
    Dr. Bruce Greyson - What Near-Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond

    en-usMarch 03, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Mysteries of Near Death ExperiencesDr. Bruce Greyson's research on NDEs reveals common themes and aftereffects, offering insights into the human experience and the mysteries of consciousness and the mind-body connection.

      Near death experiences (NDEs) can challenge our beliefs about the nature of consciousness and the mind-body connection. Dr. Bruce Greyson, a professor of psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences at the University of Virginia, has dedicated over 50 years of his career to studying NDEs scientifically. His upcoming book, "A Doctor Explores What Near Death Experiences Reveal About Life and Beyond," shares his findings on the common themes and aftereffects of these experiences. Dr. Greyson's interest in NDEs was sparked by a patient's accurate account of observing her own resuscitation. This experience led him to discover consistent patterns of changes in individuals' attitudes, beliefs, values, and personalities after a near-death experience. While some may find the topic of NDEs intriguing and even comforting, others may be skeptical. Regardless, Dr. Greyson's research offers valuable insights into the human experience and the mysteries of consciousness and the mind-body connection. The book, available for pre-order and releasing in less than a month, invites readers to slow down and consider the implications of these experiences.

    • A doctor's encounter with the unexplainedAn encounter with the unexplained during her internship led a doctor to spend the next 50 years studying near-death experiences, expanding her understanding of reality beyond the physical realm.

      Our understanding of the world and reality can be expanded beyond the physical realm. The story shared by the speaker describes an encounter during her psychiatry internship with a patient who seemed to have left her body and followed the doctor down the hall while she was in a coma. This experience was initially inexplicable and unsettling for the doctor, but later she came to understand that it was an example of a near-death experience. This encounter challenged her scientific perspective and led her to spend the next 50 years studying and researching these phenomena. The encounter served as a reminder that there might be more to the world than what we can measure or explain with our current understanding, and that exploring the unknown can lead to significant discoveries.

    • Study of Near Death Experiences: From Anecdotes to Standardized MeasurementResearchers used anecdotes to identify recurring patterns and developed a standardized 16-item scale for measuring Near Death Experiences (NDEs), which has been used in thousands of studies since 1983.

      The study of near death experiences (NDEs) began with collecting anecdotes and identifying recurring patterns, which led to the development of a standardized measurement tool. The research team, which included scientists and mathematicians, recognized that dismissing anecdotes would mean dismissing all of science. They started by collecting stories and identified a core group of experiences with similar features. The resulting 16-item scale, published in 1983, became the gold standard for measuring NDEs and has been used in thousands of studies since then. The scale includes common features such as changes in emotional state, thoughts going much faster than usual, having a life review, and paranormal phenomena. However, it's important to note that the scale may not capture all profound NDEs, as some individuals may have life-changing experiences that don't fit neatly into the scale.

    • Near-death experiences challenge our understanding of the brain and consciousnessDuring NDEs, heightened mental clarity and unique perceptions occur despite the brain showing no electrical activity, suggesting the brain may act as an obstacle to true consciousness

      Near-death experiences (NDEs) challenge our understanding of the relationship between the brain and consciousness. During an NDE, people report heightened mental clarity and unique perceptions despite the brain showing no electrical activity. This phenomenon is not limited to NDEs, as terminal lucidity in dementia patients also suggests that a deteriorated brain can enable supernatural abilities. Recent neuroimaging studies on psychedelic drug trips support this idea, showing that decreased brain function may be necessary for higher consciousness to emerge. Overall, these phenomena suggest that the brain might act as an obstacle to true clarity and consciousness. However, it's important to note that these experiences are rare and not fully understood, with many questions remaining unanswered.

    • The mind and brain are interconnected but distinct entitiesThe mind, source of consciousness, exists beyond the physical realm while the brain processes thoughts and filters relevant information for survival.

      The mind and brain are interconnected but distinct entities. While the brain processes thoughts and filters relevant information for physical survival, the mind is the source of consciousness and exists beyond the physical realm. This perspective, which dates back to ancient Greek philosopher Hippocrates, challenges the common belief that the brain generates all thoughts and experiences. Just as a radio receiver filters out irrelevant frequencies, the brain filters out thoughts irrelevant to physical survival. However, under exceptional circumstances such as near-death experiences or psychedelic use, the brain's filtering function may be impaired, allowing access to previously filtered information. This theory suggests that consciousness exists in the mind and the brain serves as a conduit for relevant experiences in the physical world.

