
    Don’t Let These Patriots Dance Alone (Ep 1244)

    enMay 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Leading Change Amidst Civil Liberties AssaultGood habits, like oral health and online privacy, are crucial for personal well-being. Leaders are emerging to protect civil liberties.

      We're all capable of leading change, and leaders are emerging everywhere in response to the assault on civil liberties, like the case of Mike Flynn. The discussion also emphasized the importance of good habits, specifically oral health, using the example of Quip's electric toothbrush and floss delivery service. The host expressed deep concern about the state of the country, with the economy and constitutional rights being threatened. The conversation was not for the emotionally faint, as the host's emotions reflected the gravity of the situation. The use of ExpressVPN was recommended to protect online privacy.

    • Challenging Unconstitutional Lockdowns: A Right and ResponsibilityIn a free country, it's the government's responsibility to justify why a business isn't essential, not the individual's. Shelley Luther's defiance against unjust restrictions inspires others to stand up and make a difference.

      Individuals have the right to challenge unconstitutional lockdowns, as exemplified by Shelley Luther, a Texas hair salon owner who defied the order and faced consequences but refused to back down. In a free country, it's the government's responsibility to justify why a business isn't essential, not the other way around. This principle was emphasized by a former US Attorney on a recent discussion. The story of Shelley Luther serves as an inspiration for others to stand up against unjust restrictions and not let each other face these challenges alone. The first person to take action might not make the biggest impact, but the one who follows and joins the fight can make a significant difference.

    • Standing up for Individual FreedomsContact local and state reps to pardon individuals and wipe out fines for defying lockdown orders. Don't let innocent people face consequences alone, and fight for individual freedoms.

      It's important for individuals to come together and support those who are facing adversity, like Shelley Luther, who was fined and jailed for defying lockdown orders. We can help by contacting our local and state representatives, urging them to pardon individuals and wipe out fines. This is a call to action for freedom-loving Americans to stand up for their rights and not let innocent people face these consequences alone. The speaker draws parallels to historical times when the country faced dark periods and emphasizes the importance of taking action now. The speaker also mentions the case of Mike Flynn and accuses the Bob Mueller team of attempting to tear down American patriots. The underlying message is to not let individuals dance alone in times of adversity and to fight for individual freedoms.

    • Brightening moms' days with flower subscriptions, investigating potential corruption in the Mueller teamThe Books company offers flower subscriptions with discounts and flexible options to celebrate Mother's Day, while concerns arise about the Mueller team's actions during the Michael Flynn investigation, possibly requiring a full federal investigation.

      During this Mother's Day month, the Books company is offering a flower subscription service with discounts and flexible options to put smiles on moms' faces. Simultaneously, there are serious concerns regarding the Mueller team's actions during the investigation of Michael Flynn, which raises questions about their compliance with court orders and the need for a full federal investigation. The Books company aims to brighten moms' days with their flower subscriptions, while the Flynn case sheds light on potential corruption in the Mueller investigation.

    • Handling of evidence in Flynn case raises concernsNewly emerged notes challenge claims of complete evidence disclosure during Mueller investigation, emphasizing the importance of transparency and adherence to legal procedures.

      During the Mueller investigation, there were concerns about the handling of evidence, specifically in the case of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. Prosecutor Brandon Van Grack, working under Mueller, assured the judge that all Brady material, or evidence that could potentially exonerate Flynn, had been provided. However, handwritten notes from the FBI about setting up Flynn for perjury emerged later, raising questions about the integrity of the investigation. Despite these new developments, Van Grack maintained that all required evidence had been turned over. The inconsistencies in the handling of this evidence highlight the need for transparency and adherence to legal procedures in high-profile investigations.

    • Interview with Flynn was unnecessary and potentially a perjury trapThe FBI had already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing related to Russia, yet they interviewed him at the White House in January 2017, potentially setting him up for perjury. The material from the sub-source was also found to be fake, raising questions about the investigation's integrity and the role of the media in reporting on it.

      The Mueller team's interview with Michael Flynn at the White House in January 2017, which they claimed was about Russian collusion, was actually unnecessary as the FBI had already cleared Flynn of any wrongdoing related to Russia. Furthermore, the FBI had already determined that the material from the sub-source was fake. The interview was potentially set up as a perjury trap, and the government's attorney, Van Grack, has been found to have misrepresented the material relevance of the interview. This raises serious concerns about the integrity of the investigation and the role of the media in covering it. The real journalists, who have been investigating this matter independently, have uncovered important information that challenges the official narrative. The lack of transparency and accountability in this process is a significant issue.

    • FBI Agent Believed to be Hiding in San Francisco OfficeDuring Mueller investigation, an FBI agent involved in interviewing Flynn has disappeared from records, raising concerns about transparency and accountability in the investigation.

      During the Mueller investigation, certain individuals, including Peter Stroke and Mike Flynn, were interviewed by the FBI. However, one of the note-takers during Flynn's interview, Agent Joe Pianca, has disappeared from FBI records and is believed to be in the San Francisco office. The reason for his disappearance is unclear, but it has raised concerns that he may be being hidden to prevent him from sharing information about the interview or the notes he took. This is significant because Flynn's interview was part of a perceived perjury trap, and Pianca's notes could provide important context about what was discussed during the interview. The disappearance of Pianca's name from FBI records adds to the intrigue and raises questions about the transparency and accountability of the investigation. It is crucial that the FBI explains why Pianca is being hidden and releases his notes to ensure the integrity of the investigation and the public's trust.

    • FBI's handling of Michael Flynn investigation raises concernsThe FBI's use of unverified evidence from the dossier and manipulation of transcripts in the Michael Flynn investigation casts doubt on the investigation's integrity and the motivations of those involved.

