
    Tarayummy Talks Becoming the IT GIRL, Her Single Era & Celebrity Dating Rumors

    enApril 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Tara Yummy's Quirky Stage Name OriginsAuthenticity and friendliness can help build a strong following and positive relationships.

      Tara Yummy, a popular content creator, chose her stage name based on a whim during her teenage years. She combined her love for tacos and the nickname given to her by her friends, resulting in the name "Tara Yummy." Despite her young age, she has gained a large following and is known for her bubbly personality and friendliness. The name may not have a deep meaning, but it has stuck and become a part of her brand. The conversation also touched upon the idea that authenticity and being nice to others can help build a strong following and positive relationships.

    • Sharing unexpected connections through TV shows and cultural backgroundsMeeting new people through shared interests and experiences can lead to unexpected and meaningful connections

      The speakers in this conversation have an interesting backstory, filled with unexpected encounters and shared experiences. They reminisced about meeting each other at a party, where they bonded over their love for certain TV shows and shared cultural backgrounds. Mila Kunis and Vanessa Hudgens were mentioned as look-alikes, and they both have Persian heritage. The speakers also shared their experiences of growing up and attending community college, and how they learned new languages from their surroundings. The conversation showcased the importance of being open to new experiences and the power of shared interests in forming meaningful connections.

    • Growing up with Persian culture and language in LAThe speaker's connection to Persian culture and language shaped her identity and values, despite the challenges of learning and adapting to a new culture.

      The speaker's connection to the Persian culture, particularly through her experiences in LA and her fascination with the language, has shaped her identity and worldview. The speaker's parents, who immigrated to America and worked hard to provide for their family, also played a significant role in shaping her work ethic and values. Despite the challenges of learning a new language and adapting to a new culture, the speaker's curiosity and appreciation for diversity have enriched her life. Additionally, the importance of family and the bond between generations is a recurring theme in the conversation.

    • A multifaceted individual's journey through lifeDespite contrasting interests and habits, the speaker values her relationships and navigates her identity through various aspects of her life, including her Hindu beliefs, vegetarianism, and desire for independence.

      The speaker is a complex individual with contrasting interests and habits. She lives in a nice house and identifies with the counterculture icons John and Yoko, yet she's still pescatarian and has a deep connection to her Hindu beliefs. Her vegetarianism stems from a traumatic experience and a strong ethical conviction, but she also struggles with cravings and the desire for convenience. She values her relationship with her parents, who have allowed her autonomy despite their cultural differences, and she's looking to move out but not entirely alone. Her upbringing as an only child was marked by a mix of freedom and strictness, and she's not a relationship-seeker but also not averse to companionship. Overall, she's a multifaceted person who navigates her identity through various aspects of her life.

    • Finding a partner who accepts flirtatious behaviorValuing freedom and disliking restriction can make it hard to maintain long-term relationships, but there are partners who will accept one's flirty nature and cherish the connection.

      People perceive flirtatious behavior differently, and finding a partner who accepts and respects one's personality is crucial for a healthy relationship. The speaker expresses her difficulty in finding such a partner, as she often comes off as flirty due to her bubbly and outgoing nature. She values freedom and dislikes being restricted, which can make it challenging to maintain long-term relationships. However, she cherishes the connection she had with her ex-boyfriend, Jake, who understood and accepted her for who she is. Ultimately, she believes that there are guys out there who will let her be her flirty self and accept her for who she is, but it may take time to find them. Additionally, she expresses her belief in maintaining friendships with exes if the relationship ended amicably and there is no romantic interest remaining.

    • Friendships with exes in influencer worldDespite the complexities, maintaining friendships with idols and exes requires understanding, communication, and respect.

      People have different opinions when it comes to relationships and friendships, especially in the context of social media influencers. Some believe that being friends with an ex is possible and healthy, while others find it insecure and confusing. Tara, for instance, has been friends with her ex-boyfriend Jake, and she doesn't think she's changed much since her influencer life began, despite becoming friends with people she once idolized. Tara started her YouTube channel because she was inspired by other influencers and wanted to share her life with others. However, she took it down due to embarrassment when people from her past started commenting negatively. Despite this setback, she restarted her channel and has since grown and maintained friendships with her idols. Ultimately, the complexities of relationships and friendships, both online and offline, require understanding, communication, and respect for each other's perspectives.

