
    Doc Starseed's 'Break Free of 3D MATRIX Programming'

    Retired Psychologist, Ph.D., Multiple Award-Winning Author, Intuitive, Real Live Starseed,  14D Telekinetic/Quantum/Vocal Harmonics Healer and whistleblower EnLIGHTens others to 'Break Free of 3D MATRIX Programming' and create a 5D (and higher) life; even amidst the world's turmoil. Lessons on healing, letting go, medical programming and much more. Live your highest and best life NOW. Manifest the MIRACLE you were born to BE. A feeling of being misunderstood and hurt, or overcoming an abused past, can catapult you to your NEW world. We are ONE and it's time we stepped up to emPOWER our inner-self that ultimately allows energy to flow graciously to the rest of our hurting and broken world. Don't ever miss a life lesson, synchronicity or Angel message again. Despite what you may think, you are NEVER alone. Many of us walked away from our lives and became hermits to awaken YOU, and this is why it is crucial we grow, share and LET GO with each other now. Having been referred to as 'The Voice,' for her distinct tone, radio talk show appearances, hypnosis tapes -- or perhaps you’ve heard the psychology texts and books she read for the blind, or maybe even seen her theatrical off-Broadway leading-lady roles. No matter the adventures, sit back and listen in awe to Doc as you come discover the keys to your most abundant and unconditionally-loving new life. Beware: Information discussed here is not shared by most professionals because it damages the ‘systems/licenses’ and beliefs we have all grown up with. Therefore, IF you take this journey and are brave enough to step into this new way of thinking, there is NO going back. 

    My deepest love and gratitude to all of you newly awakening and beautiful Starseeds, Wanderers and Walk-Ins as well as ascending HUmans, on this fantastical wild, wavy, and often disorienting journey, as we unlearn old indoctrinations and co-create our Beloved NEW Heaven on Earth.*Disclaimer. This show does not provide medical, psychological or legal advice and should be used for personal growth and entertainment purposes only. 

    en-usDocStarseed89 Episodes

    Episodes (89)

    Happy New Year! (April 1) Easter deception is ISHTAR and your resurrection.

    Happy New Year! (April 1) Easter deception is ISHTAR and your resurrection.

    This may be a triggering video for those who are not ready to hear how we have been lied to under 'religious' dogma. I state again, I am all in for  Christ (Kryst) Consciousness and our move from 666 Carbon-based to Krystalline but to get there we must be willing to explore how deeply we have been duped and how when we participate in these 'holidays' we are loosh. Can you stand in the POWER of SOURCE and boldly be authentic no matter what others think? Can you let go of the false stories and go within to find eternal truth? What a gift for the collective if you can resurrect yourself, your joy, your hobbies and be in the NOW to enjoy the heaven on earth being created when you agree to completely leave the 3D Matrix. The time is NOW.

    N.B. Before we split hairs over Babylonian (Babel - gossip) names, Sumerian, Aramaic and Greek names, please understand that Ishtar (known as Asherah in the Bible) but in mythology gave birth to 'Baal" was worshipped through sacrifices. Please listen to the entire video to see the point of us collecting Easter eggs and what is actually happening on HOLY days. For those who comment, I love that this will make people research more, and find out how things were defined in Babylonian times according to certain scholars! However, PLEASE do not miss the point of the message. We are all here to support and grow. All truth in the end comes from within, the words (which can be spells) are merely here to guide us home. 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Can you be in JOY while others around you are suffering?

    Can you be in JOY while others around you are suffering?

    Living in a 3D duality Matrix is part of the experience of 'feeling' and 'seeing' those in pain, hurting emotionally and living in denial, not choosing to open and expand their spiritual ONENESS. Just because others have chosen that path does not mean you need to remain in 3D, or even become 'hardened,' when you don't jump to their every command. It means you have learned when to engage and when to simply walk. Compassion, kindness and unconditional love GROWS when you find the higher vibrations of enlightenment and joy, and your BE-ingness then simply ripples out to others EVEN if you never say a word!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Mind over Matter Game - Overcoming FEAR of PAIN/CHANGE to integrate BLISS (18 second lag...)

