
    “Doing Something” Shouldn’t Mean Doing Something Dumb (Ep 1205)

    enMarch 16, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Stay informed and cautious during crisesStay updated on current events, remain optimistic but not naive, practice individual responsibility, avoid overpriced, ineffective products, and be wary of government overreach during crises.

      During times of crisis, it's important to be informed and cautious against hasty decisions that could lead to negative consequences. Dan Bongino emphasized the importance of staying informed through his show, and encouraged listeners to be optimistic but not naive about the challenges America is facing. He also highlighted the importance of individual responsibility and avoiding overpriced, ineffective products, using the example of We The People Holsters. Furthermore, Bongino warned against the temptation for the government to overreach and make hasty decisions during a crisis, drawing parallels to past mistakes like the financial crisis bailouts. Overall, Bongino encouraged his audience to stay informed, stay positive, and be mindful of their actions during these challenging times.

    • Potential additional costs for small businesses in coronavirus relief packageThe coronavirus relief package includes measures that may not be beneficial for small businesses, such as paid leave mandates and waived insurance co-pays, which could result in higher premiums or taxes for consumers.

      The recently proposed coronavirus relief package in the House includes several measures that may not be beneficial for small businesses and could result in additional costs. For instance, the bill includes paid leave mandates that may never go away, and while waiving insurance co-pays for diagnostic testing and treatment is important, it's essential to remember that nothing in healthcare is free. The costs will be passed on to consumers in the form of higher premiums or taxes. Another concerning aspect is the potential for delayed payments, which is not a free solution. While some measures, like covering treatment and testing costs for the uninsured, may be necessary during this crisis, it's crucial to acknowledge that these actions will come with costs. Overall, it's important for policymakers to carefully consider the potential consequences of their actions and work towards finding a solution that minimizes negative impacts on businesses and individuals.

    • Proposed ideas in House bill lack financial soundness and prioritizationThe House bill contains ideas that may not be necessary or financially sound, such as across-the-board Medicaid funding increases and extended unemployment benefits. Prioritizing aid based on need and exploring alternative methods, like Fed assistance, could lead to more effective use of public funds.

      The current proposal in the House bill contains several ideas that are not financially sound and lack prioritization. For instance, across-the-board increases in Medicaid funding and waving work requirements for food stamps may not be necessary for all states, especially those with minimal coronavirus cases. Additionally, extending unemployment benefits beyond the proposed 26 weeks and mandating leave policies for small businesses could lead to long-term financial consequences. Instead, it is suggested that we view public funds as a scarce good and prioritize aid based on need. A potential solution could be allowing the Federal Reserve to provide financial assistance in the form of antiviral shots to help stabilize the economy. While this idea has its downsides, it may be a more targeted and effective approach to managing the financial impact of the coronavirus crisis.

    • Preventing Solvency Crises During Economic CrisesImplement emergency lending programs through private banks, using collateralized companies as borrowers to prevent liquidity crises from turning into solvency crises. Commit to future spending cuts and tax reductions to offset current spending and ease concerns in the bond market.

      During economic crises, preventing liquidity crises from turning into solvency crises is crucial. Kevin Walsh suggests implementing an emergency lending program through private banks, using collateralized companies as borrowers. This approach would keep businesses operational and employees employed, while ensuring that only solvent companies receive aid. Another suggestion is for Republicans and Democrats to commit to future spending cuts and tax reductions to offset current spending and ease concerns in the bond market. These are "less bad ideas" to help stabilize the economy during challenging times.

    • Older Americans selling assets due to RMDs worsens market instability during downturnsScrapping RMDs could help retirees hold onto assets, stabilize markets, and avoid financial hardship during economic downturns. Government actions like cutting interest rates and quantitative easing may not be a free solution and can have unintended consequences.

      During economic downturns, older Americans are forced to sell their assets due to required minimum distributions from retirement accounts. This selling pressure contributes to the market instability and can potentially lead retirees to financial hardship. The suggestion is to scrap these mandatory distributions to allow retirees to hold onto their assets until the market recovers. Additionally, there's no such thing as free money or a money-fairy, and the government's actions, such as cutting interest rates and quantitative easing, can have unintended consequences.

    • Helix Sleep's customized mattress selection processHelix Sleep offers personalized mattresses through a quick quiz, highly-rated products, a 10-year warranty, and a risk-free 100-night trial. Acts of kindness and community support are prevalent during the pandemic, such as helping elderly neighbors and utilizing websites like ship.com.

      Helix Sleep offers a customized mattress selection process through a quick two-minute sleep quiz, ensuring a perfect match for your body type and sleep preferences. The mattresses, rated highly by publications like GQ and Wired, come with a 10-year warranty and a 100-night risk-free trial. The economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak has led to questions about the possibility of postponing the 2020 election, but the short answer is that it's unlikely due to the constitutional requirements and legislative process involved. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, acts of kindness and community support are shining through. For example, people are helping their elderly neighbors by shopping for them. The website ship.com, mentioned on Twitter by Heather Hunter, is an example of this goodwill. While not a sponsor, it's worth checking out for those in need.

    • Delivery Services for Essential Items During Uncertain TimesConsider using delivery services for essential items during uncertain times, especially for those at higher risk or in emergency-prone areas.

      During times of uncertainty or when it's not safe to leave home, various companies offer delivery services for essential items like groceries and emergency supplies. Sites like s-h-i-p-t.com, Walmart, Amazon, Omaha Steaks, and Prepare with Dan.com are some options. It's essential to disclose any financial relationships with these companies, as the speaker does. Some people may criticize or mock these services, but they can be valuable resources, especially for those at higher risk or in areas prone to emergencies. The speaker encourages listeners to consider these options and make informed decisions based on their individual needs.

