
    Draw a Line in the Sand When It Comes to Borrowing Money

    en-usApril 23, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Renting vs Owning: Building WealthRenting is more costly in the long run as it doesn't allow for equity building, and aiming for a mortgage within 25% of take-home pay allows for investment and eventual mortgage payoff.

      While renting may seem appealing for its lack of responsibilities and unexpected expenses, it ultimately ends up being more costly in the long run. Renting doesn't provide the opportunity to build wealth through equity, and as housing market prices continue to rise, the cost of renting could double by the time retirement comes around. Instead, it's recommended to save for a down payment and aim for a mortgage that is no more than 25% of your take-home pay. This approach allows you to invest the remaining 75% of your income and eventually pay off the mortgage, lowering your expenses in retirement.

    • Financially wise to own a home for long term savingsPrioritize debt repayment before homeownership, aim for a reasonable mortgage term, consider renting as a temporary option, and live below your means to build wealth for retirement.

      Owning a home is a financially wise decision in the long term, as it allows for expense reduction through eliminating rent payments and the potential for appreciation. However, it's important to prioritize getting out of consumer debt first, and to aim for paying off a mortgage within a reasonable timeframe. Renting can be a good option for those not yet financially ready to buy, but the ultimate goal should be to minimize expenses and build wealth for a comfortable retirement. The choice between renting and owning depends on individual circumstances, but the key is to live below your means and avoid debt.

    • Discussing financial responsibilities with childrenHave open conversations with children about money and future financial decisions to help them make informed choices and understand potential consequences.

      While raising children, it's important to start conversations about financial responsibilities and the potential costs of future decisions, such as pursuing higher education and taking on student loans. These conversations can help prepare them for the realities of adulthood and the potential financial burdens they may face. The example given in the discussion was about a mother who was concerned about her son's girlfriend's plans to become an orthodontist and the large amount of student debt that would come with it. The mother was unsure of how to approach the situation and felt that her son's girlfriend was being too casual about the potential debt. The discussion emphasized the importance of having open and honest conversations with children about money and the potential consequences of financial decisions. It's important to remember that while parents can't control every decision their children make, they can influence their financial literacy and help them make informed choices. The mother in the discussion planned to have her son and his girlfriend watch the documentary "Borrowed Future" to help them understand the potential consequences of student debt.

    • Parents' concerns about children's relationships and future plansTrust, communication, and compromise are crucial in navigating children's relationships and future plans. Respect boundaries and avoid overstepping, especially with significant others.

      Parents may face challenging situations when their children start dating and make significant decisions that could impact their future. In the discussed scenario, Jennifer's friend's potential engagement and college plans raised concerns for her parents. They worried about the financial implications and the potential impact on their daughter's future. However, they acknowledged that every situation is unique and that it's essential to trust the couple's judgment and decision-making abilities. Furthermore, the discussion touched on the blurred lines between parenting and overstepping boundaries. When Mia's hypothetical situation was brought up, the conversation revolved around the potential conflict between parents and their children's significant others. The parents expressed their concerns about unsolicited advice and the potential tension that could arise. In conclusion, parents often face difficult decisions when it comes to their children's relationships and future plans. Trust, communication, and compromise are essential in navigating these situations. At the same time, it's crucial to respect boundaries and avoid overstepping, especially when it comes to significant others who are not asking for advice.

    • Navigating Investing and Insurance CostsEducate yourself on investing strategies and retirement plans, save for insurance premiums, and prioritize debt and emergency fund before major purchases.

      Navigating financial topics like investing and insurance can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding the costs and planning ahead. Rachel and George discussed the upcoming virtual event, Dave Ramsey's Investing Essentials, where they will provide detailed information on investing strategies, including real estate and retirement options. For those who are self-employed or have high income, there are various retirement plans beyond the traditional 401k. Tariq, a listener, shared his struggle with purchasing a car and the unexpected high cost of insurance. Rachel and George advised him to save up for the insurance premium as part of the car budget and to continue working on his debt and emergency fund before buying a car in cash. Overall, the conversation emphasized the importance of education and planning when it comes to financial decisions.

