
    Dr. Bob's Real Boy Test

    enFebruary 09, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Doctor Bob's gymnastics experience and Mint Mobile's affordable plansDoctor Bob shared his enjoyable experience at his son's gymnastics class and discussed Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans with unlimited services for $15 a month.

      The discussion revolved around various topics, including experiences with baby gymnastics, Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans, and the upcoming episode's competition between Mark and Wade. During small talk, Doctor Bob shared his recent experience at his son's gymnastics class, where he was one of the few men present. He noted that the class helped children develop motor skills in a fun way, despite his initial assumption that it was more intense and competitive. Meanwhile, the hosts mentioned Mint Mobile's affordable wireless plans, which offer unlimited talk, text, and data for $15 a month. The conversation then transitioned to the upcoming episode, where Mark and Wade will compete to win the hosting role. Overall, the episode showcased lighthearted discussions on various topics, including personal experiences and promotional offers.

    • Unexpected challenges for fathers in societySocietal expectations can create unexpected challenges for fathers, including being overlooked or questioned when taking care of their children, and dealing with unclear return policies.

      Societal expectations can create unexpected challenges for fathers. The speaker shares his experiences of being overlooked and questioned when taking care of his child, despite considering himself a good dad. He mentions feeling surprised by the reactions he receives, particularly from women, when he changes diapers or takes his son shopping alone. He also shares an experience with returning a camera purchase, which involved a lengthy back-and-forth with the seller due to an unclear return policy. Despite these challenges, the speaker remains committed to being an active and involved father, and finds joy in the experiences, even when they come with unexpected complications. Additionally, the speaker shares an anecdote about his difficulty in returning a camera purchase from a long-time retailer, B&H. The return policy was unclear, and the process involved several back-and-forth emails with different levels of management. The speaker was surprised by the lengthy process and felt frustrated by the lack of clear communication. Despite this, he remained persistent in trying to make the return happen, as he wanted to upgrade to a newer camera model. This experience highlights the importance of clear communication and understanding of return policies, especially when dealing with valuable purchases.

    • Beware of misrepresented items onlineWhen buying high-value items online, double-check the seller's reputation, ask questions, and be cautious of non-returnable listings.

      It's essential to be cautious when purchasing high-value items online, especially from marketplaces where the authenticity and condition of the product may not be clearly stated. The speaker encountered an issue with a camera purchase from B&H Photo, where the seller was unresponsive and unclear about the item's history. Despite the listing stating the item was non-returnable, the speaker suspected it was used and attempted to clarify this with the seller. However, their inquiries were met with aggression and a refusal to return the item. The speaker felt misled and decided to stop shopping from B&H Photo. They also discovered that RED, the camera manufacturer, offers an upgrade program for sending in old cameras for an upgrade, which the speaker intends to explore as an alternative. Overall, the experience served as a reminder to be vigilant when shopping online and to ask questions to ensure satisfaction with the purchase.

    • Renting comes with uncertainties and risksConsider potential consequences, limit rentals to trusted individuals, communicate clearly, and understand terms before agreeing to rent

      Renting out equipment or property comes with uncertainties and potential risks. Mark's experience with a damaged camera and the discovery of a pornography company's stay at their rental property, revealed the unpredictability of who will use your belongings or space and for what purpose. So, it's essential to consider the potential consequences and possibly limit rentals to trusted individuals or businesses. Additionally, the experience highlighted the importance of clear communication and understanding the terms and conditions before making a rental agreement. The incident also served as a reminder of the value of equipment and the potential costs of careless use or mishaps.

    • Embracing new experiences and authenticityTry new things, embrace authenticity, save money by canceling unwanted subscriptions and using Mint Mobile and Rocket Money

      The speaker shared anecdotes about trying new experiences, including trying different types of food and wine, and emphasized the importance of authenticity and trying things in their raw form. He also mentioned the unexpected nature of these experiences and the enjoyment that comes from stepping out of one's comfort zone. Additionally, the speaker promoted two sponsors, Mint Mobile and Rocket Money, highlighting their ability to help save money and simplify expenses. The conversation also touched on the topic of subscriptions and the importance of canceling unwanted ones to save money. Overall, the conversation emphasized the value of new experiences and the importance of being mindful of one's finances.

    • Using Rorschach test for determining 'realest boy'The Rorschach test, an inkblot test, provides insight into one's thought process by looking at ambiguous images and choosing the best description, revealing unconscious thoughts and emotions.

