
    Ep. 808 If We Don’t Fight Back Now, We’re Finished

    enSeptember 17, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Political Climate and Deep State TacticsThe use of deep state tactics to investigate nominees and administrations sets a dangerous precedent, potentially making governing impossible. It's crucial to understand data and facts behind controversial topics and prioritize self-care.

      The current political climate in America is setting a dangerous precedent for future nominees and administrations, as seen in the Kavanaugh situation and the ongoing investigation into the Mueller probe. The use of deep state tactics to dig into nominees' pasts and destroy their reputations is a double-edged sword, and if not checked, could make governing impossible. Furthermore, there are ongoing debates about topics like climate change, and it's essential to understand the data and facts behind these issues. The show also touched on the importance of self-care, as exemplified by the use of WaxRx for earwax removal, which can save time and money in the long run.

    • Double standard in handling allegationsThe current political climate risks undermining the presumption of innocence by using unfounded allegations to derail adversaries, potentially damaging the integrity of the political process

      The current political climate, as exemplified by the Kavanaugh case, raises concerns about a double standard in handling allegations, particularly those against individuals on the conservative side. If allegations alone are enough to sideline a career, what's to stop opponents from making unfounded claims to derail their adversaries? This new tactic, seen in the Kavanaugh and Jim Jordan cases, risks undermining the presumption of innocence and the integrity of the political process. It's crucial for both sides to establish clear rules and adhere to them to maintain the functioning of our constitutional republic.

    • Media bias in handling allegations against public figuresMedia's handling of allegations against public figures raises concerns about bias and double standards. While serious allegations against Democrats receive less coverage, allegations against Republicans are heavily scrutinized. Polygraph tests, used to measure potential deception, are not lie detector tests and have limitations.

      The media's handling of allegations against public figures, like the recent Kavanaugh case, raises concerns about bias and double standards. While serious allegations against a Democrat party figure, such as Keith Ellison, receive less coverage, allegations against a Republican figure, even if they occurred when he was a kid, are heavily scrutinized and assumed to be true. It's important to note that a polygraph test is not a lie detector test, but rather a tool that measures physiological signs of potential deception. Its inadmissibility in court underscores the importance of interview skills and the potential for misinterpretation. This issue sets a dangerous precedent, as the left may continue to use these tactics to dredge up past allegations that cannot be definitively proven or disproven. We should not cave to these tactics, as it may set an impossible standard for future investigations.

    • Senator Flake's Delay of Kavanaugh Confirmation VoteSenator Flake's delay of Kavanaugh's confirmation vote due to sexual misconduct allegations sets a dangerous precedent, as any unproven allegation could potentially derail confirmations or elections. The standard for confirmation should be based on a person's character and actions since the alleged incident.

      The lie detector test results are not definitive and depend heavily on the interviewer's skill and interpretation. Regarding the ongoing debate about Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation to the Supreme Court, Jeff Flake, a Republican senator, is delaying the vote due to allegations of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh. However, Flake's actions may be politically motivated, as he is rumored to be considering a 2020 presidential run and wants to appeal to anti-Trump Republicans and Democrats. The Democrats' call for a delay sets a dangerous precedent, as any unproven allegation from a person's past could potentially derail confirmations or elections. The standard for confirmation should not be based on unproven allegations but on the person's character and actions since the alleged incident.

    • Allegations against Kavanaugh setting precedent for future nominee obstructionDemocrats use unfounded allegations against Republican nominees, while facing no consequences for their own, potentially setting a dangerous precedent for future confirmations.

      The media is perceived as biased towards the Democratic party and setting an unfair standard for confirming judicial nominees. The allegations against Kavanaugh, despite lacking corroborating evidence, could potentially establish a precedent for Democrats to use unfounded allegations to sideline Republican nominees in the future. Meanwhile, Democrats, such as Keith Ellison, face no such consequences despite serious allegations against them. Republicans are warned to stand firm and not give in to these tactics, or risk nominating even more conservative candidates in response. Additionally, the Obama-era Joint Employer Standard, which could force franchises to unionize all their employees at once, is an example of the Democrats' ongoing obstruction and destruction of the Trump agenda.

