
    Podcast Summary

    • The sudden disappearance of shows from streaming platforms leaves viewers feeling frustrated and denied of narrative closureViewers face unexpected losses when shows disappear from streaming platforms without explanation, reminding us of the impermanence of digital media and the importance of cherishing content while it lasts.

      The entertainment industry's ever-evolving landscape can lead to unexpected losses for viewers, as shown by the disappearance of popular shows like "Made for Love" from streaming platforms without explanation. Em Lund's experience of being hooked on the show and then having it suddenly vanish left her and her friends feeling frustrated and denied of narrative closure. This isn't an isolated incident, as numerous shows from various platforms have mysteriously disappeared over the past year. The reasons behind these removals remain unclear, leaving viewers feeling powerless and questioning the value of their time and investment in shows they've come to love. It's a reminder of the impermanence of digital media and the importance of cherishing and appreciating the content we enjoy while it lasts.

    • The constant pursuit of new content in the streaming industryStreaming platforms remove shows they've already paid for to make room for new content and stay competitive, leaving fans and creators uncertain about the future.

      The economic logic behind streaming platforms removing shows they've already paid for lies in their constant pursuit of new content to attract and retain subscribers. This was evident during the time when Alyssa Nutting, the creator and showrunner of Made for Love, was trying to get her show into production. With the rise of streaming services and the shift from traditional cable to on-demand content, companies were eagerly acquiring new shows to stay competitive. Alyssa was fortunate enough to have her show picked up by HBO Max, but she soon realized that the greenlighting process was just the beginning. Running a prestige TV operation requires an immense amount of time and dedication, leaving little room for other commitments. Despite the challenges, Alyssa chose to prioritize her work, leading to the eventual production of Made for Love. However, the ever-changing landscape of streaming means that even successful shows can be taken down at any time to make way for the next big thing. This constant churn of content is the new norm in the streaming industry, leaving fans and creators alike uncertain about the future of their favorite shows.

    • HBO Max Removes Shows: Reasons UnclearDespite positive reception, shows can be suddenly removed from streaming services, possibly due to corporate financial decisions, leaving creators and audiences uncertain.

      The entertainment industry, specifically streaming platforms, can be unpredictable and subject to cost-cutting measures. Despite positive reviews and a loyal following, shows can be unexpectedly removed from streaming services. In this case, HBO Max, a subsidiary of WarnerMedia, removed several shows, including "The Gordita Chronicles" and "Made for Love," raising questions about the reasoning behind these decisions. Some speculation suggested that these moves were made to secure tax write-offs as part of a larger corporate restructuring deal. This theory gained traction when John Oliver joked about it on his own HBO Max show. However, the exact reasons for the show removals remain unclear. This situation highlights the precarious nature of the entertainment industry and the potential impact of corporate financial decisions on creative content.

    • Tax write-off theory debunked, shows can be removed without warningMedia companies can no longer write off expenses for removed shows all at once, and the unpredictability of the entertainment industry continues with sudden removals

      The tax write-off theory, which allowed media companies to write off their expenses for shows taken down from streaming platforms all at once instead of spreading it over a decade, has largely been debunked. The recent changes to the tax code no longer require media companies to wait, and the potential savings on taxes would likely not outweigh the revenue they could still generate from the shows. For showrunner Alyssa, the sudden removal of her show "Made for Love" from HBO Max was a personal blow, despite the real reasons being more about industry shifts than tax write-offs. The experience underscores the unpredictability and instability of the entertainment industry, where shows can be taken down without warning and the financial implications are subject to changing tax laws and industry trends.

    • Streaming services save on costs by canceling shows in early yearsHBO Max and others save on residuals, profit sharing, and royalties by canceling shows early in their run

      HBO Max may be canceling shows to save on residuals and other financial obligations. According to David Offenberg, a tenured finance professor specializing in film and TV, residuals are fees paid to cast and crew every time a program is run, and streaming services pay an annual flat fee instead. In the early years of a show, residuals are more expensive, making it financially attractive for streaming platforms to cancel shows and save on these costs. Additionally, platforms may be cutting down on costs related to profit sharing deals with big stars and royalties for using hit songs or other intellectual property. However, it's important to note that this is just one theory, and other factors, such as the revaluation of shows, may also play a role in cancellation decisions.

