
    Trisha Gives BIRTH to Baby Elvis!

    enJune 04, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Perspective shift with a new babyHaving a baby changes priorities, making entertainment and self-care more important than before, and encourages taking breaks to regulate emotions

      Having a baby changes perspective and priorities. The hosts of the Just Church podcast welcomed a new member into their family, and with this new addition came a shift in focus. They shared that nothing seems as important as it once did, and they've been enjoying catching up on various forms of entertainment during their maternity leave. The hosts also discussed their Patreon perks, including new Trish emojis and a handwritten note from the host. They reminisced about the drama-filled summer of 2020 and how their reactions and perspectives have changed since then. The hosts encouraged listeners to take a break when needed to regulate emotions and advised taking an hour for self-care before reacting impulsively.

    • Love's impact on self-improvementLove motivates us to be the best version of ourselves and inspires self-improvement, as seen in the speaker's personal experiences and the quote 'To be loved is to be changed' from The Hunger Games.

      Love changes us and motivates us to be the best version of ourselves. The Hunger Games Instagram account posted a photo of Katniss with Gale and Peeta, captioned "To be loved is to be changed." This resonated with the speaker as it's a quote from the book and a reminder of how love affects us. The speaker shares her personal experiences of wanting to change for loved ones and feeling motivated to be a better parent. The quote also inspired her to love herself more and be the version of herself that others see. The connection between the Hunger Games quote and personal experiences highlights the power of love and self-improvement.

    • Liquid Death eco-friendly waterLiquid Death, a popular brand of mountain water, sparkling water, and iced tea, donates profits to fight plastic pollution and offers a tasty, eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic bottled water.

      Liquid Death, a brand of mountain water, flavored sparkling water, and iced tea, is not only a tasty and fun alternative to single-use plastic bottled water, but it also contributes to the fight against plastic pollution by donating a portion of profits to this cause. The brand is popular among celebrities and has a wide availability, including on Amazon Prime with free shipping. The speaker, Trish, and her family are big fans and have even received merchandise from the company. Despite some initial fears and triggers during childbirth, Trish's positive experience with Liquid Death has made it a staple in their household. The brand's eco-friendly and health-conscious approach resonates with Trish and her family, who are committed to reducing plastic use and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

    • Balancing personal life and online presenceTaking a break from social media can bring peace and privacy, but missing online community and engagement can lead to feelings of disappointment and excitement for future opportunities.

      The speaker had taken a break from social media after having a baby, but she missed engaging with her audience and creating content. During her time away, she felt a sense of peace and privacy with her family, but she also missed the excitement and connection of her online community. She looked forward to returning with new content, including a new theme song for their show, and expressed her excitement about upcoming events, such as a tour and a trailer release. The speaker also shared her disappointment about missing certain opportunities, like a canceled tour and an invitation to promote a product, but remained optimistic about the future. Overall, the speaker's experience highlights the importance of balancing personal life and online presence, and the value of engaging with an online community.

    • Quick recovery after childbirthA woman's determination and strength can lead to a quick recovery after giving birth, allowing her to leave the hospital just a day after giving birth and return to work soon after.

      The woman's quick recovery after giving birth surprised everyone, including the medical staff. Despite feeling fine and eager to go home, she left the hospital just a day after giving birth. Her determination and strength impressed everyone around her. Additionally, she mentioned her excitement to return to work and bring her newborn babies with her. Her experience with her second child made her more confident and maternal, and she and her first child have formed a strong bond. She also shared her fascination with Niall Horan from The Voice and her love for Irish actors.

    • Pop culture and relationshipsDiscussions about favorite shows and their characters can deepen friendships and lead to shared fascinations, creating meaningful connections.

