
    About this Episode

    Maybe you worked too hard on your last project. Or, you exerted too much energy on a work task that ended up not working out. Whatever the case may be, burnout is a real thing that all of us experience. As its name goes, burnout drains you of your energy and motivation. It doesn't only affect how you show up in your business, but also in other aspects of life. How then do you rekindle the spark if you find yourself stuck in the burnout cycle?

    In this episode of The Pollen Podcast, Diana talks about the secret to navigating burnout. Burnout happens when you don’t create healthy boundaries for yourself. Remember: you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you think you can, then you’re setting yourself up for a lot of exhaustion and unfulfillment. Recognize when you need to take a step back and put yourself first. Only in this way can you best serve your highest purpose. 😌

    Listen to this episode to learn how to recover from burnout and avoid it happening again!

    Create your own creative entrepreneurship story of clarity, professional confidence, and profit. Join Diana’s 90-day group course Camp Clarity and learn everything you wish you already knew, like how to land dream clients, harness the power of social media, and make the money you deserve. Learn more here

    🔥Here are three reasons why you should listen to this episode:

    1. Understand how burnout can impact your work and personal life.
    2. Identify the symptoms of burnout and how they can build over time.
    3. Learn tools to heal from burnout and get back to a place of balance in your business and life.


    🎧Episode Highlights

    [01:49] Camp Clarity Early Bird Extension

    • Camp Clarity is currently in motion for its seventh round.
    • SPECIAL DEAL: Listen to this episode, and DM Diana on Instagram to get an early bird extension ($500 OFF 🤑) for Camp Clarity!
    • Camp Clarity is a 90-day program for creative entrepreneurs in need of community and the three pillars—confidence, cash, and clients.
    • Tune in to the full episode to learn more about the program and Diana’s special offer for Pollen listeners!

    [04:50] Sharing from the Wound

    • Diana recorded a 30-minute episode that was due to her podcast production team. At the end of the session, she realized it didn’t record.
    • She then decided to record an episode about the burnout she experienced from this incident.
    • People oftentimes share the gushing wound of a traumatic experience versus the scar.
    • Diana recorded this episode from the wound of being burnt out.

    [06:44] Working in a Paradise

    • Diana has had a hard time during her stay in Costa Rica despite the place being a paradise.
    • If you’re only spending a week in a new place, you have to make it an integration week for yourself.
    • It’s the hardest to work in a paradise because you don’t get to block off any time and create boundaries for yourself.

    [08:13] Experiencing Burnout

    • One of the first posts Diana has ever made as an NYC photographer was about being burnt out.
    • Diana has experienced burnout many times since then.
    • One of her “whys” in coaching is helping creative entrepreneurs try to avoid and learn how to recover from burnout.
    • Boundaries, time management, and outsourcing are some tools for navigating burnout.

    [09:58] Pine Cone vs. Rice Analogy

    • Imagine you have a jar and you put rice in it first. If you try to force a pine cone in it after, you’ll never get the pine cone in there.
    • But, if you put the pine cone in the jar first and put the rice in after, everything will fit.
    • This analogy is to say: the things that fill your cup must come first in order for you to best serve your clients.
    • Diana had to put a lunch block on her calendar. She previously had booked calls even over her lunch hour.

    [12:55] Riverbed Analogy

    • You have to have the riverbeds to have a river. Otherwise, you’re a lake.
    • The riverbeds are your masculine energy. It includes things like calendar blocking, support systems, client workflows, etc.
    • This masculine energy allows you to flow powerfully and intentionally with your feminine energy. 
    • Your riverbeds give you space in a container to flow and feel like you’re supported.
    • We underestimate the things we can get done in a day.

    [13:56] Diana Davis: “We, a lot of times, think we have to get these 20 things in a day, and actually, it's not possible. But we're beating ourselves up for something that's actually not humanly possible. So boundaries are huge; burnout is real.” 

    [16:18] Putting Yourself First

    [17:25] Diana Davis: “I think it's a big deal to remember that we're going through a lot. We're going through a lot—every single one of us is going through a lot.” 

    • With everything happening in your life, it’s important to put yourself first and put your boundaries in place.
    • You have to fill your cup first before giving to others.
    • It’s up to you to make the boundary, regulate yourself, and recognize when you’re burnt out.
    • Reschedule the meeting if you don’t feel like it. Everything is just a blip.

    [19:13] Diana Davis: “Don't focus so much on every little detail. Focus on the bigger picture. Make moves for yourself as the CEO that you want to be. Fill those shoes yourself before you think you're ready and before the evidence is there—and that means taking time for yourself, making boundaries, and just filling your cup.” 

    • Your business needs to work around your life, not the other way around. Listen to the full episode to hear about Diana and Caitie’s trip to Costa Rica!

    Enjoyed this Podcast on Navigating Burnout?

    Burnout happens through a series of stages, but it all begins with compromising your boundaries. When you don’t know your limitations, you’re bound to end up giving and giving without knowing how to stop—until you crash. The thing is, it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup. So start putting yourself first, and see the magic it will create in your life.

