
    Don Jr Targeted With Mysterious Powder & Joy Reid Preaches Great Replacement Theory!

    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Using the right tools to combat societal challengesStay focused, take specific actions to target root causes, and engage in shaping the future with proactive measures.

      Having the right tools, like the Walther firearm with its advanced features, can make a significant difference in combating the challenges we face. This was emphasized in the context of addressing negative ideologies and issues in society. The speaker encouraged staying focused and taking specific actions to target the root causes, just as one would with a health issue. Another key point was the growing support for building a metaphorical "wall" or taking a stand against harmful ideas. The speaker highlighted the importance of being proactive and staying engaged in shaping the future of the country. Overall, the message was to take action with the right tools and focus to tackle challenges effectively.

    • Community Action is Key for School SafetyCommunities must hold school officials accountable for student safety, and swift action is crucial when red flags are raised. Failure to do so can result in tragic consequences.

      Community action is crucial when it comes to school safety and the well-being of students. The recent events at the Chippewa Falls School have shown that poor decision-making by school officials can lead to dangerous situations. In this case, a student with a manifesto outlining violent intentions was put on suspension without parents being notified. The community's response was overwhelming, and if you're in the area, it's important to make your voices heard at tonight's school board meeting. For those outside of Wisconsin, use this momentum to start conversations about immigration, the border crisis, and school safety. It's essential to come together as a community to address these issues and ensure the safety of all students. The lack of transparency and action from school officials in Chippewa Falls is a reminder of the importance of holding them accountable. The tragic death of Lakey Riley in the Raleigh shooting and the failure of authorities to protect her serves as a stark reminder of the consequences when we don't prioritize the safety of our children.

    • Donald Trump Jr. received a threatening letter with a suspicious substancePublic figures and their families face potential harm and threats, emphasizing the need for civility and community support.

      In today's political climate, threats and potential harm against public figures, including their families, are a concerning reality. During the discussion, it was revealed that Donald Trump Jr. received a letter containing a death threat and a substance that initially tested positive for hazardous material. Although the substance was later determined to be harmless, the incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers and threats faced by public figures and their families. The discussion also touched upon the calls for civility in politics, which seem to only apply when the Left perceives they are losing. Despite the challenges, efforts are being made to address such threats and ensure the safety of those involved. It's crucial for individuals and communities to stay informed and support each other in times of need.

    • Discussion on handling suspicious mail and Hunter Biden's letter to Don Trump Jr.The conversation touched upon handling suspicious mail, Hunter Biden's past struggles with sobriety, and the political climate compared to past presidencies.

      The discussion revolved around the protocols for handling suspicious mail in their organization, and they shared the contents of a letter allegedly written by Hunter Biden to Don Trump Jr. The letter contained references to drugs and politics, with Hunter expressing his desire for his father to win the election so he could use drugs again. The conversation also touched upon the past presidencies, with a comparison made between the perceived civility of the Gerald Ford era and the current political climate. Hunter Biden's sobriety and its relation to the election outcome was a significant topic, with the pressure on him to maintain his sobriety being highlighted. The conversation ended with Joe Biden sharing his belief that a happy marriage requires good sex, which was met with Jill's horror. Overall, the discussion covered a range of topics, from personal letters to political pressures and relationship advice.

    • Discussing the importance of communication and a healthy sex life for a happy marriageEffective communication and a fulfilling sex life contribute to a contented marriage, according to Donald Trump Jr., although some unconventional methods were mentioned.

      According to the discussion, good communication and a healthy sex life are important for a happy marriage, as stated by Donald Trump Jr., despite some unconventional methods mentioned. Additionally, there seems to be a debate about population growth and its implications, with some arguing for the need to replace generations and others suggesting that having children is a personal choice, not a moral obligation. The conversation also touched on the sensitive topic of slavery and its historical context, leading to some controversial statements. It's important to remember that these are complex issues with nuanced perspectives, and it's essential to approach them with an open mind and respectful dialogue.

    • Speaker's inconsistent argument on abortion, population growth, and immigrationThe speaker's argument connecting abortion, population growth, and immigration was met with confusion and criticism due to its lack of logical sense and clear evidence.

      During a discussion about immigration and population growth, a speaker made an inconsistent argument suggesting that those against abortion want more children to prevent people from becoming a public burden, which she claimed was similar to slavery and eugenics. However, her argument was met with confusion and criticism, as it didn't make logical sense and lacked clear evidence or a defensible position. The speaker's argument was criticized for being nonsensical and indefensible, and it was suggested that her lack of clarity and understanding of the topic made her argument weak. Ultimately, the speaker's attempt to connect various issues, including immigration, population growth, and abortion, came across as disjointed and confusing.

