
    The DOWNFALL of Cody Ko, REJECTED by Trixie Mattel & Leo Skepi SHADES Trisha

    enJune 20, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Rodent men, HollywoodThe speaker grew up with a unique perspective on relationships and cosplay, and discussed her infatuation with 'rodent men' in Hollywood, emphasizing the importance of not shaming people, even if it seems harmless, and highlighting the importance of Patreon support during unexpected challenges.

      The speaker grew up in a place with few laws and shared a unique perspective on relationships and cosplay. She discussed her infatuation with "rodent men" in Hollywood and how they are often considered attractive. The conversation also touched on the importance of not shaming people, even if it seems like a harmless term. Despite the chaos of filming a day early and encountering unexpected issues, the speaker emphasized the importance of their Patreon support. Overall, the conversation showcased the speaker's lighthearted and endearing personality.

    • Patreon perksCreators offering exclusive perks and merchandise to Patreon supporters can foster a sense of community and appreciation among their audience

      The creators behind the Just Trish podcast offer exclusive perks and merchandise to their Patreon supporters, including a headshot featuring a rainbow Birkin bag, a gay rights sticker, and a sketchbook for producers. They also have a dedicated Instagram account for giveaways. The creators have a strong connection with their audience and value their support, as shown by their commitment to providing unique rewards. The perks not only serve as a token of appreciation but also foster a sense of community among the supporters. The creators' dedication to their audience and their willingness to engage with them sets them apart and adds value to their content.

    • Tax crisis managementPeople react differently to tax crises, some remain calm and seek help while others may feel overwhelmed and seek professional expertise to avoid legal consequences.

      People handle crisis situations differently. Some, like the speaker, appreciate the help of others and remain calm under pressure. Others, like in the case of tax issues, may feel overwhelmed and seek the expertise of professionals to avoid potential legal consequences. The speaker expresses her fear of making mistakes with taxes, leading to potential legal issues and even imprisonment. She also discusses her experience with taxes being rolled over for future years and expressing her curiosity about the process. The conversation also touches upon the topic of tax evasion and the potential consequences of intentional deceit towards tax authorities. The speaker expresses her sympathy for those who have experienced public breakdowns, such as Tati Westbrook, but also acknowledges that some individuals start such situations with false accusations. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity and importance of handling taxes and the potential emotional impact of public drama.

    • Trisha's Controversial VideoSpeakers discussed Trisha's controversial video causing speculation about drug use, escalating to potential lawsuit, but ultimately nothing came of it, while also admiring writers and discussing Shane Dawson's involvement

      The speakers were discussing their reactions to a controversial video by a YouTuber named Trisha. The video, which showed Trisha with scabs on her legs and face, led to speculation about her use of drugs. Trisha explained that the scabs were caused by chlorine from the pool, but no one else seemed to be experiencing the same issue. The situation escalated, leading some to believe that a lawsuit was imminent, but ultimately nothing came of it. The speakers also touched on their admiration for writers and their own writing abilities. Despite not being close to Shane Dawson at the time, they discussed his involvement in the situation, raising the possibility that he may have intentionally provided Trisha with information to use against his enemies.

    • Minors and Relationships LawsEmployment of minors and relationships can raise complex legal and societal issues, with varying laws and norms across states and historical contexts.

      There were complexities and gray areas regarding the employment of minors and relationships in the speaker's past. The speaker recounted knowing a makeup artist who worked on a celebrity's wedding when he was a teenager, which raised questions about labor laws and employment of minors. The speaker also shared stories of growing up in a place with fewer laws and where cousins dating was common, leading to discussions about incest laws and their variability by state. The conversation also touched upon the legality of certain relationships and marriages in different states throughout history. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances of laws and societal norms surrounding relationships and employment of minors.

    • Skinny culture and waist trainersSome people, particularly Hispanic women, have been encouraged to use waist trainers after giving birth to achieve a smaller waist, and the speaker has also tried using them for her own 'skinny' goals.

