
    CNN's Post-Trump Town Hall Meltdown, and No Media Accountability Post-Durham, with the Fifth Column Hosts | Ep. 551

    enMay 16, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • CNN's Internal Turmoil Over Trump Town HallCNN's decision to host a town hall with Trump led to internal conflict, declining viewership, and a contrasting appreciation for efficient government and rural areas.

      There is significant internal turmoil at CNN following the network's decision to host a town hall with former President Donald Trump. The staff is reportedly divided from management, with staff members attacking the decision and management defending it. This conflict has led to a decline in CNN's primetime viewership, with Newsmax drawing a larger audience on some nights. The situation reflects the deep polarization and "Trump derangement syndrome" that continues to dominate the media landscape. Meanwhile, New York City, a frequent topic of discussion, was criticized for its inefficient government and poor infrastructure, leading to frustration and a contrasting appreciation for the functioning of private companies and rural areas.

    • CNN's internal struggles over Trump town hallCNN faces criticism for airing Trump town hall, with some staffers upset about platform for lies and potential consequences for reporters covering fallout

      The internal struggles and emotions within CNN regarding the decision to air a town hall with former President Donald Trump have come to light. Many inside the organization are upset about the platform given to Trump, who they believe lies shamelessly and is a concern for about half the country. CNN talent, including Anderson Cooper, acknowledged the anger and frustration of the audience, but emphasized the importance of delivering news to all viewers, regardless of political affiliations. However, criticism from within CNN's ranks has led to tense meetings and potential consequences for reporters, such as Oliver Darcy, who have covered the fallout. The ongoing debate highlights the challenges faced by news organizations in delivering unbiased news while addressing the emotions and reactions of their audience.

    • CNN Staffers Criticize CEO for Perceived Sensitivity to Negative PressCNN CEO Chris Licht faced backlash from staffers for his handling of negative press and perceived attempts to intimidate a reporter. The incident sparked concerns about censorship and freedom of the press within CNN, highlighting the challenges of leading a news organization in a polarized media landscape.

      CNN's CEO, Chris Licht, has faced internal backlash from staffers due to his perceived sensitivity to negative press and attempts to intimidate a top media reporter, Oliver Darcy. This came after Darcy reported on CNN's handling of the Trump town hall and the network's falling ratings. Staffers were critical of Licht for allowing Trump uninterrupted airtime and were supportive of Darcy. The incident sparked concerns about censorship and freedom of the press within CNN. The situation is particularly challenging for Licht as he tries to change the direction of a news organization that has already undergone significant transformation. The incident also highlights the increasing polarization in media and the importance of maintaining a balanced approach to news coverage.

    • CNN's Identity Crisis: Struggling with Change and RelevanceCNN faces internal challenges as it tries to shift away from politically charged coverage and appeal to a broader audience. Departure of prominent figures and controversies illustrate resistance to change, making it difficult to maintain credibility and audience in a fragmented media landscape.

      CNN is facing significant internal challenges as they try to pivot away from their politically charged coverage and appeal to a broader audience. The departure of prominent figures like Brian Stelter and the controversy surrounding Tucker Carlson's town hall illustrate the deep-rooted attitudes and resistance to change within the organization. Despite the changing political landscape and the dominance of figures like Donald Trump in the Republican Party, CNN continues to struggle with its identity and relevance in a media landscape that is increasingly fragmented and competitive. The attitudes and behaviors that were once considered extreme or confined to the campus have now infiltrated mainstream news organizations, making it difficult for CNN to maintain its credibility and audience. The future of CNN remains uncertain as it grapples with these internal challenges and the broader shifts in media consumption and political discourse.

    • Impact of CNN's bias on their credibilityCNN's bias towards suppressing 'bad people' and fact-checking politicians excessively has negatively impacted their credibility. To regain trust, they should engage with diverse viewpoints and avoid demonization while maintaining factual reporting.

