
    Drew comes out as straight with Barbie Ferreira

    enJune 02, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the complexities of dating and relationships with new features and personal experiencesBumble enhances dating with new features, personal stories reveal the joys and challenges of relationships, astrology and manifestation play a role, and being authentic and comfortable are essential for successful connections

      Bumble is making efforts to enhance the dating experience with new features, aiming to make compatibility easier, chats more engaging, and dating safer. Meanwhile, a couple on the podcast shares their personal experiences, including the challenges and joys of dating, and the belief that love knows no boundaries, even between a Pisces and a Sagittarius. The conversation also touches on the influence of astrology in relationships and the power of manifestation. Additionally, they discuss the importance of being comfortable and authentic in relationships, and the impact of social media and ads on consumer behavior. The podcast episode also includes some light-hearted moments, such as the revelation of a lip oil purchase made through an Instagram ad. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities and joys of dating and relationships, and the role of technology in facilitating connections.

    • Clear communication and prompt resolution are key to customer satisfactionCompanies should communicate effectively and address customer concerns promptly to maintain good relationships and prevent unnecessary charges or cancellations.

      Companies should ensure clear communication and honor customer requests promptly to avoid customer frustration and potential loss of business. The speaker's experience with Equinox, where she was charged for unwanted training sessions and was unable to get a refund despite multiple attempts, left her feeling disgruntled and wanting to cancel her membership out of spite. This experience highlights the importance of maintaining good customer relationships and addressing issues in a timely and satisfactory manner. Additionally, the speaker's history of unintentionally continuing subscriptions and payments for services or products she no longer needed or used serves as a reminder to regularly review and manage one's subscriptions and accounts to avoid unnecessary charges.

    • Embracing Individuality and Finding Community at the GymThrough personal experiences and discussions at a small gym, the speaker learns the importance of being true to herself and the value of community support in times of vulnerability.

      The speaker's experiences at a small gym have led to personal growth and introspection, as well as a newfound appreciation for the importance of community and leaning into one's beliefs. The speaker has had various experiences at the gym, including discussing the use of a lip tint and a potential miscarriage, and has come to terms with being true to herself and her values. Despite the taboo nature of some of the topics discussed, the speaker finds comfort and connection in the gym community and the guidance they provide each other. The speaker also reflects on her relationship with Drew and the lessons she has learned in a short period of time. The use of the term "famously" has become a favorite expression for the speaker, representing her newfound villain arc and embracing her selfishness and individuality.

    • Staying Vigilant Against Scams and RisksDespite our best efforts, we can still fall for scams and unexpected situations. Protect personal info, be cautious, and stay aware of potential risks.

      No matter how old we get, we remain vulnerable to scams and unexpected situations. The speaker shared her experience of being advertised on an escort site, leading to numerous unwanted calls and texts. She also admitted to falling for scams in the past, despite her efforts to avoid them. The discussion also touched upon the importance of protecting personal information and being cautious about who asks for it. Another important point was the speaker's past experience of having her entire life stolen, emphasizing the potential severity of such incidents. The conversation ended with a reflection on the speaker's past experiences with being stopped at Universal Studios for trying to sneak alcohol in, highlighting the importance of following rules and being aware of the consequences of our actions. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying vigilant and being aware of potential scams and risks, especially as we age.

    • Online dangers and misunderstandingsBe aware of potential online dangers and misunderstandings, maintain a healthy skepticism, and have backup plans.

      The internet can be a dangerous and unpredictable place, as illustrated by the speaker's experience of having her wallet stolen after being falsely accused of scamming. This incident led to a series of unfortunate events, including being stranded in a foreign place without identification or money. The speaker also shared her concerns about the prevalence of misinterpreted situations and paranoia on social media, such as the misconstrued intentions behind helping a drunk woman or the exaggerated fears of rubber ducks being used for sex trafficking. It's important to be aware of the potential dangers and misunderstandings that can occur online, while also maintaining a healthy skepticism and a sense of humor to avoid unnecessary panic. Additionally, it's crucial to have backup plans and contingencies in place, especially when traveling or using public transportation.

    • Experiences shaping perception of danger and fearPeople's fear and danger perception varies based on their experiences and upbringing. It can influence their travel preferences and choices.