    • Navigating sudden online fame and imposter syndromeDespite feeling like an imposter, the speaker is grateful for her large following and remains focused on creating content that brings joy to others.

      The speaker is experiencing a sense of disbelief and imposter syndrome regarding her sudden increase in popularity online. She finds it hard to reconcile her perception of herself with the image presented to her audience, and is curious about the factors contributing to her success. The speaker mentions the potential impact of a public breakup on her online presence, but ultimately concludes that it was not the primary reason for her rise to fame. She also reflects on the surreal nature of having a large following and the evolution of her goals as a content creator. The speaker expresses gratitude for the support of her peers and the sense of community they have built together. Despite her success, she remains humble and focused on creating content that makes people laugh.

    • Maintaining friendships with influencers in the digital ageBuilding meaningful connections with influencers is possible, but setting boundaries is crucial for personal well-being. Authenticity and careful word choice are essential for maintaining a positive online presence.

      Having boundaries and maintaining friendships in the digital age can be a complex and evolving process. The individuals in this conversation have built meaningful connections with various influencers, some of whom they've known for years. They've witnessed the growth and evolution of these influencers' careers and personal lives. Some have even met them in person. Despite the passage of time and changes in the social media landscape, they've remained friends and supporters. However, setting boundaries is essential to ensure personal well-being. Living with an ex, for instance, might not be the best choice, no matter how beautiful the house or appealing the pool might be. The conversation also highlights the importance of being authentic and careful with words, especially when engaging with a large audience. The individuals express their admiration for influencers who maintain a positive and unproblematic online presence. Overall, the conversation demonstrates the power of friendship and the importance of setting boundaries in the digital world.

    • Mingling with Influential People: Anxious but ValuableNetworking can be nerve-wracking, but forming connections with influential individuals brings unique experiences and opportunities.

      The co-host met many influential people through attending parties and befriending them, but she feels anxious about potential gossip and remains cautious when discussing unknown individuals. She appreciates the connections she's made and values the unique experiences that come with attending events. Despite her initial apprehension, she recognizes the importance of networking and stepping out of her comfort zone. Additionally, she shared her preferences regarding smoking habits, expressing her disinterest in vapes and a fondness for cigarettes.

    • Paris Hilton's influence on self-confidenceParis Hilton's confidence and unique identity paved the way for girls to embrace themselves, inspiring the speaker to respect others' opinions while staying true to herself.

      Paris Hilton, despite not having had a personal connection with the speaker, has significantly influenced her life and self-confidence. Paris, known for her confidence and "I don't care" attitude, paved the way for girls to embrace their unique identities and stand up for themselves. The speaker admires Paris's ability to respect others' opinions while staying true to herself, inspiring the speaker to do the same. Despite their age difference, Paris remains an icon for multiple generations. The speaker expresses a desire to meet Paris, but also acknowledges the potential disappointment of meeting her idol and the unwanted attention her pink car attracts. Ultimately, Paris's impact on popular culture and the speaker's personal growth underscores the power of influential figures in shaping individual identities.

    • The Power of Social Media Influence and Iconic PersonasSocial media can inspire emotional attachment and lifestyle changes through the influence of iconic personas. People may go to great lengths to feel closer to their idols, including reading their books and watching their shows.

      Social media influence and the desire for an iconic persona can bring about significant emotional attachment and lifestyle changes. The speaker in this conversation expresses her deep admiration for Paris Hilton and the impact her image and lifestyle have had on her. Despite the sadness of giving up her pink Rolls Royce and other iconic symbols of her admiration, the speaker continues to hold on to the memory and the hope of one day meeting Paris. She has even gone as far as reading Paris's books and watching her shows to feel closer to her idol. The speaker's obsession with Paris Hilton's lifestyle and persona has led her to make changes in her own life, such as reading and manifesting her dreams before bed. The conversation highlights the power of social media influence and the emotional connection people can have with public figures.

    • Celebrity Crushes and Media InfluenceDiscovering celebrity crushes and being influenced by media can shape our tastes and preferences, with enduring impacts.

