
    Podcast Summary

    • Media manipulating public perception in Paris protestsMedia misrepresented Paris protests as riots over fuel prices when the real issue was government taxes. Dan encouraged truth seeking and promoted WaxRx for earwax removal.

      The media is attempting to manipulate public perception by focusing on narratives rather than the truth. This was evident in their coverage of recent protests in Paris, which they labeled as riots over rising fuel prices, despite the fact that fuel prices have been decreasing. The real issue was government taxes on fuel. Dan Bongino expressed his frustration with this misinformation and encouraged listeners to seek out the truth. Additionally, Dan highlighted the value of WaxRx, a product he uses to remove earwax, and encouraged listeners to try it using the offer code "Dan" for free shipping at go wax RX dot com. Lastly, Dan discussed the ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation by the inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and the recent raid on a whistleblower's home related to the case. The significance of this story and the questions it raises about potential corruption within the Clinton Foundation remain to be seen.

    • Raiding a whistleblower's house: Necessary step or misstep?Handling whistleblower cases with sensitivity and respect is crucial to maintain trust and ensure investigation success.

      Raiding a whistleblower's house is not an effective way to win their trust or cooperation in an investigation. The ongoing debate among experts is whether the recent raid on a whistleblower's house in relation to the Clinton Foundation investigation is a mop-up operation to secure original evidence or a misstep that could harm the investigation. While some argue that it's a necessary step to establish a solid chain of custody, others believe it could deter future whistleblowers. The lawyer for the whistleblower has expressed displeasure over the raid, which raises questions about the need for a search warrant if the whistleblower was voluntarily turning over documents. Overall, the incident highlights the importance of handling whistleblower cases with sensitivity and respect to maintain trust and ensure the success of the investigation.

    • Consensual Evidence Collection in Law EnforcementIf a whistleblower consents to provide key evidence, there's no need for the FBI to obtain a search warrant, potentially preserving the cooperative relationship between law enforcement and the whistleblower.

      The consent of a subject to turn over evidence is a significant exception to the need for a search warrant in law enforcement. The speaker argues that if a whistleblower had already consented to provide key evidence, such as in the Clinton Foundation case, there would be no need for the FBI to obtain a search warrant and potentially disrupt the process. The speaker also dismisses theories suggesting that the FBI's actions were part of a cover-up operation. Instead, they believe that the FBI's actions may have been motivated by a desire to secure the evidence for themselves. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of transparency and the potential consequences of unnecessary disruptions to cooperative relationships between law enforcement and whistleblowers.

    • FBI searches for more info from Uranium One whistleblowerThe FBI is intensely investigating a Uranium One whistleblower for potentially damaging info on Obama, Clinton admin officials.

      The FBI is reportedly searching for more information from a whistleblower involved in the Uranium One scandal and the DOJ scandals during the Obama and Clinton administrations. This suggests that the FBI and DOJ officials may be trying to understand the full extent of the whistleblower's knowledge, as they are aware of the serious implications of these scandals. The FBI already had access to some of the information from the whistleblower, but they are conducting this search to potentially uncover any additional details. The urgency of the situation may be due to the need for plausible deniability for those involved, as they aim to preserve the reputation of the FBI and DOJ. The investigation could potentially reveal a larger scandal involving major players in the Obama administration and the Clinton Foundation.

    • Power Struggle Between Michael Horowitz and Robert MuellerThe inspector general and special counsel are locked in a power struggle, with each investigating various scandals. Recent events, like Michael Cohen's lying to Congress charge and FBI agent raids, have intensified the fight, raising questions about Democrat involvement and potential distractions from serious investigations.

