
    Emily's Masterclass: Ancient Wisdom to Attract Abundance

    enJune 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Practicing GratitudePracticing gratitude through rituals like Puja can help shift consciousness towards abundance and attract more wealth and happiness in life.

      Attracting abundance is not about being boring or focusing only on material wealth. Instead, it's about feeling good, expressing gratitude, and merging with the abundant version of ourselves. The ancient Vedic practice of Puja, or offering gratitude, is a powerful tool to help us shift our consciousness and attract abundance in all areas of our lives. During this ceremony, we're invited to tune into the abundant version of ourselves and give thanks to our teachers, both past and present. By doing so, we can align ourselves with the vibration of abundance and attract more of it into our lives. Additionally, the practice of tithing, working with ancient goddess archetypes, and understanding the law of reversibility are all effective ways to deepen our relationship with abundance and attract more of it into our lives.

    • Vedic laws of natureAncient Vedic wisdom can help individuals attract or repel what they desire, providing a reliable compass in a rapidly changing world, leading to a more purposeful life, being in flow with money, and making the world a better place

      Ancient wisdom from the Vedas, a body of knowledge from India, offers a human interpretation of the laws of nature and can help individuals attract or repel what they desire. These ancient laws provide a reliable compass in a rapidly changing world. The speaker, who discovered this knowledge while struggling financially, invested heavily in it and experienced significant improvements in her life, including clarity, direction, and a better relationship with abundance. By studying and applying these ancient philosophies, individuals can live more purposefully, be in flow with money, and make the world a better place while enjoying the journey.

    • Vedas and generosityThe Vedas offer wisdom for personal growth, but their impact requires academic study and spiritual transmission. Practice generosity by tithing to create an abundant mindset and positive ripples in life.

      The Vedas, ancient Indian texts, hold immense wisdom and potential for personal growth, but their impact depends on the right combination of academic study and spiritual transmission from a dedicated teacher. Emulating the concept of giving as a means to receive, the speaker advocates for the practice of tithing or giving a portion of one's earnings to causes or people deserving of support, as a way to promote an abundant mindset and create positive ripples in one's life. By focusing on outflow rather than hoarding, one can tap into the flow of abundance and experience the joy and fulfillment that comes with generosity.

    • Money archetypes Lakshmi and SarasvatiFocusing on Sarasvati and gaining knowledge or expertise can attract more abundance from Lakshmi. Remember, these archetypes represent aspects within ourselves, not external deities, and we should use money as a neutral tool to exchange energy and resources.

      Our relationship with money can be influenced by the goddess archetypes of Lakshmi and Sarasvati. Lakshmi represents abundance and prosperity, while Sarasvati symbolizes knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual growth. By focusing on Sarasvati and gaining knowledge or expertise, we can attract more abundance from Lakshmi. It's important to remember that these archetypes are representations of aspects within ourselves, and we should not give away our power by worshiping them externally. Additionally, we should aim to create and capture value in equal measure, using money as a neutral tool to exchange energy and resources. The law of reversibility suggests that feelings can produce circumstances, just as circumstances can produce feelings. By focusing on our thoughts and emotions, we can manifest positive changes in our financial situation.

    • Law of ReversibilityBy focusing on our desires and accessing their corresponding frequency, we can bring them into reality through the power of our thoughts and emotions.

      Our thoughts and emotions have the power to align with the frequency of our desires and attract corresponding circumstances into our reality. This concept, known as the law of reversibility, suggests that feelings can create circumstances, just as circumstances can create feelings. By focusing our attention and emotions on our desires, we can give them mass and bring them into the physical world. This process involves accessing the frequency of our desired reality through meditation, heightened states of consciousness, or other practices, and then choosing to bring that version of reality into the 3D world. The importance of this lies in the fact that even if we don't see external changes, we can still experience internal abundance and fulfillment. The ultimate goal is to feel good and live in a state of abundance, regardless of our external circumstances.