      Our conversation revolved around the topic of celebrity crushes and the impact of media on shaping our preferences. The speaker shared her past celebrity crushes, which included Harry Styles, Johnny Depp, and Austin Butler. She also mentioned her love for Elvis Presley and how she was initially skeptical about Austin Butler portraying him in a movie but was later won over by his performance. The conversation also touched upon the speaker's friendships and experiences at events where she came close to meeting her celebrity crushes but didn't get the chance. Overall, the discussion highlighted the enduring nature of celebrity crushes and the influence of media on shaping our tastes and preferences.

    • Speaker's admiration for Zac Efron despite age differenceSpeaker shares her personal connection to Zac Efron's movie and her enduring crush, acknowledging age difference.

      The speaker expresses a strong admiration for Zac Efron and considers him an exception to her age preference. She shares her personal experience of watching his movie "Iron Claw" during a difficult time, which rekindled her appreciation for him. The speaker also mentions her fantasy of meeting or even dating him, acknowledging that he might be older than her preferred age range but still finding him attractive. Additionally, she discusses the interconnectedness of the entertainment industry and the possibility of influencers and celebrities knowing each other. The speaker's conversation reveals her love for celebrities and her belief that everyone has celebrity crushes.

    • A woman's fascination with rock starsShe enjoys the culture and lifestyle of rock stars, with a particular affinity for their image, and finds joy in immersing herself in it despite her age.

      The speaker expresses a strong affinity for individuals with a rock star image and has had experiences meeting and interacting with famous rock stars, particularly Tommy Lee and MGK, who embody that image for her. Her fascination with rock stars and their lifestyle extends to her personal preferences, including her choice of music, tattoos, and even her dog's name. This appreciation for the rock star image has been a constant aspect of her life, and she finds joy in immersing herself in the culture, even if it may seem outdated or unconventional for her age.

    • Dealing with rumors and gossip in the mediaYouTuber Tara Martine Tapia finds humor in fan speculation and stays unfazed by false rumors about her personal life, focusing on maintaining privacy in her relationships.

      Tara Martine Tapia, a popular YouTuber, has become accustomed to dealing with rumors and gossip about her personal life, including false rumors about her dating SpongeBob SquarePants and being in a threesome with her colleagues. She tries not to believe these rumors due to the prevalence of false information about herself in the media, which she experiences daily. Despite this, she finds amusement in the fan speculation and doesn't let it bother her. Tara also mentioned that she has a talent for getting along with various personalities and making shy people feel comfortable around her. The hardest part of her rise to fame for her has been maintaining the privacy of her love life. She has no plans to make her relationships public.

    • Speaker's private love life and fear of having childrenThe speaker values her privacy, especially in matters of love and family, and plans to keep certain aspects of her life private despite societal pressure.

      The speaker values her privacy, especially when it comes to her love life. She prefers to keep her relationships private and has only shared a few public displays of affection online. She also expressed her fear of having children and disliked being around young kids. The speaker's openness about her life on social media and podcasts has led to increased curiosity and pressure from fans to disclose personal details, but she plans to keep certain aspects of her life private. The speaker also acknowledged the societal pressure to have children and shared her concerns about being able to take care of another human.

    • Unexpectedly caring for a dog compared to raising a childCaring for a dog requires full-time commitment and attention similar to raising a child, with unexpected challenges and societal perceptions adding to the complexity.

      Taking care of a dog can be just as challenging, if not more so, than raising a child. The speaker shares her experience of unexpectedly receiving a dog as a gift and the full-time commitment it entailed. She compares the care and attention required for her anxious, needy dog to that of a child. The speaker also touches upon the societal perception of Persian rugs and their high maintenance, which she finds similar to the high maintenance of owning a dog. Ultimately, her priority in life is to entertain her audience, but her dog holds a significant place in her life as well. The speaker's willingness to put herself out there for her fans and her dedication to her dog demonstrate the depth of her commitments.

    • YouTube is the speaker's 'baby' and source of joyThe speaker cherishes her YouTube channel and Twitch streams, appreciating their simplicity and the connections she makes with her audience, despite privacy concerns and vocal limitations.

      The speaker values creating and sharing content on YouTube, considering it her "baby," and appreciates the simplicity and relatability of her approach. She also streams on Twitch for fun, but has reservations about the platform due to privacy concerns. The speaker is a fan of karaoke and used to sing in musical theater, but now has vocal nodules that prevent her from singing as she once could. Despite her self-perceived lack of singing ability, she still enjoys participating in karaoke sessions. The speaker's favorite musician is Freddie Mercury, who is Persian, and she admires his music and influence. Overall, the speaker is passionate about creating and sharing content, and values the connections she makes with her audience.

