
    Dr. Amen Pt. 2: ADHD, Borderline Personality Disorder, Raising Mentally Tough Kids & How To Fight Negative Thinking

    enMarch 25, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Protecting and Nurturing Children's Brain DevelopmentUltra-processed foods, gadgets, and other factors harm children's brains. Practical strategies for raising mentally strong kids include managing ADHD, addressing hypervigilance, and using neuroscience-backed techniques.

      Learning from this episode of the Pursuit of Wellness podcast is the importance of protecting and nurturing children's brain development. Dr. Daniel Amen, a renowned brain doctor and founder of Amen Clinics, shared insights on the negative impacts of ultra-processed foods, gadgets, and other factors on children's brains. He also discussed practical strategies for parents to raise mentally strong kids, such as managing ADHD, addressing hypervigilance, and using neuroscience-backed techniques. Dr. Amen's new book, "Raising Mentally Strong Kids," provides further guidance on these topics. Additionally, the host, Mari Llewellyn, shared her personal experience of getting her brain scanned at Amen Clinics and how it changed her perspective on her own mental health. Overall, Dr. Amen's expertise and insights offer valuable guidance for anyone seeking to improve their own brain health and support the development of strong, emotionally sound children.

    • Understanding brain patterns for mental health improvementsPersonal brain scans can reveal unique thought patterns, labels don't define individuals, focus on root causes, EMDR therapy can help calm down brain responses to unpredictability, and addressing these patterns leads to mental health improvements

      Understanding the unique workings of our brains can lead to significant improvements in our mental health and overall well-being. The speaker's personal experience with brain scans revealed high activity in certain areas, which led to a better understanding of their thought patterns and struggles. They also learned that labels like Borderline Personality Disorder don't define the individual, but rather indicate underlying issues such as trauma. The speaker emphasized the importance of looking beyond diagnoses and focusing on the root causes. They shared their experience of helping their partner, who also had a trauma history, by introducing her to EMDR therapy, which helped calm down the diamond pattern in her brain. This discovery led to a deeper connection between them as they both worked through their triggers. The lit-up diamond shape in the brain scan represents the brain's response to unpredictability, which can lead to emotional instability. By acknowledging and addressing these patterns, individuals can work towards finding peace and happiness.

    • Exploring Solutions for Pet Health and Human WellbeingSundaes for Dogs: fresh, human-grade food with 90% meat, 10% superfoods, and 0% synthetics. Kostarina olive oil: natural, anti-inflammatory ingredient with high polyphenols. 'Killing the ants': recognizing and reframing negative thoughts for a positive mindset.

      Finding the right solutions can significantly improve both the health and wellbeing of our pets and ourselves. During the discussion, we learned about Sundaes for Dogs, a fresh dog food made from a short list of human-grade ingredients, formulated by a practicing veterinarian. With 90% meat, 10% superfoods, and 0% synthetic nutrients or artificial ingredients, it has helped improve the dry skin and overall health of a dog named Arnold. The convenience and affordability of Sundaes, with a subscription option and easy-to-use packaging, make it a great choice for pet owners. Another topic touched upon was the importance of using high-quality, natural ingredients for health benefits. Olive oil, specifically Kostarina extra virgin olive oil, was highlighted for its anti-inflammatory properties and high polyphenol content. This ancient ingredient has been proven through hundreds of studies to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve overall health. Lastly, we discussed the concept of "killing the ants," or recognizing and reframing automatic negative thoughts. This tool, coined by Dr. Powell decades ago, has helped her and others manage their thoughts and emotions, particularly in challenging situations. By acknowledging and challenging negative thoughts, we can create a more positive and productive mindset.

    • Challenging negative thoughts for better mental healthIdentifying and challenging negative thought patterns can help reduce anxiety and improve mental well-being. Write down negative thoughts, acknowledge their potential inaccuracy, and challenge them with questions to gain control and improve overall mental health.