      The FBI and Mueller team's handling of the investigation into Michael Flynn raises serious concerns about the verification of evidence used to launch the investigation and the transparency of their reporting. The Woods file, which documents the facts used in a FISA application to spy on someone, showed that the FBI lacked verification for the dossier they used against Trump. The agent who took notes during Flynn's interview and was supposed to maintain the Woods file disappeared. Additionally, the Mueller team manipulated transcripts of legal conversations, leaving out crucial context to make it seem more damning for Flynn. These actions call into question the integrity of the investigation and the motivations of those involved.

    • Government withheld and manipulated evidence during Michael Flynn caseAllegations of government deceit during Michael Flynn's case raise concerns about the integrity of the legal process and handling of evidence

      During the Michael Flynn case, the government allegedly withheld and manipulated evidence, including transcripts, for their case against him. They claimed they weren't relying on any other recordings or transcripts, but later referred to one in their arguments. They also lied about the purpose of the meeting, the status of the FBI probe, and deals they had made. Despite this, they refused to share the original transcripts with Flynn's team. This raises serious concerns about the integrity of the legal process and the handling of evidence in this case. It's important to note that these allegations are not confirmed facts, but rather claims made during a discussion about the case.

    • Allegations of deceitful tactics during Mueller investigationThe Mueller team made a secret side deal with Flynn's former lawyer to not prosecute him, while requiring secrecy to prevent Giglio disclosure. Original notes from Flynn's White House interview have not been made public, potentially containing damaging information for the FBI.

      During the Mueller investigation, there were allegations of deceitful tactics used by the government against former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn. The discussion reveals instances of manipulated transcripts, hidden material and agents, and undisclosed side deals. The Mueller team reportedly made a side deal with Flynn's former legal counsel from Covington and Berlin, which was kept secret from the court. This deal involved not prosecuting Michael G. Flynn as a material term of the plea agreement but required secrecy to avoid Giglio disclosure. The government's motive for hiding this deal was to prevent the court from knowing that Flynn was testifying to keep his son out of jail, making it appear that he was testifying willingly. Additionally, the original notes from an interview with Joe Pianca, who took notes during Flynn's White House interview, have not been made public. The whereabouts of the original 302 summary of these notes are unknown, and their potential contents could be damaging to the FBI. Overall, these revelations highlight concerns about the integrity of the investigation and the potential for misconduct.

    • Concerns about edited interview notes for Michael Flynn caseThe FBI's editing of Michael Flynn's interview notes without the original documents raises concerns about accuracy and authenticity, and the absence of the original interviewer during the editing process adds uncertainty.

      During the investigation of Michael Flynn, key interview notes were edited extensively without the original documents being available. Peter Strzok, an FBI agent involved in the case, expressed concern about preserving the voice of the original interviewer, Joe Pianca, during the editing process. However, Pianca was not present during the editing and his whereabouts are unknown. This raises concerns about the accuracy and authenticity of the interview notes used to charge Flynn with lying to the FBI. Additionally, there were reported attempts to pressure Flynn's son with potential prosecution to get Flynn to cooperate, and a side deal regarding this was hidden from the court. These actions call into question the integrity of the investigation and the role of the FBI in the political scandal.

    • Misrepresentations in the Michael Flynn caseThe Mueller team's handling of the Michael Flynn case raised concerns about potential misrepresentations to the court due to missing financial records, disputed interview notes, and the disappearance of the original 302 report.

      The Mueller team's handling of the Michael Flynn case raises serious concerns about their investigation and potential misrepresentations to the court. The team couldn't provide financial records or evidence that Flynn was lobbying on behalf of a foreign government when they were preparing to charge him. Moreover, there were issues with the authorship of notes from Flynn's interview, with the team misidentifying who wrote them. The original 302 from the interview, which might have shown that Flynn didn't lie, seems to have disappeared. These inconsistencies and potential misrepresentations to the court call into question the validity of the charges against Flynn and underscore the importance of transparency and accuracy in legal proceedings.

    • FBI Director's Defense of Handling Michael Flynn Documents Raises QuestionsFBI Director Christopher Wray's defense of handling documents related to Michael Flynn investigation lacks transparency, as there's no mention of these notes in the IG report and their absence during Mueller probe is unclear. Furthermore, Mueller's team had evidence of Flynn's innocence but still prosecuted him.

      FBI Director Christopher Wray's defense regarding the handling of documents related to the investigation into Michael Flynn during the 2016-2017 time period raises questions. Wray claimed that the materials were previously given to the IG and U.S. Attorney Durham. However, there is no mention of these notes in the IG report, and it's unclear why they weren't produced during the Mueller probe. Furthermore, Wray's statement conveniently leaves out that Mueller's team had evidence of Flynn's innocence the entire time but still prosecuted him. This situation adds to the ongoing controversy surrounding the FBI's handling of the Flynn investigation. Additionally, a damning ad was shared, highlighting Joe Biden's history of being a chronic liar and making false claims throughout his political career.

    • Joe Biden's Academic Achievements ExaggeratedDespite Biden's claims, he did not graduate in the top half of law school, did not earn three college degrees, and was not named outstanding political science student. Misrepresentations call into question his honesty and trustworthiness.

      During the discussion, it was revealed that Joe Biden's academic achievements have been exaggerated throughout his political career. Contrary to his claims, Biden did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, did not earn three degrees from college, and was not named the outstanding political science student. These misrepresentations call into question Biden's honesty and trustworthiness. It is concerning that if elected president, we may have to deal with more of these misrepresentations for the next four years. It is important for voters to be informed and not let these instances go unaddressed. The integrity of our leadership matters, and we should not let figures like Shelley Luther and Mike Flynn face these challenges alone.

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