
    An Explosive Article About FBI Corruption (Ep 1847)

    enSeptember 08, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Dan Bongino's Criticism of Hillary Clinton's Handling of Classified InformationDan Bongino accused Hillary Clinton of disregarding human dignity and national security with her handling of classified info, comparing her actions to sociopathic and pathological behavior. The FBI also raised concerns about Clinton's handling of classified material. Bongino also discussed ongoing controversy over Biden's classified documents at Mar-a-Lago.

      Dan Bongino expressed strong criticism towards Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State. He described her actions as sociopathic and pathological, and believed that her disregard for human dignity and national security was a serious matter. Bongino also mentioned an article from the FBI that shared similar concerns, and discussed the ongoing controversy surrounding the discovery of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago related to President Joe Biden. Additionally, Bongino promoted various sponsors and encouraged listeners to protect their online privacy and prepare for emergencies.

    • Discussion on Clinton's handling of classified info vs Trump'sFormer FBI Dir. Comey debunked Clinton's claim of no classified docs, criticized her inconsistencies, and released info during election. Trump's Mar-a-Lago documents controversy also discussed.

      During a discussion about the alleged mishandling of classified information by both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, it was claimed that Clinton had been dishonest about the presence of classified documents on her private email server. It was pointed out that former FBI Director Jim Comey had debunked her claim of having no classified documents, and that he had released this information during the 2016 election in an attempt to minimize the impact on Clinton. The speaker also criticized Clinton for her inconsistent statements on the issue and her perceived phoniness. The discussion also touched upon the Mar-a-Lago documents controversy involving Trump.

    • FBI's Role in 2016 Election: Favoring One Candidate?The FBI's handling of the 2016 presidential election raised concerns about their impartiality and potential influence on the outcome, with evidence suggesting leaks and a push to preserve damaging information on one candidate.

      During the 2016 presidential election, the FBI, under the leadership of Jim Comey, appeared to favor Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump. Evidence suggests that the FBI leaked information about an alleged Russian probe into Trump's campaign right before the election, which could have influenced the outcome. Additionally, Trump and his team reportedly pushed to preserve and declassify documents related to this investigation, suggesting that there was potentially damaging information that could have come to light. The FBI's actions in this case raise questions about their impartiality and their role in political elections.

    • FBI's Perceived Politicization: A Threat to American SocietyThe speaker expresses concern over the FBI's perceived politicization, its impact on public trust, and calls for reforms, including agent screening, inspector general power, and potential FBI breakup. He emphasizes conservative values and individual liberties.

      The speaker is deeply concerned about the perceived politicization of the FBI and its impact on American society. He believes that the organization has lost public trust and respect, and that this is causing tangible harm. He calls for reforms, including the screening of agents for political bias, the creation of a powerful inspector general, and the potential breakup of the FBI. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of upholding conservative principles and protecting individual liberties. He encourages listeners to read an article on the America Free News Network, which further explores the damage being caused by the FBI's perceived politicization. The speaker also promotes Patriot Mobile, a Christian conservative cell phone company, and Henry Repeating Arms, a gun manufacturer, as companies that align with his values.

    • FBI's bias and unequal application of justiceThe FBI's actions in high-profile investigations have damaged public trust, contributing to a perception of a two-tier justice system and fueling concerns about bias and unequal treatment.

      The speaker expresses concern about the public perception of the FBI, specifically regarding its apparent bias and unequal application of justice. Using examples from the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the search at former President Trump's home, the speaker argues that the FBI's actions have contributed to a two-tier justice system and damaged public trust. The speaker also shares statistics indicating that a significant number of Americans view the FBI unfavorably, including a quarter of Democrats. The speaker questions the motivations and considerations of the FBI leadership and suggests that the agency has become an enforcer for the Democratic Party. Ultimately, the speaker calls for the disbanding of the FBI and reallocating its funding to law enforcement instead.

    • Loss of public trust in law enforcement agencies can hinder investigations and arrestsWitnesses may withhold cooperation, conviction rates may decrease, and judges may question affidavits due to lack of trust in law enforcement agencies

      The loss of public trust in law enforcement agencies like the FBI can significantly hinder their ability to effectively investigate crimes and make arrests. This is due to the fact that witnesses may be less likely to come forward and cooperate, potentially leading to a lack of evidence and cases without witnesses. Additionally, the conviction rate may decrease if jurors do not trust the testimony of FBI agents, making it more difficult to achieve a guilty verdict. Furthermore, the issuance of warrants and surveillance authorization may be affected if judges do not believe the affidavits presented to them. These consequences underscore the importance of maintaining public trust in law enforcement agencies.

    • Concerns over trust and belief in law enforcement agenciesPerceived corruption and bias in FBI and military undermine public trust, requiring transparency and reforms to restore confidence.