      Recognizing and challenging negative thought patterns, or "stinking thinking," can help reduce anxiety and improve mental well-being. This can be done by identifying the type of negative thought, such as fortune telling or all-or-nothing thinking, and then talking back to it. This approach, known as the "ant killing exercise," involves writing down the negative thought, acknowledging its potential inaccuracy, and challenging it with questions. For example, asking if the thought is truly accurate or absolutely true with 100% certainty. By recognizing the irrationality of negative thoughts and refusing to believe everything we think, we can gain control over our anxiety and improve our overall mental health. The exercise of writing down and challenging negative thoughts can help make them seem less overwhelming and more manageable, ultimately leading to a calmer and more peaceful state of mind.

    • Raising Mentally Strong Kids in Today's EnvironmentModel good mental health, prioritize whole foods, limit gadget use, and be aware of toxic products for mentally strong, confident, and resilient kids.

      Raising mentally strong kids in today's environment requires a combination of neuroscience, love, and logic. Parents need to be firm and kind, modeling good mental health for their children. However, the current environment poses challenges, such as the overuse of gadgets and ultra-processed foods, which can negatively impact brain development and lead to issues like depression and decreased motivation. These issues are particularly prevalent in teenagers, with alarming statistics showing high rates of sadness and suicidal thoughts. To combat this, parents must be vigilant about their children's diet and screen time, prioritizing whole foods and limiting gadget use. Additionally, parents should be aware of the toxic products they use on their children's bodies and seek out alternatives. By addressing these environmental factors, parents can help raise mentally strong, confident, and resilient children.

    • The impact of inputs on mental and physical well-beingBeing mindful of the food, products, and news we expose ourselves and our children to can significantly affect our brain development and overall happiness. Choose healthier alternatives and prioritize self-care to build a stronger brain reserve and improve quality of life.

      The inputs we expose ourselves and our children to, such as toxic food, products, and negative news, can significantly impact our mental and physical well-being. The news, for instance, can make us 27% less happy, while toxic products can negatively affect brain development, even before birth. The good news is that we have the power to make positive changes. For example, using apps like Think Dirty to avoid toxic personal products, or choosing healthier snacks like Chomps, which provide protein without unhealthy additives. Additionally, being aware of the impact of our parents' health and experiences on our own brain development can help us prioritize our own well-being and that of our children. Ultimately, by making conscious choices and taking care of ourselves, we can build a stronger brain reserve and improve our overall quality of life.

    • Foods for Fetal Brain DevelopmentConsume organic blueberries, raw cacao, and healthy fats from wild salmon, avocados, nuts, and seeds for optimal fetal brain development. Avoid bad fats and heavy metals, like mercury, and be cautious with vaccines and medications.

      There are specific foods and nutrients that can enhance fetal brain development during pregnancy. These include organic blueberries, raw cacao, and healthy fats from sources like wild salmon, avocados, nuts, and seeds. It's also important to avoid bad fats and heavy metals, such as mercury, which can negatively impact brain health. Additionally, consider being cautious with vaccines and other medications, as they can have side effects. For those with ADHD, focusing on lifestyle changes, such as diet and habits, can help manage symptoms alongside medication. ADHD is a real condition with consequences if left untreated, and understanding both the benefits of proper treatment and potential side effects is essential.

    • Understanding the Impact of ADD on Individuals and Their LivesADD can significantly affect relationships, school performance, and overall well-being. A holistic approach, including diet, nutrients, and medication, can help improve the quality of life for those affected.

      ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) is a complex condition that can significantly impact individuals' lives, affecting their relationships, school performance, and overall well-being. The speaker shared personal experiences with wives and children diagnosed with ADD, emphasizing their disorganization, impulsivity, and tendency to procrastinate. He also discussed the importance of addressing the condition through a holistic approach, focusing on diet, nutrients, and medication when necessary. The speaker's own experiences with his family members have shown that left untreated, ADD can lead to serious issues, including addiction, school failure, and relationship problems. He emphasized the importance of recognizing the symptoms and seeking help to improve the quality of life for those affected.

    • Impact of Undiagnosed ADHD on Academic PerformanceEarly diagnosis and treatment of ADHD are crucial for academic success and reaching full potential. Seek professional help, stay patient, and encourage consistent care.

