
    Do You Know Where All Your Money Is Going?

    en-usDecember 05, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Considering Long-term Care Insurance for Financial Peace of MindLong-term care insurance is important for securing financial peace of mind, especially as people age. Prioritize purchasing it before it becomes too expensive, and consider it as part of a comprehensive financial plan.

      Long-term care insurance is an important consideration for securing financial peace of mind, especially as people age. Stacy, a caller on the Ramsey Solutions show, shared her experience of caring for her mother during her illness and the financial burden it brought. She was torn between using her potential inheritance to pay off her mortgage or buying long-term care insurance to protect her family from future financial stress. Dr. John Delony, a best-selling author, advised Stacy to prioritize both, emphasizing that the longer one waits to purchase long-term care insurance, the more expensive it becomes. He also shared a personal story of how his parents' purchase of long-term care insurance provided him with peace of mind during his childhood. The experts on the show also reminded listeners that while long-term care insurance is not part of the traditional baby steps, it is an essential aspect of a comprehensive financial plan. They suggested that listeners consider their income, debts, and potential inheritances to determine the best course of action for their individual situations.

    • Consider long-term care insurance instead of whole lifeWhile not cheap, long-term care insurance is a more straightforward option than whole life. Shop around and seek expert advice to make the best decision for your financial future.

      Buying a whole life insurance policy is not a good financial decision due to its high cost and potential hidden fees. Instead, consider looking into long-term care insurance, which, while not inexpensive, is a more straightforward product. It's important to shop around for the best options and get multiple opinions from trusted sources. Additionally, if you don't have dependents relying on your income, you may not even need life insurance. Remember, it's crucial to prioritize your physical health and well-being, as well as your professional growth. Don't hesitate to seek a second opinion from a financial professional to ensure you're making the best decisions for your financial future.

    • Experiencing setbacks on the financial journeyDespite unexpected expenses, staying committed to a budget and financial goals can help navigate through challenging times.

      Setbacks are a normal part of the financial journey, even for those following a strict budget. The caller, who was trying to pay off debt and save for Christmas, experienced a car replacement expense that put a strain on her budget. While it may feel discouraging and like progress is not being made, having a plan in place and staying committed can help get through these challenging times. It's important to remember that life is unpredictable and unexpected expenses will arise, but with careful planning and determination, it is possible to continue making progress towards financial goals. The caller's fear and concern were valid, but she was also making progress and had already paid off a significant amount of debt. The key is to stay focused and keep working towards the goal, even when faced with setbacks.

    • Stay focused on long-term goals despite financial setbacksDespite financial struggles, staying committed to a budget and working hard can lead to debt freedom and teach kids valuable life lessons

      Even when faced with financial setbacks and overwhelming expenses, it's important to stay focused on the long-term goals and keep working towards financial freedom. The speaker shares a personal story of how they were able to get out of debt by sticking to a budget and working hard, even when it meant missing out on some short-term pleasures. They emphasize the importance of having a clear plan and a noble goal, and encourage parents to remember that their hard work is not only changing their own lives but also providing their children with a valuable lesson about the importance of hard work and perseverance. Even when it feels like there's not enough time or resources, every effort counts and will ultimately lead to a better future for the family.

    • Maintaining personal well-being through self-care and open conversationsPrioritize self-care, seek help when needed, and have open conversations about finances to reduce holiday stress and debt.

      Prioritizing self-care, including seeking help from a professional therapist, is essential for maintaining personal well-being amidst the demands of life. Additionally, being mindful of financial responsibilities during the holiday season is crucial to avoid unnecessary debt. A vulnerable personal story shared on the show emphasizes the importance of having open and honest conversations with family members about financial situations and setting realistic expectations for gift-giving. These conversations can help alleviate tension and create a more enjoyable holiday experience for everyone involved.

    • Creating Lasting Memories with Simple ActivitiesDuring the holiday season, focus on spending quality time with children instead of buying extravagant gifts. For major decisions, don't let finances hold you back if it means missing out on valuable opportunities. Consider renting and focusing on debt repayment during early stages of financial planning.

