
    Dr Ned Hallowell: Words of ADHD Wisdom and why we're prone to negative spiralling

    enSeptember 07, 2023
    What is the Default Mode Network (DMN)?
    How does neuroplasticity benefit individuals with ADHD?
    What self-help techniques can aid ADHD management?
    What role does Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) play in ADHD?
    How can gratitude help individuals with ADHD?

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Default Mode Network (DMN) in ADHDIndividuals with ADHD can benefit from understanding the DMN's impact, and through neuroplasticity, can improve their thought patterns and live a fulfilled life

      Understanding the Default Mode Network (DMN) and its impact on individuals with ADHD can provide valuable insights into thriving with the condition. Renowned psychiatrist and ADHD expert, Dr. Ned Hallowell, explains this concept in detail, emphasizing that despite the DMN's powerful presence in ADHD, individuals have the ability to help themselves by rewiring their thought patterns. This process, known as neuroplasticity, offers various options including medication and self-help techniques. Dr. Hallowell's expertise, combined with Kate Moore Yousef's personal reflections from a workshop with him, provides a practical and insightful perspective on living a fulfilled life with ADHD. For those interested in learning more, Dr. Hallowell's new book, ADHD 2.0, is highly recommended.

    • Embracing the Advantages of ADHDADHD is not a deficit or disorder, but a trait with potential advantages. Successful individuals, including entrepreneurs and Nobel Prize winners, have it. Embrace the differences and unique qualities.

      The label of having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) should not be seen as a deficit or a disorder, but rather as a trait with potential advantages. The speaker, who has ADHD, shares how his exploration of this field led him to realize that the medical model of ADHD leaves out the good parts. He emphasizes that people with ADHD are often highly intelligent and capable, and that many successful individuals, including entrepreneurs and Nobel Prize winners, have it. The negative effects come from the stigma and self-criticism associated with the label, rather than the condition itself. The speaker encourages embracing the differences and unique qualities that come with ADHD, rather than trying to conform to a norm.

    • The DMN: A Gift and Curse for Individuals with ADDIndividuals with ADD can harness the power of their Default Mode Network (DMN) for creativity, but must also learn to redirect focus when it sends negative messages, using techniques like gratitude, visualization, physical activities, or engaging in different conversations.

      The Default Mode Network (DMN), a part of our imagination, can be both a gift and a curse for individuals with ADD. While it allows us to imagine and arrange, it also sends negative messages, amplifying feelings of rejection and self-doubt. The DMN thrives on our attention, making it essential to redirect our focus when we notice its negative influence. Techniques like gratitude, visualization, physical activities, or engaging in different conversations can help redirect our attention and shut down the DMN. Ultimately, understanding the DMN and learning to manage it can help individuals with ADD overcome self-criticism and make the most of their imagination.

    • Finding the right difficult for people with ADHDFocusing on meaningful activities that challenge individuals with ADHD can significantly improve their lives, rather than solely focusing on executive function skills

      People with ADHD can effectively manage their symptoms by finding activities that are both difficult and meaningful to them. These activities serve as an outlet for their strongest drives – the desire to be free and the desire to build and create. While executive functions skills like organization and time management are important, they are not the most impactful interventions for those with ADHD. Instead, focusing on finding the right difficult, whether it's a job, a mission, or a creative outlet, can make a significant difference in one's life. It's essential to prioritize what truly matters and not get bogged down in trying to improve areas that are less important in the grand scheme of things. Additionally, being well enough organized to reach goals is a more achievable and productive goal than striving for perfection.

    • The Power of Connection: Embrace It for a Fulfilling LifeConnection is essential for our well-being and can lead to greatness. People with ADHD have unique strengths to offer, but must embrace living with purpose to fully benefit from their abilities.

      Connection, whether visible or invisible, is a powerful and essential component of our lives. It's free, fun, and beneficial for our well-being. The speaker emphasizes the importance of connection in writing, creating, and serving a purpose, and how it can lead to greatness. People with ADHD, in particular, are uniquely positioned to help others due to their empathy and inner drive to live with purpose. However, they also have the potential to be self-absorbed and introspective. Embracing the unique aspects of ourselves and living with purpose can lead to a fulfilling life. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of having a habitual vision of greatness, which involves helping others and improving the world. Connection is a vital network that grows when we water it, weed it, and take care of it, much like a garden.