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs — just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it!

    Leave a review and share it! ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs. 

    Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!

    Connect with me on Linkedin: Diana Davis Creative.

    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources.

    Recent Episodes from Pollen: For Creative Entrepreneurs with Diana Davis

    S2 E18 Tapping into Your Feminine Energy to Create a Holistic, Soul-led Life and Business with Megan Hatfield 👩🌙💅

    S2 E18 Tapping into Your Feminine Energy to Create a Holistic, Soul-led Life and Business with Megan Hatfield 👩🌙💅

    If you want a well-rounded and fully fulfilled life and business, learning to harmonize your masculine and feminine is an important piece. But how do you lean into your feminine energy in business and what does that look like? In this episode with Megan Hatfield, you're getting the answers to those questions and more. Megan is a master of creating a beautifully balanced life led by the feminine, and she's sharing not only what that looks like and her journey to get here, but also how to balance it with the masculine, why you need both for success, and some tactical tips for how to overcome the feeling of being caged by your business, and lean more into what your soul is calling you into.


    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e18-megan-hatfield


    Connect with Megan on Instagram @MeganClaireHatfield


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs who get your creative path in the Recess for Creatives community.
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Doors are open for Camp Clarity!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E17 How Recess Came to Be and Advice for Building Your Own Community 🤸‍♀️🪀🤝

    S2 E17 How Recess Came to Be and Advice for Building Your Own Community 🤸‍♀️🪀🤝

    The Recess community is finally open to the world! This wasn't an idea that was quickly launched though - there's a process to creating a space that actually makes a difference for the people that are a part of it. For this episode, you'll get a little peek behind the curtain of how the Recess community came to exist and what the process looked like to create it.

    You'll also hear some questions that you should ask yourself when you start to build a community (or launch anything for that matter) and some tips to help you create a community that your people actually need and are excited to be a part of.


    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e17


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Connect and collaborate with like-minded entrepreneurs who get your creative path in the Recess for Creatives community.
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Doors are open for Camp Clarity!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E16 Challenging Your Beliefs about Money and Success with Townsend Wardlaw 💵💰🌅

    S2 E16 Challenging Your Beliefs about Money and Success with Townsend Wardlaw 💵💰🌅

    What does success look like for you? What if you found out that most people that achieve the success they want and have all the money they need aren't actually fulfilled? This is the mindset challenge that Townsend is encouraging you to think about. Society tells us that we have to chase more money and that if we have money, we'll be safe, secure, and happy, but in this episode, we're challenging this narrative. Townsend shares some of the processes and mindset shifts that he takes his clients through, how his beliefs surrounding money were created, and why the concept of money and success are not tied to happiness and fulfillment.


    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e16-townsend-wardlaw


    Connect with Townsend on Instagram @CoachofBeing


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Doors are open for Camp Clarity!
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E15 The Power of Travel & a Special Invitation Collab with Caitie Corradino ✈️🏜⛰

    S2 E15 The Power of Travel & a Special Invitation Collab with Caitie Corradino ✈️🏜⛰

    This is a special episode (and a first) on the podcast because it's a collaboration episode with my friend, dietician, and fellow retreat host Caitie Corradino. We came together for an episode to discuss the power of travel and retreats and how these have influenced both of our lives. Plus we're offering a special invitation to attend my retreat in Ecuador AND Caitie's retreat in Scotland in a fun package deal, so if you're ready to travel and invest in yourself, this one's for you!

    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e15-collab-caitie-corradino


    Connect with Caitie on Instagram @Caitie.c.rd


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join Camp Clarity!
    • Grab one of the 2 available spots in the mastermind course, Ascend to help expand you and grow your business.
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E14 Living the Digital Nomad Dream with Dulce Toscano ✨🎒🏄‍♀️

    S2 E14 Living the Digital Nomad Dream with Dulce Toscano ✨🎒🏄‍♀️

    We talk about digital nomad life a lot on this podcast, but today you're getting a new perspective on traveling the world full-time from Latina, CEO, social media strategist, and world traveler Dulce Toscano. Dulce grew up a hard worker in an immigrant family, was the first in her family to go to college, conquered the corporate world, started a successful business, and then followed her intuition and set out on her world tour. A few years of traveling and many business pivots later, she's running a successful business that gives her the freedom to live life on her own terms while experiencing so many cultures around the world and has no intention of stopping any time soon. In this episode, you'll get to hear her incredible story, her advice for following your own dreams and intuition, and some of her favorite experiences as a digital nomad.