      During the holiday season, children value time with their parents more than material possessions. A simple activity like riding bikes in a parking lot can create lasting memories for them. If finances are tight, it's essential not to use Christmas as a way to compensate with extravagant gifts. Instead, focus on spending quality time together. Additionally, when it comes to major decisions like moving for a business opportunity, don't let financial concerns hold you back if it means missing out on a valuable opportunity. Renting instead of buying a house and focusing on debt repayment can be a wise choice during the early stages of the Baby Step plan.

    • Protecting Financial Security After DivorceMaintain financial stability by having term life insurance, creating a solid budget, avoiding hasty decisions, seeking professional advice, having an emergency fund, and focusing on debt repayment.

      Financial security and protection, especially after a major life change like a divorce, is crucial. The discussion highlights the importance of having term life insurance to safeguard families from financial hardship in case of a spouse's death. Jamie's situation underscores the need for a solid budget, careful planning, and avoiding hasty financial decisions following a divorce. It's essential to prioritize financial stability and seek professional advice when necessary. Additionally, having an emergency fund and focusing on debt repayment can provide peace of mind during challenging times.

    • Managing Finances During a Divorce: Trusting YourselfDespite past struggles, trust yourself to make sound financial decisions during a divorce. Surround yourself with support, prioritize self-care, and remember it's okay to be truthful with your children.

      Going through a divorce and dealing with infidelity and broken trust can lead to self-doubt and questioning one's abilities, particularly when it comes to managing finances. It's important to remember that past struggles with addiction or trust issues do not define your present situation and you have the ability to trust yourself and make sound decisions. Surrounding yourself with supportive people and cutting ties with toxic individuals can help you navigate this challenging time. Remember, you are not crazy, and it's okay to tell the truth to your children about your ex-spouse's dishonesty without labeling them as evil. Trust yourself, prioritize self-care, and lean on your support system during this difficult transition.

    • Taking ownership of unexpected financesConsider selling assets, paying off debts, and building an emergency fund when faced with unexpected finances.

      When faced with unexpected expenses or financial hardships, it's essential to take ownership of your financial situation and make deliberate decisions. In the discussion, Steven called in seeking advice on how to use a settlement from his wife's car accident. The hosts, Rachel and Dr. John Deloney, encouraged him to view his financial choices as active decisions rather than reacting to circumstances. They suggested selling his truck to pay off some debts and using the settlement to pay off the remaining debt and build an emergency fund. The hosts emphasized the importance of having a solid financial foundation and avoiding unnecessary debt. They also encouraged Steven to continue educating himself on personal finance through resources like the Ramsey Show.

    • Evaluate your approach to money when feeling brokeConsider selling assets, getting extra jobs, and living below means to quickly pay off debts and build a financial safety net.

      Feeling broke or struggling financially could be a sign that it's time to reevaluate your approach to money. The advice given on the show was radical and uncomfortable, but it could lead to significant progress in paying off debts and saving money. The speaker suggested selling unnecessary assets, getting extra jobs, and living below means to quickly pay off debts and build a financial safety net. It may feel strange at first, but the potential reward is a complete financial turnaround within a year. So, if you're feeling stuck financially, consider taking bold steps to change your financial situation. Don't let the fear of the unknown hold you back from a better financial future.

    • Considering the long-term consequences of pausing investments for retirement savingsMaintaining a balance between business growth and personal financial security is crucial. Avoid sacrificing personal income for the business and recognize that financial goals don't eliminate the need for growth.

      While it's understandable for business owners to feel the pressure to increase income and grow their business quickly, it's important to consider the long-term consequences of pausing investments, such as retirement savings. Running a business out of personal checking accounts and sacrificing personal income to put back into the business can set a dangerous precedent and potentially impact financial stability. Instead, maintaining a balance between business growth and personal financial security is key. Additionally, the feeling of needing to constantly increase income and hustle for the next big thing is often an emotional response rather than a factual one. It's important to celebrate achievements and recognize that financial goals, such as paying off a house, do not necessarily eliminate the desire for growth.

    • Reverse engineering our lives for fulfillmentInstead of constantly striving for more, focus on creating a fulfilling life and deliberate choices to achieve desired feelings and experiences.