    • External Happiness vs Inner TransformationFocusing on building community, resourcing ourselves, and having a clear north star can prevent devolving into fear, chaos, and fighting. Ancient wisdom in programs like 'Moving into Mastery' can help transform from the inside out, mastering various areas of life including relationships, body, brain, finances, purpose, performance, creativity, and time.

      The constant pursuit of external happiness and fulfillment through material possessions is contributing to planetary and mental health issues. Instead, it's essential to focus on building community, resourcing ourselves, and having a clear north star to prevent devolving into fear, chaos, and fighting. The speaker suggests that individuals spend less time worrying and instead invest that time in consuming ancient wisdom to transform from the inside out. This ancient wisdom, as taught in the "Moving into Mastery" program, can help individuals master various areas of their lives, including relationships, body, brain, finances, purpose, performance, creativity, and time. The program combines modern tools and ancient wisdom to create a life-changing experience. Enrollment for the program is currently open at a 40% discount, and those who enroll will receive a special bonus to help attract more money.

    • Perception of abundanceOur beliefs and past experiences shape our perception of abundance and can limit our ability to attract it, while changing our vibration and frequency can help us attract abundance in various areas of life

      Our relationship with money and our perception of abundance is deeply rooted in our personal stories and beliefs. The speaker shares an example from her own life where her mother, despite having more than a million dollars, didn't see herself as a millionaire due to her upbringing and past experiences. The ancient wisdom taught in the mastery course emphasizes the importance of changing one's vibration and frequency to attract abundance, whether in relationships, health, career, or finances. The course offers tools and teachings from experts in various fields to help individuals apply these concepts to their lives and create a life of worthiness and abundance.

    • Vedas and NeuroscienceCombining ancient wisdom from the Vedas and modern neuroscience in the Moving Into Mastery course enhances personal growth and transformation with access to a lifetime of resources, community support, and teachings on various areas for under $20,000

      The combination of ancient wisdom from the Vedas and modern neuroscience can significantly enhance personal growth and transformation. By enrolling in the Moving Into Mastery course, individuals gain instant access to a lifetime of resources, including eight modules, mastermind recordings, and a private support group. The ancient wisdom and modern science teachings cover various areas like foundations, relationships, body, brain, money, purpose, time, performance, and creativity. The total value of these resources is over $20,000, but the special offer allows enrollees to access it all at an affordable price. This unique learning experience offers not only knowledge but also a supportive community to share experiences, ask questions, and receive encouragement.

    • Personal growth programJoin a personal growth program for access to comprehensive resources, ancient wisdom, practical tools, weekly syllabus, mastermind recordings, a supportive community, and daily access to teachers for an investment of $18.97 (early bird) or $328 a month, significantly enhancing your life.

      By joining the "Moving into Mastery" program, you'll gain access to a comprehensive and holistic approach to personal growth, including course materials, ancient wisdom, practical tools, weekly syllabus, worksheets, mastermind recordings, and a supportive community of like-minded individuals. This lifetime membership also includes daily access to the teacher and guides, and the value of this package is estimated at $1,947. This investment in yourself is akin to hiring multiple experts in various fields, but the "Moving into Mastery" program offers a more accessible and affordable solution. With the early bird discount, you can enroll for just $18.97, and even with the payment plan, it's only $328 a month. This opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with others can significantly enhance your life and is an investment worth making.

    • Personal development programListeners may benefit from a personal development program called 'Moving into Mastery', offering a risk-free 10-day trial, designed to improve various aspects of life, including relationships, money, and creativity, with an 'abundant sleep' activation to reprogram limiting beliefs and increase deserving power.

      The speaker is offering a personal development program called "Moving into Mastery" with a risk-free 10-day trial, and sharing testimonials of people who have experienced significant positive changes in their lives after joining. The speaker is confident that participants will love the program and gain valuable lessons and tools for improving various aspects of their lives, including relationships, money, and creativity. The program includes an "abundant sleep" activation designed to help reprogram limiting beliefs and increase deserving power. The speaker encourages listeners to consider enrolling, emphasizing the potential for a life-changing experience.

    • Sleep optimization toolConsistently using a sleep optimization tool can lead to deeper, more restorative sleep, improving daytime functioning, productivity, and overall well-being.

