
    E040: Luke Belmar - How To Create a Better Life For Yourself *break the system*

    en-gbApril 28, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Control of information and narrative shaping realityGovernments and individuals leverage control of info for personal gain. AI adds new dimension, climate change serves as reminder of societal fragility, prepare for unexpected, innovate or lead, skeptical of climate change but acknowledge potential chaos

      Control of information and narrative is a powerful tool, and governments and individuals alike are leveraging it to shape reality. The rise of artificial intelligence adds a new dimension to this, as it has the potential to manipulate information on a massive scale. Climate change and natural disasters serve as reminders of the fragility of society and the potential chaos that can ensue. While some see the advancements in science and technology as a threat, others see it as an opportunity to innovate and lead. Ultimately, it's important to be prepared for the unexpected and to be confident in one's ability to navigate the complexities of the modern world. The speaker also touches on the topic of climate change, expressing skepticism towards the idea as a hoax used for control, but acknowledges the potential for humanity to "play God" with technology. The discussion also touches on the fragility of society and the potential for chaos, referencing films and real-life events as examples.

    • Skepticism towards authority and mainstream information sourcesQuestion the status quo, cross-reference info from diverse sources, and be wary of attempts to control narratives

      The speaker shares a skeptical view towards authority and mainstream information sources, believing that many conspiracies, despite initially being dismissed, often hold some truth. They also express concern over perceived attempts by powerful entities to control narratives and shape societal perceptions. The speaker encourages cross-referencing information from various sources, particularly those not subject to heavy censorship, to form a more comprehensive understanding of topics. They also mention instances of government intervention in controlling the narrative and emphasize the importance of questioning the status quo.

    • Navigating London's Expensive Living and Information ControlPractice critical thinking, evaluate sources, curate your own narrative, and use alternative platforms to spread ideas and bypass censorship in expensive cities where living on a limited income can be challenging.

      In today's world, living on a limited income in expensive cities like London can be challenging. However, the internet provides a means to access information and opportunities that can help individuals level up and monetize their skills, despite censorship and information control by governments and large corporations. It's crucial to practice critical thinking, evaluate the sources of information, and curate your own narrative to navigate the interconnected world and bypass censorship. Platforms like Telegram and content distribution are effective ways to spread messages and ideas that may be censored on mainstream social media. Ultimately, it's essential to understand that some entities may have their own interests and agendas, and it's up to individuals to stay informed and make their voices heard.

    • Control and censorship of content on social mediaInconsistent application of content removal policies and the rise of deepfakes and AI-generated content pose challenges for creators and users on social media platforms, requiring awareness and alternative solutions for censorship-resistant expression.

      The control and censorship of content on social media platforms have become a significant issue for creators and users alike. While these platforms have the power to remove content that violates their guidelines, the inconsistency and potential misuse of this power can result in lost revenue and reputational damage for creators. Additionally, the rise of deepfakes and AI-generated content adds a new layer of complexity to authenticity and reality in social media. The potential for AI to control narratives and manipulate perceptions at a macro level is a cause for concern, and the regulation of this technology is still unclear. Creators and users must be aware of these issues and consider alternative solutions to ensure a censorship-resistant platform for free expression. The intersection of AI and social media also raises questions about the ethics and implications of technology's role in shaping our perception of reality.

    • China's Advanced Technology for Social ControlChina uses biometrics and AI for social credit scoring, censorship, and surveillance, impacting access to services and homes. Awareness of actions and words is crucial for travelers and residents.

      China is implementing advanced biometric and AI technology on a massive scale for social control, including social media censorship and surveillance in various aspects of daily life. This technology is being used to evaluate individuals' social credit scores, which can limit their access to services and even their own homes. The use of biometrics and AI is expanding, and the information is being stored on decentralized systems like blockchain for increased security. While China's advancements in technology offer numerous benefits, travelers and residents must be aware of the potential consequences of their actions and words due to the extensive monitoring. Despite the concerns, China's rich culture and unique experiences make it a worthwhile destination for many.

