
    Doc Starseed's 'Break Free of 3D MATRIX Programming'

    Retired Psychologist, Ph.D., Multiple Award-Winning Author, Intuitive, Real Live Starseed,  14D Telekinetic/Quantum/Vocal Harmonics Healer and whistleblower EnLIGHTens others to 'Break Free of 3D MATRIX Programming' and create a 5D (and higher) life; even amidst the world's turmoil. Lessons on healing, letting go, medical programming and much more. Live your highest and best life NOW. Manifest the MIRACLE you were born to BE. A feeling of being misunderstood and hurt, or overcoming an abused past, can catapult you to your NEW world. We are ONE and it's time we stepped up to emPOWER our inner-self that ultimately allows energy to flow graciously to the rest of our hurting and broken world. Don't ever miss a life lesson, synchronicity or Angel message again. Despite what you may think, you are NEVER alone. Many of us walked away from our lives and became hermits to awaken YOU, and this is why it is crucial we grow, share and LET GO with each other now. Having been referred to as 'The Voice,' for her distinct tone, radio talk show appearances, hypnosis tapes -- or perhaps you’ve heard the psychology texts and books she read for the blind, or maybe even seen her theatrical off-Broadway leading-lady roles. No matter the adventures, sit back and listen in awe to Doc as you come discover the keys to your most abundant and unconditionally-loving new life. Beware: Information discussed here is not shared by most professionals because it damages the ‘systems/licenses’ and beliefs we have all grown up with. Therefore, IF you take this journey and are brave enough to step into this new way of thinking, there is NO going back. 

    My deepest love and gratitude to all of you newly awakening and beautiful Starseeds, Wanderers and Walk-Ins as well as ascending HUmans, on this fantastical wild, wavy, and often disorienting journey, as we unlearn old indoctrinations and co-create our Beloved NEW Heaven on Earth.*Disclaimer. This show does not provide medical, psychological or legal advice and should be used for personal growth and entertainment purposes only. 

    en-usDocStarseed89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    How I manifest miracles when healing and reading you - AND HOW YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!

    How I manifest miracles when healing and reading you - AND HOW YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!

    Advice from the healings and readings I've done. 'LOCK IN' your healing and Set 'CLEAR' intentions.

    It is such an honor to help heal others and see you grow. We are in new energies so CLAIM with highest and best intentions each next 'stepping' stone before it is in front of you. A NEW WAY TO THINK OF LIFE!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Universe will finish what your 'human' no longer needs...

    Universe will finish what your 'human' no longer needs...

    A beautiful and simple message from Universe to change your viewpoint and move into GRACE and EASE leaving PAIN and HEARTACHE and forced 'finishes' behind.  Embrace the gifts that await you in the higher dimensions!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Re-Calculating: Tips on the energy that is coming in and how to deal with it!

    Re-Calculating: Tips on the energy that is coming in and how to deal with it!

    We moved through some crazy triggering energies and are manifesting at new levels so here are some ideas as to how to navigate these uncharted new Universes! Be alert though because a lot more is coming up to clear before we reach Summer Solstice. Time bending - mind-bending new worlds. I've been 'on the road' for 3 weeks and finally have a few days in one place WITH INTERNET to catch up. Let me know how you are all doing!! Love you!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Suggestions on letting go of the past and starting NEW for Portal and Eclipse Day 5/5!

    Suggestions on letting go of the past and starting NEW for Portal and Eclipse Day 5/5!

    Time to clear out the old and bring in the new. LET GO of the baggage, the old 3D ideas and life that no longer serves these new energies. Technically we are all creating new portals around us now, so open them up to the BEST! It's a new Universe and you are creating it Some ideas on how to let go for our special day! 