    • Balancing debt repayment, emergency fund, and necessary expensesPrioritize debt repayment, build an emergency fund, and save for necessary expenses like a car. Budget and plan ahead to maintain financial stability.

      Effective financial planning involves prioritizing debt repayment, building an emergency fund, and saving for necessary expenses like a car. A listener shared his situation of having $10,000 left in student loans and the impending need for a car due to an upcoming move and marriage. While it's important to pay off debt, having no emergency fund or means of transportation could lead to financial instability. The listener was advised to prioritize paying off his debt, building an emergency fund, and saving for a car. Additionally, it was suggested that he consider joining his wife's car insurance policy after marriage to potentially save on costs. For those in similar situations, it's crucial to plan ahead and budget for necessary expenses while maintaining an emergency fund and paying off debt.

    • Finding Flexible Jobs and Managing Finances as a ParentParents returning to work with young children should seek flexible jobs, consider resources for career exploration, and manage finances wisely, including potential challenges with international transactions and currency conversions.

      For a parent looking to return to work while caring for an 18-month-old, it's essential to find a flexible job that can be done from home. This can open up various opportunities, even in fields like law enforcement. However, it's crucial to consider personal circumstances, such as disability coverage, which may limit certain options. Additionally, when it comes to finances, particularly for those entering a long-distance marriage, there are pros and cons to combining funds. While it can lead to better financial management, there may be challenges with international transactions and currency conversions. Ultimately, the decision depends on individual circumstances and preferences. Another key takeaway is the importance of exploring resources like the Get Clear Career Assessment and Find the Work Your Wire To Do by Ken Coleman to help identify a career path that aligns with personal passions and interests. Lastly, sharing the Ramsey Show with others is a valuable way to help spread financial education and reach more people.

    • Maintaining trust and communication in long-distance financesClear communication and understanding of each other's financial situations are crucial in long-distance relationships, even if managing separate accounts is necessary.

      While being in a long-distance relationship and managing finances from different countries can present logistical challenges, it's essential to maintain open communication and trust between partners. Combining finances may not be feasible due to international fees and currency taxes, but having a clear plan and understanding of each other's financial situations can help ensure both parties are on the same page. The ultimate goal is to prioritize unity and shared values, even if it means managing separate accounts for the time being. For couples facing a similar situation, exploring international banking options or considering relocation can help simplify financial matters and strengthen the relationship.

    • Weighing Pros and Cons and Creating a Budget for Major Life DecisionsEvaluate potential costs and benefits before making major life decisions, being debt-free provides options but thorough research is necessary.

      Making a major life decision, such as moving to a new location or starting a new business, requires careful consideration and research. The speaker in this discussion is facing the dilemma of staying in his well-paying job in Colorado or moving to the East Coast to be closer to his wife's family, but with lower pay and benefits. He emphasizes the importance of weighing the pros and cons and creating a budget to determine what lifestyle they can afford. In a separate conversation, Hayden is considering a business opportunity to own a tool truck but would need to take on a large debt to get started. The Ramsey Show hosts caution him about the potential risks and encourage him to do thorough research before making a decision. Overall, the key takeaway is that being debt-free gives you options, but it's essential to evaluate the potential costs and benefits before making a move.

    • Considering a truck franchise opportunity? Be cautious and explore alternativesExplore alternatives to truck franchises, avoid unnecessary debt, and make informed decisions for a financially stable future

      The tool truck franchise opportunity may come with significant upfront costs, high debt, and potentially limited earning potential, while the company assumes little to no risk. It's essential to consider alternative paths for career growth, such as sales or the trades, and avoid taking on unnecessary debt. Instead, explore resources like Ken Coleman's career assessment and book to help determine the right next steps. Remember, at a young age like 19, it's crucial to try various opportunities without incurring debt. The internet and forums like Reddit can provide valuable insights into the experiences of others before making a decision. Ultimately, it's important to be cautious and make informed choices to secure a financially stable future.