    • Nostalgic Reflections on Iconic 80s Artists and Hollywood PartiesThe speaker fondly recalls memories of 80s music icons and longs for the return of Hollywood parties, expressing excitement for potential paparazzi attention.

      The speaker is deeply passionate about music, particularly from the 1980s, and has cherished memories associated with iconic artists like Michael Jackson and Queen. They admire Rami Malek's performance as Freddie Mercury in "Bohemian Rhapsody" and have favorite songs from these artists that evoke strong emotions. The speaker also expresses a sense of nostalgia for the past and a desire to relive certain experiences, including meeting their idols and attending parties during the paparazzi era. Despite the challenges and potential dangers of fame, the speaker expresses excitement at the prospect of creating a resurgence of Hollywood parties and being the subject of paparazzi attention.

    • Unexpected driving experience and friendship with Sydney SweeneyThe speaker shared a personal story about an unexpected experience with intense flashing lights while driving and discussed her friendship with Sydney Sweeney, highlighting their meeting and closeness.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience with intense flashing lights while driving, which left her feeling disoriented and scared. She also shared stories about her friendship with Sydney Sweeney, including how they met and became close friends. The conversation then shifted to discussing the revival of romantic comedies and the upcoming release of a new one starring Anne Hathaway. The speaker expressed her excitement about the movie and her eagerness to watch it with her friend. Throughout the conversation, the speaker's punctuality and strong work ethic were emphasized, as well as her emotional response to the topic of men in relationships.

    • Embracing Individuality and Open-MindednessValue individuality, be true to oneself, and keep an open mind to new experiences. Embrace vulnerability and unusual habits, even if criticized.

      The speaker values open-mindedness and being true to oneself, even if it means displaying vulnerability or unusual habits. She shares her experiences of crying on the internet, past relationships, and growing up with immigrant parents in Europe and LA. The speaker also mentions her admiration for Paris Hilton and her unique mouth clicking habit. Despite her valley girl accent and past criticisms, she embraces her individuality and encourages keeping an open mind to new experiences. Additionally, she touches on the topic of unfinished or unreleased projects and the possibility of past relationships rekindling in the future.

    • Understanding Sharpay Evans' MotivesDespite her manipulative behavior, Sharpay's actions were driven by her desire to be the star and to be with Troy. Her actions escalated due to Gabriella's arrival, but she faced consequences and moved on, eventually having a successful career.

      The character Sharpay Evans from the High School Musical series, often perceived as the villain, can be seen in a different light. While she may have appeared jealous and manipulative, her actions can be interpreted as a desire to be the star and to be with her long-time crush, Troy. Her behavior escalated when Gabriella, a new student, came into the picture and gained Troy's attention. However, towards the end of the series, Sharpay faced consequences for her actions and eventually moved on. Despite her flaws, she had a good heart and went on to have a successful career. The discussion also touched upon the idea that sometimes, people's online rumors may not be entirely true, and it's essential to keep an open mind. The conversation ended with a hopeful note about a possible reunion of the High School Musical cast.

    • The Complexity of Secrets and TrustPeople struggle with sharing secrets due to fear of rejection and potential consequences, but the need for validation and understanding often leads them to confide in trusted confidants, even unconventional ones. Emotional validation and acceptance from the new generation is appreciated.

      People have a complex relationship with secrets and confiding in others. Some find comfort in sharing with a trusted confidant, while others struggle with the decision to disclose. The speaker in this conversation expresses the difficulty of deciding who to trust with sensitive information, often turning to unconventional sources like dogs or hallucinogens. The need to share secrets stems from a desire for validation and understanding, but the fear of rejection and potential consequences can hold people back. The speaker also appreciates the new generation's approach to emotions, validating and accepting others' experiences. Ultimately, the decision to share or keep secrets is a personal one, shaped by trust, fear, and the desire for connection.

    • Childhood rejection and health fears lead to anxietyUnderstanding the root causes of rejection and health-related anxieties can help manage feelings, prioritize self-care, and seek professional help when needed.