      The lack of trust and belief from judges, juries, and the public towards law enforcement agencies like the FBI and military, due to perceived corruption and bias, poses a significant challenge for prosecuting crimes and maintaining national security. The speaker expresses deep concern over this issue, which he believes was exacerbated by political influences. He calls for transparency and reforms to restore trust and confidence in these institutions. The media's role in bringing attention to these issues earlier could have led to timely reforms, but instead, they chose to support the status quo. The speaker also promotes Helix, a mattress company, offering a special deal for listeners. He emphasizes the importance of a good night's sleep and the convenience of Helix's personalized mattress selection and home delivery service.

    • Media's role in promoting political agendasMedia outlets often fail to report the truth, instead promoting narratives that align with their political agenda, hindering informed decision making and productive political discourse.

      The current state of media in the US, specifically left-leaning outlets, is a significant concern as they often fail to report the truth and instead, promote narratives that align with their political agenda. This was highlighted in the discussion regarding President Biden's controversial speech and the media's response to it. The media's role in this situation allows the Biden administration to continue with divisive policies, such as weaponizing government against certain groups, without facing meaningful opposition or scrutiny. The implications of this are far-reaching, as it hinders the public's ability to make informed decisions and learn from past mistakes. If media outlets were committed to reporting the truth, it could lead to a more productive political discourse and a better understanding of the issues at hand.

    • Repeating the Mistakes of the Past: Zero Down Mortgages ReturnDespite past financial crisis, zero down mortgages are resurfacing, raising concerns for another housing bubble and economic downturn. Media's role in holding those accountable for past mistakes is lacking, and the importance of learning from history cannot be overstated.

      History seems to be repeating itself with the potential resurgence of zero down mortgages, despite the lessons learned from the housing market collapse during the 2008 financial crisis. The media's role in holding those in power accountable for past mistakes appears to be lacking, as the same issues are being addressed without proper context or warning of potential consequences. The push for these mortgages is part of an effort to close the racial and ethnic home ownership gap, but the risks of another housing bubble and subsequent economic downturn cannot be ignored. The media's failure to call out past mistakes and hold those responsible contributes to the cycle of repeating the same mistakes. The importance of learning from history and the role of a free and responsible press in keeping the public informed cannot be overstated.

    • Housing market crash and economic struggle, Parallel economy growth, Censorship concernsThe housing market crash has exceeded the Great Depression, pushing for free speech and building parallel economies, and growing use of platforms like Rumble and Paralleleconomy.com, while ergonomic office chairs, like X chairs, can enhance productivity.

      The housing market crash since 2006 has surpassed the decline during the Great Depression, indicating a prolonged economic struggle for the US. Additionally, the push for free speech and building parallel economies has gained importance due to increasing censorship and potential implications for individual rights. The parallel economy, represented by platforms like Rumble and payment processors like Paralleleconomy.com, is growing as a response to these concerns. Furthermore, taking advantage of sales on ergonomic office chairs, like X chairs, can help maximize comfort and productivity during long work hours.

    • Lawsuits against government and social media companies over COVID-19 info suppressionGovernment and social media firms face lawsuits for allegedly suppressing COVID-19 info and censoring opposing views. Discovery could reveal emails revealing govt involvement and impact on censored individuals like Dan Bongino.

      The U.S. government and social media companies are facing lawsuits alleging suppression of COVID-19 information and censorship of opposing views. Discovery in these lawsuits could potentially uncover emails and communications revealing the extent of government involvement in these actions. The speaker, Dan Bongino, who was previously censored for sharing his opinions on mask effectiveness and other COVID-related topics, is eager to access this information to understand any potential government involvement in his case. The ongoing controversy over vaccine safety and government handling of the pandemic adds to the significance of these lawsuits.

    • Europe's energy crisis: Consequences of ignoring warningsEurope's push towards green energy has left it vulnerable to energy shortages, highlighted by Russia halting natural gas flows. Trump's earlier warnings about energy independence were ignored, underscoring the importance of accurate information and energy self-sufficiency.

      Europe's push towards a green energy future, which involves decommissioning nuclear plants and moving away from traditional energy sources, is an unimaginable scenario that has left the continent vulnerable to energy shortages. This situation was foreseen by former President Donald Trump, who warned about the dangers of relying on a single foreign supplier for energy needs. The current crisis, caused by Russia halting natural gas flows to Europe, highlights the consequences of ignoring the truth and not developing domestic energy sources. The media's failure to report Trump's earlier warnings adds to the confusion and highlights the importance of accurate information. The situation underscores the need for energy independence and the dangers of relying on unreliable energy sources.

    • Engage with Dan Bongino's communityListeners can submit questions for Dan's radio show, follow him on True Social, and support him financially through his website.

      Dan Bongino encourages his audience to engage with him and his show in various ways. He invites listeners to submit questions for the following day's radio show through his locals app and True Social account. Dan also promotes his website, paralleleconomy.com, for online payment processing and emphasizes the importance of supporting the free speech economy. Overall, Dan values audience interaction and encourages active participation in his community. Remember to download the locals app, follow Dan on True Social, and visit paralleleconomy.com for more information.

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