      The Rorschach test, an open source, inkblot test available online at open psychometrics.org, was used in the episode to determine the "realest boy" based on their unique interpretation of ambiguous images. This test, which originated during World War 2 as a way to screen military candidates without requiring a highly trained psychologist, involves looking at an inkblot for 30 seconds and then choosing the best description from multiple options. The test taker is encouraged to trust their initial impression and remember how they felt about the image before making their choice. The test includes a variety of options, but if something specific is seen that is not listed, it should be shared. The test results do not determine a winner or loser, but rather provide insight into the test taker's thought process. The images used in the test are typically symmetrical splotches of ink, but the one shown in the episode contained a face with red lips and two dead rabbits, which some saw as a red flag.

    • Interpreting Ambiguous Inkblots and the Power of ImaginationThe inkblots exercise showcased the power of imagination and the subjectivity of perception, emphasizing the importance of embracing individuality and unique perspectives.

      The discussion revolved around interpreting ambiguous inkblots and the vastly different perceptions people have when presented with such abstract images. The participants described various interpretations of the inkblots, ranging from animals and body parts to objects and abstract shapes. The conversation highlighted the power of imagination and the subjectivity of perception. Despite the differences in interpretations, there was a consensus that the exercise showcased the creativity and bold thinking abilities of real boys. The inkblots were described as having negative space, red and black tones, and various shapes that could be interpreted in numerous ways. The discussion also emphasized the challenge of accurately describing the images due to the subjective nature of perception. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of embracing individuality and the unique perspectives each person brings to the table.

    • Word association test between Wade and MarkCreativity, quick thinking, and the ability to make connections were showcased during a word association test between Wade and Mark, highlighting the unique perspectives and associations each individual brings to the table.

      During a conversation between Wade and Mark, they engaged in a series of tests to determine who is the "real boy." One of these tests involved word association, where they were given five words each and asked to provide the first thing that came to mind. Wade associated "gritty" with words like "swear," "cussing," "statement," and "speech," while Mark associated "vegetation" with "potato," "dress," "secretary," and "student." They discussed their associations and shared the reasoning behind their choices. Mark's association of "potato" with the meme of a potato in perfect soil made him stand out, and he won that round. The conversation then moved on to the next test, involving non-English words for word association. Wade and Mark took turns providing their associations, and the conversation continued in a lighthearted and playful manner. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of creativity, quick thinking, and the ability to make connections between seemingly unrelated things. It also highlighted the unique perspectives and associations that each individual brings to the table.

    • Word Association Game: Pushing Language BoundariesMark and Wade engaged in a word association game, creating unusual and humorous associations for various words, showcasing their creativity and sense of humor.

      During their conversation, Mark and Wade engaged in a word association game where they came up with unusual and humorous associations for various words. The goal was to create unique and often absurd associations, pushing the boundaries of language and creativity. Mark and Wade's favorite associations varied, with Mark favoring "burlongus," which represented the attire worn at a burlesque club, and Wade preferring "celerias," which could mean celery up one's ass or someone being like celery with no substance. The game became more challenging as they moved on to longer words, rapidly firing off associations while keeping the conversation chaotic and fun. Some of their longer word associations included "antidisestablishmentarianism," which Mark associated with "fuck the system," and "uterosigmoidostomy," which Wade linked to a finishing move in Mortal Kombat where you rip out the uterus. The game continued with each person giving 10 associations, ensuring they wrote them down to remember their favorites. The conversation showcased the duo's creativity, sense of humor, and ability to think outside the box.

    • Mark and Wade play a color guessing gameThey showcased their unique personalities and had a fun and engaging conversation about cars and eBay Motors

      During their conversation, Mark and Wade engaged in a friendly game where they each tried to guess the correct color for a given number. Mark demonstrated his preparation and confidence, while Wade showed his creativity and unconventional thinking. Despite some humor and interruptions, they managed to complete the game, with Mark earning the win this round due to his consistent answers. Additionally, they discussed the importance of being knowledgeable about cars, which led to the introduction of eBay Motors and its offerings. Overall, their interaction showcased their unique personalities and their ability to have a fun and engaging conversation.

    • Colors and numbers are subjectively connectedParticipants assigned colors to random numbers based on personal thoughts and interpretations, revealing that the connection between numbers and colors is subjective.