    • Evidence from Near Death Experiences suggesting consciousness beyond physical brainNear Death Experiences (NDEs) provide compelling evidence of consciousness existing beyond the physical brain, with accurate perceptions during unconscious states and a high percentage of verified reports.

      There is compelling evidence from Near Death Experiences (NDEs) suggesting that consciousness may exist beyond the physical brain. This evidence includes accounts of accurate perceptions during unconscious states, such as seeing and hearing things that could not have been guessed. For instance, a patient undergoing surgery reported seeing his surgeon flapping his arms, an idiosyncratic habit the patient could not have known about. Research by Professor Jan Holden at the University of North Texas found that 92% of reported NDEs with potential for verification were completely accurate, leaving only 6% with some errors and 1% that were wrong. Despite this evidence, the scientific community often overlooks or dismisses NDEs as hallucinations. This raises questions about the nature of consciousness and the limitations of our current understanding of the brain.

    • Acceptance of Near-Death Experiences in Medical CommunityDoctors and scientists are recognizing the reality of NDEs, despite lacking scientific explanation, due to documented cases of individuals encountering deceased loved ones during NDEs.

      Near-death experiences (NDEs) are increasingly being recognized and accepted in the medical community. This shift in attitude is due in part to the growing number of doctors and scientists who believe in the reality of these experiences, despite the lack of scientific explanation for phenomena such as meeting deceased loved ones during an NDE. This belief is not based on wishful thinking or expectation, as there are documented cases of individuals encountering deceased loved ones who were not known to have passed away at the time of the NDE. For example, a 25-year-old technical writer in South Africa met his favorite nurse in a pastoral garden during his NDE, who informed him of a regret she had and asked him to convey her apologies to her parents. This encounter was verified by the nurse, who was shocked and moved by the experience. Overall, the acceptance and exploration of NDEs in the medical community is an important step towards understanding the complex relationship between the mind and brain, and the possible continuation of consciousness beyond physical death.

    • Encounters with deceased or other entities in NDEsNDEs suggest continuity of consciousness beyond death, challenging our understanding of reality, and can lead to profound personal growth.

      Near-death experiences (NDEs) involve encounters with the deceased or other entities, which survivors often describe as being capable of communication and love, suggesting a continuity of consciousness beyond physical death. These experiences are often difficult to put into words and are described using cultural or religious metaphors. Despite the challenges in understanding these experiences, the idea of continuity and the disappearance of fear of death are common themes reported by survivors. This concept challenges our understanding of consciousness and the nature of reality. The discussion also touched upon the idea that NDEs can have profound impacts on survivors' lives, leading to significant personal growth and changes in perspective.

    • Near-death experiences can lead to a profound shift in perspective towards lifeNDEs can lead to a newfound sense of spirituality, compassion, and altruism, making individuals more invested in living fully and reducing fear of death.

      A near-death experience (NDE) can lead to a profound shift in perspective towards life, alleviating the fear of death and making individuals more invested in living fully. NDE survivors often report a newfound sense of spirituality, compassion, and altruism, as they gain a deeper understanding of their place in the world and the interconnectedness of all things. This change can lead to a more meaningful and fulfilling life, as individuals become less preoccupied with material possessions, power, and prestige. The realization that death is not something to be feared but rather a natural part of life's cycle can help reduce anxiety and allow individuals to embrace life's challenges and opportunities with greater courage and joy. These transformative effects of an NDE are not limited to those who have experienced it directly, as the lessons can be learned and applied to everyday life.

    • Exploring the Possibility of Life Beyond Physical ExistenceStudies on near-death experiences suggest increased compassion and altruism, hinting at a deeper meaning to life beyond the physical world.