    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e14-dulce-toscano


    Connect with Dulce on Instagram @Dulce.Toscano


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join Camp Clarity!
    • Grab one of the 2 available spots in the mastermind course, Ascend to help expand you and grow your business.
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E13 Revitalize Your Energy Around Getting More Clients 🌟👩‍💻💡

    S2 E13 Revitalize Your Energy Around Getting More Clients 🌟👩‍💻💡

    The podcast is back after a little hiatus and it feels so good! Let's talk about clients and when we feel like they're just not out there. We've all had moments of feeling like we're speaking to the void, no one wants to pay us, and we should just give up, but we're going to talk through that in this episode. You'll get both mindset shifts and some tactical strategies for expanding your view on working with clients, renewing your energy around putting yourself out there, and a new perspective on your business. Plus get a long overdue life and business update from Diana!

    Check out the show notes for this episode: dianadaviscreative.com/post/s2-e13


    More Ways to Plug In:

    • Step into a space where you can thrive and transform your life when you join us at the Ecuador Retreat!
    • Achieve the life, career, and clients you’ve always wanted (and fully deserve!). Join Camp Clarity!
    • Grab one of the 2 available spots in the mastermind course, Ascend to help expand you and grow your business.
    • Find your community with us when you join the waitlist for the DDC Community!


    Connect with Diana:


    Enjoyed this episode?

    Pollen is a podcast for Creative Entrepreneurs—just like you! If you enjoyed this episode of Pollen Podcast, subscribe and help us spread the word by sharing it! Your dream life is there for you to take — and you can help others find lives they can love too.

    • Leave a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in to this podcast, we'd appreciate it if you wrote us a review. You can also share it to help other creative entrepreneurs and freelancers.
    • Have any questions or want to leave a suggestion? Come say hi on the 'gram, @dianadaviscreative! You can also subscribe to my newsletter for travel updates, learn about special projects, and get tips and tricks for the creative entrepreneur life!


    Thanks for listening! Stay tuned to my website for more episode updates and other exciting programs and resources!

    S2 E12 Intuition: How to Hear it, Feel it, and Trust it with Caitie Corradino 🦋🔮✨

    S2 E12 Intuition: How to Hear it, Feel it, and Trust it with Caitie Corradino 🦋🔮✨

    Hey Pollen! How often do you listen to your intuition? Do you tend to ignore that feeling deep in your belly or do you boldly live according to it? 

    I'm so excited to share this episode with Caitie Corradino where we dive into how intuition can bust right through your fears. Intuition can sometimes sound a bit out there — woowoo, even — and people tend to misrepresent it as only gut instinct. Before you dismiss intuition, think about what's stopping you from tuning into it and following it in the first place. 

    Chances are, your intuition is trying to lead you to make changes and take risks. I know, it sounds terrifying — I've been there too. It's much easier to "be rational" and do things that seem like they make sense. But that just puts you right back on the hamster wheel. For anyone feeling the struggle, press play and find out what intuition really is and how you can follow it to make decisions!







    S2 E11 Life and Love Update from the Road ❤️ 🚗

    S2 E11 Life and Love Update from the Road ❤️ 🚗

    Hey Pollen! It’s been a while but I’m back with a new solo episode that dives into the themes of life and love. A lot has been happening lately and I’m excited to share my journey with you.

    What’s next for me? That’s a question I’ve been asking myself a lot lately. Moving forward can be difficult, but when we take one step at a time, we eventually figure out what’s in store for us.

    I know firsthand that the journey isn’t always smooth and easy. But we can keep moving forward and embracing the future that’s coming our way. Join me in this solo episode as we chat about trusting yourself and being in the present. We also dive into how communication is the key to romance and relationships. For anyone out there feeling lost about what to do next, this episode can help you figure things out!







    S2 E10 Millionaire Mother: Empowering Women and Mothers To Lead Successful Businesses with Cait Scudder 👑 👩‍👧‍👦

    S2 E10 Millionaire Mother: Empowering Women and Mothers To Lead Successful Businesses with Cait Scudder 👑 👩‍👧‍👦

    Hey Pollen! I’m back with a new episode with a special guest, Cait Scudder. She’s a 7 Figure CEO, Business Mentor for Mom Entrepreneurs and my former coach! We’re coming to you today with an interesting conversation about the wonders of motherhood and business.

    We know that mothers are amazing, strong, and capable people. But did you know that motherhood and business can go hand in hand? Mothers get to be millionaires too.

    There are lessons in being a mother that you’ll find can make your business better and more true to yourself. Listen to Cait's story of how she is pivoting her business with the help of her experiences as a mother. Whether you're a mom as well or a creative entrepreneur who wants to bring your business to life, tune in to this episode!












    S2 E9 Top 5 Things to Do When Starting a Business 💼 📝

    S2 E9 Top 5 Things to Do When Starting a Business 💼 📝

    Hey Pollen! I'm back with another solo episode where I break down the top 5 five things to do when you're starting your business or pivoting into a new direction.

    We're only real people here: building a business isn't an easy task, and neither is pivoting your business. But here's the flip side: it might not be easy, but it's definitely simple. 

    So don't let the road ahead stop you before you even begin. Here are 5 simple things you can do to make it as a creative entrepreneur! These are things I wished I'd known when I first started and things I found along the way that brought me where I am today. So tune in to this episode to learn real lessons from my real life experiences.