      Undiagnosed ADHD can significantly impact a person's academic performance and overall potential. The speaker's daughter struggled with genetics homework late into the night, feeling inferior to her friends, until she was diagnosed with ADD and prescribed Ritalin. The medication normalized her brain activity, allowing her to focus and excel academically. The speaker emphasized the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, as many people with ADHD, especially women, may miss out on opportunities if their condition goes unrecognized. The speaker also highlighted the importance of support from family members and advocating for consistent care. Additionally, she shared her own experience of struggling with ADD as a shy, quiet student and the challenges her husband faced with his severe ADHD. She advised seeking professional help, staying patient, and encouraging consistent treatment to help those with ADHD reach their full potential.

    • Encouraging mental strength in kids through managing chaos and self-relianceSuccessfully raising mentally strong kids requires recognizing and managing chaotic behavior, encouraging self-reliance, and bonding through quality time and active listening.

      Raising mentally strong kids involves recognizing and managing chaotic behavior, while also encouraging self-reliance and competence. Chaotic behavior, as exemplified by a man named Greg, can be exciting and beneficial, but it can also lead to negative consequences if not managed properly. Parents should avoid being their children's "Ritalin" and instead encourage them to solve their own problems. Successful parents, in particular, must be mindful of not doing too much for their children, as this can hinder their self-esteem. Bonding through quality time and active listening is crucial for building mental toughness. The Love and Logic approach, which emphasizes teaching kids to solve their own problems, is a valuable tool for parents in this regard.

    • Encouraging children to learn from their mistakesAllowing kids to face consequences builds responsibility and self-esteem, while clear goals, support, and guidelines foster resilience. Be cautious of harmful influences.

      Allowing children to experience the consequences of their actions, rather than rescuing them, is crucial for their development of responsibility and self-esteem. This approach, based on the Love and Logic method, can lead to mentally strong, competent adults. The Harvard study mentioned in the conversation supports this idea, showing that having chores and working as a child are linked to higher self-esteem. Creating a balance between providing support and allowing children to learn from their mistakes is essential for raising responsible, resilient individuals. Additionally, setting clear goals, bonding with your children, and establishing guidelines are important steps in this process. Remember, the underdeveloped brains of children and young adults are vulnerable, and exposing them to harmful substances like drugs and alcohol can have damaging effects. So, be mindful of the environment and influences you expose your children to as they grow.

    • Artificial sweeteners impact gut microbiome, leading to health issuesAvoid artificial sweeteners for gut health, opt for natural alternatives, and practice relaxation techniques for fertility.

      Artificial sweeteners like sucralose and aspartame can negatively impact the microbiome in our gut, which in turn can lead to weight gain, diabetes, and other health issues. These substances are toxic to the billions of bacteria that help produce neurotransmitters, digest food, detoxify the body, and support the immune system. Instead, opt for healthier alternatives like sparkling water and natural sweeteners. Additionally, brain health plays a crucial role in fertility, as the healthier you are, the more likely you are to get pregnant. Stress and negative thoughts can also impact fertility by clamping down the smooth muscle in the pelvic region, making it less likely for you to conceive. To create a more relaxed and receptive environment for conception, consider practicing relaxation techniques, such as hypnosis, after having sex. Amen Clinics CEO Daniel Amen's new book "Raising Mentally Strong Kids" comes out on March 26th, and his app BrainFit Life offers hypnosis audios to help with peak performance and anxiety reduction.

    • Free gifts from Dr. Daniel Amen for preorders or purchases of his latest bookListeners can follow Dr. Amen on social media for health info, get free gifts for book purchases, and receive the host's wellness tips by signing up for their newsletter

      Dr. Daniel Amen, a renowned doctor and the author of several books, offers free gifts for those who preorder or purchase his latest book within the first week. He can be found on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok under the handle @amenclinics, and his website amenclinics.com. Dr. Amen's social media channels provide digestible health information, and he has had a significant impact on the host's life. The podcast encourages listeners to follow Dr. Amen on Instagram, rate and review the show, and sign up for the host's newsletter for wellness tips. The show is produced by Drake Peterson, Fiona Attucks, and Kelly Kyle, and the content is for educational purposes only, emphasizing the importance of individual medical advice. Listeners are encouraged to subscribe, share, and talk to their healthcare providers for personalized recommendations.