    • Complex ethical debates on reproductive rights and immigrationSenator Tuberville supports IVF and having children, while Joy Reid questioned the need for more children, leading to a discussion on complex ethical issues like the value of human life and population growth, as well as the distinction between a fertilized egg and a sperm or an egg.

      There are complex ethical and moral debates surrounding issues like reproductive rights and immigration. During a discussion, Senator Tommy Tuberville expressed his support for IVF and having opportunities for children, while Joy Reid seemed to question the need for more children in the context of the US population. However, there was confusion about her comments regarding slavery. The conversation also touched on the ethical implications of discarding fertilized embryos and the distinction between a fertilized egg and a sperm or an egg. Republicans have advocated for the protection of fertilized embryos' rights, but not a ban on IVF. Ultimately, these debates underscore the importance of considering the complexities and nuances of various perspectives and issues.

    • The right to personal body choices and population sustainabilityIndividuals have the freedom to make choices about their bodies, including abortion. Maintaining a stable population requires a birth rate of 2.1 children per woman, and certain groups have higher fertility rates. Encouraged to learn from these groups and prioritize family growth.

      Individuals have the right to make choices regarding their own bodies, including the decision to have an abortion, which is consistent with their stance on other personal freedoms, despite criticisms from those who want to control other aspects of people's lives. Another key point is that maintaining a stable population for the sustainability of society and culture requires a birth rate of around 2.1 children per woman, and certain demographic groups, such as Hispanics and Pacific Islanders, have higher fertility rates compared to others, like whites and Asians, who are below the average. The speaker encourages those who want to have more children to learn from these groups and prioritize family growth as a means of preserving their culture and way of life.

    • The importance of staying informed and considering the bigger pictureIgnoring weather reports or population trends can lead to inconvenience or societal imbalances. Being aware of critical issues and making informed decisions is crucial.

      The discussion touches on several seemingly unrelated topics, including the weather, Mormon culture, population, and environmentalism. However, a common thread emerges, emphasizing the importance of paying attention to critical issues and making informed decisions. For instance, ignoring weather reports can lead to inconvenience, while disregarding population trends can result in societal imbalances. Additionally, the speaker critiques neo-environmentalism for being anti-human and advocates for innovation and population growth as solutions to environmental challenges. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of staying informed and considering the broader context when making personal and societal decisions.

    • Joy Reid's Contradictory Views on Having ChildrenMedia personality Joy Reid advocates for fewer children due to economic reasons but has three herself, supports large families and cheap labor, and opposes border control measures, revealing a common trend of leftist inconsistency.

      Joy Reid, a media personality, holds contradictory views on having children, despite having three herself. She advocates for the average American to have fewer children due to economic reasons, but she personally defies this advice. Meanwhile, she supports large families and imports cheap labor from other countries, while advocating against measures to address border control. The inconsistency in her beliefs highlights a common trend among leftists, who may privately hold conservative values but publicly advocate for policies that contradict them. This inconsistency fuels frustration and a desire for open dialogue about important issues, such as immigration and family size.

    • Exploring Complex Themes and Pushing Boundaries in LiteratureAuthors like Stephen King push boundaries in their works, but some scenes may be controversial or disturbing to readers. What was once considered taboo can become more accepted over time.

      Some authors, like Stephen King, have been criticized for including controversial or disturbing scenes in their works that some readers find incongruent or disturbing, despite these scenes potentially being essential to the story. For instance, in Stephen King's "It," the scene where the children have an orgy to maintain their powers is a point of contention. Some argue that it's unnecessary and adds an uncomfortable element to the story, while others believe it's an essential part of the plot. Additionally, societal attitudes towards certain issues can shift over time, and what was once considered taboo or controversial can become more accepted. For example, the conservative base's support for building a border wall is now a winning issue for the country at large. Overall, it's important to remember that literary license allows authors to explore complex themes and push boundaries, even if some readers find the content disturbing or uncomfortable.

    • Public opinion on immigration and border wall shifts significantlyA majority of Americans now support building a wall and view illegal immigration as a serious problem, reflecting a shift in public opinion due to consistent conservative messaging from politicians like Governor Abbott.