      Instead of constantly setting new goals and striving for more money, it's important to focus on creating a fulfilling life and deciding what kind of feelings and experiences we want to have. By asking questions like "what do we want this house to feel like when we walk in the door?" and "what must be true for that to happen?", we can reverse engineer our lives and make deliberate choices to create the desired atmosphere. This approach allows us to stay ambitious and busy, but about things that truly enrich our lives, rather than just chasing after more possessions or titles. It's essential to have conversations with loved ones about these goals and motivations to ensure alignment and make the most of our journey towards a more whole and satisfying life.

    • Considering Unique Circumstances in Blended Family FinancesOlder couples in blended families can benefit from keeping some financial aspects separate, especially in estate planning and assets, while maintaining unity in day-to-day finances and considering a prenuptial agreement.

      While combining finances as a married couple is generally advised, it's essential to consider the unique circumstances that come with blended families. Older couples, especially those in their 70s planning to marry, may have grown children from previous marriages. In such cases, keeping some financial aspects separate, particularly when it comes to estate planning and assets, can be beneficial. However, it's crucial to ensure that the couple still works as a team on their day-to-day finances and sees themselves as one entity. This approach fosters intimacy, connection, and a sense of unity within the marriage. Additionally, a prenuptial agreement can provide an extra layer of protection for both parties, particularly if they bring significant assets into the marriage. Ultimately, the key is to find a balance that works for both partners while maintaining open communication and mutual respect.

    • Giving a family heirloom as a gift could lead to financial burden and family conflictConsider each sibling's financial situation before gifting a family heirloom to prevent potential financial burden and family conflict. Open communication and setting clear expectations are crucial.

      Giving a family heirloom like a cabin as a gift can lead to financial burden and potential family conflict if the siblings have vastly different financial situations. The cabin, which costs around 25-30k a year to maintain, could become a source of stress if one sibling is unable to contribute their fair share. Creating a trust or investment fund to cover the costs for a certain period could be a solution, but open communication and setting clear expectations are crucial to prevent potential conflicts. Ultimately, it's essential to consider each sibling's financial situation and ability to contribute before making the gift.

    • Stories of generosity and their impactSharing stories of giving and generosity inspires and provides ideas for making a difference in the world, spreading positivity, and highlighting good in people.

      Giving and generosity, no matter the amount or form, can have a profound impact not only on the lives of those receiving but also on the giver. Hearing stories of generosity in action provides inspiration and ideas for how to make a difference in the world. It's not just about patting each other on the back, but also about spreading positivity and highlighting the good in the world. For Chrissy in Cincinnati, the generosity of others provided hope during a difficult time as she navigated a cancer diagnosis and the financial strain of treatment. The stories shared on the show serve as a reminder that there are good people out there doing amazing things, and that we all have the ability to make a difference in someone's life. So, consider sharing your own giving story and be inspired by the stories of others.

    • Embrace new phases of life with love and supportAppreciate the present, cherish relationships, and don't let fear control your life. Seek help with financial concerns during challenging times.

      When faced with unexpected challenges in life, it's essential to maintain a strong connection with loved ones, prioritize health, and communicate openly. Chrissy, a caller on the show, shared her fear of mortality and the loss of her dreams due to a cancer diagnosis. In response, the hosts offered words of encouragement and practical advice. They suggested practicing a grounding exercise to symbolize entering a new phase of life, emphasizing the importance of love and support from family and friends. They also recommended seeking help with financial concerns, as life-threatening situations should be prioritized over financial stress. Chrissy's story serves as a reminder to appreciate the present moment, cherish relationships, and not let fear control our lives.

    • Considering Alternatives Before Medical SchoolBefore pursuing medical school, Maria should weigh her financial situation and explore alternatives like nursing school or debt repayment to ensure a solid foundation

      Maria's financial situation is more complicated than she realizes, and it may not be the best time for her to pursue medical school due to her current debt. The discussion suggests that she could consider alternative options, such as nursing school or paying off her existing debt first, to build a stronger financial foundation before entering a challenging academic program like medical school. The analogy used was that of buying a car one doesn't like and immediately wanting to trade it for a Mercedes, but the financial implications should be carefully considered before making such a decision.

    • Managing Financial Stress in Major DecisionsUnderstanding contract terms and seeking professional advice can help manage financial stress during major decisions, like entering med school debt-free or installing solar panels.