    • Considering Auction and Foreclosure Homes for Investment? Exercise CautionAuction and foreclosure homes can offer great deals but require careful consideration. Ensure clean titles, inspect properties thoroughly, and consult experts before buying.

      Auction and foreclosure homes can be great options for investment real estate due to the built-in equity and lower prices. However, for those looking for a primary residence, it's important to exercise caution. Christina, a caller from Phoenix, asked about buying auction and foreclosure homes and whether they're good options. George and Rachel, the hosts of The Ramsay Show, advised that while these homes can offer great deals, it's crucial to ensure clean titles, inspect the property thoroughly, and consider the financial implications. They recommended buying a home based on what's right for you and what you can afford, rather than seeking out auctions or foreclosures solely due to financial constraints. Additionally, they suggested consulting real estate experts for guidance in the process. Dave, another caller, shared his experience with buying real estate at auctions and the importance of having the financial means to fix potential issues. Overall, while auction and foreclosure homes can offer good deals, it's essential to approach them with caution and consider the unique circumstances of your situation.

    • Exploring a new career despite financial constraintsFocus on your side hustle and network while continuing your current job until a better opportunity arises.

      Even with significant debt and a full-time job, it's possible to pursue a new career or side hustle that aligns with your passions and makes more money. The speaker, David, is currently in baby step two of Dave Ramsey's plan and has an emergency fund, but feels held back by his debt. He's considering various career paths, including audio engineering, voice teaching, and technology. While he's focused on making more money, the expert suggests staying in his current job and continuing his side hustle until a better opportunity arises. The expert also encourages David to network and learn more about his desired field through volunteering and shadowing. The expert offers to gift David Ken Coleman's books, "The Proximity Principle" and "Get Clear," as well as his new assessment, to help clarify his career goals.

    • Pausing investments for mortgage repayment may not be financially beneficialFocus on mortgage repayment, maintain an emergency fund, and adjust expenses and income for both mortgage payments and investment contributions

      While paying off a mortgage to achieve financial freedom before having children is a common goal, pausing investments for an extended period to focus solely on mortgage repayment may not be the most financially beneficial decision, especially for young couples with significant earning potential. Instead, it's recommended to aggressively attack the mortgage, maintain an emergency fund, and consider adjusting expenses and income to accommodate both mortgage payments and investment contributions. This approach allows for long-term financial growth and flexibility.

    • Balancing Personal Happiness and Financial StabilitySeek multiple opinions, assess urgency before making significant financial decisions to balance personal happiness and financial stability.

      While it's important to prioritize financial goals, life events and choices should not be overlooked. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding a balance between financial stability and personal happiness, such as starting a family. However, unexpected expenses, like costly car repairs, can still pose a challenge. In such situations, it's crucial to seek multiple opinions and assess the urgency of the issue before making any significant financial decisions. Overall, the discussion highlights the importance of careful planning and consideration when it comes to managing both personal and financial goals.

    • Discussing retirement and financial goals on the Live Like No One Else CruiseBudgeting and intentional spending are crucial for reaching financial goals and living debt-free. Retirement planning requires considering expenses like healthcare and cost of living.

      Having a budget is essential for reaching financial goals and living debt-free. Whether it's saving for a dream vacation or retirement, every dollar counts. Rachel Cruz and George Campbell discussed the upcoming Live Like No One Else Cruise, a debt-free celebration for those in Baby Step 4 and above. Susan, a caller from New York, asked about retirement and her current financial situation. With over $500,000 in investments and a pension, she was wondering if she could retire in a year. The discussion revealed that expenses in retirement, including healthcare and cost of living, need to be considered before making a decision. The Live Like No One Else Cruise, set to sail in 2025, offers a debt-free celebration for those who have achieved financial freedom. It's important to remember that budgeting and intentional spending are key to reaching financial goals and living debt-free.

    • Retirement Planning: Managing Expenses and Considering Housing OptionsConsider various income sources, expenses, and potential moves when planning retirement. Explore options for reducing housing expenses and securing a retirement location.