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    Pursuit of Wellness
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    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition
    Ep. #105 I’m here today on the Pursuit of Wellness as a thirty year old! This milestone fills me with excitement and confidence as I embrace this new chapter. With a supportive community by my side and a harmonious balance between work and play, I'm ready to share the wisdom gained in my twenties and the aspirations shaping my thirties. Whether you're navigating your twenties or thirties like me, join me on this insightful episode as we explore growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of wellness. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Visit clearstemskincare.com and use code POW at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/POW Head to eightsleep.com/pow and use code POW to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe and Australia Topics Discussed 02:13 - Not being dictated by your skin or what other people think 04:17 - Dong the things you want to do 05:36 - Letting go of obsessing 07:19 - Enjoying the health and wellness journey 09:25 - Being vulnerable in relationships 16:30 - Ditching doom scrolling and spending less time on social media 18:00 - Trusting your intuition 19:39 - What Mari is bringing into her thirties 26:16 - Excitement for the new decade
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    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship
    Ep. #104 Imagine waking up every day feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck—that was Daisy Keech’s reality, battling mold toxicity and relentless acne. In this episode of Pursuit of Wellness, Daisy shares her journey from the soccer field to health clinics, discovering issues like candida and a detoxification gene mutation. Moving to Los Angeles, Daisy found solace away from the Hype House’s party culture, leading to a fulfilling career in real estate and home renovation. She candidly discusses her ongoing skincare struggles, experimenting with various treatments and coping with the emotional toll. Amid serious health discussions, we also enjoy lighter moments about matcha, Bloom products, and a humorous take on a potential mold cleansing program. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Daisy's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Bite is offering our listeners 20% off your first order. Go to trybite.com/POW or use code POW at checkout to claim this deal.  Right now, my listeners can receive 40% off Earth Breeze just by going to earthbreeze.com/pow to cut out single-use plastic in your laundry. This week from June 3rd - June 9th you can get 20% off on all Stainless Steel Cookware. Plus, if you visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT you can take 10% on all other products. Again, visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT or use code PURSUIT at checkout for Caraway Home products and an automatic 20% off Stainless Steel Cookware. Caraway. Non-Toxic cookware made modern. Show Links: The Candida Diet CLEARSTEM LYMA Laser Illuminare Makeup King Coffee Topics Discussed 02:43 - Daisy’s wellness journey  08:22 - The Candida Diet 12:49 - Sugar sensitivity and brain fog 13:58 - Fat loss and glute growth   16:54 - Personal growth and self-discovery journey  21:32 - Life transformation through real estate development 29:38 - Choosing the right partner  32:50 - Ance, skincare, and self-value 40:15 - Tallow skincare trends and experiences  43:41 - Skin reactions to makeup products 45:28 - Reactions to mold  47:41 - What’s next for Daisy
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 03, 2024

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi
    Ep. # 103 This week, we're catching up after my big 30th birthday bash in Mexico! From life lessons learned in my 20's to tackling estrogen dominance and detoxing, we're dishing out all the juicy details. Plus, we're serving up some nutrition tips for all the ladies out there. Stay tuned for insights on gut health, skincare, and a rapid-fire Q&A session!  Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Fi's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Listeners of my show can save $250 by going to mylifeforce.com/pow that’s mylifeforce.com/pow. Give Lifeforce a try and find out what the healthiest version of yourself is capable of Save 15% and get free shipping on your Starter Kit when you use code POW at www.branchbasics.com Use code POW15 at checkout for 15% off your entire order at www.vionicshoes.com when you log into your account. 1 time use only. Vionic Shoes. Wearable well-being for your feet Show Links: Acre Resort Inositol Powder  Sol & Sky Sunscreen Topics Discussed 01:07 - I’m officially 30!  03:39 - Birthday trip to Mexico  06:51 - Life Lessons from my 20s  07:46 - Estrogen dominance 10:37 - Detoxing estrogen  15:21 - Nutrition & recipe tips for women   18:41 - Getting to the root of my acne  24:14 - Gut issue treatment  29:37 - Having compassion for myself  32:01 - Antibiotics  33:13 - Ozempic updates  35:02 - Rapid Fire Q + A 43:16 - Horsegirls 44:21 - Sunscreen Recommendations
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Freebies From Today’s Episode

    Get the introduction and first chapter of Dr. Amen’s new book, The End of Mental Illness, plus his BRIGHT MINDS chart for free by going to jjvirgin.com/endofmentalillness.


    Main Points From Today’s Episode

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    2. Dr. Amen explains why labeling someone as having a “mental illness” is not only inaccurate but also harmful. His new book, The End of Mental Illness, explains how neuroscience is transforming psychiatry and helping prevent or reverse mood and anxiety disorders, ADHD, addictions, PTSD, psychosis, personality disorders, and more.
    3. If you want to keep your brain healthy or rescue it, you have to prevent or treat the eleven major risk factors that steal your mind. Dr. Amen shares his BRIGHT MINDS approach to treating brain health issues.



    Episode Play-By-Play

    [0:35] How Dr. Amen has helped JJ’s son, Grant

    [1:11] Dr. Amen’s career briefing

    [3:20] Listener shout-out

    [4:34] Welcoming Dr. Amen to the show

    [4:57] The inspiration behind Dr. Amen’s new book, The End of Mental Illness

    [6:11] The stigma around mental illness

    [7:21] What is the new hope for those who are suffering right now?

    [8:15] 85% of psychiatric drugs are prescribed by non-psychiatric physicians in 7-minute office visits.

    [9:11] How the pharmaceutical companies are creating chronic illness

    [10:10] JJ shares a story about her son’s experience at the psychiatrist’s office.

    [12:05] Dr. Amen asks, “Why aren’t we looking at the brain?”

    [12:10] Why neurologists look at the brain and psychiatrists typically don’t

    [13:25] The risk of depression and obesity in football players due to damaged frontal lobes

    [14:38] You hit your head, you hurt your brain.

    [15:13] Every year, 2 million new people in the United States have a brain injury.

    [15:38] What are the frontal lobes in your brain and what happens when they get damaged?

    [17:07] Why we need a new paradigm when it comes to mental health

    [17:31] If you want to keep your brain healthy or rescue it, you have to prevent or treat the eleven major risk factors that steal your mind.

    [18:05] Dr. Amen’s BRIGHT MINDS approach

    [18:02] B is for blood flow. The link between low blood flow and conditions like Alzheimer’s schizophrenia, depression, and ADHD

    [19:04] R is for retirement and aging. When you stop learning, your brain starts dying.

    [19:34] I stands for inflammation. Dr. Amen talks a lot about omega-3 fatty acids and gut health in his book.

    [20:17] G is for genetics, but we have genetics all wrong.

    [20:47] H is for head trauma, which has been previously discussed in this episode.

    [20:49] T is for toxins, including drugs, alcohol, mold, and more.

    [21:49] M stands for mind storms, which means abnormal electrical activity in the brain.

    [22:09] How would someone know if they were experiencing overfiring in the brain?

    [22:41] I is for immunity and infection.

    [23:20] Dr. Amen shares a story about a girl who experienced hallucinations and ended up being diagnosed with Lyme disease.

    [25:08] N is for neurohormone issues.

    [25:29] D stands for diabesity, As your weight goes up, the size and function of your brain goes down.

    [26:37] S is for sleep. Children who sleep just an hour less on average than their peers have a higher incidence of depression and suicide.

    [26:48] Why labeling someone as having a “mental illness” is not only inaccurate but also harmful

    [28:48] The creation of mental illness in today’s American society

    [30:41] The shift from “mental illness” to brain illness

    [31:45] How to get the introduction and first chapter of Dr. Amen’s new book, The End of Mental Illness, for free, and what’s included

    [33:32] JJ gives thanks to Dr. Amen for everything he has done for her son.

    [34:21] JJ’s top takeaways from today’s episode and next steps



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    Dr. Phyllis Books: Understanding Your Child's Brain | WAM128

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    Visit www.ihaveadhd.com for a psychologist-approved list of symptoms, resources, and additional support!