
    Tana Mongeau EXPOSES Cody Ko & Trisha DEFENDS Tarayummy Amidst Backlash

    enJune 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Queer PrideEmbracing the term 'queer' as an inclusive alternative to 'gay pride' challenges traditional norms and welcomes all sexual and gender identities, promoting love, acceptance, and unity.

      During Pride Month, the term "queer" is increasingly being embraced as an inclusive alternative to "gay pride," as it encompasses a wider range of sexual and gender identities. The use of the term "queer" is seen as a way to challenge traditional norms and exclude no one, making it a more welcoming and inclusive term for all. The conversation also touched upon the significance of reclaimed words and the importance of representation in media, such as the movie "Madashina" which tells queer stories and highlights the history of the first group for gay people to feel connected in the 50s. Overall, the message of Pride Month is one of love, acceptance, and unity for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

    • Teletubbies and queer communityThe Teletubbies have shown support for the queer community and have even been considered allies, but a past attempt to celebrate Pride Month led to unrelated discussions. Dramatic situations like gossip provided entertaining content, but the speakers now find a balance between gossiping and providing entertainment.

      The speakers express their admiration for the Teletubbies, who have shown support for their content, and have even been considered allies to the queer community. The speakers also reflect on a past episode where they planned to celebrate Pride Month but ended up discussing unrelated topics. They reminisce about the drama and excitement surrounding a toxic gossip situation, acknowledging that while it was a difficult time, it also provided entertaining content for their audience. The speakers also mention their involvement in the drama and how it led them to start their podcast. Now, they find a balance between gossiping and providing entertainment, without being too invested in the subjects they cover.

    • Creativity and resilience in content creationSpeakers discussed various topics including Patreon, headshots, gaming, and potential collaboration with Wendy's. They shared past experiences and looked forward to new features like live chats, showcasing creativity, enthusiasm, and resilience.

      The speakers in the conversation were discussing various topics, including Patreon, headshots, gaming, and a potential collaboration with Wendy's. They also shared experiences from their past, such as using chat rooms and encountering inappropriate behavior. Despite some challenges and delays, they were excited about upcoming projects and looking forward to engaging with their audience through new features like live chats. Overall, the conversation showcased their creativity, enthusiasm, and resilience in navigating the ups and downs of their content creation journey.

    • Internet dangers for young peopleStaying informed and cautious is crucial when using the internet, especially for young people, as there are increased risks such as catfishing and anonymous interactions.

      The internet can be a dangerous place, especially for young people. During a discussion about an old episode where a guest did not advise waiting for children to grow older before allowing them to use social media, the speakers reminisced about the risks they took online when they were younger. They acknowledged that there are more awareness and precautions now to protect against online dangers, such as catfishing and anonymous interactions. Additionally, the speakers announced their plans to increase the frequency of their podcast episodes to discuss two hot topics a week. They also shared their excitement about their new intro and upcoming guests, including Austin Butler and Zendaya. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of staying informed and cautious when using the internet, especially for vulnerable populations.

    • Career achievements and fan recognitionThe speaker shares her excitement about the fans she's made throughout her career who are now in positions of power, recognizing and appreciating her work. She also discusses the importance of validation and feeling celebrated in her creative pursuits.

      The speaker is expressing her excitement about the fans she's made throughout her career, who are now in positions of power, recognizing and appreciating her work. She also shares her experiences of feeling validated when her work is acknowledged and celebrated, especially when it comes to her podcast and brand, "Jess Trish." The speaker also discusses her preference for using the metric system and her weight loss goals, which she connects to her desire to get a Tesla truck. Additionally, she shares an uncomfortable encounter where she was called "Chunky," which she found triggering and not complimentary. Overall, the speaker's tone is lighthearted and reflective, with a focus on the connections she's made and the joy she finds in her creative pursuits.

    • Body Image and RespectEveryone deserves respect and kindness, regardless of their physical appearance or transformation journey. Avoid hurtful comments and stand up for oneself and others.

      Everyone deserves respect and kindness, regardless of their physical appearance or transformation journey. The speaker shared an experience where she was unnecessarily belittled by a man who had undergone a significant weight loss. Despite her efforts to offer helpful advice, he dismissed her and spoke condescendingly about her appearance. The situation escalated when she confronted him, leading to a heated exchange. This experience underscores the importance of treating others with dignity and avoiding hurtful comments, especially when it comes to sensitive topics like weight loss and body image. The speaker's response also highlights the need to stand up for oneself and others, and to remember that everyone has a unique journey and should be celebrated for their progress, no matter how small or large.

