
    Election Extra: Is the race to replace Sunak already under way?

    en-gbJuly 01, 2024
    What meal options does The Guardian's Feast app offer?
    Who could replace Rishi Sunak as Conservative leader?
    What impact did Marine Le Pen's victory have on UK politics?
    What tactics is Labour using to capture voters' attention?
    How have Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer responded to political changes?

    Podcast Summary

    • UK Politics, AppsThe Guardian offers political insights through Election Extra newsletter and culinary inspiration via Feast app, with potential Conservative Party leadership contenders and French election results making headlines

      The Guardian's new Feast app offers a diverse range of delicious and easy-to-make meal options from expert cooks, including vegan dishes, comfort foods, and bold flavors. Meanwhile, in politics, the Conservative Party's potential defeat in the upcoming election has already sparked speculation about who could replace Rishi Sunak as leader. Names mentioned include Kenny Badenack, Suella Braverman, Victoria Atkins, and Tom Tugendhat. However, the main hurdle for any potential contender is to first hold on to their own seats. Elsewhere, Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally claimed victory in the first round of French elections, raising questions about its potential impact on UK politics. The Guardian's Election Extra newsletter provides in-depth coverage of these stories and more. Download the Feast app for culinary inspiration, and sign up for the Election Extra newsletter for political insights. Both come with a free trial, terms and conditions apply.

    • UK Conservative Party Leadership RaceUnpredictable race with potential seat losses, senior conservatives hedging bets, possibility of 'Portillo moment', uncertainty over timing of new leader selection

      The upcoming UK Conservative Party leadership race is unpredictable, with several incumbent MPs potentially losing their seats and opening the door for new contenders. While some have denied involvement with campaign websites, the starting gun has already been fired, and senior conservatives are hedging their bets instead of expressing confidence in Rishi Sunak's continued leadership. The possibility of a "Portillo moment" - a reference to Michael Portillo's unexpected loss in 1997 - adds to the uncertainty. The question of whether a new leader would be chosen immediately or if the party would wait for the dust to settle is also up in the air.

    • Post-Election Leadership VacuumPolitical parties can benefit from reflecting on losses and addressing voter concerns, but a leadership vacuum may occur in the short term, making it challenging for a new leader to appeal to voters in the long run.

      Political parties often benefit from reflecting on their losses and addressing voter concerns, but this can create a leadership vacuum in the short term. Established candidates with existing relationships with party members may fare well in quick leadership races, but they may not be the most appealing to voters in the long run. The possibility of Reform UK's Farage shifting to the Conservatives and becoming leader seems unlikely due to his open hostility towards the party. Despite the uncertainty of future events, it's challenging to envision a leading candidate making a successful pitch to become the party leader after the election, given Farage's stance.

    • French ElectionsThe French elections have seen a significant rise of the far-right National Rally, dealing a blow to President Macron and potentially leading to a far-right Prime Minister. UK leaders have responded differently, with Rishi Sunak being evasive and Keir Starmer calling for progressive leaders to combat the rise of the far-right and restore trust through promises.

      The French elections have dealt a significant blow to President Macron, with the far-right National Rally leading the way in the first round. This is a gamble Macron took to strengthen his leadership after poor European election results, but it backfired spectacularly. The second round is upcoming, and there's a possibility of a far-right Prime Minister. UK political leaders, such as Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer, have responded differently. While Sunak has been evasive, Starmer has called for progressive leaders to combat the rise of the far-right and restore voters' trust through deliverable promises. This election outcome raises questions about the political landscape in France and the potential impact on European politics.

    • Far-right politics in BritainThe far-right continues to influence British politics, with figures like Nigel Farage potentially gaining power. Parties are employing various tactics to win votes, while memorabilia from past campaigns may fetch high prices. However, the long-term impact of far-right politics is a significant concern.

      The British political landscape continues to be influenced by the far-right, with figures like Nigel Farage potentially gaining significant power in the coming years. Amidst the final days of the election campaign, parties are employing various tactics to capture voters' attention, including Labour's resurrected 2005 ad comparing voting for the Conservatives to a regrettable one-night stand. Labour is even handing out pillows with Rishi Sunak's face to drive home this point. While memorabilia like the infamous Ed Stone from Ed Miliband's campaign may fetch high prices, the real concern is the potential long-term impact of far-right politics in Britain. It's crucial to stay informed and engaged in the political process to counteract these trends.

    • Elections or CookingThe Guardian offers daily insights and analysis for elections and a wide range of recipes from expert cooks through its newsletter and app respectively.

      There are various ways to stay informed and engaged during significant events, such as elections or cooking new dishes. Archie Bland, the editor of The Guardian's election edition newsletter, provides daily insights and analysis for those interested in the campaign. Readers can sign up for free to receive the newsletter. For food enthusiasts, The Guardian's new Feast app offers a wide range of delicious recipes from expert cooks, catering to various dietary needs and preferences. Whether you're a seasoned cook or just starting out, this app can help you create tasty meals with ease. So, whether you want to stay informed about politics or explore new culinary adventures, The Guardian has got you covered. Stay tuned for more insights and updates on Today in Focus, where Michael Safi will profile Keir Starmer in the upcoming episode.

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