
    Doc Starseed's 'Break Free of 3D MATRIX Programming'

    Retired Psychologist, Ph.D., Multiple Award-Winning Author, Intuitive, Real Live Starseed,  14D Telekinetic/Quantum/Vocal Harmonics Healer and whistleblower EnLIGHTens others to 'Break Free of 3D MATRIX Programming' and create a 5D (and higher) life; even amidst the world's turmoil. Lessons on healing, letting go, medical programming and much more. Live your highest and best life NOW. Manifest the MIRACLE you were born to BE. A feeling of being misunderstood and hurt, or overcoming an abused past, can catapult you to your NEW world. We are ONE and it's time we stepped up to emPOWER our inner-self that ultimately allows energy to flow graciously to the rest of our hurting and broken world. Don't ever miss a life lesson, synchronicity or Angel message again. Despite what you may think, you are NEVER alone. Many of us walked away from our lives and became hermits to awaken YOU, and this is why it is crucial we grow, share and LET GO with each other now. Having been referred to as 'The Voice,' for her distinct tone, radio talk show appearances, hypnosis tapes -- or perhaps you’ve heard the psychology texts and books she read for the blind, or maybe even seen her theatrical off-Broadway leading-lady roles. No matter the adventures, sit back and listen in awe to Doc as you come discover the keys to your most abundant and unconditionally-loving new life. Beware: Information discussed here is not shared by most professionals because it damages the ‘systems/licenses’ and beliefs we have all grown up with. Therefore, IF you take this journey and are brave enough to step into this new way of thinking, there is NO going back. 

    My deepest love and gratitude to all of you newly awakening and beautiful Starseeds, Wanderers and Walk-Ins as well as ascending HUmans, on this fantastical wild, wavy, and often disorienting journey, as we unlearn old indoctrinations and co-create our Beloved NEW Heaven on Earth.*Disclaimer. This show does not provide medical, psychological or legal advice and should be used for personal growth and entertainment purposes only. 

    en-usDocStarseed89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    Unlocking the Thirteen Chakras: A Joyful Leap Through Expanded Energy Anatomy

    Unlocking the Thirteen Chakras: A Joyful Leap Through Expanded Energy Anatomy

    Listen to the first 5 minutes in Part 1, when the internet cuts out, and finish it here.
    There are 13 energetics, not 7 chakras, that are being connected now and people are feeling it! Tips on how to handle symptoms without runnning right to pharmaceuticals as timelines are converging. 

    As the grips of old programming pull the rug from under your feet - even when you thought there was nothing left to lose - here are some tips as to why and how to pick yourself back up! Love you! 

    2024 is the magical 8 or infinity year and despite what the doom and gloomers seem to be saying, please remember that all things need to be destroyed in order to be reborn. Like the symbol of the ouroboros - the snake eating it's tail, you must let go of the old skin to shine. Immortality does exist, there is NO JUNK DNA - stop feeding the lies and start looking from the higher dimensions down versus perseverating on the bad news in the lower dimensions. HOW DO I KNOW - because I have seen miracles upon miracles and will keep doing my best to share.  You have the option or choice to die and exit this MATRIX, but are you going by DEFAULT or CHOICE? 

    On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on YouTube. 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Pt 1 cuts off -Feel the Body Electric - and a bowl of Rice Krispies! 13 not 7 'Chakras"

    Pt 1 cuts off -Feel the Body Electric - and a bowl of Rice Krispies! 13 not 7 'Chakras"

    Talking about how we limit ourselves when we only think of terms like 7 chakras or physical symptoms - the internet cut out so the rest is in part 2!!!
    Happy March!
    Go to part 2 to listen to the rest! Love you! 

    As the grips of old programming pull the rug from under your feet - even when you thought there was nothing left to lose - here are some tips as to why and how to pick yourself back up! Love you! 