    • Discovering purpose and helping others improves life with ADHDPersonal growth and serving others can alleviate ADHD symptoms, with resources available for women online.

      Living with purpose and helping others can positively impact one's own life, even for those with ADHD. The speaker shares her personal journey of feeling the call to serve but unable to do so due to caring for young children. Once she began her training and coaching, she discovered her true passion and noticed a significant improvement in her ADHD symptoms. She now aims to provide resources and knowledge for others dealing with ADHD, particularly women, through her website. These resources cover various topics, including the impact of hormones on ADHD and ways to manage energy and burnout. The speaker's mission is to help others understand their ADHD, embrace their authenticity, and thrive in their personal and professional lives.

    • ADHD and the Default Mode NetworkPeople with ADHD have a larger DMN, leading to imaginative thinking but also excessive rumination and negative thoughts. Awareness and balance between DMN and TPN can help manage thoughts and emotions.

      Individuals with ADHD have a more profound default mode network (DMN) than neurotypical people, which can be both a gift and a curse. The DMN is responsible for imaginative and creative thinking, but for those with ADHD, it can also lead to excessive rumination, self-criticism, and negative thinking. This "glitchy switch" can make it difficult to maintain focus and equilibrium, leading to mental health issues. While we cannot change this aspect of our brain, we can be aware of it and work to bring more balance between our DMN and task-positive network (TPN), allowing us to better manage our thoughts and emotions.

    • Accessing the default mode network with EFTEFT helps shift thinking, acknowledge negative thoughts, move through them, and return to a balanced state. Practice gratitude, journaling, and connect with supportive people to stay grounded in reality and manage anxiety and negative thoughts effectively.

      Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), or tapping, helps individuals with ADHD shift their thinking by accessing the default mode network (DMN) in the brain. This process allows us to acknowledge negative thoughts, move through them, and return to a balanced state. It's essential to learn how to pay attention to the positive aspects of life and let go of resentment and negative rumination. Practicing gratitude, journaling, and connecting with supportive people can help us stay grounded in reality and outsmart our negative thoughts. EFT can be particularly effective in managing anxiety and catastrophizing thoughts, bringing us back to a more balanced perspective. Remember, our imagination can be both a valuable asset and a source of distress. By understanding the power of our thoughts and learning techniques like EFT, we can empower ourselves to live our lives more fully and positively.

    • Practicing EFT to address anxious thoughts and feelingsIdentifying and acknowledging anxious thoughts and feelings through EFT can help reduce stress, gain perspective, and increase resilience, ultimately leading to a more positive outlook and better coping skills.

      Acknowledging and addressing anxious thoughts and feelings through the practice of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), also known as tapping, can help reduce stress and anxiety, leading to a more balanced and neutral mindset. By identifying and verbalizing worries, acknowledging their physical manifestations in the body, and allowing the anxious thoughts to pass, individuals can gain perspective and resilience, ultimately leading to a more positive outlook and the ability to cope with potential challenges. EFT is a powerful tool that encourages acceptance and validation of all emotions, rather than dismissing them, and can result in a more equal balance between the analytical and emotional parts of the brain.

    • Understanding and managing emotionsAcknowledge, accept, and manage emotions through deep breathing and available resources for support and self-growth.

      It's natural to experience worries, fears, and anxiety, and acknowledging these emotions is the first step towards managing them. Our brains have a neurological explanation for why we may be prone to negative spiraling and criticism, but we can learn to release these worries and cope. To help with this, practicing deep breathing exercises can be beneficial. The speaker encourages listeners to accept their brains as they are, while also utilizing resources such as her website, workshops, and new Substack to find guidance and support in their self-healing and self-exploration journey. The speaker will be taking a break but will be back soon with new episodes featuring interesting guests and topics. She invites listeners to join her on Substack for quicker updates and resources. Overall, the key takeaway is to acknowledge, accept, and manage emotions, while utilizing available resources for support and self-growth.