    Do hit like or subscribe, and share since I may have created a 'null zone' because of the healings and clearings I am doing and you all have heard by now of my electrical and technology challenges!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Questions Answered - The most common ones from recent healings/clearings and energetic upgrades

    Questions Answered - The most common ones from recent healings/clearings and energetic upgrades

    Lightworkers coming into their gifts and the healings that are happening on a massive scale! So grateful to all of you who let me work on clearings/healings because when one of you puts yourself out there to heal, you allow US to CLEAR/HEAL COLLECTIVE. THIS IS UNHEARD OF IN OTHER TIMES and due to new energies. PLEASE share and do like or subscribe since I was in a weird internet and ethereal VOID when I do my work which I think cuts off ALL outside contact - ha!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    11 Days of HEALINGS/LEAPINGS for a donation of $11 11

    11 Days of HEALINGS/LEAPINGS for a donation of $11 11

    There have been so many miraculous stories and healings shared personally to me from those who have either simply listened to my videos, my hypnosis encoded audio, words or energy that were shared that triggered and inspired people to make the leap forward. From the personal requests the miracles just keep coming but I haven't gotten a chance to share them yet. I want this for ALL of YOU and am spending the next 11 days, starting the 29th (2+9=11) of April 2023 (4+2+2+3=11) devoted to getting testimonials and sharing my gifts of QUANTUM HEALING! So go to PAYPAL and make a donation of $11.11, let me know your needs, where you are located (state, country) and what I can do and I will work on you or loved ones energetically. Only 10-15% of the ones CHOOSING to evolve/ascend are a little stuck and we can just pull you through. IT'S TIME!! I love my work and find any way I can to give back to all of you, so do take me up on this. Also, if you are willing to share your story of how the videos or healings helped, I am working on a testimonial listing to inspire others to be brave enough to do what we have done, and who knows, maybe I have another book in me!  Love you! Doc

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Airy NEW Light Encodings HERE! Let me know if you are feeling them!

    Airy NEW Light Encodings HERE! Let me know if you are feeling them!

    Embrace the new energies and dust off the dreams you thought you would never embrace. We are creating our new Universes and only about 10-15% who haven't quite 'leaped' are so close so send your love for them to join us. You are just as powerful of a CREATOR being (BEAMING) as I am, so let's shake up the new Universes with fun and love! I'll be doing healings, energetic clearings, and finishings over the next 11 days and would be so honored if you joined in on the fun, testimonies and healings! 
    YOUR STORIES OF BRAVERY HELP OTHERS MAKE THE QUANTUM LEAPS, so please let's get them out there...maybe there is another book in me.
    IF you have already been part of the massive healings that I have done, or were sparked by one of my videos to make a change, PLEASE share it either in comments or send it to docstarseed@yahoo.com on how I might have helped spur your leap! I'm putting testimonials together to share in some places so that others know that I am here to help. Sign your initials as no full names will be shared unless you provided them on your channel already! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU ARE! And, I am so very grateful to those who already entrusted me in your leaps! Love you! Doc

    There have been so many miraculous stories and healings shared personally to me from those who have either simply listened to my videos, my hypnosis encoded audio, words or energy that were shared that triggered and inspired people to make the leap forward. From the personal requests the miracles just keep coming but I haven't gotten a chance to share them yet. I want this for ALL of YOU and am spending the next 11 days, starting the 29th (2+9=11) of April 2023 (4+2+2+3=11) devoted to getting testimonials and sharing my gifts of QUANTUM HEALING! So go to PAYPAL and make a donation of $11.11, let me know your needs, where you are located (state, country) and what I can do and I will work on you or loved ones energetically. Only 10-15% of the ones CHOOSING to evolve/ascend are a little stuck and we can just pull you through. IT'S TIME!! I love my work and find any way I can to give back to all of you, so do take me up on this. Also, if you are willing to share your story of how the videos or healings helped, I am working on a testimonial listing to inspire others to be brave enough to do what we have done, and who knows, maybe I have another book in me!  Love you! Doc

    Or if

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    For those feeling grief, how to let go and SEE THE GIFT we just gave and what we are now receiving!

    For those feeling grief, how to let go and SEE THE GIFT we just gave and what we are now receiving!

    How Collectively WE created a NEW Universe for us each to explore. Congratulations to the greatest collective, yes, you! Now, put the tissues and heavy hearts away and GO PLAY. When looked at from this angel (angle) you will see what a GIFT we just gave to humanity as we receive the true freedom we have been working eons for. The old 3D Matrix never stood a chance when we UNITED! Love you!

    (And, correct, it was why I did the depression and cognitive distortion videos first, as I was hoping with new EYES, new thoughts, it would make these concepts easier for everyone.)

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Depression Inventory Scale Results and What They Mean

    Depression Inventory Scale Results and What They Mean

    Thank  you all who reached out - I just love being the catalyst for healings and energetic clearings! 
    THIS MATERIAL is thanks to the original inventors BECK and BURNS who I give full credit to but over many decades I refined it and have seen common denominators that now are in our ascension cycle that they never knew about. 
    Try to listen to al 28 minutes because I go through the traditional results but also explain what the soul needs in the ascension process and why some symptoms are simply our DNA upgrades, so do NOT attach to them and convince yourself you have some new medical problem. I also discuss most of the score ranges I received from all you beautiful souls! I am here to serve and NOT hear myself talk, so  PLEASE SHARE and get these messages out on social media, etc. and help me spread these healing methods! 

    Watch this video FIRST for the full healing impact and self-analysis!https://youtu.be/gwiAGCwGbYY
    Go to any site and type in Beck Depression Inventory Scale and it will give you the questionnaire which you fill out and answer yourself. THEN LISTEN to this video. 
    This is NOT medical advice so if you are SUICIDAL, listen to that specific video and call a 'professional' when needed.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Cognitive Dissonance - When the truth is too ugly and sick to believe so we reject it.

    Cognitive Dissonance - When the truth is too ugly and sick to believe so we reject it.

    How even psychology, when created by the institutions, has played into manipulating our minds to reject what our hearts KNOW as truth. We are mind-controlled when living in duality in a 3D Matrix world. It's that simple. The only way out is to rise above and NOT PLAY. But, to help those who feel trapped in depression, illness and need a way to think through their shadow side and see how we fall into these lies so easily, I have given the first 6 cognitive distortions from the very well respected Doctors (Yup) Beck and Burns. The DEPRESSION video goes into more detail on the Beck Depression Inventory scale and it doesn't hurt for everyone to do it to 'check in' with how they are feeling and then work to let go of any 'attachments.' 

    The book I used to refer people to was 'Feeling Good The New Mood Therapy.' I haven't looked at it for years but people still find value in it and they have handbooks if you are starting to really face your SHADOW. For the lightworkers who have gone way past this, perhaps this will help you help others when they are experiencing such duality and cognitive distortions. I drop a few HELL-ywood and ET (negative Alien Agenda) topics people will try to refute, because they can't believe it, but I'm well past the days of hiding these things any longer. Also, the minute you let go of duality, good/evil/ him or me, you UNITE and THEY DO NOT want us united, they want us divided. So , PLEASE, share where I am unable to and do your best to help us cut cords, forever, and keep rising up! TO THE LIGHT! I honor each and every one of you and we are all where we need to be, so do not ever add that as a pressure, but use it as a stepping stone and work to create your new Universe.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    A pep talk for Lightworkers! Encouragement from the Stars...

    A pep talk for Lightworkers! Encouragement from the Stars...

    The biggest message that came through was on asking us not to use words to divide us - and to work on our own manifestations and intentions in joy, in excitement because we are over the hump. While, yes there are some choice points coming - these are to be faced in 'awe' not fear. That's all I will type for now - and let the video speak with the massive energies yesterday and today.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Limited Time FREE help on the depression topic with energetics...

    Limited Time FREE help on the depression topic with energetics...

    1) Listen to the ENTIRE video on Depression https://youtu.be/gwiAGCwGbYY
    2) Complete the questions for the BDI - Beck Depression Inventory Scale that you can get on-line with a search.
    3) If you are suicidal, listen to that video and of course, call 911 or your practitioner since this is NOT medical advice but even if you are not suicidal this is an excellent video of other hidden things behind depression. https://youtu.be/m07aPy_La6M  The video on 'Stop Giving Your Power Away' Save Yourself First and Karmic Relationships - just by listening you will start to understand how you have brought certain things into your BE-ingness that now you can easily let go of! 
    4)Send that to askdocstarseed@gmail.com with any of your biggest questions or needs to be released and ANY MEDS - shots you have had.
    I'll take the first 50 or however many come in the next few days until I can post the PART TWO. I am committed to bringing more spontaneous healings and JOY to our world!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    But, I'm depressed, anxious, worried, 'off' and can't snap out of it. HEALING news is here NOW!

    But, I'm depressed, anxious, worried, 'off' and can't snap out of it. HEALING news is here NOW!

    It is time to wake to the fact that this has been made an industry and I tell some stories to help others understand what I have been up against for decades. I have listed below a valuable tool - a self assessment to help you learn if it is a physical depression or a mind depression. I discovered something in the 90s after 2 medically trained doctors (who I am so grateful for - one YALE and one UPENN - see there are great ones out there, fellow IVY leaguers _ weren't all corrupted...) and it was this that helped me jump into understanding how to wean people off meds through use of herbs and then permanent healing. The below questionnaire you do on your own, so don't lie, you are not impressing anyone and it will tell you at the end what your score is! That score is an answer to the question and with this there are solutions. Please listen to the end of the video and SHARE if this RESONATES. Please be my social media and hashtag (or whatever) to get these videos seen. The video on treating ascension symptoms may be being withheld because the stats are going down, which is not possible. I don't care about the numbers, I care about real truth being stolen from the people and loved ones not getting the help they need. 

    This is NOT medical advice so if you are SUICIDAL, listen to that specific video and call a 'professional' when needed.

    I think chrome tagged this so if this link does not work because it comes to adobe simply type in Beck Depression Inventory Scale - BDI and on a number of sites the questionnaire pops up for you to take. At the end it asks you to add up the answers and gives you a score. 

    A part two of this video is coming to discuss this more and to tackle cognitive dissonance. The list of requests of topics is growing rapidly and I am one person, so please help me focus on this work while all of you do the Social Media sharing! THANK YOU for all those who have stepped up. We have an AWESOME collective and you are deeply appreciated!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Go Galactic: The Only Way to Fly! Building toroidal light bodies. Which Universe did you choose?

    Go Galactic: The Only Way to Fly! Building toroidal light bodies. Which Universe did you choose?

    This information may be way beyond what many can feel into or resonate with, but please try to keep an open mind. If you listen and it is not yet for you, come back when it is, but your heart will hear what your head can't process yet, so a full listen won't hurt! I just finished and looked up and the skies have not disappointed me. Too numerous to count. 

    We are expanding our light bodies which is part of the ascension and quantum physics even acknowledges the 'Torus Energy Pattern.' Now times that by 12 and imagine it coming in through not only form the heart but from in front, back, left, right and extending more infinitely versus the 5-17 feet we've been told about. I also discuss my confusion and things that happened during Schumann blackouts and "You are NOT on that planet." WHAT???????  Yup, pushing the boundaries but with the deepest love in my heart for all to break free. Please keep an open mind. Remember the older videos have value. Yes, you may have passed through all the stages, BUT that means you're a teacher/master/healer now so some of the material will help you use your NEEDED VOICE with others! And, of course, with our new super-powers coming on line this explains how we must learn to carefully set intentions but have fun exploring our new gifts. You don't know unless you move to action and try! 

    Please SHARE for me everywhere and with anyone you can since SOCIAL MEDIA does not want me SEEN! There also must be something with the videos because they are getting watched and the count goes down - here I go again!!! oh, those censoring algorithms....Will stay here as long as I'm visible! 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Massive Healings Are Happening NOW - Have you activated yours?

    Massive Healings Are Happening NOW - Have you activated yours?

    We have broken through the old Matrix system and now we need to CLAIM our healings. THANK YOU to all who shared the video as to why medicating ascension symptoms is counter-productive. Some words got me tagged so I was a little more careful in this one but I wanted to share how the downloads and healings are being shared with the collective and we are all a part of this. We are disentangling even the 'stickiest' of 'bugs' for our pristine health. Some tips to help them 'slide' off and let illness go permanently! PLEASE KEEP SHARING! I am so impressed by the bravery we have all manifested as we broke the system/indoctrinations so KNOW we have moved through the dis-ease phase if we accept this TRUTH!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Medicating Ascension Symptoms is Counter-Productive: Our Light bodies are here but do you TRUST?

    Medicating Ascension Symptoms is Counter-Productive: Our Light bodies are here but do you TRUST?