      The speaker's conversations with her friend Moses have led her to have vivid dreams featuring celebrities and characters from various shows, particularly Bridgerton and West Side Story. She finds herself attracted to these characters in her dreams, and the shows have become a significant part of her and Moses's relationship. The speaker expresses her admiration for the actors, including Colin Firth and Jonathan Bailey, and shares her fascination with the shows' costumes, music, and storylines. Despite some disappointments with casting changes, she remains excited for the upcoming seasons and wishes she could be a part of the productions. Overall, the speaker's discussions reveal her deep engagement with pop culture and her enjoyment of the shared experience of watching these shows with her friend.

    • Podcast hosts' kindness, dynamismDiscovering new podcast hosts can lead to inspiring experiences, even without prior knowledge of who they are. The speaker was moved by their kindness and energy, and was impressed by their creativity and upcoming projects.

      The speaker was impressed by the kindness and dynamism of two podcast hosts they discovered, despite not initially knowing who they were. They also shared their own creative projects, including a TV show idea about a magical tavern and a tavern maid who provides magical services, but becomes obsessed with certain customers. The speaker's next goal is to pitch this TV show to Netflix and potentially star in it. They also mentioned their appreciation for shows and movies featuring older women and the recognition of plus-size roles in entertainment.

    • Fantasy Stories TrendsFantasy stories continue to be popular with trends towards magic, royalty, and romance. From dark and violent to cute and magical, there's a wide range of sub-genres. Discovering new talent is essential in the industry and can lead to great success.

      There's a current trend towards adult fantasy stories with elements of magic, royalty, and romance. These stories can range from the dark and violent, like Game of Thrones, to the cute and magical, like Harry Potter. The speaker mentioned a potential project, Tavern Made, which combines elements of Bridgerton, Harry Potter, and even Twilight. The speaker also discussed the importance of discovering new talent and the role Harry Daniels played in helping them get started in the industry. Overall, the discussion highlighted the enduring appeal of fantasy stories and the excitement of finding new talent in the genre.

    • Friend's present, LGBTQ+ communitySpeaker's excitement about receiving a present from her friend and her connection to the LGBTQ+ community, expressed through their shared interests in RuPaul's Drag Race, cosplay, and Pride Month.

      The speaker is expressing her excitement about receiving a special present and the connection she has with her friend. The conversation also touches upon various topics such as RuPaul's Drag Race, cosplay, Pride Month, and the power of the LGBTQ+ community. The speaker's enthusiasm is contagious as she shares her love for the community and her plans to incorporate the new present into her tavern show. Additionally, the conversation reveals the speaker's admiration for RuPaul and her anticipation for a potential Pride episode. Overall, the conversation showcases the speaker's passion and excitement for these topics and her strong bond with her friend.

    • Rachel Ziegler's talentThe speaker was impressed by Rachel Ziegler's talent in 'West Side Story' and excited for her upcoming projects, including a revival of 'Romeo and Juliet'.

      The speaker had an unexpected experience with an epidural during childbirth, which left her feeling shocked and wary of discussing it. However, she is a huge fan of Rachel Ziegler, who starred in the recent film adaptation of "West Side Story," and the speaker was impressed by Ziegler's talent and the revival of the classic musical. The speaker also mentioned her admiration for Rachel Ziegler's quick rise to fame and her excitement for Ziegler's upcoming projects, including a revival of "Romeo and Juliet." Despite not being a big fan of New York, the speaker expressed her desire to attend the production. Overall, the speaker's conversation reflected her appreciation for Ziegler's talent and the impact of her performances.

    • Broadway shows, influencers, Pride eventsOne can turn negative experiences into opportunities and capitalize on them, as demonstrated by an influencer who bought a house and a Range Rover after getting punched. Broadway shows, Pride events, and influential figures in the entertainment industry are sources of inspiration and fascination for many.