    • Preparing for the Unexpected: Developing Transcendent Skills, Multiple Citizenships, and Self-Sustaining CommunitiesIn an unpredictable world, having a backup plan and adaptable skills, multiple citizenships, and a self-sustaining community can provide security and independence.

      In today's world, having a backup plan and being adaptable to different situations is crucial. Luke Belmar emphasizes the importance of developing transcendent skill sets, being multinational with multiple passports, and building a global network. He suggests having a self-sustaining community as a potential escape plan, especially in regions that are less digitized and more cash-based. The digital age has made it possible to make a living online, but one should also consider the potential risks of societal collapse or extreme situations where basic necessities like electricity, Wi-Fi, and food may not be available. History shows that even the most advanced civilizations have gone extinct, and it's essential to be prepared for the unexpected. Therefore, creating a digital business, having multiple citizenships, and building a self-sustaining community are some steps to take to ensure a certain level of security and independence.

    • Preparing for Catastrophic Events: Survival and WealthStay informed, be skeptical, and prepare financially for potential disasters. Wealth and resources offer essential access to tools and people, but authenticity and trust are crucial in a world where perception is controlled.

      History suggests that catastrophic events, such as massive floods, have the potential to wipe out societies, and being prepared and alert is crucial for survival. Money and resources provide access to tools and people, making them essential for navigating difficult situations. Skepticism and a paranoid mindset can help individuals stay informed and protected. The influence and power of those with wealth can significantly impact their survival during crises. Space exploration is a potential solution for ensuring the continuity of human civilization. However, trust and authenticity are challenging to discern in a world where perception is controlled by those in power. The current societal structures, such as government institutions and the fiat system, can be seen as mechanisms of control, keeping people in debt and living in quiet desperation.

    • Understanding Complex Systems and Protecting Yourself from ManipulationBe wary of trusting organizations, especially those with acronyms. Mass surveillance is a concern. Even seemingly positive figures should be questioned. Understand motivations behind complex systems to protect yourself.

      Throughout history, those in power have used complex systems and institutions to control the masses. Whether it's the church and Latin language in the past or finance and tax codes today, understanding these systems is crucial to protect oneself. The speaker warns against blindly trusting organizations, especially those with acronyms, as they can be compromised. The rise of mass surveillance, as seen in the Patriot Act and social media platforms, is a significant concern. Even seemingly positive figures like Elon Musk should be approached with skepticism due to potential ethical issues and control mechanisms like electric vehicles and biometric scans. The speaker emphasizes the importance of questioning authority and understanding the underlying motivations behind complex systems.

    • The Power of Mass Content DistributionLeverage social media for short form content to attract attention, but invest in long form content to build a deep understanding of your perspective. Build a team, prepare for criticism, and prioritize community for long-term success.

      The speaker believes in the power of mass content distribution through various platforms, particularly social media, to reach and engage a large audience. He emphasizes that while short form content is important for attracting attention and building a brand, it's the long form content that truly allows people to understand one's perspective. He also acknowledges the importance of having a team and being prepared to face criticism and opposition. The speaker sees the current digital landscape as a valuable opportunity to spread ideas and grow a following, but also recognizes that this may not last forever. Another key point he makes is that community is essential for long-term success, as building a loyal following can help weather the ups and downs of the content creation process.

    • Building a community is key to business successApple is an example of a company that built a strong community, offering value, trust, and resonance with a message. Creating a community can lead to profitable businesses like Capital Club, focusing on education, marketplace, and network.