      The issue of immigration and building a border wall is no longer a controversial or divisive topic among Americans. A majority of Americans now support the idea of building a wall, with 84% viewing illegal immigration as at least somewhat serious of a problem. This shift in public opinion can be attributed to the consistent and conservative stance taken by politicians like Governor Abbott, who have effectively addressed the issue. These numbers represent a significant change from the 2016 election when the issue was used as a weapon against then-candidate Trump. Now, immigration is considered a closed-ended issue, and voters are looking for candidates who will take firm action on it. With the secret vote in the 2016 election being 2 to 1 in favor of Trump on this issue, it's expected that this trend will continue and even grow stronger in future elections.

    • Two individuals discuss the potential of a border wall as a solution to a perceived crisisSome individuals view the construction of a border wall as an experiment to address a perceived crisis, despite the significant cost difference between investing in a wall and doing nothing. The conversation also touches upon the current immigration situation and historical context of wall construction, but contains insensitive remarks.

      Despite the significant cost difference between investing in a border wall and doing nothing, some individuals are willing to take the risk and try the wall as a solution to a perceived border crisis. This perspective was expressed during a conversation between two individuals, who acknowledged the potential failure of the wall but saw it as a worthwhile experiment. They also touched upon the current immigration situation, suggesting that the crisis began after the recent change in presidency. Additionally, they mentioned a truck giveaway event and shared some historical context about the construction of walls as a means of defense. However, the conversation also contained some insensitive remarks about certain ethnic groups, which detracts from the overall message. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the complex and contentious nature of the border issue and the differing opinions on how to address it.

    • Debating Illegal Immigration and Border Security ConcernsReality of illegal immigration includes human trafficking, media downplays border crisis, Biden administration released thousands of unaccompanied children with third losing contact

      The discussion revolved around the issue of illegal immigration and the concerns regarding the security of the southern border. Josh and Gerald debated the importance of addressing this issue, with Josh pointing out the reality that not all immigrants are seeking a better life and some may be involved in human trafficking. Doctor Phil's appearance on The View and his comments on the issue were discussed, with some Democrats downplaying the border crisis. The media was also criticized for downplaying the issue and misrepresenting the situation at the border. Rapid fire facts were shared, including the large number of unaccompanied children released into the US under the Biden administration and the loss of contact with a third of these children. A whistleblower from HHS confirmed the child trafficking issue.

    • Child trafficking in the US: A complex issueThe issue of child trafficking in the US involves intricate networks, from recruitment in home countries to sponsors viewing children as commodities, leading to labor trafficking. Acknowledging supporters' contributions is crucial.

      The issue of child trafficking in the US is more complex than it seems, with a sophisticated network involving recruitment in home countries, smuggling to the US border, and sponsors who may be criminals or view children as commodities. This contributes to an explosion of labor trafficking. The discussion also included a shout-out to Walther Arms, a long-standing sponsor of the show, whose firearms are highly regarded in the industry. The importance of the show's supporters, particularly those in Mugg Club, was emphasized, as they enable the production and distribution of the show. The segment ended with a reminder of the importance of acknowledging the contributions of supporters and sponsors.

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    This show is three key facts in three minutes on the topics that you care about most, whether it's abortion, the Second Amendment, immigration, gun crime, the Constitution, the American Revolution, three key irrefutable facts, that you need to start with in three minutes or less.

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024



    Are you ready for the debate of the century? The Rumble on Rumble? The fight for the future of America as we know it? Have you decided already? President Donald Trump versus Former Vice President Joe Biden. Have you decided whether or not your children might get married and raise families of their own one day in safe communities, held together by strong morals and appreciation for American greatness, or will they burn their cities down in a rage that can only be induced by mutilating your genitals? Will Joe Biden fall to the floor or will he merely leer off into the distance as he quietly soils himself on national television? Let’s see what’s in store TONIGHT!

    GUESTS: Nick Di Paolo | Alex Jones

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    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/crowder-2024-debate-livestream-1

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 28, 2024

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    This is How Trump Beats Biden in the Debate | GUEST: Trump Spokeswoman Karoline Leavitt

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    Tune in to our Debate Mega Livestream Tomorrow Night at 9PM ET

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    GUESTS: Karoline Leavitt | Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-26-2024

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 26, 2024

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    Julian Assange Free | YouTube Threatens Takedowns of Presidential Debate Streams | GUEST: Tim Pool

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    GUEST: Tim Pool | Josh Firestine

    Tax Network USA’s tax specialists have settled over $500 million in tax debts to the IRS and state taxing authorities. Call 1 (800) 245-6000 or visit tnusa.com/crowder

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-25

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 25, 2024

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    BREAKING REPORT: ARMY Admits Debilitating Heart Conditions Linked to Covid Vax!