      CNN's credibility has been significantly impacted due to their bias and fact-checking every statement made by politicians, particularly Donald Trump, to the point of annoyance for viewers. The panelists believe that CNN's theory of the world is that they can suppress "bad people" and manipulate electoral outcomes without consequences to their credibility. They also criticized CNN for only giving voice to people who already agree with their perspective and demonizing those on the other side. Chris Licht's recent programming decisions, such as bringing on Gayle King and Charles Barkley, and Chris Wallace, have not been successful. The panelists suggest that CNN should aim for persuasion by engaging with a wider range of viewpoints and avoiding demonization. They also emphasized the importance of factual reporting and avoiding nitpicking or interrupting politicians constantly.

    • Understanding audience key to media successStrong leadership and audience understanding are crucial for media success. Ailes' vision at Fox News led to its dominance, while CNN struggles due to a lack of resonating programming.

      The success of a news network relies heavily on having a programming genius who understands the core audience and what will appeal to them. This was evident in the case of Roger Ailes at Fox News and Chris Cuomo at CNN. Ailes built Fox News into a powerhouse over two decades, but it took a mere six years for the Murdochs to "wreak havoc" and lose direction after his departure. Conversely, CNN, which has a larger reach, struggles to attract viewers due to a lack of programming that resonates with their audience. Megyn Kelly, in a rare interview, criticized the Murdochs for their handling of Fox News post-Ailes, stating that no one else has been able to replicate his vision and success. The importance of strong leadership and understanding the audience cannot be overstated in the media industry.

    • The absence of a clear managerial vision at Fox News led to the firing of Tucker CarlsonThe lack of strong leadership and guidance from former head Roger Ailes has resulted in instability and uncertainty, leading to the termination of prominent figures and difficulty adapting to the changing political climate.

      The lack of a clear managerial vision and structure at Fox News may have contributed to the firing of prominent figures like Tucker Carlson. According to the discussion, Roger Ailes, the former head of Fox News, had a strong vision and control over the network, but his successors, such as Suzanne Scott and Bill Shine, did not have the same level of guidance and mentorship from him. This has led to instability and uncertainty, resulting in the termination of talent who built a center of independence from the managerial team. Additionally, the current political climate, with its populist shifts in the Republican Party, poses a significant challenge for the network, making it difficult to maintain a cohesive programming strategy. Without the guidance of a strong visionary leader like Ailes, Fox News may continue to face challenges in managing its talent and adapting to the changing political landscape.

    • Ailes' connection with audience and programming skills couldn't save himDespite bringing in pro-Trump voices, Ailes was ousted due to sexual harassment allegations, power struggles, and missteps handling Dominion lawsuit and firing respected journalists.

      During Roger Ailes' tenure at Fox News, his understanding of the audience and ability to program effectively allowed him to bring in more pro-Trump voices, despite internal opposition. However, his downfall was not due to his lack of connection with the audience or programming skills, but rather a combination of allegations of sexual harassment and a power struggle within the network, particularly from the sons of Rupert Murdoch. The handling of the Dominion lawsuit after the 2020 election and the firing of respected journalists were major missteps that further damaged Fox News' credibility. If Ailes had remained in power, he may have been able to navigate the Trump era and the transformation of the Republican party more effectively, but ultimately, his exit was a result of a combination of factors.

    • Fox News and the Divided Media LandscapeFormer Fox News employee Meghan Kelly discussed Roger Ailes' impact on her career and the importance of fair and balanced journalism amidst challenges. Ex-President Barack Obama expressed concern over the divided media and potential for alternative realities.

      The media landscape has drastically changed, leading to a divided conversation and different realities for various groups. This was highlighted during the discussion about Fox News and the departure of Tucker Carlson, who played a significant role in balancing the network's traditional and populist wings. Former Fox News employee Meghan Kelly shared her perspective on Roger Ailes' impact on her career and the importance of maintaining fair and balanced journalism, despite the challenges. Additionally, former President Barack Obama weighed in on the issue, expressing concern over the divided media and the potential for alternative realities. It's important to remember that alternative journalism has existed on both sides of the political spectrum throughout history and that being critical and questioning information is crucial.