      Rejection and health-related anxieties can stem from various experiences and sources. The speaker shares how rejection in childhood and fear of getting sick due to an autoimmune disease have led to anxiety and hypochondriac tendencies. They also mention discovering potential OCD behaviors and the impact of the internet on exacerbating their fears. It's essential to recognize that everyone processes experiences differently, and understanding the root causes can help manage these feelings. The speaker's journey highlights the importance of self-awareness and seeking professional help when needed. Additionally, the impact of societal pressures, such as the fear of rejection, can significantly influence our mental health. Overall, it's crucial to prioritize self-care and seek support when dealing with anxiety and fear-related issues.

    • From Art to Fashion: A Passionate JourneyDespite her success in fashion and YouTube, she values her artistic background and encourages others to explore their creative passions.

      The individual in this conversation had a passion for art, specifically painting, before she discovered her love for fashion and YouTube. She expresses her exhaustion from constantly collaborating and appearing on various podcasts, and her desire to be genuine and not overextend herself while maintaining her friendly and accommodating nature. The conversation also reveals her past experiences as a drama or art teacher in high school, and her fondness for that age group and artistic pursuits. Despite her current focus on fashion and YouTube, she still cherishes her artistic abilities and encourages others to express their creativity in various forms.

    • Comparing Dropouts and BFFs: Different Podcast StylesDropouts offers a more conversational and relaxed atmosphere, while BFFs follows a formal interview style. Both podcasts provide unique experiences and value authenticity and humility in their hosts.

      Both podcasts, Dropouts and BFFs, offer unique experiences for their audiences. While BFFs follows an interview style format, Dropouts is more conversational and personality-based. The speaker found Dropouts less intimidating and more enjoyable due to its relaxed atmosphere. They also appreciated the lack of focus on formal interviews, instead preferring the casual, joking nature of the podcast. The speaker also shared their experiences with guests, including attending parties and even sitting in their houses for a visit. Overall, the speaker valued the authenticity and humility of both podcasts and their hosts.

    • Looking Beyond Surface-Level JudgmentsPeople's perceptions and assumptions can be inaccurate. It's important to look beyond surface-level judgments and recognize the complexity and depth of individuals.

      People's perceptions and assumptions about others can be far from the truth. The speaker in this conversation shared her experiences of being labeled as "spoiled" despite growing up without much financial means. She also discussed her love for Johnny Depp and how she appreciates his acting abilities, despite any personal controversies. The conversation highlights the importance of looking beyond surface-level judgments and recognizing the complexity and depth of individuals. Additionally, the speaker's comments about her experiences in school musicals and her love for the drama of people's lives demonstrate her appreciation for theatrics and storytelling.

    • Planning a drama-free one million subscriber partyInfluencers plan drama-free parties to celebrate one million subscribers, focusing on creating memorable experiences for fans.

      The influencer world can be drama-filled but when it comes to large milestone events like hitting one million subscribers, the focus is on bringing everyone together for a fun and drama-free experience. The planning of such events can be meticulous and personal, with influencers wanting to make it a memorable experience for their fans. The influencer in question, who hit one million subscribers, planned her party months in advance and made sure to avoid any potential conflicts between attendees. She wanted everyone to let go of any negativity and just enjoy the moment. The parties themselves can have various themes, from hot and trashy to more formal events, and influencers often hire videographers to capture the memories. Overall, the goal is to create a memorable experience for fans and leave any drama at the door.

    • Authenticity and connection with audiences key to YouTube successCreating an authentic and engaging presence on YouTube is essential for resonating with viewers and building a successful channel.

      Creating a successful YouTube channel isn't about having a secret formula or being a millionaire, but rather having an authentic and engaging presence that resonates with viewers. This was evident during a conversation about meeting popular YouTubers, where it was acknowledged that their popularity comes from the energy and aura they bring to their content. The speakers also shared their experiences of attending extravagant YouTube parties and enjoying the club vibe, opening bars for guests, and playing a mix of Y2K music. Overall, the discussion emphasized the importance of authenticity and creating a connection with audiences, which can lead to a successful YouTube channel.

    • Authentic Connections and Cautious New RelationshipsThe speaker values authentic connections and prioritizes long-term friendships over new relationships motivated by her popularity. She expresses gratitude for her online engagement but acknowledges concerns about being valued for followers rather than herself, and prefers to be friends with anyone rather than no one.