      There is a significant power struggle unfolding between Michael Horowitz, the inspector general, and Robert Mueller, as they both investigate various scandals, including the Clinton email scandal, Clinton Foundation, and the Spygate debacle. The intensity of this fight reached new heights when Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, was charged with lying to Congress. This charge was conveniently timed around the same period when an FBI agent's home was raided in a referral from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Mark Warner, a Democrat on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, was revealed to be the one who referred the case about lying to Congress to the Mueller probe. This raises questions about Warner's involvement in the entire Spygate scandal, as he has been in contact with Russian lobbyists and Feinstein's staffer, Dan Jones, who was paid by Fusion GPS to keep the investigation into Trump going. The panic among anti-Trump forces is escalating as they fear Horowitz is about to issue a report or refer people for charges related to the Clinton Foundation and the massive scandal. To distract from this, they are trying to keep the attention on Trump by making moves like charging Cohen and leaking Warner's texts. This is a critical moment in American politics, with significant implications for transparency and accountability.

    • Mueller's Uranium One investigation and Trump probe intertwinedMueller's Uranium One investigation and Trump probe are interconnected, causing growing anxiety among those implicated, with potential consequences coming down hard.

      Robert Mueller, who has been involved in the Uranium One investigation, is deeply entangled in the ongoing probe into potential wrongdoing related to the Trump campaign. The Senate Intelligence Committee shares this concern and is working with Mueller's team to keep the focus on Trump. The interconnected investigations involving international money laundering, as outlined in a recent article by Tucker Carlson, may be at the heart of a larger DOJ operation. The players involved, including Brennan, Holder, and Comey, are reportedly growing increasingly anxious as they may face a judicial reckoning. This complex case is causing panic among those implicated, with potential consequences coming down hard. Stay tuned for updates.

    • Revolutionary firearm training system with laser roundsThe Eye Target Pro system is a game-changer for firearm practice, allowing shooters to see the exact bullet impact point during dry firing and track progress with a phone app.

      The Eye Target Pro system is a game-changer for firearm practice. It's a laser round that emits a laser beam to show the shooter the exact point where the bullet would hit the target, even during dry firing. This system is particularly useful for competitive shooters who practice extensively without live ammunition. The system works seamlessly with a phone app, allowing shooters to track their progress and improve their proficiency. Another significant topic discussed was the Uranium One scandal. According to an informant, Rosatom, a Russian energy company, allegedly engaged in a kickback and extortion scheme involving the sale of reprocessed nuclear fuel to the United States. The companies involved paid inflated prices for the fuel, which were used as kickbacks to Russian political figures and others involved in the scam. The massive amounts of money involved in the scheme required creative methods for laundering the funds, reminding us of the challenges faced by money launderers in movies like "American Made." Stay tuned for more details on these intriguing topics, and don't forget to check out the Eye Target Pro system at iTargetPro.com with promo code DAN for a 10% discount.

    • Russian money laundering scheme involving Clinton Foundation and Uranium OneAllegations of Russian influence peddling through Clinton Foundation and Uranium One negotiations, potentially involving high-level DOJ and FBI officials, could be exposed in Horowitz's investigation.

      There are allegations of a money laundering scheme involving the Russians, Clinton Foundation, and Uranium One negotiations. The Russians, according to an FBI-paid informant, paid a firm called APCO to influence the Clinton Foundation while simultaneously trying to gain influence in the nuclear fuel industry and aid the Iranians in building their nuclear program. This alleged scheme, if proven true, could have significant implications for the DOJ and FBI if they ignored it, and could be considered a Russian influence peddling operation and an effort to help a known enemy attack the United States. The controversy lies in the fact that Horowitz's investigation into this matter could potentially expose high-level officials in the DOJ and FBI for ignoring such a significant allegation.

    • Investigators of Russian influence and money laundering schemes now probing TrumpDuring the Obama admin, Mueller, Rosenstein, McCabe probed Russian activities while potentially involved in their own misconduct. Their non-charging and quiet investigations raise questions.