    • The media landscape has changed due to the internet and alternative sources, leading to a more diverse range of perspectives.The Durham report exposed the failures of the FBI and DOJ in upholding their mission of strict fidelity to the law during an investigation, highlighting the importance of accountability and adherence to the law in government investigations.

      The media landscape has significantly changed due to the internet and alternative sources, leading to a more diverse range of perspectives. This change was necessary as traditional media was becoming increasingly biased and corporate-controlled. The Durham report, while not resulting in criminal charges, exposed the failures of the FBI and DOJ in upholding their mission of strict fidelity to the law during their investigation into Trump's alleged collusion with Russia. The report also highlighted the use of uncorroborated intelligence and a lack of analytical rigor in their investigation. Despite the lack of criminal cases, the substance of the report is important and serves as a reminder of the need for accountability and adherence to the law in government investigations.

    • FBI's investigation based on flimsy evidence, some figures knew itThe FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election was based on weak evidence, and some key figures were aware of this fact but pursued it anyway, causing public distrust in media and intelligence community.

      The FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election was based on flimsy evidence, and some key figures, like Andrew McCabe, knew this but pursued it anyway. The infamous "pee tape" allegation against Trump was fabricated by a Clinton ally, Charles Dolan, and spread through the dossier compiled by Christopher Steele. Despite this information coming to light, some media figures and former intelligence officials continue to defend the legitimacy of the investigation and the veracity of the dossier. This behavior extends the public's distrust in media and the intelligence community. It's a concerning episode in American intelligence, law enforcement, and media, and the initial reactions suggest that the situation may not improve.

    • The Durham report highlights concerns over FBI's handling of Trump-Russia probe and media's role in amplifying false narrativesThe Durham report revealed significant issues with the FBI's investigation into Trump-Russia collusion and the media's role in spreading false narratives, which have implications for civil liberties and democratic institutions.

      The Durham report revealed egregious errors in the FBI's handling of the investigation into the Trump-Russia collusion allegations. Politicians and media outlets, including those on the left, downplayed or ignored the findings, despite the serious implications for civil liberties and the integrity of the intelligence community. The media's role in amplifying false narratives and the FBI's use of these narratives to secure warrants to spy on American citizens are major concerns. The divisions in the media and the resulting fragmented realities pose a significant challenge to accurate communication and trust in democratic institutions. The Durham report underscores the importance of holding those in power accountable for their actions and ensuring transparency and accuracy in the reporting of information.

    • FBI's Russia probe based on biased foundationThe Durham report exposed the FBI's Russia investigation as politically motivated, with agents showing bias against Trump and failure to disclose crucial information.

      The FBI's investigation into alleged Russian collusion with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election was based on a biased and politically motivated foundation. Agents like Peter Strzok, who were supposed to uphold the integrity of the investigation, instead referred to Donald Trump as an "asset" of the Kremlin. This was despite their knowledge that Hillary Clinton's campaign was pushing the narrative of Trump's collusion with Russia years before the investigation began. The FBI also failed to disclose important information, such as the fact that the primary source of the collusion allegations, Christopher Steele, was a paid informant. The report reveals that the Russians were aware of Clinton's plans to label Trump a Russian asset and took advantage of the situation. The FBI's handling of the investigation raises serious questions about their impartiality and the politicization of law enforcement. The Durham report highlights the importance of consistency in our political discourse and the dangers of allowing tribal affiliations to overshadow facts.

    • Labeling political figures as assets of foreign adversaries is a serious accusationAvoid making baseless claims without evidence, uphold journalistic standards, and focus on constructive debate instead of name-calling and character assassination.

      The baseless labeling of political figures as assets of foreign adversaries is a serious and harmful accusation that should not be thrown around lightly. This behavior, which was prevalent during the 2016 election and beyond, is inconsistent and dangerous, and it undermines the integrity of public discourse. Such accusations can have severe consequences, including damage to reputations and potential legal repercussions. It's essential to focus on the seriousness of the charge and to avoid making baseless claims without evidence. The media, in particular, has a responsibility to uphold journalistic standards and to avoid spreading false information, no matter how tempting it may be for ratings or clicks. Instead, we should encourage constructive debate and engage in meaningful discussions about policy differences, rather than resorting to name-calling and character assassination.