      Having a solid retirement plan involves considering various factors such as income sources, expenses, and potential future moves. The interviewee, who is planning to retire soon, shared their current financial situation, which includes a pension, Social Security, and savings. They expressed concerns about managing expenses, particularly rent, and the potential impact of inflation. The financial advisor suggested considering cashing out a brokerage account to purchase a condo as a way to reduce housing expenses and secure a retirement location. The interviewee acknowledged the possibility of such a move but preferred to wait until their youngest child graduates from college before making a decision. The advisor also encouraged the interviewee to research potential retirement locations based on their children's plans and personal preferences. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of careful planning and flexibility in retirement.

    • Discussing unexpected financial hardships with childrenInvolve children in conversations about managing household finances during unexpected hardships to teach valuable skills and encourage open dialogue.

      When unexpected financial hardships occur, it's essential for parents to involve their children in the conversation and education about managing household finances. This not only helps children learn valuable financial skills but also provides an opportunity for open dialogue about the family's financial situation. In the case discussed, a mother shared her experience of her husband losing his job and the family's struggle to adjust. Despite having taken a financial management course and having savings, they found themselves in a difficult situation due to the unexpected nature of the job loss. The conversation highlighted the importance of both parents being proactive in seeking employment and the potential challenges of being overqualified for certain jobs. Ultimately, the mother encouraged her children to learn from the family's mistakes and to be prepared for unexpected financial situations.

    • Helping Kids Learn Financial IndependenceEncourage financial responsibility, but also allow kids to experience independence by discussing budgeting, cutting back, and temporary jobs. Open communication and finding solutions together are key.

      Even if children are financially responsible and contribute to household expenses, it's essential for their growth and development to experience the realities of living independently. This conversation might involve discussing the importance of budgeting, cutting back, and even taking on temporary jobs to bring in income. While it may be difficult for parents to ask their children to leave home, it's crucial for their kids' dignity and personal growth. This conversation can be framed as a temporary measure to help the family navigate a financial challenge, rather than a permanent situation. It's essential to communicate openly and honestly about the family's financial situation and involve everyone in finding solutions.

    • Financial disagreements in marriage can deepen communication issuesAddressing financial issues in marriage requires commitment and open communication from both partners. Seek help from a marriage counselor if needed.

      Financial issues in a marriage can lead to deeper communication and value disagreements. If one spouse is not interested or willing to address financial concerns, it can create a marriage issue. In this case, the wife's attempts to improve their financial situation alone may cause a rift in their marriage. Seeking the help of a marriage counselor can be beneficial in addressing these underlying communication and value differences. Financial goals require a deep level of motivation and commitment from both partners. If one partner is not taking the issue seriously, it's essential to address the root cause through open communication and potentially seeking outside help.

    • Consider waiting a year to rent and save more for a down paymentDespite being financially capable, Zach and his fiancée should wait a year to rent, save more, and avoid PMI by putting down a smaller down payment on a future home.

      Zach and his fiancée are in a strong financial position to buy a house, but they should consider waiting a year to rent and save more for a larger down payment. With no debt and a combined income of $160,000, they could save significantly towards a down payment. Currently, they have $113,000 in savings. While they have been looking to buy a house for some time, high interest rates and the need for a large down payment to avoid Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) have made it challenging. The expert advises them to wait a year, continue saving, and then look for a home with a smaller down payment if necessary. Renting during this time would also provide some financial flexibility and reduce the burden of homeownership. Additionally, they should aim to save 15% of their mortgage payment each month for investing and future expenses like college funds. Overall, Zach and his fiancée are in a great position financially and should take their time to ensure they make a wise investment in a home.