      Key takeaway from this conversation with Bruce is that our physical existence may not be the whole story of life. The evidence from studies on students who have taken near-death experience courses suggests that such experiences can lead to increased compassion and altruism. Bruce, who comes from a scientific background, shares how his perspective has shifted after delving into this topic. He acknowledges that there is something beyond the physical world, even if he can't fully explain it in scientific terms. As a scientist, he can't claim this as absolute truth but admits that the evidence points in that direction. This conversation invites us to reflect on the meaning of our lives and consider the possibility that there is more to our existence than what we can perceive physically.

    Recent Episodes from Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat

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    Surviving Human Trafficking & Torture: Lurata Lyon's Journey to Positivity | Slo Mo with Mo Gawdat

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    00:00 Intro 
    2:35 Mo is like a 'father figure'
    5:10 Human connection 
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    13:50 Lurata's book 'Unbroken'
    14:44 Lurata's childhood in Yugoslavia
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    53:00 What did Lurata learn in solitary confinement?
    59:25 Can we have faith in humanity?
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    1:13:06 Working out to feel good
    1:15:50 How does Lurata find joy in life?
    1:17:00 Why did God let Lurata go through so much?

    Buy Lurata's book 'Unbroken' here: https://rb.gy/hz4s5q

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    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    TJ Power: How Social Media Is Destroying Our Brains And How To Become Happier Humans

    TJ Power: How Social Media Is Destroying Our Brains And How To Become Happier Humans

    TJ Power is the remarkable neuroscientist and author, reaching a whole new demographic of young people through his informative social media posts. 

    00:00 Intro 
    02:08 Why has TJ become a social media success?
    3:34 Combining tech and psychology
    5:58 What is D.O.S.E?
    15:20 How can we get to a happier state?
    19:20 How gaming can improve our brain health
    24:50 Why is ADHD considered a 'problem'?
    31:36 Could AI taking traditional jobs create more room for creativity?
    37:30 Neurodiversity 
    41:30 Why don't we have hobbies anymore?
    57:03 Oxytocin in a world of loneliness
    1:00:01 Practices on how to increase brain hormones naturally
    1:09:38 Ego and 'wanting to be right'
    1:13:10 A world with no social media?
    1:18:58 What is addiction?

    You can pre-order TJ's book 'The DOSE Effect' here: https://t.ly/LWtqe

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
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    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
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    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #OneBillionHappy

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    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
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    Unstressable with Corey Keyes - The Path to Flourishing

    Unstressable with Corey Keyes - The Path to Flourishing

    Thanks to all of you who pre-ordered it, the book has already done incredibly well.  If you haven't already, you can still help the book reach 1 million people by ordering a copy (https://amzn.eu/d/ipz9OUW).

    Today on Slo Mo, we bring the Unstressable series to a close with a captivating conversation featuring Corey Keyes, a distinguished sociologist and professor emeritus at Emory University. Corey is renowned for his pioneering research on human flourishing and mental health, introducing the concept of "languishing"—a state of being where one is neither mentally ill nor mentally well.

    Many of you may be familiar with Corey's influential work and his acclaimed book "Languishing," which has been lauded by thought leaders like Adam Grant, Arianna Huffington, Angela Duckworth, and Jonathan Haidt. But there's so much more to Corey than his academic achievements.

    Outside of his groundbreaking research, Corey is a passionate advocate for holistic well-being, emphasizing what he calls the "Five Vitamins" for a fulfilling life: love, learning, work, spirituality, and play. He believes that these elements are essential for overcoming languishing and achieving true mental wellness.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    Join us for an enriching conversation that explores the depths of human flourishing and the pathways to a more vibrant, fulfilling life. Corey's wisdom and expertise offer valuable guidance for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of mental health and personal growth.

    Looking forward to sharing this enlightening episode with you, and as always, thank you for tuning in. To learn more about Corey Keyes and his work, I recommend you start with:

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Helen Marie - Unraveling Ourselves

    Unstressable with Helen Marie - Unraveling Ourselves

    In our ongoing Unstressable series, today I’m joined by the remarkable Helen Marie, a therapist who has dedicated her life to helping individuals navigate through their trauma toward a path of healing. 

    While many of you might recognize her from her public seminars and writings on emotional recovery, there’s much about Helen that remains beneath the surface.