    Since 2000 I have been talking about how our light bodies would be coming in and have been outspoken about the use of meds inappropriately whether for medical or psychological reasons. Remember, I got that Ph.D. and labored in that industry even with kids with cancer -and begged people to realize that NO injection is a SAFE one. I go into detail here, so 30 minutes may be long but these things need to be said because those in power will keep creating new FAKE strains from candida to bird flu, just like the common cold -theC - nineteen- to find ways to V/medicate us so that our light bodies can't evolve. WE ARE WAY MORE POWERFUL and they lose all their funding if we WAKE up. PLEASE SHARE. My books/past radio shows foretold the future and of course, I was stopped and taken down, but I have never given up. The only way for us to win together as a collective is to SHARE and enLIGHTen anyone we can. Take the risk, and share this where I can't because of my Social Media targeted issues. In light/love ascension! REMEMBER, we ARE OUR OWN HEALERS NOW when we trust in Source and work through the heart with our newly connected electromagnetic energies. Doc

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    24 Hours to Donate for a partial reading/message/energetic lift from the galactic realm!

    24 Hours to Donate for a partial reading/message/energetic lift from the galactic realm!

    FOR the next 24 HOURS Go to PAYPAL.COM and send donations to friend/family using the docstarseed@yahoo.com email address and donate what you are comfortable with. I know times are hard and I am just feeling a desire to help as many as I can so truly don't know what your message will be until they tell/show me. For shorter messages, I will just reply and type it out, and if it is longer, I' will send an MP3. For those braver souls, send CONFIDENTIALLY your full BIRTH name (not married name) including middle name if you have one and your full birth date (i.e. 01/23/2006) with location and time (if you know it...) and I'll do a little deeper dive for you. If you add your favorite color, that helps me connect faster too! Look forward helping you because in the end we are all doing this together! 
    MAKE SURE YOU SEND ME A VALID EMAIL and in the message let me know if you are simply donating to keep these messages coming or if you would like a reading and what you might be 'working' on.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Step Down Your GAME: Step UP Your LIGHT and the Spiritual Tug-of-War

    Step Down Your GAME: Step UP Your LIGHT and the Spiritual Tug-of-War

    Living in 3D brings with it Bipolar stresses and the sooner we can learn the trick of Zero Point the sooner we can step OUT of the GAME! Stay encouraged, realize when you are being pulled to the 'dark' or the 'light side and learn to rebalance. When one calms their shadow they can look at each side with compassionate neutrality.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    4/42023 A Message from the "White Light Beings of Universal Love' - The old Matrix grid WAS removed.

    4/42023 A Message from the "White Light Beings of Universal Love' - The old Matrix grid WAS removed.

    Yesterday I had the most beautiful portal experience and was prompted to make an ENCODED hypnosis/meditation tape with the information and today as I taped this, the encoded numbers appeared right when I looked at the screen! I could not eloquently do justice or describe their message or the incredible love that came through, but I tried anyway. Still human over here! 

    I'll leave the hypnosis tape up for a little while longer as I juggle sites and where I can do the most good. If you are interested in a reading and funds are tight send an email to me at askdocstarseed@gmail.com and I'll see if I can't help a few of you out. Let me know what you are struggling with and if you are willing to put in 30 minutes of work on yourself to burst through! Sending eternal love/light to all!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    🔒 HYPNOSIS/meditation ENCODED from 4/4 Portal - DO NOT LISTEN WHILE DRIVING

    🔒 HYPNOSIS/meditation ENCODED from 4/4 Portal - DO NOT LISTEN WHILE DRIVING

    Subscriber-only episode

    Thank you for joining me on this journey. This morning I got a message and so made a 20 minute meditation/hypnosis encoded audio. I will post on other sites for a $ charge but whether you are new to contacting your guides or are an old pro, WE ARE BEING CALLED and once again LOUDLY, being encouraged to ASK for their help. You will NOT want to do this while DRIVING. Often people hear the start of my hypnosis tapes and the end, and nothing in between - so if that happens - all the better!! Hypnosis can be defined as a deeper Theta and even deeper DELTA state than some can achieve in meditation and the encodement is completely safe because your Guides have been called in to guide, protect and up-level you. 
    There were 2 loving groups from this morning and present as I was taping.  
    Sending love beyond what we could ever imagine! Enjoy and let me know at askdocstarseed@gmail.com  who showed up! This can be purchased for $4.44 https://payhip.com/b/ijwU0 which also helps support my work and the time I have given freely to help those on the ascension process. Thank you! Doc

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...