      Using a sleep optimization tool consistently can lead to significantly deeper and more restorative sleep, resulting in improved daytime functioning, increased productivity, and overall abundance in various aspects of life. The speaker emphasized the value of this tool, which will be offered at a discounted price during the event, and encouraged those with doubts or concerns to consider the potential benefits and long-term impact on their well-being. The average completion rate of online courses is low, but the speaker reassured potential students that this course is designed to be highly engaging and flexible, allowing learners to progress at their own pace.

    • Ancient wisdomAncient wisdom from sources like the Vedas can provide comfort, guidance, and valuable tools for improving overall well-being during times of change, regardless of income or resources.

      Embracing ancient wisdom from sources like the Vedas can provide comfort and guidance during times of change, helping individuals make more aligned choices and ultimately uplevel their state of consciousness. This ancient knowledge, which includes simple practices related to health, time management, and creativity, can be valuable to individuals regardless of their income or resources, contributing to their overall well-being and ability to thrive. By learning and sharing this knowledge, individuals can help others, particularly those in underserved communities, gain access to valuable tools for improving their lives.

    • Meditation benefits, consistencyConsistent meditation practice leads to increased groundedness, joy, and radiance, even within a few years. Benefits extend beyond personal growth, making one a better coach or leader. The Ziva team recommends starting before joining their mastery program but understands individual circumstances.

      Meditation practice, whether it's through Ziva Online or other means, is a valuable investment in personal growth and well-being. A daily practice can lead to increased groundedness, joy, and radiance, even within a few years. The Ziva team highly recommends having a consistent meditation practice before joining their mastery program, but it's not a strict requirement. The amount of time dedicated to personal development depends on individual circumstances, and it's essential to be honest about what's realistic. For those feeling overwhelmed, it's possible to prioritize one commitment over the other and pick up the second one later. The benefits of meditation extend beyond personal growth, making one a better coach or leader. Additionally, taking advantage of discounted pricing and lifetime access are incentives to start the practice now.

    • Body sensations and limiting beliefs around moneyRecognizing and acknowledging body sensations related to fears and limiting beliefs around money can help create spaciousness and openness, leading to trust in ourselves and nature, and ultimately, abundance.

      Recognizing and acknowledging our fears and limiting beliefs around money and investing in ourselves involves tuning into physical sensations in the body, allowing those feelings to amplify, and then creating spaciousness and openness by acknowledging their validity while also recognizing their existence outside of ourselves. Through this process, we can move towards a space of abundance and trust in ourselves and nature. The use of "alchemical questions" can help us identify and release limiting beliefs by focusing on the emotional responses they elicit rather than intellectual answers. The ultimate goal is to trust in our inherent worth and value, and to open ourselves up to receiving abundance from various sources.

    • Gratitude and self-trustFocusing on gratitude and self-trust can help shift perspective and attract more abundance in life. Prioritize self, trust decisions, and invest in self and desires to increase abundance.

      True wealth and abundance go beyond material possessions and can be found in the present moment through gratitude and self-trust. By focusing on what we already have and trusting that we are enough, we can shift our perspective and attract more abundance in our lives. It's important to prioritize and trust ourselves to say no to choices that don't serve us, and to see that our desires are divinely inspired. Practicing gratitude and living in a state of radical gratitude can change our relationship with abundance and make our lives more enjoyable. Investing in ourselves and our desires is a worthy investment. The more grateful we become, the more abundance we attract.

    • Body acceptance, Dosha understandingAccepting your unique body type or dosha can positively impact various aspects of your life, including finances and relationships. Manifesting a goal can lead to improvements beyond that specific area.

      Understanding your unique body type or dosha can help you accept yourself and work with your natural tendencies instead of judging yourself for not meeting societal or personal expectations. This acceptance can positively impact various aspects of your life, including finances and relationships. Additionally, manifesting a goal in one area of your life can lead to improvements in other areas by offering a prayer for the uplevel to extend beyond that specific area. The speaker's personal experience with mastering her body and understanding her dosha helped her accept her slower start and eventually led to significant growth in multiple areas of her life.