    As an avid mountain climber, a hobby that she describes as a metaphor for her approach to therapy—focusing on one small step at a time to conquer seemingly insurmountable challenges. Her insights extend beyond the therapy room, offering practical advice for anyone looking to overcome their own personal hurdles.

    Join us for a profound conversation that dives into the heart of emotional healing and personal growth. Helen shares her professional insights and therapeutic approaches, offering a wealth of wisdom that can benefit anyone looking to navigate through their own challenges.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    Looking forward to sharing this powerful episode with you, and as always, thank you for tuning in. Continue the conversation with Helen on:

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Michael Carlisle, Elizabeth Beier, and Alice Law - Behind the Pages

    Unstressable with Michael Carlisle, Elizabeth Beier, and Alice Law - Behind the Pages

    Today we have a special treat on Slo Mo, diving into the fascinating world of books with Michael Carlisle and Elizabeth Beier, two people responsible for  Unstressable being published.

    Both Alice and I, want the book to reach as many people as it should. You can help us by pre-ordering the book (https://amzn.eu/d/ipz9OUW) ahead of its international publishing day on May 9th. 

    We get up close and personal with Michael Carlisle, literary agent at InkWell Management, and friend. Not only has Michael represented Pulitzer Prize winners, but his journey from the bustling corridors of the William Morris Agency to InkWell is a story of passion and dedication to the literary arts. 

    Then, we switch gears to chat with Elizabeth Beier, the executive editor at St. Martin’s Press. While Elizabeth is known for her sharp editorial eye, there’s a playful and distinctly personal side to her that often goes unnoticed. We delve into industry secrets and tips for aspiring writers too! 

    Listen as we discuss: 

    • Unstressable 
    • Who Michael and Elizabeth are
    • The challenges of the publishing Industry
    • How to get published
    • Alice's perspective on becoming Unstressable
    • The most stressful things in publishing
    • Drivers of the publishing Industry
    • Mo's and Alice's writing process
    • Why Unstressable got published

    Join us for this enlightening exploration of the literary world. Whether you're a devoted bibliophile or simply curious about the people behind the pages, this episode offers insights for everyone.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Stuart Sandeman - Breathing Better

    Unstressable with Stuart Sandeman - Breathing Better

    In today’s episode, I'm thrilled to share an enlightening conversation with a truly inspiring person and a wonderful teacher, Stuart Sandeman. Many of you might know Stuart as the mastermind behind "Breathpod," where he transforms lives through the power of breathing. But there’s so much more to his story that isn’t widely known.

    He is here to help us move closer to our mission of getting 1 million people out of stress and you can help too. "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" is almost here, so please pre-order it before the end of April. 

    Today, we start off by exploring Stuart’s unexpected journey from a successful career in music and entertainment to becoming a breathwork specialist. Stuart opens up about how the loss of a loved one deeply influenced his mission to help others find healing and resilience through breathwork.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    • Being too busy to breathe
    • Stuart's personal story
    • Hallucinating with just our breathing
    • Breathing and its effects
    • How "simple" breathing is
    • Why we are not breathing correctly 
    • The 5 archetypes of breathers 
    • Eating healthy
    • Breathing and Stress
    • Breathing and Sleep
    • Practical steps to improve our breathing

    So, grab your headphones and join us for this deep dive on breathing. Whether you’re already a breathwork enthusiast or just curious, there’s something in this episode for everyone.

    You can order Stuart's book 'Breathe In, Breathe Out' here: https://rb.gy/sxtqth
    Stuart's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/breathpod/?hl=en 

    Looking forward to you joining us, and as always, thank you for listening.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Bassem Youssef - Humanity, Palestine And The Price Of Speaking Out

    Unstressable with Bassem Youssef - Humanity, Palestine And The Price Of Speaking Out

    In today’s episode of Slo Mo, I sit down with the inimitable Bassem Youssef, a man whose wit and wisdom have challenged and changed the contours of political satire in the Middle East. In a departure from our usual tone, this conversation takes a more contemplative and, indeed, somewhat pessimistic turn as we delve into the complexities of modern life and the daunting challenges that lie ahead.

    As we continue our Unstressable series, Bassem's courage to speak about the world's most challenging topics should remind us never to be afraid to take, even the biggest problems, head on.  