    • The impact of biased information and lack of critical debate in mediaBiased information and lack of critical debate in media can lead to the public's belief in false narratives, damaging the democratic process and trust in institutions. Encourage critical thinking and debate to combat misinformation.

      The proliferation of biased information and lack of critical debate in media can lead to the public's belief in false narratives, as seen in the case of certain cable news personalities making unchallenged claims about American history or political figures. This can be detrimental to the democratic process and the pursuit of truth. It's important for historians and journalists to publicly defend their ideas and engage in critical debates, rather than relying on echo chambers and avoiding challenges. Additionally, the public's trust in institutions, such as the FBI, can be shattered when false narratives go unchallenged for extended periods of time. It's crucial to seek out alternative sources of information and encourage critical thinking and debate in order to combat the spread of misinformation.

    • Avoid letting hatred cloud judgment towards individuals or nationsMaintain a grounded perspective, engage in earnest conversations, and strive for factual accuracy before making judgments.

      It's important to maintain a grounded perspective and avoid letting hatred or prejudice cloud our judgment towards individuals or nations, even when we strongly disagree with their actions. The speaker shares an experience of being surprised by the sudden shift in views of people he had aligned with on a particular issue, and warns against impugning fellow citizens based on convenient narratives. The conversation also touches upon the sincerity of beliefs and the potential for self-delusion and misinformation in the media. It's crucial to engage in earnest conversations and strive for factual accuracy before making grave accusations.

    • Challenges of Cooking Vegetarian Meals from ScratchBeing prepared, understanding ingredients, having the right tools, setting realistic expectations, and seeking help are crucial for successful vegetarian cooking.

      Going meatless and cooking vegetarian meals from scratch can be a challenging experience, especially when dealing with unfamiliar ingredients and recipes. The speaker encountered numerous obstacles during her attempt to make a tempeh teriyaki dish, from misinterpreting ingredients to burning the tempeh and overcooking the vegetables. The process left her feeling inadequate and unhappy in the kitchen, leading to the purchase of takeout pizza instead. This experience highlights the importance of being prepared, understanding the ingredients, and having the right tools for cooking vegetarian meals. It also emphasizes the value of setting realistic expectations and seeking help when needed.

    • Measuring Tools and Instructions for Successful CookingFollowing precise measurements and instructions can improve cooking outcomes and reduce stress. Companies should be sensitive to various groups and update outdated marketing campaigns.

      Precise measurement and following instructions can make cooking a more successful and less stressful experience. The speaker in this conversation expressed frustration with not having measuring tools while cooking and the hassle of making certain dishes, such as lasagna. She also mentioned the importance of delegating tasks and not being too hard on oneself when it comes to cooking. Additionally, the conversation touched on the topic of outdated marketing campaigns and the need for companies to be more inclusive and sensitive to various groups. Miller Lite was discussed as an example of a company recognizing the need to change its approach and make amends for past sexist marketing. The speaker also shared a humorous anecdote about her family's struggles with food and dietary preferences, highlighting the importance of accommodating different needs and the challenges that come with it. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics related to cooking, marketing, and family dynamics.

    • Miller Lite's Apology Ad Sparks Mixed ReactionsAuthentic apologies require understanding, respect, and nuance, avoiding oversimplification or manipulation.

      The Miller Lite beer brand's recent apology ad, which aimed to address past offensive ads and promote female empowerment, was met with mixed reactions. Some found it empowering and appreciated the effort to acknowledge past mistakes, while others saw it as overly scoldy and offensive in its own right. The discussion also touched on the portrayal of women in advertising and the importance of authenticity and nuance in apologies and marketing efforts. Ultimately, the authenticity and effectiveness of apologies and marketing messages depend on understanding and respecting the audience and avoiding oversimplification or manipulation.