    2024 is the magical 8 or infinity year and despite what the doom and gloomers seem to be saying, please remember that all things need to be destroyed in order to be reborn. Like the symbol of the ouroboros - the snake eating it's tail, you must let go of the old skin to shine. Immortality does exist, there is NO JUNK DNA - stop feeding the lies and start looking from the higher dimensions down versus perseverating on the bad news in the lower dimensions. HOW DO I KNOW - because I have seen miracles upon miracles and will keep doing my best to share.  You have the option or choice to die and exit this MATRIX, but are you going by DEFAULT or CHOICE? 

    On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on YouTube. 

    HYPNOSIS/MEDITATION - TIMELESS – CALL YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND ANGELS is still available for $4.44 and has had wonderful results. More healing codes are coming and most likely will be posted on payhip. If there are any download issues email docstarseed@yahoo.com, but it appears all issues were resolved! Thank you for your understanding. 


    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:

    And, donations would be so very appreciated as a way of showing that my material has meant something to you and so that I can get the necessary help to get the QUANTUM HEALING codes loaded for others to understand how to use them. Go you paypal.com and donate as friend/family to Doc Starseed. THANK YOU!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    2.12.24 Light Warriors-Feel like your cocoon has been attacked or lost its direct line to the HEAVENS? Victim/Victor, CURRENT TESTS

    2.12.24 Light Warriors-Feel like your cocoon has been attacked or lost its direct line to the HEAVENS? Victim/Victor, CURRENT TESTS

    With the proton energies so high and our light bodies expanding and being upgraded, you are back again in TEST phase. Is what you put out to the Universe REALLY what you want. Tips on how to handle the trials and not go into SELF-SABOTAGE MODE! Make sure to listen to the video before this one "Did 2024 Come in like a WRECKING BALL?'" 
     As the grips of old programming pull the rug from under your feet - even when you thought there was nothing left to lose - here are some tips as to why and how to pick yourself back up! Love you! 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Has January 2024 been your "Wrecking Ball"? Pluto the Destroyer brings in Aquarius's Collective LIGHT

    Has January 2024 been your "Wrecking Ball"? Pluto the Destroyer brings in Aquarius's Collective LIGHT

    As the grips of old programming pull the rug from under your feet - even when you thought there was nothing left to lose - here are some tips as to why and how to pick yourself back up! Love you! 

    2024 is the magical 8 or infinity year and despite what the doom and gloomers seem to be saying, please remember that all things need to be destroyed in order to be reborn. Like the symbol of the ouroboros - the snake eating it's tail, you must let go of the old skin to shine. Immortality does exist, there is NO JUNK DNA - stop feeding the lies and start looking from the higher dimensions down versus perseverating on the bad news in the lower dimensions. HOW DO I KNOW - because I have seen miracles upon miracles and will keep doing my best to share.  You have the option or choice to die and exit this MATRIX, but are you going by DEFAULT or CHOICE? 

    On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on YouTube. 

    HYPNOSIS/MEDITATION - TIMELESS – CALL YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND ANGELS is still available for $4.44 and has had wonderful results. More healing codes are coming and most likely will be posted on payhip. If there are any download issues email docstarseed@yahoo.com, but it appears all issues were resolved! Thank you for your understanding. 


    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:

    And, donations would be so very appreciated as a way of showing that my material has meant something to you and so that I can get the necessary help to get the QUANTUM HEALING codes loaded for others to understand how to use them. Go you paypal.com and donate as friend/family to Doc Starseed. THANK YOU!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Is your guru/intel person a narcissist, or worse a sociopath, psychopath, MK or Snake? DISCERN/clues

    Is your guru/intel person a narcissist, or worse a sociopath, psychopath, MK or Snake? DISCERN/clues

    This will trigger many and I just tried to load it and it failed, so take 2. I started this over 9 months ago and finally felt I could do it. Please learn about the INVERTED JESUS COMPLEX as I term it and how to avoid letting Saviors lead you down another path of lies that feed their loosh like days past of O's and E's and giving all these gifts they share monetarily because THEY are the HEROS - or so they think. For a more positive message go to the one before that encourages you to follow your highest and best time-line and not what they have planned for 2024 crumblings.