      Everyone's perception of danger and fear is shaped by their experiences and upbringing. The speaker grew up in dangerous environments and as a result, her fear threshold is lower compared to others. She identifies as a vacationer rather than a traveler, preferring to stay in hotels instead of exploring new places. Her fear of helicopters is another example of her unique experiences shaping her reactions. Despite her aversion to crowds and festivals, she has managed to infiltrate exclusive areas by using her charm and resourcefulness. Overall, her experiences have made her more introspective and selective about the experiences she chooses to pursue.

    • Exploring Personal Preferences and StrugglesThe speaker shares their dislike for large crowds, preferences in pornography and food, personal quirks, insecurities, recent exploration of Christianity, and attempts to quit smoking and limit social media use.

      The speaker expresses a strong dislike for large crowds and certain experiences like Coachella and hot air balloon rides, preferring a more quiet and controlled environment. They also share their preferences in pornography and food, and mention their personal quirks and insecurities. The speaker also mentions their recent exploration of their identity as a Christian and the accompanying traditions. Despite the speaker's assertion that they cannot be "fixed," they also mention attempting to quit smoking and using social media to gain attention or influence. Overall, the conversation reveals the speaker's unique personality and interests, as well as their struggles and desires.

    • Personal experiences shaping desires and perspectivesEmbrace unique qualities, appreciate complexity of villains, and consider impact of experiences on life.

      Our experiences and influences shape our desires and perspectives in various ways. The speaker shares her personal experiences of trying to get her teeth whitened, her smoking habits, her fascination with reality TV villains, and her potential desire to have a child. These experiences have led her to crave the simplicity of low-stakes entertainment, appreciate the complexity of villains, and consider the impact of motherhood on her life. Additionally, she highlights the importance of embracing our unique qualities, whether it's being a villain or a film nerd, and acknowledges the power of influence and representation in shaping our identities.

    • Generational Divide and Human RelationshipsThe speaker shares her frustration with young people's intense social media interactions and their eagerness for deep conversations they're not yet ready for, reflecting on her own feelings of aging and being out of touch with current trends, and drawing unexpected connections between the two.

      The speaker values surrounding herself with trustworthy individuals and finds frustration in young people who try to bring deep conversations to the table when they are not yet ready for it. She also shared her observation of the drama and intensity that often comes with social media interactions among younger generations. Additionally, she reflected on her own feelings of aging and being out of touch with current trends, which she described as a potential quarter-life crisis. An unexpected yet interesting connection she made was between the young people's behavior and her own past experiences, including watching porn together during one of their early encounters. Overall, the speaker's conversation touched on themes of age, trust, and social media, highlighting the generational divide and the complexities of human relationships.

    • Exploring the Impact of Social Media and Society on Self-Perception and RelationshipsSpeakers discussed the effects of social media algorithms, societal beauty standards, and the pursuit of wealth on self-image and relationships, acknowledging the challenges of finding balance and seeking simplicity and companionship.

      The conversation between the speakers touched upon various topics including social media, body image, relationships, and wealth. They discussed the evolution of social media algorithms, the pressure to conform to societal standards of beauty, and the desire for companionship and care. They also joked about using performance-enhancing substances and getting plastic surgery. Despite the humor, they also acknowledged the challenges of finding balance in relationships and the difficulties of attracting the attention of wealthy individuals. Ultimately, they expressed a desire for simplicity and companionship in their lives.

    • Finding Connection Through Shared Experiences and GoalsDiscovering shared experiences and goals can foster deep connections in relationships, despite personal identity or challenges. It's essential to find someone who understands and supports you, even if they don't always align with your expectations.

      People connect through shared experiences and goals, even if those experiences and goals are rooted in personal identity or challenges. The speaker in this conversation expresses their love for Disney and the connection they've found with their partner through their shared goal of settling down. They also discuss the challenges they've faced in their romantic relationships, including astrology and compatibility signs. Despite these challenges, they emphasize the importance of finding someone who understands and supports them, even if that person may not always align perfectly with their expectations. The conversation also touches on the speaker's experiences with astrology and the role it plays in their relationships. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of finding common ground and connection in relationships, even when faced with challenges or differences.