      The speaker is a fan of Broadway shows and actor Ben Platt, and they express their desire to attend a show featuring him before he leaves New York. The conversation also touches upon the topic of influencers and capitalizing on negative experiences. The speaker shares an anecdote about an influencer who bought a house and a Range Rover after getting punched, suggesting that one can make the most of unfortunate situations. The conversation then shifts to the topic of Pride events and the speaker expressing their admiration for Ben Platt, who they consider their "gay of the week." They also discuss their fascination with various artists and their plans to interview one of their favorites, Chapel Rhone. Throughout the conversation, the speakers express their enthusiasm for various cultural events and their admiration for influential figures in the entertainment industry.

    • Connections and Nepotism in EntertainmentConnections and nepotism shape opportunities and careers in the entertainment industry, with children of influential figures often benefiting from production deals and continued family businesses.

      Connections and nepotism play a significant role in various industries, including entertainment. Nepotism babies, or children of influential figures, often have opportunities presented to them that others may not. This can lead to a second generation of influencers or continued family businesses. The entertainment industry, in particular, has seen this trend with the Kardashians and their production deals with streaming platforms. While some may view this as unfair, it's a reality that has been present for decades. It's essential to understand the power of connections and how they can shape opportunities and careers. Additionally, the influence of social media and the rise of influencers means that more people may become influencers as society shifts towards less traditional employment and more focus on individual lives.

    • Encouraging childrenEvery child deserves support and encouragement to improve and succeed, regardless of their natural abilities or background. Hard work and dedication can lead to growth and achievement.

      Everyone deserves an opportunity to shine, regardless of their natural abilities or background. The speaker expresses empathy for children, like North West, who are exposed to public criticism and encourages the idea that hard work and dedication can lead to improvement and success. The conversation also touches on the idea that life isn't always fair, and people may face challenges and obstacles, but it's essential to keep pushing forward. The speaker shares her personal experiences and feelings about the importance of supporting and encouraging children in their pursuits, even if they don't have a natural talent for it. Additionally, the topic of nepotism and favoritism in various industries, including entertainment and corporate worlds, was briefly discussed. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of kindness, understanding, and perseverance in helping children grow and develop.

    • FOMO and celebrity encountersDespite a strong desire to meet certain celebrities and attend events, the fear of missing out can prevent individuals from experiencing these moments in person. The ideal partner for some is a mix of masculine and feminine traits, muscular, woke, and talented.

      The speaker has a group of close gay friends who have known and hung out with Lance Bass for years, but she has never met him despite her desire to do so. She experiences FOMO (fear of missing out) at various gay events, particularly Pride celebrations, and has a type when it comes to her ideal male partner, which she describes as a mix of masc and fem, muscular, woke, and talented, represented by figures like Troye Sivan and Brad Pitt. The speaker also reflects on her own body image and weight loss journey, expressing a desire to fit into certain material possessions as a goal. Throughout the conversation, there are references to various celebrities, events, and pop culture moments.

    • Unexpected events, uniqueness, societal normsUnexpected events can lead to meaningful conversations and personal growth, while embracing uniqueness and challenging societal norms is essential for self-acceptance and personal fulfillment.

      The podcast discussion revolved around unexpected events, including a viral moment where one guest was interviewed and asked personal questions, and the other guest's experience of giving birth and the subsequent weight loss. The hosts also shared their thoughts on various topics, such as art, relationships, and the LGBTQ+ community. The conversation was filled with humor, personal anecdotes, and interesting insights. The hosts expressed their admiration for individuals who embrace their uniqueness and challenge societal norms. They also acknowledged the importance of self-acceptance and being true to oneself. The podcast episode showcased the hosts' chemistry, their ability to engage in thought-provoking conversations, and their willingness to share their experiences and perspectives with their audience.

    • Documenting livesPeople document their lives for various reasons, including personal growth, validation, and cultural significance. Respecting and appreciating others' experiences is essential.

      People have different motivations and approaches to documenting their lives. Some focus on the process and documentation for its own sake, while others seek validation or attention through social media. The conversation also touched on the significance of living through historical moments and the impact they have on individuals and culture. Additionally, there was a discussion about the importance of respecting and appreciating those who have lived through significant events, such as the AIDS pandemic. Ultimately, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity, self-expression, and the human experience.