      Key figures involved in the investigation of a Russian influence operation and potential money laundering scheme in the United States during the Obama administration, including Bob Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, and Andrew McCabe, are now involved in the Mueller probe investigating President Trump. These individuals were investigating Russian activities around the same time they were allegedly involved in their own potential misconduct. The fact that these individuals were not charged and their investigations kept quiet until after the 2016 election raises questions about potential cover-ups and conflicts of interest. The non-disclosure agreement signed by the cooperating witness in the case further adds to the intrigue. This tangled web of connections and potential misconduct highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government investigations.

    • Uranium One Scandal: Clinton-Holder Approval of Russian Uranium Deal Despite Ongoing InvestigationsThe Obama administration, led by Holder and Clinton, approved a Russian uranium deal despite ongoing investigations, while Clinton received payments for speeches and the Clinton Foundation received donations from companies involved.

      During the Obama administration, Eric Holder, the Attorney General, and Hillary Clinton, who was on the same board, approved the sale of a significant portion of American uranium to a Russian company, Rosatom, despite ongoing investigations into kickbacks and extortion schemes involving the same company. The Department of Justice, led by Holder, approved this deal despite the ongoing investigation. Coincidentally, around the same time, Bill Clinton received a $500,000 payment for a speech from a financial institution heavily involved in the uranium sale. Additionally, Hillary Clinton supported a Russian technology project, Skolkovo, which involved 20 of the 27 companies involved in the Russian technology effort, and the Clinton Foundation received donations from these companies. The FBI is currently investigating a whistleblower in the Uranium One case, and the evidence cannot be made to disappear. The individuals involved in these deals were not using classified communication devices, highlighting their lack of discretion. Warner, who was involved in the investigation into the Trump team, was texting lobbyists working for a Russian oligarch at the center of the Uranium One scandal. The lack of intelligence and discretion displayed by those involved in these deals raises concerns about the potential for corruption and the misuse of power.

    • Uranium-1 Scandal: Clinton Campaign and Politicians' Ties to RussiaThe Clinton campaign and certain politicians had ties to Russian sources during the 2016 election, involving a uranium sale to an enemy of the US. The same players pushing Russian collusion narrative against Trump were also involved in this actual scam.

      During the 2016 election, there were allegations of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. However, recent revelations suggest that it was actually the Clinton campaign and certain politicians, such as Mark Warner and Diane Feinstein, who had ties to Russian sources and were involved in a uranium-1 scandal. This scandal involved the sale of nuclear fuel to an enemy of the US, and the same players who were pushing the narrative of Trump's Russian collusion were also involved in this actual scam. Furthermore, John Brennan, a three-letter agency guy, was aware of the efforts to launder Russian information into the US government to benefit the Hillary campaign. The investigation into this uranium-1 scandal, led by Horowitz, is currently ongoing, and the Mueller team is reportedly trying to keep the focus on the Trump team to distract from their own involvement in the scandal.

    • Uranium One and Russian Disinformation Campaign InterconnectedThe Clinton team's involvement in the Uranium One scandal and the Russian disinformation campaign are linked, with key players including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Rod Rosenstein, Bob Mueller, and Diane Feinstein. The investigations into these matters are ongoing, and those involved are reportedly panicking.

      The Uranium One scandal and the Russian disinformation campaign involving Fusion GPS are not mutually exclusive stories. The Clinton team's involvement in the Uranium One scandal and the Russian disinformation campaign, which was briefed to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, are interconnected. Key players in both stories include Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Rod Rosenstein, Bob Mueller, and Diane Feinstein. The investigation into these matters is ongoing, and the individuals involved are reportedly panicking. Additionally, 23andMe offers DNA kits that can provide insights into your ancestry, wellness, and other genetic traits. The kits are currently on sale for 30% off.

    • Connections between Russia investigation figures and past investigationsFormer FBI Deputy Director McCabe under investigation for Hatch Act violations. Mueller's team includes lawyers who represented Clinton Foundation and a Clinton staffer. An FBI informant claimed Moscow funded Clinton during her tenure as Sec. of State. Weiner's computer may have uncovered thousands of missing emails.