    PLEASE SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS as to whether or not you would like a subscription base through Buzzsprout and any thoughts at docstarseed@yahoo.com. Would you like more UNCOMFORTABLE REVEALS, or how can I help? I do have some free tickets left for the first Ascension Academy course, again, more for those who haven't quite understood that we are in an ascension cycle and everything is changing. Much Gratitude! Doc

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Death is OFF the table: What Are You Going to Do with Your LIFE? YOU choose your TIMELINE - CAREFUL or one will choose you!

    Death is OFF the table: What Are You Going to Do with Your LIFE? YOU choose your TIMELINE - CAREFUL or one will choose you!

    2024 is the magical 8 or infinity year and despite what the doom and gloomers seem to be saying, please remember that all things need to be destroyed in order to be reborn. Like the symbol of the ouroboros - the snake eating it's tail, you must let go of the old skin to shine. Immortality does exist, there is NO JUNK DNA - stop feeding the lies and start looking from the higher dimensions down versus perseverating on the bad news in the lower dimensions. HOW DO I KNOW - because I have seen miracles upon miracles and will keep doing my best to share.  You have the option or choice to die and exit this MATRIX, but are you going by DEFAULT or CHOICE?

    On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on YouTube. 

    HYPNOSIS/MEDITATION - TIMELESS – CALL YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND ANGELS is still available for $4.44 and has had wonderful results. More healing codes are coming and most likely will be posted on payhip. If there are any download issues email docstarseed@yahoo.com, but it appears all issues were resolved! Thank you for your understanding. 


    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:

    And, donations would be so very appreciated as a way of showing that my material has meant something to you and so that I can get the necessary help to get the QUANTUM HEALING codes loaded for others to understand how to use them. Go you paypal.com and donate as friend/family to Doc Starseed. THANK YOU!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    2023 Ends...Thanks to listeners, a special message/heads up and shout out to Saskatoon & Tunisia!

    2023 Ends...Thanks to listeners, a special message/heads up and shout out to Saskatoon & Tunisia!

    Thank you for a wonderful year and may 2024 shine bright for you! 

    Holidays can be hard for people, so don't let the ego entrap you - instead find what makes your light shine and puts a smile on your heart/soul/face. The ego lives in 3D but we passed that marker into the higher dimensions 2.22.2022 so if you 'missed the memo' do go back and listen to my older videos. YOU ARE NOT THE PERSON YOU WERE 1 YEAR AGO so don't fall for OLD TRAPPINGS AND FAKE HOLIDAYS TRADITIONS/PEOPLE THAT ZAP YOUR ENERGY. 

    On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on YouTube. 

    HYPNOSIS/MEDITATION - TIMELESS – CALL YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND ANGELS is still available for $4.44 and has had wonderful results. More healing codes are coming and most likely will be posted on payhip. If there are any download issues email docstarseed@yahoo.com, but it appears all issues were resolved! Thank you for your understanding. 
    And, donations would be so very appreciated as a way of showing that my material has meant something to you and so that I can get the necessary help to get the QUANTUM HEALING codes loaded. Go you paypal.com and donate as friend/family to Doc Starseed. THANK YOU!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    12 22 2023 TODAY we are all 2023, Vortex/energy reads: 20,000 LISTENS, 22 COUNTRIES, thank YOU!!!

    12 22 2023 TODAY we are all 2023, Vortex/energy reads: 20,000 LISTENS, 22 COUNTRIES, thank YOU!!!

    A powerful Solstice with many energetic portal openings and clearings on earth discussed as well as an upcoming VORTEX and Star Family Map read by Country/State/Province so make sure to let me know where you listen from in case it is not in the STATs. THANK YOU PODCAST Listeners and MY INCREDIBLE SUBSCRIBERS! 2024 is looking WAY BETTER THAN WHAT MANY ARE REPORTING! 

    On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on YouTube. 