      Building a community is essential for success in business, especially in today's digital age. Having a large following on social media doesn't guarantee a community, which is based on trust, shared vision, and resonance with your message. Apple is an excellent example of a company that has built a strong community, not just customers. The Internet provides opportunities for anyone, regardless of background, to leverage it and build a profitable business. By creating a community, you can build trust, offer value, and present sellable products or services to your audience. The Capital Club, which onboarded over 20,000 paid members and generated $9,000,000 in net profit, is an example of a successful community-driven business. By focusing on education, marketplace, and network, Capital Club offers value to its members and builds strong relationships. Invite-only access and a simple offer further increased demand and exclusivity. Interviewing industry experts and providing access to them to the community is another way to offer value and build trust. Ultimately, building a community is about creating a philosophy or way of life that resonates with your audience and offering them value in return.

    • Marketing and Warfare: Synonymous Concepts in BusinessMarketing uses psychological tactics similar to warfare, personal freedom drives crypto investment, Bitcoin seen as store of value, medium of exchange, and bet against US dollar's debasement, crypto offers convenient money transfer without traditional banking methods.

      Marketing and warfare share similar concepts in today's business world. Psychological tactics, psychological warfare, and psyops are synonymous with marketing. The speaker also shared his interest in interviewing Pavel, a freedom fighter in crypto, and his personal journey towards financial freedom by getting rid of materialistic possessions and investing in crypto after BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF announcement. The speaker's predictions for Bitcoin include it being seen as a store of value, medium of exchange, and a bet against the US dollar's debasement. He also highlighted the convenience of sending money through crypto without the hassle of traditional banking methods. Overall, the discussion emphasized the synergy between marketing and warfare, personal freedom, and the potential of crypto as a game-changer in finance.

    • The Power of Authenticity and Financial FreedomAuthenticity leads to freedom, courage, and the ability to dictate norms. Earn financial freedom, eliminate liabilities, and prioritize health with micronutrient supplements.

      Mass adoption of new technologies or ideas can lead to freedom and the ability to dictate norms, but it requires courage and a willingness to sacrifice comfort and lifestyle. The speaker emphasizes the importance of authenticity and living a life where one can believe and do as they please, without harming others. He also encourages getting rid of liabilities and not being "for sale." The speaker shares his personal experience of earning financial freedom and now aims to help others do the same. Another topic touched upon is the importance of micronutrient supplementation for optimal health. The speaker recommends Bionic for customized micronutrient formulas based on individual blood work. Lastly, the speaker mentions the significance of observing countries like El Salvador recognizing crypto as legal tender, indicating its growing value as a store of value.

    • The US dollar's questionable history and potential harmBe informed and think critically about the US dollar's role in funding wars and debt, as well as the potential manipulation of emotions through music and the music industry.

      The US dollar, as a store of value, comes with a long history of questionable practices and potential harm. The speaker argues that the US government has used the power of the dollar to fund wars and debt, often at the expense of other countries and even its own citizens. Additionally, the speaker encourages individual autonomy and critical thinking, warning against following the crowd or popular narratives that may be controlled by powerful entities. Regarding music, the speaker suggests being mindful of the origins and intentions behind the music we consume, as some may promote negative messages or emotions. The speaker also touches on the potential manipulation of emotions through sound waves and the connection between the music industry and private prisons in the US. Overall, the message emphasizes the importance of being informed and thinking critically about the systems and structures that shape our lives.

    • Be mindful of media messages and their impact on our mindsMindfully consume media, be aware of manipulative narratives, and prioritize time and energy.

      We need to be mindful of the media we consume and the messages it sends to our minds. The entertainment industry, including music, movies, and even video games, is calculated and manipulative. They hire psychologists to understand human behavior and emotions to push certain narratives. The more popular and profitable an artist or media is, the more they control the narrative and our thoughts. Be cautious of repetitive lyrics and messages, as they can influence behavior. Additionally, fame is often fabricated and not naturally earned. It's essential to safeguard our minds and dictate our thoughts rather than letting someone else do it for us. The art of conversation and charisma can be used to manipulate us, and we must be aware of it. Historical figures like Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda, have shown how powerful these techniques can be. It's crucial to prioritize our time and energy and not let ourselves get sidetracked by the constant demand for new content. Making videos or running a business on the internet is a full-time job, and it's essential to maintain a balance between various projects and responsibilities.