      The speaker expresses fascination with the concept of skinny culture and has tried using waist trainers to achieve a smaller waist. She mentions that some people, particularly Hispanic women, have been encouraged to use waist trainers after giving birth. The speaker also discusses her attempts to be "skinny" for an upcoming project and her use of Patreon for access to older content. Additionally, she shares a hot topic about Harvard professors who believed in the existence of aliens and speculated that they might be living on Earth, in the oceans, or even on the moon. The speaker finds the idea intriguing and suggests that advanced technology might appear magical to less technologically advanced civilizations.

    • Alien or Fairy EncountersThe speaker shares vague memories of possible encounters with small beings and expresses a belief in their existence, but the validity of these experiences is uncertain. They also express a need for privacy and a sense of unease around others in their personal space.

      The speaker expresses intrigue and belief in the existence of small, possibly microscopic beings like fairies or aliens. They share personal experiences that seem to support this belief, but the memories are vague and some may be influenced by drugs or altered states of consciousness. The speaker also discusses their past experiences with roommates and housekeepers, expressing a desire for privacy and a sense of unease when others are present in their personal space. The speaker also mentions their admiration for popular figures in the entertainment industry and their efforts to connect with them. Overall, the conversation touches on themes of the unknown, personal experiences, and celebrity culture.

    • Drag career sustainabilityDrag queens like Trixie Mattel face immense pressure to stay relevant and work non-stop, but building a strong brand and fanbase can provide financial stability and allow for occasional breaks.

      Trixie Mattel, a well-known drag queen, has been working non-stop for over a decade since her appearance on RuPaul's Drag Race in 2015. Her career includes various ventures such as comedy, YouTube, TV shows, podcasts, and even opening a bar. Despite the demands of her career, she has built a strong brand and has a dedicated fanbase. Trixie mentioned that she has physically deteriorated due to the demands of drag, which led her to consider taking a break. However, she expressed doubts about being able to take an extended break due to the pressure to stay relevant in the industry. Despite the challenges, Trixie's success and iconic status allow her to take a break if she chooses, and she has various business ventures outside of content creation that provide financial stability. Overall, Trixie's career highlights the dedication and hard work required to succeed in the entertainment industry, as well as the importance of building a strong brand and fanbase.

    • Fame ChallengesRising fame can be overwhelming and exhausting, requiring authenticity and self-awareness to navigate the public eye and maintain personal well-being

      Fame can be overwhelming and challenging for individuals, even those who have worked hard to achieve it. Chapel Roan, a rising music artist, experienced a moment of vulnerability during a performance, expressing her feelings of being unable to keep up with her fast-paced career. Her sudden rise to fame, from working as a camp counselor to headlining festivals within a short period, took a toll on her. The pressure of being in the public eye and dealing with fans can be exhausting. Additionally, the importance of authenticity and being true to oneself, even in the face of fame, was emphasized. Chapel's decision to be honest with her audience during her performance was appreciated by her fans. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and challenges of fame, and the importance of staying true to oneself.

    • Collaboration and RelationshipsWhen attempting to collaborate with someone, be mindful of their personal relationships and respect their boundaries to maintain a professional and respectful interaction.

      Trisha Paytas, a popular podcast guest, had a conversation about potentially collaborating with another podcast guest, Gypsy Rose, but encountered some unexpected interactions with Gypsy's boyfriend and Gypsy herself. Trisha expressed her interest in having Gypsy on her podcast, but was unsure of how to approach her. She tried reaching out through various social media platforms, including Instagram and TikTok, but was met with mixed results. Trisha shared a story about Gypsy's boyfriend, Ken, seemingly expressing interest in her, which led Trisha to DM him to ask for a connection to Gypsy. She was careful to assure Ken that she wasn't trying to take his girlfriend, as she didn't want to come off as disrespectful. Despite the initial confusion, Trisha remained optimistic about the potential collaboration and was open to various ways of making it happen, including flying Gypsy out to Los Angeles. The conversation also touched on other topics, such as their shared experiences with dating and their Netflix shows. Overall, the conversation showcased the complexities of trying to collaborate with someone while navigating their personal relationships and the importance of respecting boundaries.

    • Fan interactions, celebrity relationshipsUnexpected fan interactions can lead to memorable experiences for both fans and celebrities, and the dynamics of celebrity relationships can be influenced by fan culture

      The dynamics of celebrity relationships and fan interactions can be complex and unexpected. During a conversation, it was mentioned that Harry Styles and Niall Horan were once popularly shipped together by fans. This interaction occurred through a tweet where a fan expressed her desire to attend one of Niall's concerts, and he jokingly replied that he would never sell out Madison Square Garden. Years later, when Niall did sell out the venue, the fan realized it was her tweet that had inspired him. The conversation also touched on the topic of actors and their ability to detach from their roles during intimate scenes. It was noted that some actors, like the speaker, may find it challenging to fully immerse themselves in the moment due to the presence of crew members and the separation between their personal and professional lives. Overall, the conversation highlighted the intricacies of fan culture and the unique experiences that can come from unexpected fan interactions.

    • Media exploitation of celebrity relationshipsThe media's exploitation of celebrity relationships, fueled by the buying and selling of exclusive photos, can lead to privacy invasions, ethical dilemmas, and power imbalances between actors, media, and fans.

      The entertainment industry is known for creating and selling romantic fantasies to the public, often capitalizing on the shipping culture and the chemistry between co-stars. The discussion revolves around the revelation of a secret relationship between Luke and Nicola, actors from the show "Bridgerton," and how their relationship status was exploited by the media. The paparazzi agencies buy exclusive rights to photos and sell them to publications, creating a buzz around the relationship and increasing the actors' visibility. The actors' reactions to the situation varied, with some being comfortable with it and others finding it intrusive. The incident highlights the power of the media in shaping public perception and the power dynamics between the media, actors, and their fans. It also raises questions about privacy, consent, and the ethics of selling personal information to the public.

    • Bridgerton representationBridgerton is celebrated for its inclusive and subtle portrayal of diverse characters, including queer storylines and racial backgrounds, which normalizes these aspects without making them the main focus.

      The Bridgerton series, despite some controversies around representation and sex scenes, is celebrated for its inclusive and subtle portrayal of diverse characters, including queer storylines and racial backgrounds. The discussion also revealed that fans appreciate the show's ability to normalize these aspects without making them the main focus. However, some criticisms were raised about the lack of explicit sex scenes in certain seasons and the underdeveloped chemistry between certain characters. Overall, the Bridgerton series is praised for its representation and representation of underrepresented communities, making it a popular and groundbreaking show in the entertainment industry.

    • Bridgerton adaptation controversyChanges in sex and romance scenes caused controversy among fans, with some appreciating the show's explicitness and others feeling important elements were missing or altered. Debates also arose over fan favorite characters and relationships, as well as new collaborations.

      The adaptation of "Bridgerton" from book to screen sparked controversy among fans due to changes in certain scenes, particularly those involving sex and romance between characters. While some appreciated the show's explicit content, others felt that important elements were missing or altered. Additionally, fan favorite characters and their relationships were a source of debate, with some feeling let down by the second season's focus on conflict rather than romance. The presence of new relationships and collaborations, such as Daniel Dien's Moonjuice X Daniel Prada "Brat" collection, further fueled discussions among fans. Overall, the adaptation of "Bridgerton" to the screen ignited passionate conversations and debates among fans, highlighting the power of fandom and the importance of staying true to the source material while also bringing new elements to the table.

    • Queer artists and causesSupporting queer artists and causes is important, as they face unique challenges in the entertainment industry but contribute significantly to the arts and social progress.

      During a conversation about a new collab between Daniel Prada and Mujoo's for a queer-supporting charity, the group discussed their thoughts on the new drink, which is a key lime colada with a pop of matcha. While some expressed their love for the drink and its cause, others were hesitant due to their personal preferences. The conversation then shifted to recognizing Harry Daniels as a notable figure in the queer community and discussing his accomplishments. Despite some misconceptions and challenges faced by queer individuals in the entertainment industry, they were celebrated for their talents and contributions. Overall, the group emphasized the importance of supporting queer artists and causes throughout the year.

    • Zac Efron's careerThe speaker admires Zac Efron's acting abilities and charisma, having seen him in various productions and discussing him with others. They are excited about upcoming projects featuring Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron and appreciate his recent transformation and maturity.

      The speaker is an avid fan of various entertainers, including Zac Efron, and has had different opinions about him throughout the years. They have seen him in different productions, such as "Wicked" and "High School Musical," and have had the opportunity to discuss him with others. The speaker also shares their excitement about upcoming projects featuring Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron, and expresses their admiration for his acting abilities and charisma. Additionally, they mention his recent transformation and maturity, which has led them to appreciate him even more. Overall, the conversation highlights the speaker's passion for entertainment and their enthusiasm for the work of various artists.

    • Impact of Fame on Reality TVBeing related to or resembling a famous person can significantly impact a contestant's experience on reality shows, either helping or hindering their chances of success.

      Fame and recognition can significantly impact one's experience on reality shows. The more famous the relative or connection, the easier it is for contestants to be identified and potentially eliminated. For instance, on shows where being famous is a requirement, like "Celebrity Big Brother," being related to a less famous person may not be enough to keep someone in the game. Conversely, having a well-known connection can help contestants get further, even if they're not particularly famous themselves. Additionally, people's fascination with famous relatives or figures often extends to their look-alikes or body doubles. This can be an advantage for those in the entertainment industry, as they may be able to leverage their resemblance to a famous person to gain attention and opportunities. Overall, the power of fame and recognition in reality TV can be a double-edged sword, and understanding its impact is crucial for contestants looking to make it far in the competition.

    • Entertainment industry dynamicsCollaborating with different personalities and dealing with public drama are common challenges in the entertainment industry. Relationships and public personas evolve over time, requiring adaptability and balance between work and family life.

      The discussion revolves around various experiences and encounters in the entertainment industry, including working with different personalities and dealing with public drama. Shane Dawson, a YouTuber, was mentioned as someone they collaborated with on a project, but their current relationship is unclear. They also talked about wearing YSL shoes and reminisced about old videos and past controversies, such as the Tati Westbrook drama. The conversation also touched on the challenges of balancing work and family life and the evolving nature of friendships and public personas. Overall, the conversation showcases the dynamic nature of the entertainment industry and the importance of adapting to new situations and trends.

    • Impact of words and actions onlineWords and actions online can have unintended consequences and spark waves of reactions, some positive and some negative. Consider the potential impact before posting or commenting.

      Words and actions, especially online, hold more power than we might realize. A simple comment or post can spark a wave of reactions, some positive and some negative. In this conversation, the influencer Haley Drew experienced the power of this firsthand when she suggested another influencer, Brooke, should get a bob haircut. The suggestion was taken out of context, leading to a wave of hate and criticism towards Haley. The incident highlights the importance of considering the potential impact of our words and actions, especially in the digital age where information spreads quickly and can be easily misconstrued. Additionally, the conversation also touched on the topic of online dating apps like Raya, which have become increasingly popular among celebrities and influencers. Overall, the conversation serves as a reminder to be mindful of our words and actions, and to approach online interactions with care and consideration.

    • Glenn Powell's behavior towards Riley ArnoldOpinions were divided on Glenn Powell's behavior towards a teenager Riley Arnold, with some finding it disrespectful and others coming to his defense.

      The conversation between the speakers revolved around their thoughts on Glenn Powell and his actions towards Riley Arnold. Some found his behavior strange and disrespectful towards Riley, who was a teenager at the time. Others came to his defense, believing that he was innocent and that the situation had been blown out of proportion. The speakers also discussed Powell's acting career and their opinions of his performances. Additionally, they touched upon the topic of board game adaptations into movies and their thoughts on them. Overall, the conversation showcased a range of perspectives and opinions on the subject matter.

    • Obsessive promotionObsessively promoting someone who doesn't reciprocate can be perceived as creepy and potentially dangerous. Creating look-alike accounts and constantly discussing someone else can be seen as obsessive behavior.

      Obsessively talking about and promoting someone who doesn't reciprocate can come across as creepy and potentially dangerous. The speaker shares their concerns about a podcast host who continues to discuss and promote a woman who has not spoken about him, despite creating a look-alike TikTok account and promoting their Netflix show. The speaker suggests that if someone creates a look-alike account and constantly talks about someone else, it can be perceived as obsessive and even borderline dangerous. Additionally, the speaker reflects on the power dynamics and potential exploitation in the context of a reality TV show, where professional dancers are paired with celebrities, some of whom are much older. The speaker questions why producers would intentionally pair an 18-year-old dancer with a younger celebrity, rather than an older professional dancer. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of respecting boundaries and considering the potential power imbalances in relationships and professional contexts.

    • Relationship ChangesPeople's relationships and actions can evolve over time, and it's crucial to respect those changes despite personal feelings or expectations.

      People's relationships and actions can change over time, and it's important to respect those changes even if they don't align with our own expectations or desires. The speaker in this conversation was expressing her feelings about a friend's new relationship and the drama that came with it. She acknowledged her own anxiety around drama and communication, and how it can impact her relationships. She also discussed her own experiences with friendship and the challenges of balancing personal relationships with professional commitments, particularly as a parent. Ultimately, she emphasized the importance of understanding and respecting individual growth and the complexities of human connections.

    • Silence and Productivity, AccountabilitySilence is crucial for focus and productivity for some individuals. Accountability is important, but there's a double standard in how people are treated based on their likability and public image.

      Silence is essential for focus and productivity for this individual, and they value it greatly in various aspects of their life, including work and personal relationships. Another takeaway is the issue of accountability and the double standard in how people, especially men, are treated based on their likability and public image. The discussion also touched on the complexity of the Tana Mongeau and Cody Ko situation and how the public reacts to allegations against popular figures, particularly those who are seen as sexual beings. The conversation highlighted the importance of addressing serious issues and holding individuals accountable, regardless of their public persona.

    • Complexity of controversial situationsPeople should show empathy towards individuals in controversial situations, recognizing their complex backstory, and prioritize accountability, communication, and understanding to navigate the challenges.

      People should show more empathy towards individuals involved in controversial situations, recognizing that everyone has a complex backstory. The speaker expresses frustration with the quick judgments and discrediting of individuals based on their associations or past actions. The topic of consent and age differences in relationships was discussed, with the speaker acknowledging the complexity of the issue and the potential challenges for those involved in such situations. The speaker also emphasized the importance of accountability and communication in resolving conflicts. Despite the serious nature of the topic, the speaker acknowledged that some scandals may seem trivial in comparison to more serious issues, but emphasized that every situation is unique and deserves consideration. The speaker expressed a desire for individuals to share their stories, while also recognizing the importance of respecting others' privacy and not speaking on their behalf without their consent. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of empathy, understanding, and open communication in navigating complex and sensitive issues.

    • Accountability and EmpathyAccountability and empathy are crucial in maintaining good character, even when facing difficult consequences. Mistakes happen, but acknowledging them and apologizing to victims is essential.

      Accountability and acknowledging wrongdoings are important aspects of being a good person, even if the consequences are difficult. The speaker shares their experiences with the public figure, Jeff, and how they have witnessed his reputation shift. They express empathy for Jeff and believe that he will find some form of moral vindication, regardless of the outcome of his legal disputes. The speaker also mentions their own desire to be a good person and take responsibility for their actions, even if they were unintentional. They acknowledge that mistakes are a part of being human, but it's important to acknowledge and apologize to victims. The speaker also expresses their support for Jeff and their admiration for his strength in the face of adversity. They encourage their audience to stay informed and to follow the story closely. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of accountability and empathy in navigating difficult situations.

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