    An exclusive report from Catherine Herridge, Taylor Swift sang “f*ck the patriarchy” in a monarchy over the weekend, Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman attended a racially charged rally in the Bronx, CNN's fact check of Trump's Wisconsin rally speech found 30 false statements & we are fact-checking all of them, and so much more!

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    One of the leading firearm manufacturers in the world for 135 years. Go to www.WaltherArms.com to try the Walther.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/source-june-24

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 24, 2024

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    REBUTTAL: Jon Stewart is WRONG about Gun Violence

    Today, we culturally appropriate Native American Indians, because to appropriate is to appreciate! This marks the second installment of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation Month celebration! In the news, Governor Gavin Newsom announced a land return to the Shasta Tribe in an episode of virtue signaling, Louisiana is officially the first American state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in public classrooms, Jon Stewart is wrong on guns, NYC State of Crime, and so much more!

    Support freedom of speech with Rumble's 1775 Coffee. Go to 1775coffee.com/Crowder right now and pick up your first bag. Use code CROWDER to save 10%.

    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-20

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

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    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 20, 2024

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    EXCLUSIVE: Murderer Groomed High School Girl into Sex in Jail; Massive Cover-Up

    A Mug Club viewer like you came to Mug Club Undercover with a tip regarding an incident and an apparent subsequent cover-up involving the coercion and abuse of a minor intern at a county jail housing federal inmates for U.S. Marshals in Ohio. As our journalists pulled the thread, we found it nearly impossible to get answers over the phone, so we sent boots on the ground to ask face-to-face. We obtained exclusive access to and are publishing today materials corroborating this shocking case!

    GUEST: Breanna Morello

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub

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    Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 19, 2024

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    GUEST: Josh Firestine

    CBDistillery’s targeted formulations are made from the highest quality CLEAN ingredients. No fluff, no fillers - just pure, effective CBD solutions designed to help support your health. Go to CBDistillery.com and use code CROWDER for 20% off and a 100% money back guarantee.

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-18

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 18, 2024

    Here's How Google Is Going to Steal the Election Again | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein

    Here's How Google Is Going to Steal the Election Again | Guest: Dr. Robert Epstein

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    GUEST: Dr. Robert Epstein | Josh Firestine

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-17-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 17, 2024

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

    Disney Makes Star Wars Galactically Gay!

    Folks, today marks the start of our 9th annual Cultural Appropriation month celebration. We all know appropriation is appreciation and today we are appreciating Iran! In the news, young Iranians are protesting their nation’s strict religious laws through a phenomenon called “turban knocking,” space lesbian witches are somehow getting pregnant and destroying Star Wars, a string of attacks on American fast food restaurants in Iran has got us wondering who could be responsible, after the shocking helicopter crash death of Iran’s President, Ibrahim Raisi, Iran will hold a free and fair election to replace him, we’re going to be straddling the borderline today, so buckle up and come to Rumble and Mug Club if you want to the show today because YouTube definitely ain’t okay with what’s happening today!

    Submit your costumes on X with #AppropriateIran for a chance to be featured on the show!

    Visit http://PrepWithCrowder.com for My Patriot Supply emergency food kits, and $50 Off the Grid Doctor Solar Generator System

    GUEST: Nick Di Paolo

    SOURCES: https://www.louderwithcrowder.com/sources-june-13-2024

    Join MugClub to watch this show every day! http://louderwithcrowder.com/mugclub NEW MERCH! https://crowdershop.com/ Subscribe to my podcast: https://rss.com/podcasts/louder-with-crowder/ FOLLOW ME: Website: https://louderwithcrowder.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/scrowder Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/louderwithcrowder Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stevencrowderofficial Music by @Pogo

    Louder with Crowder
    enJune 13, 2024

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    Transcript for the episode can be found here.


    Dan’s Twitter: @danielgriswold

    Dan’s Mercatus profile: https://www.mercatus.org/scholars/daniel-griswold


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    David’s blog: macromarketmusings.blogspot.com
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    Check out Conversations with Tyler: https://conversationswithtyler.com, and subscribe to Conversations with Tyler on your favorite podcast app.


    Transcript for the episode can be found here.


    Alex’s Twitter: @AlexNowrasteh

    Alex’s Cato profile: https://www.cato.org/people/alex-nowrasteh


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    David’s Twitter: @DavidBeckworth

    David’s blog: http://macromarketmusings.blogspot.com/