    • Creating relatable content for broader audiencesFocus on achievable goals and human connection to create valuable content and build a thriving community.

      While creating content, it's essential to consider the audience and make the information digestible and approachable for a broader range of individuals. The speaker, who runs a successful business and creates content, recognizes that not everyone can relate to discussions about building a 7-figure business or making large sums of money daily. Instead, they focus on creating content about achievable goals, such as making $10,000 in a day, while acknowledging the larger financial obligations and ambitions that come with running a business. Additionally, the speaker emphasizes the importance of human connection and community building, as they believe these aspects will become increasingly valuable as technology advances and AI becomes more prevalent. Ultimately, the goal is to create content that provides value and fosters a thriving community.

    • Creating a supportive community for personal growth and well-beingBuilding and nurturing a community can lead to personal growth, business success, and mental well-being. Focus on health and wellness, value relationships, and find purpose to inspire and help others.

      Building and nurturing a community can lead to personal growth, business success, and mental well-being. The speaker shares his experience of bringing people together in person and online, creating a society that values the integrity of its location and the health of its members. He emphasizes the importance of mental well-being and shares a personal story of helping a friend overcome depression through focus on health and wellness. The speaker's goal is to inspire and help others through his content and experiences, and he believes that producing value and finding purpose are essential for a fulfilling life.

    • Utilize the Internet for Personal Growth and Business SuccessStrive to be the best, stay informed on trends, and utilize the Internet to produce and provide value

      The Internet provides endless opportunities for personal growth and business success, but it requires dedication, hard work, and constant improvement. Aspiring entrepreneurs should aim to be the best at what they do, in high demand, and irreplaceable in the marketplace. Additionally, staying informed about emerging trends, such as the digital gold rush and biohacking, can lead to significant advancements in both personal well-being and professional success. Remember, we are meant to produce and provide value, and the Internet offers a platform for doing just that. So, don't get complacent or settle for a "blob of unproductive bullshit" lifestyle. Instead, utilize the resources available to you and keep pushing yourself to level up.

    • Focus on the basics for a healthy lifestyleEat nutrient-dense foods, exercise, prioritize sleep, avoid tap water and alcohol, practice mobility, and invest in experiences for optimal health and well-being

      While there are various expensive methods to optimize health and well-being, such as red light therapy, cold plunges, and oxygen chambers, it's essential to focus on the basics. Consuming nutrient-dense, unprocessed foods, exercising, prioritizing sleep, avoiding tap water and alcohol, and practicing mobility are all effective and affordable ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, investing in experiences and environments that enhance our overall well-being can lead to significant personal growth and new insights. The speaker emphasizes the importance of using resources wisely and prioritizing experiences over saving money for their potential to unlock new information and broaden our horizons.

    • Regretting missed experiencesRecognize the value of experiences and seize the moment, even if they seem costly or risky.

      Life is about creating meaningful experiences and not regretting opportunities missed. The speaker shares two regrets from his life: missing the World Cup final in Qatar with his father and not experiencing a sumo match in Japan. Both experiences were once-in-a-lifetime opportunities that he could have had but chose not to due to cost. He emphasizes that experiences don't have to be expensive, but recognizing their value and seizing the moment is essential. The speaker encourages traveling to new places and trying new things, no matter the cost or perceived risks. He also mentions his goals of finishing two books, one on Bitcoin and the other on his philosophy of life. Ultimately, the speaker values loyalty and commitment in his relationships, even with the challenges of frequent travel.

    • Balancing Personal and Professional RelationshipsEffective communication, compromise, and prioritization are essential for building successful personal and professional relationships. Sacrifices and self-development are necessary for achieving success in business while maintaining a positive attitude.