    HYPNOSIS/MEDITATION - TIMELESS – CALL YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND ANGELS is still available for $4.44 and has had wonderful results. More healing codes are coming and most likely will be posted on payhip. If there are any download issues email docstarseed@yahoo.com, but it appears all issues were resolved! Thank you for your understanding. 

    And, donations would be so very appreciated as a way of showing that my material has meant something to you and so that I can get the necessary help to get the QUANTUM HEALING codes loaded. Go you paypal.com and donate as friend/family to Doc Starseed. THANK YOU!


    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    12.12 -21 The Ride is UPON us - Portal openings, star families and beating the BLUES/ego entrapmentrace Evolution, Invite your Star Family, and Master the Power of Manifestation

    12.12 -21 The Ride is UPON us - Portal openings, star families and beating the BLUES/ego entrapmentrace Evolution, Invite your Star Family, and Master the Power of Manifestation

    Holidays can be hard for people, so don't let the ego entrap you - instead find what makes your light shine and puts a smile on your heart/soul/face. The ego lives in 3D but we passed that marker into the higher dimensions 2.22.2022 so if you 'missed the memo' do go back and listen to my older videos. YOU ARE NOT THE PERSON YOU WERE 1 YEAR AGO so don't fall for OLD TRAPPINGS AND FAKE HOLIDAYS TRADITIONS/PEOPLE THAT ZAP YOUR ENERGY. 

    On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on YouTube. 

    HYPNOSIS/MEDITATION - TIMELESS – CALL YOUR SPIRIT GUIDES AND ANGELS is still available for $4.44 and has had wonderful results. More healing codes are coming and most likely will be posted on payhip. If there are any download issues email docstarseed@yahoo.com, but it appears all issues were resolved! Thank you for your understanding. 
    And, donations would be so very appreciated as a way of showing that my material has meant something to you and so that I can get the necessary help to get the QUANTUM HEALING codes loaded. Go you paypal.com and donate as friend/family to Doc Starseed. THANK YOU!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    MISSED EPISODE FROM LAST WEEK - 11 11 2023 Portal Success - We passed another HUGE TEST and JUMP!

    MISSED EPISODE FROM LAST WEEK - 11 11 2023 Portal Success - We passed another HUGE TEST and JUMP!

    Monumental time-line upgrade, again, and moving in the new vortex world. Staying in peace and zero-gravity - EVEN IF you are exhausted and experiencing root 'chakra' energy point issues like lower back pain, etc.

    Prepare for a journey of cosmic proportions as we celebrate your courage in breaking free from the matrix and shifting to a higher timeline! That's right, we're putting the spotlight on you, our fearless listeners, in this episode. We'll be traversing the energetic currents of change sweeping across us, highlighting the daily encoding of our DNA, and tapping into the freedom we've gained from outdated systems. There's a sense of liberation in the air, and it's time for you to embrace it! Join us as we delve into the beauty of unity, peace, and abundance, and learn how to fortify your light bodies, explore astral travel, and strengthen your soul connections.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    My 3 Suns (not a spelling error); ETs around us and more visible; energy updates 12.2.23

    My 3 Suns (not a spelling error); ETs around us and more visible; energy updates 12.2.23

    In case you have an 'odd' heaviness, the spraying you see is not what you may think, and the sun(s) as portals NOT balls of FIRE! Expanding the light body and purification and the old matrix and those who choose to stay in it continues. Don't fall for it.

    Personal Responsibility for ethical use of new technologies that require higher dimensional frequencies to operate.