    Recent Episodes from The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast

    For all the late-diagnosed ADHD women who deserve more - this is for you!

    For all the late-diagnosed ADHD women who deserve more - this is for you!

    I'm excited to announce some big news I've been waiting to share... Introducing my low-cost subscription option on the ADHD Women's Wellbeing podcast, The Toolkit!

    For the price of a posh coffee once a month, you can access my entire back catalogue of workshops, webinars, and conversations, which have only been available to people who have been part of my membership, The Collective, and paid workshops. Not only this, but I'll be uploading BRAND-NEW workshop-style episodes, plus an INCREDIBLE Ask The Pysch feature coming soon with a world-renowned ADHD psychiatrist.

    My aim with The Toolkit is to ensure that women who have waited or waiting for far too long to understand their neurodivergence can finally have access to the most up-to-date ADHD women's wellbeing information - even more than they're getting on the podcast - and honest, day-to-day practical guidance and support to help them thrive and live better with ADHD. On The Toolkit, we'll be discussing vital and life-changing ADHD topics such as:

    • Burnout
    • Hormones
    • Perimenopause
    • Supplements
    • Lifestyle
    • Movement
    • Sleep
    • Careers
    • Energy
    • The Nervous System
    • Finding more calm and regulation
    • Anxiety
    • Parenting
    • Spirituality
    • Creativity

    And so much more!

    I'm genuinely excited and hope you guys come along for the journey!

    So, if this sounds good to you and then maybe the cost of resources has prohibited you, I hope you'll consider joining my subscription. Every Sunday, I'll upload a new workshop to help you progress, thrive, and finally enjoy life with ADHD. As these episodes will have never been put on the podcast before, you will get direct access to the vault accumulated over the past four years since working with ADHD. You'll also get exclusive access to brand new content and Toolkit SUBSCIBER-only events and offers!

    I will ensure that you receive all the best information I have in my back catalogue and that you feel you are progressing each time you listen to one of the workshops.

    In today's episode, I also offer a short clip from Sunday's brand-new episode with Elizabeth Swan, a neurodiversity expert, coach and speaker. In this clip, we talk about perinatal health, perimenopause, HRT, and anxiety alongside ADHD.

    Start your FREE trial to ADHD Women's Wellbeing Toolkit subscriber podcast here.

    ADHD and Work: How to Thrive

    ADHD and Work: How to Thrive

    On today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing 'Wisdom' we have Leanne Maskell. Leanne is an ADHD coach, author, and activist, having presented to the World Health Organization on improving global access to support for ADHD. 

    Previously working in mental health and disability law, Leanne set up ADHD Works to empower as many people as possible to learn how to make ADHD work for them through books, courses, talks, and coaching.

    During today's conversation, Kate and Leanne talk about

    • Advocating for adjustments in the workplace
    • Masking ADHD in the workplace
    • Talking about your ADHD diagnosis at work
    • Reasonable diversity adjustments, training and policies in the workplace
    • Corporate neurodiversity
    • Celebrating achievements alongside RSD
    • Knowing our rights within the workplace
    • Burnout and our ADHD brains
    • Advocacy and our sense of social justice

    Kate's new four-part on-demand workshop series, Regulating Your ADHD Nervous System, is available here.

    Welcome to a recap episode of ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom! Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle and wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Breaking down ADHD Neuroscience, Menstrual Cycles, Hormones and Anxiety

    Breaking down ADHD Neuroscience, Menstrual Cycles, Hormones and Anxiety

    Neuroscience explains so much about our ADHD brain and the many traits, tendencies, and behaviours that come along for the ride. The more we understand our beautiful yet complex neurobiology, the more empowered we are to make sustainable and manageable changes to better enhance our lives.

    So, I'm delighted to welcome this week's guest, Nicole Vignola, a neuroscientist, author, consultant, and brain performance coach, to the podcast.

    Nicole's first book, Rewire: Your Neurotoolkit for Everyday Life is available now.

    On today's episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Nicola speak about:

    • The science behind meditation
    • The brain's negativity bias
    • The function of the brain's 'DMN' AND 'TPN'
    • How self-interruptions affect our daily life
    • The power of meditation for emotional regulation
    • Nicole's tips for feeling more calm and positive
    • Feeling more self-aligned
    • The damaging effects of your phone and social media
    • Ways to be more mindful of your phone usage
    • Understanding dopamine better
    • The life-changing benefits of a healthier sleep routine
    • How hydrating first thing can be essential for the ADHD brain
    • How visualising works in the brain and how it can improve our habits
    • Aphantasia and learning how to visualise

    You can find out more about Nicole via her website, www.nicolesneuroscience.com.

    My other guest on today's ADHD Women's Wellbeing episode is Dr Lotta Borg Skoglund. We are at the cusp of new understandings about combining medical disciplines so we can understand ADHD in girls and women better through the lens of both menstrual cycles, hormones and psychiatry. This is for the lost generation of women who never got answers and for the future generations of girls who deserve better medical knowledge and research.

    Lotta is an associate professor in psychiatry at the Department of Women and Children's Health at Uppsala University and an affiliated researcher at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at Karolinska Institutet. She is the author of six popular science books on ADHD and addiction, and her book ADHD Girls to Women - Getting on the Radar has been translated into several European languages, English and Korean.

    On this episode of the ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Dr Lotta Skoglund and Kate spoke about:

    • Feeling abandoned by healthcare professionals after an ADHD diagnosis
    • Why healthcare professionals should be working together to help patients
    • How an understanding of ADHD can change your health outcomes
    • Building autonomy to feel more empowered with our ADHD
    • Improving female-based medical research and ADHD
    • The importance of talking about your experiences with hormones to help others
    • Precision and patient-led medicine
    • Connecting Hormones and Psychiatry to help more ADHD women
    • Why fluctuating hormones and cycles need to be part of the bigger health picture
    • Getting to know your unique hormone cycle traits
    • How you can create a personalised health journal

    You can learn more about Lotta's work via her website, www.borgskoglund.com and Letterlife.

    <a href="https://www.adhdwomenswellbeing.co.uk/" rel="noopener noreferrer"...

    From an EXPERT Holistic Pharmacist: THE BEST Supplements to take to help ADHD

    From an EXPERT Holistic Pharmacist: THE BEST Supplements to take to help ADHD

    This week’s ADHD Women's Wellbeing 'Wisdom' guest is Kelly Rompel.

    Kelly is a pharmacist, author, and Functional Medicine and Epigenetic Consultant. She is the author of “Don’t Tell Me To Relax”, host of the Rebel Whitecoat Podcast, and founder of Wildroots Wellness.

    Kelly's holistic approach combines her knowledge of pharmacy and science with her love for functional medicine, epigenetics, and energy healing. 

    During this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom episode, Kate and Kelly speak about: 

    • How epigenetics can play into your ADHD
    • Genetic testing and ADHD
    • Foods and supplements you can incorporate to manage ADHD
    • Supplements to help ADHD and Anxiety
    • Blood sugar level management
    • Helping our anxiety through diet change and lifestyle
    • Increasing GABA and serotonin levels
    • The BEST supplements for ADHD
    • Taking a holistic and well-rounded approach to your health
    • How Kelly came to learn about epigenetics

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    ADHD Sugar Addiction and a GP's UNIQUE guidance on ADHD

    ADHD Sugar Addiction and a GP's UNIQUE guidance on ADHD

    Dopamine sensitivity and sugar addiction are familiar traits of ADHD. Perhaps using sugar to self-medicate, re-energise, or dopamine-seek may be a pattern you relate to? 

    If so, you'll want to listen to this week's episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing, with guest Dr. Nicole Avena, a research neuroscientist and nutrition, diet, and addiction expert. Her research focuses on nutrition during early life and pregnancy and women’s health. She has done groundbreaking work developing models to characterize food addiction and the dangers of excess sugar intake. 

    Dr Avena's latest book, Sugarless, covers the latest science on sugar addiction and how to overcome it. On this episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Dr Avena and Kate talk about:

    • The link between sugar addiction and dopamine-seeking brains
    • The effects of dopamine released by sugar consumption on the brain 
    • How sugar affects your body and your health 
    • Parenting and teaching our kids nutritional choices and consuming processed sugar 
    • Having a susceptible dopamine system
    • Our busy society doesn't lend itself to healthy eating

    You hear me talking about an integrative and more holistic healthcare approach a lot on the Podcast, so I'm delighted to welcome Dr Gemma Newman (The Plant Power Doctor), a best-selling author, podcast host, and GP who embraces this approach with her patients.

    Although Gemma is a medical GP, she's also interested in holistic health, plant-based nutrition, and lifestyle medicine.

    Gemma's second book, Get Well, Stay Well: The Six Healing Health Habits Everyone Should Know , combines medicine, psychology, and nutrition. It provides simple, actionable tips and a unique wellness template to help you transform your life.

    On this episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Gemma and Kate speak about:

    • The role of functional medicine and ADHD
    • How to talk to your GP regarding an ADHD diagnosis
    • Self-compassion as a neurodivergent person
    • Gemma's journey to spiritual practice, holistic and functional health
    • Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping and the many benefits for ADHD
    • How does our emotional and spiritual wellbeing impact our physical health

    Understanding Our Unique ADHD Traits and Symptoms

    Understanding Our Unique ADHD Traits and Symptoms

    ADHD can bring many opposing challenges and connotations and can feel like heavy energy to deal with. Yet, through gentle curiosity, we can find new options to reprogram our thinking and switch our emotional energy to create a happier, calmer and more fulfilling family life.

    Despite the challenges, we can focus on what we're proud of, which lift us up. As parents, we can create more internal strength and greatness—life can be easier than we believe.

    This week’s ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom Podcast guest is Avigail Gimpel, a mum of six, a special education teacher, and a college lecturer. Avigail also supports adults with ADHD in identifying the root causes of their symptoms and shares the tools you need to journey joyfully toward your goals. Her new book, Hyper Healing, Show Me the Science: Making Sense of Your Child's ADHD Diagnosis, is now out.

    During today's episode, Kate and Avigail speak about:

    • Self-belief, getting unstuck and reinforcing old stories
    • Creating new habits
    • Positive messaging for both ADHD children and adults
    • Epigenetics, trauma and how that impacts our ADHD
    • How instant gratification personality plays into ADHD
    • Lesser known explanations neurological explanations for what is and isn't ADHD
    • Why brain scans don't always work for the ADHD brain
    • External environmental factors of ADHD
    • Self-empowering ourselves and our kids to help them thrive with ADHD
    • The effect of negative messaging in childhood and the power of a compliment
    • Breaking generational cycles and habits and then forgiving ourselves for being human

    Kate's new four-part on-demand workshop series, Regulating Your ADHD Nervous System, is available here.

    Welcome to a recap episode of ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom! Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle and wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Unlocking New Beliefs and Tuning Into Our Intuitive ADHD Energy

    Unlocking New Beliefs and Tuning Into Our Intuitive ADHD Energy

    This week's 'mashup' summer episode features two incredible intuitive and energy specialists helping (plenty of neurodivergent) people embrace new mindset beliefs and release old stories.

    First is Catherine Morgan, a multi-award-winning qualified Financial Adviser, Certified Financial Coach, Financial Abuse Specialist ®, Inherited family trauma healer, and financial therapist who specialises in helping women feel more deserving of holding money through somatic, therapeutic, and practical tools.

    And then we have Caroline Britton. Have you ever had someone come into your life and help you make life-changing shifts? Someone who's helped you reveal your most authentic self while guiding you through shedding old beliefs, energies, thoughts and stories that have kept you stuck for decades?

    I'm lucky to say I have, and she is today's guest. Caroline is a powerful Intuitive Coach and an expert in waking up leaders, entrepreneurs, and public figures to live a life of freedom, purpose, and joy. She specialises in being an agent of change for people ready to transform their lives. Her innate gifts to unlock people's connection, potential, and power have transformed thousands of lives.

    On this episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Caroline chat about:

    • Finding your inner power
    • Trusting and using your intuition
    • The importance of tapping into your inner voice for clarity and guidance
    • Creating space and silence to access the guidance
    • Connecting back in and listening in for inner wisdom
    • Mechanisms for creating more energetic shifts and discovering what it is you desire
    • Locking in new beliefs and connecting to a new identity

    You can connect with Caroline on Instagram. 

    Look at some of Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here.

    Follow Kate on Instagram here.

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here.

    Better ADHD Awareness in the Workplace with Hester Grainger

    Better ADHD Awareness in the Workplace with Hester Grainger

    This is one to share with your team, office, employers or employees!

    On this short podcast episode of ADHD Women's Wellbeing Wisdom, I talk to Hester Grainger, a neurodiversity consultant, co-founder of Perfectly Autistic and Perfectly ADHD, a radio presenter and former TV presenter diagnosed with ADHD in her forties, about changing the way we look at neurodivergence in the workplace, raising awareness of what neurodiversity looks like in the office and showing up to help more people feel supported at work. We also discuss ways employees can feel seen and heard at work and break down stigmas to help create more awareness and education.

    Together with her husband Kelly, who is autistic and has ADHD, they run their neurodiversity consultancy, which works with organisations to raise awareness and acceptance of neurodiversity in the workplace and works with parents and education settings around autism and ADHD.

    Hester is also mum to her two children, who are autistic and have ADHD.

    Check out Kate's ADHD workshops and free resources here.

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle and wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner who helps overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity, and clarity. 

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here

    How to Thrive at Work with Rachel Harris & Jodie Hill

    How to Thrive at Work with Rachel Harris & Jodie Hill

    I bring back two fantastic guests in today's episode: Rachel Harris and Jodie Hill. Both are trailblazing women in their respective industries, paving the way for more neurodivergent women to ask for what they need and create strong scaffolding to support them from burnout while also satiating their inner drive, ambition and big dreams.

    We discuss recognizing and harnessing our ADHD preferences in our careers so we can bring our A-game to our purpose-driven careers without feeling exhausted and depleted by our brains.

    Both Rachel and Jodie are inspiring female entrepreneurs, teaching us to harness our authentic selves to succeed in our careers alongside our ADHD.

    Firstly, 1ho knew talking about financial wellbeing and accounting could be this fascinating and inspiring? When you hear this episode, you'll see why I'm so giddy about it!

    This week's first guest on The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast is Rachel Harris. Rachel is disrupting what it means to be an accountant, a business owner and an employer in 2023. She is a TEDx speaker, content creator, author, business owner and, most importantly... an accountant! She is passionate about free financial education for everyone.

    During this week's podcast episode, we spoke about:

    • Rachel being profoundly deaf and how she became so successful despite this challenge
    • Communication preferences in business
    • Financial fears
    • Asking clients what they need
    • Breaking down barriers of fear
    • The trauma of not understanding money or accounts
    • Asking for help without shame

    Rachel has also generously shared two free resources with the listeners—her 'Accounting 101' video, which you can access here, and her 'Financial Wellbeing' video, which you can watch now by clicking here.

    Running a business your way after an ADHD diagnosis...

    I'm excited to introduce another true trailblazer in the law industry, an inspiring D&I advocate, mentor and successful businesswoman, Jodie Hill. Following her breakdown (which she now refers to as her breakthrough!), Jodie decided to set up her unique employment law firm, Thrive Law, where her values around mental health and diversity & inclusion would be the foundations of the firm and are embodied in everything she does.

    Jodie is passionate about creating an environment where both she and her team can Thrive. Her mission is to educate and empower employers to create their own thriving cultures. You can buy Jodie's Thriving at Life journal here.

    During this episode of The ADHD Women's Wellbeing Podcast, Kate and Jodie chat about:

    • How Jodie's burnout and breakdown manifested and why she set up her own law firm which prioritised people's wellbeing
    • Prioritising prevention of mental breakdown and burnout in big corporates
    • Creating new cultures to support diversity inclusion in the workplace
    • Opening up and talking about mental health and neurodivergent late diagnoses
    • Self-awareness of our energy and nervous system capacity to help our mental health
    • Creating space and downtime to offset our overworking and hyperfocus
    • Jodie's ADHD self-care and...

    Slowing down to help prevent ADHD Burnout

    Slowing down to help prevent ADHD Burnout

    On this week's ADHD Women's Wellbeing 'Wisdom' episode, we revisit a clip from the profound episode with high-performance ADHD Coach Kim Raine about finding equilibrium and balance between our restless ADHD energy, relentless drive, and burnout.

    As women with ADHD, we have an abundance of ideas, but thriving in business can feel difficult if we work against ourselves. By taking time to rest and make space while being consciously aware of where our energy and creativity levels are, we can be more successful and focused in our careers alongside ADHD.

    Watch the Preventing ADHD Burnout Workshop that Kate mentions in the episode here.

    During this episode, Kate and Kim speak about:

    • How entrepreneurship and ADHD often go hand in hand
    • How our brains thrive when we're creating
    • How burnout and our ADHD nervous systems can hold us back in business
    • How to thrive with ADHD in business
    • By slowing down, we can achieve more with ADHD
    • Hyperfocus and 'sprinting'
    • Workaholism, ADHD and burnout
    • Finding a balance between our ambitions and our energy levels
    • The fear of burnout can hold us back in business
    • Being enough with our relentless minds
    • It's ok to stand still and celebrate our achievements
    • Being ok with what we've done that day
    • How 'Comparisonitis' and RSD can hold us back in the way we do business
    • Trusting how we work even though it looks different to others
    • Tailor-making a career that works for our creativity, cycles and energy

    Kate Moryoussef is a women’s ADHD Lifestyle & Wellbeing coach and EFT practitioner helping overwhelmed and unfulfilled newly-diagnosed ADHD women find more calm, balance, hope, health, compassion, creativity and clarity. 

    Have a look at some of Kate's workshops and free resources here.

    Follow the podcast on Instagram here

    Follow Kate on Instagram here

    Find Kate's resources on ADDitude magazine here

    Related Episodes

    #84: The Brain of a Mental Olympian - Elena Antonova, PhD

    #84: The Brain of a Mental Olympian - Elena Antonova, PhD

    Dr. Elena Antonova is a neuroscientist and senior lecturer in psychology at Brunel University London.

    Her research focuses on the effects of long-term mindfulness meditation practice in the hope of promoting mental wellbeing in the general population.

    On this episode, we dive into the different approaches to meditation and the 4 levels of meditation practice development. 

    We also discuss what goes on in the brains of elite meditators and what it takes for the average person to reap the benefits from a meditation practice. 

    FitMind Neuroscience-Based App: http://bit.ly/afitmind
    Website: www.fitmind.com

    Show Notes

    0:00 | Introduction to Elena Antonova, PhD

    4:28 | Categorizing Meditation Practices

    7:15 | Why Breath Focus is Fundamental

    10:19 | Constructivist vs. Innateist Approach to Meditation

    12:08 | 4 Levels of Meditation Practice Development

    17:12 | Mental Fitness Defined

    20:19 | Brains of Mental Olympians

    24:10 | Default Mode Network Differences

    32:00 | Field of Awareness Described

    35:45 | Habituation of the Attention System

    46:45 | Eye Movement Paradigm Study

    54:00 | Balancing Brain’s Predictive Nature with the Present Moment

    57:10 | Measurable Changes with Just 10 Minutes a Day

    59:14 | Rapid Fire Questions

    Creativity and ADD / ADHD

    Creativity and ADD / ADHD
    A recent study on creativity and ADD / ADHD was released and showed that while people with ADD/ ADHD sometimes have issues with focus, this may actually help them think outside the box. Bryan Hutchinson, our guest today, has been blogging about his thoughts about this very topic for months before the study was published. Join us as Bryan and I discuss the issues surrounding ADD / ADHD and creativity - is it possible to take some of the hallmark traits of ADD/ ADHD like hyperfocus, distractedness, etc. and use them to think outside the box?"