    • Body Image and Weight in LGBTQ+ CommunityBody image and weight can lead to confrontations and discrimination within the LGBTQ+ community, particularly towards those who identify as femme or non-masculine. Self-acceptance and fostering an inclusive environment are crucial for supporting all bodies and identities.

      Weight and body image can be sources of insecurity and lead to confrontations, especially in the LGBTQ+ community. The speaker shares her personal experiences of being self-conscious about her weight and how it has led her to pick fights with others. She also discusses the prevalence of weight-related bullying and discrimination within the community, particularly towards those who identify as femme or non-masculine. The speaker expresses her desire for more support and representation for all bodies and identities, and the importance of fostering a more inclusive and accepting environment. Additionally, the speaker reflects on her own journey towards self-acceptance and the challenges of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Overall, the conversation highlights the complex and often emotional experiences surrounding body image and identity within the LGBTQ+ community.

    • Impact of Controversial FiguresControversial figures in the entertainment industry can negatively affect the promotion and reception of other projects or individuals, but it's important to remember that people can have complex relationships with their art and the artists themselves.

      The entertainment industry can be unforgiving, and problematic behaviors or controversial figures can impact the success and perception of other projects or individuals. In this discussion, the impact of Todrick Hall's actions on the promotion and reception of other gay shows was highlighted. The controversy surrounding JoJo's past actions and problematic comments also came up, with some expressing frustration over her seemingly deliberate provocations. Despite these issues, it was acknowledged that people can have complex relationships with problematic figures and that it's possible to separate their art from their actions. Ultimately, the conversation underscored the importance of being mindful of the impact of one's words and actions on others in the entertainment industry.

    • Reality TV castingSpeaker feels current reality TV show lacks excitement and name recognition, shares frustration with topic restrictions, expresses readiness to join cast, and desires more representation of middle-aged, less fit individuals.

      The speaker expresses disappointment with the current cast of a reality TV show, feeling that it lacks excitement and name recognition compared to past seasons. She also shares her frustration with being unable to discuss certain topics, such as her past relationship with Britney Spears, on the show. Additionally, she expresses her readiness to join the cast if given the opportunity and her excitement for certain cast members, such as Bob the Drag Queen and Brittany Haines. The speaker also shares her disdain for some past reality TV personalities, such as Bob Harper from The Biggest Loser, and her desire to see more representation of middle-aged, less fit individuals on reality TV.

    • Reality TV and Music VideosThe group discussed their favorite reality TV shows, specifically 'Real Housewives', and their favorite music videos, with a focus on cast members' actions and the influence of one music video on a popular song.

      The reality TV show "Real Housewives" features cast members who are often perceived as fit, hot, and middle-aged, with some viewers expressing disappointment that "normal people" aren't represented enough. Some viewers also expressed dislike for specific cast members, Tom Sandoval and Sam Erguari, and discussed their past actions. The conversation also touched on Sabrina, a cast member from a different reality show, and her perceived rudeness towards waitstaff. Additionally, the group discussed their favorite music videos, with Sabrina's video for "Barry" receiving praise for its campy theme and Ariana Grande's video for "God is a Woman" being appreciated for its visuals and storyline. The group also shared their thoughts on Ariana Grande's song "Thank U, Next," and the possible influence of Sabrina's music video on it. Overall, the conversation revolved around reality TV, favorite music videos, and cast members' actions.

    • Music video actorsSome people prefer certain actors or performers in music videos for their skills and charisma, like Barry Kio and Penn Badgley. Artists often don't cast their significant others and have multiple love interests in their videos.

      During a conversation about music videos and artists, it was discussed that some people prefer certain actors or performers in their videos, with Barry Kio being a popular choice due to his acting skills and charisma. Ariana Grande's music video for "Poison" featuring Penn Badgley was also praised for its unique narrative and reversal of typical gender roles in stalking scenarios. The discussion also touched upon the idea that artists often don't cast their significant others in their music videos and that it's common for them to have multiple love interests in their videos. Despite the release of multiple music videos by various artists at the same time, the group agreed that both Sabrina and Ariana's videos were unique and enjoyable in their own ways.

    • Music video versatilityBillie Eilish values both low-key and high-budget music videos, showcasing her versatility and allowing fans to appreciate her artistry in various ways.

      Billie Eilish's low-key music video for "Lunch" reflects her desire to be economical and chill about her visuals, contrasting her more cinematic and high-budget videos. She values both types of productions, and her fans appreciate her versatility. Additionally, the group expressed their admiration for artists like Ariana Grande and Jojo, who have delivered memorable music videos with unique concepts. They also discussed their fascination with Ethan Slater and his potential personal life, and the unexpected discovery of Sabrina Carpenter's song "Chappelle Road," which showcased her impressive vocal abilities. Overall, the conversation highlighted their appreciation for diverse artistic expressions and the impact of music videos on their fandom experiences.

    • Urban legends and misinformationUrban legends and sensational stories can easily spread and evolve, often persisting despite factual debunking, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking

      Stories, especially those with sensational or disturbing elements, can easily spread and evolve over time, often becoming widely believed as truths. The discussion revolved around an urban legend involving a man named Glenn and a cannibal lotion, which was later debunked by fact-checking websites. Despite the debunking, the story had persisted for years and had evolved into various forms. The power of storytelling and the ease with which misinformation can spread were highlighted in the conversation. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the topic of body image and the desire for societal acceptance, with one participant expressing their aspiration to fit into a particular pair of boots. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the face of rumors and urban legends.

    • Honesty and authenticityBeing honest, even when it's difficult, builds trust and prevents unnecessary complications. Assuming incorrectly or taking credit for others' work can lead to misunderstandings and negative consequences.

      Honesty is always the best policy, even when it comes to canceling plans or admitting mistakes. The speaker shared a regretful experience from 2019 where they went to great lengths to fabricate an excuse to avoid a date, only to have the person not believe them. They wish they had simply communicated honestly that they weren't feeling up to it. This experience highlights the importance of authenticity and the potential consequences of dishonesty. Additionally, the conversation touched on the discovery of a One Direction song that the speaker thought was by Joey Graceffa, but was actually written by Ed Sheeran. This revelation reminded the speaker of the importance of giving credit where it's due and not assuming things based on incomplete information.

    • Contributions of Women in Music IndustryNicole Scherzinger and Katy Perry played significant roles in discovering and nurturing talent in the music industry, and their contributions should be recognized. The ownership and control of music groups' names and careers is a complex issue.

      While Simon Cowell may have been a key figure in the success of shows like "The Voice" and the creation of groups like One Direction, the contributions of other individuals such as Nicole Scherzinger and Katy Perry should not be overlooked. These women played significant roles in discovering and nurturing talent, and their influence should be recognized. Additionally, the ownership and control of these groups' names and careers has been a source of controversy, with each member owning an equal percentage. This complex dynamic highlights the collaborative nature of the entertainment industry and the importance of acknowledging the contributions of all involved.

    • Entertainment PassionsThe speaker expresses admiration for certain actors and shows, appreciates British entertainment, and is intrigued by actors in unexpected roles, while being disappointed by struggles or criticism faced by admired actors.

      The speaker is passionate about various shows and movies, particularly one where they wish they could have been a part of or seen more chemistry between certain actors. They also discussed their admiration for certain actors and their roles, and the impact of those roles on their own aspirations. The speaker also mentioned their appreciation for British shows and their interest in seeing certain actors in different roles, such as Nicholas Braun playing a fairy. They expressed disappointment when certain actors they admired seemed to struggle with their careers or faced criticism. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's enthusiasm for entertainment and their appreciation for the art and artists behind it.

    • LGBTQ+ representation in mediaThe speaker shared their experiences with representation of the LGBTQ+ community in media and expressed a desire to be involved in projects with admired friends and celebrities, discussing casting preferences and personal experiences with attraction and admiration.

      The speaker had various experiences with representation of the LGBTQ+ community in media and expressed desires to be involved in projects with friends and celebrities they admire. They discussed their thoughts on coming out in Hollywood, preferences in casting, and their connections to certain actors and shows. The speaker also mentioned their personal experiences with attraction and preferences, as well as their admiration for certain actors and their styles. Overall, the conversation revolved around the importance of representation and the speaker's personal connections to the entertainment industry and the LGBTQ+ community.

    • Harry Styles' impact on the speakerThe speaker had a crush on Harry Styles, felt small next to him, admired his feminist message and acting skills, but now finds celebrity encounters overwhelming, and admires her queer director for inclusive representation.

      The speaker had a crush on Harry Styles during his early career and managed to get a photo with him, but felt small next to him due to his height. She also appreciated his attention and the feminist message in the movie "Pleasantville" they both appeared in. The speaker also expressed her admiration for Harry Styles' acting skills and his representation of women's free will. Despite her past excitement about meeting celebrities, she now finds the experience overwhelming and prefers to stay behind the scenes. The speaker also mentioned her admiration for her director, who she considers her queer of the week, for his inclusive representation of same-sex relationships in his films.

    • Entertainment industry admirationSpeakers praised Andrew Valentine and Charlie XCX for their kindness, patience, creativity, and being visionaries in the entertainment industry, while acknowledging unacceptable fan behavior towards Charlie XCX.

      During the conversation, the speakers expressed their admiration and fondness for certain individuals in the entertainment industry, specifically Andrew Valentine and Charlie XCX. They praised their kindness, patience, and creativity, and described them as visionaries and pillars of the community. Additionally, there was a discussion about the controversy surrounding Charlie XCX and fans bringing unusual items for her to sign. The speakers acknowledged that while she may have consent to sign such items, shoving anything in someone's face is not acceptable behavior. Overall, the conversation reflected the speakers' appreciation for these individuals and their unique qualities.

    • Poppers and underage individualsUsing poppers with underage individuals is not only illegal but also unethical and potentially traumatic. Respect boundaries and ensure all parties involved are consenting adults.

      Non-consensual use of substances like poppers, especially with underage individuals, is not acceptable and potentially illegal. The discussion revolved around a past experience where someone accidentally ingested poppers, which tasted like gasoline and left a traumatic impression. The legality and ethical implications of the use of poppers, particularly in the context of underage individuals, were also debated. The conversation also touched upon the age gap in relationships and the potential criminality of relationships between adults and minors. It is important to respect boundaries and ensure that all parties involved are of consenting age and willing participants.

    • Age difference in relationshipsAge difference in relationships can lead to controversy and negative reactions, particularly when one party is a minor. Consent and accountability are crucial in all relationships.

      The age difference between two individuals in a relationship can lead to controversy and negative reactions, especially when one party is a minor. This was highlighted in a discussion about a past relationship between two popular YouTubers, where the older partner was accused of exploiting the younger one when she was underage. Despite the older partner's lack of acknowledgement or apology, public opinion largely sided with the younger partner, who has since moved on and found success in her career. The incident serves as a reminder of the power dynamics and potential harm that can exist in relationships, particularly for those in the public eye. It also underscores the importance of consent and accountability in all relationships.

    • Public figures and sexual misconductPublic figures, including those with significant influence and popularity, can engage in inappropriate and non-consensual behavior. Victims of such behavior should feel empowered to speak out and call out the offender, regardless of societal pressure.

      Even successful and seemingly untouchable public figures like Tana Mongeau have experienced inappropriate behavior and sexual advances, some of which were non-consensual. These experiences can have lasting impacts and it's important for victims to speak out and call out such behavior, regardless of societal pressure to be "cool" or accepted. The discussion also highlighted the issue of age gaps in relationships and the power dynamics they can create, especially when one party is in a position of influence. The conversation underscored the importance of holding individuals accountable for their actions and creating a culture where victims feel supported and empowered to speak out.

    • Popularity ChallengesNavigating popularity comes with unique challenges, especially for those who are older or different, including negative attention, backlash, and power dynamics. Authenticity and individuality are key to overcoming these challenges.

      Popularity comes with its own challenges, especially for young people. The speaker expresses feelings of unease and being out of place when trying to connect with influencers who are much younger than her. She also discusses the negative attention and backlash that popular figures can face, using examples of Sabrina Carpenter and Tana Mongeau. The speaker emphasizes the importance of authenticity and individuality, and the challenges of navigating friendships with problematic individuals. She also touches upon the power dynamics and the impact of tabloid culture on celebrities. Ultimately, the speaker expresses empathy and support for those going through the experience of being in the public eye.

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