      Effective communication and understanding the importance of making sacrifices are key to building a successful relationship, whether it be personal or professional. The speaker shares his experience of balancing a demanding business lifestyle with a personal relationship, emphasizing the importance of compromise and prioritization. He also highlights the value of self-development and discipline in achieving success in business. Despite the challenges, the speaker emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive attitude and enjoying the journey. It's important to remember that you can't have it all at once, but with effective communication and a willingness to make sacrifices, you can build a fulfilling life that includes both personal and professional growth.

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    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

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    0:00 Introduction
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    7:45 The evolution of Dubai culture (2000s to now)
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    55:44 Why being comfortable alone is crucial before being in a relationship
    57:20 Negative energy exchanges & how feeling confident whilst single is “the best feeling ever’
    1:00:22 Why are women attracted to bad boys?
    1:03:22 Unrealistic standards & expectations
    1:07:12 Building a network & valuable friendship group
    1:14:05 Opening up to your partner & protecting yourself from negative energy
    1:18:33 Should men speak out more about their emotions? The toxic masculinity of “men will be men”
    1:22:03 Masculine & feminine energy
    1:28:12 Male dating struggles in their early 20s
    1:31:22 Regrets, appreciating the now  & gratitude
    1:38:02 The wholesome story behind Tracy’s ice cream business
    1:45:20 Tracy’s current business ventures
    1:50:31 Role models
    1:52:11 Tracy’s #1 advice to young women

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Tracy «
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@TracyHarmoush
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tracyharmoush/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@tracyharmoush?lang=en
    Untraceable: https://www.instagram.com/untraceable

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    0:00 Introduction: why Simon moved from UK to Hong Kong
    4:33 “There is a real problem in England”: media, politics & education
    9:47 Simon’s advice for starting your first business
    13:00 The education system is “broken””: the decline of schooling & the rising value of
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    without take)
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    1:26:55 Personal branding, investing & loyalty market identification
    1:36:28 Is property a scam?
    1:48:02 Simon’s future

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Simon «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/simonsquibb/?hl=en
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@simonsquibb?lang=en
    Get free business help: Helpbnk.com

    First Things THRST
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    » Topics «
    Stress & anxiety
    Love & dating
    Essentialism & minimalism
    Grief & loss
    Appreciation & gratefulness
    AI & tech

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Mo «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mo_gawdat/
    Website: https://www.mogawdat.com/
    Pre-order unstressable: https://www.unstressable.com/

    First Things THRST
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    » Topics «
    Content creation
    Extreme travel 
    Kidnapping & extortion 
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    Raw & uncut stories 
    Mexican Cartel
    Rio Brazil 
    Religion & spirituality

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow ArabUncut «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/arab/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/YourFellowArab
    Website: https://www.arabuncut.com/

    E040: Luke Belmar - How To Create a Better Life For Yourself *break the system*

    E040: Luke Belmar - How To Create a Better Life For Yourself *break the system*

    Today, we welcome back the ever-inspiring Luke Belmar, a serial entrepreneur, cryptoexpert, and a visionary who is leading the next generation towards freedom. As the co-founder of the world’s largest business network, Luke has become a beacon for aspiring entrepreneurs, providing advanced education and proven strategies to generate onwards of 10K p/m. His ‘against the grain’ outlook continues to challenge the status quo, unveiling hidden truths of modern society and sharing his guide to break free from the rat race. Join us for part 2 as Luke unveils his masterplan for attaining freedom and self-sufficiency. 

    » Topics «
    Conspiracy theories
    Media & censorship
    Wage slavery
    Cryto, bitcoin & investments
    Purposeful living
    Psychology & consumerism
    Business & entrepreneurship

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Luke «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lukebelmar/?hl=en
    Capital Club: https://www.capital.club/
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/lukebelmar?s=21&t...

    E039 - Manifest Success & Happiness in 7 Steps | Roxi Nafousi

    E039 - Manifest Success & Happiness in 7 Steps | Roxi Nafousi

    Roxie Nafousi, a key leader in self-development, has empowered millions to turn their dreams into a reality. Her recovery from rock-bottom and battling addiction to becoming a self-help expert was sparked by her discovery for manifestation, where she quickly turned everything around and became a beacon of hope for individuals on their journey to self-discovery. Her debut book ‘Manifest: 7 Steps to Living Your Best Life” has become an international best-seller and is acclaimed for being a staple introduction into the world of manifestation. Prepare for a deep dive into the sphere of & self-help as Roxie guides us through a range of topics such as;

    0:00 Introduction
    2:12 Hitting “rock bottom”: suffering from addiction & low self-worth
    8:10 Roxie’s turnaround: the role of manifestation
    13:44 The Journey from Instagram advice Instagram to
    “manifestation queen”
    18:34  Lack of role models, finding your purpose & feeling
    22:23 Rewiring your perspective: the key mindset of
    25:55 Step #1: Be clear in your vision (what do you want?) 
    30:25 The power of visualisation on your subconscious 
    32:00 Critique & common misconceptions surrounding
    33:50 Law of attraction & vibrational frequencies
    38:11 Unexplained coincidences & attracting desires 
    40:16 Reality manifestation: turn your desires into reality
    47:20 “Trick” your brain into experiencing positive, empowering
    thoughts (overcome the victim mentality) 
    50:40 Gratitude: Changing mindsets and experiencing gratitude
    54:22 Overcoming fear & doubt
    59:45 Strategies for facing obstacles  
    1:00:12 Relationships & dating: manifest your ‘perfect’ partner
    1:07:03 Magnetism & chemistry
    1:11:52 Turning rejection into opportunity: life advice for those
    in their 20s
    1:14:01 Inspiration over 
    1:17:22 “Authenticity is magnetic”: the power of you
    1:20:04 Self-love 
    1:23:00 Roxie’s current manifestation goals
    1:27:24 Diversifying your skill set & becoming multi-faceted 

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Roxie «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/roxienafousi/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialroxienafousi
    Website: https://roxienafousi.com/

    E038 - Entrepreneurship, Fitness & Dating in Your 20s | Joss Mooney

    E038 - Entrepreneurship, Fitness & Dating in Your 20s | Joss Mooney

    Today, we have the pleasure of welcoming my good friend Joss Mooney to our discussion. Joss is a distinguished coach and entrepreneur in the fitness industry, recognised for guiding thousands on their journey to a perfect physique. Leveraging his 15+ years of coaching experience, Joss helps fitness influencers and businesses on a worldwide scale and grow their revenue from 10k-50k per month. Tune in for two hours of reflection as we explore Joss’s journey from Uni dropout and “party boy” to serial entrepreneur. 

    » Topics «
    Nightlife & partying
    Fitness & bodybuilding
    Creator economy
    Personal brand
    business development
    Relationships & dating
    Life skills 

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Joss «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jossmooney/
    Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@joss_mooney?lang=en
    JM Transformations: https://www.jossmooney.com/
    Elevate Agency: https://www.scaleyouronlinefitness.com/vsl

    E037 - Crypto Expert: The Future of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & NFTs | Alex Chehade (Binance)

    E037 - Crypto Expert: The Future of Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & NFTs | Alex Chehade (Binance)

    Alex Chehade is a trading specialist and the UAE executive director of Binance FZE, the world’s leading crypto exchange platform. With 20 years of experience in finance, and over 12 years in operations and trading, Alex has set out to bring digital assets and trading to the forefront of the global economy. Enjoy the next hour as Alex shares his expertise on all things crypto and tech related, including Bitcoin, virtual assets, AI, the metaverse and more.  

    » Topics «
    Trading & investing
    Brokers & trading platforms
    Risk management
    AI & ML
    The Metaverse

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Binance «
    Website: https://www.binance.com/en-GB
    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@BinanceYoutube

    E036 - #1 Marketing Expert: Top Strategies Guaranteed To Grow ANY Business | Raoul Plickat

    E036 - #1 Marketing Expert: Top Strategies Guaranteed To Grow ANY Business | Raoul Plickat

    Raoul Plickat is the CEO and founder of CreatorGroup, a technology conglomerate employing over 300 people. The conglomerate encompasses a variety of self-funded software and marketing companies, all of which are focused on the creator economy. Raoul began his career in marketing and digital advertising, fields that continue to be fundamental to his success today.

    » Topics «
    Branding & personal image 
    Business startup & scaling
    Leads generation
    Digital marketing 
    Product & services
    Company ecosystems
    Content creation & the creative economy 
    AI & ML
    Consumerism & advertising
    Productivity & inspiration 
    Hedonism & perspective

    » Escape the 9-5 & build your dream life - https://www.digitalplaybook.net/
    » Transform your physique - https://www.thrstapp.com/
    » My clothing brand, THRST - https://thrstofficial.com
    » Custom Bioniq supplements: CODEBQMIKETHURSTON - https://shorturl.at/fRV67

    » Follow Raoul «
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raoulplickat/
    Creator Group: https://creator-group.holdings/careers/
    Copecart: https://copecart.com/
    Pressmaster AI: https://www.pressmaster.ai/

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    Year 8: TV Herstory Prepares Us for Progress

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    For example, Lee Grant, an Oscar and Emmy-winning actress, overcame being blacklisted during the anti-Communist era. Her resilience and courage in speaking out against injustice serve as a lesson for today.

    I also highlight the work of The Geena Davis Institute on Gender and Media, which has expanded its focus to champion inclusion of the six major identities of gender, race/ethnicity, LGBTQIA+, disability, age 50+, and body type in media and entertainment.

    In addition to looking back on some of Advanced TV Herstory’s episodes from the past year, I celebrate ATVH’s inclusion in IMDb and the anticipation of reaching a new audience.

    Because ATVH is not beholden to sponsors, I can proudly say that I provide an unfiltered view of both historical and current obstacles to full representation and valuation. Many of these obstacles are at the center of the ongoing strike by the Writers Guild and the use of artificial intelligence.

    With a commitment to recognizing the importance of representation and critical thinking in the face of rapidly changing media landscapes, I thank you for your support of this podcast over the last eight years and I look forward to uncovering and sharing more untold stories of women in the year to come.

    This is why I podcast.  


    I Said Yes to Everything by Lee Grant - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/18693908

    Intimate Portrait - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0896232/


    ATVH Newsletter - https://cynthiabemisabrams.com/

    Website - https://cynthiabemisabrams.com/ 

    Podcast Archive - https://cynthiabemisabrams.com/advanced-tv-herstory

    Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/advancedtvherstory/

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/tvherstory

    Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Media.Cynthia

    YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/@advancedtvherstory/featured


    Podcast Editing - https://www.linkedin.com/in/mariloumarosz/

    Music by Jahzzar - https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/

    #5, The Art of Consensus, with Scott Newton

    #5, The Art of Consensus, with Scott Newton

    In this interview, Scott Newton tells us about the philosophy that underlies the work of a facilitator and discloses some of his tools and strategies, as well as the new technologies that are being studied to facilitate the activity of discussing and debating. He also shares with us his successes and failures as a group leader, the worldwide need for facilitators to help with transitions, and why political and financial interests are a bottleneck to positive change happening faster in our world.

    Scott is a facilitator and stakeholder engagement strategist. What that means is that it is his job to get very diverse groups of people to discuss, debate and come up with solutions while avoiding conflict. His journey through public relations, communications, recruiting, marketing and consultancy has given him a wide range of tools that he now uses to lead groups through well-designed processes. He has worked for State government, local government, non-for-profit organizations and corporations, and across all sectors - education, health, legal, transport, etc.

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