    Mind over  Matter Game - Overcoming FEAR of PAIN/CHANGE to integrate BLISS (18 second lag...)

    Of course, I recorded this and the iphone heard it so when I finished an ad announced itself and starting talking about how Tinnitus can cause your brain to get worn down and how dangerous ringing in the ears is. I call BS  - (sorry) you'll understand what I mean when you listen. I'm still laughing - we are being listened to 24/7 and this is NOT conspiracy! The title speaks for itself! I am NOT making fun of ANY of the physical symptoms because they are all HARD (I bled from my bowels for 18 years with Crohns, I know pain..and I've been with bone cancer patients, etc.) so listen to my 1/23/2023 (?) video to hear more, BUT - MIND over our MATTER (body) now EQUALS bringing in our Light BODIES and BLISS! We ARE DOING THIS - so how can you calm the mind and move to the joy and bliss phase?  Found an old hypnosis/meditation I made for clients and am thinking I could update it so more can get through the rough moments. LMK.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    THE STORM: Finishing Battles of BIBLICAL Proportions

    THE STORM: Finishing Battles of BIBLICAL Proportions

    The Bible was completely distorted and manipulated by those in 'religious' authority to make men slaves (even the J we worship in some religions is nothing short of BAAL and those head pastors of hundreds of thousands of congregations know the evil they worship while laughing all the way to the bank and filling themselves with pride and LOOSH). Have you seriously looked at your church to see WHAT you WORSHIP? Still, we give our power away to institutions, religions and governments. When will we ever learn? Well, it's HERE. Those we see are not who we think and these SPIRITUAL BATTLES are way more multi-dimensional and have been for 100,000 plus years.  Many of us came here to hold the light while all 3D and old, broken and manipulated systems CRASH. Those that chose to play in 3D will finish out this life and move to another 3D-type earth to continue to grow, play out manipulating and potential slave-control mentality lives to continue to learn and that may have been decided by 12/21/2021, but some people are still interacting and playing their game. Are you accidentally one of them? Now, with 3 general groupings - no one is better than any one else, which path have you chosen? Have you learned to go within and find balance. Do you practice Zero-point, unconditionally loving detachment and ONENESS or are you trapped on the 'latest' event? Each action speaks 1000 words and will trap you if not careful. Yes, there is a beautiful collective who shares updates through the internet and they are so valued, but these are the ones who are not 'ego' invested, but heart-centered. Learn to know the difference and let go of the rest. Hype and gossip are 3D. Those who choose love move themselves in ascension to a place where SECRETS can NO LONGER exist!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    ETs are FUNNY! Laughter heals. It opens up your sacral if you are cramping or just need to release.

    ETs are FUNNY! Laughter heals. It opens up your sacral if you are cramping or just need to release.

    ETs made me laugh this morn after a 15 hour heavy mass clearing and they have a great sense of humor, if you allow them to. Lightworkers often have ODD senses of humor so many may not get this message, but then feel free just to laugh at me laughing at myself. We all need a little 'lightening up' today. Play like a child. (What I didn't share...) Remember, my living was working with children with cancer and despite what many think, and the truly horrific things I've seen up until death, we had so many precious moments of fun and EVEN LAUGHTER! It was not unusual for people to walk in when a child and I were together and ask what we were laughing about because they could hear us all the way down the pediatric oncology unit. LAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE and it is FREE! Scientific studies have proven its effect and some have healed tumors with laughter alone. AMAZING!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Starseed Alert 322 Ground crew/lightworkers - special 'pay attention to' - don't get 'triggered.'

    Starseed Alert 322 Ground crew/lightworkers - special 'pay attention to' - don't get 'triggered.'