    00:00 Intro
    05:00 The oversized role of ego 
    07:36 Fame is not real
    11:49 Bassem's veganism
    12:42 The last time Mo and Bassem met
    14:53 Is most of humanity disappointing?
    18:00 Bassem's influence in the Israel-Palestine conflict
    21:10 Are we in an era of hyperinformation?
    23:45 Cancel culture
    24:37 Will humanity ever change?
    32:57 Can we be hopeful?
    37:56 Are we heading into more conflict?
    40:23 The end of the truth
    48:50 How will AI affect us?
    1:00:35 How does Bassem keep going?

    This episode is a compelling journey through the darker sides of our modern realities, offering no easy answers but many important questions. Bassem's voice is an important warning to those who might choose to ignore the world. His reflections invite us to think deeply about our own beliefs, biases, and the kind of future we are creating, so take the time to Slow Down with us and look for answers to some truly tough questions.

    For more thought-provoking exploration and a lot of laughter you can catch Bassem Youssef on his European "Middle Beast" tour in: Oslo, Berlin, Zurich, Munich, Hamburg, Antwerp, Stockholm, London, Copenhagen, Birmingham, Dublin, Manchester, and Paris: https://www.bassemyoussef.xyz/upcoming-shows/  

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Jodi Wellman - Living Fully

    Unstressable with Jodi Wellman - Living Fully

    We're well into our Unstressable series on Slo Mo where today I have the profound pleasure of sitting down with Jodi Wellman, a luminary in the realm of living fully. You can help our mission by preordering "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" written by me, Mo Gawdat, and Alice Law. 

    In today's conversation with Jodi, we ventured into the heart of what it means to truly embrace every moment of our existence, guided by Jodi's remarkable journey and the wisdom she's garnered along the way.

    Jodi, with her vibrant approach to life, challenges us to confront the finiteness of our time with grace and intentionality. Her work, centered around maximizing the richness of our days, resonates deeply with my own quest for happiness and meaning. We explored the delicate balance between acknowledging our mortality and using that awareness as a catalyst to live more fully, a theme that has touched my life personally and profoundly.

    Listen as we discuss: 

    • Unstressable
    • Doing the Math of Living
    • Tuning In
    • Scheduling vs. Savoring 
    • Living without Regrets
    • Afterlife
    • What Brings us Joy 
    • What should we Care About
    • The Joy List
    • Society at Large

    Jodi's message is a call to action, urging us to not only chase our dreams but to savor the journey along the way. Learn more about it here: https://fourthousandmondays.com/ 

    I left our conversation more inspired than ever to embrace the beauty of the unknown, to appreciate the finite nature of our existence, and to live every day to its fullest. I invite you to continue the conversation with Jodi on her Instagram, or LinkedIn

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Gabor Mate - Overcoming Stress, Pain, and Suffering

    Unstressable with Gabor Mate - Overcoming Stress, Pain, and Suffering

    Joining us on Slo Mo today is Dr. Gabor Maté, a revered figure in the fields of addiction, stress, and childhood development and someone I personally deeply respect and admire. We engage in a conversation that feels as intimate as one between lifelong companions and Gabor shares insights from his extensive exploration of the human condition.

    Don't forget that you can help us in our mission by preordering "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" written by me, Mo Gawdat, and my wonderful co-author Alice Law. 

    Dr. Maté's journey reveals the profound connection between our emotional well-being and physical health, shedding light on how our environments, from early childhood onwards, shape our behaviors, relationships, and even our susceptibilities to diseases. Dr. Maté invites us to consider the complex tapestry of factors influencing addiction and stress, advocating for a compassionate approach to generational healing and recovery.

    This episode is a homage to the power of understanding, the importance of authentic connection, and the transformative potential of embracing vulnerability.