    • Appreciating Teachers and Unexpected Financial WindfallsOne teacher will win a $5,000 vacation, two will receive $3,000, Ramsey Education values teachers, Rachel's book signing tour stories, Megan's inspiring lottery win story, unexpected financial gains can bring joy and opportunities

      Ramsey Education is hosting a teacher appreciation giveaway, where one teacher will win a $5,000 vacation, and two additional teachers will receive a $3,000 vacation. This is completely free and open to all teachers, with no purchases necessary. Rachel, the speaker, expressed her admiration for teachers and shared her upcoming book signing tour experiences, where she interacted with children and families. Megan, a caller, shared her inspiring story of winning a million dollars in the Canadian lottery and using it to pay off her mortgage and buy a used vehicle. In Canada, lottery winnings are tax-free and can be received as a lump sum. Megan and her husband are still left with a significant amount of the winnings and are considering different ways to use it. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of recognizing and appreciating teachers and the unexpected joys of financial windfalls.

    • Considering Investment Options with a Solid Financial FoundationHaving a solid financial foundation allows for investment opportunities, but careful planning and consideration are necessary to make the best decision based on risk, liquidity, potential returns, and retirement goals.

      Having a solid financial foundation through careful planning and smart decisions can provide opportunities for future investments and goals. The couple in the discussion had paid off their student loans and credit card debt, saved up for a down payment on a rental property, and had a significant amount of money in a high-yield savings account. They were considering two options for their savings: investing in a portfolio or buying a rental property. While both options could help them achieve their long-term goal of owning land, they were unsure which one to choose. The financial advisor suggested that they consider the pros and cons of each option, including the level of risk, liquidity, and potential returns. Ultimately, they should also consider their retirement goals and nest egg to ensure they could sustain their desired lifestyle in the future. The couple's story serves as a reminder that having a solid financial foundation can open up opportunities for future investments and goals, but careful planning and consideration are necessary to make the best decision for one's unique situation.

    • Dinner conversation about hypothetical life changes and real-life financial strugglesExploring hypothetical life changes can inspire creativity, while managing finances and achieving financial stability are real-life challenges.

      During a dinner conversation, the question of what you would do if you could wake up with a completely different life can spark intriguing and diverse responses. Rachel and George shared their hypothetical dreams, with Rachel envisioning herself as a political correspondent and George as a late-night show host. Andrea, on the other hand, shared her real-life struggle with saving money and living paycheck to paycheck despite having no debt and owning land. This conversation highlights the importance of being creative and open to new possibilities, as well as the challenges of managing finances and achieving financial stability.

    • Building financial stability and saving for a dream homeStart by saving 3-6 months' expenses, increase income, cut unnecessary costs, and consider insurance to secure financial stability and achieve long-term goals.

      Achieving financial stability and saving for a dream home requires increasing income and building an emergency fund. The interviewee shared her personal experience of starting over financially and emphasized the importance of saving at least three to six months' worth of expenses before making large financial commitments. She suggested various ways to increase income, such as finding a higher-paying job, working extra hours, or taking on a side job. The intervewee also highlighted the importance of having insurance to help manage unexpected expenses and encouraged cutting unnecessary costs to free up more savings. Overall, the key message was that patience, hard work, and discipline are essential to achieving financial stability and realizing long-term goals.

    • Investing in personal growth as a leader benefits the team and organizationListening to the Entrez Leadership Podcast, led by the CEO of Ramsey Solutions, can provide valuable insights and tools for leaders to overcome organizational challenges and transform their business

      As a leader, your personal growth is crucial for the growth of your organization. The CEO of Ramsey Solutions, with over 30 years of experience, emphasizes this point in the Entrez Leadership Podcast. He shares his leadership and business coaching expertise to help leaders overcome organizational challenges. Listening to one episode could potentially transform your business. Therefore, investing time in your personal development as a leader will ultimately benefit your team and organization. Don't miss out on this valuable resource available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and the Ramsey Network app.