    • Democrats using obstructionist tactics against Trump adminDemocrats apply hypocritical standards, using recusals and ethics complaints to obstruct GOP nominees and Trump admin agenda

      The Democratic Party is using obstructionist tactics, such as recusals and ethics complaints, to halt the Trump administration's agenda. This was seen in the case of the NLRB and the attempt to unionize McDonald's employees. The Democrats' actions are hypocritical, as they did not hold the same standard when one of their own appointees, Craig Becker, did not recuse himself despite having a conflict of interest. The ultimate goal is to create an impossible standard for past character conduct to sideline potential GOP nominees. This pattern of behavior was also seen in the case of Devin Nunes and the ethics complaint against him during the investigation of the spy gate operation. These attacks are not random incidents but a deliberate strategy to obstruct the Trump administration's agenda.

    • Fairness in Political Debates and Legal ProceedingsDue process is crucial in political debates and legal proceedings, ensuring fairness for all parties involved. Everyone deserves a day in court, regardless of political affiliations or allegations.

      The discussion revolves around the ongoing political debates and the importance of due process, particularly in the context of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. The speaker expresses concern over the potential implications for future nominees if Kavanaugh is not given a fair hearing. He also mentions the case of a deputy party chair accused of abuse, emphasizing that everyone deserves a day in court. The speaker also promotes the importance of proficiency with firearms and introduces the iTarget system as a valuable tool for improving skills. Lastly, new developments in the Spygate operation were discussed, with John Solomon's reporting being highlighted. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of fair treatment and the importance of being well-prepared, whether in legal matters or in self-defense situations.

    • FBI failed to find sufficient evidence of Trump-Russia collusion after 9 months of surveillanceDespite extensive surveillance, the FBI couldn't find enough evidence to link Trump or his campaign to Russia's election meddling, with the investigation heavily relying on the unverified dossier and doubts from the lead investigator

      During Lisa Page's testimony, she acknowledged that after using extensive surveillance powers for nine months, the FBI still had not found sufficient evidence to connect Trump or his campaign to Russia's election meddling. The case was largely based on the unverified dossier, and even the lead investigator, Peter Strzok, had expressed doubt about the existence of any wrongdoing. The revelation underscores the uncertainty surrounding the collusion investigation and raises questions about the justification for the appointment of a special counsel.

    • Mueller probe shifts focus to impeachment proceedingsThe Mueller probe, initially focused on Trump-Russia collusion, is now expected to issue a report for impeachment proceedings, despite not being a law enforcement report. Manafort's cooperation could lead to charges against Tony Podesta and Greg Craig.

      The Mueller probe, which was initially focused on investigating collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, has shifted its focus to keeping political heat on Donald Trump after it became clear that there was no collusion. The probe is now expected to issue a report that will be used by the Democrats for impeachment proceedings against Trump, despite it not being a law enforcement report. Additionally, Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager, is cooperating with the Mueller probe, but the focus should be on those he was working with, specifically Greg Craig, who was Obama's former lawyer and was also involved in the same lobbying effort for Ukrainian officials. This development could lead to trouble for Tony Podesta and Greg Craig if Manafort's cooperation leads to charges against them.

    • Mueller's focus on Democrats based on Manafort's cooperationThe Mueller investigation's focus on Democrats may be driven by Manafort's cooperation and unauthorized lobbying activities involving both him and the Democrats during the Obama administration. The lack of substantial evidence to initiate the investigation and the use of the dossier as a pretext raises concerns about its legitimacy and motivations.

      The Mueller investigation's focus on Democrats, specifically Tony Podesta and Greg Craig, hinges on Paul Manafort's cooperation. Manafort's alleged unauthorized lobbying activities during the Obama administration involved both him and these Democrats. If Mueller chooses not to investigate or charge them, it suggests an unethical goal to keep the heat on Trump and his team while avoiding any perception of malfeasance by the Democrats. A newly discovered text message from January 10, 2017, indicates that the FBI may have lacked substantial evidence to initiate their investigation and instead used the dossier as a pretext. This information raises concerns about the legitimacy and motivations behind the Mueller probe.