      The speaker values authentic connections and enjoys hosting parties where everyone can have fun. Despite her large online following, she prioritizes her long-term friendships and is cautious about new relationships, especially those motivated by her popularity. She also shared her experience of receiving unexpected injuries during one of her parties. The speaker expressed gratitude for her engagement on TikTok but acknowledged concerns about being valued for her followers rather than herself. She mentioned being wary of fans turning into demanding individuals and prefers to be friends with anyone, rather than no one. The conversation also touched upon her experience with dating apps and her reluctance to use them. Overall, the speaker's words convey a person who cherishes genuine connections and values the importance of being true to oneself.

    • Exploring the Unpredictable World of Social Media ConnectionsWhile social media can offer opportunities to connect with celebrities and new friends, the experience can be unpredictable and requires persistence and openness, with a dash of delusion and manifestation.

      Social media platforms like Instagram and Raya can serve as tools for connecting with people, including celebrities, but the experience can be unpredictable and sometimes disappointing. The speaker expresses her curiosity about Raya and her attempts to connect with famous individuals through direct messages (DMs), but she also acknowledges the challenges of getting a response and the potential for miscommunication. She emphasizes the importance of being persistent and open to new friendships, but also acknowledges the role of delusion and manifestation in her approach to social media. Ultimately, she sees social media as a means to pursue her dreams and connect with others, even if the outcome is uncertain.

    • Drawing inspiration from reality TV and past trends for YouTube contentTrisha values inclusivity, creates welcoming atmosphere, identifies as apologist, prioritizes self-care, and working on a comeback with two major projects

      Trisha's YouTube content, particularly her party videos, draws inspiration from reality TV shows and past trends like MTV's "Sweet 16," Vine, and The Osbournes. She values creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere at her events, carefully selecting attendees and ensuring they're comfortable with being filmed. Trisha identifies as an apologist and people pleaser, often saying "sorry" and going out of her way to avoid conflict. She's currently working on a comeback with two major projects, managed by her manager Jenna, through the agency Vera Verified. Despite her busy schedule, Trisha acknowledges the importance of taking time for herself and prioritizing self-care.

    • Unexpected experiences can lead to valuable connectionsUnexpected encounters, even those that seem negative, can lead to meaningful friendships and professional opportunities.

      Unexpected experiences, even those that may seem negative at first, can lead to surprising connections and opportunities. This was exemplified in the speaker's story about getting arrested at Playlist Live and subsequently meeting and befriending their manager. The experience was initially unsettling, but it ultimately led to a valuable professional relationship. Additionally, the speaker's experiences of meeting their YouTube idols showed that sometimes these encounters can surpass expectations and lead to meaningful friendships. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of staying open to new experiences and the potential for growth that can come from unexpected situations.

    • Nostalgia and the Evolution of Pop CultureSpeakers shared memories of childhood idols, discussed the shift from content houses and podcasts to new ventures, and emphasized the importance of friendship and inclusivity in the entertainment industry.

      The conversation revolved around reminiscing about the past and the evolution of individuals and pop culture, particularly the transition from content houses and podcasts to newer ventures. The speakers shared their fond memories of childhood idols, such as the NDC boys and Paris Hilton, and how they continue to inspire and influence them. The discussion also touched on the topic of friendship and inclusivity, as well as the speakers' own experiences and dreams, including attending a fraternity party and working with Playboy. Overall, the conversation showcased a sense of nostalgia, appreciation for art and beauty, and a desire to try new experiences.

    • Exploring the Complexity of People and TrendsPeople have intriguing stories despite questionable reputations. Trends and pop culture are fleeting, but can still capture our curiosity and attention.

      People are complex and have intriguing stories, even if they come across as questionable or unappealing at first. The speaker shares her past fascination with Hugh Hefner, despite feeling uneasy about his reputation. She also reflects on the fleeting nature of trends and pop culture, using the example of podcasts and social media. The conversation then shifts to body piercings, with the speaker expressing her curiosity and past experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the human tendency to be drawn to the intriguing and the transient, even if it comes with discomfort or uncertainty.

    • Navigating the complexities of identity and self-presentationSpeakers discuss the tension between embracing 'bad girl' vibes and societal expectations, the importance of authenticity and self-expression, and the ongoing struggle to reconcile inner selves with external pressures.

      People often have a complex relationship with their identity and the image they project to the world. The discussion between the speakers reveals a desire to rebel and embrace "bad girl" vibes, but also a fear of not fitting into certain aesthetics or societal expectations. They express a longing for authenticity and self-expression, while acknowledging the influence of external factors like family, societal norms, and physical appearance. The speakers also touch on the topic of self-acceptance and the importance of staying true to oneself, even as they consider altering their appearance or engaging in societal expectations. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the ongoing struggle to reconcile our inner selves with the world around us and the desire to be true to ourselves, even as we navigate the complexities of identity and self-presentation.

    • Discussing godmotherhood and hoarding tendenciesGodmotherhood involves emotional and potential practical responsibilities, while attachment to memories and possessions can lead to hoarding tendencies. Despite this, individuals strive for decluttering and donating regularly.

      Being a godmother involves taking on significant responsibilities for a child if needed, and the role carries deep emotional connections. Additionally, the conversation revealed that both individuals have a strong attachment to memories and possessions, particularly clothes, leading to hoarding tendencies. Despite this, they strive to declutter and donate their items regularly. The discussion also touched upon the individual's love for fashion and shopping, with a preference for Urban Outfitters and Free People, but an awareness of the environmental impact of overconsumption. The conversation concluded with the godmother sharing her recent experiences and opportunities in modeling, which she finds surreal but remains humble about.

    • Embracing Self-Belief in New SituationsBelieve in yourself, even in unfamiliar situations, and let your creativity and passion drive your goals. Admire those who inspire you and enjoy the process.

      Confidence comes from within and believing in oneself, even in unfamiliar situations. The speaker, who is new to modeling, shared how she overcomes her nerves by reminding herself that she was invited and that she is capable. She also revealed her go-to pose and expressed her love for YouTube and her weekly uploads. The conversation also touched on the idea of having a dream, but enjoying the present and the process. The speaker shared her admiration for Jenna Marbles and her longevity on YouTube, and expressed her excitement for the future. Overall, the conversation showcased the importance of self-belief, creativity, and passion in pursuing one's goals.

    • The Joy of Shared ExperiencesEmbrace every moment with enthusiasm and positivity, and never lose the unique qualities that make connections special.

      Key takeaway from this conversation between Tara, Jake, and Johnny is the joy and excitement they bring to their shared experiences. Whether it's recording a podcast or indulging in Persian food during a mukbang session, they embrace every moment with enthusiasm and positivity. Tara expresses her gratitude for Jake and Johnny's company and their ability to keep the conversation lively and engaging. She also encourages them to never lose their unique qualities, whether it's their gift of gab or their sweet personalities. Overall, this conversation highlights the importance of enjoying the present moment and the people we surround ourselves with. So, let's all strive to bring the same energy and enthusiasm to our own experiences and connections with others.

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    It's a 'Just Trish' Father's Day special with everyone's favorite dad, Moses Hacmon! Trish checks in with her hubby to dish on how life has changed since welcoming their newborn daughter, Elvis, into their lives. How are they adjusting to life with two girls? Plus, the couple reflects on how life would be different if they were raising a son. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enJune 13, 2024

    Tana Mongeau EXPOSES Cody Ko & Trisha DEFENDS Tarayummy Amidst Backlash

    Tana Mongeau EXPOSES Cody Ko & Trisha DEFENDS Tarayummy Amidst Backlash
    On episode 86 of 'JUST TRISH', Tana Mongeau accidentally sets the Internet on fire after she alleged she slept with Cody Ko when she was just 17 years old--and he was 25. Plus, Trisha defends Tarayummy after the new it-girl gets accused of copying Tana Mongeau. And why are Trisha and Oscar suddenly on team JoJo Siwa?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enJune 11, 2024

    Meredith Duxbury On Breakup Speculation & Inspiring Selena Gomez

    Meredith Duxbury On Breakup Speculation & Inspiring Selena Gomez
    Meredith Duxbury is a maximalist when it comes to her beauty routine... and when it comes to spilling the tea. The famed TikTok beauty guru joins Trisha to end the speculation about her breakup from Brandon Remer. Plus, Meredith dishes on being hailed as Selena Gomez's FAVORITE influencer.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enJune 11, 2024

    Trisha Gives BIRTH to Baby Elvis!

    Trisha Gives BIRTH to Baby Elvis!
    Elvis has left the womb and entered the building. Trisha has officially given birth to baby girl no. 2! How has the arrival of her second daughter changed her perspective on life, motherhood, and Hot Topics? Plus, who was secretly leaking her baby announcement?  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enJune 04, 2024

    Dr. Drew Reveals How Pregnancy Has CHANGED Trisha

    Dr. Drew Reveals How Pregnancy Has CHANGED Trisha
    Addiction specialist, Dr. Drew, is BACK ahead of the birth of Trisha's baby to reflect about how pregnancy has changed her for the better. Plus, Dr. Drew weighs in on how she can cope with postpartum depression the second time around. And the famed TV personality has plans to get Trisha on the silver screen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
    Just Trish
    enMay 30, 2024

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    We are joined this episode by Olivia O'Brien for the (technically) second time after she made a cameo in Mike Majlak's appearance. We start the show with what turns out to be an absolute evisceration of Olivia's latest ex, and are not at all shocked to find out that he follows Dave. We then get into Olivia's music career, her strategy of releasing songs instead albums to get her music out there, Alex Cooper starring in her music video, Logan Paul coming out at her Coachella set, and we end with a teaser of her new song "Got My Bitch Back" (rendition in the podcast performed by Tommy Smokes as the actual song is not out until early July). We find out what is really going on with her and Logan, her past relationship with Todd Smith, and may have actually stumbled into some Pete Davidson tea that no one has talked about before. We finish Olivia's interview with a game of FMK including Logan Paul, Mike Majlak, Jake Paul, Stassie Baby, Father Kels, Victoria Villarroel, Pete Davidson, Todd Smith, Bryce Hall, Griffin Johnson, and Josh Richards. Next up are headlines with Khaby Lame passing Charli D'Amelio as the most followed Tik Tokker and the Post getting cancelled for their headline, Charli and Landon Barker dating leading to Huddy unfollowing Charli and her whole family, Tommy Fury backing out of the Jake Paul fight, Jeff Wittek suing David Dobrik for $10m and David being defended by Johnny Depp's lawyers, Zack Bia and Olivia Rodrigo dating and if it is a coverup for a real Vinnie Hacker relationship, Ben Affleck's 10 year old son taking his dad's Lambo for a joyride, and Hailey Bieber being sued over her company Rhode. We finish with BFFs corner where Josh may have went as Jaden at VidCon, his new deal with Amazon TNF, and Harry Jowsey potentially having beef with O'Malley. Support our sponsors! Summer: Download Summer today at https://barstool.link/SummerBFFs Would: Shop Would at https://barstool.link/wouldBSS or at your local CVS. Whatnot: Download the Whatnot App today. Go to https://barstool.link/WhatnotBSS to get $10 off your first purchase on Whatnot.

    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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    SPONSORS: - Go to https://saatva.com/theshit for $200 off your next order. - Go to https://stamps.com, click on the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in MOM to get a a 4-week trial PLUS free postage and a digital scale. - Use code HOUSE for 50% off 2 or more pairs at https://shadyrays.com - Buy One, Get One Free. - Get 25% off and zero delivery fees on your first order of $15 or more when you download the DoorDash app and enter code YMH. - Go to https://brooklinen.com and use promo code HOUSE to get $20 off, with a minimum purchase of $100. - Go to https://hellotushy.com/YOURMOM to get 10% off your order and FREE shipping. - Receive 10% off your first order by using code MOM at https://FIVERR.com. - Get your first visit absolutely free at https://ForHims.com/mom. - Head to https://butcherbox.com/MOM to get a FREE BBQ Bundle in your first box! JEANS UP!! On this week's episode of YMH, Tom Segura and Christina P discuss Instagram's new pronoun feature, why summer sucks if you're fat, and take look at new videos from Garth Brooks and Cobra Tate. Nikki Glaser and Andrew Collin are comedians and the hosts of "The Nikki Glaser Podcast." They join the Main Mommies to discuss living together, cheating in school, writing embarrassing poetry, and more! Todd and Crystal introduce them to YMH All-Stars The King, Cobra Tate, and our video message cool guys. They also get brought up to speed on G and watch CP's TikTok curations. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices