
    Election week begins

    enJuly 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Labour's focus areasLabour prioritizes home counties for potential gains, believing strongest competition is in traditionally Conservative areas, and avoids complacency with Liberal Democrats absent in some areas

      The UK general election campaign is entering its final days with both major parties, Labour and Conservative, focusing their efforts on key target areas. Labour leader Keir Starmer is prioritizing the home counties of Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Oxfordshire, indicating that the party believes its biggest gains will come from traditionally Conservative strongholds in the south of England. This shift in focus reflects the polling data that suggests a potential Labour victory on Thursday. The absence of the Liberal Democrats in some of these areas adds to the sense of competition and avoids complacency for Labour. The French legislative elections and the far-right's strong performance there also carry significant implications for the outcome of the UK election.

    • Labour Party ShiftThe Labour Party's high-profile defection of Lord Harris and potential victory in the election requires effective communication and a clear narrative to establish Starmer's premiership.

      The Labour Party is experiencing a significant shift with the high-profile defection of Lord Harris of Peckham, a longtime Tory supporter and education reform advocate. This loss, coming at a crucial time in the election campaign, is expected to be a blow to the Tories, as they have been emphasizing their commitment to high education standards. Meanwhile, a potential Labour victory on Thursday would require Keir Starmer to introduce himself to the nation and make a strong first impression. The public currently knows very little about Starmer, with many mistaken beliefs about his background. To help establish a clear narrative and communicate their plans effectively, Labour is reportedly considering bringing in campaign director Morgan McSweeney for a senior role in Downing Street. This move is seen as essential for effectively communicating their vision and setting the tone for Starmer's premiership.

    • UK political dynamicsTwo Labour figures, Sugre and Morgan Mitzweeny, are vying for Keir Starmer's attention, while Rishi Sunak's Conservatives attack Labour's defense spending and capitalize on the Russia-Ukraine conflict

      The political landscape in the UK is set to see some interesting dynamics unfold, particularly in the Labour Party, where two key figures, Sugre and Morgan Mitzweeny, are expected to vie for Keir Starmer's attention. Meanwhile, Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party is focusing its attack on Labour's defense spending commitments, while also trying to capitalize on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and potential links to Nigel Farage's comments. Sunak's speeches are primarily focused on defending vulnerable Tory seats, indicating internal polling suggesting potential losses across the country. The Tories' closing message is a delicate balancing act, as they attempt to attack Labour on defense spending while also appealing to voters concerned about Russia's involvement in the conflict.

    • UK Election ChallengesThe UK election is a complex battle for the Conservatives against the Brexit Party, Liberal Democrats, and internal strife. Nigel Farage's rallies draw crowds, Liberal Democrats focus on 'blue wall', and unexpected endorsements add to the mix.

      The UK general election is proving to be a challenging battle for the Conservative Party, as they try to counteract the surging support for both the Brexit Party and the Liberal Democrats. Rishi Sunak, the Conservative Party leader, has been facing internal strife with his own candidates, who are either defecting or making controversial statements, distracting from his message of reform. Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party have seen a significant groundswell of support, with thousands turning out for his rallies. The Liberal Democrats, meanwhile, are focusing on gaining seats in what they call the "blue wall," and could potentially see big gains. However, they are concerned about not having done enough groundwork and are worried that a successful night for Ed Davey may be seen as a disappointment if they don't reach their higher ambitions. An unexpected development is the involvement of Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister, who has endorsed Labour in a tweet thread, which may not have been the preferred narrative from Liberal Democrat HQ. Overall, the election is proving to be a complex and multifaceted battle, with multiple parties vying for power and influence.

    • French elections, UK implicationsFrench elections could impact UK's LaTouche Agreement, with potential far-right gains leading to renegotiations or scrapping, adding to Brexit uncertainty

      Former Labour leader Ed Miliband's intervention in the party's Brexit stance, calling for immediate reentry to the customs union, is not in line with the current Liberal Democrats' position. Meanwhile, in France, the far-right National Rally made significant gains in the first round of parliamentary elections, raising concerns about the potential for a far-right majority. Emmanuel Macron, the current French President, is under pressure to withdraw his candidates from certain constituencies to prevent further gains by the far-right. The outcome of these elections could have significant implications for the UK, potentially leading to a push to renegotiate or scrap the LaTouche Agreement, which puts British passport checks on the French side of the border. The complex French election system, with two consecutive weekends of voting, adds to the uncertainty.

    • French Elections, Calais CampA potential Marine Le Pen win in French elections could lead to uncertainty for the Calais refugee camp, with concerns over abandonment or scrapping of the agreement managing migrant flow between France and the UK, potentially worsening conditions for migrants trying to reach the UK.

      The Calais "Jungle" refugee camp, a major point of contention between France and the UK, could face uncertainty if the far-right wins the French presidency. This camp, which houses thousands of migrants hoping to reach the UK, has been a target in the past for Marine Le Pen. If she comes to power, there are concerns about the potential abandonment or scrapping of the agreement that currently manages the flow of migrants between the two countries. This could result in chaos and worsening conditions in Northern France for those trying to reach the UK. Given the political climate in France and the US, it's crucial for both countries to closely monitor these developments. The potential impact on the TK agreement is a significant concern for officials, and it's worth keeping an eye on any developments in this regard. The two most important politicians for the UK to deal with are the French President and the American President, and the direction of their countries' politics could have a major impact on the situation at the Calais camp.

    Recent Episodes from Politics At Jack And Sam's

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    Labour and the Conservatives look to the future
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    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â

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    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

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    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk  

    The last weekend

    The last weekend
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. 

    This is day 37 of the campaign. Jack and Sam talk about the leaders’ final weekend, they discuss how Reform are continuing to be in the headlines, and following the Trump vs Biden debate, they look at the rest of the world, including the upcoming French election.

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    One week to go

    One week to go
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. 

    This is day 36 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss, closing arguments - the morning after the final debate, junior doctor strikes, their impact and the Trump v Biden factor.

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    The final head-to-head

    The final head-to-head
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. 
    This is day 35 of the campaign, Jack and Sam discuss the final head-to-head - how have the two leaders fared through the campaign? Gamblegate the story that won't die and Reform going big on Net Zero - parliament’s next big battle.

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    A Japanese Pause

    A Japanese Pause
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 34 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss how the Labour and Convservative campaigns are taking a brief pause while the emperor of Japan is in town, in Scotland the Daily Record comes out for Labour for the first time in 14 years, and Ed Davey launches a new manifesto for social care.  

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â

    10 Days To Go

    10 Days To Go
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 33 of the campaign. With 10 days remaining until election day Jack and Sam discuss Sunak and Starmer’s battle in The Sun, the fallout from Farage’s comments on the war in Ukraine, and the verdict from the Institute for Fiscal Studies on the party manifestos. 
    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk  

    Don't bet on Rishi

    Don't bet on Rishi
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead. This is day 30 of the campaign.

    Jack and Sam discuss the betting scandal clouding the Conservative campaign, last night’s Question Time, and Rachel Reeves opening up. 

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk

    In this episode, Jack and Sam discuss Craig Williams, the Conservative candidate for Montgomeryshire and Glyndŵr. The full list of candidates are:
    Jeremy Brignell-Thorp (Green Party)
    Oliver Lewis (Reform UK)
    Glyn Preston (Liberal Democrats)
    Elwyn Vaughan (Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales)
    Craig Williams (Conservative and Unionist Party)
    Steve Witherden (Labour Party)  

    They also mention Laura Saunders, the Conservative candidate for Bristol Noth West. The full list of candidates are:
    Caroline Gooch (Liberal Democrats)
    Darren Jones (Labour Party)
    Scarlett O'Connor (Reform UK)
    Mary Page (Green Party)
    Laura Saunders (Conservative and Unionist Party)
    Ben Smith (Social Democratic Party)

    Tories party amid poll wipeout

    Tories party amid poll wipeout
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 29 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss all four main leaders facing an audience on primetime TV, who is missing from the Tories' party donors event, Bank of England interest rates and who the newspapers are going to endorse for No 10. 

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â

    Will inflation save Rishi Sunak?

    Will inflation save Rishi Sunak?
    Sky News' deputy political editor Sam Coates and Politico's Jack Blanchard with their guide to the election day ahead.  

    This is day 28 of the campaign. Jack and Sam discuss inflation, the SNP manifesto launch, and how Labour’s transition planning is going.  

    Email Jack and Sam: jackandsam@sky.uk Â