    • Summer mellowness, Patreon contentSpeakers have been keeping busy with Patreon content during mellow summer, bringing joy and new perspectives through personal events like having a baby

      Summers are often associated with drama and entertainment, but this year is more mellow due to fewer major releases. However, the speakers have been keeping busy with their work, particularly their Patreon content, which has been well-received by their audience. A highlight for one speaker was the arrival of their baby, who brings joy and a new perspective to their life. Despite the occasional unexpected event, such as a fan's inappropriate comment towards a young actor, life goes on, and they look forward to future projects and collaborations.

    • Personal experiences, creativity, authenticityPersonal experiences, whether heartbreak or creative projects, can deeply impact our lives and influence decisions. Stay true to your vision and surround yourself with supportive partners. Importance of open communication and trust in professional relationships.

      Personal experiences, whether it's a heartbreak or a creative project, can deeply impact our lives and influence our decisions. JLo's unexpected hiatus from touring due to heartbreak resonated with the speaker, leading them to reflect on their own experiences and plans. The speaker also shared their excitement about redesigning their space and creating merchandise, emphasizing the importance of staying true to one's vision and being surrounded by supportive partners. Additionally, the speaker discussed their amusement and shock over an editor's unusual reason for missing deadlines, highlighting the importance of open communication and trust in professional relationships. Overall, the conversation touched on themes of personal growth, creativity, and the importance of authenticity in various aspects of life.

    • Friendship and addictionFriends may encounter situations where a friend's addiction affects their conversations and relationships, emphasizing the importance of addressing addictions and seeking help.

      The speaker's friend had to halt a conversation due to an employer dynamic and a confession of a past sexual encounter related to ASMR. The friend felt bad for the person due to what seemed to be an addiction, but emphasized the importance of seeking help for addictions. The conversation also touched on various topics including podcasts, Twitch streams, collaborations, and personal life updates. The speaker expressed admiration for her friend's openness and shared their shared appreciation for a particular individual named Poki. Overall, the conversation showcased the dynamic and sometimes unpredictable nature of their friendship.

    • Age differences in friendships and relationshipsAge gaps in friendships and relationships can be perceived differently, some find it odd while others believe age is just a number, maturity levels vary and understanding individual experiences is important.

      Age differences in friendships and relationships can be perceived as strange or unusual, especially when there is a significant age gap. Jojo, a reality TV star, has been open about her friendships with people much older than her, and this has sparked conversations about the dynamics of age and relationships. Some people find it odd for a 21-year-old to be friends with someone in their thirties, while others believe that age is just a number and maturity levels vary from person to person. Additionally, the topic of childhood trauma and its potential impact on people's lives was brought up, with some speculation about Jojo's past experiences. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of interpersonal relationships and the importance of understanding and respecting individual experiences and perspectives.

    • Power dynamics in relationshipsPower dynamics in relationships, especially those involving employment or judging, can impact the nature of interactions and potentially lead to complex relationships. Age difference and childhood experiences can also influence attraction to older individuals. Dating a wealthy older partner comes with unique challenges and potential pitfalls.

      The dynamics of how and when we meet people can significantly impact our relationships, particularly when the power dynamic involves employment or judging, as seen in the case of Jojo Siwa and her interactions with colleagues and mentors. The age difference and the potential for trauma in one's childhood can also influence the attraction to older individuals. However, dating an older, wealthy partner, such as a billionaire, comes with its own set of challenges and potential pitfalls, as seen in the rumors surrounding Corinna's relationship. Ultimately, it's essential to be aware of these dynamics and consider the potential consequences before entering into such relationships.

    • Relationships and WealthWealth disparities and infidelity can complicate relationships between busy individuals, especially when one is a high-profile billionaire. Understanding values and boundaries is crucial.