      Entering major financial decisions like med school with no debts and savings is less stressful than juggling payments. Additionally, it's crucial to understand the terms of contracts and hold businesses accountable for meeting their obligations. In the case of a solar panel installation, if a company promises a certain tax return that doesn't materialize, the homeowner may be entitled to walk away or sue them for breach of contract. It's essential to separate emotional reactions from business matters and seek professional advice when necessary.

    • Consider the financial risks of solar panel installationsSolar panel investments require careful financial analysis and consultation with tax experts to avoid unexpected costs and potential debt.

      Solar panel installations may not always result in significant financial savings as advertised. While the initial pitch might seem attractive, it's crucial to carefully review the contract and consult a tax attorney to understand the true financial implications. Homeowners might not receive the large tax returns they expect and could end up stuck with a debt they took on for the installation. It's essential to approach solar panel investments with a clear understanding of the potential financial risks and run the numbers carefully before making a decision.

    • Contentment is the key to raising happy kids with material possessionsParents should encourage contentment, not constant acquisition of stuff, to help kids find happiness with material possessions. Live by this principle yourself and explore resources to learn financial management.

      Contentment is a powerful principle for both parents and children when it comes to material possessions. The speaker, who is a mom, emphasizes that it's okay for kids to have things, but the motivation behind having stuff should not be to keep joy and happiness going. Instead, contentment is key. She shares her personal experience of her young children's excitement about receiving packages and how her actions and interactions with money impact them. The speaker also encourages parents to live by this principle themselves and not just read about it. Additionally, she promotes several books and resources, including her own, to help individuals and families learn how to manage their finances and find contentment. The speaker strongly advises against relying on debt consolidation loans as a solution to debt problems, as the root cause is often behavioral.

    • Reassess and adjust during financial challengesWhen unexpected financial hardships arise, stop automatic payments, list debts, and adapt to new circumstances to effectively manage finances

      When faced with unexpected financial challenges, it's crucial to reassess and adjust your financial situation immediately. Juliana shared her story of her husband's mental health crisis, which left her struggling to pay their debts without his income. She was advised to stop all automatic payments and list out all her debts to determine minimum payments and consider getting a new checking account. The old way of managing finances may no longer be effective, and it's essential to adapt to the new circumstances. As Max DePree said, "We cannot become what we want by remaining who we are or what we are."

    • Prioritize Essential Expenses During Financial HardshipsDuring financial hardships, prioritize essential expenses and consider seeking legal advice during a divorce to freeze debt payments and explore options like selling possessions or working extra hours to pay down debt.

      During financial hardships, it's crucial to prioritize essential expenses, such as keeping the lights on and food on the table, before addressing debt payments. If going through a divorce, consulting a trusted attorney to discuss freezing debt payments and potential financial settlements can be helpful. It's essential to be honest and vulnerable during this process. Additionally, exploring options like selling possessions or working extra hours can help pay down debt over time. Remember, it's okay to seek help and grieve during challenging personal situations.

    • Exploring options for debt relief and education savings during hardshipsContact creditors for potential forbearance, consider 529 to Roth IRA conversion or designating it for kids' education, have a support system, and seek expert advice during difficult times

      During difficult financial or personal situations, it's important to reach out for help and explore all available options. The caller, who is dealing with her husband's institutionalization and significant debt, was advised to contact her credit card companies for potential forbearance, and to consider rolling over her grandmother's 529 account to a Roth IRA or designating it for her children's education. Additionally, having a support system and seeking advice from experts were emphasized as crucial steps in navigating challenging circumstances. Furthermore, the Dr. John Deloney show offers practical advice for dealing with mental and emotional health challenges and other life issues.

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    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

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    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Set Your 2024 Financial & Life Goals with Me

    Set Your 2024 Financial & Life Goals with Me
    I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious—thanks to the goal-setting exercises we're doing in today's episode. I started doing this process in 2021, and so many of my past, hyper-specific visions have come freakishly true that it’s now a borderline sacred process to me.  We’ll start with the big picture “alignment” questions, and then shift into the annual quantitative assessment I do for our financial picture. If you've been feeling stuck or cloudy in your life, this process might provide the clarity and direction you’ve been looking for.  Transcripts, resources, show credits, and more can be found at https://moneywithkatie.com/set-financial-life-goals-for-next-year. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices