
    Biden Lawyers Find More Docs, Vaccine Safety Signals, and MLK's Legacy, with Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. Cooke | Ep. 472

    enJanuary 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Ongoing controversy over Biden's classified documents discoveryThe discovery of classified documents at President Biden's home adds to the ongoing controversy, emphasizing the importance of transparency in handling sensitive information.

      The discovery of classified documents at President Biden's home continues to raise questions, despite assurances from his team that searches have been completed. The latest finding of five more documents adds to the ongoing controversy. During a conversation on The Megyn Kelly Show, Rich Lowry and Charles CW Cook discussed the significance of the situation and the implications for the Biden administration. They also shared some personal stories, including why Charles chose the name CW Cook to avoid confusion with a famous pollster. The interview provided insights into the ongoing issue and highlighted the importance of transparency in handling classified information.

    • Discoveries of Classified Documents Raise Concerns for BidenPresidential documents found in unsecured locations linked to Biden, including his garage and home, have sparked suspicions of impropriety due to lack of FBI involvement, involvement of personal lawyers, and subpar security measures.

      The discovery of classified documents in various locations associated with President Joe Biden raises serious concerns about the handling of sensitive materials. The initial findings were made in a University of Pennsylvania office linked to Biden, followed by his garage, and more recently, in his home. The circumstances surrounding these discoveries, including the involvement of Biden's personal lawyers and the lack of FBI involvement in the initial searches, have fueled suspicions of potential impropriety. Despite Biden's claims of securing these areas, the locations were not up to the standard required for classified documents. The ongoing investigation and the discovery of additional documents further complicate matters, potentially making it harder to prosecute former President Donald Trump for similar infractions. The lack of transparency and the executive branch's role in investigating itself adds to the perception of a lack of accountability.

    • Raising questions about White House transparency and securityThe discovery of classified documents in Biden's associate's garage raises concerns about government transparency and security, with unusual circumstances, conflicting narratives, and a special counsel involved.

      The discovery of classified documents in President Joe Biden's former associate's garage raises significant questions about the security of sensitive information and the transparency of the White House. The lack of interest from the press and the unusual circumstances surrounding the finding and handling of the documents add to the intrigue. The involvement of a special counsel to the president and the vague statements from officials have fueled speculation and accusations of cover-ups. The contrasting narratives from the White House and former President Trump only add to the confusion. The situation highlights the importance of accountability and transparency in government, especially when it comes to matters of national security.

    • Two Presidents, Two InvestigationsBoth Trump and Biden had unauthorized classified documents, but only one deliberately kept them. Neither followed proper protocols, but neither will likely face prosecution.

      Both former presidents, Trump and Biden, had classified documents in their possession, but only one was supposed to have them. While Trump seemed to have deliberately kept them, Biden claimed he was unaware. The security of the documents is a secondary issue, as neither followed the proper protocols for handling such materials post-presidency. The discussion also touched upon the political implications of the investigations into both presidents and the potential lack of accountability for those in high office. Ultimately, it appears neither will face prosecution, and the investigations may not yield significant consequences. Additionally, it was noted that Trump's handling of the documents has benefited him politically, while Biden's has not caused him significant harm. The connection between the two investigations and the potential influence of political motivations was also explored.

    • Differences in Trump and Biden document investigationsBoth Trump and Biden investigations involve classified documents, but the scopes and justifications differ. Trump's investigation is broader due to January 6th events, while Biden's focuses on potential mishandling. It's crucial to allow fair investigations without political bias.

      The ongoing investigations into the handling of classified documents by both former President Trump and President Biden are not identical in scope or justification. While the search at Mar-a-Lago was reportedly broad due to the DOJ's interest in potential involvement in the January 6th events, the investigation into Biden's documents came to light later and the focus appears to be on potential mishandling. The difference in the scope and justification of these investigations highlights the importance of understanding the specific context and motivations behind each case. It's crucial to remember that investigations should be conducted fairly and without political bias, and the system is not supposed to work by hunting for offenses to prosecute individuals for unrelated reasons. The media reaction to these developments is predictable, with both parties pouncing on each other and using the situation to their political advantage. However, it's essential to separate fact from speculation and allow the investigations to run their course.

    • Political attacks distract from addressing people's needsInstead of focusing on the American people, politicians engage in personal attacks and scandals, hindering inspiration and progress

      The political landscape is filled with figures and parties who seem more focused on attacking each other than addressing the needs of the American people. An analogy was made during the discussion about someone coming up one's driveway with a gun, representing the political attacks, and the lack of awareness or irony in the use of terms like "pounce." The Biden administration's handling of classified documents has become a major distraction, and while it may not sink his presidency, it does create a symbiotic relationship between him and Trump, both of whom have low approval ratings and face investigations. The legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. and his message of dignity, determination to achieve excellence, and commitment to justice serves as a powerful reminder of what is needed in today's political climate. Instead, it seems that the focus remains on personal attacks and scandals, making it difficult for Americans to look up to their leaders and find inspiration.

    • Martin Luther King Jr.'s Legacy: Belief in America's Potential for EqualityMLK believed in America's potential for equality, rooted in its founding documents, despite systemic racism and oppression. He advocated for love and non-violent resistance, grounded in African American Christianity.

      Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy is rooted in the American promise of equality, as outlined in the country's founding documents. King believed in the potential for America to live up to these ideals, despite the systemic racism and oppression faced by marginalized communities. Today, there is a danger in dismissing the underlying principles of America's creed and instead focusing solely on its imperfections. King's message of love and non-violent resistance, grounded in African American Christianity, was a powerful force for change. It's essential to remember that King was a man of the left who believed in America's potential for redemption and progress, rather than giving in to the perverse notion of judging people based on race and committing iniquities in its name.

    • A divide on the approach to racial equalitySome believe in King's vision of overcoming racial inequality through character, while others hold a cynical view that the US cannot be redeemed from its original sin.

      While there is agreement on political issues between some individuals and the late Martin Luther King Jr., there is a growing divide on the issue of racial equality and the approach to addressing it. Some individuals, such as Ta-Nehisi Coates, hold a cynical view that the United States cannot be redeemed from its original sin of racial inequality. This contrasts with King's belief in the possibility of overcoming racial inequality through character and hard work. The discussion also touched on the controversy surrounding a proposed statue of King and his wife, which was criticized for its design. The loss of the capacity to create public beauty was also lamented. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of maintaining King's vision of a society where individuals are judged by their character rather than the color of their skin.

    • Perception of Art: Subjective or Universal?People can universally recognize and judge the aesthetic value of art, regardless of cultural background or context, but the search for hidden meanings can be subjective.

      The perception of art, like the controversial MLK sculpture, is not entirely subjective, and the reaction to it can be universal, with most people sharing the same opinion, regardless of cultural background or context. The speaker argues that while some may try to find meaning or hidden messages in art, the average person can still recognize and judge its aesthetic value. The discussion also touched upon the topic of public figures sharing personal stories and controversies, with the incentives often encouraging them to produce more provocative content rather than less. The speaker expressed concern about the potential damage this can cause, especially for individuals like Prince Harry, who have chosen to monetize their personal experiences.

    • Prince Harry's Memoir Sparks Debate on Privacy and Public InterestPrince Harry's memoir has sparked controversy over his decision to share intimate details, with some arguing exploitation and others sympathizing, highlighting the complexities of public figures' relationships with their stories and the media, and the evolving norms around privacy and public interest.

      The discussion surrounding Prince Harry's memoir reveals a complex dynamic of public fascination with celebrity self-exposure and the blurred lines between privacy and public interest. Harry's decision to share intimate details about his life, including an anecdote about his "todger," has sparked controversy and debate about his motivations and dignity. Some argue that he is exploiting his past struggles for fame and riches, while others sympathize with his desire to share his experiences and challenge traditional royal norms. The conversation also touched on the historical context of the royal family's handling of public grief and emotion, with references to the deaths of Princess Diana and Prince Harry's mother. It was noted that the royal family's response to these tragedies has evolved over time, from a stiff upper lip approach to more overt expressions of emotion. Ultimately, the discussion highlights the complexities and nuances of public figures' relationships with their personal stories and the media, as well as the shifting cultural norms around privacy and public interest.

    • Media coverage of Pfizer vaccine side effects vs public health informationMedia underreported increased stroke risk in older adults from Pfizer booster, while widely covering masking children, highlighting the importance of factual reporting and balanced debate.

      There is a discrepancy between the way public health information is presented by official sources and how it is reported and interpreted by the media. The discussion revolves around a meme that mocked a person's perceived entitlement, and the subsequent conversation shifted to the Pfizer vaccine and its potential side effects. The CDC reported an increased risk of ischemic stroke in people 65 or older within 21 days of receiving the Pfizer bivalent booster. However, this information was not widely reported in the media, with The New York Times initially not covering the story at all. The media's handling of the vaccine's potential risks contrasts with their coverage of masking children, where the US was an outlier compared to other advanced societies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of factual reporting and reasonable debate on these issues.

    • Media and public health institutions' communication impact on vaccine trustMisinformation and manipulation from news outlets and health organizations have contributed to a lack of trust in public health institutions and a polarized public discourse regarding COVID-19 vaccines.

      The way information about COVID-19 vaccines and public health measures is communicated by major news outlets and health organizations has significantly impacted public trust and understanding. An example given was The New York Times' handling of a reported safety concern with the Pfizer vaccine booster, which was downplayed and buried in an article focusing on masking. This pattern of misinformation and manipulation from both sides has contributed to a lack of trust in public health institutions and a polarized public discourse. The speaker also emphasized the importance of acknowledging the imperfect nature of the vaccine and the need for open and honest dialogue about its benefits and risks.

    • Criticisms of COVID-19 vaccine policy handlingDr. Vinay Prasad criticized the administration for prioritizing vaccine doses over safety and transparency, and expressed concerns over the handling of safety signals and limited data used for emergency authorization of bivalent booster for young children.

      The handling of the COVID-19 vaccine policy by the current administration has raised concerns due to a perceived prioritization of pushing doses over safety and transparency. Dr. Vinay Prasad, a hematologist and oncologist, criticized the administration for their handling of safety signals like myocarditis and stroke, particularly in young populations, and for granting emergency use authorization to the bivalent booster for young children based on limited data. He argued that more transparency and open debate about vaccine policies would be beneficial. The ongoing investigation into the Supreme Court leak has yet to identify the perpetrator, despite investigators reportedly narrowing their inquiry to a small number of suspects. The lack of progress in the investigation and the perceived lack of action from the justice system has raised questions about the effectiveness of the investigation.

    • Delay in finding Supreme Court draft leak culprit concerningThe internal investigation of the Supreme Court draft leak may not yield the best results and could potentially obstruct justice, potentially undermining the independence of the judiciary and trust in its institutions

      The delay in finding the culprit behind the Supreme Court justice's draft leak is concerning, as it may set a dangerous precedent for political interference and intimidation in the judiciary. The investigation being handled internally by the Supreme Court, rather than by an external agency like the FBI, may not yield the best results and could potentially obstruct the pursuit of justice. This situation has the potential to undermine the independence of the judiciary and the trust in its institutions, especially with significant cases coming up. It is crucial that a thorough and unbiased investigation is conducted to bring the perpetrator to justice and ensure the integrity of the Supreme Court.

    • Supreme Court Leak: Harmful Consequences and UncertaintyThe Supreme Court leak could harm justices and families, undermine institutional trust, and FBI's ability to find the leaker is uncertain.

      The Supreme Court leak of a draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade is a significant breach of trust and could have potentially dangerous consequences. The speaker argues that the leaker's actions opened the door for potential harm to the justices and their families, and could undermine the legitimacy of the court and our institutions. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of finding the leaker but expresses doubt in the FBI's ability to do so due to the length of time passed and the lack of a competent team. The discussion also touches upon the repeated mispronunciation of Ketanji Brown Jackson's name by White House officials, leading to accusations of racism and insensitivity.

    • Two influential figures shaped the careers of Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. CookGrowing up near influential conservative figures, Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. Cook faced challenges but persevered, eventually finding success in opinion journalism through the guidance of Bill Buckley and Charles Krauthammer.

      Both Rich Lowry and Charles C.W. Cook had a deep connection to conservatism and journalism from a young age. Their experiences, shaped by influential figures like Bill Buckley and Charles Krauthammer, led them to pursue careers in opinion journalism despite initial challenges. Lowry, born and raised in Arlington, Virginia, was inspired by Buckley's wit and intellect, while Cook, who grew up in Cambridge and later Oxford, fell in love with America and its values. Both men faced daunting prospects early in their careers but ultimately found success in their chosen fields. Their stories serve as a reminder of the importance of staying true to one's beliefs and the impact of influential mentors in shaping our personal and professional paths.

    • Personal experiences and education shaped political viewsSpeaker's background influenced his love for American history, classical liberalism, and culture, including attachment to the flag.

      The speaker's personal experiences and education played a significant role in shaping his political views, particularly after the September 11 attacks. He developed a strong affinity for American history and classical liberalism, which remains his politics today. Additionally, there's an emotional attachment to America that he finds difficult to explain, influencing his love for American culture and symbols like the flag. Despite their busy lives as parents, both Rich and Charlie make time for reading, contributing to their well-informed discussions on the show.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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