
    Do we really need supplements? - with Róisín Pichon

    enJanuary 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Supporting Immune System with Gut Health and NutrientsMaintain gut health with fiber, boost immune system with vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C supplements during winter.

      Taking care of our gut health is essential for supporting our immune system, especially during the winter months when we're more susceptible to bugs and viruses. Fiber is a key nutrient for gut health, and consuming plenty of it through food or supplements helps feed the good gut bacteria that influence various areas of our health, including our immune system. Vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C are important supplements to consider during the winter months to support our immune system. Bimmuno's powders offer an easy way to increase levels of good bacteria in the gut and support the immune system. The short days and long nights of winter can weaken our immune systems, making us more vulnerable to illnesses. Vitamin D plays a crucial role in immune function and is especially important during the winter months when we're not getting enough sunlight. Overall, taking care of our gut health through diet and supplements, and ensuring we're getting enough vitamin D, zinc, and vitamin C, can help us stay healthy and strong during the winter months.

    • The Importance of Vitamin D, C, and Zinc for a Healthy Immune SystemMaintain a robust immune system by prioritizing Vitamin D from sun or fortified foods, Vitamin C from colorful fruits, and Zinc from animal products during winter months.

      Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for a healthy immune system, primarily obtained through sun exposure. However, during winter months and with increased clothing, it becomes harder to get enough Vitamin D. Food sources like eggs, meat, and dairy, as well as fortified foods, provide only limited amounts. Other vital nutrients for immune health include Vitamin C and Zinc, found in colorful fruits and vegetables and animal products, respectively. However, our diets often lack these nutrient-dense foods, making it essential to prioritize their consumption, especially during winter months. Overall, ensuring adequate intake of these essential nutrients is vital for maintaining a robust immune system throughout the year.

    • Eat seasonal produce and nutrient-dense foods for immune supportFocus on seasonal fruits and veggies, prioritize nutrient-dense foods like dark greens, broccoli, and legumes, and don't forget fiber for gut health and immune function. These small dietary shifts can significantly bolster your immune system, especially during winter.

      Focusing on seasonal produce and incorporating nutrient-dense foods like dark leafy greens, broccoli, and legumes into your diet can significantly support your immune system. These foods are rich in essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and zinc. Additionally, legumes are cost-effective and versatile, making them an excellent addition to any meal. Fiber, which is crucial for gut health and the growth of beneficial gut bacteria, should also be prioritized. By making these simple changes to your diet, you can help protect and strengthen your immune system, especially during the winter months.

    • Supporting our immune system through gut healthConsume fiber-rich foods, manage stress, and consider supplements to support gut bacteria and boost immune system

      Taking care of our gut health is essential for supporting our immune system and overall well-being. By consuming plenty of fiber from our diet, we can feed the good bacteria in our gut, which influences various aspects of our health, including our immune system since 70% of our immune cells are located there. It's important to view food as more than just fuel and be mindful of what we eat. Moreover, during the holiday season, we can gather around a table, enjoy food, and connect with loved ones, which benefits our immune system and overall health. Lastly, managing stress and allowing downtime are crucial for immune system support, as stress can negatively impact our health. Bimuno, a supplement containing galacto-oligosaccharides, can help support our gut bacteria, which are our friends and allies in maintaining good health. In essence, taking care of our gut health through proper nutrition, mindful eating, stress management, and supplementation can significantly enhance our immune system and overall well-being.

    • Supporting gut health and immune system with BioMinoBioMino is a supplement that boosts gut health, influencing immune system function, and contains essential nutrients like zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D for immune health support.

      BioMino, a supplement, plays a crucial role in supporting both gut health and immune system by feeding beneficial gut bacteria, specifically bifidobacteria. This gut health boost influences immunity since a significant portion of our immune system resides in the gut. BioMino offers additional benefits by including zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin D, all essential nutrients for immune health. It's particularly helpful during times when obtaining these nutrients through diet becomes challenging. The supplement contains 100% of the daily requirement of these nutrients, making it a convenient and easy addition to one's daily routine. If you're considering supplementing your vitamin D intake or simply looking for a way to support your immune system and gut health, BioMino could be an excellent choice. For more information and discounts, visit bymuno.com/forward/lizloves or use the code "Liz loves" at checkout to save 15% off your first month's trial.

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