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    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Rachel Cruze answer your questions and discuss: "I did a bad deal with my parents and now I'm not getting paid," "Is it possible to build wealth while renting?" Why you don't need to build your credit score if you don't plan on borrowing money, "I'm tired of paying so much in taxes..." "My husband gambled away our HELOC," "My wife is a compulsive shopper" "What can I do to stop overdrafting my account?" Support Our Sponsors: BetterHelp NetSuite Zander Insurance Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  📚 Teach Kids About Money!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 19, 2024

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster

    Don’t Be Another Statistic in the Debt Disaster
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & Dr. John Delony answer your questions and discuss: "How can I operate my business without debt?" "Can we move to get out of my wife's toxic job situation?" The best way to "lower" credit card debt, Insurance vs. investments, "Everyone seems to be winning except me," Dave's message to congress Support Our Sponsors: NetSuite Zander Insurance Christian Healthcare Ministries Churchill Mortgage Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📖 Your summer reading list is here. Don’t miss these (cool) summer reads! Beat the heat with bestselling books that will make 2024 your best summer yet.  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 18, 2024

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process

    Wealth Is a Slow Game, Don’t Rush the Process
    💵 Start your free budget today. Download the EveryDollar app! Dave Ramsey & George Kamel answer your questions and discuss: "Should we combine finances in our unique situation?" "My girlfriend will lose her pension if we get married..." "My rent is more than my income, what can I do?" "When will the overbidding on houses end?" "Should I stay at my job until they close?" "Does it make sense to pay off my mortgage?" Support Our Sponsors: Zander Insurance BetterHelp Yrefy Health Trust Financial Next Steps 📞 Have a question for the show? Call 888-825-5225 Weekdays from 2-5pm ET or click here! 📚 Teach Kids About Money!  🚢 The Live Like No One Else Cruise is booking fast!  Listen to more from Ramsey Network 🎙️ The Ramsey Show   🧠 The Dr. John Delony Show 🍸 Smart Money Happy Hour 💡 The Rachel Cruze Show 💸 The Ramsey Show Highlights 💰 George Kamel 💼 The Ken Coleman Show 📈 EntreLeadership Learn more about your ad choices. https://www.megaphone.fm/adchoices Ramsey Solutions Privacy Policy
    The Ramsey Show
    en-usJune 17, 2024

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    Timestamps: 00:00 Job and income 05:39 Student Loan Consolidation 06:51 Your degree is useless 10:02 What a mess... 15:41 Spend Spend Spend 17:39 There's MORE?! 21:30 More BS spending 26:36 You need to budget! 29:38 CLEAN UP THIS MESS 35:15 This is WILD 40:28 Please just do this... 44:13 Hammer Financial Score

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    Andrew Hallam: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth

    Andrew Hallam: How to Invest and Spend for Happiness, Health, and Wealth

    Today I’m extremely excited to have Canadian best-selling author, Andrew Hallam back on the show. His first book, Millionaire Teacher continues to be the #1 best seller in the Investment and Portfolio Management category on Amazon.

    He is one of the world’s most prolific financial wellness speakers and over the past 16 years, he has given hundreds of talks in over 30 different countries espousing research on financial wellness, sound investing and life satisfaction.

    He has been investing in the stock market for 32 years, having built a million-dollar portfolio on a schoolteacher's salary when he was in his late 30s.

    In today’s interview with Andrew, we cover the subject of how to achieve balance, and how to maximize your happiness, health, and wealth.

    We also cover what to expect and how to maintain balance after having hit your financial independence number. Lots of early retirees in the FIRE movement and traditional retirees continue to do some sort of productive paid work. Why is that, and is it realistic to never work again after you retire? 

    As you can imagine, generating some minor income after retirement, doing something you love, can drastically decrease how much money you actually need to retire from your day job, potentially letting you leave that job you may dislike or be bored with many years earlier. 

    Since Andrew is already financially independent, we dissect how Andrew has found that balance in his life between taking on meaningful and fulfilling work, and balancing that with leisure, health, and happiness.

    Questions Covered:

    1. When a lot of people, myself included start their financial independence journey, the goal is to never work again and that becomes a major motivator to accumulate all those savings to be able to retire.

    Yet from my own experience and after interviewing many other early retirees, I've noticed a pattern where most if not all still end up doing some sort of productive work or something that could be classified as “work” even though they don't have to, since they've already reached their financial independence number.

    Did you have the same experience as you moved from the accumulation stage to the financial independence and retirement stage, and from your experience what have you found to be a good balance in your own life?

    2. You've spoken with many other early retirees who I assume had a similar experience in terms of that progression from initially never wanting to work again and live a life of leisure permanently, versus eventually realizing that there needs to be a balance to achieve sustainable happiness. Have you noticed any patterns from those you've talked to in terms of how they were able to find sustainable happiness and what that balance was for them in order to achieve it?

    3. After reading your book, it becomes very clear that health and longevity is something that is a high priority for you, and should be for all of us since what’s the point of accumulating all this wealth and retiring if you don’t live long enough to enjoy it.

    From the research that you’ve done, what have you found to be the best practices to maximize our health and longevity?

      1. Nutrition?
      2. Types of exercise and frequency?
      3. Cancer prevention?
      4. Stress control?
      5. Energy maximization?

    4. In terms of maximizing happiness in retirement, is there a routine that you follow during any part of your day that works well for you? Or do you take a more fluid, go-with-the-flow approach, where things are more spontaneous?

    5. Do you find that goal setting and trying to achieve growth and improvement in retirement adds to your happiness and fulfilment? Or do you take the approach of trying to just be happy with where you are, living in the moment, as opposed to continuously striving for more?

    6. Please tell us again where we can learn more from you and get your latest book.

    How to Live Off Your Investment Portfolio With Best Selling Author Andrew Hallam

    How to Live Off Your Investment Portfolio With Best Selling Author Andrew Hallam
    Today I’m extremely excited to have Canadian best selling author, Andrew Hallam on the show. His first book, Millionaire Teacher is currently the #1 best seller in the Investment and Portfolio Management category on Amazon.

    He has been investing in the stock market for 32 years, having built a million-dollar portfolio on a schoolteacher's salary when he was in his late 30s. 

    Over the past 16 years, he has given hundreds of talks in over 30 different countries espousing research on financial wellness, sound investing and life satisfaction.

    We cover a lot of areas in this interview, but since Andrew achieved financial independence in his 30s, I especially wanted to ask him how we Canadians can live off our portfolios long term, without depleting it prematurely (while also maximizing the income that we are able to withdraw). 

    We discuss what to do when it comes to our withdrawal strategy in different economic environments, and we discuss how one can best use the 4% rule, and how we can modify it, depending on what happens in the markets. 

    We also talk about one of my favourite topics, variable withdrawal strategies which help us maximize how much income we can take out of our portfolio every year (while not running out of money).


    1. For anybody that hasn’t read your books or is hearing about you for the first time, can you tell us a bit about yourself, especially when it comes to the world of investing, financial planning, and retirement?

    2. You're someone that has achieved financial independence many years ago and has had to learn how to live off your portfolio indefinitely in a sustainable fashion.

      Just to set the groundwork and for somebody that hasn't read your books before, can you tell us what kind of investments your portfolio consists of that has allowed you to do this and retire early?

    3. Do you have a system or process that you follow to determine how much money you can take out from your portfolio to live off of every year? (with the implied goal that you’re trying to maximize how much you can take out annually, while still having that amount be sustainable so that you don’t run out of money in the future).

    4. There are many withdrawal strategies that one can use to live off their portfolio. Apart from the one that you just mentioned that you do yourself, are there any other ones that you like or have found to work well for others?

    5. What are your thoughts on variable percentage withdrawal approaches? Ex. Taking out 4% of whatever the portfolio value is at the time, instead of more static approaches like the traditional “4% rule”.

    6. Before we get into more questions can you tell us more about your new book called Balance and where can we get it.

    7. When we spoke before the interview, you mentioned that sometimes when pursuing money and financial independence, we can actually fall into a trap and miss the point of why we pursue it in the first place. And in relation to that, in your book, you talk about how we need to be careful about how we define success, and how we need to strive for the goal of life satisfaction as opposed to just a high monetary figure within our portfolio. Can you speak to that bit?