    And, I completely forgot to add today is astrologically HEAVEN's CROSS - what a perfect day vs 322 (Skull & Bones).  Discusses use of throat chakra (words/spells) and not 'engaging" (also forgot to mention many protests are set-ups like 1/6 so stay away.) We are here to anchor light not 'save' with words, so the news talking about Starseeds is a set-up, and back-handed disclosure. See the 2nd 'Are Conspiracy Theorists Delusional' Video I made to understand how psychology is 'setting' many up. Knowledge is power, LIGHT CONQUERS ALL. As my guides said loud and clear this morn, again, GO PLAY, RELAX, BE, you are here for light so don't engage in the final breakdown of 3D. I did not get the answer to was the new NEW permanent grid completed 321 (yesterday)? I will let you know more when I do. PLEASE SHARE. We need as many of us to understand and support each other as we can. WE ARE ONE and so in this message I send EXTRA light, healing, love and Archangel power as they continue to arrive! Talk to your angels and YOUR divinely chosen 'space' crew! Anchor HEAVENS CROSS on the NEW EARTH! Be at peace. You are so VERY loved! 
    THANK YOU for taking the extra second to hit LIKE, do SHARE and subscribe IF it feels right as the algorithms help these videos show up in more traditional searches. We are here to help all no matter if they are just coming on-line to their light or if we have been at this for decades!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Lightworkers getting massive upgrades, especially 'heart' flutters. A NEW message from Guides 3/20

    Lightworkers getting massive upgrades, especially 'heart' flutters. A NEW message from Guides 3/20

    Equinox (Northern Hemisphere is Spring, Southern is Autumn) is a such a wonderful time to re-assess and let go of the seeds you planted that no longer serve you. If you do the SAME you will get fast growing manifestations of WEEDS. So self-assess, go within and learn that what you are perceiving with the MIND is NOT what is really going on - a message of what to pay attention to from the Angels/Guides. 

    The readings are a blast and so much is happening for the clients in split seconds with signs so strong we a laughing our way through them! You are all such a joy to me. I am eternally grateful! I WILL POST OPENINGS on YouTube first. Subscribers (and urgency) will get priority. 

    Remember - you are UNIQUE with all your challenges, personalities, talents and your attachment to old traumas are being put to rest permanently, thus the HEART energy is getting expanded. LET GO! LET LOVE! Go within - everything is YOURS for the taking. CAREFUL WHAT YOU ASK FOR - because we are becoming manifesting angels and we do NOT want to pull the collective back to 3D Matrix mind control ways!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Are you an old, broken out-of-tune piano or learning to 'tune' up your vessel?

    Are you an old, broken out-of-tune piano or learning to 'tune' up your vessel?

    We are being worked on energetically from all angles; the new sun, the energies of Equinox, Mother Earth, trees that already vibe in 5D, Schumann, KP Index, solar blips and bursts, and so much more to help us expand and ascend. However, if we keep doing 3D things, toxic food, medications, emotional re-scarring and so much more we can't benefit from HEALING! Shares how even the government and music associations changed our music from 432 (healing) to 440 (Cell destroying) mhz and what this means to the music we listen to. We are electromagnetic and can heal instantly with the proper 'tuning!' Tune out the world, tune into you - DAILY (twice a day is better - or more!) YOU are the vessel that is bringing light to the world. Doesn't it deserve healing and harmony too? 

    (Readings - hoping to open 2 more up so like, subscribe and email askdocstarseed@gmail.com to get the form that takes about 30 minutes to complete, if you are interested. There are 2 videos - 1 on what the read is about and 2 a Welcome video to listen to so you are ready.)

    PLEASE SHARE THESE VIDEOS/podcasts - As I have mentioned, I can only spend so much time on electronics before I physically get major reactions. I want to spend time healing/teaching others so I'm just going to admit my social media skills are lacking!!! The more we all learn the quicker we all collectively expand!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Welcome to Your Soul - Intuitive Read Basics and Welcome Video - Request Form

    Welcome to Your Soul - Intuitive Read Basics and Welcome Video - Request Form

    I HAVE A WAITLIST so make sure to email BEFORE you pay so I can honor and complete this and give you a fair completion time-line.  I am trying to charge through the system below, so please have patience because it goes through Stripe and there have been processing issues. 

    What to expect if you decide to purchase a catalyst or soul read is in this video. This is proprietary info and I started to create this at my Institute, but if you listen to the Who Am I and Why Now Video you will hear what happened. THIS IS NOT MEDICAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL ADVICE!  