    Listen as we discuss:

    • What Pain and Trauma are and how to Accept them
    • Why You should never compare Pain and Suffering
    • What we can do Individually to Make a Difference
    • How to Awaken Ourselves
    • What Integrative Thinking is
    • What are the Choices we Make
    • A sort of Preprogramming of Humanity 
    • The Effects of Longterm Stress
    • How to Face the Truth
    • And How we can Begin Generational Healing

    For more wisdom and guidance from Dr. Gabor Maté, follow him on Instagram or visit: https://drgabormate.com

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

    Unstressable with Robert Sapolsky - Revealing Humanity's Inner Workings

    Unstressable with Robert Sapolsky - Revealing Humanity's Inner Workings

    Today I'll start with a gentle reminder that our upcoming book "Unstressable: A Practical Guide to Stress-Free Living" is available for preorder. It is written by me, Mo Gawdat and my wonderful co-author Alice Law and we hope it will truly make an impact in getting a million people out of Stress.

    To help us learn more about Stress, in this episode of Slo Mo, I am honored to welcome Robert Sapolsky, a luminary in the field of neuroscience and a master storyteller of human behavior. A truly remarkable human being. Like a deep and engaging dialogue between friends, Robert shares his journey through the intricate maze of the human brain, discussing the marvels of biology that underpin our emotions, actions, and the essence of what makes us human.

    Beyond his groundbreaking research on stress, Robert explores his passion for teaching, his profound insights into the intersection of biology and behavior, and his unyielding curiosity about the human condition. This episode is a celebration of intellectual exploration, the wonders of scientific discovery, and the profound impact of sharing knowledge to illuminate the mysteries of our existence.

    Listen as we discuss:

    • The upcoming release of Unstressable
    • The Biology of Stress
    • How our Compassion sometimes contributes to our Stress
    • How humans are a species of Contradictions
    • How Contextual is Stress
    • The Evolution of our Tribal mentality 
    • Dopamine
    • Free Will
    • The Positive impact we can make

    For more insights and inspiration from Robert Sapolsky, dive into his lectures and books (his most recent: https://a.co/d/iZTAUed), and follow his work at the forefront of neuroscience and behavior. To stay in touch with Robert, you can follow his academic contributions and public engagements, or subscribe to his Instagram page.

    YouTube: @mogawdatofficial
    Instagram: @mo_gawdat
    Facebook: @mo.gawdat.official
    LinkedIn: /in/mogawdat
    Tiktok: @mogawdat
    X: @mgawdat
    Website: mogawdat.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to Slo Mo for new episodes every Saturday. Only with your help can we reach One Billion Happy #onebillionhappy

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    In this conversation she and Debbie talk about her writing (Debbie finds it "transcendent"), her relationship to time and memories, her longterm friendship with literary agent Chuck Verrill (who died in early 2022), and why she loves working with clay.

    Abby is the daughter of renowned science writer Lewis Thomas, the mother of four children and a grandmother of 12. She is the bestselling author of several previous memoirs, including "A Three Dog Life" and "What Comes Next and How to Like It." She lives in Woodstock, NY with her dogs, where she writes and teaches writing.

    Mentioned in this episode or useful:

    "STILL LIFE AT EIGHTY is a little jewel box of a book, full of epiphanies that are comforting and merciless in the gentlest possible way. Both a series of meditations and a user’s manual about growing old, I was amazed by its clarity... Even the title, with its deliberate ambiguity, is a very cool thing." — Stephen King

    PHOTO CREDIT: Jennifer Waddell


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    Subscribe to Debbie’s newsletter for the inside story about every episode. You will also get her 34-page writing guide: https://bitly.com/debbie-free-guide.

    Request from Debbie:

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    Our Media Partners:

    • CoGenerate (formerly Encore.org)
    • MEA and with thanks to Chip Conley
    • Next For Me (former media partner and in memory of Jeff Tidwell)


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    On Life and Death

    On Life and Death

    Topics addressed in this episode include:

    • Death as we know it is not real.
    • How identification with the body creates the fear of death.
    • Labels and how they limit us.
    • What is a miracle?
    • How to free yourself from a function-based identity.
    • Experiencing life through the Soul.
    • The ultimate purpose of our lives here on Earth.

    Vic Muniz - A renowned Brazilian artist, widely recognized as the subject of documentary film Waste Land. The documentary follows Muniz as he creates monumental works of art in the world's largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro.

    “My thoughts do not mean anything.” 