    • Streaming industry focusing on revenue and cost reductionNetflix's subscriber loss led to industry shift towards maximizing revenue and minimizing costs through password sharing crackdowns, subscription price hikes, and show development pullbacks.

      The streaming industry's focus has shifted from endless growth to maximizing revenue and minimizing costs. This change was sparked by Netflix's first quarterly subscriber loss in a decade, which marked the end of the fantasy of an ever-growing subscriber base. As a result, streaming companies have started to crack down on password sharing, raise subscription prices, and pull back on developing new shows. This is because they have been subsidizing their streaming platforms for years to attract subscribers, but can no longer sustain these losses. Shows now need to bring in new subscribers or retain existing ones to add value to a streaming platform. The boom times for TV creators may be coming to an end as the industry matures and financial considerations take precedence over entrepreneurial decisions.

    • Streaming services shift strategy to retain subscribers with lesser-known titlesStreaming platforms sell underperforming shows to recoup costs and provide more options for viewers, signaling an end to the era of endless streaming content

      Streaming platforms like Netflix and HBO Max are shifting their strategies when it comes to content. While blockbuster shows attract new subscribers, it's the lesser-known titles that keep them around. Shows that retain subscribers, such as "Bridgerton" followed by "Tinder Swindler," provide value to streaming services even if they don't bring in as much revenue as big-budget productions. However, shows that don't fall into these categories risk being removed from streaming platforms, as their residuals costs outweigh their value. Instead of hoarding these shows as library content, streaming services are exploring options to sell them to other platforms or even cable channels. This "yard sale theory" allows streaming services to recoup some costs while also providing viewers with more options to watch their favorite shows. Ultimately, this shift in strategy means that the era of endless streaming content may be coming to an end, as finance experts suggest that the focus on growing subscriber numbers at any cost is no longer sustainable.

    • Streaming landscape consolidating, causing concerns for viewersFewer streaming services, higher prices, and less content availability are causing frustration for viewers, with shows like 'Made for Love' being removed and unpredictability about future offerings

      The streaming landscape is shifting towards consolidation, resulting in fewer services, higher prices, and potentially less content availability. This is a concern for viewers who have grown accustomed to being able to access shows on demand and share recommendations with friends. The removal of shows like "Made for Love" from streaming platforms has some viewers reconsidering their subscriptions and feeling frustrated by the unpredictability of what will be available in the future. While it's unclear what this means for the long-term viability of streaming services and the content they offer, it's important for viewers to stay informed and engaged in the conversation about the future of media consumption. If you have thoughts or experiences related to this topic, NPR would appreciate your feedback through their anonymous survey at n.pr/PMsurvey.

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    This episode was hosted by Amanda Aronczyk and Jeff Guo. It was produced by Willa Rubin, edited by Annie Brown, and engineered by Valentina Rodríguez Sánchez. Fact-checking by Sierra Juarez. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 29, 2024

    The Carriage Tax (Update)

    The Carriage Tax (Update)
    (Note: A version of this episode originally ran in 2019.)

    In 1794, George Washington decided to raise money for the federal government by taxing the rich. He did it by putting a tax on horse-drawn carriages.

    The carriage tax could be considered the first federal wealth tax of the United States. It led to a huge fight over the power to tax in the U.S. Constitution, a fight that continues today.

    Listen back to our 2019 episode: "Could A Wealth Tax Work?"

    Listen to The Indicator's 2023 episode: "Could SCOTUS outlaw wealth taxes?"

    This episode was hosted by Greg Rosalsky and Bryant Urstadt. It was originally produced by Nick Fountain and Liza Yeager, with help from Sarah Gonzalez. Today's update was produced by Willa Rubin and edited by Molly Messick and our executive producer, Alex Goldmark.

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    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 26, 2024

    The Vapes of Wrath

    The Vapes of Wrath
    When the vape brand Juul first hit the market back in 2015, e-cigarettes were in a kind of regulatory limbo. At the time, the rules that governed tobacco cigarettes did not explicitly apply to e-cigarettes. Then Juul blew up, fueled a public health crisis over teen vaping, and inspired a regulatory crackdown. But when the government finally stepped in to solve the problem of youth vaping, it may have actually made things worse.

    Today's episode is a collaboration with the new podcast series "Backfired: the Vaping Wars." You can listen to the full series at audible.com/Backfired.

    This episode was hosted by Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi and Leon Neyfakh. It was produced by Emma Peaslee and edited by Jess Jiang with help from Annie Brown. It was fact checked by Sofia Shchukina and engineered by Cena Loffredo. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

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    Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+ in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 21, 2024

    Why is everyone talking about Musk's money?

    Why is everyone talking about Musk's money?
    We've lived amongst Elon Musk headlines for so long now that it's easy to forget just how much he sounds like a sci-fi character. He runs a space company and wants to colonize mars. He also runs a company that just implanted a computer chip into a human brain. And he believes there's a pretty high probability everything is a simulation and we are living inside of it.

    But the latest Elon Musk headline-grabbing drama is less something out of sci-fi, and more something pulled from HBO's "Succession."

    Elon Musk helped take Tesla from the brink of bankruptcy to one of the biggest companies in the world. And his compensation for that was an unprecedentedly large pay package that turned him into the richest person on Earth. But a judge made a decision about that pay package that set off a chain of events resulting in quite possibly the most expensive, highest stakes vote in publicly traded company history.

    The ensuing battle over Musk's compensation is not just another wild Elon tale. It's a lesson in how to motivate the people running the biggest companies that – like it or not – are shaping our world. It's a classic economics problem with a very 2024 twist.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 19, 2024

    What's with all the tiny soda cans? And other grocery store mysteries, solved.

    What's with all the tiny soda cans? And other grocery store mysteries, solved.
    There's a behind the scenes industry that helps big brands decide questions like: How big should a bag of chips be? What's the right size for a bottle of shampoo? And yes, also: When should a company do a little shrinkflation?

    From Cookie Monster to President Biden, everybody is complaining about shrinkflation these days. But when we asked the packaging and pricing experts, they told us that shrinkflation is just one move in a much larger, much weirder 4-D chess game.

    The name of that game is "price pack architecture." This is the idea that you shouldn't just sell your product in one or two sizes. You should sell your product in a whole range of different sizes, at a whole range of different price points. Over the past 15 years, price pack architecture has completely changed how products are marketed and sold in the United States.

    Today, we are going on a shopping cart ride-along with one of those price pack architects. She's going to pull back the curtain and show us why some products are getting larger while others are getting smaller, and tell us about the adorable little soda can that started it all.

    By the end of the episode, you'll never look at a grocery store the same way again.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 14, 2024

    Bringing a tariff to a graphite fight

    Bringing a tariff to a graphite fight
    Graphite is sort of the one-hit wonder of minerals. And that hit? Pencils. Everyone loves to talk about pencils when it comes to graphite. If graphite were to perform a concert, they'd close out the show with "pencils," and everyone would clap and cheer. But true fans of graphite would be shouting out "batteries!" Because graphite is a key ingredient in another important thing that we all use in our everyday lives: lithium ion batteries.

    Almost all of the battery-ready graphite in the world comes from one place: China. That's actually true of lots of the materials that go into batteries, like processed lithium and processed cobalt. Which is why it was such a big deal when, earlier this year, President Biden announced a tariff package that will make a bunch of Chinese imports more expensive. Included in this package are some tariffs on Chinese graphite. He wants to create a new battery future—one that doesn't rely so much on China.

    In this episode, we get down on the ground to look at this big supply chain story through the lens of one critical mineral. And we visit a small town that realizes that it might be the perfect place to create an American graphite industry. And we find that declaring a new battery future is one thing, but making it happen is another thing entirely.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 12, 2024

    How much national debt is too much?

    How much national debt is too much?
    Most economic textbooks will tell you that there can be real dangers in running up a big national debt. A major concern is how the debt you add now could slow down economic growth in the future. Economists have not been able to nail down how much debt a country can safely take on. But they have tried.

    Back in 2010, two economists took a look at 20 countries over the course of decades, and sometimes centuries, and came back with a number. Their analysis suggested that economic growth slowed significantly once national debt passed 90% of annual GDP... and that is when the fight over debt and growth really took off.

    On today's episode: a deep dive on what we know, and what we don't know, about when exactly national debt becomes a problem. We will also try to figure out how worried we should be about the United States' current debt total of 26 trillion dollars.

    This episode was hosted by Keith Romer and Nick Fountain. It was produced by Willa Rubin and edited by Molly Messick. It was fact-checked by Sierra Juarez with help from Sofia Shchukina and engineered by Cena Loffredo. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+
    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 07, 2024

    The history of light (classic)

    The history of light (classic)
    For thousands of years, getting light was a huge hassle. You had to make candles from scratch. This is not as romantic as it sounds. You had to get a cow, raise the cow, feed the cow, kill the cow, get the fat out of the cow, cook the fat, dip wicks into the fat. All that--for not very much light. Now, if we want to light a whole room, we just flip a switch.

    The history of light explains why the world today is the way it is. It explains why we aren't all subsistence farmers, and why we can afford to have artists and massage therapists and plumbers. (And, yes, people who make podcasts about the history of light.) The history of light is the history of economic growth--of things getting faster, cheaper, and more efficient.

    On today's show: How we got from dim little candles made out of cow fat, to as much light as we want at the flick of a switch.

    Today's show was hosted by Jacob Goldstein and David Kestenbaum. It was originally produced by Caitlin Kenney and Damiano Marchetti. Today's rerun was produced by James Sneed, and edited by Jenny Lawton. It was fact-checked by Sierra Juarez. Engineering by Valentina Rodríguez Sánchez. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

    Help support Planet Money and hear our bonus episodes by subscribing to Planet Money+
    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enJune 05, 2024

    How the FBI's fake cell phone company put criminals into real jail cells

    How the FBI's fake cell phone company put criminals into real jail cells
    There is a constant arms race between law enforcement and criminals, especially when it comes to technology. For years, law enforcement has been frustrated with encrypted messaging apps, like Signal and Telegram. And law enforcement has been even more frustrated by encrypted phones, specifically designed to thwart authorities from snooping.

    But in 2018, in a story that seems like it's straight out of a spy novel, the FBI was approached with an offer: Would they like to get into the encrypted cell phone business? What if they could convince criminals to use their phones to plan and document their crimes — all while the FBI was secretly watching? It could be an unprecedented peek into the criminal underground.

    To pull off this massive sting operation, the FBI needed to design a cell phone that criminals wanted to use and adopt. Their mission: to make a tech platform for the criminal underworld. And in many ways, the FBI's journey was filled with all the hallmarks of many Silicon Valley start-ups.

    On this show, we talk with journalist Joseph Cox, who wrote a new book about the FBI's cell phone business, called Dark Wire. And we hear from the federal prosecutor who became an unlikely tech company founder.

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    in Apple Podcasts or at plus.npr.org/planetmoney.

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    Planet Money
    enMay 31, 2024

    So you've been scammed, now what?

    So you've been scammed, now what?
    We are living in a kind of golden age for online fraudsters. As the number of apps and services for storing and sending money has exploded – so too have the schemes that bad actors have cooked up to steal that money. Every year, we hear more and more stories of financial heartbreak. What you don't often hear about is what happens after the scam?

    On today's show, we follow one woman who was scammed out of over $800,000 on her quest to get her money back. That journey takes her from the halls of the FBI to the fraud departments of some of the country's biggest financial institutions. And it offers a window into how the systems that are theoretically designed to help the victims of financial cybercrime actually work in practice.

    This episode was hosted by Alexi Horowitz-Ghazi and Jeff Guo. It was produced by Willa Rubin and edited by Keith Romer. It was engineered by Neal Rauch and fact-checked by Sierra Juarez. Alex Goldmark is Planet Money's executive producer.

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    Planet Money
    enMay 29, 2024

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    You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit barstool.link/bffspod

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    Our new media diets - with John Podhoretz

    Our new media diets - with John Podhoretz
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