    • Technology and societal pressure fuel self-consciousness and anxietyThe speaker expresses growing paranoia and performance anxiety due to being recorded or observed, leading to increased self-consciousness and focus on appearance. They also worry about societal pressure to conform to beauty standards and the potential negative consequences of trying to meet them through cosmetic procedures.

      The speaker in this conversation expresses a growing sense of paranoia and performance anxiety, particularly when it comes to being recorded or observed, especially in public or vulnerable settings. This anxiety has led them to become more self-conscious and focused on their appearance, both in person and on camera. They also express a concern about societal pressure to conform to certain beauty standards, and the potential negative consequences of trying to meet those standards through cosmetic procedures. Overall, the conversation highlights the impact of technology and societal expectations on individuals' perceptions of themselves and their bodies.

    • Pressure to conform on social mediaSocial media can create unrealistic expectations, leading to feelings of shame and inadequacy. It's important to prioritize self-care and self-acceptance, recognizing individual limitations and preferences.

      Social media, specifically TikTok, can create unrealistic expectations and pressure to conform to certain aesthetics, leading to feelings of shame and inadequacy about one's own routine and self-care practices. The speaker shares her experience of trying to keep up with the "clean girl" aesthetic, but feeling overwhelmed and unable to maintain it due to her own limitations and preferences. She also discusses her unhealthy habits, such as consuming acidic foods and using THC products excessively, and how they coexist with her attempts to improve her appearance. Ultimately, the speaker expresses a sense of self-awareness and acceptance, recognizing the importance of treating her body well while also acknowledging her own limitations and prioritizing her personal enjoyment.

    • Struggling with Food and Energy DrinksMany people have a complex relationship with food, work, and self-care, leading them to rely on unhealthy habits despite knowing the negative consequences.

      The speaker's unhealthy relationship with food and energy drinks, fueled by long work hours and stress, led her to believe that processed foods were essential for her well-being. She felt a sense of comfort and even necessity in consuming them, despite acknowledging the potential negative effects. However, she also expressed a desire to change and shift towards a healthier lifestyle, recognizing the influence of social media on her perceptions and behaviors. The speaker's reflections on her experiences highlight the complex relationship many people have with food, work, and self-care, and the challenges of balancing these aspects of life.

    • Starbucks and walking around the block: two quirks shaping the speaker's identityThe speaker's love for Starbucks and dislike for walking around the block are significant aspects of her identity, providing comfort and a sense of rebellion.

      The speaker identifies her love for Starbucks coffee and her aversion to walking around the block as significant aspects of her identity. She finds comfort in the consistency of Starbucks and sees it as a rebellious act as a gay person. Walking around the block is a major pet peeve of hers, reminding her of being forced to do it as a child. The speaker also mentions her chaotic sleeping habits as another potential red flag. She sleeps in an uncomfortable position, leading to shoulder pain every morning. Despite her long hours of sleep, she finds it difficult to fall and stay asleep. These quirks and habits, though seemingly trivial, are important to the speaker and shape her experiences and interactions with others.

    • The Speaker's Need for Constant AttentionRecognizing unhealthy patterns of seeking attention and striving for healthier ways to give and receive validation is crucial.

      The speaker's need for constant attention can lead them to seek it out in unhealthy ways, even if it means becoming the very thing they once criticized or causing harm to others. They acknowledge their behavior can be hurtful and difficult to navigate, especially when it comes to relationships. The speaker also touches on the challenges of feeling isolated and misunderstood due to societal norms, which can further fuel their need for validation. It's important to recognize these patterns and strive for healthier ways of seeking and giving attention.

    • Understanding Red Flags and Personal Quirks in RelationshipsBeing aware of personal red flags and quirks can help build a healthy and compatible partnership. Honesty, commitment, and cleanliness are important, but self-awareness and open communication are crucial in navigating relationship complexities.

      People have unique quirks and red flags in relationships, and it's essential to be aware of them to build a healthy and compatible partnership. The speaker mentioned a few of her red flags, such as a lack of commitment and cleanliness issues. She also acknowledged her tendency to play the "cool girl" role and hide her true feelings until they boil over, causing her to react strongly to small issues. Additionally, she expressed a desire for a partner who is mostly absent, which she finds compatible with her own needs. The speaker also mentioned her struggle with lying and the consequences of her honesty or dishonesty. Ultimately, self-awareness and open communication are crucial in navigating the complexities of relationships.