      The connection between numbers and colors is subjective and can be influenced by various factors such as personal experiences, associations, and reasoning. During a discussion, participants assigned colors to random numbers based on their individual thoughts and interpretations. Some numbers evoked specific colors due to their visual appearance, while others were influenced by the numbers' shape or the participants' personal experiences. For instance, the number 9,761 was associated with burnt orange because it reminded one participant of an "off orange," while another saw the number 5,994 as a deep purple due to its "endless void of shifting hues." Similarly, the number 8,504 was imagined as a forest green because of its "tall and grandstanding" feel, and the number 5,929 was perceived as pink due to its unique and different nature. Overall, the exercise demonstrated that the relationship between numbers and colors is not fixed, but rather a matter of personal perception and interpretation.

    • A game testing the 'realest' boy's creativity and quick thinkingDespite their impressive performance, both contestants struggled with the final question, revealing their human fallibility, and emphasizing the importance of fairness and sportsmanship in competition.

      During a unique game, two participants, Wade and Mark, engaged in a series of challenges to determine which one of them is the "realest" boy. Throughout the game, they were asked to associate colors with various numbers and objects. Although both contestants showed impressive insights, Mark managed to edge out Wade in some rounds, leaving him ahead in the overall score. However, the final question, which required identifying the correct body part that makes a person a "real boy," proved to be a stumper for both participants. Despite their best efforts, neither was able to provide the correct answer, which was "pee pee," or the urethra. The game highlighted the depths of their creativity and quick thinking, but also revealed their human fallibility. Ultimately, while the competition was intense, it was all in good fun, and both Wade and Mark remained friends, acknowledging the importance of keeping it fair and sportsmanlike. The game served as an intriguing exploration of the connection between words, numbers, colors, and human psychology.

    • The Importance of Grace in DefeatLuck plays a role in success, but handling losses with sportsmanship and grace is what truly defines a 'real boy'.

      Luck plays a significant role in success, but it's how one handles losses that truly defines one as a "real boy." Mark, the winner of the recent competition, acknowledged his luck but also emphasized the importance of taking losses in stride. Wade, the loser, showed anger and frustration, but even he admitted to a handshake deal that was not fulfilled due to the competition's rules. The episode highlighted the importance of sportsmanship and grace in the face of defeat. It also touched upon the theme of luck and how it can contribute to success. The competitors also shared some light-hearted moments, making for an entertaining episode. Overall, the episode provided insights into the competitors' personalities and their reactions to winning and losing.

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    Poetically capturing the inspiring truth of the gospel, “What My Father Does” and the entire new album revolve around God’s unequivocal and undeserved love. “My sins don't dismiss it and my achievements don't warrant it,” says John. “I see that more clearly today than ever, and the freedom in that is overwhelming. It's how I love my children and it's how God loves His. It's what my Father does.”

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    “Sophee has this phenomenal, raspy, Lauren Daigle-like voice that people are drawn to,” continues John. “It was so much fun getting to sing this song with her.”

    “My favorite part was going to the studio and really seeing it come to life, just the process behind it all,” shares Sophee. “I loved being a part of this because I feel like this is my calling in life. This project is a little sneak peek into that, and, of course, just getting to do this with my Dad is really special. We got to bond a lot during the process of making this song.”

    The Waller family story, like most people's stories, is one of a constant trajectory forward but with hundreds of unexpected rabbit trails to places they never anticipated. One of those trails led the family to Ukraine where they adopted three siblings who are now an integral part of the Waller family. Other trails included moving the family across the country for a time in local church ministry that resulted in learning to slow down to catch up to God.

    Now back in his hometown of Senoia, GA, Waller feels he is producing the best music of his life, and is writing lyrics that come from deeply personal encounters with God and time with family.

    “It just feels different now,” says Waller. “I'm writing from a different place, and with a sense that God is really going to use this music to minister to moms and dads and families, like He has ministered to our family.”

    The new song follows Waller’s first new radio single in over two years, “But God.” The song, initially released from Radiate Music this spring, will be featured on the upcoming album that will be released independently.

    Known for such inspiring hit singles as “Crazy Faith” (featured in the hit box office film War Room), “While I'm Waiting” (featured in 2008’s No.1 independent film Fireproof), “As For Me and My House,” “Awakening (aka The Coffee Song)” and many more, Waller has continually used his gifts as a singer and songwriter to inspire, educate and encourage people across all walks of life.

    For more information on John Waller and his music, visit johnwallerofficial.comFacebookTwitterInstagramTikTok and YouTube.


    About Sophee Waller

    Follow Sophee on Instagram


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