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    Callahan- https://www.amazon.com/Ask-Not-Kennedys-Women-Destroyed/dp/0316276170/


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    The Megyn Kelly Show
    enJune 24, 2024

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    Full interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. - originally aired May 30.

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    The Megyn Kelly Show
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    中國認知戰|台灣如何抗拒?|#簡余晏 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20230618

    中國認知戰|台灣如何抗拒?|#簡余晏 #矢板明夫 #汪浩|@華視三國演議|20230618
    新聞從業人員為五斗米折腰是情非得已?當國家安全與新聞自由衝突時,台灣如何反制中國的滲透?禁抖音就有用嗎?過去15年來,中國對台灣滲透的手段有什麼變化?台灣社會的「新聞自由」能否抵擋中國的認知作戰?而台灣社會的「言論自由」和多元觀點、能夠保護「新聞自由」嗎?針對中國對台資訊戰的全新階段,除了借鏡愛沙尼亞經驗、和北約的「塔林手冊」,還有哪些方面值得台灣參考?! 精彩訪談內容,請鎖定@華視三國演議! 本集來賓:#簡余晏 #矢板明夫 主持人:#汪浩 以上言論不代表本台立場 #入侵編輯臺 #新聞自由 #抖音 #中共代理人 電視播出時間 📺華視主頻12頻道 首播 週一、週二 06:00 📡華視新聞資訊台52頻道 首播 週六、週日15:00 📱YouTube三國演議頻道 週六、週日15:00 首映 請鎖定 @華視三國演議 專屬YT頻道: https://pse.is/cts3scompany_YT 粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/cts3scompany APPLE Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_AP Google Podcast: https://pse.is/3Talks_GP

    Ep. 808 If We Don’t Fight Back Now, We’re Finished

    Ep. 808 If We Don’t Fight Back Now, We’re Finished
    Summary:In this episode I address the troubling tactics by the Democrats to derail the Brett Kavanaugh nomination. If this is allowed to stand, these tactics will destroy Trump’s power to appoint people. I also address the explosive new revelations that FBI investigators may have fabricated the entire premise for the Trump investigation. News Picks:Do illegal immigrants commit crimes at a higher rate than American citizens? Another bombshell piece by John Solomon indicating that the FBI investigators knew the case against Trump was a joke.  This piece covers the highlights of another revealing Devin Nunes interview.  Bob Woodward spent two years trying to dig up dirt on Trump and concluded that the collusion story is nonsense. This Daily Caller piece indicates that the FBI used media leaks as a “pretext” to target the Trump team.  Is this former Obama administration lawyer in deep legal trouble with the Mueller probe? Andy McCarthy’s new piece provides some ideas about what may be in the FISA redactions.  Are the Democrats walking into a Colin Kaepernick trap? Copyright CRTV. All rights reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Ep. 1389 - The White Nationalist Coup That Isn’t

    Ep. 1389 - The White Nationalist Coup That Isn’t

    White nationalists march in Washington D.C., but only the media seem to care; Chris Cuomo is out at CNN; and the Biden administration considers new covid restrictions despite the unthreatening Omicron data.

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    The Media Has Abandoned the Country, Again (Ep 1198)

    The Media Has Abandoned the Country, Again (Ep 1198)
    In this episode, I address the economic impact of the Coronavirus outbreak along with the incredible US jobs report. I also address a stunning piece of information from the FBI that changes everything, yet has received scant media coverage.  News Picks: Huge job numbers for February, despite the Coronavirus outbreak.  Romney screws us, again! The latest Republican Primary numbers show unprecedented strength for President Trump within the GOP.  A federal judge engages in a bizarre attack on Attorney General Bill Barr.  FISA court mistakenly says Fusion GPS was targeting Hillary Clinton.  Bloomberg couldn’t buy the election with hundreds of millions so how did the Russians “buy it” with thousands? Absurd. President Trump is trolling the Democrats into a black-hole Copyright Bongino Inc All Rights Reserved. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices