
    Dr. Shahin Ghadir On Egg Freezing, IVF, Optimizing Fertility, Family Planning, PCOS and Surrogacy

    enOctober 23, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the World of Fertility with Hollywood's Most Trusted ExpertLearn about optimal age for fertility, impact of birth control, signs of endometriosis, IVF process and effects, choosing a fertility clinic, designer babies, surrogacy, and advice for LGBTQ+ couples from Hollywood's most trusted fertility expert.

      Key takeaway from this podcast episode is that doctor Shaheen Gadir, a double board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist with a specialty in reproductive medicine, shared valuable insights on fertility. He is widely regarded as Hollywood's most trusted fertility expert and has dedicated himself to educating the public about female reproduction. Doctor Gadir fell in love with the field during his residency and was fortunate enough to be accepted into a highly competitive fellowship program. He now runs a successful IVF clinic on the West Coast, where he and his team strive to make the process as good as possible for everyone. The conversation covered various aspects of fertility, including optimal age for fertility, the impact of birth control, signs and symptoms of endometriosis, the process and effects of IVF, choosing a fertility clinic, designer babies, surrogacy, and advice for LGBTQ+ couples and families. Overall, the episode provided valuable information for anyone considering starting a family or wanting to learn more about fertility.

    • Helping couples start families: A fulfilling careerFinding a career that aligns with your strengths and passions can lead to significant impact and personal fulfillment. Every patient brings a unique journey, making the job exciting and rewarding.

      Working in a field where you get to make a significant impact on people's lives can be incredibly fulfilling. The speaker, a successful fertility specialist, shared her experience of helping couples conceive and the joy she feels when she delivers the news of a pregnancy. She emphasized that for her, the job is never boring or the same, as every patient brings a new story and unique journey. The speaker also highlighted the importance of finding a career that aligns with your strengths and passions. She shared a memorable story of a couple who, after years of struggling with infertility, finally had twins through her care. The speaker's dedication and the couple's perseverance resulted in a beautiful family and a lasting bond between them. Additionally, the speaker mentioned her appreciation for affordable yet high-quality fashion from Quince, which allows her to refresh her wardrobe without breaking the bank.

    • Providing Quality and Convenience for Humans and DogsQuince offers luxury sweaters and free shipping with code 'pow'. The Farmer's Dog delivers fresh, healthy dog food with individualized portioning. Vionic provides comfortable footwear with VioMotion technology and a 30-day guarantee.

      Both Quince and The Farmer's Dog prioritize providing high-quality, healthy options for their customers – humans and dogs alike. Quince offers affordable luxury with their classic Mongolian cashmere crewneck sweaters and free shipping with the code "pow" at quince.com/pow. The Farmer's Dog delivers fresh, healthy dog food developed by vets, with real, nutritious ingredients and individualized portioning. Both Quince and The Farmer's Dog aim to make their customers' lives easier and healthier with their products. Additionally, as the seasons change, Vionic offers comfortable and stylish footwear with their exclusive VioMotion technology, ensuring support and comfort for an active lifestyle. The brand even offers a 30-day guarantee and a discount code "pow 15" for 15% off at vionicshoes.com. Infertility was once a taboo topic, but now, people are seeking help and coming to professionals like Dr. Pow for assistance. Today, the main reasons women visit Dr. Pow are for help with infertility and overall wellness. By focusing on these areas, Quince, The Farmer's Dog, and Vionic all contribute to improving their customers' lives in meaningful ways.

    • Women's fertility declines significantly after age 27Consider egg freezing for better family planning in late twenties, increasing chances of success and peace of mind

      Women's fertility declines significantly starting around age 27, making it increasingly difficult to conceive as they age. This trend, coupled with women's increasing focus on careers and later marriage, has led to a growing interest in fertility preservation methods like egg freezing and surrogacy. These once-taboo topics are now more widely accepted and accessible to help families of all kinds, including those in the LGBTQ community. It's recommended that women considering starting a family in their late twenties or beyond consider freezing their eggs before focusing on natural conception. This approach allows for better planning, increased chances of success, and peace of mind. However, it's essential to note that each individual's fertility journey is unique, and there are no guarantees. Planning ahead, being informed, and seeking professional advice are key to navigating the complexities of modern family planning.

    • Make healthy choices for better fertilityAvoiding negative factors, maintaining a healthy weight, and eating antioxidant-rich foods can improve female fertility. Men should preserve sperm quality and consider freezing sperm before testosterone therapy.

      Optimizing fertility involves making healthy choices now, before attempting to conceive. For women, this means avoiding negative external factors like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and excessive heat exposure. It also means maintaining a healthy weight and eating a diet rich in antioxidants. For men, preserving sperm quality is crucial, especially as age increases, and considering freezing sperm before starting testosterone replacement therapy is recommended. The use of female birth control does not destroy or preserve fertility, but the time spent on it does not help in maintaining the health of eggs. Overall, taking steps to improve fertility now can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy in the future.

    • Recovering from hormonal suppressionGive your body 1-3 months, even up to 6 months, to recover from hormonal suppression when trying to conceive or freeze eggs after being on birth control.

      If you've been on birth control for an extended period, trying to conceive or freeze your eggs may take longer than expected due to hormonal suppression. It's recommended to give your body 1 to 3 months, even up to 6 months, to recover. People often assume getting pregnant is easy once you come off birth control, but this isn't always the case. Many individuals face struggles and it's essential to be sensitive to their experiences. As a fertility specialist, it's important to keep personal comments to yourself and respect people's privacy. Additionally, those who have conceived easily may not fully understand the challenges faced by others. Overall, patience and understanding are crucial when navigating the journey of starting a family.

    • Understanding Infertility and PCOS: A Unique JourneyPCOS is a common cause of infertility, characterized by insulin resistance and affecting individuals differently. Treatment varies from medications to IVF, and every journey is unique.

      Infertility can be a long and challenging journey, and every experience is unique. Some people may respond well to medications like Clomid or letrozole, while others may require more invasive treatments like IVF. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common cause of infertility, and it affects people differently. PCOS is characterized by enlarged ovaries with multiple small follicles, elevated male hormones, and abnormal ovulation and menstrual cycles. The root cause of PCOS is insulin resistance, which can lead to an overlap of insulin and testosterone receptors. While some women with PCOS are easily diagnosed due to symptoms like acne, hair loss, and weight gain, others may not show any obvious signs. Treatment for PCOS and infertility depends on the individual's specific circumstances. Some may find success with medications, while others may require IVF. It's essential to remember that every journey is unique, and it's important to stay informed and work closely with healthcare professionals to find the best solution.

    • Cookware and Mental Health: Two Key Components of a Healthy LifestyleNon-toxic cookware protects food from harmful chemicals and mental health therapy improves coping skills and sets boundaries.

      Making healthy choices extends beyond just the food we eat. Our cookware plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Non-toxic cookware, like Caraway's modern and stylish options, ensures that our meals are prepared without harmful chemicals leaching into our food. Additionally, mental health is an essential aspect of overall well-being. Therapy, which is conveniently accessible through BetterHelp, can help individuals set boundaries, learn coping skills, and navigate life's challenges. Another health concern discussed was endometriosis, a condition where the endometrial lining grows outside the uterus, affecting fertility and causing painful periods. While symptoms and severity vary, it's important to be aware of this condition and its potential impact on egg quality and overall health.

    • Testing for fallopian tube blockagesHSG test can help unblock minor tube blockages, increasing chances for natural pregnancy. Women under 35 trying for a year or over 35 trying for 6 months should consult a fertility specialist for potential fertility issues.

      Certain conditions, like polycystic ovary syndrome and endometriosis, can negatively impact egg health and may require assisted reproductive technologies like IVF for pregnancy. A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test can help unblock minor fallopian tube blockages caused by mucus or debris, potentially increasing the chances of natural pregnancy. However, it cannot open damaged tubes. Women under 35 who have been trying to conceive for a year or women over 35 who have been trying for 6 months should consider seeing a fertility specialist. It's essential to address fertility issues as soon as possible, especially for those with known conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome, to maximize opportunities for preserving fertility through methods like egg freezing.

    • Carrier Screening Test for Genetic DisordersCouples planning a pregnancy should consider undergoing a Carrier Screening Test to prevent the birth of a child with a genetic disorder. The test identifies genetic conditions carried by individuals and can prevent the birth of a child with debilitating diseases like cystic fibrosis through IVF and embryo selection.

      Undergoing a carrier screening test, such as the Horizon Carrier Screen Test, is an essential step for couples planning to have a child. This test identifies genetic conditions that individuals carry but do not exhibit symptoms of, and can prevent the birth of a child with a debilitating disease. The test is quick, simple, and involves a blood sample. The most common condition screened for is cystic fibrosis, which affects 1 in 19-29 Caucasians but can also impact other ethnicities. If both partners are carriers, there is a 25% chance their child will develop the disease. Carrier screening allows couples to undergo In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and select embryos free of the disease, ensuring a healthy child. IVF is a process where embryos are fertilized outside the body in a laboratory, and the resulting embryos are screened for genetic disorders before being implanted in the uterus. Couples planning a pregnancy should consider undergoing carrier screening to prevent the birth of a child with a genetic disorder.

    • IVF vs Egg Freezing: Similarities and DifferencesIVF and egg freezing share initial stages for women, but IVF involves fertilizing and growing embryos, while egg freezing only freezes mature eggs. Both processes can cause hormonal and emotional struggles, but it's essential to share positive experiences to balance negative narratives.

      The process of egg freezing and IVF share similarities in the initial stages for women, but the outcomes differ in the laboratory. IVF involves fertilizing the eggs with sperm, growing the embryos for several days, and then freezing the embryos after genetic testing. Egg freezing, on the other hand, only involves freezing the mature eggs without fertilization. The hormonal and emotional struggles during these processes are common, especially as women produce more eggs and their ovaries grow larger. It's essential to remember that not all women experience significant discomfort, but it's crucial for those who do to share their positive experiences to counterbalance the negative narratives often heard. The more eggs a woman produces, the more uncomfortable she may feel, but this is a sign of a successful process.

    • IVF recovery: Coping with bloating and discomfortConsume protein and electrolyte-balanced beverages during IVF recovery to alleviate bloating and discomfort. Proper evaluation before embryo transfer minimizes risks of miscarriage, and genetic testing can further reduce rates.

      During IVF treatment, some women may experience bloating and discomfort during the ovary's recovery process. This can range from mild to extreme, and the more eggs produced, the more challenging the recovery may be. However, there are ways to help alleviate symptoms, such as consuming more protein and electrolyte-balanced beverages to keep excess fluid in the bloodstream. It's also important to note that while IVF reduces the chances of miscarriage, it doesn't eliminate the risk entirely. Women with certain health conditions or a family history of miscarriage should be thoroughly evaluated before embryo transfer to minimize risks. Additionally, genetic testing is now commonly used to further reduce miscarriage rates. Overall, IVF treatment can be challenging both physically and emotionally, but with proper care and preparation, a successful pregnancy can be achieved.

    • Considering Genetic Testing and IVF Lab Quality in Fertility ClinicsChoose a clinic that prioritizes genetic testing and has a high-quality IVF lab to increase chances of successful pregnancy and prevent miscarriages.

      When choosing a fertility clinic, it's crucial to consider the availability and importance of genetic testing and the quality of the IVF lab. A clinic that discourages genetic testing or rushes embryo transfers without it could potentially result in a miscarriage. The reporting agencies like SART can provide valuable information, but their methods can be cumbersome, and success rates may not be the only indicator of a good clinic. Egg freezing is an accessible option for women, regardless of income, and can be affordable with financing plans. It's a smart investment for any woman who has a chance of wanting children in the future. Ultimately, personal recommendations, excellent staff, and a reputable IVF lab are essential factors to consider when selecting a fertility clinic.

    • Exploring the Option of Egg FreezingWomen can freeze eggs for future use, with financing options and age not a barrier, but chances of success decrease with age and number of eggs frozen. Can't choose traits and must agree with partner for use if divorced.

      Egg freezing is an important option for women who may want to have children in the future but are not currently ready. This process involves freezing eggs, which can be done with various financing options and specials, and can be done regardless of age, although success rates decrease with age. Contrary to rumors, it is not possible to select specific traits such as hair or eye color for the resulting child. Eggs can be frozen for an unlimited time, but the chances of success decrease with age and the number of eggs frozen. It is important for individuals to have realistic expectations and be well-informed about their chances of success. If a couple freezes embryos together, both partners must agree for one to use the embryo if they divorce. Eggs and sperm can be thawed and combined to create an embryo later. It is recommended to freeze eggs only when one is certain they will only have children with that specific partner in the future.

    • Exploring Alternatives to Traditional PregnancyConsulting with a fertility specialist and exploring options like egg and sperm freezing, surrogacy, and education can lead to successful family building for those struggling with fertility.

      While it's possible to create an embryo using an egg and sperm, the well-being of the embryo isn't known until it's created. Freezing eggs and sperm is a common practice, but not all eggs survive the thawing process. Surrogacy is increasingly common and can be a viable option for those who have had multiple miscarriages or are older. It has also been a game-changer for same-sex couples looking to build families. Dr. Shaheen Gidere, a fertility specialist, advises anyone struggling with fertility to consult with a specialist and educate themselves about their options. Her clinic, Southern California Reproductive Center, offers free webinars and has offices in Beverly Hills, Pasadena, Santa Barbara, and Ventura Counties. Dr. Gidere can be found on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok under the handle @doctorshaheengadeer, and her podcast is called "The Fertile Life."

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    Dr. Mark Hyman on The Truth Behind Metformin, Gut Health, PCOS, Fertility Issues, Hormone Health & Ozempic
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    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 10, 2024

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition

    What I Learned In My 20's: Self Love, Boundaries, Comparison & Trusting My Intuition
    Ep. #105 I’m here today on the Pursuit of Wellness as a thirty year old! This milestone fills me with excitement and confidence as I embrace this new chapter. With a supportive community by my side and a harmonious balance between work and play, I'm ready to share the wisdom gained in my twenties and the aspirations shaping my thirties. Whether you're navigating your twenties or thirties like me, join me on this insightful episode as we explore growth, self-discovery, and the pursuit of wellness. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Visit clearstemskincare.com and use code POW at checkout for 20% off your first purchase. Stop wasting money on things you don’t use. Cancel your unwanted subscriptions by going to RocketMoney.com/POW Head to eightsleep.com/pow and use code POW to get $350 off Pod 4 Ultra. Currently ship to United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Europe and Australia Topics Discussed 02:13 - Not being dictated by your skin or what other people think 04:17 - Dong the things you want to do 05:36 - Letting go of obsessing 07:19 - Enjoying the health and wellness journey 09:25 - Being vulnerable in relationships 16:30 - Ditching doom scrolling and spending less time on social media 18:00 - Trusting your intuition 19:39 - What Mari is bringing into her thirties 26:16 - Excitement for the new decade
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 06, 2024

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship

    Daisy Keech On Healing From A Toxic Lifestyle, Mold, Acne & Finding Her Dream Relationship
    Ep. #104 Imagine waking up every day feeling like you’ve been hit by a truck—that was Daisy Keech’s reality, battling mold toxicity and relentless acne. In this episode of Pursuit of Wellness, Daisy shares her journey from the soccer field to health clinics, discovering issues like candida and a detoxification gene mutation. Moving to Los Angeles, Daisy found solace away from the Hype House’s party culture, leading to a fulfilling career in real estate and home renovation. She candidly discusses her ongoing skincare struggles, experimenting with various treatments and coping with the emotional toll. Amid serious health discussions, we also enjoy lighter moments about matcha, Bloom products, and a humorous take on a potential mold cleansing program. Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Daisy's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Bite is offering our listeners 20% off your first order. Go to trybite.com/POW or use code POW at checkout to claim this deal.  Right now, my listeners can receive 40% off Earth Breeze just by going to earthbreeze.com/pow to cut out single-use plastic in your laundry. This week from June 3rd - June 9th you can get 20% off on all Stainless Steel Cookware. Plus, if you visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT you can take 10% on all other products. Again, visit Carawayhome.com/PURSUIT or use code PURSUIT at checkout for Caraway Home products and an automatic 20% off Stainless Steel Cookware. Caraway. Non-Toxic cookware made modern. Show Links: The Candida Diet CLEARSTEM LYMA Laser Illuminare Makeup King Coffee Topics Discussed 02:43 - Daisy’s wellness journey  08:22 - The Candida Diet 12:49 - Sugar sensitivity and brain fog 13:58 - Fat loss and glute growth   16:54 - Personal growth and self-discovery journey  21:32 - Life transformation through real estate development 29:38 - Choosing the right partner  32:50 - Ance, skincare, and self-value 40:15 - Tallow skincare trends and experiences  43:41 - Skin reactions to makeup products 45:28 - Reactions to mold  47:41 - What’s next for Daisy
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enJune 03, 2024

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi

    Girl Chat: Birthday Recap, Estrogen Dominance, Bacteria Overgrowth & Juicy Tea w/ Fi
    Ep. # 103 This week, we're catching up after my big 30th birthday bash in Mexico! From life lessons learned in my 20's to tackling estrogen dominance and detoxing, we're dishing out all the juicy details. Plus, we're serving up some nutrition tips for all the ladies out there. Stay tuned for insights on gut health, skincare, and a rapid-fire Q&A session!  Leave Me a Message - click here! For Mari’s Instagram click here! For Pursuit of Wellness Podcast’s Instagram click here! For Mari’s Newsletter click here! For Fi's Instagram click here! For POW Brand Promo Codes click here! Sponsored By:  Listeners of my show can save $250 by going to mylifeforce.com/pow that’s mylifeforce.com/pow. Give Lifeforce a try and find out what the healthiest version of yourself is capable of Save 15% and get free shipping on your Starter Kit when you use code POW at www.branchbasics.com Use code POW15 at checkout for 15% off your entire order at www.vionicshoes.com when you log into your account. 1 time use only. Vionic Shoes. Wearable well-being for your feet Show Links: Acre Resort Inositol Powder  Sol & Sky Sunscreen Topics Discussed 01:07 - I’m officially 30!  03:39 - Birthday trip to Mexico  06:51 - Life Lessons from my 20s  07:46 - Estrogen dominance 10:37 - Detoxing estrogen  15:21 - Nutrition & recipe tips for women   18:41 - Getting to the root of my acne  24:14 - Gut issue treatment  29:37 - Having compassion for myself  32:01 - Antibiotics  33:13 - Ozempic updates  35:02 - Rapid Fire Q + A 43:16 - Horsegirls 44:21 - Sunscreen Recommendations
    Pursuit of Wellness
    enMay 30, 2024

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    Romana also chats to Sylvia Kang.  Sylvia is the co-founder and CEO of Mira www.miracare.com Mira (@mirafertility) is the first FDA and CE registered comprehensive women’s health monitoring platform with 99% of accuracy in clinical trials. Mira allows users to see the numeric fertility hormone concentrations and uses AI learning to provide personalised insights based on this quantitative data. Mira tracks cycles, predicts ovulation at home, with expandability into monitoring fetal health, measuring ovarian reserve, and detecting menopause chronic disease using the hospital-levelled technology within a palm-sized device. The data automatically syncs with the Mira app and the AI learns personal health patterns.

    To claim £25 off a Mira Starter Kit visit www.miracare.com and enter code TRYING25 at checkout.  Also don't forget we will be running a competition on instagram soon (@fortryingoutloud) to be in with a chance of winning a Mira Starter Kit.

    Check out our Vlogs on Youtube.  They are released weekly every Friday.  If you enjoy them please subscribe to the channel Romana and Ewan. You can watch all the vlogs here

    Thank you to everyone who has bought us a coffee and donated to the podcast.  If you'd like to help support our creative endeavours and keep this podcast running please visit www.buymeacoffee.com/romanaandewan

    You can also donate directly through Paypal by clicking here

    Don't forget that we have teamed up with Screen and Shield to offer you 10% discount on all of their products including masks and hand sanitiser.  Visit www.screenandshield.co.uk/trying and enter code TRYING10 at checkout.







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    Activate your Fertility with Heidi Brockmyre

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    In this episode Heidi shares lots of brilliant fertility tips.  She discusses the importance of nutrition in Chinese medicine, she talks about coldness in the body and what this can mean for our fertility, how to naturally boost luteal phase defects and she also talks about acupressure and shares a simple acupressure point that you can try yourself at home.  

    Heidi is also sharing these amazing resources (be sure to check them out):

    *FREE Fertility Activation Checklist Grab it here

    *Join Heidi's FREE online Masterclass: The #1 Fertility Secret to Getting Pregnant Now without IVF or Drugs Click here to save your seat

    If you would like to join Heidi's Signature Program Fertility Activation Method Click here




    Nutrition for Fertility and IVF with Melanie Brown

    Nutrition for Fertility and IVF with Melanie Brown

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    If you would like to sign the fivexmore petition to improve Maternal Mortality Rates and Health Care for Black Women in the UK click here

    To buy a community face mask and support the NHS and this podcast please visit www.screenandshield.co.uk/trying and enter Trying10 at checkout for 10% off all masks.  

    Let's Talk with Bethany Noble | Founder of The Periodical

    Let's Talk with Bethany Noble | Founder of The Periodical

    We hope you're having a gorgeous day and are ready for another episode of Let's Talk, Period!

    In this episode, Isabella talks with Bethany Noble, Founder and Chief Executive Ovulator at The Periodical! Beth has had over 250 periods, used over 3,000 tampons and enjoys netflix binges, candle lit hot water bottle sessions and vegan chocolate while she periods. She understands what it’s like to be caught without a tampon and realised that since everything else can be delivered to your door, why can’t a period care package subscription be included, for what is the most natural ‘subscription’ of all! Beth is passionate about environmentally friendly products and working with organic materials to ensure the products that are in direct contact with our skin isn’t doing us any harm.

    In this episode we talk more on what led Beth to start The Periodical, her recent endometriosis diagnosis, why she thinks we don’t talk on periods and lack education around them, and what she would like to see change in the health world to improve our gynaecological health, plus so much more!

    If you enjoyed our chat with Beth and want more from her and The Periodical you can follow her on Instagram right here @theperiodical and you can shop a Periodical subscription via The Periodical website here. If you want to keep up with what we're up to and indulge in some quality memes, mixed with important period content you can follow us on Instagram at @letstalkperiodau.

    Your host is Isabella Gosling (i_gosling).