      The nature of a relationship between two busy individuals, especially when one is a high-profile billionaire, can lead to infidelity and lack of connection. The conversation also touched upon the topic of upfront payments in influencer deals and the stark contrast between their financial situations. It seems that while some influencers receive substantial upfront payments, others struggle to secure even small opportunities. This disparity, combined with the allure of wealth and luxury, can create complex dynamics in relationships. Additionally, the discussion revealed that some individuals, regardless of their wealth or background, may have hidden preferences or beliefs that could potentially clash with one's own values. Overall, the conversation provided insights into the complexities of modern relationships, the influence of wealth, and the importance of understanding one's own values and boundaries.

    • Cafe Opening, Media, Birth ControlA group of friends discussed the opening of a new cafe, enjoyed various forms of media, and expressed their desires regarding birth control while emphasizing the importance of self-expression and experiencing different things in life.

      The La La Land cafe, known for its aesthetic and rainbow lattes, is opening in the area. The discussion also touched upon the controversy surrounding Queer Eye's Jonathan Van Ness, who was accused of being toxic to work with despite the show's brand of kindness. The group also shared their love for various forms of media, including AMC movies and Troye Sivan, and expressed their desire to explore different forms of birth control as they consider starting a family. Despite the various topics, the underlying theme was the enjoyment and appreciation of different experiences and the importance of self-expression.

    • Birth control pressuresPersonal struggles with hormonal birth control, societal pressure on women, financial burdens of lawsuits, and ongoing conversations about reproductive health, gender roles, and socio-economic disparities.

      The topic of birth control and family planning comes with many complexities and considerations. The speaker expresses her personal struggles with hormonal birth control and the societal pressure on women to take on the responsibility of birth control. She also shares her experiences with lawsuits and the financial burdens they bring. The conversation also touches on the ongoing saga between Jeff Wittek and David Dobrik and the power dynamics between wealthy individuals and the legal system. Ultimately, the speaker acknowledges the importance of open communication and figuring things out as adults. The discussion highlights the need for ongoing conversations about reproductive health, gender roles, and socio-economic disparities.

    • David Dobrik's trialThe speaker expresses concern that Jeff Wittek may not receive a fair trial due to financial disparity between him and David Dobrik, and that Dobrik's influence and vague statements may be delaying the trial and adding to Jeff's trauma

      The speaker expresses a sense of frustration and empathy towards Jeff Wittek's situation, who is going through a trial after being accused of a hit-and-run incident. The speaker believes that David Dobrik, the accused, has gotten away with the incident due to his wealth and influence. The speaker also speculates that David might be using jokes and vagueness to address the situation, and that the trial's delay might be pushing Jeff over the edge. The speaker expresses disappointment that Jeff may not receive a fair trial due to the financial disparity between the two parties. The speaker also reflects on the impact of the incident on Jeff's life, including his surgeries and trauma. The speaker expresses a wish for Jeff to receive some form of vindication, such as paying for the damages and surgeries. The speaker also mentions that a documentary about the incident may never be released, and that Jeff continues to receive criticism and flack despite his unstable mental state.

    • Actions and ConsequencesBeing truthful and accountable for our actions is crucial to avoid negative karmic consequences. Attempts to cover up wrongdoings or manipulate the truth can lead to further harm and damage to reputation.

      Actions have consequences, and trying to cover up wrongdoings or manipulate the truth can lead to negative karmic consequences. The discussion revolved around the case of David O'Rourke and the alleged cover-up of his involvement in a tragic accident. Although the accident was an unfortunate event, the subsequent attempts to blame others and manipulate the narrative were seen as particularly egregious. The importance of honesty and accountability was emphasized, as well as the idea that justice will ultimately be served. The conversation also touched on the importance of reflection and remembering past experiences, particularly when it comes to acknowledging and learning from past mistakes.

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