    Current energies leading up to the solstice, our role in holding space and light, and the exciting anticipation of our Star Families' arrival. So remember, even if they don't appear immediately, be patient. They're closer than ever!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    11/6/23 Energies - Higher Dimension 777 code downloads so harmonize male/female as more split off

    11/6/23 Energies - Higher Dimension 777 code downloads so harmonize male/female as more split off

    Lots of updates from my off-grid time and the higher dimensional successful downloads that in opposition make the world 3D games look worse. Balancing energies, and discovering our true potential. A new perspective on ascension, karmic resolution, and the importance of balancing masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. New material for healings and courses coming and individual SESSIONS ON HOLD as the courses and healing materials are being prepared for the future healer/leaders. Do send an email to askdocstarseed@yahoo.com if you would like to be included.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Hollywood called, yup, saw a UFO and energy updates 9.29.2023

    Hollywood called, yup, saw a UFO and energy updates 9.29.2023

    What a crazy month for so many. Cleared a lot of blocked energy for many, especially children, and do NOT be afraid if you get a 'cold' - these are UPGRADES and force us to slow down or purge! Also, in setting boundaries for what energy exchange means.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Help children experiencing gas/cramps/lethargy/bowel issues - Share for clearing NEW energies

    Help children experiencing gas/cramps/lethargy/bowel issues - Share for clearing NEW energies

    This is not medical advice. High fevers, etc. that need medical attention need to be treated appropriately. However, many of the symptoms the children, for some reason especially boys ages 4-16, is a trapped energy. Because all month I have been working with so many, I wanted to share to alert those 'aware' caretakers. If there is a need I will make a more lengthy video to help. Today 9.7.2023 is also a new energetic day and so much clearing is going on so don't be surprised if you adults are feeling tired and cranky/gas-y as well! 
    PLEASE TAKE A MINUTE TO SUBSCIBE AND LIKE in YouTube. In order to help more people, since I will be in one location for a few months, I am asking for help to ADD SUBSCRIBERS so that I can move into the next YouTube level. I had not had that as an intention previously because I did not want to have to commit to anything while I was on the road. Do check out the new website giftedquantumhealer.com and  DO COMMENT to let me know how everyone is feeling and how I may be of service! These are some 'trying/testing' energies, so don't be hard on yourself or judge yourself.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Grand Energies, Synchronizations, and what to be 'AWARE' of.

    Grand Energies, Synchronizations, and what to be 'AWARE' of.

    Yes, my website giftedquantumhealer.com is finally live - thank you to those who gave testimonials and if you would like to provide one, even about IF the YouTube Videos have helped, or a longer review of a session, please do. They are slowly being loaded to help others get a feel for what I offer. I have some 'mini' fun reads to help you with your unconscious and clear energy so you drop into your heart and listen to your soul; if you can't afford the full sessions. Also, there a is place to PAY IT FORWARD and 'Adopt' a healing session for someone in need. After all, we are ONE. The more we help, the quicker we rise! PLEASE CONSIDER as all help is needed and I have the next 3 months to get through as many as we can to help move our collective through the coming quantum leaps. 

    We have brought in an entirely new imprint and this is discussed as a Native American Dream-Weaver so all can participate in anchoring these new energies with explanations of the most common obstacles people are facing.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Massive Energies 8.4.2023 for Lion's Gate Portal

    Massive Energies 8.4.2023 for Lion's Gate Portal

    With floods, earthquakes, in-fighting and magnetic storms (I sure felt the M solar flare 5 pm EST yesterday) here are some 'cautionary' messages as to how to cope and keep RISING! Engaging in other's drama and taking a side only lowers your vibration. Flood story example included to help illustrate a way to take the 'high' road. You are mastering a new YOU and the grids are being solidified for you to reach 5D or above mastery, so don't deny yourself. Don't make excuses for yourself or others, simply change the channel and give yourself PEACE. Make clear intentions and feel free to send them to me if you would like an extra push for my sacred site day 8.8.2023. Sending you highest and best, as always! 
    Subscriber's and clients honored first - Send through YouTube here, or for podcast listeners or those who have confidential requests to askdocstarseed@gmail.com. I will be back at the sacred site on 8.8.2023 to do a ceremony and energy release/renewal.
    1) What is your intention or need for yourself/family that you would like to see either resolved or would like to bring in to manifest anew from the 8.8 Lion's Gate portal?
    2) What is your intention/desire for the NEW UNIVERSE we are co-creating and what would you like to see manifest in this UNITY/ONENESS?
    3) Where are you located as I will create a MAP to direct energies as I prepare for that day.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    40 Days - Divine Assignments - Get your request/needs in ASAP for 8.8.2023 PORTAL

    40 Days - Divine Assignments - Get your request/needs in ASAP for 8.8.2023 PORTAL

    I have been on the road for 40 days and was divinely led BACK to the 6.13.2023 'departure of SOULS' event I witnessed watching the mountain. I will start to share some stories again since I am in one place for a week at a time, have internet, and can download again. I missed sharing and hearing from all of you! 

    Subscriber's to YouTube and clients honored first - Send through YouTube here, or for podcast listeners or those who have confidential requests (and Podcast listeners) to askdocstarseed@gmail.com. I will be back at the sacred site on 8.8.2023 to do a ceremony and energy release/renewal.
    1) What is your intention or need for yourself/family that you would like to see either resolved or would like to bring in to manifest anew from the 8.8 Lion's Gate portal?
    2) What is your intention/desire for the NEW UNIVERSE we are co-creating and what would you like to see manifest in this UNITY/ONENESS?
    3) Where are you located as I will create a MAP to direct energies as I prepare for that day.

    Love you and can't wait to hear how you have all done these last TURBULENT 40 days!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Can 5D and above interact with 3D? A crazy Lion's Gate Portal story shares how this happens.

    Can 5D and above interact with 3D? A crazy Lion's Gate Portal story shares how this happens.

    We are all multi-dimensional beings but part of ascension is choosing to pull in the experience and evolve as a collective. In many ways this has never been done with humans the way it is happening now and many Ascended Masters are here walking in human form to show by example. This does not mean their lives are easy. As a matter of fact, many have given up everything to help those who truly want to evolve and learn to do just that. Some of us are on our last 'Earth Life' journey. A question often asked is can the different dimensions interact, and the quick answer is, you are here listening, aren't you? So, YES! I hope this story helps those who may be struggling to figure out what this can look like because it is different for each one of us.

    Get your requests in ASAP for the 8.8 portal day - listen to the previous video so that I can present them at the inter-dimensional portal site I will be re-visiting on that day, and we can UNITE as ONE solidarity of Universal Love. Wherever 2 or more intentions are brought forward in sovereignty, the power is amplified. Let me join with you and our Star Teams for another push. This one to catapult us to FAVORABLE and ENJOYABLE outcomes! We have worked hard and deserve the BEST!

    I have been on the road for 40 days and was divinely led BACK to the 6.13.2023 'departure of SOULS' event I witnessed watching the mountain. I will start to share some stories again since I am in one place for a week at a time, have internet, and can download again. I missed sharing and hearing from all of you! Please subscribe, like and send a message so I know how all of you are doing and what the energies are like for you now. 

    Subscriber's and clients honored first - Send through YouTube here, or for podcast listeners or those who have confidential requests to askdocstarseed@gmail.com. I will be back at the sacred site on 8.8.2023 to do a ceremony and energy release/renewal.
    1) What is your intention or need for yourself/family that you would like to see either resolved or would like to bring in to manifest anew from the 8.8 Lion's Gate portal?
    2) What is your intention/desire for the NEW UNIVERSE we are co-creating and what would you like to see manifest in this UNITY/ONENESS?
    3) Where are you located as I will create a MAP to direct energies as I prepare for that day.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    nergy Updates 6.26.2023 - Feeling up then down, electrified then COMAtose? Answers ...

    nergy Updates 6.26.2023 - Feeling up then down, electrified then COMAtose? Answers ...

    I answer why this is happening and how to make it through! 
    (Thank you everyone for your notes and comments - I'm catching up today as the rains come in and while I have internet.) Love you!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    A gift that even surprised me! A MASS EXIT OF SOULS SEEN - in REAL life.

    A gift that even surprised me! A MASS EXIT OF SOULS SEEN - in REAL life.

    This was NOT a dream or vision - this happened LIVE. (It takes too  long to correct the meme errors so I'll let my spelling error go!)

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...