    For intuitive and energetic healing sessions, there is a form you need to complete, BEFORE you pay. You have to do about 20-30 minutes of work ahead of time, and this form can be received by going to askdocstarseed@gmail.com, tell me a little about you, and I'll send the form. I say NON-REFUNDABLE because you need to do a little work before I do the reading and I will not accept a reading if I can't complete it! Because these take a few hours of work and includes energy healing as I work through uncovering your unconscious blockages, I need to stand firm in this policy. Link for this:

    https://www.buymeacoffee.com/docstarseeN  (not sure how the N was allocated but glad I've been seen by the Universe!) Go to 'extra'. 

    An email address of askdocstarseed@gmail.com has been set up. You can send your questions or suggestions of topics and needs to this email. Although there may not be direct answers, a group of the most common questions will be addressed in a recorded format.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Why comparing yourself to others is a form of self-sabotage

    Why comparing yourself to others is a form of self-sabotage

    Everything that has been 'fed' to us through celebrities, successful individuals and mass lies infiltrates through our consciousness making us look in the mirror and wonder what they have that we don't have. This is such a destructive psychological distortion and we need to embrace that we don't 'fit in,' that our light shines differently and that our 'abilities' and talents come to us at the time we are ready. Imagine, well before you came to this earth you said, 'This is the body, mind, circumstance I want!' You are currently perfectly placed where the New Earth needs your particular light and talent so don't ever convince yourself you are less and STOP COMPARING! You are PERFECTLY IMPERFECTLY YOU AND just what Source wants to experience. Go Within to find your strength so as an upcoming new leader in the world you can each show us another part or talent of who we are as ONE! GO BE THE BEST YOU every little second of the day!

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Exhausted Lightworkers - Our bodies are being upgraded which is why past herbs may not work as well.

    Exhausted Lightworkers - Our bodies are being upgraded which is why past herbs may not work as well.

    From the last video of an overwhelming agreement that we are all feeling exhausted...LOVED all the comments and still send energy hugs to all...here is a list of herbs that have helped me the most and a little bit about why. For the last year I have eliminated so many of the ones I used to take because all our bodies are changing. While I had moments of wanting to try the new energy patches (and they may be fantastic - some of the companies are absolutely ethical and have created phenomenal products) I kept being told by my guides to let the energy upgrades take over on all fronts, my ONLY responsibility was to hold light, stay relaxed (ha!) and rest. I'm sharing in case any of this can help others. Take only what resonates for you and where you are at. For the record, I LOVE and honor pure organic herbs and they are so precious and needed, and our relationship will grow with every essence around us, but we need to send intentions, hold gratitude and continue to ask for these upgrades. The one absolute is send LOVE frequency to your water and all around you and it will help through. And, yes, YOU are special and needed and YOU ARE getting these upgrades whether you want them or not!NOT MEDICAL ADVICE!! 
    At night...Magnesium 400mg gels (1 at night) I prefer liquid gels. We are all lacking in magnesium now. Be aware this may cause loose stools at first, but you will balance out. Great if you are a constipation sufferer! You can hear my story on curing my own Crohns disease.
    CBD or HEMP- 5 or 6 drops at night. Brand of your choice. I have found that both of these have worked well even with those who struggle with addiction. If you are worried, then just use your energy and create your own! CBD and Hemp synergistically work with the energetic system to heal addictions and imbalances when properly ingested in tincture form. This vs. smoking it. No judgement, just sharing how it was energetically created to be used regularly! 
    Shilajit - Vegan 120 capsules in bottle  (most distributors sell) HealthForceSuperFoods.com is a must. This OR Zeolite (listed next). You really don't need both. With Shilajit take 3 capsules at night to help detox from anything eaten, drank or even inhaled from the air through the day. If money is NO issue go for the black tar looking pure Shilajit from the Himalayan mountains. That is also if you can handle the flavor.
    Zeolite (more expensive but one phenomenal company of high qua

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Lightworkers - Are you feeling exhausted, are your dreams weird? You are extremely busy at night!

    Lightworkers - Are you feeling exhausted, are your dreams weird? You are extremely busy at night!

