practices without strict scientific backingFocusing on getting home to eat and rest after a workout can promote recovery. It's fine to replace exercises with similar ones if machines are not available, and new gym-goers should avoid overdoing it on the first day.

      While it's important to follow a consistent workout routine, there are some common practices in the gym that don't necessarily require strict adherence, such as long warm-ups and cool-downs, or doing the exact same exercises as planned if machines are taken. According to the discussion, these practices don't have significant scientific backing, and focusing on getting home to eat and rest after a workout can actually promote recovery. Additionally, if machines are not available, it's perfectly fine to replace exercises with similar ones to keep working out. Lastly, it's important to avoid overdoing it on the first day, especially for new gym-goers, as one set can provide similar muscle growth as multiple sets in the first week of training.

    • Start easy, gradually increase workout volumeBegin with manageable workouts and gradually increase volume to avoid unnecessary muscle damage, injury risk, and prolonged soreness. Consistency is key to long-term success.

      When starting a new fitness routine, it's essential to begin with a manageable volume of workouts and gradually increase as your body adapts. Overloading yourself with excessive volume in the initial stages can lead to unnecessary muscle damage, increased injury risk, and prolonged soreness, which may discourage you from continuing. The RPI performance app is designed to help regulate your workout volume based on your feedback and progress, ensuring a consistent and effective fitness journey. Remember, starting out easy and gradually increasing the intensity is the key to long-term success. Don't rush into advanced workouts or high volumes right away; instead, focus on consistency and gradual progress. The idea that you have to start a fitness program with maximum effort is a common misconception. Instead, think of it as a marathon, not a sprint. Begin with a jog, and end with a jog. Consistency is the key to making progress and becoming tougher, both physically and mentally.

    • Consistency is key to sustainable fitness resultsConsistency in training, diet, and other aspects of health leads to sustainable results, not quick fixes.

      Consistency is key when it comes to achieving long-term fitness goals. The person who shows up consistently, even if it's not with maximum effort at first, is more likely to see sustainable results compared to someone who goes all out for a short period and then quits. The same applies to diet and other aspects of health. It's important to have a plan for after completing a training program, rather than expecting magical results to last forever. RP, as a company, focuses on sustainability and long-term commitment, rather than quick fixes. Consistency, picking a number of training days that can be stuck to, having a training partner, and focusing on physiology, diet, and sleep are all important components of a smart and effective fitness plan. Results take time and require consistent effort over an extended period.

    • Personal preferences impact media opinionsPeople's dislikes for certain media characters don't dictate others' opinions, and it's important to respect everyone's unique perspectives

      Personal preferences play a significant role in people's opinions about media, including television shows. The speaker shared their negative experience with the television show "Friends," specifically mentioning their dislike for the character Phoebe. They found her superstitious behavior and her magic cat unappealing, leading them to turn off the show and never return. However, it's important to note that everyone's experiences and opinions are subjective, and just because one person dislikes something doesn't mean others will. This is just a reminder that we should respect each other's opinions, even if they differ from our own. In the context of the discussion, the speaker was sharing their perspective during a training session, likely related to customer service or sales, and moved on to discuss other topics.

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    18:04 Genetics

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    Try LMNT today and get your free 8-count LMNT Sample Pack with any purchase! https://DrinkLMNT.com/RP

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    Eps. 22 Q&A Session

    Eps. 22 Q&A Session

    In this week’s podcast we take Q&A from our community and share them with you! Thanks to all those submitted questions! It was a lot of fun! A few things that we discussed included…

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    *Diet culture, fads, and myths

    *Day in the life of….

    *Daily affirmations 

    *Finding balance between putting yourself first and putting others first.

    *Not eating past 8pm and not eating until 12pm without feeling hungry


    Enjoy the show!



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