    • FBI used unverified dossier to justify investigationThe FBI used an unverified dossier to interview people and keep the Trump investigation going, potentially due to political motivations.

      The FBI, lacking hard evidence against the Trump team, used the unverified and salacious dossier as a pretext to interview people and keep the investigation going. Jim Comey, then-FBI director, was advised by former Obama DNI James Clapper to discuss the dossier with Trump, but only shared the sexual allegations and not the criminal allegations. CNN then reported on Trump's briefing on the dossier, providing a justification for the FBI to interview people without evidence. This chain of events highlights the serious concerns regarding the FBI's handling of the investigation and the potential political motivations behind it.

    • FBI and DOJ may have used media leaks to justify investigationsConcerns arise that the FBI and DOJ used leaked false info to investigate American citizens, rather than stopping the leaks

      According to Devin Nunes on Maria Bartiromo's show, there are concerns that the FBI and DOJ may have leaked false information to the media and used those leaks as a pretext to investigate American citizens. Nunes specifically mentioned texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, where Strzok expressed the desire to discuss a media leak strategy before an article was published, and later praised Page for the article's outcome. Nunes argued that instead of trying to stop leaks, the FBI and DOJ were using them to further their investigations. The use of these leaks as pretexts for interviews raises questions about the legitimacy of some investigative actions during the Russia probe. This issue adds to the ongoing debate about the role of the FBI and DOJ in the investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election.

    • FBI and Clinton campaign used planted news stories to secure FISA warrant and conduct interviewsThe FBI and Clinton campaign allegedly used false news stories as evidence in the Russia investigation, raising concerns of a 'Kool-Aid drinking episode' and the involvement of up to 70 witnesses in the ongoing probe.

      The FBI and Clinton campaign allegedly used planted news stories as a basis for securing a FISA warrant and conducting interviews in the Russia investigation. These news stories, which were leaked to the media by the FBI, were then used as evidence in the FISA application and in the interviews themselves. Nunes, in the interview, expressed his concern that this constituted a "Kool-Aid drinking episode," where people were being misled by false information. Additionally, Nunes revealed that up to 70 witnesses have been called to testify in front of house and senate committees regarding this matter. The full extent of this involvement and the information these witnesses hold is currently unknown, as Nunes is pushing for the declassification of this information. This raises questions about the depth and scope of the involvement of individuals beyond the upper echelons of the FBI and DOJ in this investigation.

    • Media and politicians blame climate change for natural disaster costsPeople moving to dangerous areas due to wealth cause more damage during natural disasters, not climate change

      The media and certain political figures are trying to blame climate change for the increasing costs of natural disasters, but the real reason is the expanding and wealthier population moving towards more dangerous areas, such as coastlines and heavily forested regions. The media and Democrats are using this narrative as a weapon, but there is little evidence to support their claims. Instead, people are moving to these areas due to their increased wealth, and as a result, more damage is being caused when storms hit these populated areas. This is a simple explanation for the complex issue, and it's important to remember that climate change is not the sole cause of the increasing damage from natural disasters.

    • Dan thanks listeners for support and asks for help spreading the wordListeners are encouraged to subscribe and share Dan's podcast to help it reach a larger audience, and can follow him on Twitter for updates.

      Dan Bongino expressed his gratitude for his listeners' continued support despite recent algorithm changes. He encouraged them to subscribe to his show, which is available for free on iTunes, SoundCloud, and iHeartRadio. By subscribing and sharing the podcast, they help it reach a larger audience. Dan also mentioned an informative article on immigration and crime rates by Matt Palumbo that he would include in his show notes. He concluded by reminding listeners to follow him on Twitter @DBongino for updates. Overall, Dan expressed his appreciation for his audience and promised to deliver valuable content.

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