    If you are feeling exhausted, there is a very good reason, so take the pressure off yourself and do what you can to make yourself comfortable by resting, relaxing (hydrating with good quality water) and self-love!!! If only you knew what you were up to while sleeping! I list a bunch in here and totally forgot to mention how we are working with collapsing time-lines for better outcomes and more! Sending hugs to each one of you and know you are LOVED. Call on your star and angel team.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Why Karmic Relationships need to end: The Conditional Love TRAP

    Why Karmic Relationships need to end: The Conditional Love TRAP

    Just as the old systems need to be broken down and released so do old systems of thinking and BEing. On earth, marriage contracts were created to bring two conditionally loving people together to unite into one and this offered structures such as church, state, insurance and ways to bring in money. YES, CONDITIONS! Those conditions had to do with religion, needs, societal beliefs and the fact that you need someone to 'complete' you. Well, spiritual law says otherwise, that if one can unconditionally love self (not narcissism) and unite with source all BE-ingness then that is what brings freedom, love, joy, new unconditional and spiritually evolved unions and so much more. This is why native 'circle' ceremonies were done to unite when the time was right and un-unite when the karmic lessons were learned. There was no fear in that, nor a feeling of failure. Learn some of the conditions we have fallen into, even with our children, that are a sign that you may have karmic relationships that need to be cleared and ended for you to grow. Yup, I go there. 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Cult Psychology is used on us daily. When will we rise up, face the lies and let go of programming?

    Cult Psychology is used on us daily. When will we rise up, face the lies and let go of programming?

    Difficult topic, but people fall into "Black Lives Matter" "LGB" etc., when the truth is ALL lives matter. If a 'White" wants to know about a 'Black' learn about Colonialism and what 'Whites" did to Africans in Liberia, etc. This is NOT a DIVIDE video but a see the truth and stop feeding the beast/loosh by thinking you are showing love for a group, but in actuality just falling for another manipulated 'cult programming' method specifically set up by groups to make more money and get us to DIVIDE - NOT UNITE! Don't fall for it! We need all of our love-centered hearts to RISE above our programming. When we do, no group, no politicians, no bank, no system will ever control us again.  The energies and Universe are here to show us how to let go. DO you want to, or does society just want more of the same? Those who can let go, get ascension, if it is their time; maybe it's time to pay more attention. Lightworkers are around everywhere to help. You came here for a reason and it WAS not to see more of the same. EMPOWER YOURSELF and let go of old 3D systems.

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    HU-Mans Have Kryst (Christ) Consciousness and can CREATE - The DEVIL can only COPY.

    HU-Mans Have Kryst (Christ) Consciousness and can CREATE  - The DEVIL can only COPY.

    Why Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence live off our loosh, control us into subservience, apathy and distraction vs the new upcoming technology that can work with us to grow/expand without depleting our essence. The dark can only copy/clone and use parasitic means of syphoning our beautiful Human Christ BE-ingness. Why would you ever want to appear 'perfect'? We are perfectly imperfect and our ability to feel joy, love and compassion is what makes us hated the most. The A-listers (HELL-ywood stars and top musicians) are not who you EVER want to be. An AI generated book was nominated and almost won a Pulitzer, so be aware. IF you have failed at all past creative endeavors - WONDERFUL! Try again, a new energy is here and most dark worshippers were removed. HOWEVER, if we allow ourselves to feed these virtual and AI systems then humanity will choose to go back down that path. I DO NOT CONSENT - I choose ORGANIC ASCENSION! Are you with me?

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    WOW on all the Podcast Downloads last night! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

    WOW  on all the Podcast Downloads last night! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

    Wow - what a sign with all those downloads proving that we are all healing this UNIVERSE by sharing/loving and helping in each way we can. WE are the NEWS NOW! As I've mentioned on Twitter, I am so electronically sensitive that social media posting is just not something I can spend time at so, here's to knowing my messages can override ALL and with your help we can move our ORGANIC ascension time-lines more quickly! Love you, THANK YOU! Doc. 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Claiming ETs don't exist is an act of Matrix Entrapment and Narcissism. Blindly following is a TRAP