      Key figures in the ongoing Russia investigation, including former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team, have connections to past investigations involving Russia, Clinton Foundation, and uranium deals. McCabe is under investigation for potential Hatch Act violations related to his wife's campaign accepting funds from Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe. Mueller's team includes Jeannie Rhee, who represented the Clinton Foundation, and Aaron Zebley, who represented a Clinton staffer allegedly involved in destroying emails. An FBI informant claimed Moscow funneled money to America to benefit the Clintons during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. The discovery of Anthony Weiner's computer may have uncovered thousands of missing emails relevant to these investigations. Amidst these revelations, it's important to acknowledge the passing of former President George H.W. Bush, a genuine American hero and patriot, who served the country in various capacities, including as a fighter pilot and U.S. President.

    • Showing Gratitude to ListenersListeners' subscriptions help improve podcast ranking and are essential to the success and meaning of the show for the speaker.

      The speaker values the support of his listeners and encourages them to subscribe to his podcast across various platforms. He shares that their subscriptions help the show gain visibility and improve its ranking. The speaker expresses his gratitude to his audience for making a significant impact on his life and for enabling him to continue doing what he loves. The podcast currently holds the number two spot among conservative podcasts in the country. The speaker expresses his appreciation and affection towards his listeners, emphasizing that they are essential to the success and meaning of his work. He concludes by promising to see everyone tomorrow.

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    Presented by www.ActualAnarchy.com

    Robert and I analyze popular movies from a Rothbardian/Anarcho-Capitalist perspective. We use movies as a starting point for people who may not be familiar with this way of thinking.

    Discussion of the plot and decisions that characters make in relation to morality and violations of the non-aggression principle are our bread and butter.

    We also will highlight and discuss any themes or lessons from Austrian Economics that we can glean from the film.

    The point is to show what anarchy actually is with instances that are presented in film.

    We publish at least once per week; and occasionally will do specials surrounding holidays or events (elections/olympics) and have guests.


    Episode 6: Inside The CIA's War With Trump Feat. John Kiriakou

    Episode 6: Inside The CIA's War With Trump Feat. John Kiriakou

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    The discussion also includes Kiriakou's detailed knowledge of John Brennan and the reforms he made to the CIA under President Barack Obama, and what Trump might do to purge the CIA of Brennan's influence.

    Follow John on Twitter @JohnKiriakou

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    The behaviors that stop us from accessing the true deep Source BE-ings we are and why so many have needed to dumb ourselves down to go with the masses. NO MORE! We are a strong and brilliant collective that is letting the 3D Matrix keep those who want to stay in that world to finish out their loves. We love and honor them but we let them and the habits that kept us stuck GO! Learn to let go of guilt, take the baby steps to remove 'entities' and 'addictions' and how to move through with personal responsibility. The current new energy of the Universe is HERE to push you through, EVEN if you have failed every other time! 

    Finally,  please take  a moment to like, subscribe here and/or pop over to buy me a coffee to donate or subscribe. I'm starting membership at $5/month just to be able to drop more truths that not all are ready to hear. If you have an open mind, and even more a heart that wants to expand, then I am happy to have this evolve in the direction you all need it to go.  

    https://www.buymeacoffee.com/docstarseeN  (not sure how the N was allocated but glad I've been seen by the Universe!) 

    An email address of askdocstarseed@gmail.com has been set up. You can send your questions or suggestions of topics and needs to this email. Although there may not be direct answers, a group of the most common questions will be addressed in a recorded format. The growth of this platform is up to you and the direction that serves the evolving beings the most. Please feel free to comment and also put in your POSITIVE AND HELPFUL thoughts. Remember, we mirror back to ourselves what we send out. 

    Make sure to listen to the 'Who am I and Why Speak Now' video to learn all about the experience and knowledge Doc has acquired and the downside of telling the truth. This will not stop her, ever! Having risked all to come forward, donations are needed to keep the materials coming and deeply appreciated at https://gofund.me/74e47e7a .

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



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    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...