    • Personal growth and financial abundanceInvesting in personal growth through masterclasses or similar means can lead to financial gains, improved relationships, and increased happiness and integrity. Honesty with oneself is crucial for happiness, and financial freedom is a personal definition.

      Investing in personal growth, such as taking a masterclass, can lead to significant financial gains and improved relationships. This investment requires a financial commitment and a willingness to do the work, which can lead to increased integrity, happiness, and abundance. The speaker emphasizes that lying is not a morality issue but a happiness issue, and the more honest we are with ourselves, the happier we become. Additionally, the concept of financial freedom should be defined individually, rather than being restricted by external definitions or numbers. The speaker shares personal experiences of receiving unexpected financial windfalls during a money activation, highlighting the abundance that exists all around us. Overall, the key takeaway is that personal growth and financial abundance are interconnected, and investing in oneself can lead to significant rewards.

    • Investment in self-growthThe fear of investment and commitment in a course can be overcome by the transformative knowledge and support provided, making the investment valuable and worth it.

      The fear of investment and commitment are common concerns for individuals considering enrolling in a course, but the knowledge and support provided by the program can feel like a nourishing and transformative experience. The investment in the course becomes valuable and worth it as the knowledge deepens and becomes a part of one's intellectual framework. Additionally, the program offers resources and support to help students stay committed and engaged, such as live calls, accountability groups, and access to a community. The fear of not committing or failing is addressed by setting students up for success with immediate access to the course and ongoing support. The knowledge gained is not new, but rather a returning to ancient wisdom that awakens the parts of oneself that have always been alive. The investment of time and resources in the course is seen as an opportunity to grow and deepen one's understanding, rather than a financial or personal risk.

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    47. Optimizing Your Brain with Dr. Austin Perlmutter
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    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones

    46. Creating Effortless Success By Healing Your Inner Child with Garrain Jones
    Today’s episode features Emily’s dear friend and colleague, Garrain Jones. Garrain and Emily met at a workshop in Austin designed to teach men how to honor the divine feminine by learning about female pleasure. This posed a huge challenge for him because he battled with being unfaithful in all of his relationships in the past and was finally in a committed relationship, so he didn't want to look at someone else's pussy. This workshop became a catalyst for him as he healed his relationship to female anatomy, realizing that he can honor women while being committed to his partner. Garrain is a manifestation coach, speaker and author and his life today is a testament to his success, coaching artists and creatives to manifest their dreams. But together they discuss how his journey has been anything but effortless. Garrain shares bravely about immense challenges he has faced, including losing his father to murder at twelve, dealing drugs, going to prison, and struggling with an addictive relationship with sex. In this episode, Garrain shares the exact tools he used to transform his mindset and life. Emily and Garrain discuss why creating effortless success and healing your inner child are deeply interconnected. They explore how diving into this work can change your world and reality, just as it has for Emily. One of the keys to his success was consistent consumption of mindset shifting content, which helped him to change the lens through which he viewed his life. He read books until they became his identity, including The Power of Positive Thinking which he read 285 times.  Towards the end, you’ll witness a unique, live coaching session where Garrain guides Emily through an exercise called Heaven’s Breath - unearthing intense childhood memories, resulting in a wild, transformational healing through song. Love the episode? Be sure to follow and rate the podcast so more people can unlock the keys and codes to free their souls. === Commit to a daily practice you love with zivaONLINE: https://zivameditation.com/jointoday Take Ziva's FREE Meditation Masterclass: https://zivameditation.com/learn Grab your invite for our Bliss Activations here: https://zivameditation.com/activate And follow us on Instagram If you prefer to watch this episode on YouTube, click here: YouTube Channel === Garrain Jones is a Transformation Coach & Author of the #1 Best Seller “Change Your Mindset Change Your Life” whose mission is to create a safe space for people to discover the gifts that already live inside of them, so they can use those gifts to produce extraordinary results in their lives. He does retreats, workshops, and 1:1 coaching. https://garrainjones.com/ https://www.instagram.com/garrain.jones