    Claiming ETs don't exist is an act of Matrix Entrapment and Narcissism. Blindly following is a TRAP

    Why would SOURCE limit us to one world, one Universe, one species? Using examples of certain behaviors of large social media, supposed, 'in the know' truthers/leaders who sometimes drop seemingly correct up-coming event knowledge can lead you to entrapment. If an individual thrives on drawing attention to their 'dirty laundry' or 'how they are doing this for you' one might want to think again if we are inadvertently feeding their 'loosh.' Please note there are incredible LOVING beings out there sharing from their heart, admitting what they think they know, and sharing their hard knocks and lessons to help, and carefully encouraging you to go within. This is about discerning those leaders who may have hidden agendas, or soul contracts, that feed the hype. Is this really where your heart wants you to go? Knowing Source is GOING WITHIN and getting the answers to the hardest questions of good and evil and NO ONE can do that for you, but you. Use your discernment on this material because I know it can trigger those who need to feel needed and to love on others for their own fulfillment and not for unity consciousness. EMBRACE and open up to the fact that you are so much more than the 1 dimension here in 3D and that your multi-dimensional being-ness can bring you all your deepest desires. If someone says no ET exist, and yes, there are negative and positive ones, then you may want to really start to research. I send this message with the intention of loving awareness and not in breaking any one down. We need all types to see the opposite and move into the harmony of oneness. 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    The Matrix is Dissolving: Plane goes into cloud and doesn't come out, power outages and portals!

    The Matrix is Dissolving: Plane goes into cloud and doesn't come out, power outages and portals!

    Portal days like 2/22/2023 and 3/3/2023 are so fun because during these times while so much goes wrong it is proof that the control systems and Matrix are breaking down. This is what we want to help us ascend. It is proof that the old systems need to fail and be dismantled so we can solidify the New Earth grids. So much is happening, get ready, we will finally start to see our manifestations and dreams come true. A few more big dates are coming up in March so this will be a mother of all months. Hang on and say goodbye to your past. Welcome in everything new and don't be afraid to let your 'old' concept of life go. It's time to thrive! 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Claim Your 'Clair's': 6 described. You have at least one but all 6 are coming on line!

    Claim Your 'Clair's': 6 described. You have at least one but all 6 are coming on line!

    Universe is asking you to step up and no longer ignore your innate and Source-given talents. Don't be afraid to explore them and finally give credence to your true abilities. It is no longer looked upon as strange, it is NECESSARY for us to evolve and ascend now. Don't worry about what others think when you talk about and use them, but DO TAKE THE TIME TO honor and 'grow' them! WE NEED YOU! All hands on deck now.  (Again, I'm sorry I can't tweet and do all the social media because the electronics mess with my energetic system so badly and I am here to heal and not lose my energy. So please, take a minute to share with others IF you feel you have learned something or that this might be of value to others who are just starting to open up. Deepest gratitude! Is this where I say #HELP?

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...

    Telekinesis is getting stronger: If it can happen for me it can happen for YOU!

    Telekinesis is getting stronger: If it can happen for me it can happen for YOU!

    So many incredible new and innate abilities are coming on-line for us as the vibrational frequencies rise and the grid-lines (ley-lines) of the negative are dissolved and the NEW Earth energies are raised so that even if you have never had a 'power' before, you will have it now. The only thing stopping you is limited belief systems. Don't let the MATRIX take your healing energies - you are a part of SOURCE! Claim it! 

    While the website is live at
    and Doc has 'quietly' always been doing healings behind the scenes, here are the updates:



    If you subscribe to my YOUTUBE get discount PROMO Codes:


    All individual and group sessions are currently on hold as Doc is working to share the 'downloaded' new healing codes, while finding a way to provide them at a cost affordable to all--without her generosity being taken advantage of. We still inhabit a form that requires monetary compensation to live, but that is going away! For the moment, donation-based or free services are also on hold until 'energetic exchange' is better understood by humanity and the donation pool is re-filled. Remember, you have value; invest in others and yourself for the new Earth. Not following through is an energy or a message one inadvertently puts out. On 11.11.2023 we passed another huge dimensional shift so listen in on...