    - A Course In Miracles [Lesson 10] 

    Women Who Run with the Wolves by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés

    In these special release episodes of Miracle Renegade, Maureen and Christian take the COVID-19 conversation to the Soul.

    Support us on Patreon and get access to bonus recordings, meditations, outtakes and more! www.patreon.com/miraclerenegade

    For behind-the-scene updates and a little taste of the miraculous everyday, follow @miraclerenegade on Instagram 

    Produced with ☕️ + 💜 by Missing Link Studios

    David Ditchfield & his near death experience (NDE) Part 1

    David Ditchfield & his near death experience (NDE) Part 1

    David Ditchfield is an NDE-inspired artist, composer, near-death experiencer and author

    A few years ago, David was dragged under a speeding train in a freak accident. As the surgeons fought to save him, he had a profound Near-Death Experience, visiting the place we go to when we die.   When he woke up in hospital, he found he had acquired astonishing new abilities.

    The first, an ability to create dramatic paintings of what he’d seen in the Afterlife. 

    The second, the ability to compose classical music, despite being unable to read or write any musical notation to this day. 

    His debut symphony premiered at a sell-out orchestral concert to a standing ovation.  He has since composed further classical works, also premiered at sell-out performances and continues to paint and compose. 

    His book SHINE ON tells his remarkable story.


    Holly Lyon-Hawk is a multi-award winning Holistic Funeral Director and End of Life Doula for both people and for pets, bringing love, connection, time, choice and space back to the sacredness that is  life and death. 

    Holly would love to hear from you , please send your voice notes in via Whatsapp or email for:

    1. "To me the meaning of life is ..." (Between 30sec - 1min) 
    2. "Give the Flowers Now" - include the name and address of the person you would like the flowers sent to. (Between 2mins - 5mins) 

    Connect with Holly: 
    Email: lyonhawk19@gmail.com
    Mobile: 07981 265 352

    Linkedin - Holly Lyon-Hawk
    Instagram - hollylyonhawk

    E135: Lisa Tahir - Allowing Life to Happen

    E135: Lisa Tahir - Allowing Life to Happen

    Lisa Tahir, LCSW is certified in EMDR level I, Reiki level II, and as a Thought Coach through the Institute for Transformational Thinking. She has private practice office locations in both Los Angeles, CA and New Orleans, LA. Lisa is passionately committed to helping people heal and become emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy. The Chiron Effect - Healing Our Core Wounds through Astrology, Empathy, and Self-Forgiveness (Inner Traditions Publisher, November 2020) The Chiron Effect is a guide to using astrology as a diagnostic tool to identify one of 12 core wounds, and heal them utilizing a prescription of psychology, spirituality, and taking personal responsibility. Lisa reveals how to transform your wounds, also experienced as areas of vulnerability that you may edit or hide from others from fear of being rejected or judged, and unconscious patterns that block self-empathy and forgiveness, and prevent you from living your most true and authentic life. Lisa is also the host of the weekly podcast All Things Therapy which she began in 2016, and releases weekly episodes every Thursday. Dedicated to Changing Consciousness One Conversation at a Time, Lisa’s show promotes personal growth and transformation, advancing the conversation on emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual development. Among her guests in over 245 episodes are Marianne Williamson, John Gray, Ph.D, David Kessler, Katherine Woodward Thomas, Alan Weiss, Judith Orloff, M.D., Ora Nadrich, and many others. 

    Website: https://www.nolatherapy.com 

    All things Therapy Podcast: All Things Therapy on Apple Podcasts 

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    Episode 240: What Is Pouring Out Of You?

    Episode 240: What Is Pouring Out Of You?

    Whatever is in you will fuel your life. When every care, worry & even demonic attack seeks to fill you up with its junk, make sure you don't take them in & pour their stench around you.

    NADIA'S BOOK Spirit Spirit Spirit: Enter the Courts of Heaven, available on Amazon.

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    To send in your questions directly to me or leave comments, e-mail me at: info@spirittalkswithnadia.com.

    Spirit Talks with Nadia is Nadia's official channel for both Podcasts and YouTube. Through God's failproof way, we offer FREE resources for personal empowerment, faith development, spiritual awakening, and mental health for you and your loved ones. Share with someone as you are blessed.

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