    • Never Trumpers lack principles and are focused on bringing down President TrumpThe Never Trumpers, who claim to uphold Republican principles, have shown they lack integrity by solely focusing on bringing down President Trump, rather than working for the betterment of the party and country.

      The so-called Never Trumpers, who claim to be fighting for the Republican Party and its principles, are actually lacking in principles themselves. They are solely focused on bringing down President Trump because they didn't support him during the election. These individuals, such as George Conway, Rick Wilson, and Jennifer Rubin, have shown their true colors through their divisive and insensitive comments during a national crisis. Their actions have led to a loss of credibility and support, and they continue to act against the best interests of the Republican Party and its supporters. These individuals' behavior is not conducive to productive political discourse and only serves to further divide the country.

    • Politicization of the Coronavirus Pandemic Response and Media's RoleThe coronavirus pandemic response has become politicized, leading to heated exchanges between political figures and media outlets. It's crucial to fact-check and practice critical thinking when consuming information to avoid distortions and misinformation.

      The ongoing debate surrounding the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic has led to heated exchanges between political figures and media outlets. During a recent broadcast, Dan Bongino, a conservative commentator, made several claims about the Democrats and Fox News. He argued that the Democrats' approach to the pandemic would result in fewer Democrat deaths due to fewer mass gatherings. He also accused Fox News of hyping the situation and claimed that there would be a reckoning for the network. However, Bongino's comments were met with criticism, with some pointing out that he was distorting the facts. For instance, Trump never called the coronavirus a hoax, and there is no evidence that Republicans will be infected more than Democrats. Furthermore, the claim that Fox News is a problem is also baseless, as the network has provided extensive coverage of the pandemic. Bongino also used the opportunity to promote his sponsor, Lifelock, a company that offers identity theft protection services. He urged listeners to sign up for the service during tax season, as identity theft is a common issue during this time. Overall, the discussion highlights the politicization of the pandemic response and the role of media in shaping public opinion. It also underscores the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in navigating the information overload.

    • Understanding COVID-19's spread through widespread testingTesting only the sick can overestimate mortality rate, random sampling provides accurate representation, and balanced perspective through recovery stories.

      Widespread testing for COVID-19 is crucial to gain a clear understanding of the virus's spread and mortality rate. Testing only those who are sick or showing symptoms can result in an overestimation of the virus's mortality rate, leading to unnecessary fear and anxiety. As testing becomes more available, random sampling in communities will help provide a more accurate representation of the virus's impact. This approach will enable individuals to make informed decisions based on the actual risks involved. The current focus on testing only the sick may give a skewed perspective of the virus's severity, and it is essential to hear more about those who have recovered or experienced mild symptoms to gain a more balanced view.

    • Government transparency and trustworthy news sources under scrutinyConcerns over government transparency and trustworthy news sources continue, with recent events involving Adam Schiff, whistleblower records, and government overreach raising alarms. Factual reporting and accountability are crucial.

      There are ongoing concerns about trustworthy news sources and government transparency, as highlighted by recent events involving Adam Schiff and the alleged whistleblower. Schiff's office and the CIA/DOJ have reportedly been working to keep certain records related to the whistleblower and Schiff's office hidden from public view. Schiff's targeting of Rudy Giuliani and Devin Nunes without formal notification raises concerns about government overreach. The DOJ and FBI have also reportedly lost key records related to Michael Flynn's case. The importance of factual reporting and transparency in government actions cannot be overstated, especially during times of crisis. The public should remain vigilant and demand accountability from those in positions of power.

    • Reliability of major news sources questionedInaccuracies in reporting from CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times have raised concerns about their reliability. Fact-checking is crucial to avoid relying on incorrect information.

      The reliability of certain news sources, specifically CNN, MSNBC, The Washington Post, and The New York Times, has been called into question due to their inaccuracies in reporting. This was emphasized through several examples given, including CNN's incorrect reporting about Google's plans for a national coronavirus website. Additionally, Dr. Anthony Fauci's interview on CNN was criticized for the interviewer's seemingly irrelevant question about the president touching a microphone during a press conference. These incidents demonstrate the importance of fact-checking and the potential consequences of relying on inaccurate information from major news outlets.

    • Biden's statement on no new fracking could impact energy industry statesBiden's stance on no new fracking could lead to economic collapse in energy industry states, but past generations have faced challenges and come out stronger.

      During the debate, Biden stated that there would be no new fracking for oil and gas if he were elected president. This statement, if implemented, could potentially lead to economic collapse in these states, which are major players in the energy industry. It's important for individuals and businesses in these states, as well as the rest of the country, to be aware of this potential outcome. While the debate was criticized for lacking substance, this statement from Biden could have far-reaching implications. Additionally, there was a quote from C.S. Lewis that was shared during the show, which provided some inspiration and perspective during these uncertain times. Lewis, when asked about living in the atomic age, said that prior generations have faced challenges that seemed insurmountable at the time, but they always came through stronger and more prosperous. This quote serves as a reminder that we have the resilience and strength to get through the current challenges, including the coronavirus pandemic and its economic fallout.

    • Living Fully and Meaningfully in the Face of Uncertainty and FearFocus on living sensibly and humanely, engaging in activities that bring joy and connection, rather than dwelling on potential dangers and uncertainty.

      We should not be overly fearful or anxious about the potential dangers of the atomic age, including the atomic bomb. As C.S. Lewis pointed out in 1948, we were already living in an age with many threats to our health and safety, and death was a certainty. Instead, we should focus on living our lives sensibly and humanely, engaging in activities that bring us joy and connection. This perspective can help us find meaning and purpose in the face of uncertainty and fear. So, rather than dwelling on the potential dangers, let us strive to live our lives fully and meaningfully, finding joy in the simple things and connecting with those around us. This was Lewis's message, and it remains relevant today.

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