    • Creative and Bold Storyteller with Unconventional IdeasSpeaker often exaggerates facts and invents stories, enjoys giving unsolicited advice, and proposes unconventional ideas like cheating in a relationship and making up for it.

      The speaker in this conversation is prone to exaggerating facts and even lying, often for the sake of making things more interesting or entertaining. They enjoy sharing their made-up stories and inventions, even if they don't have expertise or proof to back them up. The speaker also has a habit of giving unsolicited advice and suggesting unconventional ideas, such as cheating in a relationship and then making it up. The conversation also touches on topics like quitting vices, the importance of making physical things, and the speaker's dream of becoming a hot lesbian furniture maker. Overall, the speaker's conversational style is characterized by their creativity, boldness, and a tendency to push boundaries.

    • Exploring Creativity and CollaborationTwo artists discuss their diverse creative pursuits, express admiration for each other, and consider the potential for collaboration, acknowledging challenges and limitations but staying open to new experiences and connections.

      The speakers in this conversation are discussing their creative pursuits and their desire to make various things, from art and music to furniture and even technology. They express their admiration for each other's talents and share their dreams of collaborating and creating together. However, they also acknowledge their limitations and the challenges they face in their respective creative processes. Despite their messy habits and unconventional approaches, they remain open to new experiences and the possibility of working together in a polyamorous relationship. Ultimately, their conversation highlights the importance of creativity, self-expression, and the value of building strong connections with others.

    • Shifting Priorities and Embracing Simple PleasuresPeople's desires and priorities change over time. Embrace simple pleasures and be present in the moment, rather than constantly striving for perfection or societal expectations.

      People's desires and priorities shift over time. The speaker in the conversation shares how she has gone from striving for a spectacular life for social media to embracing simple pleasures like Starbucks and fast food. She also expresses her regret over missing Lana Del Rey's concert in Brazil. The conversation also touches upon the influence of media, such as music and movies, and the importance of traditions like sharing favorite media each episode on their podcast. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of being present and embracing the moment, rather than constantly striving for perfection or trying to live up to societal expectations.

    • Sharing a Sense of Humor Through Prank Calls and MediaThe speakers enjoy prank calling and watching dark media, finding joy in the unexpected responses and the challenge of getting through to famous individuals. Their shared sense of humor is showcased through their love for TV shows, movies, lobotomy shows, and murder documentaries.

      The speakers in this conversation share a sense of humor and enjoy prank calling, especially when the targets are moderately famous or not expecting the call. They find joy in the unexpected responses and the challenge of getting through to these individuals. The speakers also mention their love for various forms of media, including TV shows like "The Other 2" and "Succession," as well as movies like "Hotel Transylvania" and "SpongeBob SquarePants." They also express a preference for watching lobotomy shows and murder documentaries. Despite their seemingly carefree and humorous banter, they occasionally acknowledge the darker aspects of their interests, such as the potential for ego death or the belief that everyone could be a killer. Overall, their conversation showcases their unique sense of humor and their enjoyment of various forms of media.

    • Ashley's Love for the Beatles and HyperpopAshley, a podcast guest, shares her diverse musical tastes, including her deep knowledge of the Beatles and her enjoyment of contemporary hyperpop genres, expressing her appreciation for artists like Hannah Diamond, Sophie, AG Cook, and Charlie XCX, acknowledging that not all music might appeal to everyone.

      Ashley, the podcast guest, has a diverse range of musical preferences, with a particular affinity for the Beatles and hyperpop. She considers herself knowledgeable about the Beatles due to her past experiences, but also enjoys contemporary genres like hyperpop. Ashley expressed her love for artists such as Hannah Diamond, Sophie, AG Cook, and Charlie XCX, acknowledging that her preferences might not be shared by all. Despite her appreciation for various music styles, she acknowledged that some songs might not appeal to everyone, including "Vinceros Blue." Ashley's enthusiasm for music was evident throughout the conversation, making for an engaging and entertaining podcast episode.

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