    Boost Your Creativity with Kindness - Bill Deasy

    Boost Your Creativity with Kindness - Bill Deasy

    There’s a saying that goes like this...

    Expectation is the cause of all disappointment.

    It isn’t until we shed that expectation, and free ourselves from self-conscious thinking, that we truly feel free. And nowhere does this ring more true than in the creative minds of artists and musicians—like my dear friend Bill Deasy.

    Bill is an incredible songwriter, and author. He has recorded and toured nationally both as a solo artist and with his band The Gathering Field. 

    He has also written for Martina McBride, Billy Ray Cyrus, and his song “Good Things Are Happening” was a long-running theme for Good Morning America.

    In 2006, Bill added published author to his list of accomplishments with the release of his novel Ransom Seaborn, which is currently being adapted for film.

    Join us as we talk about overcoming your inner bully by learning to be forgiving, kind, and compassionate with yourself—and how that can help you tap into your creative flow.

    Start your journey with Jim for FREE at www.donovanhealth.com

    Dr. Caroline Leaf: 5 Simple Steps to Rewire and Optimize Your Brain

    Dr. Caroline Leaf: 5 Simple Steps to Rewire and Optimize Your Brain

    Does it ever feel like you're getting in your own way?

    Though we have more convenience, entertainment and abundance than ever before in human history, it's clear that our collective mental health is struggling.

    But here's the good news. We can actually reprogram our brain to break toxic habits, overcome trauma and optimize our mental health.

    Ready to learn how?

    I'm grateful that returning to the show today is Dr. Caroline Leaf, a Communication Pathologist, Audiologist, Psycho-Neurobiologist, Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscientist, podcast host, as well as the best-selling author of a number of books, including her latest book, "How To Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess" and it's excellent.

    Dr. Leaf was one of the very first in her field to study neuroplasticity and how the brain can change with directed mind input. And today she's here sharing her findings from her research along with tools you can use to help yourself and your family calm emotions, heal traumas and optimize mental health for a lifetime.

    On this show with Dr. Caroline Leaf, we're talking about:

    • How to train ourselves to tune in and rewire the networks of our brain in 5 easy steps
    • How to help children and teenagers work through traumas and overcome mental health issues
    • Powerful benefits of enjoying routine activities as a family
    • How to use play, drawing, writing and the creative arts to correct unhealthy thought trees in our minds and brains
    • Why the biomedical model of mental health has made things worse over the past 4+ decades (and what to do about it)
    • And tons more…

    Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/dr-caroline-leaf-5-simple-steps-to-rewire-and-optimize-your-brain/ 

    Go to DrLeaf.com to learn more, read blogs, get the Neurocycle App, listen to the Cleaning Up The Mental Mess Podcast, and get books, including Dr. Caroline Leaf's newest book, "How To Help Your Child Clean Up Their Mental Mess."

    Join The Wild Guild and get freebies on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/abeljames 

    Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningman 

    Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fatburnman 

    Click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus 

    Kara Marni Opens Up About Her ADHD | Ep. 26

    Kara Marni Opens Up About Her ADHD | Ep. 26
    London born singer, Kara Marni, has been a name consistently tipped for superstardom by fans, critics and fellow artists alike. In the summer of 2023, Kara released her single entitled 'ADHD' which instantly catapulted her into a household name within the ADHD community. Topics: 00:00 Intro and Earliest ADHD memories 11:37 How ADHD enabled your music career 17:30 What is the cost of success?21:32 RSD and why you wrote the song.31:40 How you manage burnout39:15 Audience questionsListen to 'ADHD' 👉    • ADHD  Follow Kara on Instagram 👉 https://www.instagram.com/karamarni/?...Support ADHD Chatter:LinkedIn 👉 https://bit.ly/3m1qm8QInstagram 👉 https://bit.ly/3KuNXIrTikTok 👉 https://bit.ly/3ZxZNGdThis episode has been produced for entertainment purposes only and is in no way meant to be taken as medical advice or advice in any way.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.